Malacca Guardian, 4 March 1929

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malacca Guardian
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 535 2 for particulars. (By “Searchlight.”) V.—TROPICAL AGRICULTURE. Mr. Ormsby-Gore got us all on the raw by his lack of tact during his visit iO Malaya last year, but the report which he has since issued in Blue Book form showed that at any rate he grasps the great importance
    for particulars. (By “Searchlight.”)  -  535 words
  • 400 2 MILITARY CONFERENCE DECISIONS. Judging from the momentous decisions made, the 4th general session of the National Reorganization and Disbandment Conference was most important. Those present included Marshal Feng Yuhsiang. Generals Yen Hsi-shan, Li Tsung-jen, Ho Ying-ching, Li Chisen, Messrs. Hu Han-min, Tan Yenkai. C. T. Wang, T. V.
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    • 101 2 (Kuo Min News Agencij). It is announced that shares in the proposed Domestic Industrial Bank amounting to $70,000,000 have already been subscribed by various commercial interests in the country as well as by overseas Chinese. Mr. Sung Yuan-yuan, Chairman of the Preparatory Committee, who left for Manila
      (Kuo Min News Agencij).  -  101 words
    • 81 2 A petition to increase the naval defence of the country has been submitted by Admiral Chen Shaokuan, Director of the Naval Department of the Ministry of War, to the National Military Reorganization and Disbandment Conference on behalf of Admiral Yang Shuchwang, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. Admiral Chen’s
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    • 81 2 With approval from the Hupeh Provincial Government and pending sanction of the Ministry of Finance the WuHan Municipal Committee wili shortly raise a Municipal loan of $3,000,000 for the purpose of constructing three factories in Wuchang. Hanyang and Hankow for the manufacture of native products. The loan will
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    • 74 2 Orders for a simultaneous advance of the various bandit-sup-pression route armies against the bandit lairs in Southern Hunan and Western Kiangsi have been issued by General Ho Chien, Bandit-Sup-pression Commander for Hunan and Kiangsi. General Ho is personally directing the forces from his headquarters in Pinghsiang. A iarge
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    • 82 2 A scheme to inaugurate a commercial air service between Canton and other important centers within the country has been formulated by .he Aeronautical Association. 4he pian proposes to operate first a Canton-Shanghai air man une with Foochow as an intermediate station. Four planes will be used for
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    • 71 2 1 wo scouting planes belonging to the Aviation Department of the Ministry of War are under instructions to proceed to Pinghsiang, Southern Hunan, to assist in the detection of bandit lairs in Southern Hunan and Western Kiangsi. The central authorities hope that with General
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    • 33 2 General Feng Yu-hsiang, in an order to the Honan Provincial Government, instructs that the arsenal at Kunghsien be converted into a factory for the manufacture of agricultural and industrial implements.
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    • 121 2 In a proclamation to the people of Manchuria, General Chan» Hsueh-liang states that so long as it lies within his power, neither the troops in the Three Eastern Provinces will be engaged in further civil war nor will the people in Manchuria be again made to suffer
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    • 86 2 j o tighten military discipline, a circular order has been issued by the Headquarters of the Comman-der-in-Chief instructing that no soldier will be allowed to leave barracks after 6 p.m. except on official errands when a special permit will be issued to him for each particular occasion. Military
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    • 77 2 All members of the Headquarters 3i the General Staff will be submitted to an examination to determine their qualifications and fitness for re-appointment, according to the plans of the General Staff for the reorganization of the Staff Headquarters. The dispatch of military attaches to various Chinese Legations and
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    • 62 2 At a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Central Executive Committee, it was decided to award scholarships to revolutionary youths who lost their opportunity for study in recent years owing to their work in the cause of the Party. The proposal was jointly submitted by Messrs.
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    • 62 2 A measure to exile certain classes of convicts, who have been sentenced to long term penai servitude, to the North-west for reclamation ind other reconstruction purposes s being formulated by Dr. Wang Chun-hui. President of the Judicial Yuan, with the double purpose ot doing away with existing
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    • 65 2 In response to a petition from che Shanghai Association of Chambers of Commerce to lodge a protest with the Siamese Government against the increase of the poll tax on Chinese residents in Siam, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in a "e’egram to the Chinese Minister in
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    • 114 2 The Ministry of Public Health, in a proclamation, designates March, 1929, as the National acci* nation Month and instructs the public health authorities throughout the country to enforce the order. The Central Anti-Epidemic Bureau has been instructed to P re pare a large quantity of vaccine t° r
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 912 2 ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. IT VAIT W A TUT THE sITREME<mRT AT MUAKIJ; IvU VT All I Civil Suit No. 24 of 1928. A The Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.S.), Ltd., Plaintiff V VV AND RFTTFD llln Kam H ng BeG Defendant D I/ V Particulars and Conditions of Sale OF Let us
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    • 97 2 ADVERTISEMENTS. DRESSERS’ EXAMINATION. An examination for estate dressers will be held at Durian Daun Hospital. Malacca, on Friday, 22nd March, commencing at 9 a.m. Candidates must enter their names and pay the entrance fee of $lO before 15th March. Candidates who have not attended the current course of instruction must
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    • 143 2 ADVERTISEMENTS. The Malacca Guardian. Tel. Ad. Guardian Malacca. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. payable in advance. 3 Months $l.OO I® 4.00 For places outside Malacca Town, add 25 cts., 50 cts., and $1 respectively for postage. For postage to foreign countries double the above amounts. The Malacca Guardian is on sale at: Penang.
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  • 955 3 he Malacca Guardian does not necessarily endorse the opinions of its correspondents J. V. F. Weekly Parades. the Editor of the Malacca Guardian.” far Sir, All Malays working as Govern>nt Servants in the State of hore have to be volunteers in the hore Volunteer Forces. This lunteering business is
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  • 311 3 A small boy was told that when visitors came to the house it vv as his duty to pay them some attention. Shortly afterward a Mrs. Daniel called, and the youngster shook hands with her and remarked in his best drawing-room manner: “How do you do, Mrs. Daniel?
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  • 567 3 The Straits Steamship Company’s s.s. Jeram resumes her Penang, Malacca and Singapore run, to-day. A large Hylam three-masted junk arrived in Malacca direct from Hoihow, the capital of Hainan, on Tuesday last, with a cargo of salt. The Siamese freighter, Redang,” belonging to the Siam Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.,
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    • 175 3 pmv I IrIHT NOW I I 9 JJlpateL Tourer $1,590 1* Kf nj 2 Seater 1,490 f V/v Sa O(Ml i <J# 8 H.P. qj* STILL ON THE UP-GRADE I I AND I lAT BETTER PRICES| j ‘Nttd Mental anguish, grief, worry, extreme heat all tend to produce headaches and
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    • MONDAY.
      • 351 4 GENERAL CHANG TSUNG-CHANG ATTACKS NATIONALISTS. Great interest is felt in the landing in Shantung of the ex-Wai Lord, General Chang Tsung-chang, a former ally of the late Marshal Chang Tso-lin. There is much speculation as the source of the very considerable funds which he must have raised
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      • 231 4 By virtue of secret processes of manufacture, which the local manager, a Latvian named Volfman. steadfastly refused to divulge to the Soviet, a British concern, the Morgan Crucible Company, has successfully carried on a branch ir Leningrad, despite the Soviets economic policy, but since the Government crucible works
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    • TUESDAY.
      • 224 4 NO MORE ANTI-BRITISH AGITATION. At the annual meeting of the Hong Kong Bank at Hong Kong, the Chairman, in his speech reviewing the trade of China, marked the welcome return to normal conditions and said that there was good reason to hope that the victory of .he
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      • 181 4 The terms of an alleged secret Military Convention between France and Belgium is published in the newspaper, Utrechtsch Provincial en Stedelijte Dagblad,” of Amsterdam which explains that its possession of this document is due to fortuitous circumstances,” and claims that its authenticity is guaranteed. The Convention is to
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      • 114 4 One student was killed and eight injured and the matron was seriously injured at a fire in a gymnasium at the Illinois Women’s College, on the occasion of celebration» in connection with the bi-een-'■euary of George Washington. The student Who wa» kilted leapt from l window. The wife
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      • 85 4 Eight hundred unemployed miners who marched to London took part in a demonstration which lasted for three and a half hours in Trafalgar Square where they joined various London organisations, bringing a crowd of several thousands. The octogenarian suffragist, Mrs. Despard, who arrived specially from Ireland, was among
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      • 203 4 ALL MEMBERS OF BRITISH LEGATION WITHDRAWN. The British Minister to Afghanistan, Lieut.-Col. Sir F. H. Humphrys, and the remaining members of the British Legation have left Kabul by air for Peshawar. Sir Francis Humphrys and the members of his staff have arrived at Peshawar. The entire French and
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      • 141 4 Mr. Henry Gielow, a director of a firm of naval architects, announces the construction of a floating airport which will be anchored 300 miles out at sea, midway between New York and Bermuda. Work is to be started immediately and the airport will be 1,200 feet long,
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      • 124 4 At a joint sitting of Parliament, the third reading of the Native Parliamentary Representation Bdi was passed by 75 votes to 69. This failure to secure a two-thirds majority means that the Bill does not become law. General Hertzog announced that he wouid not proceed with tht
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      • 109 4 A semi-official Belgian statemen; declares that the Military Conven tion with France relates solely tithe eventuality of unprovoked Ger man aggression, and condemns ih< action of the Dutch newspapers in seeking to compromise Belgian am Dutch relations by publishing the alleged revelations.” The text of the alleged FrancoBelgian
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      • 122 4 GERMAN PARTY SYSTEM FAILURE. A grave indictment of the Parliamentary Party system in Germany was made by Herr Stresemann at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the German People s Party, convened to discuss the possibility of forming a Big Coalition Government in the Reich, independent of
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      • 85 4 Mr. G. William Rowlands, a working man who spent many years in a coaimine in Wales, was elected Chairman of the Council of the National Union of Conservative Associations, in succession to the millionaire, Colonel Gretton. Mr. Rowlands comes from the Rhondda Valley which is noted for
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      • 63 4 Hopes that the next Budget would provide reductions in taxation are somewhat dashed by the issue of the Civil Estimates and the Estimates of the Revenue Department. amounting to over £308,000.000. or £13.000,000 more than last year. The derating relief scheme accounts for £15,500,000 and reductions include nearly
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      • 78 4 Snow disappointed many Londoners who were hoping to see the Prince of Wales proceed in State from Buckingham Palace to St. James’s Palace to deputise for H.M. the King in holding the first levee of the season. The bad state of the weather compelled the cancellation
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      • 61 4 The first week’s attendance at the London section of the British Industries Fair at the White City was 75.000, showing an increase of 5,000 over last year’s record figure. There was an increase of buyers from all the Dominions. India sent twice as many buyers as last
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      • 47 4 The increasing cost of social ’cgisiation is revealed by the joint estimates of the Ministries of Health and Labour, which amount to £79,050.000. showing an increase of £2,417,000, of which housing grants account for £490,000, unemployment £266,000, old age pensions £1,300,000, and emigration £43,000.
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      • 54 4 The total number of unemployed n Great Britain on Feb. 18 was 1,458,000. This was 115,495 more than the week before and 321,313 more than a year ago. The increase over the previous week was spread over the wtiole country, and is no accounted for by the stoppage due
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    • FRIDAY.
      • 271 4 NOTHING TO BE DONE CONTRARY TO LOCARNO PACT. The political interest in the alleged secret Military Convention between France and Belgium ana the British position with regara to it is evinced by the number of questions put down by members of all Parties. Mr. G. Locker-Lampson, Under
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      • 151 4 CONSERVATIVE PROSPECTS IN GENERAL ELECTION. Sir William Joynson Hicks, the Home Secretary, in addressing a conference of Women Conservatives in London, after dwelling on the Government’s achievements, expressed his confidence that any defeat of the Conservatives in the next general election would not 'come from outside but
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      • 96 4 The Rhine Yailey is threatened with disastrous floods when the thaw breaks up the icepacks. Cease less watch is being kept by alarn guards along the banks of tht river from Switzerland to Holland Flying columns, formed from fir£ brigades, motorists, police, and other services, are ready
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      • 73 4 Col. Lindbergh crashed whilst flying with his finance, Miss Morrow, and his shoulder was dis located, but she was uninjured. It is understood that he w r as living over Mexico City, showing hie fiancee the wonderful view. J landed after three or four attend! when the offside
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      • 173 4 GREAT REDUCTION 0\ UMn EXPENDITURES. Speaking on the Army Estimate in the House of Commons Laming Worthington-Evans, Seer tary for War, compared the Britht expenditure with that of ol u] countries. He said that the rediT tion in the vote in the lifetime 7 this Government was 11
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      • 144 4 The Indian Budget introducedfcv I Sir George Schuster, the Finance I Member, shows a surplus of 301 lakhs in this year’s estimates and a| deficit of 90 lakhs in the next year’s I mainly due to the fortuitous factcrl of the unequal distribution of thl salt revenue between
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      • 121 4 Speaking in the House of Coe mons on the supplementary esti mate of £115.000 for the extra co;| of troops in China, Mr. A. Doi Cooper, Financial Secretary to tfcl War Office, said that the health'! the troops, though considerably! improved, was not satisfactory! Shanghai was
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      • 95 4 In the Japanese Diet at quest: time the Premier stated that Government had more than on--drawn the attention of the Sov* f o the pernicious action of Third International which justify n protest and asked whether Soviet Government had anyth’" to do with that body or not.
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  • 727 6 The Pinang Gazette and numerous correspondents have been recently calling attention to the great disparity between salaries paid local teachers in Malaya and those paid teachers sent out from England. Thi s is by no means the only department of the Government service—or private employ either, for that
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  • 407 6 Mr. G. Pa ry Davis is an agricultural expert with whom our readers ire well accua ntrd. A week ago we printed a challenge' which he md sent to tnc Secretary of the Planters’ Association of Malaya, he object of which was to disprove certain statements of Dr.
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  • 207 6 And it came to pass that in those days there was a great drought in the land, insomuch that for more than a moon the heavens did not open and dews of earth were very scant. And lo the roadways were deep in dust and the people murmured.
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    • 923 6 AS VIEWED BY THE MAI AY* TRIBUNE” A Addressing the members 0 f o Straits Settlements (Singapore, Association at their recent annu dinner, Sir Hugh Clifford mtimati that Governmental policy in f u tu r is likely to embrace more genero views than have hitherto prevailed m regard
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    • 100 6 The Straits Echo.” Anyway, in America, they are worse off now than before prohibition.” it has been urged. Frankly this is quite untrue. We have dis cussed the matter with people whr are nearly unprejudiced and who do not deny that boot-legging has been a deplorable feature of prohibition,
      “ The Straits Echo.”  -  100 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 188 6 I i 1 Pabco 1 Plaster Board |t Jl; 3ccu'y end f'orrr.ancnce g H i i i |g C.. j I I For further particulars apply to! j| I SIME, DARBY Co., Ltd. I W HF afe 4 p Sole Agents. g-g 1 f s 9 4§? **s#&**«s«#*#*£ f? 1
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    • 32 6 QUilMgJgfe WHEN YOU ARE RUNDOWN TRY A Porter’s Bulldog SPLITS, PINTS, QUARTS bottling from Keng Hin S Co. and other dealers or in case lots from (iumßiE r 6b Phone 85 Malacca.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

    • 580 7 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF MALACCA ASSOCIATION. The annual general meeting of the Malacca Boy Scouts’ Association was held on Tuesday last at the Resident Councillor’s office. Those present Included Mr. M. R. Holgate, Hon. Secretary and Treasurer; Mr. C. G. Coleman, Head Master of the High School; Mr.
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    • 303 7 PICTURES TO BE DISPLAYED AT THE LIBRARY. Miss Elizebeth Keith, the wellknown English artist who has been visiting Malacca for the last few’ weeks, is planning an exhibit of some of her pictures in the Malacca Library on Wednesday and Thursday of this w’eek. Lovers of art as
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    • 144 7 There w r as such a very small attendance and so little interest shown by leading Chinese in the proposal to form a Chinese Central Club, that the meeting called for 2 p.m. at the Malacca Chinese Literary Association on Saturday finally adjourned without taking any action.
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    • 156 7 The tender of Mr. Lim Ho for $218,000, for the erection of the new High School in Chan Koon Cheng Road has been accepted. The full list of tenders was as follows: Yeo Chai 267,000 Koh Ah Chan 315,000 Hindhede Co., Ltd. 232,000 Tiong Guan Co. 332,000
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    • 295 7 The Drill Hall of the Malacca Volunteer Club presented a gay scene on Saturday night, February 23, when a battalion dance was heid. The room was decorated, with palms and flags all round the walls, whilst overhead there w’ere strung row’s of muiti-coloured balloon Japanese lanterns. At the
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    • 280 7 On Sunday afternoon, Feb. 24, the Chetties’ procession left Cheng: Temple w’ith their God Subramanian. The Cavalcade at night was most effective, and the beautiful moonlight and palms added to the charm of the scene. There w’ere hundreds of people w’aiking, and in cars, and first of all
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    • 132 7 The annual general meeting of the Malacca Planters’ Association will take place at 10.30 a.m. in the Malacca Club on Sunday next. The Agenda is as follows: 1. Minutes of last annual general meeting and special general meeting. 2. Correspondence. 3. Report and accounts. 4. Election of
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    • 105 7 A Tamil has been arrested at Merlimau on a charge of causing the death of his wife by striking her in the vicinity of the spleen, which was enormously enlarged. It is alleged that w’hen he found his wife w’as dead he hanged the body to a tree
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    • 52 7 The Malacca Volunteer Corps Battalion Rifle Association, at a meeting held on Monday last, elected the following officers: President, Major A. A. Lermit; VicePresident, Lieut. Tan Seng Ti:e; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, Sergt. M. T. King; Committee, Sergt. J. C. Fuller, Sergeant Khoo Kim Lian and Private A.
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    • 236 7 Benjamin Lam, two years of age, and William Lam, one month old, were baptized at the Methodist Church on Sunday, February 24, the Rev. M. Dodsworth officiating. These are the youngest sons of Mr. and Mrs. Lam Yet Seng, well-known teachers iiving in Koon Cheng Road. The engagement
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    • 157 7 On Sunday, February 24, at 4.30 p.m., the christening ceremony took place at Christ Church, Malacca, of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Vowder, of Batang Consolidated Rubber Estates, Batang Malaka. The Rev. H. J. Hutchinson took the service, and Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Smith, and
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    • 406 7 For the past few months, the poor in Malacca have purchased good fresh beef at 40 cents per katty in the Municipal Market from Mr. Hadji Tambichee, the agent of The Malaya Cattle Trading Co. of Singapore. It is hoped that our City Fathers will give him every
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    • 81 7 A meeting of the clerical staffs of all the firms and estates in Malacca and District will be held at the Chinese Volunteer Club House, Bona Vista Road, at 5.30 p.m. on Monday next, for the purpose of obtaining their views on the formation of a Mercantile Co-opera-tive
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    • 88 7 When the death of a Chinese from fever was reported the Mis jid Tanah Police Stationf.a week ago, a constable went to investigate and found rope marks under the chin and behind the ears. He called Inspector Somerville, who in turn telephoned to. the District Officer, Mr. Calder, and
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    • 140 7 Tan Kam Choon left for Singapore by the Straits Steamship Co.’s steamer Kelantan on Wednesday, in custody of two Sikh constables. To-day the Malacca branch of the Ex-Service Association is holding its annual general meeting at 6.30 p.m. at the Malacca Club. The raising of funds
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    • 87 7 The Anglo-American Power Petroleum Company has hi creased +he price of petrol by 2i/Vd. ner gallon. A three years’ agreement he announced between the Angio-Ameri-can oil combine and Rucsian Oil p roducts, whereby the latter are to he given an equal share in the British market with
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 99 7 RIALTO THEATRE. The Rialto Theatre has in its programme, in the second show tonight, two special features, Arabian Love,” a vivid romance of desert life, starring John Gilbert, and The Flying Cowboy,” a new fast and furious Hoot Gibson Western. In the first show are chapters 11 and 12 of
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    • 902 8 Anglo-Chinese School vs. Mr. P. G Darmadasa’s Eleven. On Thursday last the Anglo Chinese School met an eleven got together by Mr. 15.I 5 G. Darmadasa. IA keen and evenly contested game ionowed. The early raids of the school were nipped by Kam Fook. F. Leon carried play to
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    • 14 8 The Malacca Golf Club monthly medal competition for March was being played yesterday.
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    • 396 8 The local Cricket season startec on Friday last when the Malacca Club arranged a practice match between Town and the Country. If speaks volumes for the Hon. Secretary, Mr. J. H. Willmott, that he was able to get two sides of thirteen each. He is also to be congraulated
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 219 8 Penang to Singapore I 13 hours 45 minutes I i Mr. J. Robson’s achievement on I a Motor Cycle. I I I Shell Motor Spirit and I I Shell Lubriooting Oil 1 USED THROUGHOUT. 4 STEWARTS 8 LLOYDS LIMITED, 1 GLASGOW. GALVANISED WATER PIPES AND FITTINGS. LARGE STOCKS AVAILABLE IN
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    • 230 8 I FRASER 8 NEAVE LTD 1 vj* 9 8 CAN GIVE DELIVERY OF THEIR FAMOUS I n m Aerated Waters 1 8 in all Paris of Malacca ti-rltiorv I I S? :;3 Enquire for Prices Dale i :pj: cf Delivery in ycur istrief. soda water lemonade ::i e :j:=:
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    • 437 9 SIKH CONSTABLE CAUGHT IN THE ACT. Inspector Shannon was on rounds in Bunga Raya, on Friday, when I tie saw a Chinese pass something to Sikh P.C. 3184. He stopped and seized his hand before he had a chance to dispose of what it contained and found it
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    • 165 9 N. M. Noordin, Junior Agricultural Assistant, Malacca, was before Mr. Dodd on Wednesday on a charge of conveying a passenger on his motor-cycle. He stated that on January 3 he passed the complaining Sikh constable, who was on traffic duty, without indicating the direction in which he was
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    • 295 9 A Chinese lorry driver was before Mr. Dodd on Thursday on a charge of driving at an excessive (speed in Tranquerah Road. Mr. J. F. Gregg testified that he drove (behind him for three miles, trying to overtake him, and his speedometer never showed less than 35 miles
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    • 298 9 Detective Inspector Johnson made a raid in a coolie’s hut at the ninth mile, Durian Tunggal Road, on Sunday, February 24, and found a quantity of fermenting rice and apparatus for distilling liquor. Two Chinese were arrested and appeared before Mr. Owen on Monday. One of them pleaded
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    • 311 9 On Friday, additional evidence was given before Mr. Dodd in the assault case in which one Malay was alleged to have permanently put out the eye of another by a blow of his fist. Dr. Ramalingam said that complainant’s eye was healthy when he received the
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    • 105 9 Col. Lindbergh’s accident was, apparently, due to the failure of his mechanics to replace a cotterpin in the axle of the right wheel of his machine, which in consequence came away when Col. Lindbergh took off. Col. Lindbergh was aware of the danger and warned his fiancee, who
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    • 65 9 The French airmen, Le Brix and Paillard, who were flying from France to Saigon, crashed at Sheinzeik, 122 miles from Rangoon, both escaping unhurt. It is understood that the airmen will complete the journey to Saigon by the liner Porthos,” carrying with them the mail which was
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    • 47 9 It is learned that a brigade of troops who were being transferred from Hankow, 25 miles north-west of Peking, to South Shantung, revolted just north of the Yellow River. They have declared for Chang Tsung-chang and are marching towards Wuting, 60 miles north-north-east of Tsinan.
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    • 46 9 The Irish Free State Parliament has authorised, by 50 votes to 13, the ratification of the Kellogg Peace Pact. A number of Republican Deputies fiercely attacked the Treaty and described it as an open and manifest lie and an act of rank hypocrisy.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 150 9 fiff gB» I A S P R O” 1 Slp life IBs I INSTANT RELIEF FROM PAIN. QUICK ACTION MEDICINE. 3f 10 Tablets AsptO Relieves:- Ail pains peculiar 25 Tablets fi CWi^r 1 g||| S CTB Headaches, Neu- J to women, Dengue, CTS g|f H algia, Feverish* U Neuritis Colds
      150 words

  • 567 10 UNANIMITY OF REPORT REPUDIATED. The Daily Express called in question a statement in the introduction to tne recent report on tne investigation into the Rubber Research Institute, that the members of tne i>oarci nave come unanimously to the conclusions reached, so set afoot inquiries to ascertain the truth,
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  • 645 10  -  “MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE.” (By C. W. c.). (Spccuil to the "Guardian.'’) In the hurly-burly of our everyday existence it has become inevit-; able that we should pass over the finer tfcxgs of J:fe with little or no attention. Aesthetics are at a low
    (Spccuil to the "Guardian.'’)  -  645 words
  • 632 10  -  Vox Populi. Malaya is, from a material point of view, one of the most highly favoured lands in the world. Under :he aegis of a benevolent Government, her peoples are living in peace and plenty as compared with :he inhabitants of many other Asiatic countries. Any traveller
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  • 571 10 TRAVEL IN THE CANADIAN ROCKIES. (Special to the "Guardian") Now that the spring of the year is approaching, many people whose eave is due are looking forward to their holiday. To those who can arrange to travel by Canada a stay of a w T eek
    (Special to the "Guardian")  -  571 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 179 10 RIALTO THEATRE. g PROGRAMMES 4 is. From Monday 4th to Wednesday 6th Mar. 1929. Fro" 1 Thursday 7th to Sunday 10th Mar ig 29 g At 9.1 S p.m. At 915 Pm. I John ~Gilbert THE LATEST PATHE GAZETTE J n NANO” 4 g “ARABIAN LOVE” OR LOST IN THE
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    • 781 11 SE REMBAN SANITARY BOARD. (Special to the Guardian.’’) lie monthly meeting of the mban Sanitary Board was heid he State Council Chamber, mban, at 10 a.m. on Wednesday with Mr. O. E. Venables, the rman, presiding. The followvere present:—Mr. G. Simpson ef Police Officer, N.S.), Mr. S. liddiebrook (Protector of
      (Special to the “ Guardian.’’)  -  781 words
    • 219 11 What may be the views of the community of Singapore on the subject, the assertion made by our correspondent, Rationalist,” upon the marriage laws existing in the Straits Settlements is certainly correct, says the Singapore Free Press.” In Monday’s issue our correspondent asked if it was not time
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    • 365 11 Palias Athene ‘writes to the Pinang Gazette as follows: Yesterday for the first time, being a newcomer to Penang. I visited the Zoological Gardens and was revolted by the condition of most of the animals. A more pitiable sight than the large monkeys it would be difficult to
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    • 80 11 Among the New Year Honours, announcement of which was delayed by the illness of the King, were two of interest to Malaya. Mr. Manasseh Meyer, a well-known Jewish philanthropist of Singapore, becomes Sir Manasseh Meyer, being made a Knight Bachelor. Dr. A. T. Stanton, formerly Director of
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    • 240 11 The Malayan Agri-Horticultural Association is offering for public subscription $150,000 of pel cent debentures, with the object of developing the Association’s site near the junction of Ampang Road and Circular Road, Kuala Lumpur. At present the Association is put to large annual loss, by the erection and demolition
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  • 95 11 Jack Dempsey, the heavyweight fighter and boxing promoter, had a narrow escape when a shot fired into his bedroom went wide. Dempsey was occupying the same bedroom as the promotor, Floyd Fitzsimmons, in a friend’s house on the seafront, at Miami, Florida. It is stated that Dempsey
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  • 67 11 The U. S. Senate has ratified the Convention signed at Geneva in September, 1926, to suppress the slave trade. Mr. F. B. Kellogg, U. S. Secretary of State, issued a statement declaring that in certain territories in Africa the slave traffic was still going on. The Convention was
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  • 56 11 Replying to the condolences of one of his partners at the annual Ball of the Melton Mowbray branch of the British Legion, with regard to the sale of his hunters, the Prince of Wales said that he intended to buy some more. He was unswerving in his
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    • 80 11 p u k~l* YY 1 I *H T ft Pf 8 ff Dependable Used Cars, g i i WATCH THIS BULLETIN U YY W each week g For Good Used Car Values g g 501 Fiat 10/15 -$1,050.00 g 2 501 Fiat 10/15 850.00 jj •x« ft 509 Fiat 8.5
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    • 344 11 I EXHIBITION of COLOUR PRINTS 1 OF u 5 CHINA, KOREA, PHILIPPINES JAPAN BY g Miss Elizabeth Keith 8 P frit AT THE fe I? It p MALaeea library g fi* Thursday 6th 7th March, g g 10 a.m. to 7 pm. ft Jf a. riii ii I to tke
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