Indian Daily Mail, 16 May 1956

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1 6 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. XII No. 89 SPJGAFOBE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1966 SIX PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 171 1 Returns Glum From No. 10 Downing Street pore's Cfcef Miiteter said after a 15 minute meSg with the British Prime Minister today that Sir Anthony Eden was "anrious that the Ango-Singapore constitutional talks should not break down'* r caJW on Sir Anthony Eden in an
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 826 1 EARLIER REPORT: LONDON, May 15— Mr. David Marshall Sin Kapore'sOWef Minister, will call on Sir Anthony Eden, the British Prime Minister, here this morning. He told reporters this before going into a crucial session of the Anglo- Singapore negotiations here on independence for
    Reuter  -  826 words
  • 198 1 Demand To Bring Makarios To London LONDON, May 15.— The British Labour Party yesterday demandea that Prime Mniister Sir Anthony Eden's government bring exiled Archbishop Makarios to London for talks aimed at settling the Cyprus crisis. ww Archbishop Makarios, spiritual leader of Greek Cypriots who are waging a battle for
    AP  -  198 words
  • 122 1 W. IRIAN ADMINISTRATION JAKARTA, May 15— Mohammed Roem, First Deputy Prime Minister of Indonesia, says he will go to Tidore Island, west of Haimaneira in the northern Moluccas, at the end of May to lay the Groundwork for a West Irian (West New Guinea) Provincial Administration there. Roem also said
    AP  -  122 words
  • 289 1 WASHINGTON, May 15— Twenty Indonesian officials and newspapermen arrived here as the advance party of President Sonkarno's State visit beginning on Wednesday. Seldom in Washington his* tory, according to officials here, nas such a ceremonial welcome been prepared for any foreign vis tors as awaits the
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  • 79 1 PHAIiUJS. May 15 Al. Christian Piaeau, French Foreign Minister, is to visit Prague on his way home from taIKS with Soviet leaders in Moscow, the Czechoslovakia Foreign Ministry announced today. The announcement did not say when M. Pineau would arrive in Prague or how long he
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  • 43 1 LONDON, May 15— Mr. Dermot Macdermbt la to be Britain's new Ambassador to Indonesia, the foreign office announced last night. Mr. Macdermot, who is now British Minister i D Bucharest, whl take over In Djakarta from Mr. Oscar Morland.
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  • 274 1 Federation Wide General Strike In Support Of Plantation Workers? From Our Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Two of the Trade Union leaders heading the Federation's largest Unions clashed here yesterday and were watched with amused interest by big business. The row between the National union of Plantation Workers and National Union
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  • 150 1 JAKARTA, May 15.— Russia lias invited Indonesia's industrial council to send a mission tor "study tour" of Soviet industry. Industrial Council Chairman Oma r Tusin says he intends to send six men in July or August to study Russian production of farm machinery, the Soviet
    A.P.  -  150 words
  • 182 1 LONDON, May 15.— Prime Minister Eden Monday night flatly refused to give the House of Commons the inside story on the "presumed death" of a British Frogman around Soviet warships visiting Portsmouth. Eden rose in a tense house Against a background of subdued cheer s
    A.P.  -  182 words
  • 46 1 Posing for photographer* on the steps outside the Villa Bammerscharndt, Bonn, Germany, May 11, are, from left to right: President Theodor HeuBB of Germany; Sir Winston Churchill, Britain's War- Itime Premier; Lady Churchill, «fe of Sir Winston; and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. AP PHOTO
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  • 107 1 Washington's Doubts MOSCOW, May 15.— The Soviet Union announced Monday it is slashing Its armed forces by 1 '00.000 men. Aa official government statement read to reporters at a news conference in the foreign ministry said also that 63 t^Y* islons p!us three
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  • 99 1 WASHINGTON, May 15.— Kussia s announcement that it wouid reduce its armed: torces by 1,200,000 men witnin a year did not impress Washington Monday. A White House spokesman said the move would have more significance if the Soviets had been more cooperative at the London Disarmament conference
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  • 90 1 LONDON, May 15— British sources said that the reduction of 1,200,000 men in Russia's armed forces reflected Soviet belief that conventional arms and armies are becoming obsolete in modern warfare. They said another reason was to chal.enge the Western powerg into making correspond- in K cuts in the
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  • 119 1 KATMANDU, May 15 Nc pal, birthplace of Biiddna, yesterday began celebrating his <J,sOoth anniversary. Houses were biight.' y lit and spices and sweets were distributed in Buddhist sectors. Newly crowned King Maorndra himself will take a leading part in the 10-day celebrations which end at fu,l
    A.P.  -  119 words
  • 164 1 "RUNAWAY" GIRL BACK TO S'PORE HONGKONG, May i5.-Miss Leung Pui Kum, 18-year-old bingapom iunawa v school-eirl who was dissuaded by her father from going- to Communist China said here today she would finish her high school studies in Singapore. Se s aid this before departure by Cathay pacific airliner with
    Reuter  -  164 words
    • 37 1 XEW DELHI, May 15. An Indian ali-iine* Dakota with %8 pas-,«n K ers on board crashed on «t Katmandu Nepal, today Indian Airline* stated here. The number of casualties was not yet known.- Reuter
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    • 29 1 JAKARTA, May 15. The Asian African Students Conference ma? be postponed because of a disagreement between the man O nan slug Committee and a Sub-Conv rattte* representing DJa« Reuter
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  • 473 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Wed., May 16, 1956 Merger First Merdeka Next THE actions and utterances of the Marshall Delegation, already ludicrous in the extreme, have now become most pathetic, and resemble those of a drowning man trying to catch a straw to save himself, knowing full well that the
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  • 801 2  -  DAPHNE CLARE By Some Useful Hint* To "Intending* Students COME 3,500 Indian students are in Britain to-day. Seventeen-hundred of them •re studying In London. A whole department at India House is devoted to looking after their, interests, helping them 'in trouble and ensuring that they
    NAFEN  -  801 words
  • 149 2 NEW YORK: A United States corporation is spending $2,100,000 during 1956 alone to extend and improve telephone System, one of its subsidiaries. It is the biggest venture in what is expected to be a record year for capital expenditure for the country as a whole.
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  • 137 2 MADRAS: A resolution urging the Madras Government to take immediate steps to make Tamil the State language was adopted at a meeting of the general body of the Aikya Tamilnad (integration) Association held recently Mr. A. Ramaswamt presided. By another resolution the meet ng pleaded for
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  • 105 2 Sinhalese Address Untraceable COLOMBO: An envelope addressed in Sinhalese to a Sinhalese man in Jaffna has been returned undelivered to the Minister of Agriculture and Food. Mr. D. P. R. Gunawardena. Mr. Gunawardena, last week telephoned the Minister of Posts and Broadcasting and comp.ained that the letter had not been
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  • 136 2 PATNA: A young French couple, M.A.K. de Grange and M. de Grange of Boulevard St. German, Paris, braving rough seas and sailing over placid rivers in a 200-lb aluminium boat, arrived here last week. M de Grange, who is a former naval archiect, said that
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  • 89 2 LUCKNOW: About 40 children have been carried away bv hyena, and wolves in Fatehgarin district during the last four months, according to reports received here.' In the past four days ten children have been carried away from the trans-Gange-tic rural areas of Shamihabad police station. These
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  • Article, Illustration
    132 2 More than 150 students from Burma, China, India, Indonesia, the Federation of Malaya, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand took part with some Australians In a highly successful concert held in Sydney recently. The concert was organised by the Asian Students' Council "in genuine appreciation of "wpitality extended to Asian students
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  • 149 2 Dr. Ba Maw To Boycott Elections In Burma RANGOON: Dr. Ba Maw, leader of the Burma Nationalist Block, said that his party would not participate in forthcoming elections to the Chamber of Nationalities (Upper House) because the recent elections to the Lower House had not been "free and fair." In
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  • 474 2 NEW DELHI: The Minister for Revenue and Defence Expenditure, Mr. Arun Chandra Guha, told Mrs. Tarakeshwari Sinha in the Lok Sabha that the protection of two annas per imperial gallon of motor spirit produced by the refineries in India was in pursuance of an assurance given
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    69 2 The staff of the Cargo Handling Corporation, Port S wet tenham, feted Mr. H. J. Shades, chairman of the Board of Directors, and Mr. O. Mcßride, the Manager, to a tea party at the Sea View Hotel. They are both going on long leave. Seated at the main table from
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  • 128 2 NEW DELHI: The Government of India will purchase over live lakhs tons of wheat this year in order to build a buffer stock of about one million tons of wheat. Negotiations for fresh puri chase of one lakh tons of wheat are understood to
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  • 200 2 MADRAS: A two-day interState conference of Superintendents of Government Presses ol Madras, Hyderabad, Mysore. Travancore-Cochin and Andhra began last week at Government Press, Madras, to discuss pra blems relating to labour, mach inery and overtime employment in large printing presses. First of its kind, the
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  • 207 2 MADRAS: The Government have directed that the periods including days in transit, spent by the teachers in educational institutions, in attending to meetings, conferences, rallies, camps and other such activities organised by the local, district divisional and State associations of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, be also
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  • 150 2 Folk Dance Festival At Tanjore MADRAS: The State Sangeet Nataka Sanghamorganised a folk dance festival at Tanjore last week-end with a view to giving a fillip to folk dances and music. In addition to the well-known items like bommalattam and dummy horse dance, a number of less varieties of dance
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  • 691 2 BOMBAY. The sixteen-day ■pd strike by more than 1,000 ■will lor s and other workers em- ployed by the Scindia and BomD bay Steam Navigation com pan I ies on their passenger and fj freight services on the Konkon I coast ended last week. I A
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  • 44 2 DJAKARTA, May 15.—Se-venty-three Indonesians, including* children and expectant mothers, were drowned when a pleasure launch capsized off Tegal, on the north coast of Central .Java, yesterday, P°»ce reported here last night. The first accounts of the dis- D«»rta only Reuter
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  • 854 3 Right Of RemUtemee Of Female Heirs Nehru Explains Significance i E P U for| y houre of the Lok Sabha last week passed amidst cheers hy an overutodming majority the Hindu Succession BSIJ, with some important amendments. Prime Mfafeter Nehru, speaking during the third
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  • 367 3 Mrs. Renu Chakravarthy (Communist West Bengal) opposed the proviso which confined the right of residence only to unmarried daughters, daughter deserted by the husband or a widow whose husband had left no house for her. She said that most of the middle-class property consisted only
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  • 122 3 To Study Human Problems Of Industrial Community Lever Brother* (Malaya) Limited recently held a reception in Koala Lampur, attended by Government Ministers, leaders ol Industry an d trade unions, in honour of Raja Kamaru- **£Jl lr Uda «P*pa«y's actta* Secretary, who has been selected to attend the Duke of EdWunrn's
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  • 647 3 As regards the proviso, Mr. Pataskar said it had been induced by the Rajya Satoha. It was urged by some members in the other House that if the right of residence was given to the married daughter, she might come to the father's residence with the
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  • 345 3 The House then passed the next clause which lays down that a person who commits murder or abets the commission of murder shall toe disqualified from Inheriting the property of the person murdered, or any other property, in furtherance of the succession to which, he
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  • 81 3 Chinese Vice- Premier In Lhasa LONDON: Marshal Chen Li, Chinese Vice-Premier, visited a unit of the Chinese army in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, the New China News Agency said. Week-end reports reaching Kathmandu, said rebels had risen in Tibet and massacred a Chinese garrison of 850 men in the
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  • 270 3 FREE EDUCATION UP TO 14:PONDY SCHEME PONDICHERRY: Free and compulsory education for all children between six and 14 years is provided for In the Second Five- Year Plan of the State Government Bsaic education win be introduced in the first seven clases. Fifty of the existing- primary schools will be
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  • 94 3 DEATH OF C. R. DAS'S SISTER CALCUTTA: The death occurred at her Ballygunge residence on Ma v 10 of Srimati Urmila Devi, sister of the late Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, She was 73. A devoted follower of Mahatma Gandhi, Srimati rrmila Devi was one of the first batch of women during
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  • 375 3 Steady Growth In Demand Tn*te^£!£? i«™' v- Kl !f lko^ Government t^J^SSZLS OTK JH?° arrived nore <>n May 8 after a ivSL^LTV???' S Colinl **ore and Cannanore. toW Pressmen that he was very much Interested in seeing some of Si "^oom /*bric* produced
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  • 307 3 MADRAS: Mrs. Pupul Javakar, Honorary Director of the All-India Haridloom Board, said that India would be sending ttoe finest types of handloom cloth in silk and cotton, to the Exhibition of Indian handloom products, to be held in Venice. She also said that what are known
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  • 183 3 LOST RS. 1,390 IN A DISPUTE OVER RS, 10 NEW DELHI: A dispute over Rs. 10 between the Indian and Pakistan railways ultimately resulted in a loss of about Rs. 1,390 to the Indian Alagesan. This was disclosed in the Lok Sabha last week O. V. Alayesm Replying to Mr.
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  • 53 3 NEW DELHI: The Govern, ment of India will increase the intake of students at the Indian School of Mines and Applied Geology, Dhanbad, from 65 to 72 durin R 1956-87 it is learnt. This is to meet the increasing requirements of geologists and mining engineers during the
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  • 38 3 NEW DEDHI: Dr. D K. Vlswanathan, till recently Dlr ector of Public Health, Hornbay State, has been appo nted Adviser in Malaria at the WHo Regional Office for South- East Asia in New Delhi
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  • 626 4 HELPED EASE WORLD TENSiON LONDON. Bertram! Russell, the eminent philosopher, has expressed the v'.ew that "India is deng a very useful job by maintaining a neutrul stand and not aligning herself \Vith any side" in the intern atonal situation. He told "Envoy", the monthly journal
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  • 251 4 RADCLIFFE AWARD I ND. VILLAGES NEw DELHI: Information as to the names and number of vi.lages situated on the Pakistan s<de Of the Rivers Ravi and the Sutlei in the Punjab belonging to India under the Radcliffe Award was not available with the Government, Mr. Sadat AH Khan, Parliamentary Secretary
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  • 380 4 fALGHAT: Mr. A joy Kumar Ghosh was re-elected General Secreary of the Communist Party of India which concluded its Fourth Congress here on Apr. 29. The Congress was in session tdnce April 19. The thirty-nine-man Central < ommittee has also elected includes the former General Secretary Mr.
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  • 73 4 Princess Poses For 3- Year-Old Cameraman! PHOTO. ANGUS MOORE, Aged three, of Batteruea, London, (right), holds his camera ready to take a picture off PRINCESS MARGARET, who smiles to make his picture complete. Princes* Margaret is shown when on May 9, arriving at the Festival Hall, London to attend the
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  • 146 4 MADRAS: The Madras Region of the Air Corporation Employees* Union, which met at Meenambakkam adopted a resolution urging that all attempts should be made to effect a just treatment in the case of "categorisation" of employees and requested the Central Executive of the Union to focus its
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  • 81 4 OBERHAUSEN (West Germany) Outehoffnungshuette, one of West Germany's best known steel combines, has an order to build three furnaces for Hindustan Steel Limited, of Calcutta, it was learned here. They will be the first part of a projected steel works at Rourkela. The furnaces are to have
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  • 479 4 NEW DELHI: The Government of India have sanctioned to the All-India Khadi and Village Industries Board grants, totalling about Rs. 32,94.500 and a loan of Rs. 75,000 for the development of the khadi industry. Of this amount, a sum of R& 15 lakhs is
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  • 104 4 Satyagraha At Kasi Temple Suspended BANARAS: The Harijan Mandir Pravesh Saniiti, which met here at the Kasi Vidyapith, decided to suspend tHe Harijan temple-entry satyagraha being conducted here for the last one and a half months before the Vishwanath temple. The Samithi also resolved to grive nottce to the Central
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  • 81 4 Indian Chairman For Two U.N. Bodies NEW YORK: Indian officials were chosen as Chairman of two United Nations bodies which opened sessions on subjects bearing on the world's economic development. Mr. All Yawar Jung, India's Ambassador to Egypt, was chosen to direct the work of the 16-nation Committee on the
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  • 112 4 NAGPUR. The Railway authorities are sending for chemical and metallurgical examination a piece of rail reported to have "fractured" on May 4, between Malkapur and Biswa stations near the site of the last two accidents to the Bombay Mail in January and April last, it is learnt. A
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 4 Marshal Ho-Lung. Deputy Premier of the People's Republic of China photographed with the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Jawaharfel Nehru when the former called on the Prime Minister in New Delhi on March 20.
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  • 157 4 MADRAS: Mr. Justice N. Somasundaram at vacation sitting of the Madras High Court, addmitted a writ petition filed on behalf of the management of Arya Bhavan hotel, Madras, seeking the issue of a writ of certiorari and quashing of the orders of the Labour Appellate Tribunal of
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  • 95 4 NEW DELHI: India's policy in the matter of purchasing arms was explained today by Mr. Mahavir Tyagi, Minister for Defence Organisation, answering questions in Lok Sabha. He said, "The need for keeping our army well-equipped is constantly kept in view by Government. Efforts are made to purchase
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  • 149 4 BOMBAY; Three Soviet mining and engineering- experts are arriving i n India shortly to advice the union Government on the mechanisation of the panna Diamond Mines now to be nationalised. It i a learned the Ministry of Natural Resource 8 which will run
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  • 255 4 NEW DELHI: TALKS BETWEEN INDIA AND PAKISTAN .ON THE OUTSTANDING FINANCIAL ISSUES BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES BEGAN HERE. It is learnt that on the outcome of the present conference will depend a meeting between the Finance Ministers of the two countries to settle these issues. The
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  • 115 4 LONDON: Sir Anthony Eden told the House of Commons he was unable yet to fix a date for his proposed visit to Moscow at the Invitation of Marshal Nikolai Bulganln and Mr. Nikita Khrushchev. The Prime Minister accepted the Invitation when the Russian leaders visited Britain
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  • 150 4 J^NGALORE: Mr. Jagjivan Ram, Union CommunicaUon Minister told the Mangalore Municipal Council that Government knew there were certain anomalies and irregulari?4!Lh* resp^. t of air far s aod I g u^" L Thes< fares and freights he poined out, were originally charged by private companies who
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  • 252 4 ON BOARD THE USS rNAUTOL.UB. May 14— The submarine Nautilus emerged from the secret depths of the Atlantic yesterday and steamed proudly into New York harbour to give the world a look at a capital ship of the future atonvc fleet. The first fighting child of the
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  • 232 4 MOSCOW, May 14— A senior official of the M.V.D. said yesterday that all interment camps throughout the Soviet Union would be done away with within the next year to IS months. He made his statement to a group of French Socialists who visited a
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  • 66 4 NEW DELHI: An effort to restore unity in the Pondicherr y Congress organisation which -ias been wrecked by dissensions, will be made bv Mr. K. P. Madhavan Nair, Congress General Secretary, during his tour of the South. Mr. Nair, who left for Madras recently, win meet
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  • 77 4 HYDERABAD: Dr. Mlrza Abul Fazal an Arabic scholar or international repute, died here on May 7 at the age of An associate of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Union Education Minister. Dr Mirsa waa the first Indian to trans* •ate the Quoran Into English i? 189 5< S
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  • 220 5 REPLACEMENT OF INDIAN BY CEYLONISE ORDERED "Even if it I More Expensive" nll^?fl£!? 0 L™ e PP" >«■*»*« h»« approved a ruling that Ceykmese labour must be recruited in preference to (lndian labour by government departments «ven if It Is more expensive. The ruing was
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  • 94 5 Only I.P.C. Want It In Sinhalese COLOMBO; Only one per cent, of the telejuione subscribers i n Ceylon want their 'phone books in Sinhalese. This is what the Postal Department learnt when they sent out a questionnaire to its 20,000 telephone subscribers. The Department told the "übweribers ,that there was
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  • 206 5 COLOMBO: The Prime Minister has turned down a suggestion to ar m police ana army personnel on patroi duty at certain points aiong the North-Eastern coast on the look-out tor s.y entrants from South India. The suggestion was made at last
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  • 251 5 COLOMBO: The Ceylone Democratic Congress welcomes the statement of the Prime Minister that e-'ecion* for the four Indian seats for which provision wan made in the Indo-Ceylon Pact, will not be held immediately. me rrime Minister madetius statement in tne
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  • 193 5 COLOMBO: The Ministry of Education ha s requested the Ccyion university to concentrate on producing more science graduates to meet **>e dearth of science teachers in both government and assisted schools. The question of making the Maharagama Government Training College a training school for specialising in the
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  • 144 5 K ADUGANN AW A The people of Kadugannawa, with the co- ope rat ion Of the Urban Council, have decided to present Mr. a A. S. MarikKar. the Minister of Posts, Broadcasting and information, w ith a number of national dress suits, at a reception
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  • 218 5 COLOMBO; The Minister of Education, Mr. W. Dananayane, has drawn up a iour-point plan io r over <,000 oinnaiese rt.S.C-qualinea 1 per sons to obtain employment as teachers. He wi'l submit this plan to the Prime Minister Mr. S.W. K.D. Bandaranalke during the week. Here
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  • 249 5 BUDDHIST LEADER WARNS 'BANDA'! TANGALLE- "We have usea Mr. 6.W.R.D. Bandaraxiaij^e as a cannon to oomoaru cue UJUT. fortress and to orlng it down. We snail noi nesiiate to use anotuer form of cannon to topple down the feandaranafke cabinet, too, if it fail s to honour its pledges," said
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  • Article, Illustration
    2 5 ™*&?y2Z23r&TvT££Sr£ w
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  • 80 5 MANNAR; Scavenging and conservance labourers numbering about twenty working in the Mannar Town Council had struck work in protest of nonpayment of arrears due to them from April 1956. They sand these arrears are due to them on account of their salary scale in last April and (he
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  • 286 5 JAFFNA-. "The chest clinic in Jaitna wa s completed by the P.W.D. seven or 8 months ago but is still not functioning. How many hundreds of .ivee have been lost as a result of it. Whoever has been responsible for this delay is committing a great
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  • 131 5 COLOMBO; The Prime Minister. Mr. 8. W. R. D. BanuutMiiuiKe naa asKeu tne Coiauuaaioavc lor tue Kegistration or ujuian and k akistani Kediuents "to hurry up" witn uie registration of Indian citizens. 'ine Commissioner it is .earnt, tola the Prime Minis* cer that it would take approximately two
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  • 120 5 COLOMBO: Radical changes, in the policy of the Ceylon Democratic Congress (Azis Section) are expected co be made when the Congress holds Its sessions sometime hi mid-June. A Congres s spokesman told recently that these sessions will be of "particular significance" in view of the
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  • 111 5 Crowding In Strangers' Galleries COLOMBO; Mr. W. Dahanayake, Minister Of Education nas a solution to the problem of over-crowded galleries in the House of Representatives. In a letter to the Speaker he suggests that the proceedings of the House be broadcast so that the who^e country may listen to the
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  • 75 5 Major Genera! Tran Van Don, Chief of Staff of the South Vietnam Army arrived in Singapore by air yesterday afternoon on a courtesy visit. He will meet senior officers of all three Services and will tour the Royal Dockyard and R.A.P. Station at Tengah during
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  • 215 5 VOTERS INCREASE I N ALL STATES NEW DELHI: India's revised electoral rollo show an increase In the number of voters in every State in the country A statement laid in the Lok Sabha last week disclosed that a* agalntt 158.13 million voters on the electoral rolls at the time of
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  • 406 5 SEVEN DEAD IN BARAHIYA RAIL CRASH PATNA: Mr. Krishan Ballabh sahayu, Revenue Minister, indicated in the Bihar Legislative Assembly that possibly seven persons and not four, as reported, earlier, lost their lives in the incident that occurred at Barahlya, commonly called the Burhee railways station near Mokameh on May 1.
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  • 104 5 CONTAMINATION OF JAMUNA WATERS NEW DELMI: The conta. mination of the Jamuna waters at Okhla would be ended in 18 months, the Health Minister, Rajkumarl Amrit *Caur assured the Rajya Sabha. Replying to Nawab Singh Chauhan, the Health Minister said that the sludge digestion plant to be installed at Okhla.
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  • 134 5 DIBRUGARH: Four villages within 20 miles north-east of Dlbrugarh have been affected by the recent floods in the Brahmaputra, according to latest reports received here. About 180 famllle B are reeirted to have been affected, oaa communication with all these areas is still cut off. The
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  • 195 6 To Cost Re. 11,600 m. Foreign Exchange is A Great Problem^ KARACHI, May 15— Pakistan Premier Chaurfhri Mohammad Ali yesterday announced a five-year plan designed to ettminato trig land holdings, create 2,000,000 new Jobs, raise production and Increase average earnings by 10 percent It will last
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  • 230 6 PAKISTAN WANTS FOREIGN EXCHANGE KARACHI, May 15 Mohamad AW, Pakistan Premier, «jaid that foreign exchange was vital for the Implementation of Pakistan's new five year devjlojwnent plan. "This is the first compreheusive and coordinated plan for thv development of Pakistan, ht» told a special press conference called for the Premier
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  • 183 6 LONDON, May 15.— Marshal Nikolai Bulganin, the Soviet Prime Minister, said In an Interview quoted by Moscow Radio that the prospects for bettering Franco-Soviet relations were favourable The radio broadcast the interview given to the Paris Evening Newspaper Le Monde on the eve of the departure for
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  • 102 6 BRIGHTON, England May 15.— The mother of a 25-year-old nursing sister who flew to the aid of an orphan baby in the Malayan Jungle described her daughter here last night as 'an adventurous type and very fond of children:" The daughter, Miss Hazel Fall bairn, rescued
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  • 37 6 SHAIK MADARSAH LANE The work on the Reconstruction of road at Shaik Madarsah Lane will commence on or about May 21 necessitating the closinp of Shaikh Madarsah Lane to through traffic from May 21 until further notice
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  • 34 6 TALK ON TIBET SIKKIM Mr. Loke Wan Tho will give a talk on "Tibet Sikkim", at a tea party by the Kamala Club Singapore at Cathay Restaurant at 4 pan. on Monday, May 21.
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  • 106 6 15 EXPOSED TO A— RADIATION WASHINGTON, May 15.— Fifteen or more persons ware exposed to potentially fatal radiation at an atomic power plant project at Fort Belvolr, Virginia, yesterday but the U.S. Government says the amount was "not serious." Fort Belvoir is about 15 miles south of Washington. The Army
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  • 77 6 NEW DELHI, May 15.— Prime Minister Nehru said in the Lok Sabha that the Pakistan Government had been issuing for some time past maps showing Junagadl and Jammu and Kashmir, as part of Pakistan and Hyderabad as an independent' state. The attention of the Pakistan Government, Mr.
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  • 59 6 A patrol of 'A' Company, 2nd Royal Australian Regiment, ki.le<l a lone armed and uniformed terrorist on Monday they contacted in the Sungel S4put North area of Perak. A rifle, ammunition and a grenade were recovered. The dead terrorist has been identified as CHEAH L.O SANG,
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  • 280 6 -CANADA OTTAWA, CANADA, May 15— Competitive coexistence with Russia is going to be a "rough and winding road," says External Affairs Minister Lester R. Pearson of Canada. in a luicaiu to Uie aunual re^ott 01 iao«. year i ooserveu Liuu aitiiou^n uanquuity w<u*
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  • 56 6 TEHERAN, May 15— The Shah of Persia and Queen Soraya left here by air today for a ten-day state visit to Turkey, Persia's atty in the Bagdad Pact. Next month the Shah is due to make his first State visit to Moscow, when economic issues
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  • 45 6 BR. BANK MANAGER SHOT IN CYPRUS NICOSIA, Cyprus, May M. —A. Gunman walked into Barclays Bank in Limassol today and shot the British Manager in the back. The Manager Mr. Julian Wathen wa 8 taken to hospital with a wound in the right shoulder.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 88 6 Salaries Of Primary School Teachers NEW DELHI; The Central Government would bear half tfte cost of additional expenditure incurred b v the State Governments i n raisin* the salaries of primary school teachers to the basic minimum, Dr. Monomohan Das, Deputy Minister fo r Education, toid Mr. A. M. Thomas
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  • 43 6 BANGALORE: The death occurred at the Victoria Hospital here on May 7 of Mr. Ramkumar, a versatile actor, famlliatvy known as the 'Man of a Thousand Faces.' For some time, he was vice-Presid-ent of the Bangarupet Municipal Council.
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  • 195 6 LONDON: The exciting story of India's Rs. 300 million search for oil a vital feature of the country's second FlveYear Plan is told in an article by Mr. K. D. Malavlya. Minister for Natural Resources, in "Indian Commerce and Industry." published here. "Experts tell us that
    NAFEN  -  195 words
  • 149 6 BOBAY: The proposed export credit guarantee scheme is expected to function through a department of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, beginning January next, it is learned here. Efforts are now being directed to securing for the scheme membership of the Union D'Assureurs Pour Le Control
    NAFEN  -  149 words
  • 179 6 TANJORE: The Conference of the Madras State Temple Executive Officers' Federation held here yesterday expressed its protest against the proposed Fair Rent Bill of the Madras Government, since the rate of rent propose!' would seriously affect most of the religious and charitable institutions, mainly depending on
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  • 236 6 •JSJF&JfQP l t eon the wnole f technical ocvuuu r ive- x ear rian, recently approved by the National Development Council, the Commission says, "It Is evident that as developmental planning proceeds in this region, problems of mutual adjustments in the matter of specialisation in
    NAFEN  -  236 words
  • 197 6 ASIAN WOMEN GROUPS MAKE PROGRESS SAN FRANCISCO: Women's organisations throughout Asia are gradually growing, and Improving despite scant education, purdah, and other limitations, observed Mrs. Elizabeth T. Haisey, an American who recently returned after a 14-month tour in the Philippines, Ceylon and Pakistan. Giving her impressions of women's organisations in
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  • 173 6 NEW DELHI: Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia will visit India towards the end of October, diplomatic sources said here. According to these sources, the Emperor's party will not exceed 30 members and will consist of Cabinet Ministers, the Emperor's personal staff and departmental experts. A
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  • 194 6 NEW DELHI: All State collieries both old and new, were proposed to be run through company form of management and would be vested in one limited company to be formed for the purpose, Mr. Satish Chandra, Deputy Production Minister, said in the Rajya Sabha. In a written
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  • 101 6 LONDON; The Goa League announced here that two Nationalist leaders of Goa who had been released by the Portuguese Government 'after ten years of exiie in Portugal" have arrived in London on their way to India. The two leaders, Mr. P. Kakodkar and Dr. R. Hegde, had
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  • 128 6 The Foreign Office on Monday announced the appointment of Mr. D. F. MacDermot, C. M. G., C.8.E., at present Minister at Bucharest, as Ambassador at Djakarta, in succession to Mr. O.C. Morland. Mr. MacDermot is no stranger to the Far East having started his diplomatic
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  • 68 6 The post of Secretary to the 'Federation Constitutional Commission will be filled by Mr. H. p. Hall. an officer of the United Kingdom Administrative Service, servine in the Colonial Office w here the has held the post of Head of the Pacific Department. He Is
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  • 107 6 Of great interest to the Malay *'guru" Is a proposal to hold an examination in Decem her 1957 and after, which will be set and answered entirely in the Malay language in all subjects. This examination will be open to aK Certificated Malay 'guru' whether they
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  • 83 6 The Secretary of State for the Colonies, has appointed. Sir John Macpherson, formerly Governor-General, Federation of Nigeria to be Permanent Under- Secretary of State for the Colonies in succession to Sir Thomas Lloyd, who will retire from the public service in August; and Sir John Mar* t
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 93 6 DIAMOND T T r s T^ STARTS TODAY AT 5.15, 6.15, 9.15 P.M. Mightiest Mythological Melo jK^B Drama H Xiru P a Roy Manhar Denal r^ I HINDI mß^^mSHbm An Indian Film Combine Release i TERRIFIC ACTION DRAMA FROM START TO FINISH! *U I^S«c s i) 10th ANNIVERSARY RELEASE OF
      93 words