Indian Daily Mail, 13 February 1956

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL XI No. EOl SINGAPORE, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1956 FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 657 1 Disagreement Between Kamaraj and Subramaniam (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Feb. 12: Should Madras State merge with Travancore Cochin to form Dakshina Pradesh? There has been serious difference of opinion in Madras Cabinet on this between Mr. C. Subramaniam, Finance Minister, and Chief
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  • 260 1 NEHRU AMRITSAR, Feb. 12 India' Prime Minister Mr. Nehru declared in Amritsar today that India could not close her eyes to military pacts like SEATO and the Bagdad Accord which "affected the climate of the region." Addressing an open confer- trying to tohow the path
    Reuter  -  260 words
  • 105 1 In Australia on a Colombo Han scholarship to study for the Primary Teachers' certificate, Koh Chan Wah, Of 48 Singapore Rd, Sandakan, Is In hi* tint year at Toorafc Teacfter*' College, Melbourne. He Is also studying General Science and Music, but finds time to be
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  • 171 1 INDIA'S WAY OF ACHIEVING INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION AMRITSAr INDIA, Feb. 12. —The mdian Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru said here today that mdia was showing the world a new way of achieving industrial revolution. But he said India's Communists and some Socialists had not realised the significance of the new way and
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 102 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun INvo officers of the Trade Union Advisers office Kuala Lumpur, MR. B. KUMARAN and inche' Amanshah bin Bukhari. will be leaving- for the United Kingdom for a six-month training course on trade unionism, industrial relations and other related subjects under the
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  • 219 1 The prospects arc tlie 139-day strike by the Singapore Traction Company Employees may end tomorrow and the S.T.C. buses may be back on the roads on Wednesday. This Mope was expressed by Singapore Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall yesterday, after the S.T.C. Rmployees' Union's
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  • 270 1 AMRITBAR, Feb. 12.— Amritaar Police relaxed lat»t night after a tense day of processions by more than 100,000 members of rival political group* passed off without Incident. More tham 2,00 constables, many of them heavily armed riot police, stood by during the day
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  • 42 1 daggers and spears, and to slow down the following procession of Punjabis. At one point on the route, the Maha Punjab parade approached within one mile of the end of the Sikh procession which, in itself, was five miles long.- Reuter
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  • 987 1 lungku Interviewed EXPECTS HONEY AID FROM BRITAIN TO FIGHT REDS LONDON, Feb. 12: Tungku Abdul Rahman, Malaya's unusf Minister, saau yesterttay ttiat lie Huatea His country to nave its own ttontrai Baa* aua "lsotie oar own currency." "tout we will be within
    Reuter  -  987 words
  • 61 1 MARSHALL TO STUDY FIRSTHAND MULTILINGUALISM Singapore's Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, will leave for Switzerland bv K.I^M Airways to-day at 9.56 ajn. He is expected to spend a fortnight In Switzerland, according to his doctors' advice, and will afterwards go to London. In Switzerland while convalescing, Mr. T w-shall is
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  • 169 1 NEHRU NOT LIKELY TO VISIT U.S. AMRITSAR, Feb. 12. Ttie Indian Prime Minister Mr. Nehru, is unlkely to visit Washington this year, a trip which President Eisenhower is reported to favour, authoriative sources said here. He is unable because of heavy domestic commitments. Until June, when he goes to London
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 77 1 DESTROY YOUR OLD TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES KUALA LUMPUR, Sun The January 1956 edition of the Federation of Malaya Tele, phone Directory is now being distributed. On receiving their new directories, subscribers are urgently requested to destroy at once any old copies which they may have in their possession. Further reference to
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  • 541 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Man., Feb. 13, 1956 WHY MORTGAGE FREE MALAYA'S FUTURE? WITH the first flush of elation gone, Malayans are today in a calmer and leas excited mood to think of the implications of the so-called "Merdeka" Agreement signed between the Tungku Delegation and the Secretary of State
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  • 1398 2 Place Of Hindi In India Explained ERNAKULAM: President Rajendra Prasad assued that "lack of knowledge of Hindi will not be permitted to stand in tin? way of boo Hindi speaking people". As a Hindi-speaking person and as President of the Republic of India, he
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  • 394 2 K T. K*s APPEAL NEW DELHI. «r J h ZJ£ pyxiy Chairman of the Planning Commission, Mr. v. T. KTishnamachari last week asked every family in the country to be prepared to save more in the next five years to supply necessary resources for
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  • 65 2 RAJKOT: Several pots of gold coins belonging to the Moghul period were found while excavation work was in progress to lay the foundation of thp Nanii Kalidas Girls' Hi£h School. The coins bear the Persian script and are dated A.D. 1605 Their total value has been
    NAFEN  -  65 words
  • 703 2 Prasad Lays Foundation KOTTAYAM: While emphasising the great future that the robber Industry had before It In this country, Dr. Rajendra Prasad cautioned those connected with it not to remain complacent because the Industry might have to adjust itself to compete with synthetic rubber
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  • 1013 2 KARACHI: The Pakistan Muslim League Council passed s resolution calling upon the Pakistan Government "to continue its efforts to solve the Kashmir issue at the earliest possible moment by securing tne right of a fair and free plebiscite, to be held under the auspices of the United Nations,
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  • 176 2 TANJORE; Mr. j. Abdlur lUiiim, Sessions Judge, West xanjore, last week passed orders granting interim bail to Sub-inspector T- Rajarathnam of Vaduvoor Police, who is under orders of suspension, alon K with li policemen attached t o the same station, when he surrendered himself
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    • 142 2 s.s, "RAJULA" SAILING 16—2-56 thS^hf 11 P asBe *f er «w "Rajula" are notified 2£ iSSiif^l U saU from sln K*pore to Nagapattinam S? SS^ at i 1 a m otk the l6th I"V»>ruar>' 1966 from SSi SSS; 1^ Ha^ bo lllf Board Wharf and embarkation will commence as follows:—
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  • 1702 3 Nationalisation Off Insurance on ltfe h i^J^. d^ id f d that in future all insurance carrying A f™* 8 Note lsaued by the Ministry of Finance said- it has been decided that in future all insurers carrying on life insurance business
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  • 76 3 FIRST RSADING OF FAK CONSTITUTION BILL KARACHI: The Pakistan Constituent Assembly passed last week the first reading ot the draft constitution to provide an Islamic Republic oi Pakistan, a motion to circulate the daft constitution to elicit public opinion was rejected. Division was called on an. other motion for referring-
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  • 139 3 BHOPAi,; Three earth termors, each lastin e a few seconds, accompanied by a^nml bling sound were felt aeam at Sehore on Thursday uS. according to reports r^ei^d here. Since Saturday last this district town, 28 mIS perlencta^ r<ih tremors. nJ?**? I 1 between. -S ?fP aevea
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  • 25 3 NEW DELHI: India has agreed to join the International Finance Corporation, the proposed neyir affiliate of' the World Batok, it is learnt.
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  • 396 3 INDIAN COMPANIES ACT: ADVISORY COMMISSION TO BE SET UP NEW DELHI: An Advisory Commission of five members to help in the implementation of the new Companies Act is to be set up before the end of this month, it wag learnt here. The Commission, which will have a full-time chairman,
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  • 141 3 K-ri-iivLriJisuu: The Chinese have taken on hand a plan to modernise Laasa, the capital ot Tibet, besides developing all-weather traue routes to connect Tibet with China aud inuia. They have also plans to utilise the waters of Uie huge natural reservoirs in Central Tibet. Giving
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  • 94 3 a sum of 50 lakh kvmfa, kJTiLi y^' Ute "n*«*ood f J^rrs** wiu ma <»e in i 48 amount will be determined by threemember committees formed in each district with one officer each from the Land Records Nationalisation and Compensation Departments. No decision hag
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  • 86 3 NEw DELHI- Talks at the Secretarial level beS.een a British Steel Delegation and the Govermnnt of India regarding the setting u D of the Evrgapur Steel Plant were held here. Three members of the Bn tteh Delegation, representing the British Steel Consortium, which w fii collaborate with
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  • 95 3 STUDENT LEADER MEETS PRASAD TRIVANDRUM; President Rajendra Prasad accorded an interview iart week to Mr. Nyar, General Secretary ni the International Students Organisation and a nt) dent from Fiji Islands. Mr. Nyar said that the President heard with interest about the International! Students' Organisation and about Indiaids in '*ijl He
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  • 381 3 "ALIEN" GROUP IN SOUTH AFRICA: DONGES'S CAMPAIGN AGAINST INDIANS CAPETOWN: South Africa's Minister for Interior, Mr. T. Donges, told the Senate on Wednesday la»t that his Government'* long-term policy so fat- as Indians were concerned was to repatriate them to reduce their number to the m "l«nq"" while the short-term
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  • 87 3 PAK. OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: BENGALI INCLUDED KARACHI; The prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Mohammed Ali announced in the Constituent Assembly that both Urdu and Bengali would be declared as official languages of Pakistan In the Constit; tion Bill. This, he said, would be done in the form of an amendment to
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  • 135 3 RANIPUR: Mr. M. A. Manlkavelu. Minister for Revenue declared open the protected water supply scheme for Ammoor village (Walajah Road station) The village presented a festive appearance and Mr. K. G Muniswamy Gownder M.L.A., presided over the function. The present scheme has cost Rs. 23.400 and
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  • 404 4 I-TAX CASE AGAINST G.G. PONNAMBALAM COUOMBO: At least 20 working days are likely to be needed for the trial of the Income Tax case against Mr. g. G. Ponnambalam, Q.C., former industries Minister, and Mrs. Ponnambalam. Today the case came on for trial before Mr. J. E- A. AJles, Chief
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  • 40 4 Elected member* of the Uti Local Council, Negrt SemMtaa, participated to the bombardment of terrorist targets by gun« of <? Field Battery, 8I»- -gapore Regiment, Royal ArtUPicture shows Mr. Yon* Fan ftrln K a field gmt at a hideout.
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  • 320 4 VAVIINIYA* A Tamil pamphlet dated Jan. 2tt wao di«trllM^d ££T«V ™£T££ «PP«dln K to*e Tamil* te STSrtrict not to take part to the tod«P««<te™» criebrmtion to be held on Feb. 4th. The pampbtot reads -Dear Tamil Friends in the Vavuniya district is it fair on
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  • 375 4 P.M'S REPLY TO LANGUAGE DEPUTATION COLOMBO: "Is there another party that can give you your demand for Sinhalese as a state language?" •uo )«u think the S.LF.P. can? riemember, it has ma at an election no-contest pact witn the Communist the c.P. anu the LiS^P. Botru txiese cominuuiBt partiese are
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  • 376 4  - Implementation Of Merdeka Talks Report SIR DONALD The Report of the London L-onatitmional talks on uiabaya will oeytn to be impietttumttd after its approval by the tiulers Conference, satd the High Commissioner, S+r Itoneud MacGiUivray, who returned to Singapore yesterday from London. Sir Donald was met at the airport by
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  • 89 4 COLOMBO, Feb. 12: Seventy organisations representing 5,000 Buddhist monks told Premier Kotelawela Saturday "postpone the elections or we perform Satyagraha (Civil disobedience"). The monks passed a resolution calling on Kotelawela to put off elections expected to be fteld the first week in April. They claim election
    AP  -  89 words
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    • 188 4 w«««««ww» BED CHINA'S ENVOY imv— WM w TOKYO. Feb. 12:' ChalrK| man Mao TSe Tung of Red K^Ai^AZ^UEamU^B China Saturday named Chlao Hisao Huang, Ambassador to TODAY: I.SO *SM pan. North Korea, Peking Radio rko'. *»> sarUTXJff^SS!! «TARZAN'S PERIL" vioua Ambassador. Pan T*u ROY AL~] NOW SHOWING I IM/Lr 3
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    • 138 4 DIAMOND DAILY 3 SHOWS AT: 3.15, 6.15, 9.15 P.M. KAWATRA BROS. LAUGH RIOT WITH HAUNTING MELODIES AND RHYTHMIC DANCES! rrvlMrt ■'DOOP M»i* IB' IN HINDI -r- WITH ENGLISH SUB-TITLES An Indian Film Combine release. GRAl^"»in>S[][TE TONIGHT at CATHAY ijimni i! h ii hFull of Lilting Songs packed with Actions and
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