Indian Daily Mail, 11 February 1956

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. XI Ntt. 859 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1956 FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 361 1 Congress Approves Nehru's Policy AMRTTSAR, Feb. 10— The National Committee of India s governing Congress Party Thursday approved Prime Minister Nehru's policy of neutrality m the cold war. w Nelhru told the Commi so much a struggle betwe« Communism, but more a si powers the
    Reuter  -  361 words
  • 212 1 Amritsar, Feb. 10. The Indian prime Minister Mr. lttee the cold war is "not zn Communism and Antitruggle between two great and Russia." Jawaharlal Nehnu, said here that the conflict m the World today was not between Communists and aa t but between
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 268 1 A motion censuring the Government for alleged "forcible eviction of two workers" families residing m Naval Base quarters" was disallowed by the Speaker, m the Legislative Assembly here yesterday on thte ground that the sponsor of the motion had not obtained Governors recommendation or consent
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  • 78 1 MARSHALL TO BE AWAY FOR 14 DAYS Du e to continued indisposition, which has lasted for more than a month, the Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, has accepted medical advice to have a complete rest m a cold r'imate for 14 days. He uL'l be leaving Singapore on Monday. Feb.
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  • 155 1 a£?^S° N> Fe 10 Tungku Abdu Rahman, Malaya's Chlet Minister, was today gome to Cambridge to revive memories and visit -friends at "to "id college. St. Catharines Nearly 30 years ago the 53-><ear-old prince took a ba'he'or <* ar ts degree from St. Catharine s and was
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 152 1 Tungku Leaving London On. Thursday LONDON. Feb. 10.— The Malayan delegation to the London Conference on Malaya's constitutional future is leaving here by air on its journey m two batches. The first group departs this evening, it includes Dr. Ismail Minister for natural Resources, Dato Mohammed Seth, Deputy Mentri Besar
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  • 327 1 Possibilities To Be Explored By .Committee f-JPSffitS 1 JS^ if the to approve the proposal. "*i»we its possibilities were motS e to Si^i a s P °e r ff e ec¥ giSlatlVe a The motion introduced by the Minister for Education, Mr. Ohew Swee Kee and amended
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  • 53 1 Acknowledging receipt of Singapore Legislative Aucmuys congratulatory message to him, tne Chief Minister oj the federation, TungKu Abdul k*»""wn said m a message that he 'looks forward to reciprocate the feelings not In the too distant future.' The message w a» read out m the Legislative Assembly yesterday
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  • 87 1 u\S! r central xndia, Feb. 10— More than 2,20j textile workers have been arrested here m the past twelve days for taking part m prohi bited processions m the city streets. J Six textile mills m Nagpur are to close down tomorrow until their 14,000
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  • 278 1 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT TO BE RETAINED LONDON, Feb. 10— A week before a House of Commons debate on whether murderers m Britain snail continue to be hanged, the Government, announced it would propose improving the law regarding murder while retaining the ueath penalty. Sir Anthony Eden, the Prime Minister, put down
    Reuter  -  278 words
  • 227 1 Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, leader of the people's Action Party announced yesterday m the Singapore Legislative Assembly amidst interruptions from the Government benches, that he did not propose to introduce bis motion seekin* the to discuss the question of unification of Singapore and the Federation of
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  • 33 1 LONDON, Feb. 10.— Sir Anthony Eden, British Prime Minister, returned here by air yesterday after his talks with President Eisenhower m Washington and the Canadian Government m Ottawa,- Reuter
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  • 142 1 QUEEN ELIZABETH II appear s (see 'picture on top) engrossed as she watchee the w \nd winnow the chaff from the corn during the Royal visit to a children's vilage display at Kadtna, Nigeria, Feb. S. The girl at left Is pouring the mixed chaff and
    AJ>.  -  142 words
  • 261 1 Govt. Bill Also To Be Considered The Shop and Office Employees, a private Bill, moved by the leader of the Ldberal Socialist Party, Mr. Lim Choon Mong, passed its Second Reading m tlhe Assembly yesterday and referred to a Select Committee. Another similar
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  • 39 1 a ne >m i Miiii>>itr Mr. David Marsnal!, \\l I not hold his 'Meet- the -People session today, Saturday, the I'ublic AUMsorj Bureau will be attenaance as usual at the Conference nooui, Fuoiic Relation* Otlic«.
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  • 188 1 U^ujjJD NATIONS, NEWYORK, it-eo. 10.— V. K. Krishna Menon, veteran Indian delegate to the U.N.,, i s coming back soon m his new rank of Cabinet Minister. The Lnaian Delegation annoinced Thursday tnat Menon would arrive m New York about Feb. 27 to
    AP  -  188 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1013 2 Lays Foundation Of City's Waterworks QUIIX)N: Laying the foundation-stone of the Quilon Water Works last Friday at the Cantonment Maidan, President Rajendra Prasad said that at the present moment India was passing through a period of transition and added t hat it was up to them
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  • 944 2 QUILON: President Rajendra Prasad laying the foun-dation-stone of the Thangal Kunju Musaliar College last Friday at Kilikolloor, near Quilon «unr>nasised that education m this country required reorientation and felt glad that m the T.-C. State, they had understood its significance and were trying to meet
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 2 Dr. B. V. Keskar, Union Minister, for Information and Broadcasting', Inaugurated the new 20 K.W. transmitter of A.I.R. at Avadi. Picture shows the Minister addressing and a view of the gathering.
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  • 550 2 NEW DELHI: Food production m India had risen from fifty million tons m 1 950-51 to 65.8 million tons m 1954-55, exceeding the target by about 4.8 million tons as a result of implementation of irrigation and power projects m the First Five-Year Plan,
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  • 195 2 VEGETARIAN TEETOTALLER KOTTE: Sir Lalita Rajapakse Q.C., former Minister of Justice, said here that he had become the laughing stock at dinners and receptions because he was a vegetarian and a teetotaller. Sir Lalita, who was addressing the gathering at the seven, th annual prize-giving of the Sri Dhamasoka Buddhist
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 19 2 \M^ HuSs tnus assisting him m V. V'.'fl HP^ teething. SOLI ACINTSt »A|LOW CO M ITO Oc«*n Building Singapoft.
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    • 154 2 Parker'sl' A gift that famous people are proud to receive -fif J Tlk Parker $r has always been for m ad- -»->^ 1 c^6«M*t *"ice of ail other pc* Sow, H,,h, is unique 13 OTp |T" fC 1 < A*'o-metrK ink system and equally exclu- JL CIJ. JjLtsi »J 1
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  • 1511 3 No Increase Of Frequencies Without India Govt's Prior Approval NEW DELHI: Aammrrf*? mFJ^LS*™* 0 STATES SIGNED AN AIR TWofSSSX^ 8 **EQUENCIESOF THE HA^EMaSS^^ I^ 158 PAN-AMERICAN AND T.W.A. COUOU LncSK1 ARY BEPORE FREQUENCY The negotiations have been long drawn principally because of American insistence that
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  • 299 3 BHAVE AGAINST SOVIET OR WESTERN METHODS I HLDKrtAiiAO: Achurya vmo^a B^ave has expressed the opinion tnat, to unpiove ncr agriculture, India snouu xunow oniuese and Japanese iiietnods rattier tnan Amencin or nussian. He told an American Proxessor recently that, although india had been an agriculture country tram time immemorial, s*4e
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  • 94 3 COLOMBO; A home made grenade ripped open the rear tyre of a car on the approach road to the Arukpessa Temple recently. No one was hurt. Police found a second unexp.oded grenade made like a paper packet a short distance from where the explosion occurred. They arrested two
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  • 75 3 A reception was held by the Singapore Harbour Board Labour Union recently m connection with the marriage of the Union Secretary, Mr. Duralwv m > with Miss Saradamtal. Picture shows the Union President Mr. V. Martappan, presenting the bridegroom a gold medal. The Minister for Works
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  • 458 3 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES: NEW CENTRAL BILL PREPARED NEW DELHI: Severn 1 health problems, which have not so far been covered by legislation m India, have been brought within the purview ot the draft Model Public Health BUI prepared by a Committee set up "by the Government of India, says an
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  • 84 3 MANIPUR P.S.P. LEADER MURDERED IMPHAL; Police reported the murder of Rajkumar Angowsna Singh, leaders of the Manipur Praja Socialist Party, m a village about 14 miles from here. He was a member of the Manipur electoral college. After post mortem, his body was taken m a procession by PSP membert,
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  • 100 3 LONDON: Three caskets, containing relics over 2,000 years old, believed to be of Buddhist saints, were presented by the trustees of the British Muse* to to the Government of India. They were received by India's High Commissioner m Britain, Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Pandit, at a simple
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 77 3 the only genuine PERFUME NONE GENUINE I WITHOUT RUBBER 9 1 STOPPER AND PLASTIC SEAL f^fx\ UNDER SCREW cSsl* -sS|gpi 1 11 FAVOURITE %?&!%rt lif renowned for T l- 'y»— A fill OT II <GyZZ, IjH 1 1 lts ]ast i n g £f^H 1 1 M llfffl In fraETsncc
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    • 157 3 HANDLOOM FABRICS Jfoted for their excellence In texture, beauty el design and richness of artistic appeal. THE INDIAN HANDLOOM INDUSTRY has been a producer of cotton, silk and woollen cloth from times immemorial: India's fine Muslins* Chintzes, Shawls, Brocades etc were the rage of fashionable women In far off Egypt,
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  • 27 4 The Office of the Indian Commission m Malaya, at Grange Road, will remain closed on Monday, Feb. 13, on accound of the Chinese New Year.
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  • 68 4 Mr. Tan Theng Chiang, Assistant Minister for Local Government, Lands and Housing, yesterday deferred the intioduction of his motion seeking the acceptance of the Singapore Legislative Assembly of the principle of a State Lottery. Explaining the reason Mr. Tan Then* Chiang- said the time at the disposal
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  • 95 4 I MRS. F. H. FIELD of East Hoathley, near Uckfield, Sussex, receives the Sultan of Perak'g Gallantry Medal for bravery in attending injured men, at a ceremony at Malaya House, London, on Feb. 4. Making the presentation is the Mentri Besar of Perak, DATO PANGLIMa
    -A.P.  -  95 words
  • 515 4 Narayanan And Übaidullah Make Guarded Comments From Our Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR Fri. The Chief Minister Tungku Abdul Rahman's Merdeka announcement of August 57, as the target date for Malayan Independence was generally greeted m the Federal Capital with great rejoicing. However, some political observers wanted more time
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  • 68 4 KARACHI, Feb. 10 fakistans Foreign Minister Mr. 'Hameedul Hug Chowdhri, commenting on the announcement relating to Malaya's freedom, said: "We welcome that the aspirations of the people Of Malala have been fulfilled. We look to the day< when s.'ie will acquire full status as a member
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 43 4 Ciuei of tne *eueratiun ot Malaya, will »»e tawing part m a special l# it!»!» gMHMIMI oetng uiwaaeast touay, ssaturuay, *co. 11 troui *x)iMlon. it will be relayed by Kao«o Ma aya and van be ueard at pj"Malayan time.
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  • 73 4 W'OLVERHAMPTOn CENTRAL ENGLAND Feb 10 Malays Education Minister, Dato Abdul Razak, said today that the Malaya Constitutional Conference w hich concluded m London yesterday had 'heralded the birth of a new nation.' 'From now on Malaya's internal administration lies m the hands of her own people,'
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  • 115 4 LONDON, Fet>. io. Broadcasting- m the BBC's Far Eastern programme the Chief jvauiscer of ti.e federation of Malaya, Tungku Abdul Rahman xeveaieu tnat tn e Mission whose report has fcpt been albeit nau had 'a litt.e bit of a tiff with the government about the
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  • 203 4 SOVIET LEADERS TO DINE WITH QUEEN LONDON, Feb. 10— Final details of the earning visit to Britain by the Soviet leaders, Marshal Nikolai Bulganin and Mr. Nikita Kivusltcnev, are likely to be approved by British Ministers within the next few days, diplomatic sources said. The Soviet Prime Minister and Communist
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  • 173 4 SOVIET UNION'S INCONVERTIBLE CONTRIBUTION BANGALORE, INDIA, Feb. 10 The Soviet and American delegates clashed here during a debate on economic aid at a meeting of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East. T.*e Soviet delegate Mr. G. O. Veliky had said that Russia was contributing 18,000,000 roubles (about
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 188 4 U.S.-SOVIET RACE FOR MASS SUICIDE WASHINGTON, Feb. 10 President Eisenhower said ai a press conference that the United States and other nations now had the power to devastate each other completely with atomic missiles taat could not be one hundred per cent effectively intercepted Mr. Eisenhower discussed the race between
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 65 4 CEYLONISATION OF SERVICES COMPLETED WELIGAMA: Since the achievement of Independence seven years ago the Ceylonese have advanced so much bo that all Important posts held by foreigners are now held by them", said Major Montague Jayewickreme, Minister of Transport and Works, at a meeting at Polwateumodera. which preceded the opening
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 158 4 TODAY: 7 A 9.50 p.m. "HAARJEET" (m Hindustani) Shyama Sureeh iuitiMil.Mi|iHi|iiiitiiiilliii«iiii|iiit|iliilillll<mtiilitiuiliii,lMUl',i niMtmili iil.ii.riiiiiininiii.ii.riiii.niiniii lunllr.ll BY POPULAR REQUEST I GLORIOUS 2ND MID-NITE ON I I MONDAY, 13— 2— '56 (Tamil) I AT CATHAY SINGAPORE I STARRING: I JEMINI GANESAN, K. R. RAMASAMY, SAHASRANAMAM, RAJA SU LOCH ANA, I KUSALA KUMARI AND
      158 words
    • 335 4 ss. "RAJUA" SAILING 16—2-56 Intending passewpfers for t*ie s.s. "Rajula" are notified that the vessel will sail from Singapore to Nagapattinam and Madra» at 11 a.m. on the 16th February 1956 from the Singapore Harbour Board Wharf and embarkation will commence as follows: Cabin Passengers 0 a.m. on 16 2
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