Indian Daily Mail, 29 July 1955

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. XI NO. 164 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1955 FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 317 1 To Discuss Formation Of Ministry Nominations H.C.s Discretionary Powers! (From Our Correspondent) KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.—Alliance Leader and Chief Minister-desig-nate of the Federation of Malaya Tungku Abdul Rahman will see the Federation High Commissioner, Sir Donald Macgrillwray tomorrow for discussion m connection with
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  • 437 1 An interesting discussion followed Mr. P. R. Williams moving: a motion m the City Council yesterday on the question of "overtime work performed by monthly paid staff." Utter Qonfusion prevailed among members whether the mover was aiming tc establish the principle of paying
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  • 141 1 (From Our Correspondent) KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs: Party Negara which suffered devastating defeat at the hands of the Alliance m the Federal Elections took full responsibility for it's failure today and blamed none. In a statement issued this evening, it said the party was aware of the
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  • 48 1 JAKARTA. July 28. Vice President Mohammed Hatta said Wednesday he hopes a new Government will be formed within the next few days. He is continuing discussions with Indonesian political parties following the resignation of Prime Minister Sastroamidjojo over a dispute with the Army. AP
    AP  -  48 words
  • 351 1 ALLIANCE 49 OUT OF 50 ANNOUNCED With the results of two more seats to be announced, the Alliance has won 49 conceding only one seat to the P.M.I.P. candidate m Krian, Perak, so far. Alliance had eliminated the giants of Party Negara like Dato Onn bin Ja'affar, Dato Nik Kamll
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  • 73 1 (From Our Correspondent) KUALA LUMPUR, Thura. Newto of the first Alliance defeat came at five a.m. Thursday whenn the result of Perak Krian was announced In favour of Haji Ahmad Tuan Hussaln» P.M.I.P. candidate who polled 8685 out of total vote of 27,839. The opposition
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  • 101 1 Tungku Shadow Cabinet To Meet Week-End (From Our Correspondent) KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs In Kuala Lumpur a jubilant and victorious Tungku Abdul Rahaman, th e Alliance Leader, today stated, he would call a meeting of his shadow cabinet this weekend, after his meeting with the Federation High Commissioner tomorrow. The Tungku
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  • 80 1 Door Still Open Says Marshall Commenting on the Parliament's rejection o- his deoiund for appointment of four Assistant Mr. Marshall told the Indian Daily Mail that the door was still not closed tor an honourable soluUou. Mir Allen Lennox-Boyri, the Secretary of State for the Colonies is expocted here on
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  • 27 1 BELGRADE July 28.—President Tito announced Wednesday that the Soviet Union has cancelled $90,000,000 m debt* Yugoslavia owed Russia fn r impcrta before 1948.— A.P.
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  • 224 1 Periyar Says Tricolour Will Be Burnt On Verandahs Report To Government's Prohibitory Order (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, July 28 Prohibitory orders have already been promulgated m some districts of Madras State against demonstrations by members of the Dravida Kalagham who have threatened to burn the Indian National Flag as
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  • 154 1 CITY COUNCIL PROVIDENT FUND SCHEME The City Council yesteroay approved Singapore Municipal Provident F.nd Rules, which m the General opinion of the Council ofters t>etlet terms' tnan even the Central Provident Fund m certain respects. Urging the Council to approve the Rule s yesterday Itself the Olty Council President Mr.
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 1 Hillevi Rombin (Miss Sweden) with Crown and Sceptre alter being elected Miss Universe at Long Beach, Calif onto, Her trophy to at left
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  • 84 1 The City Council decide*) ;/esterday not to offer any objection to the development of the Great Eastern Ttvjc Fair at Geylaqg Serai into an Amusement Park. The City Council President Mr. T. P. McNeice maOe it plain to the House that the planning authority was trie
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  • 27 1 MADRAS, July 28. The Communist backed People's Front gained absolute control over four Municipal Councils In the Pondicherry area, including- the Pondicherry Municipality, it was announced Wednesday.
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  • 146 1 City HawkersCouncil Policy To Be Reviewed The City Council decided yesterday to make another attempt to solve th ft problem of Singapore Hawkers. The Council approved a motion by Mr. S. Jaganathan to appoint a Special Commit, tee to review the Council's policy on Hawkers' problem of the City and
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  • 140 1 Devoser's Chances Of Nomination Gone? Sequel To MIC Chiefs Victory {From Our Correspondent) KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs:— Mr. V. T. Sambandam, Malayan Indian Congress, President, swept the votes on Alliance ticket, in Kinta Utara constituency by annexing 7,900 of total 12.304 votes. This would in effect mean that the aspirations of
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  • 248 1 Tungku And Marshall Ministries To Meet Aug. 22 The Tungku Abdul Ralraman Ministry and L>a\hl Marshall Ministry Mill meet m Singapore on August 22 to discuss shortterm and lonß-ninpe cooperation and coordination pians towards the welfare, oi the peoples of both the territories. The Tungku, passod through Singapore last might
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  • 86 1 (From Our Correspondent) KUAC& U MPUR, Thvirp Mr. V. T. Sambandam, M.I.C. President and Alliance cnnlioato for Kin La Utara PfitHl that the results have shown that the Hca orate had risen al uve communal attachments and had discerningly votco on p -.rty line*;, which was comrrcndable. It
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  • 120 1 Ex-MIC Bosh An Ugly Scene Averted KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs: When the Federation's first result, that of Koala Lumpur Barat where Mr. One Yoke lim scored the first victor? for the Alliance, was announced la*t night to the crowds gathered at the Selangor cfub Padang exejted party supporters broke police cordon
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 675 2 Indian Daily Mail S' pore, Fri. July 29, 1955 Mere Slogans Wont Do! ri'HK mighty communal com- Mne, the UMNO.MCA Alliance, has *t<?amroMed itself to victory. de»troyln r practically everything: befpre It, even the i:i i»-s"t trees la Its path! It hHH humbled giant* like Dato rm bin Ja'afar and
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  • 131 2 NEW DELHI; The Indian Council of Medical Research nlans to build its permanent headquarters soon. The Council is reported to have requested the Union Ministry of Health for a smtable site, a piece of land ad i ■l'-cnt to thn rroposed All-In-clia Medical Institute In the Rdft'arganj area
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  • 948 2 Political Role Of Women Exercise Of Civil Rights Main Items On The Agenda LONDON: For the first time, a congress of the International Alliance of Women its Golden Jubilee Congressis to be held outside* of Europe. The Congress open* at St. Bridget's Convent, Cinnimon Guldens, Colombo, on
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  • 137 2 CALCUTTA: The Calcutta branch of the Indian Bank, Madras, was formally declared open last week by Sir B. P. Singh Roy Dr. A. Ramaswami Mudaliar, Chairman, Industrial Credit and Investment Corpo. ration, presided over the function. Sir B. P. Singh Roy said that the banking habit m
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  • Article, Illustration
    89 2 Photo shows the Shell trophy to be presented to the Malayan Auxiliary Air Force at noon on Saturday, July 30, In the Officers' Mess at the M.A.A.F. Headquarters m Beach Road, Singapore. Air Vice-Marshal Kyle as Commander of the M.A.AJ". will receive he trophy from Mr. F. T.
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  • 90 2 KARAIKAL: There was a tocuhing incident at the Seithoor polling station In Tirunalar commune, when a middleaged Hindu woman rushed In all excited to ex. erdse her franchise. She begged the Polling Officer to allow her to vote immediately m order to get back
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  • 160 2 KATHMANDU: King Ma. hendra on Sunday inaugurated a 200-line battery telephone exchange m Kathmandu con. structed by India. Two khukris m beautifully carvCd cases were presented as a token of Nepal Government's goodwill and gratitude to two Indian engineers. Mr. S. Saxexna and Mr. C.
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  • 409 2 Azad's Talks With U. K. For Transfer Fail NEW DELHI: The negotiations between the British Government and Maulana Azad, Union Minister for Education, regarding the transfer of the India Office Library m London has broken down, it is learnt here. This news has caused not only disappointment
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 2 The Big Four pose before 117 cameras on the ground* of the Palais de Nations jn Geneva. From left, Bulganln, Eisenhower, Edgar Faure and Sir Anthony Eden.
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  • 278 2 Following communication was published m a Bombay newspaper: It Is proposei to perform, at Poona. m October, 1955, the great Vedlc sacrifice called the Vajapeya. The proposed per. formance of the sacriflve Is expected to serve a two-fold purpose. The. conditions of crisis and insecurity prevailing
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  • 183 2 NEW DELHI; A scheme for establishing seven regional cottage industry centres fcr the benefit of displaced persons has been evolved by the Rehabilitation Ministry. One important aspect of the scheme is that these centra will place more emphasis on quality than on quantity m
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  • 65 2 PESHAWAR: The historic Hindukush Mountain, which almost cuts across Afghanistan, has been renamed Hindkoh. The Afghanistan Government has issued instructions to all concerned, particularly the Education Minister, to ensure that the famous mountain is net referred to m future as Hindukush. New history s are to
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  • 145 2 CUTTACK. The Sessions Judge of Cuttack, Mr Jayakrusnna Misra, last week sentenced 80-year.old Pagis Baba, head of Kaliaboda Math, on the outskirts of Cuttack, to two years and one year's simple imprisonment on two counts. These sentences are to run concurrently. The case arose out of
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  • 95 2 DHANBAD: Six miners were Killed when a portion of a quarry mine m Mugma field subsided last week according to message received here from Dhanbad and Chirkundl. Two dead bodies have so tar been recovered from* the debris. say.} a report from Ch'.rkundi. Efforts for
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  • 414 2 LAHORE: Mr. Mujibur Rehman, Awami League member of the Pakistan Constituent Assembly, said her c that the Centra! Government headed by Mr. Mohammed Ali should resign. He told correspondents here that at best, the character of th c Central Cabinet wa s that of a care-taker
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  • 159 2 CALCUTTA: The Soviel Union is prepared to offer to India an atomic reactor, ancillary nuclear equipment and the necessary technical assistance, it i S learnt. The offer was made to Dr. Meghnad Sana, Director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta, while he
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  • 765 3 Commission To Issue A Questionnaire Shortly M r B er C** 1 <* the Offlcia^E££»™ < said that the Comlsrfon would short y rirSSS m J^ imt I"?** o to eUdt suggestions as to ho£ BP «dlly and In what manner Hindi <£ other taaftLuns JSSk
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  • 286 3 NEW DELHI: The consen- 1 sus of opinion among the representatives cf the four allIndia political parties at tneir resumed n~ eel ing with the Chief Election Commissioner. M;- Sutoumar Sen, here was that it was not necessir v tc ban processi -as m a constituency on
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  • 150 3 NEW DELHI: Goverumeut experts here believe it would be scon possible to make accurate forecasts of coming Kood.s so as to prevent loss of life and property m theOanga and Brahmaputra basins. These forecasts will be based on an analysis of hydraulic data collected by 3,500 ralnffo.H
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  • 181 3 Appoint Tamils As Envoys In Malaya, Ceylon And Burma CHIDAMBARAM; A resolution to resume the Tamliianr agitation m Chittoor If Boundary Commission w«l not appointed before the end of July wa« passed by the South Arcct Tamil Arasu K&shagam Conference held here at the Raja Annamalal Town Mall grounds, The
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  • 81 3 NEW YORK. The world's popu ation continues t« Increase, United Nations *tatisti. cian X reveal. Last year, they estimate, It was something over 2,528,000.000. an increase of more than 86,*****00 In a year. These figure* were arrived at following a stduy of 220 areas into which
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  • 269 3 'Capitalism' Only Out Of Date, But Nothing Wrong NEW DELHI: Mr. Nehru said that there was "nothing' 1 wrong with capitalism except that it was "wholly out of date to-day." He was answering a question by a correspondent at tht Press conference. The correspondent had asked what the Rrtme Minister
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  • 140 3 BOMBAY: Messrs. Farbvvcrke Hocchat AC. the JnterfUtionally known German pharmaceutical concern, is negotiating with the Union Government the setting up of a plant to manufacture pharmaceutical products mi n this country, it is learned here. The German firms proposes to manufacture, m co operation with Indian
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  • 82 3 BOMBAY: The committee of the International Theatre Unit an organ of the UNESCO, has accepted an Indian proposal to set up an international theatre m India. Dr. P. S. Phadke. leader 01 the Indian delegation which recently returned from the International Theatre Confer* ence at Dubrovnlk,
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  • 329 3 CASABLANCA: A small community of Indian s are liv. ing dangerously m this riotstricken principal city and seaport of strife-torn French Morocco. While daily naticnalist demonstrations by both Arab and settler elements disturb its peaceful activity and gun and bomb outrages bring death destruction out
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  • 91 3 KARIMGANJ (Assam): Train services between Barai. gram and Dullabcherri have been suspended following the derailment of a passenger train, about 22 miles from here on Sunday morning. The 36 Down train with with its engine, two loaded wagons and thre P passenger compartments, got derailed between
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  • 91 3 Pcraders halt while a priest on a portable altar simulates Brazil's first mass, m the >ear 1500, and Benedetto Aloi«i Cardinal Masella (see picture on right). Papal Legate to the 36th International Eucharistic Congress, being- held m Ric de Janeiro, Brazil, (see picture above) waves to
    AP  -  91 words
  • 230 3 JAIPUR: Mr. Ashok Mchta, P.S.P. leader said here that the tendency to attribute the easing of tensions m the world to Inuia's foreign policy alone was fraught with the danger cf estranging the country's relations with other nations". Mr. Mehta, who was addressing a public
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  • 119 3 MADRAS: The Government has directed that with effect frcm the next academic year, 1956-57, 16 per cent of the seats m educational institutions be reserved for candidates of the Scheduled Castes an<i Sschedul. Ed Tribes, and 25 per cent -for candidates belonging to the
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  • 199 3 MADRAS: The Delhi Public Library will be the yenu c of an international seminar to study the principal public library problems m Asia and to draft plans and proposals for the development of services, particularly m connection with fundamental education. The Seminar, which will take place
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  • 286 3 NEW DELHI: India will shortly sign the revised international Convention on {he liability of air operate rs for damage caused by their air. craft to third parties on the surface, it was learnt here. The convention, drawn up at Rome m 1952, aims at unifying the rules
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  • 110 3 NEW DELHI: Mr. V. Narahari Rao, who retired last year as Comptroller and Auditor General of India is shortly proceeding to the Sudan to take up the post of Financial and Economic Adviser to the Sudan Government. Mr. Rao, who wa s the first
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 138 3 FREE to the trail ferlng hunmnity« Send your pro-H blent* with sulnjpi dent postage fur||j reply. For brilliant opinions from dtsthtgnfafc. Ed personages, gazetted ofteer* and businessmen ret the FREE BOOKLET.* Prof. R. T. TIIEVAR. TANTRIC. PALNI. Madural Dt. Sooth India. THE WORLD'S GREATEST HEALER The safest, surest treatment for
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  • 41 4 WASHINGTON. July 28:— President Eisenhower said yesterday he believes he would allow peaceful foreign planes to fly over any area, of the United States to carry out his Geneva Proposal for exchange of military blueprints ana aerial inspection.- AP
    AP  -  41 words
  • 161 4 A section of the 4000-slroug crowd watching with eyes and mouth wide opened, Gor a Singh, ttoe Indian wrestler, taking a bite off a rib of a full-grown roasted Australian sheep on Mond-vy at the Empress Place. Gora Singh started with a roasted sheep, weighing
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  • 126 4 Will Recall Tamilnad's Past Glory And Greatness (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Ju)y 28 The Madias City Corporation has decided to replace the 300-year-oJd City Coat-of-arms —the Crest Saint George and Dragon originated by the British East Indin, Company by one more suitable to the chief
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  • 156 4 Babu Rao Guilty Under Two Sections From Our Own Correspondent NAGAPUR, July 28t-Rick-shaw puller Babu Rao wa3 found unaimoualy guilty °f attempting the cause the death of Premier Nehru on -'March 12, by a five-man jury trying the case m the court of the Sessions Judge here. The jury retired
    AP  -  156 words
  • 173 4 Greetings From Friends Of Malaya In U.K. LONDON,, July 28: The Ma. layan League of Friendship celebrated election da y m Malaya yesterday with a reception and tea at the House of Common^ followed by a meeting of the members of the League and their friends. W. T. Proctor, M.P.
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 51 4 ATHENS, July 28: An Israeli airliner wa s forced down m flames m Communist Bulgaria Wednesday. Greek authorities said Bulgarian anti. aircraft gunners shot it down near the Greek border and that all but perhaps one of the 58 persons aboard must he considered dead.—
    A.P.  -  51 words
  • 164 4 MELBOURNE, July 28 A shortage of crew today threatened to prevent the Australian Government-owned freighter tyalla (7,437 tons) from carrying equipment to Australian forces m Malaya. The Tyalla was due to sail tomorrow from TownsvMle, North Queensland, with 7,000 tons
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 61 4 S. Indian School At Delhi Lodi Colony mm Our Own Correspondent NEW DELHI, July 38— The Madras Government has granted Us. 100,000 towards building the new premises of the South Indian School at Lodi Colony where most South Indians reside. The School run by the Madras Education Society was first
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  • 98 4 U.S.-RED CHINA TALKS IN GENEVA WASHINGTON. July 28: Mr Alexis Johnson, United States Ambassador to Prague, is expected to receive personal last minute instructions from President Eisenhower before flying to Geneva to open new talks with Communist China next week. Mr. Johnson arrived here on Wednesday and ha 3 been
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 59 4 i'ARIS, Ju!y 28. Premier Edgar Faur« told (l f the forth. oomin X Soviet leaders' visit to London by a journalist m the Assembly lobby said "that i" very interesting" asked if he intended to invited the Russian leader^ to visit Paris he smiled broad'y
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  • 45 4 A 3Vid. postage stamp to recognise the work of Young Men's Christian Association m Australia for more than 100 years, and to commemorate the if.M.C.A. World Centennial which occurs this year, w'" bo issued at all Australian P^t offices during August, 1955.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 106 4 nag....""""*'"'"'"'"""' TODAY 7 9.15 pan. Republic's Thrillng "The Shanghai Story" ROYAL To-day at 3, 6.15 9.15 p.m. An incomparable piece of Emotional Entertainment SNEHASEEMA Malayalam HARI RAY A HAJI ATTRACTION OPENING TO-MORROW AT 4 Shows: 11.50, 3.15, 6.15, 9.15 p.m. SEASON FOR ENTERTAINERS More Exciting and Entertaining Starring Mahipal Chitra
      106 words
    • 21 4 DIAMOND Last Day: 3 7.30 p.m. AMMAYAPPAN It's Gian Singh's Release Tomorrow Midnight Premiere NALLA PILLAI (Tamil) Advance Cash Bookings Available
      21 words
    • 142 4 Complete Sellouts Yesterday! Today Tomorrow i big shows: Show Times: 12.1(5 p.m. 3.16 630 9.15 P-m. SOUTH-EAST ASH FILM CO., proudly presents INDIA'S HOTTEST MUSICAL starring: -^w SfIAIvIL'A ,< «P» B^Bk. v-- >^9B^P L?^ 4 T 4 T mil fe;; ..f^^^B "«^ftS| O/V•! J IN liliifiiwff^^^^lffiMMy^ %flßi AND Till.' W^f^BKf
      142 words