Indian Daily Mail, 28 July 1955

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
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  • 351 1 ALL, ALL FOR ALLIANCE SO FAR Heavy Polling In Many States More Women, Than Men Vote Enthusiasm In Rural Areas The successful Alliance candidates are: ONG YOKE LIN (K. L. Barat), CHEAH EWE KEAT (K. L. Timor), TAN SIEW SIN (Malacca, Central), A. GHAFFAR b. BABA (Malacca Luar) HASHIM
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  • 296 1 India Welcomes U. S.-China Geneva Talks NEW DELHI. July 27: India has welcomed the meeting be. tween the United States and Chines^ Ambassadors m Gene, va next week as a "first step" towards settlement of Far Eastern problems. An exchange of personal letters between Prime Minister Nehru and President Eiscn.
    Reuter  -  296 words
  • 46 1 WASHINGTON, July 27— President Eisenhower acknowledged at his press conference today that it might be necessary to raise the proposed talks between United States and Chinese Ambassadors to the level of the Foreign Minister^ m order to straighten things out.- Reuter
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  • 608 1 M. I. C.— A DANGER TO MALAYA Causing Split Among Tamils Attitude Deplored From Our Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— ln an exclusive interview, the Indian Daily Mail was told by Mr. Kasinathan. Headmaster of the Vivekananda Tamil School, Brickfields Road, Kuala Lumpur, the biggest Tamil School m the country, that
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  • 175 1 Pak. RC. 1 rom Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, July 27— The only possible soUutiori of the Kasnmir problem was an hon-jst and just plebiscite under n*±uIral supervision, stated the Pakistani High Commissioner m India Raja Gazanfar Ali Khan to pressmen here yestprday when entertaining
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  • 57 1 NEW DELHI, July 27: Prime Minister Nehru Informed Parliament today the South Vietnam government has offered compensation to members of the International Truce Commission whose personal belongings were destroyed by rioters m Saigon. A total of 44 com. mission members lost all thrir personal effects when antiCommunist
    AP  -  57 words
  • 47 1 Hospital Helps Malay Woman With Broken Knee In the constituency of Liv Selangor, one atfalay woman with a broken knee was very keen on voting, but she lived a long way from her polling station. The Hospital provided an ambulance to take ncr to the polling station.
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  • 79 1 The first ballot box to ba lifted by helicopter wa s box from Temengor, m the constituency of Sungei Perak Ulu to Kuala Kangsar. Seventy per cent of the registered electorate voted at the polling station at Temengor which Was opened from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Another helicopter
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  • 160 1 SIR JOHN IS WILLING TO VISIT CHINA COLOMBO, July 27.: Premier Sir John Kotelawala told the House of Representatives last night that he was willing to go to China or Russia and have discussions with them only if those countries treated the people of Ceylon ou equal terms. Sir John
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  • 195 1 City Workers Demands-Talks Resumed Representatives of the City Council end representatives of the City Council Labour Unions Federation, met yesterday afternoon under the chairmanship of the Minister for Labour. A further meeting, it la an. nounced will be held at the Labour Ministry at 2.15 p.m. on Friday, July 29.
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  • 179 1 Harijans To Launch Satyagraha In Madras From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, July 25. The Tamilnad Scheduled Castes Federation the political party representing Harijans In the State has decided to start Satyagraha before the Madras Legislative Assembly when the session opens on Aug. 1 as a protest against the alleged failure
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  • 79 1 Cast His Vote And Breathed His Last! Federation's only election tragedy occured here at Kampong Bharu polling station yesterday morning when an aged Chinese coilapsed m dead faint after casting his vote. 64 year old Chow Hee was rushed to the General Hospital but died before reaching the hospital at
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  • 125 1 NAGPUR. India. July 27 Babu Rao, a rickshaw puller, wa s found guilty today of attempting to cause the death oi the Indian Prime Minister, Mr Jawa hartal Nehru, here on March 12. The jury reached a unanimous verdict. The Sessions Judge will pass sentence tomorrow.
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  • 41 1 U.N. Seat For Ceylon: Eden's Assurance COLOMBO, July, 27. British Prime Minister, Sir Anthony Eden, has assured the Ceylon Prime Minister .that the British Government would do all that could be done to help Ceylcn gain admission to the United Nations.
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  • 402 1 From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, July 27— The pondieherry District Congress which is the official branch of the Indian National Congress hps just managed to win an absolute majority of seats In the election to the new Legislative Assembly after the merger. The District
    Reuter  -  402 words
  • 213 1 Times LONDON. July 27. THE TIMES today expressed the hope that the Singapore Legislative Assembly's call for complete self-government will eventually be regarded by the Assembly Itself as an asplra. tion ather than as a demand. Thi s independent newspaper declared: "When Mr. Lennox Boy<j
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 45 1 U.K. Rejects Marshall's Proposal LONDON, July 27— The GovcTrnmn-nt today rejected a proposal m the House of Commons by Mr. Reginald Sorensen/ a Labour Mem bar that it should "sympathetically consider*' accepting Mr. David Marshall's proposal for four extra ministers m the Singapore Government. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 83 1 From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, July 27 The Chinglejiut District Board has condemned Periyar B. V. R?masamy's tin oat t> burn the National Flag on Aug. 1 M a protest against Hindi. The resolution passed by tnc Board said the action would nol only discredit the G> vptoment
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 728 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Thur. Junly 28, 1955 No Co-existence With Tyranny! 1 1 h\ even the giant British TT and the less glaatfy French have left the Indian subcontinent la good grace, leaving the people free to rule i linn selws, it is a great pity similar wisdom has
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  • 85 2 NEW DELHI: The Publications Division 01 the Union Ministry of Information and nr-adcnstino' is preparing a 1. ok on the history of the Jnd stage. The book will deal with the history of drama m different }»cits of the cuntry and how •t has developed through
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  • 1068 2  - --Freedom Of The PressBiggest Safeguard Of Liberty PETER HOWARD Government And Newspapermen By ("A nation without a free press is a slave nation, declares Mr. Peter Howard m the following article on the Freedom of the Press. Mr. Peter Howard close associate of Dr. Buchman, foun d c r of
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  • 119 2 NEW DELHI: The cattle insurance scheme sponsored by the Central Government is likely to be implemented m the beginning of the next financial year (1956-57). The scheme aims at givin? farmers security against untimely death of cattle, which I ampers their agricultural operations. It also contemplates maintaining the
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  • 56 2 Queen Mother And Mrs. Pandit Watch Indian Dancing The Queen Mother inaOo a tour of the Commonwealth Exhibition and market held In the grounds of Marlborough House, m aid of the Distressed Gentlefolks' aid Association. AP. Photo shows: Tho Queen Mother with Mrs. Pandit watch Indian dancer* (luring their tour
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  • 282 2 NEW DELHI: Sttrdar BahadurSing, M.P., acting president of the Akali Dal, had a meeting with Master Tara Singh, Sardar Hukum Singh and Gyani Kartar Singh, who are lodged In Ourgaon Jail and acquainted them with the trend cf his recent talks with Prime Minister
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  • 82 2 CUTTACK: Dr. S.N. (:.antaya, Director of Health, said there were nearly 86 lakhs blind or hall-blind people m India and m this regard India stood second m the world, Ktfypt occupying the first place. Dr. Gantaya, who was speaking at the Rotary Club r
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  • 98 2 NEW DELHI: A mu»#im of modern Indian and tribal dresses Is to be established as part of the National Museum here, it Is reliably learned. The object Is to display the diversity and colourf ulnes < of costumes worn by various communities m the different States.
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  • 284 2 CALCUTTA: Commensurate with the rising tempo of industrial expansion and the diversification of manufacture m India, which will be further increased during the period of the second Flvc»Year Plan, the Government Test House at Alipore is actively pursuing its policy of expanding testing- facilities. A
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  • 149 2 IX>NDON India is well represented at the sevjn day commonwealth Law Conference, described by the British La w Society the Hosts, as the first or its kind," wine 1 oyena at Westminster Hall. Die four Indian lawyers invited are N.C. Chatterjee, President of the Hindu
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  • 36 2 MR. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU and President Soekarno* of Indonesia: They met again at Delhi. President s.»«k un.> is on bis Haj pilgrimage to Mecca. They last met at Krndung at the Afro-Asian Powers' Conference.
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  • 735 2 BOMBAY. The second day's session ot the Mayors' Conference here considered a drai't joint representation to be submitted to the l'lanning Commission seeking financial aid for implementing the development s chemcs of major cititrw under the second Five.Year Plan. The draft prepared by
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  • 181 2 Nutritional Deficiency Among Youth BOMBAY- The somow-iat startling revelation that '-oung adults from middle-cal^s city homes suffer f»o m nutritional deficiencies is n adc m a recent survey conducted hen. Dr. R.A Lewis, visiting professor of the World Health Organisation, and Dr. R.S. Sr.toskar, conducted Investigations at the G. 5.
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  • 643 3 Educationists Experts To Explore Possibility inr o?edu^t!Sr i VC con ««*«t«d a Committee consistth£ JSffff* 1 and experts to advise the Government on tefe* r£TM^SE£* e J* the m d l of instruction m col. sa suysKSS ftjii" 1 vt BUitaWe tectuac9i tenM The Committee ha
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  • 82 3 BOMBAY: The government Penicillin factn ry at Pimpri, rear Poona, is examiner the Possibilities of using indigenous matter as culture meala for growing pemciiMn moulds, it was learned hove. At present, pencillin «s benfe manufactured In the fac•ory frc m moulds formed out o- corn
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  • 212 3 CURE FOR MALAYAN PIT VIPER BITE LONDON. The horror of the death which usua ly follows within 24 hours of being bitten by a Malayan pit viper has been overcome by treating the patient with a Niih^tanre which occurs naturally m the suprarenal .glands sinaJ! bodies found »ver the kidney*..
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  • 74 3 Nehru s Gift Elephant For Canada ERNAKULAM: The tw<>-Rnu-half-year old cow elephant 'Amhika," a gift of Prime Minister Nehru to children of Canada, will leave Cochin shores. Caught from he Nilamtnir forests, the animal is offered b> the Government of Madras. It will form part of the cargo by the
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  • 224 3 TADRAS; A National Seminar on "Removal of UntoucVahility and Casteism" is to be held at Dolhi University, it was learned here. The seminar may be held for I week or ten" flays, and dates have be-en provisionally fixed between September i 5 and 30, 195f>.
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  • 141 3 MADRAS: Th e Secretary ct tne Prevention of cruelty to AnimaLs Committee of the Union Ministry of Food and Agriculture has issued a que3ti nnaire to all leading social workers and .social orgam- :.ticns m the country seeking information on the various f rms of
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  • 150 3 NEW DELHI-. Indian tea ?s becoming popular m Austrfa. According to a report of India's Trade Representative ii: that country. Austria is likely to take much larger a nan tt ties of Indian tea, provided gc^d quality is supplied and prices are stabilised. The share
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  • 75 3 This photo taken at Bonn on July 22 shows uniforms to be worn by \V«=st Germany's newly inaugurated arm id forces, Left to right (rear); An army corporal, an air force captain, a navy sergeant, a sailor, a navy lieutenant, and an air force private. In
    AP  -  75 words
  • 156 3 Urges Closer Ties With Indian Church LONDON: Although the Church of England's leaders have made a definite move towards strengthening their ties with the United Church In South Ihdia they could have gone further m this direction, says Dr. V. R. Matthews, Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral. Writing m the
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  • 180 3 NEW DELHI. The Government cf India has, for the feoond time, urged the Chinese Government to allow the establishment of rain ?avge station,; «long the River fcranmaputia »n Tibet for supply oi hydiolcgical data to the Central Water and Power Commission, :t is learned. Th? Indian
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  • 1029 3 Free Assistance Unlikely Nehru Defines Scope NEW DELHI: Mr. Nehru declared that India would like to study a little more about the association of workers with industry m Yugoslavia. mpnt r £f hru sai at his press conference that the developm .«»M n t s ia
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  • 60 3 DR. K ON RAD ADENAUER. the Federal Chancellor, takes the air at Muerren, Switzerland, on July 20, with his daughter. Dr. Rta Reiner*, left and an unnamed womeq (secretary. He ai rived at Aluorren unly 87 miles from Geneva July 18, the day t'.ie Big
    AP  -  60 words
  • 110 3 Psychological Tests For Police Recruits NEW DELHI. The Psychology Wing of the DeVence Ministry has e\olved .special te.vts to suit the needs of State Governments m the .'^lection o f police and adnvn:ttiative personnel, it is reliajWy learned. The Bihar Government re- eently requested the Centre j ior technical help
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  • 105 3 1 NEW DELHI; The Government Of India is understood to have approved a scheme «>t the Rajasthan Government envisaging the setting up ot a cultural research institute. Three such institutes are functioning a t Bhuvaneshwar m Orissa,, Ranch! m Bihar and Chindwara m Madhya Pradesh. The.'-.o
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  • 172 3 NEW DELHI; Government experts heie are considering whether prohibition would be feasible m tribal areas m view of the prevailing semirchgious customs and traditions. The overwhelming opinion at present seems to be tfiat a ban on Uquor would !>ring about a vast improvement m the economic
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 94 3 SPmHTUALt ferinsr hn inanity iHI Send your pro-HBHvS reply. F<w brilliant opinions from distinguished personages, gazetted officers and businessmen vet the FREE BOOKLET* Prof. R. T. THEVAR. TANTRIC. PALM. Madura! Dt.. South *mM+ |ilr" pl "*il BRAND: fc^^^^^^^BH P i r* i cc AVAILABLE W TINS Mango Kashmind 4 Mixed
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  • 47 4 Arrangements Paglar Cabin On Saturday, August 6, at 5.30 at the Jurone Park Scout Gamp, the President of the Boy Scouts Association, Cancn R.K.S. Adams, will open "Pag. lar Cabin" a Scouters Hut named after the late Dato C. Paglar, a former member of the Scout Council.
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  • 33 4 Prof. M. Ratnaswami, visiting Indian scholar, will address a public meeting at the British Council Hall, under the auspices of the East-West So. tirty today at 8. 30 p.m.
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  • 76 4 Malayan Artists In London Exhibition The Commissioner for -laya and Singapore, Bnche Othman bin Mohamed. recently opened an exhibition of selected workers of seven members of th e Singapore Art Society m the gallery of the Imperial Institute, London. Pointing out that this was the first collective showing of work
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  • 223 4 We'll Strive To Attain Merger Peacefully Nehru NEW DELHI, July 27: Prime Minister Nehru rejected demands m Parliament Tuesday that India try to acquire Por. tugal'e Indian colonies by a limited war on police action. Nehru said his Government will strive to
    A.P.  -  223 words
  • 48 4 PAN JIM, Goa, July 2 1 Poirtugufse Authorities today expelled 85 demonstrators who entered Goa yesterday fv m India. Their leader Nadhu. Ramachandra Limay waa detained. A Portuguese press com* munique said the demonstrators were Indian Socialists, who carried pamphlets and IndKn nags.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 154 4 Repression Already Dwindled Rail Traffic From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Juiy 25. All train services between Goa and India have been suspended from tcday. The Southern Railway Headquarters m Madras would give no reasons for this suspension, except that the action has been taken on advice from the highest quarters.
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  • 159 4 The Director ot Posts, Singapore, announces that on Saturday, 30th July. l»oo. and Monday Ist August, 195& (August Bank HoUoays) tue hours o f wusiness at the General Post office, Singapore, will be 9 a.m. to soon. Ail other Post Offices ana Postal Agenctes will
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  • 374 4 The Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall paid glowing tributes to the splendid services rendered by the Singapore Police Force during 'those days of agonizing anxiety' and 'period of stress,' witnessed during the recent riots. Mr. Marshall made this observation while proposing a vote
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  • 91 4 Need Stressed The All.Party Committee enquiring into problems of Chinese education and culture in Singapore was told yesterday by four well-known authorities that there was a press, ing need for introducing a bl-lingual system of education in Singapore. Those making: personal submissions were Mr. Lee Siow
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  • 79 4 LONDON, July 27 The Sultan of Johor c and the Sultan of Perak who have been v>siting London are leaving Southampton tomorrow m the Dutch Liner "Willem Ruy&' (21,119 tons) for Singapore) it was announced today* The Sultan of Johore wha is accompanied by the sultana
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  • 25 4 The Office at the Connnis for the Government of Tudia m Singapore will remain closed on Satuday, 30th July 1955, on account of Id-ui-Zuha.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 183 4 ROYAL 1 To-day at 3, 6.15 9.15 p.m. I FUmistan's 8 ANARKALI f I To-morrow 1 SNEHASEENA A beautiful Malayalam Picture 5 o«oaMoeoe«MasB»CH«Baa»e^^ I^H W VAI k o By B\ BW A Va I Bb I i B^ Bb I Bw A sl I I I 1 I 5 I
      183 words
    • 147 4 Hottest Show m Town Opens Today! Tomorrow Saturday: 4 Special Shown at 12.15 p.m. 3.15 6.30 9J5 p.m. SOUTH-EAST ASIA FILM CO., present* BHAGWAN Jk HIS MKKK Y-MAKF.Rs IN ANOTHER I HAPPY-CiO-LUCKY MUSICAL I -*x, V't i J Hl |n y OM should get your '^a^^^^^P*^ >vll^"^% S hea»l examined"
      147 words