Indian Daily Mail, 26 July 1955

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL, XI NO. 161 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1955 FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 601 1 Marshall Resolution Passed By 28 votes to one with three abstentions, the special meeting of the Singapore Legislative Assembly yesterday moved a five-point motion conveying to the Governor its intention to end colonialism and io rule themselves through their elected representatives. Governor Defers Reply The Governor
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  • 1607 1 4 Progressives For Independence And New Constitution Mr. Li m Koon Teck, (Progressive Party), who moved an amendment to the Chief Minister's motion before the House, to the effect that the time has arrived for transfer of power to the people of Singapore and that a new constitution
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  • 496 1 Motion Safeguards All People Progress Not Hindrances Wanted Winding up the debate on the motion, Mr. David Marshall called upon all the members of the Assembly, irrespective of personal antagonisms, irrespective of party politics, to stand together "m this assertion of our need for
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  • 89 1 Mr. Malcolm MacDona'd the o>miiiiftBJoner.Generai a» soon as he landed at hallang Airport yesterday evening' at 5.50. p'unged into the ennstitu. j tlonal crisis Singapore is experiencing today, with a view 'to do his best to help loosen. •ng (s')vne of the tled-up ends."
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  • 184 1 discussed later m the evening with th P Governor, Sir Robert Black, about the constitutional crisa developing I n the Colony and the latest developments. Last night he invited the Chief Minister Mr. David Marshall for dinner and is be, lieved to have acquainted with
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  • 53 1 Today at the Legislative Assembly meeting three Bills are likely to be passed; the Labour Bill on a certificate of Emer. gency. The Minister for Local SelfGcvernment Mr. Abdul Hamid bin Haji Jumat will introduce a motion seeking- the approval of the Assembly for the appoint, ment
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  • 452 1 GOVERNOR WANTS TIME TO STUDY IMPLICATIONS BEFORE REPLYING The speaker informed the House when it met again m the afternoon that the Governor wanted to have time to study the implications of the motion passed by the Assembly before he could ask him (the Speaker)
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  • 64 1 Lennox Boyd Studying S'pore Motion HONGKONG, July 25: Brt. tish Colonial Secretary Alan Lenncjt Boyd arrived today from the United Kingdom for a five-day visit to HONGKONG as the first part of a six.week's tour of Far Eastern British Colonies. He was expected to spend the evening quietly with the
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 62 1 The Progressive Party, the framer s of the Rendel Constitution and who indulged m bitter criticism of Marshall's motion on Friday, sprung a surprise on everybody by introducing a 'motion for grant cf independence and a new constitution altogether P.A.P. members were rather distressed at this sudden
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  • 45 1 A well-known educationist und author, Prof. MariaOoss Ruthnaswamy, M.A. (Cantab)."aw, untfl recently ViceChancellor of Annamalai University, Madras, India, wiH deliver a public lecture on INDIA AND WORLD AFFAIRS" at the St. Joseph's Institution Hall tomorrow, July 27 at 6.15 p.m.
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  • 83 1 Mr. Marshall, when asked j to give his views about yester. I day's proceedings and developments, said, he was very much dissatisfied with the Governor's reply to the Speak, er. The Chief Minister added: ♦•The door Is always open to the Colonial Government to amicably accept our
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  • 58 1 All the members of the Labour Front Coalition and P.A.P. invariably indulged jn bitter attacks against the Nominated Member Mr. G. A. P. Sutherland, m the Assembly yesterday. He was called by some as "Member of Tanglin Club," asd by oothers as "Leader for expatriate Europeans", while
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  • 86 1 India Brings About U.S.-China Meeting HONG WONG, July 25.— The New China News Agency announced today that United States a.nd Communist China would hold a meeting at Ambassadors level m Geneva on August 1. The agency said the meeting voujd discuss; (1) The repatriation of civilians and (2) Settlement of
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  • 119 1 Tho Owl Indian wrestler Goia Singh, yesterday showed to the Singapore Public that iie OM, not only cat a full■^iown Australian .«hcep, w iBhp«i down with three and half 1 ■•ttles of brandy, but also get up and walk like a 'sober man.' Gora Pingh started
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  • 248 2 DARBHANGA; The Bhutahl Balan has burst Its banks and flooded 24 villages m Phulparas thana, Darbhanga, reports P.T.I The river is reported to be rising still. Train services between Nlrmali and Ghoghardiha have been suspended sinc c July 14. Flood waters of the Kosi have spread
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  • 19 2 The President of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, being shown the Nangal Dam at Nangal.
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  • 116 2 Exam Howlers DARBHANGA. Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru Is "the Chief Minister of Bihar. This is among: the several howlers on general knowledge written In a recent test here for selection as primary and middle school teacner& under the Government's develpoment plan for education. Mr. V. K. Krishna Menon Is Prime Minister
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  • 57 2 Congress Victory In Andhra ByElection KURNOOL: Mrs. N. Venkataratnamma (Congress), widow of Mr. N. V. Rama Rao (former Andhra Agriculture Minister), has been elected to the Andhra Assembly from Burugupudi m East Godavari m the by-olection caused by the death of her husband. Mrs. Venkataratnamma has been returned unopposed the
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  • 133 2 Improvement Of Agriculture In Punjab LAHORE; The field staff of the Punjab Agricultural Department visited 8,325 villages throughout the province dux- 1 in fe March and April, it U rer orted. The purpose ot these visits was to bring home to the farmers the advantages of various scientific measures for
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  • 50 2 Special M achinery For Project NEW DELHI; Heavy a artnmovinpr machinery ordered m the U.S.A. last December for the Rs 16-crore Ganga Bridge 1-roject, near Mokameh, m B(ihair, is now being recei voa at the site. It is expected to go into action towards the end of October tWs yttr,
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  • 218 2 P.E.P.S.U. Assembly Walk-Out PATIALA: The Akalidominated united Opposition m the P.E.i J .S.U. Vidnan Sabha, Assembly o n Mcnday walked out m protest against the "inordinate delay an the enactment of tne proposed Gurdwara Bill" providing for the management of Gurawaras m the State through an elected body. 'me waik-out
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  • 173 2 KARACHI. Dr. Khan Saheb, Pakistan's Communications Minister, may take over as Chief Minister of North-West Frontier Province from Sarda r Abdur Rashid if the latter continues his oppsoiticn to thfc one-unit plan for West Pakta. ta.n. according to report from Murree.Other reports reaching here sa«d th
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  • 87 2 Passes Elementary School Exam. After 80 LA SPEZIA: A man who began his school days 80 year s ago stroked his long white whisker s with pride- at last he has succeeded m winning hl» Elementary Schcol certificate. Gaetano Barkill left school, aged nine, to work on the farm of
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  • 76 2 LONDON; Ann Miller haa taken out one of Hollywood^ record insurances against accident during her first visit to Britain. The policy, taken out with Uoyds, is for f 100,000. It covers only damage to the star's famous dancin<* Wa They help Ann earn a" minimom of £50,000
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  • 328 2 MADRAS. Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia. Praja-Socfali«t leader, last week described the expulsions and suspensions taking place In the P.S.P. as wholly wron* both m law and m fact." Addressing reporters here on Sunday evening, he referred to the suspension of about 25 per
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  • 210 2 GLASGOW: The cynics bad all along dismissed it as a stupid legend. The believers were never shaken m their faith m the story. And m Tobermory Bay, Sect and. it looks as if the believers have been proved right. For years an argument has been
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  • 310 2 Kenya Muslims Seek No Special Privileges NAIROBI: Mr. Khwaja Zafrud-Deen, P esident of the K«»nya Muslim League, declared here that the Muslims m Kenya do not ask for priwlege.s nor do they wish to 'impose" themselves On others. The Kenya lUuslim Le;:ju.-\ which was farmed m Na.vohi m December 15»53,
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  • 191 2 fn^NDON: on consumption In the United States last year worked out at 563 gallon/??? Ca At Th em^ r f l^ c P o P"lation. At the other end o f th e scale hSd! aat three allon s P« The American figure is an snss four
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  • 147 2 JAIPUK; The seven-day camp sponsored by the National Executive or the Praja Socialist Party could n-">t be&ip m full swing last week as most of the invitiees and members of the Executive including the party's chairrium, Acharya Narendra Deva, and Acharya
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  • 118 2 P.S.P. TO ELECT NEW ASSEMBLY PARTY CHIEF L.UCKNOW: The ad hcc cxc. cutlve of the U.P. Praja Socialist Party, which met Here on Sunday directed Mr. Naraln Dutt Tewarl, Secretary of the P.S.P. Party m the State Legislature, tc convene a meeting of the party's legislature group to elect a
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  • 111 2 Paper Industry In India Survey MADRAS: At the invitation of the Union Government an expert of the Fcod and Agrl. culture Organ. sation of the United Nations conducted a survey of the paper and pulp industries m India. According to the expert, the demand for paper including newsprints and boards
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  • 1283 3 Union Minister's Assurance MADRAS: The nationalisation of the insurance industry will be done only after considering all aspects of the question carefully stated Mr. M. C. Shah, Minister for Revenue and Civil Expenditure, Government of India addressing the members of the South India Insurance Association
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  • 172 3 CUTTACK): With a view to avoiding the fragmentation of holdings, the Orissa Government has decided to undertake a pilot project for the consolidation of holdings :n the State under the second Five. Year Plan. The pilot project, which 1b expected to cost about Rs. 800,000,
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  • 67 3 CUTTACK: The Orissa Government is taking necessary steps to preserve and protect wild ilfe In the State. A National park is to be established m Mayurbhanj dis. trict and a sanctuary m the Satakosia area on the banks Of the Mahanadi river at a cost of
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  • 148 3 LONDON: Give a convict a trombone to blow or a drum to bang and yea may reform his charaeior, declares Charles Cape, of i;r<tain's Prison He makes tha claim In "Music In Education," p culished here on behalf of UNESCO by the British Government. Many
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  • 225 3 NAIROBI: The Royal Technical College of East Africa is designed for members of all races, said Mr. CV. Pollard, the Dean of the College. Mr. Pollard was denying reports that the proposed Koyal Technical Cnesje, witn which is incorporated the "Gandhi Memorial Academy" an institution
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  • 147 3 Burma S. India Steamer Link RANGOON: A public of Rangoon Indians was held here with Mr. V.J.S. Rao m the chair. The meeting unanimously re iterated the resolutin adopted at the 7th Annual Conference of the All-Burma lntiJan Congress, 1954. and appealed to the union Government of Burma to
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  • 31 3 POIDICHERKY: Mr. V. Nutaraja Gounder, the Pondicherry National congress Party nominee from a ward m Manndipet Commune to the Kalitital Kuppam Municipil Ctouncfl, died here on Thursday last.
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  • 201 3 DUBLIN: Ireland's Roman Catholic Bishops a re to send priests to the united Kingdom to look after their followers who emigrate m search of better living condition. It is estimated that there are 800,000 of them m England. "Each year, many thousands of our young-
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  • 68 3 Che Zaharah, President of the Malay Women's Welfare Lea. gue, Singapore, wiM represent Malayan women at the World Women's Conference to be held m Switzerland at end of this month. There was a large gathering present at Kallang Airport recently to see her off when she
    I.D.M.  -  68 words
  • 133 3 LONDON: More money was paid out during the London Stamp Auction seaton which has jiyit ended than at any similar event ever held throughout the world. Enthusiasts handed over ££■68,786 for the specimen* they wanted for their collections. This beats last reason's total by £93,386.
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  • 109 3 NEW DELHI: The Union Ministry of Education pro. poses to build a small library of films "significant to the his. tcry of cinema", it is learned. Talks m this connection are going on between the National Film Board of Canada and the Government of
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  • 68 3 MADRAS; Mr. tj.N. Dheoar Congress president, arrived here by air fiom Delhi en nute to Karaikal and Pondicherry In connexion with thi Congress electioneering camFign. the Ccnstituent Assembly chose the former pattern. Mr. Munshl concluded by saying that every country got its Constitution it deserved and its
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  • 746 3 Managing Agents Under Govt. Control In India New Legislation Proposed IJFtIME Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's government is amring itself to. India'.s first ".trust-busting" campaign. Its taiget is a system of company management left behind by this country's former British rulers. Proposed legislation seeks f> bring the system, that O f the
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  • 72 3 COLOMBO: The Govern ment of Ceylon haa approved jf two special stamps to mark the Buddha Jayantnl celebrations next year. These will be surcharge stamps and the surcharno will be credited tr> the Buddna Jayanthl Funa, The stamp t"> be surcharged are the 10 cents stamps, which will
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  • 136 4 Even Sir John Late Premier Illegal Immigrants? Aziz's Declaration COLOMBO: Mr. A. Aziz, President of the Ceylon Democratic Congress is reported as having" stated (1) fthat Sir John Kotelawala and the late Mr. R. S. Senanayake were illegal immigrants (2) that they were the descendants of the first illegal immigrant
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  • 146 4 COLOMBO: The number of persons of Indian origin m Ceylon rendered Stateless on n':count of rejection of citizenship claims steeply rose m May this year according to the lat. cst official statistics made available. Contrary to the objective of the Delhi Agreement m which I lie
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  • 210 4 COLOMBO: Mr. S. J. V. Chclvanayakam. Q.C., speaking at a meeting held under the auspices of the Tamil Renais. sancc Society at Kurumbaciddy said the Government, encouraged by the failure on the P ar of the Tamil people to raise an y protest against the
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  • 352 4 Commissioner of the Co.opera r tlve Department, who presided, proposed the toast of Sir Lanka Sir Arthur Ranasinha proposed the toast to th P school. Sir Arthur told the sratherine that the leadership of their predecessors had been inspiring. The youth should keep up that tradition earned during
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  • 166 4 JAFFNA: The founding of, Manlpay Hindu College by Sir SangarapiHai Pararajasingham's father was a landmarn m the field of education m Ceylon, said Quazl m. M. Sultan Major of Jaffna when he opened the Manipay Hindu College carnival laat week. He added that the people of Manlpay
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  • 269 4 No Non-Malay Contribution To UMNO Bldg. From Our Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sun: Th e spokesman of the UMNO Sec. retariat told the LD.M. that the recent statements and reports rampant among the peo. pl e that theUMNO building's cost was partially contributed by non-Malay organisations were 'malicious.' He said that
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  • 207 4 From Our Own Correspondent NEW DELHI, July, 25: The Standing Committee of the National Development Council, the highest planning authority m India approved the expenditure of 4300 crores of rupees (Ks. 43,000 m) on the Official Sector
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  • 142 4 Madras-Rangoon Service To Be Resumed From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, July 24. The Madras-Rangoon shipping ser. vice will be resumed m thethlrd week of August. The Scindia Shipping Com. pany withdrew s.s. Jalagopal last month though it was the only ship on the route because it was too old and
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  • 305 4 Rail Link To Goa Also Cut Off: Crisis Deepens NEW DELHI, July 25— India has demanded the closure of the Portuguese Legation m Delhi, Mr. Nehru announced m Parliament today. Mr. Nehru said the Legation would be closed down from August 8.
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  • 141 4 M. G. Desai From Our Own Correspondent NEW DELHI, July 24: All members of the Indian Truce Delegation m Saigon displayed "sheer cold courage m dealing with hooligans who raided their offices," said Mr. M. G. Desai, Chairman of the International Commission In a report to
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  • 74 4 YAMAGATA, Japan, July 25 Two lions broke from their cages Sunday and headed toward a terror-stricken crowd of spectators at a travelling zoo. The lions, however, Ignored the fleeing people m favur of a nearby horse, whose side t';ey tore open. Keepers finally coaxed the beasts
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  • 63 4 P.M's LAND FOR VILLAGE EXPANSION KURUNEGALA: The Prime Minister. Sir John Kotelawala, has requested the Government Agent of the area to acquire cne of his estates for a village expansion scheme. He announced this to a gathering at the Rambodagalla Co-operative Week celebrations. He added that he had don c
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  • 28 4 Mr. S. R. D. Sastri will deliver a lecture m Tamil on "Greatness 0 Sakthl" Way at 7 p.m. at Marlamman Temple South Bridge Road.
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  • 81 4 AMMAN, July 25— A senior official at th e Jordan Royul Palace said aoiiday that Pakistan Governor-General G^<>ulani Mohammed will pay a state visit to Jordan soon. The date for the visit ha s i»t yet been set, but it ia expected to lake place
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    • 142 4 SPIRITUAL^^^^^^ FREE to the sui reply. For brilliant opinions from distinguish, ed personages, gazetted officers and businessmen get the FREE BOOKLET. Prof. R. T. f HEVAR. TANTRIC. PAJLNI. Madural Dt.. South India. DIAMOND Today at 3.00 7.30 p.m. A Super Tamil Hit Of This Year FREE LISTS COMPLETELY SUSPENDED It's
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