Indian Daily Mail, 16 July 1955

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. XI NO. 151 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1955 FOUR PAGES 15 CEN
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  • 446 1 Finance Committee Turns Down Strike Pay Demand Also Union's Alternative Proposal For Further Backdating Ritson Scheme Union Says City Council Failed To Carry Out Assurance Given Emergency Meeting To Decide Future Action The negotiations which began yesterday between the Finance and peneral Purposes Committee of
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  • 38 1 Princess At Show Jumping Festival Photo. Princes Margaret at the Leicester show jumping festival, July 9- She is the week-end guest of Lieutenant Coloml and Mrs. D. P. Phillips at TWpe Lubenham Hall, near Mark. 1 Harborouglt AP
    AP  -  38 words
  • 238 1 Premier Awaits Army's Reply To Compromise Proposal JAKARTA, July 15: Life of Indonesia's two-year-old Communist supported Cabinet hung m the balance today as Prime Minister AH Sastroamidjojo awaited the dissident army leader's reply to a compromise proposal on the crisis-making Chief of Staff issue. The officially suspended
    Reuter  -  238 words
  • 137 1 MOSCOW, July 15— Marshal Nikolai Bulganin, Soviet Prime Minister toid a press conrcrcnce today that tne Soviet Union "will exert all efforts to find a "common language" with the West at the Geneva Summit Conference. It was tne nrst Kremlin press conference m history and the
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 67 1 Reds Can't Stand Nude Bathing BERLIN, July 15: Communist authority have banned nude bathing on tne Baltic beachets East German newspapers report. The reports quoted the Rostock District Council as announcing that "nude bathing and the free body culture is P'°nibited alone the entire coast of the Baltic Sea."
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 70 1 Nr,w OJcXfU. Ju-y 16: It was a costly homecoming for Prime Minister i\enru and prolitaoie one for a pickpocket. Sources ciose to Nehru told this story today just ueiore bis pane landed here Wednesday, Neliru gave bis money, about lid rupees, to t bodyguard to hold.
    A.P.  -  70 words
  • 35 1 WASHINGTON, July 15— The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced yesterday free samples of ghee, labelled "Pure American Cow-Ghee," wil'. be distributed at the International Trade Fair at Karachi, m September. AP
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  • 106 1 •IOriJ.N. Missouri. Ju.y 15: Audrey Hrandt, 4»--year.old farm h»"<J who for ZH tiours maintained tuat he beat an v raped tjyeavold Donna >v,. Davis at Sioux City, lowa, told police tate yesterday his account was a hoax. Brandt said ho had hcaru on account
    A.P.  -  106 words
  • 49 1 ZHUKOV-IKE CONTACTS IN GENEVA? MOSCOW, July 15— In reply bo a question by Western Cotrespendents, Marshal Bulgnnm. Soviet Premier, for Mar•hal Zhukov to have personal contacts with President Else.nViower at Geneva, was his (Marshal Zlrkov's) personal affair and that the Soviet Government could not regu'.ato f nyone's persons! contacts.
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  • 23 1 SYDNEY, July 15— Sydney's newspaper strike was settle-:] Friday. The city's four rtaiMea prepared to resume publication Monday.- AP
    AP  -  23 words
  • 31 1 Then Mr. Rengasamy went on to explain how the Federa. tlon was proper and justified m claiming pay for the strike period. He said "the City
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  • 130 1 Indo-China Situation Looms As A Big Issue For Geneva PARIS, July 15: The "Big Three" Western Foreign Ministers met here today to shape the West's strategy for next week's Geneva Conference with Russia on "Cold War" issues. The m nisters— Mr MacMillan (Britain).
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  • 76 1 Diplomatic quarters here expected the "Big Three' Foreign Ministers during the course Of their day long talks to discuss the possible implications 6t the inclusion m the Soviet dele, nation of Mr. Nikita Khrush. chev, CoTmuniH Party Chief, and Mai:; nail Georgl Zhukov, Defence Minister. INDO.OHINA ISSUE
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  • 67 1 LONDON, July 15: Sir An. thony Eden, Britain's Prime Minister, and Sir Winstcn Churchill, Ms 80.year.old predecessor, had a long talk last night oti the four power "summit" conference opening at Geneva On Monday. Sir Anthony Eden, according to official sources, went to Sir Winston Churchill's
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 125 1 "M A M I E GEHEVA" WASHINGTON, July 13 Mth. fcisenpower who will accompany toe president to tne oentva conference wan christened >laiiue Geneva because Aer motiKT liked tine old song "On lovely lake, Geneva. Co-respondents noted the Prat Lady's uncommon second name Geneva m the White announcement that
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  • 384 1 President Elsenhower, will have a staff of It •special advisers and assistants at the Big Four Conference m Geneva, tbe White House announced yesterday. Council requested the Federa. tton THEN (when It was strike) to end the strike m the ttrst place and the Issue of strike
    Reuter  -  384 words
  • 154 1 AROUND THE WORLD ON FOOT! NOTTINGHAM, Eutflana. July is...Six young people set out from fridre UAiay *or a walk around the world. They expect it will take tlicm five years. The sextet three men and three girls call themselves "The Oveilanders." At the start they were ped alike m blue
    AP  -  154 words
  • 78 1 WASHINGTON, July 15: The U.S. Senate yesterday gave a smashing 89.0 approval to a re- j solution expressing the hope that captive satellite peoples will regain the "sovereign -rights o f self-government.' 1 Senate adoption of the re. solution came en the heels of unanimous. Foreign Relations
    AP  -  78 words
  • 22 1 The Cliief Minister will hold his weekly "Meet the People' session at Assembly House commencing at 9 a.m. todt-y.
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  • 150 1 LONG BEACrf, California, July 15 A poll of soli-styled exports all men today tilled this year's Miss ÜBiVMM crop the nicst beautiful vet. Newsmen, officials, judges and others connected with the pageant since its inception m 1952 were unanimous that girls everywhere are prettier
    AP  -  150 words
  • 43 1 Mr. J. M. Jumabhoy, Assistant Minister for Commerce and In.J stry, has been appointed a member of the Singapore Harbour Board with effect from July 8. m place of Mr. J. p. Clegg, M.C.S., Permanent Secretary to the Ministry.
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  • 42 1 NEW DELHI. July 15: indU and Pakistan yesterday agreed to permit through passenger rail icad sevlec from August 1. This would link the two wings of Pakistan, cut apart by more than 1.000 miles of Indian soil. AP
    AP  -  42 words
  • 19 1 MANILA, July 15 President Ramon Magsaysay tiid Friday night this Philippine* will recognize the Government o' South Vietnam AP
    AP  -  19 words
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    • 114 1 Wr~ mVJSR ■W l S 8.50 IB M 3MONTg|-— 533.00 \M BMONTHS- BB0 0 IB lYE^^' BSO I iMoMTH-.--- 1950 \m I 3 M0 5X51""533.00 BMONTHS.---| 78 00 A |VLHfGu\ JrS L^a^a^afV—^ B^a^a^a^^^ L\ ■h^^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa^S'^^Sß *Ll^Laaaaaaaaaa^^ Wbs Vl^B^EiS^rVsatiLw^ y 1 I "N* 1 saaaaaaaaV^ar aaaV^Slk^^BaaaUranaT •^^■Hfc^'^^B^ W*^^aaW >* /^^^^saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW ill
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  • 712 2 Indian Daily Mail S'port-, Sat. July 16, 1955 NOTES AND COMMENTS RUBBER IN NIGERIA »piIE u«w» t^t the Dun I"; Rubber Company is gobii ahead with its rubber plant Ing scheme l n Nigeria, 1h a n Other warning to Malaya no to keep all her economic egg In the
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  • 2815 2 The Nature Of Man Purpose Of Existence Following speech was delivered by Dr. Muhammad Abdul Rauf, at the second session of the First Philosophical Conference m Malaya, held m Kuala Lumpur on Sunday, June 26. gARLY m my life, when I had just come round and became aware of things
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  • 101 2 LONDON: For every 100 employable people at work m Britain on June 13. there was only one without a iob. The actual number of unemployed was 211,000, a recuction of 13.000 since mid' May and 28,000 below the figure for JLne,
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  • 37 2 LTTCKNOW; A scheme tor i" utilisation of power al(ohol for infiß-strial purposes fi:pli as tie manufacture of ?a Chloroform and acetic r'.M (W l Dresent under th<2 Ll dc ot th Govern-
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  • 305 2 NEW DELHI: The setting u p of the Health Education Bureau of the Union Health Ministry, which has been long Anderson from the United Sta tes on July 37. j Mr. Anderson will take over a s the Health Education Consultant of the Health Ministry, ilis services
    NAFEN  -  305 words
  • 842 2 Malaya Rapidly Marching Towards Freedom Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald's Views: Fuller Details Of Bombay Interview BOMBAY. The people of Malaya were steadily and rapidly going towardg national freedom, declared Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, the High Commissioner-designate m India, interviewed at Santa Cruz Airport on July 1. Asked about the situation
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  • 423 2 BRIONI: On the biggest European problem,, Germany both Mr. Nehru and Marshal Tito suggested similar approach during their separate Press Conference here. While Mr. Nehru thought unification of Germany must remain the ultimate goal Marshal Titc categorically stated that the solution could only be gradual.
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  • 643 3 Development Of Hindi In 'Science Administration 9 NEW DELHI: The Union Ministry of Education has drawn up a planned programme to replace English by Hindi as official language of the Central Government after fifteen years as provided m the Constitution. A brochure issued
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  • 174 3 SALE^t: The Collector, Mr. R. Balasubramanlam, said that water would be let In the Salem side canal, under the Mettur Canals Scheme, on Aug. 1 for irrigation c 8,725 acres of land m the district. Water would be supplied to the Oolmbatore side canal for
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  • 268 3 SRINAGAR: Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant, Unoin Home Minister, said here that Kashmir's relationship with India was permanent and was baseea on love and mutual confluence. Kashmir, he added, could not gj away, from India by .force of bayonet and it was evident that it
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  • 109 3 NEW DELHI: The official ail-India final estimate of dry chillies, 1954-55, puts the cuirent year's area and production at 1,472,000 acres and 356.000 tons km against the partially revised estimate of 1,326,000 acres and 297,000 tons respectively for last year. Thus, the current year's estimate shows
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  • 71 3 PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPT. IN T.-C. TRiVAN'DRtTM: The Cnetnment have considered the f i organising the Department of Public Relation* for ,«rblitttj work and have provided sum of Rs. 1,50.000 m nd* dition to the regular provision of njt 1,07.000 m the budget for 195^-56. Accord'n^ to the reore:&nis"d sch'.-mc there
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  • 298 3 CALCUTTA: Dr, K.P. Bswas, Superintendent m charge ot the Shibpore Botanical Gardens, who was asked by the Government of India to examine the present condition of the Bodht tree m Borth Caya, will soon submit a report on both the present condition and frture of the
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  • 190 3 NEW DELHI: A new advance Ln railway catering m India has been made with the introduction of a Hamper Box service m the compartments of trains on section* of the Eastern Railway, where catering has been a departmental responsibility for tne past 40 years. For a
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  • 386 3 BOMBAY: Mr. s. K. Fattl. President of the Bribiul llharatiya Samaj told a Press conference here that the samaj would shortly take up a Bs. 16 lakhs* scheme to i urge Htronger ties and understanding between Indians at home and Indians and
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  • 106 3 KARACHI; The Asia Foundation of the United States /•as granted Rs. 32,700 to the Majlis Talim-e-Milli for the construction of an educational workshop, the Majlis announced. The workshop will be attdched to the secondary school which the Majlis is runnms? at Malir. On completion, the workshop,
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  • 71 3 KHARTOUM: Premier Ismail el-Azhary said here that his Government was not constitutionally authorised to conclude treaties with foreign countries. The present Sudanese Government was transitional adminlstratloh, he said. The National uniohist Party was opposed to entering> rrdlrtasry alMattcea detrimental to the country's hardwoti m» dependence,
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  • 256 3 TANJORE: The Cdllector, Mr. C. A. Ramakrishnan, said the Government had sanctioned Ks 700.000 for local develop* ment works In the district fcr the year m adition to the grant tor comprehensive water supply works. He appealed to the people to prepare schemes, and make
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  • 35 3 Water Supply For East Pakistan DAOCA: l*he Central Govcrtiment has given a loa.l ct Ks. 1,000,000 to the East Pakistan Public Health Department for Improving rural water supply In the province, tt *aa authoritatively learned
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  • 198 3 BOMBAY An American proposal to allow Indian textile interest Km* term credits for the purchase of American textile machinery on the basic oi their increased purchases of American cotton is understood to be under examination by the cotton trade here. The credit schme is. meanwhile,
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  • 45 3 LUCKNOW: A unique prestressed cement concrete bridge with 22 spans O f 150 feet each, which claimed to be the longest of its type m the east, Is beingr constructed on the Scno River m Mirzapur at a cost of rs. 5,000.000
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    • 78 3 1 fcMrisbcrti 1 HP v :s^sSm 1 BEER ,1 N 11 1 1 |;>l R^PI Hills ANOTHER SERVICE MALACCA WITH EFFECT FROM JULY 14th EVERY THURSDAY ML 11Q ML 109 4.46 p.m, dep, SINGAPORE arr. 8.05 p.m, 5.46 p.m. an. MALACCA 5.55 p.m. dep. 6.30 pm. arr. KUALA LUMPUR dep.
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  • 554 4 U. N. P. ELECTION LAW COMMITTEE REPORT COLOMBO. Tn« U.N.P. Election Law Cdoimnltte* m It* Report to the Committee says that lefal provision should be made to Working hold a census every ten years the next census to be hHd m 1961. The appointment of a
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  • 112 4 AMBALANGODA: Today pupils shct-ld be taught, not mathematics history and geography but to ridicule and abuse m public those leaders whose absorption m foreign vices made them a menace to national culture, said Mr. Kithaftri Mumarasinghe, at the annual gtnaral meeting of the students of the Kandegoda Buddhist
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  • 31 4 STUNT DRIVER DIES ROSEBURG, Oregon. July 15. A stunt driver flipped his car over three times In speed, ing loop.the.loop- attraction here and died after bringing the car to a halt.
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  • 106 4 v hole country and the government has begin gradually to switch over to Swabhasa, the Royal Ceylon Air Force has decided that officially there is only one language English. "Station routine order* on the notice boatfd of their Headquarters c*rried, under the heading Discipline—
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  • 292 4 MATARA: Mr. M. D. H Jayawardena, Minister of r'inMice, speaKing at the International Co-operative Day ceubrations held at Rahuia College, Matara said that the economic prosperity of the Jsiund could be brought about u> the six-year plan of the government. He said that the government was
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  • 238 4 COLOMBO: "Mr. Senan^yake who is championing the t,u rs, »f weanimr people out of the drink and gamble evil hould set an example m one other aspect also, Mr. Senjtr,a°> U ake snoSld refrX from sm< king at leant He' meetings ami thun encourage people
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  • 106 4 MOSCOW, July 15: Presl. dent Kllmenti Voroshilov yesterday gave a sumptuous three.hcur banquet for the Communist North Vietnam President Ho Chi-mlnh ana 1,000 guests m the Kremlin Palace. Ho OhUnlnh sat at the head table between President Vorosilov and the Soviet Prime Minister
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  • 238 4 COLOMBO: A distorted view of what I am trying to do is being held out to the public, aaid Mr. Dudley Senanayake chief guest at the dinner of the National Women's Christian Temperance Union or Ceylon at the Ferguson Memorial Hall. He said the development of alcoholism
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  • 90 4 (From Our Correspondent) NEW DELHI, July 15 All Government servants is* future must taite a pledge abstaining from liquor drinking, according to the suggestion by the Special Prohibition Enquiry Committee who have submitted its interim report. There should also be total ban m drinking
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  • 164 4 No State Elections In Pepsu, Andhra T-C In 1957! (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, July 15— Three States will not hold general elections for the State Legislatures m the year 195 <, when the rest of India will go to the polls, stated the Chief Election Commissioner Mr. Sukumar Sen
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  • 33 4 ALGIERS, July 14: Fifteen people were killed and three Injured here when two balconies ool'apn. Ed m a black of flats first police reports said early today.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 149 4 Malayan Indians May Have To Return To India T. C. Ex-Chief Ministers View (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, July 15— "If Indians m Malaya fail to achieve political unity, they will be compelled by the growing political power of the Chinese to return to India," said Mr. C. Kesavan, former
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  • 68 4 Turkey To Mediate In Pak-Afghan Dispute ISTANBUL, July 15: Turkish papers reported yesterday that Turkey will attempt to mcdl. ate m the Pakistan-Afghanis, tan dispute which is causing growing concern m the non. Communist world. The report^ coincided with the arrival m Istanbul of Sardar Nairn Khan, deputy pre. mier
    AP  -  68 words
  • 120 4 Windmills For Electricity In India! (From Our Correspondent-) MADRAS, July 16— The development cheap electricity through windmills for more than 20,000 villages In the wind-swept areas of the Indian Union Is bein? planned by the All-India Council of Scientific and Industrial research. The scheme is part of the Second Five
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  • 70 4 TRINOOMALiEE: As long 60 the aJ^nthathiyars rendered an essential service m Ceylon the Prime Minister should I'ntilise the powers vested m him and register them as Coylon citizens, said Mr. M. PBarathl, presiding at the se cond annual conference of the Ah-Ceylon Arunthathiyar dangam. Mr. V. Nalllah.
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  • 165 4 Crocodiles Kill Mau Mau Prisoners Guards! NAIROBI, Kenya, July 15: Fifty persons fought for their lives among the snapping jaws of crocodiles yesterday as their launch capsized on Lake Victoria m East Africa. Twenty-two of them died. Those not killed by crocodiles were drowned within sight of shore. The launch
    AP  -  165 words
  • 53 4 Thirty residents of Me«Kkuan X New Village m Pahang, who are attending a Civic* Course, paid a visit to Kuala lumpur Wednesday where they were addres*ed by tn* Director of Operations, Lieui. -General Sir Geoffrey Bourne. Picture shows General Bourne talking to some of the 'Students' at
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  • 74 4 WASHINGTON. Jl' v 15: Af. ghanistan yesterday became the 57th member of he Inter, national Monetary F nd and the International Bani for Re. construction and Deve opment. Afghanistan Ambass* lor mo. hammad K. Lueln sig led ar. tioles cf agreement. Afghanistan's fund quota is US$lO,. 000,000
    AP  -  74 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 148 4 DIAMOND Daily 3 Sh >ws: 3.15-6.15-9.15 p.m. A. wonderful comedy punctuated by mirth X > and melody < a Today at 10 O Perils of the ltoyal Mounted (Serial) j 8 Tomorrow at 10 a.m. ALBELA (Hindi) ROYAL I j Now Showing In Its 2 nd Week 2 Shows To-day
      148 words