Indian Daily Mail, 13 July 1955

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. XI NO. 148 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1955 FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 84 1 POPE WISHES NEHRU SUCCESS Premier Jawaharlal Nehru Is shown here during his audience with Pope Pius XII at Vatican City. Mr. Nehru stated that he had discussed the future of Portuguese Settlements m India with the Pope and pointed out to him how It wag not a religious issue but
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  • 158 1 Kamaraj Assures Merchants: Socialization Won't Be Done In Haste From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, July 12— Chief Minister Mr. Kamaraj yesterday assured members of the Tamil Chamber of Commerce that though the objective of the Congress Party was the achievement of the socialistic form of society, the Madras State Government
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  • 27 1 Mr. Sarangapany pointed out that Mr. Tan Slew Sin was not sincere when he denied that he was anti-Indian, but was only
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  • 186 1 Launch Satyagraha Separation Of Tamil Areas From Andhra Urged Appointment Of Boundary Commission By July 31 Demanded From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, July 12 The Tamil Arasii Kalagham has decided to begin a Satyagraha Movement if the Governmentoori r India do not appoint a Boundary Commission
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  • 409 1 MR. TAN SIEW SIN'S EXPLANATION "UNACCEPTABLE" The text of the Resolutions passed is as follows (1) The Tamils Representative Council, Singapore, dismisses as unacceptable and »s a piece of election stunt, void of any sincerity, the statement made by Mr. Tan Slew Sin, the Malayan Chinese Association, Publicity Chairman,
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  • 559 1 TAN SIEW SIN'S EXPLANATION IS UNACCEPTABLE SINGAPORE TAMILS REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL DECIDES: He Has Only Betrayed Further Anti-Tamil Feelings Tamils Mustn't Relax Boycott Of MIC TAN SIEW SIN'S ELECTION STUNT EXPOSED The Tamils Representative Council, Singapore, at a meeting held on Saturday last, unanimously resolved to dismiss as "unacceptable" and as
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  • 116 1 CAIRO. July 12: India's Prime Minister Nehru said Monday the world leaders must iise "a mixture of formal and informal methods" tat seeking 1 peace. The Indian leader, who is flynlg- home from a European visit, said "peace may come gradually and m the past five months
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  • 30 1 Princess MaTgaret arrives by helicopter at Farrfborough Royal Aircraft establishment after a flight from Buckingham Palare. She was attending the station's golden jubilee, celebrations,- AP photo.
    AP  -  30 words
  • 157 1 From Onr Own Correspondent NEW DELHI, July 12— Union Minister ot Education ha» already formulated a plan to replace English by Hindi »v'n before' the high-powered Hindi Commission ha» begun its labours. The plan consists of three stages lasting five years each, so
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  • 466 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Wed. July 13, 1955 Asia's Population Problem ASIA'S population pioblem has really become most serious, and urgent too. According to Ur. H. D* t'ong, the Deputy Director of the Research and Planning Department of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, the
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  • 193 2 Rise In Steel Consumption In India CALCUTTA: India has been producing and importing more steel now than m the past few years. Production of finished steel reached an all-time high last year at 1,226,000 tons against 1,101,000 tons m 1952 and 1.016,000 tons m 1953 The total quantity of s
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  • 1911 2 FUNCTION OF PHILOSOPHY TOWARDS GREATER j INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDING PEACE* J There is a lack of agreement m the basic comprehension of the meaning of philosophy 9 There is no general agreement as to the purpose, content, field, methods and concepts of 1 philosophy between the
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  • 44 2 ABE STARK, acting Mayor of New York, shares a parasol with the Burmese Prime Minister, U NU, and V Nu's wife, when the visitors attended an official reception In their honour at New York ttty HhII, on July 5. AP. PHOTO.
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  • 398 2 TANJOKii;: Mr. C. Subramaiuain, Education Minister, appealed to ail communities to co-operate lor achieving tn« couucxys progress, laying aside all umei t-ncts ot opinon. 'l lie Minister, who was declaring open tne Kadir mciuaeen «Jouege at Aumramputnaia, aav.sed Muslims not to Keep aioot out pia v
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  • 113 2 HONG KONG: Sixty -one Indian business mm m Nortnern Viet-Nam have decided to clase down owing to difficulties m carrying oq business, to a bulletin published i«y tne h'lig Kong Indian Chamber of commerce. There were 81 Indian business firms m Nortnen
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  • 137 2 MADANAPAJLUG: Hair-dres-sers have nqt been attending on their clients here since last week. Shaving saloons have been closed to express the dispieatmn of the saloon men agatnst the 'fresh levy' of licence fee demanded of them under the Panchayat Act. Their roadside iiaternity too have joined them
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  • 597 2 TANJORE: Opening the Raja Serfoji Arts College, the Govenor of Madras, Mr. Sri Praka.-a, referred to the popular hunger fcr more and more knowledge, and said they should think well and separate their love for knowledge into knowledge for its own sake, and knowledge
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  • 51 2 NEW DELHI: The Union Ministry of External Affairs proposes to open an Information Centre at Belgrade, following Mr. Nehru's visit to Yugoslavia, it is learned. This Centre will disseminate Indian news, features and other information needed to keep the Yugoslav people informed of India's progress m many
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  • 121 2 NEW DELHI; a series of novels selected from amm* the famous works m regioiuu languages will be published fey the end of the yoav by the National Aca-lj-iv of Letters. These no«":- arc being triii slated Into Hindi. A beginning has been made with th»j Malayalam
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  • 1003 3 Value Of Nehru-Tito Talks ZAGREB: A joint declaration exhorting the countries of the world to place their faith m principles of peaceful co-existence and urging the Big Powers to let the small and the weak countries pursue ttieir own domestic foreign policies free from
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  • 126 3 NEW YORK: Scientists here who have been trying to find out whether bees nave an automatic timing sense built into their systems have produced evidence which supports the Idea. The experiments started m Paris, where the insect* were trained to come out of their hives to
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  • 108 3 NEW DELHI; Negotiations are going on for training women students from the Andaman* m the Tcchrical Training Ins ute m Le!hi. Mr. Lai Ifltf*s President of the Anda a^ is Congress, is negotiating with the (Jnon Government m UCB ccnneclu a. Mr. Mitra
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  • 109 3 KUMBAKONAM: A granite statute of the Buddha about 8 feet high, was unearthed m Huruchandrapuram village a few days back, while a piece of dry land was being levelled by a tractor. A few years back, a wellconstructed tank with a beautiIV. 1 flight of steps
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  • 251 3 TELLICHERRY: A spocia-ly-convened public meeting urged the incßu.'ion of the proposed 125-Tr.ile-long TtlU-cherfy-Cocirg-Myscre Railway link, and the Barapole Hyaroelectric project m Coor X on the Malabar Border m the Second Five- Year Plan. The State Governments c >nccaned were asked to request the Union Government and
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  • 145 3 WELLINGTON- Giants of the sea are to be hunted by students from Wellington, New Zealand, University. The animals they geek are g.r>nt squids, frarsome-look'u" cratures related to octopuses. They have well-developed eyes nearly a f. Ifc aero.33 and, including their tentacles, attain
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  • 50 3 Massive crews paddle their craft through a haze of smoke caused by fire cimckora at the recent dragon boat festival In Hong Kong Harbour. The boat, second from left, won the 400-yards race. Note cox beating; out rythm of the stroke on drum. AP PHOTO.
    AP  -  50 words
  • 163 3 Russian Research On Indian Mineral Waters NEW DELHI: Two Russian scientists are examining the mineral waters of Rajgir and Sonar to find out the poos'rrfltties of their medicinal and chemical use. The scientists, Profrssor Obroscv and D* 1 Skornalkow, made a six-week tour of Patna, Rajgir, Calcutta, Madras, Malabar, Travancore-Cochin
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  • 119 3 Logic Of ProfitSharing POONA: Mir. N. V. Gadgil, M.P., said here that If the Union Government were to adopt a policy of diverting profits made by each department to the employee! of that department, those who "would benefit most from such a policy were those employed m the Nasik Printing
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 3 Russian Air Might Single engined helicopter* hover over Tushino Airfield, Moscow on July 3, at Russia's Aviation Day show, where 100,000 Russians saw their country's aerial might. Foreign observers had their first view of several new types of Soviet aircraft.- AP PHOTO.
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  • 210 3 PONDICHERRY: Voters and candidates evidenced keen interest during a "Mock Election* conducted m the Boys' Primary School here last week. Mr. Kewal Singh, Chief Commissioner, visited the "polling booth" and gave suggestions to the officers for providing some more convenient and better arrangements during the actual
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  • 330 3 WORLD PHILOSOPHY Continued from Page 2 man knew the cause of suffering and attain 4 perfect peace. Mere study will not do. Moral and physcal discipline must accompany study reasoning and meditation so that every thought, speech and action m life may reflect them. Without the conquest of the senses.
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  • 155 3 Ril. 2. JLHftE!' The Unlon «oven.ment will introduce a Bill m the forthcoming: session of Parliament to rive university status to the proposed AlLlndia Medical Institute. Experts here are busy drafting the legislation. According to present plans, the Medical Institute will be formally opened
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  • 526 3 U.S. Acceptance Of Principles Of Coexistence CALCUTTA. Mr. Justice William O. Douglas of the U.S. Supreme Court said here that America was moving towards the acceptance of the principle of co-existence m the world today." Mr. Douglas, who Is now visiting India on a lecture tcur, arrived here by an
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  • 418 3 JAIPUR; Maharana Bhapal Singh of Udaipur, Maharajpramukh of Rajasthan, died at a hospital m Udaipur on July 4. Maharana Bhopal Singh who had been suffering frcm intestinal trouble for four days died after an operation. He was 71 He will be succeeded by his 34-year-old adopted
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  • 1603 4 Sir John's Spirited Speech COLOMBO: The House of Representatives accepted, by 52 votes to 16, a motion by the Leader of the House that the breach of privilege case be sent up to the Supreme Court for trial. It also passed, by
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  • 64 4 General Sir Gerald Templer 0.1.G.5. designate, will leave London on July 17, for visit to Australia and New Zelaand. He wilt spend Tuesday, July 19, night In Singapore but will not visit Federation. The object of his tour U to meet British and Commonwealth Army
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  • 65 4 LONDON, JWly 12 General Sir Gerald Templer today received from the Queen at Buckingham Palace the Insignia of the G.CB. (Knight Grand Cross of the Order m the Bath) which he was awarded m the Birthday honours The Queen presented 'thi Insignia of their awards tc
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 90 4 GOA ARRESTS 52 INDIAN SATYAGRAHIS GOA. July 12: Fifty-two Indian nationals entered tne Portuguese settlement of Goa en tsacuraay morning and were arrested 24 hours later near Valpoi, a Goanese Government communique said la^t night. "Following the infiltration the intruders lest their way m dense forests,'' the communique said, They
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  • 132 4 Speaking at the seiangcr State Council meeting yesterday, the British Adviser. Mr. F. V. Duckworth said efforts to win the hearts and minds of the people were never greater tnan they are today. The member of people whu have been trained m civics courses m
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  • 103 4 Mr. Badrinath Nanda, India's Commissioner for the British West Indies, said at a meeting m Trinidad that people of all races m the Caribbean would be offered every assistance and facility for admission to Indian universities. He said 67 out of 100 Overseas Cultural Scholarships given
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  • 43 4 The Singapore Trad© Advisory Council will hold its first meeting today at 10 a.m m the Conference Room of the Ministry of Commerce and industry. The Minister for Commerce and Industry Mr. David Marshall, will deliver an opening address.
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  • 54 4 Peter Thomson, 25-year-old Australian, with his cup after winning the British open Golf championship, for the second year running at St. Andrews. He was run-ner-up In 1952 and 1955. His score of 281 this year m a record for the old course, beating R. T. Jones's
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  • 396 4 The Government had brought that motion because It was their right to maintain the dignity of the House. He had been a member of the legislature for the last 25 years Their system of Government was a pouplar system. He recalled how the dignity of the House was
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  • 242 4 The Singapore Sawmill Workers Union's dispute with Sawmlllerg Associaton has been settled and the workers will resume work this afternoon. The negotiation was resumed between the workers union and the Sawmillers' Association yesterday at the Labour Ministry and agreement on all points was reached after
    Reuter  -  242 words
  • 84 4 Development Of Bayan Lepas Airport There has been no final decision by the Federal Government on the eventual development of Bayan Lepas airport. This was stated by the acting Resident Commissioner. Penang, Mr. D. Gray, at a Press conference. On the question of Bayan Liepas airport becoming an International air
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  • 174 4 The Postmaster-General announced that a new issue ol Singapore postage stamp 3 will be placed on sale o n Sept. 4. The designs of the cent values ot the new stamp s depict the diversity and characteristics o f the trade Of Singapore, including pictures of boats and
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  • 40 4 CAIRO. July 12 Indian Prime Minister Nehru left by air for Delhi this morning. He was seen off at the airport by Egyptian Premier Nasser, other Cabinet Ministers and members nf the diplomatic corps.— Reuter
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  • 28 4 The Malayanisation Commission Singapore, has met and decided to ask the Governor whether the Malayanisation Commission comes within the purview of the Inquiry Commission's Ordinance 1941.
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  • 250 4 NEW DELHI, July 12: The Indian Navy will get fTOm Britain more than 20 new warships mc tiding a cruiser within the next ;ix years, it Mas announced here yesterday. The first ships two inshore minesweepers have been commissioned m Britain and
    Reuter  -  250 words
  • 37 4 KATMANDU. July 12: Ten Nepalese would leave the capital of Nepal shortly to march into Goa In support of the Indian campaign for the merger of the Portuguese Settlement with India.- Reuter
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  • 45 4 THEY QUIT FOR THEIR OWN BENEFIT! At the sth Annual General Meeting of the Tamilian Association, Singapore, held Sunday, July 10, Mr. K. Varathan presiding, a resolution that the Tamilian Association "withdraw from the Singapoie Tamils Depresentative Council for their own benefit" w ts passed.
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  • 27 4 Applicants for the appointment of Assistant Traffic Supervisor are thanked and aie informed that the vacancies are now filled. K. DAVIS Acting Secretary.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 33 4 SPIKITUAL^^^^^ ferlng humanity.* Send your P rf> -^B reply. For brilliant opinions from distinguished personages, gazetted officers and businessmen, get the FREE BOOiKUJT. Prof. R. T. THEVAB. TANTRIC. PALNI. Madurai DL. Sooth India.
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    • 116 4 3.15-6. 30-9.15 p. m. H4i44y^PHON?^^^r?p^ V. SHANTARAM'S I "SUBAHkaTARA'J IN HINDUSTANI WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES I Don't Miss i hi> Film Today O Opens Tomorrow 9. "BUNGAWA> SOLO" (Malay) 8 Japanese Island Musical Romance! DIAMOND 1 Now Showing To Crowded Houses I Daily 3.15-6.15-9.15 p.m. All The Dazzling Thrills -V Forbidden
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