Indian Daily Mail, 11 July 1955

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. XI NO. 146 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 11, 1955 FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 339 1 GREATER TODAY THAN EVER SAYS NEHRU TALKS WITH EDEN IN LONDON LONDON, July 10.— Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru, India's Prime Minister, Friday gave British Ministers his Assessment of current Soviet foreign policy as likely to be unfolded at the Geneva Conference of world leaders opening m eight
    Reuter; A.P.  -  339 words
  • 133 1 The Earl of Home. British Commonwealth Relations Secretary and Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Pandit, Indian High Ccmmis.sioner m London, took part m the discussions. Diplomatic quarters here as. sumed that Mr. Nehru repeated to British Ministers his strong conviction that the West would be wrong to believe that Russia's
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  • 60 1 Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, Britain's Commissioner General m South East Asia and High Commission-designate to India, was present at these talks. Mr Nehru is understood to have explained tc British Ministers Communist fears that South Vietnam backed by the United States would refuse to hold the
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  • 22 1 Sir Anthony Eden gave a luncheon at Chequers yesterday m honour of Mr. Nehru. The guests included the For.
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  • 205 1 Boosting Exports Of Hides And Skins From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, July 10. The Government In India will do their best to help Indian exporters find new markets and strengthen themselves m the old markets, assured the Union Commerce Minister Mr. T T. Krishnamachan speaking at a dinner Friday night
    Copyright  -  205 words
  • 65 1 CIMCAGO, Jujy 10 Miss Sally Farney, 23, a Secretary at thi- University of Chicago, told police that a man threatened her with a knife and took her purse and $90 en an elevated train. Miss Carney said none of the 16 other passengers m the carriage interfered and
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 83 1 Germany To Build Steamers For India BOMBAY, July 10 Because British ship yards were too busy to give quick delivery, an Indian order for the construction of three fast steamers at a cost of Rs. 12,500,0000 (about £692,857) each, has gone to the Flenderwerke ship yard of Lubeck. West Germany.
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 59 1 Way To Moscow MOSCOW, July 10— Ho Chi Mlnh, leader of the Communist regime of North Vietnam, will reach Moscow from Peking tomorrow for talks with Russian officials. He arrived In Irkutsk, Siberia, yesterday. Premier Nikolai Bulganln, Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov and other Soviet officials
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • 36 1 PARIS. July 10-The French National Assembly early yesterday passed the Conventions signed last May to give the protectorate of Tunisia internal autonomy. The Tunisia Agreements were passed by 540 votes tc 43.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 110 1 HYDERABAD, July 10.— Indian's "Scotland Yard" will be located at Hyderabad City. Here will be located the Cen. tral Detectives Training Institute, the Central Forsenic Laboratory, the Central Fingerprint Bureau how the Simla and all other All-India offices necessary to make
    Copyright  -  110 words
  • 244 1 LONDON: July 10 The Hriti-.h Government took steps Jthlm y to end an irregular situation caused by the election to Parliament of a man now serving a ten year prison sentence for "conspiring to levy war against Her Majesty the Queen." ->
    Reuter  -  244 words
  • 43 1 TOKYO, July 10 Fewer Babies, fewer dependent allowances, lower labour costs. That's the theory behind a plan announced Saturday by the Hitachi Shipbuilding Company. It's going to teach its 14,000 employees about birth control. Estimated annual savings: $27,800.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  43 words
  • 57 1 MOSCOW, July 10: F rmer Premier Georgi Malenkov yesterday praised western news correspondents m Moscow as brave people who tell the truth. Chatting with the western newsmen, Malenkov remarked, "the role of journalists is very great because journalists should not only Inform public opinion but form
    AP  -  57 words
  • 67 1 photo. Queen Elizabeth, resplendent robes of the Order of the m plumed hat and colourful Thistle leaves St. Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh, after installing Lord Bilsland and the Earl of Crawford and Balcarreg as Knights of "The Most Ancient and Most Noble Order ol The
    AP  -  67 words
  • 98 1 Flooded Burdwan Villagers Evacuated CALCUTTA. July 10: Six hundred people were evacuated from three villages m the Burdwan District of West Bengal on Friday as river llood levels threatened to rise. More ra4n was forecast yesterday. But waters or the Brahmaputra river and its tributaries are receding from Disrugarh. the
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 30 1 Among the 38 qualified engineers registered m the Colony of Singapore are Mr. J. D. Batra. Crosby Hcftise, Robinson Road and Mr. T. Karmarkar, 39 The Arcade Singapore.
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  • 257 1 Communists Accused Of Violating Geneva Pact SAIGON, July 10. An official communique from the Kingdom of Laos Saturday revealed Violent fighting was going on m the mountainous Munog Peun area, 25 miles southwest of Sam Neva i Northern Laos, between Government forces and the Communist inspired
    AP  -  257 words
  • 40 1 KNOXVILLE, Tennessee, July 10: Burmese Prime Minister U Nu, donning western garb for thefirst time during his visit to America toured Tennesse Valley Authority (TVA) insallations yesterday, lie said he was "very much inspired."— AP
    AP  -  40 words
  • 83 1 NIXON AT PAK WEDDING WASHINGTON, July 10: U.S. Vice President Richard M. Nixon participated Friday night m a Pakistani wedding ceremony with its pomp and ceremony and age-old traditions at the Pakistan Embassy. Syed Avjad All, the Pakistan Ambassador, issued invitations for a Buffet supper the invitation swere marked; "The
    AP  -  83 words
  • 516 1 Einstein's Solemn Warning LONDON, July n>— The British Philosopher, Dr. Bertram! Russell said Friday that he is bringing a solemn warning against the perils or nuclear war, signed by the late Dr. Kinstein and seven other scientists of world fame, "To the notice
    Reuter  -  516 words
  • 72 1 HONG HONG, July 10: William Cowart. one of three turncoat Americans who ai rived here, si.mi >.% said he went t<> Red China because he feared "polii:<:W persecution for mistakes I made m prison camp." Cowart said: "The r>oriety of China is built on fear," he
    AP  -  72 words
  • 114 1 A Special Constable has been killed, a second wounded and the lnd'an assistant manager cf the Jeram Padang Estate seriously wounded m the Bahau area of Negri Sembilan. The three were together m a car which wa s attacked by about 10 Cammunist terrorists on the
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  • 60 1 NAIROBI July, 10. The Kenya Government's surrender effer to Mau Mau Terrorists ends at midnight today. In the past 24 hours despite the most intensive propaganda only 11 more terrorists took advantage of the Government offer which said that those sur. rendering would not be prosecuted for
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  • 91 1 SYDNEY, Australia, July 10: Sydney lost its three Sunday newspapers today. Latest casualties m spreading labour strife were the Sydney Herald, the Sunday Telegraph and Truth, which have a combined circulation of over 1.1 million. They failed to appear because of a dispute which began two weeks
    AP  -  91 words
  • 59 1 A statute dated May 20, and signed by the Chancellor of the University of Malaya, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, which was gazetted on July 8, states, the Senate recommending, tha University Council may confer the title Of Emeritus Pr >fesaor on any Professor of the University m recognition
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  • 39 1 LONDON, July 10: A Husslan expedition has discovered a large under water mountain range which practically diviJes- the northern part of the Pacific Ocean into two bas'.ns Tas the soviet News Agency reported.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 153 1 BOMBAY, July 10. A young Portuguese military sergeantß. D. Costa deserted his post on Goa and crossed over into Indian territory because he could not carry out orders of his brutal superiors to mercilessly beat unarmed satyagrahis who are every day entering
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  • 789 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Mon. July 11, 1955 NATIONALITY: MURASU'S POSERS QL'R ulster paper the TAMIL MURASU m an editorial last week has raised some very interesting points regarding the proposed separate citizenship and nationality for Singapore and the issuance of separate passports for Singaporeans." The MURASU has asked: Will
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  • 781 2  -  Fernando Costa By INDIA has displayed remarkx able patience and restraint m dealing with the Portuguese over the stranglehold they exercise over Goa and its half-million people, despite grave provocations from the fascists. For six lone year s she has waited patiently for Dr Salazar tc
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  • 89 2 To by mind the following three-point programme should be adopted immediately (1) Organised ma^ satyaSTraha m Goa, Daman and Div by Goaa» and non-Goans. Sleep oar Army, Navy and Air Force ready for. police action If the Portuguese continue Aning on satyagrahls. (S) Send a Goan delegation to
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  • 135 2 Dr. Saljusar hag stated m almost all his speeches that the Goan population do not want a merger, that they want Portuguese rule to continue. For this purpose he has collected, with the help of the police and troops, 32,000 signatures from ■'Luao-Indianos" residing m Goa out of
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  • 126 2 AHMED AB AD: Two young Bengali students from Calcutta, Rabindranath Bose (21) and Salil Kumor Banerjee (19) --now on a walking tour of the ccuntry arrived m Ahmedabad after trekking about 5,500 miles m 18 months. iw ta r7 1 £o from Calcutta on tt
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  • 204 2 ROME: The skulls -f 23 members of the Medici family fabulously wealthy group which supplied mediaeval Italy with rulers, warriors, financial geniuses ajid Popes are to be returned to theLr tombs m the Basilica of San Lorenzo. Florence. They rested there until
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  • 66 2 Photo. The Philippine Ambassador to Britain, Leon Maria Guerrero and Ms wife Anita in national costume (made of pineapple fibre) at an Independence Day Party at the Embassy in London' on July 4. Mrs. Guerrero wears the new, short national costume with fluttering butteitly sleeves,
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • 397 2 Tara Chaudhari's Plea Poland and Czechoslovakia, as the Prtma RallPrinl S? Misa Chaudhari said m an interview with NAFEN that apart from the political xilans aimed at Asian solidarity, there was an urgent need to evolve a cultural plan for Asia, "as there was a remarkable
    NAFEN  -  397 words
  • 228 2 NEHRU IS IN NOBODY'S POCKET LONDON: "A campaign of persistent valiflcation is being- conducted by the Daily Express group of newspapers," says the Daily Mirror. The (Mirror adds), "The campaign is inspired by Lord Beaverbrook. The victim, is Mr. Nehru, the man who kept India m the Commonwealth of Nations.
    NAFEN  -  228 words
  • 764 2 NEW DELHI: AlKitment for education m the second Five Year Plan may be about Rs. 350 crores more than m the fiist, according to current discussions between the Planning Commission and the various interests concerned, it is learnt. The Union Education Ministry had
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  • 74 2 LONDON: The Federation of Chambers of Commerce of the British Empire has held a special meeting at which it bas confirmed an earlier decision to change the Federation s name to that of the "Federation of Commonwealth Chambers of commerce." This decision has been taken the old
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    • 77 2 MjgffIHBBJ^B^BBMBBBBBBBBB^^^^^.^ M J 4aßKM^^^Bfe^^^^^^^^B^^^^ :^BF^&Ltf^ft stays healthy at the same time. Its pure i iUli are coo^ n 8 to the head and contain no frSl2i, jag* tca ip or collect dirt but, with massage, it (Sn H^SBbH Wv^ P^tects the hair from dandruff and the scalp Vj r^^^Sa from
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  • 708 3 Bhoodan Only Solution collect land but to &F^ t r^Su^SZ£V£ Sri Shriman Narayan who was inaugurating the Punjab and PEPSU College Teachers 1 Bhoodan conference, said that even If the Government had imposed a ceiling on holdings, 36 lakh acres cf land so far collected m
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  • 59 3 MADRAS: Pakistan will hav e two more cement factories. She had four factories In 1954 a na production fofllowed the nse In capacity. The Pakistan induiteial De» velopment Corporation is to set up two new factories to provide 220,000 tons per ann m &nd a
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  • 78 3 LONDON: Sir Mortimer Wheeler, the British arcluologtst, who is well known fc r h-.s work m both India and Pakistan, has launched a new probe inio the past. lie 1m directing excavation work near St. Albany Hert*. where the Kuman city si Verulamium once stood.
    A.D.; NAFEN  -  78 words
  • 318 3 India To Adopt Jap. Methods Of Silk Production I'OifF.AY India is to adopt certain Japanese methods of fciik production so as to ensure a higher yield of silk at comparatively lower cost than at present. A. Six-man team of silk experts, led by Mr. v. Govindau, Assistant secretary o f
    NAFEN  -  318 words
  • 204 3 NEW DELHI: Wives and children of 7,000 Lower Divlsicn clerks working m the Central Secretariat and attached ottices threaten to demonstrate m front o f Parliament if the clerks' demands aie not conceded. The clerks' union demands a raise m the salary on the ground their present
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  • 320 3 NEW DELHI: The Union Government m consultation with the States, has drawn up a five-year scheme to revise the Imperial Gazetteer to bring it up to date. The first edition of the Imperial Gazetteer of India was published m nine volumes In 1881 and the second edition from
    NAFEN  -  320 words
  • 104 3 LONDON: More than 2,500 men and w^men m the United Kingdom are entitled to affix "C D" plates to their caxs. They a «re entitled to diplomatic immunity m English courts, and all the privileges attaching to diplomatic status. Additionally, a further 109 persons
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  • 115 3 Stratographical Studies In Mathura NEW DELHI: The Central Archaeological Department has for the first time, conducted stratographical studies on a site In Mathura District. Coins relating to third century B.C. have been found on the site. These are being cleared and carefully examined by experts. Alfliough coins, pottery, sherds and
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  • 128 3 Scientists' Fight To Preserve Books ROME; Italy's government controlled Institute ot tne i'athology of the Book is moving into a new t50.0u0 headc^atters nere. The object of the institute is to perrect ways of preserving oooks. newspapers, state documents and otner manuscripts. Both the normal processes of t'me and special
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  • 139 3 NEW DELHI; The Union Cabinet Secretariat Is understood to have directed the various Ministries m the Contral Secretariat to hasten the process of switching from English to Hindi as the medium of official work. All Ministries have been asked to lay down target dates for
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  • 164 3 Delhi Will Have African Cultural Show NjEW DELHI: Students from Africa studying In various educational Institutions In the country axe organising cultural show m the capital during the middle of this year. The programme Is sponsored by the African Bureani. which strives to disseminate information about Africa m India. The
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  • 103 3 NEW DELHC; The Central G!ass and Ceramic Research Institute has proposed to the Planning Commission th> setting up of a pilot plant a t Its premises for the manufacture of optical glass. Supplies of this type glass at present imported from the United Kingdom, are
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  • 55 3 NEW DELHI: The scope ol the term "bread" for purposes of exemption from sales tax has been widened to cover any article of food prepared V the moistening, kneading an<| baking of floor, wheat, maize, gram, bajra or any other grain with or without the
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  • 421 3 LONDON: Playa m Hindi will be produced for the first time In London by an amateur group, "Hindi Natya Sangh," just formed under the patronage of Madame Pandit, India's High Commissioner. Its object is to give the large Indian community a chance to enjoy plays
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  • 85 3 Photo. One woman was killed and 40 persons t were injured when the suspension caoics of this 150-foot wooden bridge collapsed at Cherokee, North Carodian on July 3. Seventy holidaymakers were thrown 20 feet Into the rockstrewn Oconaluftee River. Women and children screamed as
    A.P.  -  85 words
  • 183 3 LONDON: One of London* quainteftt monuments, the 267-year-old Naked Boy of Panyer Alley, may soon be on view again for thje first time since 1940. The boy's statue, which shows him sitting naked un bread-carrier's basket, stood for 250 years m Panyer Alley a small
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  • 231 3 LUCKNOW: There is .strong possibility that gold may be found m certain areas of Nainital and Garhwal Districts of Uttar Pradesh. The State Government have asked the Geological Survey of India to investigate into the reported occurrence of this mineral m the vicinity of the river Sone
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  • 68 3 LUCKNOW; The Uttar Pradesh Government's measures to rehabilitate thousands of Bhotias living on the strategic Indo-Tibetan border, include? a Rs. 534,000 scheme just launched for the development of wool industry m Uie remote hill regions. VmUer the scheme to von training-cum-production wool centres and 28 spinning
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  • 104 3 NEW YORK: Some 1,500,--000 Americans have given up smoking m the last is months. But, adds the Census Bureau there are still 38,000 000 smokers left m the United States, 25,000,000 of them men and 13,000,000 womeu. The survey which produced these figures was coneructrd by the rational
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  • 82 3 KARACHI: There Is every indication that the Gulf Oil Corporation of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, one of the major oil companies m *he Unfed States, Is to evpand its nrat» nes.s considerably m both wings of Pakistan. This Is lust another indication of the interest which U.S. commercial
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  • 390 3 LONDON, The twentyo'.ght oil paintings by the Indian artist Satish Gujrai which are being exhibited m London at the Imperial Institute between June 20 and July 3 seem intent on depicting man's inhumanity to man. All is toll and tension, violence and guttering. Eight
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  • 178 3 BOMBAY: A new Rs. 30,--000,000 paper and pulp m m will shortly be set up at Dandell, 60 miles from Bclgaum In the thickly-wooded North Kanar a district of Bombay State, it was learned here last week. Negotiations with the Central and State Governments
    NAFEN  -  178 words
  • 63 3 LONDON; Children pluyiug on their farm m Radnorshire. Wales, found three gold necklets at least 3,000 years old. The necklets hav e been identified as gold ribbon torquos of a kind*worn m the B. -nzo Age. A treasure trove inquest will decide the ownershlo of the necklets,
    NAFEN  -  63 words
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    • 28 3 SPIRITUAL r «ply. For brilliant opinions from distinpilsh. pd oenvpnasren. ensetted ofHoer* and btiflineMmen get the FREE BOOKLET Prof. K. T. THEVAR TANTKIC. PALNI. Madural Dt.. South India.
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  • 262 4 Successful Working Of Democracy WELIGAMA: Mr. Dudley Senanayake, M.P. for Dedigama, said that there were several factors necessary for the successful working of democracy, the most important of which was co-operation between the Government and the public. Mr. senanayake was speaking at a public meeting en the occasion
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  • 278 4 MADRAS: Prof. P. V. Bapat of Poona, who had recently been, on a research tour of the Far East u nder the auspices of the Indian Council of Culttural Affairs, gave a lecture on 'Indian Culture m the tfar East, 1 at a meeting held
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  • 171 4 Noisy Ghosts Haunt Muslim Residences MATARA: Ghosts of a noisy, boisterous type are reported to be haiutotfiig Muslim residence here. Afmirahs and boxes are locked up and the keys a re w(th the Inmates of the house, but the crockery and cutlery from these locked boxes are removed by an
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  • 98 4 The official date for sighting of the new moon to determine Hart Raya Haji this year will be held on Tuesday, July 19, 1955. If the new moon is sighted anywhere m the Federation or Singapore, Hari Raya Hajl will fall On F.riday, July 29. If the moon
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  • 308 4 GAL.LE; Mr. R. G. Senanayake, MP for Dambadeniya, said here that he was not prepared to accept the new mica of conduct of the Government Parliamentary Group which was trying to lay it down that all party men should be defenders of the Governor-General, the Prime Minister
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  • 26 4 SEOUL, Jjuly 10: Fifteen hundred students of girls high school here went on a strike Saturday, protesting A $10 increase m tuition. AP
    AP  -  26 words
  • 175 4 COLOMBO Government servants mill nave to Attain proficiency m one Swabasha language before 1958 to be considered eligible for priority promotions. It had been eraller decided that proficiency hu Sinhalese or Tamil would be considered a qualification for merit promotions till 1962. A government
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  • 92 4 NEW DELHI: Devadasls women dedicated to temples m four Karnatak districts of Bombay State will soon be "reclaimed," according to plans of the Backward Classes Commission. No exact statistics are available of these women. But according to local authorities, they are mostly Harijan girls.
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  • 126 4 PARIS: Picasso the other day refused to answer a journalist who asked Jhlm not. perhaps, without double entendre! whether he intended to bequeath his own villa to the Communists, so that Thorax might have some friends at hand! The A«a Khan, not a whit disturbed by bis new neighbour,
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  • 97 4 At the end of March 1955, m the Federation of Malaya, there were 244 registered unions pending registration, with a total membership of 125,304. Among the new unions registered are Ihe Labour Officers' Union of the Federation of Malaya and the National (Jnion of Plantation Workers
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  • 837 4  - Only Duty Keeps Premier U Nu From Life Of Contemplation WOODROW WYATT By I first met v Nu after Burma had become independent, lie talked or his longing to leave politics altogether and eiitcr on a life m Buddhist contemplation. That was over six years ago, and uWu stiu Prime
    NAFEN  -  837 words
  • 404 4 STUDENTS' PLIGHT IN SOVIET ZONE The sufferings of students Sn East Germany is the subject o f a report to the Fifth International Student Conference, being m Birmingham, England I The Report was presented to a private commission of the Conference, by Fraulein L. Berger, a delegate of the German
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  • 134 4 NEW DELHI: The Central (Government has decided to i*l en four tubercuosis control n»xa training centres m the country, modelled after the Delhi centre, it i s learned The centres wUI be located hx Madras. Nagpur, Hyderanad and Mysore. Details of the scheme a«S being wornea
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  • 119 4 BERLIN; German audiences have been greatly Impressed with the immense variety of Indian dances presented to them by a visiting troupe from Bombay. In all, this company of In* dian artistes Is staging: 16 performances at which they are presenting 27 different ;lasslcal dances of India.
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  • 43 4 MADRAS: World production and consumption of cocoa beams Increased by 600 per cant m less than 40 yearsftom about 100,000 Ws In 1900 to 730,000 tons lo 1934--38. according to the Food and Agrlcuture Organisation of the United Nations.
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  • 155 4 CATANIA. SICILY, July 10. Observers report that a small but apparently Frozen" lava stream nas been sighted near the explosive crater of Mt. Etna. The 10,000-foct high volcano has been sooting of? names, gas and molten reck for one week, but almost all the eruption has been contained
    AP  -  155 words
  • 48 4 NEW DELHI: The Union Health Ministry proposps to open a paediatric centre m 1956 at the Lady Hardings Mrdtcal College here m co-opera-tion with the World Health Organisation. In addition to the treatment of foot diseases, specialised training- will be given to u~c:fors at the centre.
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  • 56 4 An Exhibition of Religious Art m iFrance will be opened at 5.30 p-nv on Wednesday July 13 by Mr. T. p. F. McNelce, President of The City Council, Singapore at the British Council Gallery, Stamford Read. The exhibition will be open from July 14 to 20
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  • 46 4 LONDON, July 10.— Britain voices "deep concern" over the attack launched by Communist Pathet Lao Troops on Government Forces m Northern Laos. Reports from British Missions m Indochina indicated that the Pathet Lao had openly violated the 1954 Genva accord ending the Indochina War.
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    • 172 4 TODAY: 7 9.30 p.m. Don't Miss SHAWIA HEftMNT j_ RANOMM A thrilling story from "GUL BAKAVAL.I" DIAMOND Now Showing To Crowded Houses i Daily 3.15-6.15-9.15 p.m. All The Dazzling; Thrills Forbidden Temptations of 8 the Fabulous Arabian Nights m S ALADDIN and the I WONDERFUL LAMP Glorious Colours O (Hindi
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