Indian Daily Mail, 7 July 1955

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. XI NO. 142 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1935 FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 358 1 Political Parties To Discuss Reforms In Colony Federation? The Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. Alan Len-nox-Boyd. will perform the opening ceremony of the Singapore Airport at Pay a Lebar on Saturday, August- 20. Mr. Alan L«ennox-Boyd will
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  • 77 1 COLOMBO, July President Stoekarno of Indonesia will be unable to visit Ceylon next month according to an official source. The president had hoped to accept. Ceylonese Prime Minister Sir John Kotelawala's invitation after touring Asia and the Middle East. He Is now expected to end
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  • 162 1 Prom Our Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The estate labourers m Selangore are being encouraged to take increased interest m games and sports by the employers it is learnt. Most of the estates m Selangore have started football, and other sports a i*e to follow. A series of
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  • 116 1 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wod It Is reliably learnt that on' individual level ttoh o majority of the affiliated nions of the Federation of AH Malayan Estate Staff Union have decided to successfully move a resolution at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting of the
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  • 91 1 The Dog That Sentenced Itself To Death VIENNA. July 6 Police reported here that an alsatian dog seemed to h;>\<' committed suicide after realising that he had endangered his six-year-old mistress's liXe. The girl Helga «*ellinek was asleep when the chained dog loosened the rubber pipe of the gas oven.
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  • 103 1 Nehru Sees Yugoslavia's Military Parade BELGRADE, July 6 Yugoslavia staged an hour lon X military parade at Zagreb to-aay m honour of Mr. Jawanarlal Nehru visiting Prime Minister nf India. Cheering crowds hud greeted Mr. iNehru and President Tito, his host, as they drove through the streets of Zagreb. Triumphal
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  • 46 1 The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Sukorno, will arrive here on Tuesday, July 12, enroute to Mecca on pilgrimage. The offices of the Indonesian Consulate-General will remain closed on Tuesday, July 12, between 8.30 a.m. and 2 p.m.
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  • 108 1 The Commissioner of Police, Singapore, has announced a reward of $5000, to an v person giving information leading to me and conviction ot the person or persons responsible ior tne burning of cars which has occurred m Singapore from time to time since early m
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  • 61 1 PAN JIM, GO A July 6 A Railway bridge near' Sar.vordem was slightly damaged when two brmbs exploded under it on June 30, Portuguese officials stated here today. Kail tiaffic was temporarily interrupted. The officials also disclosed that m a raid on a small country boat on
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  • 296 1 LONDON, July 6: Sir George Thomas. Donor of the Thomas Cup for badminton and lifelong promoter of the game is to give £250 to encourage the youth of Singapore to play another sport Basketball Six George himself a former British Badminton and Chess
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  • 93 1 Ceylon Wants Rubber To Ship To China COLOMBO, July 6 The Ceylon (Joverment is finding )t dinicult to get enough sheet rubber to ship to China into the rice/ rubber agreement Under this agreement Ceylon has to send about 25,000 tons before the end of the year. The present shortag.
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  • 36 1 NEW YORK. July ft Prime Minister U No of Burma Tuesday was accorde-1 the traditional welcome New Y^rk g-ives its honored quests and, mi n return, called the city one that belongs to the world. AP
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  • 407 1 Situation Steadily Improving Says MacD Comment On Spore Strikes MacDcnald, replied: "I don't think so. '1 thisk that if the elections were really free the result would go against the Communists not only m the South but also m the North." BANDUNG CONFERENCE The questioner said that
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  • 54 1 Seats For Malta In Br. Parlmt.? LONDON, July 6 British Premier, Sir Anthony KUcii, announced m Parliament today that a Round Table Conference of all political parties m the House of Commons would be called soon to discuss a proposal that Malta should have representatives m the Parliament
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  • 146 1 WASHINGTON July 6.— The U.S. Department of Agrtculture issued purchase orders Tuesday authorizing Pakistan to buy 58,500 bales of U.S. raw cotton, worth 111,700,000, with payment to be made m Pakistani Rupees. Pakistan will exchange this cotton for yarn and cloth manufactured m Japan, Belgium and
    A.P.  -  146 words
  • 430 1 Singapore Harbour Board And Staff Association Sign Agreement Representatives of the Singapore Harbour Board and the Singapore Harbour Boartl Staff Association met at Ihe office of the Ministry of Labour yesterday afternoon, and formally signed a 15-point agreement settling the 67-day-old industrial dispute between the two parties.
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  • 91 1 BEIKUT, July 6.— Pakistan's decision t c join the TurkishIraqi Pact, which Britain also supports, will lead to further developments m the Middle, East, Lebanese Foreign Minister, Alfred Naccache, told newsmen Monday. Naccache did not explain what sort of developments he meant but he expressed
    A.P.  -  91 words
  • 168 1 Mr. Llni Yew Hock Mr. Lim Yew Hock m the course of his speech said: "1 hope that the agreement signed today will be not only be an augury of harmonious relations between the Harbour Board and Its Staff but that it will also have the immediate
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  • 114 1 LONDON, July 6. A close friend uf the late Albert Einstein said Tuesday the renowned physicist left with him a message t o the world before he died three months ago. Bi-rtrand Russell, 83-year-o'd British Philosopher, said the message would be made public at
    A.P.  -  114 words
  • 165 1 LISBON, July 6: Portugal yesterday published un t.tticial statute giving a new 'large measure of independence' to her colonu'4 m India. 'The new regulation* which will conic into force on Augist i, put local administrative powers m the hands of a newly constituted local government
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  • 299 1 QUR sister paper the TAMIL MURASU yesterday 'entered its 21s«t year of publica*i° n with an announcement tnat it has now a larger and bigger circu ation both m the Colony of Singapore and the federation 01 Malaya than the combined circulation of all
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 3 1 n^nws^^EßjC^ l %nm2n^Kn«P^^'^^^^^^^^^'^^^B
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    • 51 1 iBl i YEAR .888. 00 |l ottat P^^^^j-o M 111 g -^^^»^^M"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Mi^^B TAMIL CULTURE A Quarterly English Journal Devoted To The Study Of Tamiliana Chief Editor: Rev. Dr. THAN I NAYAGAM Annual Subscription $3.50 Life Subscription $75.00 Apply with subscription to: Manager TAMIL MVIIASU P.O. 621 71 Selegie Road, Singapore
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  • 630 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Thurs, July 7, 1955 ONE COUNTRY ONE NATION ONE LANGUAGE T> ELATED wisdom has dawned en the Neg-ara leader Da to Onn bin Ja'afar, a* be p.efers himself to be called despite hi* Knighthood. The pi .sent Federal Constitution which ha a been functioning ever since
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  • 416 2 Value Of Shares Announced: Mode Of Payment Of Compensation BOMBAY: The State Bank of India was ushered into existence on Friday and the Imperial Bank of India ceased to function inside India, without the fanfare of a ceremony. The only change noticeable at the imposing headquarters
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  • 236 2 SUGARCANE RESEARCH IN S. INDIA NEW DELHI: The ad hoc expert sub-committee appointed by the Indian Central Sugarcane Committee to assess the progress of sugarcane research and development work m India and io suggest ways and mean s for Its future set up has started its investigation m the Southern
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  • 31 2 NEW DELHI: India s first corridor train exclusively for third class pssengers will run between Delhi, and Calcutta from Oct. 2 this year, jt is learnt.
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  • 271 2 MADRAS: Dr. A. Krishnaawami, M.P.. said here last Friday that the fixation of a celling on land holdings would not mi n any way solve the problem of land hunger m the country. Dr. A. Krishnaswamy, who was speaking on the 'Ordeal of
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  • 72 2 NEW DELHI; A "coach class" m air travel m India Is under contemplation by the Indian Air-line* Corporation authorities The "<*>a<Jh class** will be something like a third class service for air passengers. The idea i H to make air travel cheaper and within the
    NAFEN  -  72 words
  • 52 2 Attempt To Remove Indian Flag MADRAS. The Police on Friday took into custody T. J. V. Naida, a former employee m the Madras Secretariat, during an attempt to climb the step* of the rampart of Fort St. George. Naidu had announced Us intention of removing the Indian Union Hag from
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  • 74 2 MADRAS. The Union Government has proposed to State Governments that they should take steps to observe a "Sanitation Day" on the last Sunday of every month In all towns and villages. The Union Government has stated that on this "Sanitation Sunday," town and village folks should be advised
    NAFEN  -  74 words
  • 88 2 NEW DELHI: The Prime Minister, Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru has sent a message of greetings to the Prime Minister of Canada on the occasion of the National Day of Canada. The message said: "My colleagues m the Government and the people of India join me In extending to
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  • 302 2 GWAL.IOR; Mr. Jaglivan Ram, Union Minister for communications and leader of the All-India Depressed Classes League, pleaded last Thursday for inter-caste marriages to eradicate the caste system which, mi n his opinion was the main cause of the downfall of India m the
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  • 186 2 Rs. 9m. Spent For Welfare Of Women And Children BOMBAY: The Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust has spent Rs. 92,46,000 during t he last 10 years, on welfare activities of women and children* m rural areas, according to the annual report of the Trust. The report, approved by tne Executive
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  • 47 2 BERLIN., arumedary m the East German ioo at Halle, occasionally enjoys a cigarette, the newspaper •Irt-iheif reported. xhe zoo director puffs the smoke of his cigarette into HassoN mouth. The camel then inhales deeply and blows the smoke uut with every appearance of njoyment.
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  • 213 2 COCHIN; At sale No. 12 held here this week, aboul 2,775,000 lbs of tea were on ofter. Tne offerings includes quantity of tea of poor loaf appearance, being fibrous, mixed and stalky. Tne high grown teas were a little irregular m quality but there
    NAFEN  -  213 words
  • 209 2 m..n?Fo\^i DELHI: India will be represented at the nS££« c t ?< inn <* <>' the International Institute of AdnUnistrative Sciences to be held at Oxford from July 10 to Mr. S B. Bapat, Director, Organisation and Methods Division of the Indian institute
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  • 97 2 RAJKOT: The members of the Oil Inquiry Committee, set up by the Government of India, visited the old and new ports of Bhavnagar and Priam Island to select a site for the proposed oil refinery ]p be set up. Negotiations are In progress with the Standard
    NAFEN  -  97 words
  • 835 2 Bulganin Will Like Indian Hospitality: Former Cheka Nan Is Sociable Character LONDON. When Marsha! Bulganin, Prime Minister of the Soviet Union, is able to avail hlm-self of Mr. Nehru's invitation to visit India there is little doubt that this bearded man will relish Indian hospitality even though some aspects of
    NAFEN  -  835 words
  • 266 2 a «i? c i! n<li *r Hl h Commlss »on. m a Press releaae 'her* denied allegations m the Pakistani Press that "Indlscrlmi* nate notices were being served on Muslims m India by the custodians of evacuee propertty. It said tho "allegation tnat thousands of notices have
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  • 90 2 Afghanistan Blames Pakistan NEW DELHI The Afghan Foreign Ministry has blamed Pakistan for the failure of mediation over the flair incidents, according to the Afghan official news agency, Bakhtar. The agency report, received By the Afghan Embassy here «aid the Mnistry issued a communlque stating that the mediation efforts failed
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  • 77 2 I.AHORE. A formal break In diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan Is a matter of day* now that the mediation efforts have failed, a Lahore Eng'ish dally "Pakistan Times" repoted quoting authoritative sources m Kabul. The Afghan Foreign Mi* nistry announced over the Kabul Radio, according to
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  • 74 2 Entry Of Foreigners Into Bombay State BOMBAY: Bombay sea and air pcrts, Ahmedabad airport and Ca=tle Rock, On the Goa border have been declared, under the provisions of the Foreigners Order, as ports of" entry m Bombay State for foreigners coming; from abroad, says an official Press Note. It is
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  • 702 3 Dr. Lanka Sundaram's Call On Martyrs' Day the Portuguese colonies Iflindia liberation of nized here on Thursday iro^^an^Vof^^rt^Day^' Dr. Sundaram said it was proposed to organize a group of M.P.s and M.L.A.S of all parties tn march into Goa soon. The names
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  • 198 3 NEW DELHI: The Travan-ccre-Cochin Government have embarked upon a settlement and a housing scheme to provide shelter to the lowest classes of people m the State Mr. K. Kochulkuttan, Local Self-Government Minister of Travancore-Cochin, said here. Under the settlement scheme, poor people have been given
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  • 35 3 M ADRAS: The delegates to the Fourth Federation of Working Journalists will be accorded a civic reception by the Mayor of Madras on July 18 at the My Ladye's Gardens.
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  • 207 3 MADRAS. The Hony. Secretary o f the Madras Amateur Photographic society writes: In the International Rollei Jubilee Competition conducted m the beginlng of this year at Braunschweig, Germany, by tbe manufacturers of the Ro'lei cameras, out of 18-prizes won by Indians, four
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  • 412 3 Text-Book Holiday In Bombay: School Children's Demonstration BOMBAY: Batches of schojol children braved torrential rains and demonstrated before the Municipal Hall here last week as the civic body w as debating a resolution demanding that tho. Mayor ask the State Government to institute a thorough enquiry into the non-availability of
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  • 83 3 NEW DELHI. Over ft hundred Communists led by Sri A. K. Gopa'an, leader of the Communist group m Parliament, will participate m Goa liberation movement towards the end of July, It is learnt. The Communists who will be drawn from all parts of the country will enter Goa
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  • 43 3 SILIGURI: Workers of 11 tea gardens m the teral (foothill) area struck work last week as a pretest against the police firing m Margaret Hope tea gardens, Darjeellng, on June 25, during the recent plantation strike m the district.
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  • 74 3 GWALJOR. Four nure P.S.P. Satyagrahls we re arrested at Morena last Tuesday for breach of Section 144 OrvF.C, In front of the collectorate, according to a report received here. This brings the total nU'ti,ber of arrests to 70 m connection with the party* month-old Satyagrana for the
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  • 174 3 Security Measures Still In Force On Tea Estate DARJEELJNG: Emergency Police pickets were still at their posts while the plantation workers were gradually returning to work following previous nights agreement with the authorities. Heturn to work directives of the Union did not reach all the affected gardens, where the strike
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  • 287 3 KANPUR: The worker s of the J. K. Jute Mills, who were on stay-in-strike since Monday last, resumed work "unconditionally" on Thursday afternoon. The strikers numbering about 1,300 were demanding acceptance c-f their demand for minimum wage of Ra. Three, annas six per day plus
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  • 176 3 Demonstration In Bombay COIMBATORE, Mr. Asoka Mehta, Praja Socalist leader, announced that on Aug. 15, 10,000 volunteers would march into Portuguese possession, "it would be a matter of pride to all If these volunteers were drawn from &U parts of India," he added. The
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  • 311 3 BOMBAY: Two more members of the crew, including the Chinese Captain Chang, of the ill-fated Panamanian cargo ship Pacific Harmony that went oown off the Go a coast last Wednesday have been traced, bringing the total number of a-rvivors to 37. Seventeen of them.
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  • 50 3 KATHMANDU: Mr. Mahendravikram Shah. th c Nepalese Ambassador m India, has been recalled from his post, it was officially announced here. Second Prince Himalaya is mentioned as the likely successor to Mr. Shah m the local Press. No official confirmation or denial of this report is available.
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  • 50 3 MOSCOW, July 5, Mr. Nikita Khruschev ll.e Soviet Communist Party s leader warned th e West that Russia was going to the Geneva Big Four Conference from a position of strength and not because she had been forced to by an v treason of weanness. Reuter
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  • 412 3 Parameswaran Praises Work Of Arulneri Tirukootam k £S^Pff DI: peakln 8 at a wceptlon held m hi» hoi.our SSL.*!?""*. Knnr kk Adlg»iar at Kunrakkudi. six miles from here last week Mr. )i. ParameAwaran, Minister fojr Hindu Religious Endowments, appealed to Harijam to shed their inferiority complex
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  • 575 3 The Housing Ministers' Conference which began here last week concluded its deliberations. The conference adopted 15 resolutions. It recommended that the Central Government should m consultation with the State Governments prepar c a draft Compensation Bill for acquisition of land required for town and country
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  • 122 3 NEW DELHI: From July 1. a'l toasts drunk m messes of the Armed Forces m India will be m nonalcoholic drinks. An order to this effect has been approved by the Chiefs of Staff of the Army, Navy and Air Force. The custom of drinking
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  • 173 3 Compensation Concessions For D.P. Claimants NEW DELMI: Imp&rtani concessions benefiting large numbers of displaced claimants who owned rural houses -md shops m West Pakistan or agricultural lands In areas outside West Punjab, have bten made m the iinal compensation sciiemc approved by the Union Ministry of Rehabilitation. In the case
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  • 64 3 HONg KONG, July 5 Ndrth Vietnam President Ho Chl-Minh, now on a visit to China called this morning on Madame Soong Chlng- Ling. Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National people's Congress and widow of China's late revolutionary leader Dr. sun Vat Sen, Peking Radio
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  • 53 3 COLOMBO, July 5 Ceyron will receive aid t:tallinjr Rs. 10,005,000 from Canada during 1955-56 under the Colombo Plan, It was officially announced here. The aid is earmarked Tor technical research, fisheries development, an aerial survey of Ceylon, port equipment for Colombo, railway rolling stock and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 37 3 sPiRrruAL FREE to the Mil S i>!.ni s with suffljP reply. For brilliant opinions from distinguish, ed personage s. s^z«tt«d oflloert and busincftvnen jret tho FREK BOOKLET Trof. R. T. THEVAR. TANTRIC. TALNI. Madural Dt. South India.
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  • 1614 4 But Amendments Defeated: Premier's Assurance COLOMBO: Sir John Kotelawala, the Prime Minister said m the House of Representatives that he had always stated that Sinhalese and Tamil would be the languages of the country, and that policy had been put into practice. The
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  • 131 4 HAB ARADUWA People who did not take liquor were last week classed socially back* ward, said Pandita Kcdagoda Gnanaloka Thero, principal of Vidyachandra Plrivena. Ahangama, presiding over a meeting of the Talpe Pattuwa Sambuddha Jayanthi Mandalaya held at Dutugemunu School, Tellainbura. Gnanaloka Thero said that Mr.
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  • 47 4 INTO U.K. LONDON, July 6: A Conservative Member of Parliament r;rged British Prime Minister, Sir Anthony Eden, to raise at the next Conference of Commonwealth Prime Ministers the question of duty free entry into Britain rf goods manufactured In Common- I wealth countrles.- Reuter
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  • 50 4 Three year old Angelina und her two-year-old sister Molly celebrated their birthday jointly with a party recently. Angelina was born on 3rd July and Molly on 19th July, but their parents Mr. Mr*. Daniel Jeyaratnam of Telok Estate, Klang, had one party for both. Picture by CH'NG SENG
    CH'NG SENG POH  -  50 words
  • 170 4 A Nation Requires National Language, Dress Anthem MB. IVAN (IJ. DASAWFKFI acting Minister of Education told the House last week that the programme of work m Swabasha had been placed before the House by the Prime Minister some time back it was a matter ot Regret that certain people had
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  • 134 4 ADMISTON, Wiltshire, July 6 Experts probed the wreckage of Britain's most powerful and secret atom bomb fighter plane near here this morning trying to discover why it crashed during a test flight yesterday. Others wer c studying Hying reports from its naval test pilot before the
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  • 129 4 LONDON, July G. Britain has instructed her Charge D'Affaires m Cairo, Mr. Ralph Murray, to protest to Egypt about the shelling of the 6,244--ton British ship Anshun by Egyptian shore batteries at the entrance of the Aqaba gulf on Sunday. A Foreign office spokesman said the
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  • 79 4 WALLA WALLA, Washington, July 6 Rioting prisoners at Washington StabPrison on the outskirts of Walla Walla took five hostages including an assistant warden, Tuesaay. Telephone lines to the big prison were dead and detail on the riot were meagre The prison has a popjlation of 1,700
    AP  -  79 words
  • 144 4 CHINA S.E.A. Mr. Mac Donald, who has spend nine ana a half years m South East Asia sa=d the conn. tries m that part of the world had very mixed feelings about the New China. "Politically the Government and peoples are hostile to Communism he added "and they are not
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  • 104 4 The Consultative Comittee on rice will be held at Bangkok and will last 3 days from July 26. Invitations to attend this tenth meet ng ct the committee have been sent tc 28 governments, says a pres s release by the Commissioner General's Office here. This
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  • 39 4 HUNTSVILLE. ALABAMA. July 6: Democrat Scnitm John Sparkman said the defence Department had admitted under congressional pressure that Soviet strength m jet fighters and modern Ji°ht jet bombers exceeded that of me enure irec world. Reuter
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  • 34 4 I.A.F. PLANE CRASHES KILLING 5 BOMBAY', July 6 An Indian Air Force Liberator bomber crashed at Lohogaoft Aerodrome near Poona Tuesday, killing its crew of live. Thn Indian soldiers aboard escaped with injuries. Reuter
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  • 31 4 The net collections from Inccmc Tax for the. period June 1 to June 30, 1955, amounted to $11,031,686.27, says a Federal Govt. Press Statement issued m Kuala Lumpur, yesterday.
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  • 65 4 COLOMBO: More women Hie now being appointed registrars of births, marriages and deaths. The newest registrar of Piths, marriages and deaths Is Mrs J M. Jayasinghc who has been appointed for Kelaniya Peruwa. She i s the wife of Mr Justin Jayaeinghe village headman, Kelaniya, and she assumes
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 66 4 I DIAMOND TODAY; :*.15— 6.15 9.15 p.m. DILJIT SIIAKII A NOOR MAHAL (Klindu.stani) with Kamal, Noor and many other* ROYAL OPEXS TO-DAY DAILY AT 3 7.30 p.m. i An Entertaining Film Of i Outstanding Value I with 5 Endless Thrills, Terrific I Duels Thundering Dialogue i| SHIVAJI GANESAN PADMINI I
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