Indian Daily Mail, 6 July 1955

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 17 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. XI NO. 141 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 19 i5 FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 391 1 Revolutionary Committee's Ultimatum To Diem! Reshuffle Of Present Government Demanded SAIGON, July 5. Vietman's Revolutionary Committee which seized power temporarily during the Saigon Street battle early m may today delivered an ultimatum to Prime Minister Ngo Dinh Diem demanding a drastic and immediate reform of his Government. At a press
    Reuter  -  391 words
  • 150 1 South India Wants Some Industries From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS. July 5. The Tamilnad Congress Committee has urged the Government of India to locate some of the proposed basic and large scale Industries under the Second Five Year Plan m the South. The Committee which met at Courtallam ou Sunday
    Copyright  -  150 words
  • 99 1 U.S. RUSSIA ON SAME SIDE IN NEXT WAR MOSCOW, July 5: Russia's Communist Party boss Nikitas Khrushchev told an assistant American air attache yesterday that he hoped if there is ever another war the United States and Russia will be fighting o n the same side. He made the statement
    AP  -  99 words
  • 214 1 From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, July 5. The Tamil Arasu Kalagham has decided to revive its political agitation m order to get Tamil areas of Chittoor District m Andhra State incorporated within Madras. Mr. M. P. Sivagnana Gramani, who presided over the State Conference
    Copyright  -  214 words
  • 57 1 From Our Owto Correspondent YENAM, July s.— One of the four former French Settlements has returned unopposed two Congressmen to the new Pondichurry State Assembly. They are Mr. K. P. Varaprasada Roa, and Mr Y. Jaganatharao. Twelve Congressmen who field nominations to the new Yenam Municipal
    Copyright  -  57 words
  • 26 1 PARIS, July 5 The French National Assembly today) decided by 356 votes to 236 to postpone its debate on aJecria until the end or July. Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 113 1 MOSCOW, July S.—Slt William Hayter, the British Ambassador m Moscow, said h? would invtto Mr. George Malenkov, the former Russian Prime Minister, to visit wU tain If he thought he would accept The British Ambassador, attending yesterday's Independence Day Reception at the American Embassy, was
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 43 1 •KARACHI, July 5 Defence Minister General Ayoub Khan said Monday m Pakistan's decision join the TurcoIraqi Defence Pact he saw '.The dawn of a new era ushering stability and security for the Muslim World m the Middle East." AP
    AP  -  43 words
  • 31 1 TAIPEH, July 5 Three American Air "Force Generals are expected to arrive here this week to discuss the Formosa situation with Mgh Chinese Nationalist Officials, it was announced here today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 114 1 PHOTO. Men of the British Destroyer HMS Agincourt (foreground) mount a guard of honour as the 8,000-ton British Cruiser HMS Jamaica steams out from VaJettu Grand Harbour, Malta, en route to Jamaica on a nineday visit for the Island Colony's 800th Anniversary Celebrations. Jamaica Governor
    AP  -  114 words
  • 159 1 A statement issued by the Ministry of Labour and Welfare says that a meeting was held m the Ministry of Labour and welfare yesterday morning between City Council Officials and representatives of the City Council Labour Union Federation. The meeting lasted three and a half hours
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  • 239 1 Police-Akalis Clash Mob Beat Up Constables AMRITSAR NORTHWEST INDIA JULY! fi— TWENTY* FIVE POLICEMEN WERE INJURED HERE YESTERDAY A J^ I JS? TH ™^S AUSIKH S WHO HAVE BEEN AGITATING FOR THIS FORMATION OF A PUNJABISPEAKING STATE, Police fired tear gag shells Into a crowd of 400 Akalls gathered near
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  • 94 1 Provisions are proposed to be made m next year's estimates to cover expenditure en additional seating accommodation and other desirable improvements m toddy shops In Singapore. Mr. T. M. Hart, Financial Secretary gave the above information m a written reply to Mr. John Edte (Prog.)
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  • 1993 1 One Country— One Nation —One Language DATO ONN ON PARTY NEGARA'S GOAL In a broadcast appeal to the electorate last night Dato Onn bin Ja'afar, Secretary General of Party Negara declared that his Party stood for full Nationhood and Independence by 1960, and said: "Party Negara Is the Party of
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  • 219 1 After six and a quarter hours of joint conferences and separate meetings at the Ministry of Labour Office yesterday afternoon and lastnight, the Singapore Harbour Board and the Singapore Harb. our Board Staff Association reached complete agreement on all main outstanding points m the 68- day-old
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  • 321 1 The Application Lists for the new city Council loan will be opened today Wednesday, July 6. The amount of this loan which is being offered to the public is $30 millions, the price is $96 per $100 worth of stock ana the interest payable is four
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  • 76 1 BOMBAY, July 5, Floodwaters of the rising river Brahmaputra and its tributaries have isolated Dibrugarh, (m Assam) tea town with a popula* tion of 23,000, according to reports reaching here. Protective stoneworks which wore battcrod by rushing waters last August have 30 ffta t held
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 597 2 Indian Daily Mail Spore, Wed, July 6, 1955 THE TUNGKU'S PLATITUDES fpIIE Alliance* opening broadcast on the Federal elections delivered by the UMNO President Tungku Abdul Rahman on Monday is, we regret to nay, extremely disappointing Inasmuch as it does not explain what the Alliance hope* to do If it
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  • 323 2 200 DISILLUSIONED REDS JOIN CONGRESS INDORE: Mr. Harischandra Patil, organizer of the Indore District Communist Party, and 200 of his followers working m the Indore District Kisan Sabha (Red Flag) have resigned en bloc from the Communist Party and joined the Congress, it was
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  • 121 2 NEW DELHI. The Union Minlsry of Food and Agriculture has called upon the people to observe the last day of Vana Mahotsava Week July 7— es Wild Life Day. In a circular letter to Governors, Rajpraraukhs, Lieut.-Governors, Chief Commissioners, Chief Ministes and Forest Ministers
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  • 82 2 NEW DELHI: The Government has decided to reduce the export duty on all varieties of cotton from r*. Iso per bale to Rs 125 per bale, it was officially announced here. It has also been decided to allow an additional export quota of 150,000 bales of
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  • 107 2 BAN ON EXPORT OF MONKEYS WILL GO NEW DELHI: The Government of India Is expected shortly to lift the ban on the export of monkeys to the United States. The ban was imposed when it was found that the conditions m which the monkeys were beln r transported wer c
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  • 73 2 NEW DELHI: Delhi last Wednesday had its first monsoon showers of the season lasting about 4^ hours. it started raining at dawn. The city, which had been m the grip of scorching heat for over a week, heaved a sigh of relief as the temperature
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  • 102 2 NEW DELHI: Widowers and widows are entitled to claim the income-tax rebate given to married persons under the Finance Act 1955, the Lok Sabha bulletin reminds members of Parliament Members are liable to in-come-tax on their salary of Rs. 400 p.m. The bulletin calculates
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  • 77 2 NEW DELHI; The Government of India has isswed a notification fixing the price of tea, for the purpose of determining the export duty, a t Rs 2-6-5 as against rs. 2-7-3 per lb. m force from June 1, 1955, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry announced
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  • 79 2 J£H5? OOL: Thc ii "will savings campaign, launched m October 1951 had so far yielded only Ra 1.5 cro^ ei^ against the target of i W 8 crores to be reached by the end of September this year Mrs. Hannah Sen, Chairman* JJ* Women's Savings
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  • 59 2 GAUHATI: The first Rotary EM* ln Assam was started m SE H la week at a meet.s of about 50 prominent citizens. The meeting was inaugurated by Mr. K ChaJiha Sgeaker of the State XSeSf: Mr. Sarjoo Prasad, Chief Justice of Assam, was unanimously elected
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  • 98 2 "So far as Pakistan is concerned there is no other solution, he said. Commenting on Press reports that Pakistan is willing to the partition of Kashmir, the spokesman said, ''Pakistan has always been willing- to submit all Issues arising out of the interpretation of
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  • 19 2 Chief Minister. Mr. K. Kar maraj, inspecting a grape farm Ganeuwarpatti m Marfuri District Madras.
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  • 542 2 Regional Language Deserves Preference Hindi Must Not Supplant It, Says Union Minister TIRUCHIRAPALLI: The view that, for regional purposes, the regional language of a State should have preference, and for national purposes Hindi should find its due place, was expressed by Mr. K. C. Reddi, Union Production Minister, last week.
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  • 361 2 Rajaji Welcomes NehruBulganin Declaration MADRAS. Mr. C. Rajagopalachari welcomed the Nehru Bulganin joint declaration that Nothing should be allowed to stand m the way of the imposition of a complete ban on the production, experimentation and use of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons of war." Rajaji said m a statement: Pandit
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  • 67 2 HYDERABAD (Dn:) a 16-year old girl from a village m -langaon tali'li who was attacked by a bear was admitted m the Osmania hospital her* m a precarious condition. The relatives of flu? girl had gene out of the village to the jungle outride when she
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  • 62 2 A. L. SPEAKS ON U.N. DAY To celebrate the tent* anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Charter, a public meeting was held at the Madras JDniversity Examination Hall o n June 26, under 1h« presidentship of Dr. A. I-aksh-manaNwami Mudaltar, Vlr«Chancellor of the Madras Uni: versity, who is
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  • 118 2 Cut In Bankmen's Basic Salary Restored BOMBAY: Five scheduled banks m India which had deducted the emoluments of their employees to the extent of the increases m basic salary granted m April last have noW decided to restore the cuts according to Mr. F M. Pinto' Pres'dent of the Federation
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    • 145 2 JJI The food of chomplons ■j-^Jt^j s*n Hardy men m every land know how they can keep free from n»^^>^^L^f coughs, colds and chest weak3^v wt^VllSL nc They take Ccd Liver oa SevenSeaS Pure Cod Liver Od, -^1) Nature* finest food. W&^ I V Cod L VCT O>I rtco s
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  • 471 3 Issues Facing League In New Constituent Assembly According to one commenta- tor any deviation from the disposal of the task would pave the way for the disintegration of the country. These circles recall the observations made by the Chief Jusice of Pakistan,
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  • 45 3 MUSSOOREE; Th« utlar Pradesh Government Is considering proposals to rename Jails as "moral hospitals." as was «ugST*«tr<i by Mahatma Gandhi to produce a psychological effect on convicts and enable them to reform themaelves, according to Mr. Muzaffar Hasan, Ue- puty Minister of U.P.
    U.P.  -  45 words
  • 231 3 MADRAS: It was a historic day for the Germanspeaking people m the City, last week for it was the first time since the war, a Church service m German, and accord, ing to the rite s of the German Lutheran Church, was held. The
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  • 86 3 KOSHIKODE: The Central Committee of the Communist Harty of India has accepted the invitation of Malabar Branch of the Communist Party to hold the fourth annual Congress m Malabar. The place and date of the Congress would be decided by the Malabar Committee m consultation with
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  • 197 3 TRANSPORT STRIKE IN KARACHI KARACHI: Public transport service m Karachi continued to be almost paralysed for the second day en Tuesday without the prospect of striking bus drivers and conductors returning to work. A newspaper report that death penalty would be awarded to bus drivers involved m fatal accidents touched
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  • 103 3 BOMBAY; A non-bailable warrant was issued against Dillp Kumar, well-known lilm star, by the Presidency Magistrate, Mr; K. j. Bljlani at the suburban Bandra Court last week. Ollip Kumar, who is xigturing as the principal witness m a c**se m which a person is charged with
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  • 158 3 BOMBAY: The Uovetnor of Bombay, Dr. Mahatab, called upon the people to consider consuming alcoholic drink a sin. The Governor, who was presiding over a social function organized by the City Prohibition Commitiss*?* 1 wa- p* 0 toibitlon was a complete success hi Bombay and hoped
    FOC  -  158 words
  • 173 3 MADRAS: During the second 5-Year Plan period, 25 poultry development station:*, at an estimated cost of Rs 20 lakhs, are proposed to be opened m different districts of this State: There are at present four district poultry farms m Madras, Salem, South Kanara, and Malabar.
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  • 80 3 BOMBAY. A fuU-len*th documentary film en Prime Minister Nehru's 17-day tour of the USSR shot by the Soviet Ministry' of Culture. wl'l be shown m India In the next two weeks. It Is learned here. The Him. which covers ■even! part* of the Prime
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  • 274 3 Western India Church To Dissolve SANGLJ: Tlic Pjrcsbytenan Church In Western Inaia will become autonomous wncn the Kolhapur Chilrch council takes over the work of the W esteru India Churcn tTOm July A Press Note, issued on Saturday a t the end of a twolay meeting of the Kolliapur cnurch
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 3 at the*«l«£ 2££3r £"jecJ Ii Btor Madr 8 toau S u »ting the uork of Masonry Da,., On the right appears a view of the project site
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  • 401 3 Mr. Lai Bahadur Shastri, Union Minister for Railways, said here that 5,500 miles of new ran lines were proposed to be laid during the Second Five-Year Plan period to meet the increasing traffic needs of th e country The Union
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  • 44 3 BANARAS: Mahant Atwar Girl, a yogi, died here last week at the age cf 135. He originally belonged to the Punjab' and r:\n\r to Hanara.s about 100 years ago. The body of the yogi was consigned to the Ganga,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 77 3 You don't know what Guest Facilities' art mm until you fly A.1.1. AT YOUR SERVICE.... To many, a mere phrase— to US, a way of life, tt is our pride that we are mure than an AIRLINE— we are a SERVICE A.1.1. serves London, Paris, Dusseldorf, prague, Geneva, Zurich, Rome,
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    • 244 3 NEWEST IDEA IN WRITING! Cf| j^\ Fl 1 arker A unique and wonderful gift! Here, for the first "C^ i^S M time, the two leading writing instruments of their kind a W are brought t0 6 ether lo f «rm the one truly modern l |Tl P| I^l l^| anting
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  • 373 4 Prior Agreement On Fundamentals Necessary JAFFNA: Stron r criticism of Mr. O. O. Ponnambalam, IT. „i «li -lit of the All-Ceylon Tamil Congre«h_wa» made by Mr C. Yanniasingham, M.P. for Kopay. President of the llankai Tamil Aracu Kadchcbl (Federal Freedom Party), said
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  • 205 4 Basic Education In Frontier Schools NEW DELHI: Steps have been taken to introduce basic education m the educational institutions of tks North East Frontier Agency and to popularise Hindi m them it was learnt here. Two assistant education officers of the Agency, after completing a six-month course of training m
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  • 116 4 Alleged Stabbing Of Congress Worker PONEfTCHERRY; Kuppuswamy, a Congress worker of Kommapakam, was found last week lying with stab injuries on the road near Villianur, by a party of Congress workers led by Mr. p. Kakkan, President of the Tamil Nad Congress Committee, who la here m connexion with the
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  • 36 4 The fortnightly meeting of the Divine Life Society will be held today Wednesday, July 6, at 7 p.m. at "Gokula Villa", 9 Boscombe Road, Singapore the residence of Sri R. M Krishnan.
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  • 362 4 COLOMBO: India was not aspiring to assume leadership n Asia, said Mr. R. N. Chakravarty, Indian High Commissioner to Ceylon at the V.M.C.A., Fort. Mr. Chakravarty was addressing the V.M.C.A. Forum on the Foreign Policy of In« dia. Mr. K. A. Choksy presided. Mr.
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  • 159 4 JAFFNA: The Jaffna Municipal Council unanimously resolved, at its monthly meeting to request the Direction of Health Services to make provision m the Budget for 1,200 beds and the necessary cadre and equipment at the Jaffna hospital. The council also unanimously resolved to record its
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  • 44 4 SHELL CO. EMPLOYEES UNION The Shell Company employees have elected a pro-tern Committee to form an Employees' union to protect their welfare. The pro tern Committee members are new drafting the Union's Rules and it will be officially registered a s soon as possible."
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  • 48 4 Total exprots of rubber, all grades to all countries, from Singapore and (Federation of Malaya during June, 1955, amounted to 77,393 tons. Total exports of Tin to all countries from Singapore and Federation of Malaya during June, 1955, amounted to 5,913 tons.
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  • 602 4 Repatriation Of Indians: Delhi Pact Contravened COLOMBO: Addressing the annual general meeting of the All-Ceylon Head Kanganles' Association at Hatton, last week, the Indian High Commissioner, Mr. B. N. Chakravarty, said that m the event of the Ceylon Government contravening the Indo-Ceylon pacts ot January and October last year, the
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  • 98 4 This laboratory scale teat model of an airliner that can take off and land like a helicopter has been successfully flown, it was announced at Moffett Field, California, June 21. The plane, using the downward jet of air principal, takes off, lands and hovers with its wings
    A.P.  -  98 words
  • 242 4 Buddha Jayanthi: North-South Co-opn. Urged J^A-FIFNA.: They m the North of Ceylon should join with those In the South *m celebrating the Buddha Jayanthi, especially because the Buddha came to North Ceylon on his second visit to the country said Mr. g- S. NathaD. the ex-president of the Jaffna Y.M.B.A.
    FOC  -  242 words
  • 72 4 WELFARE LOTTERY BY P.E.E.C.C. Princess Elizabeth Estate Community Centre is organizing a Welfare Lottery and the date of draw has been fixed for July 31, 1955. 5,000 tickets at $1 each are on sale for members only and 10 cash prizes ranging from $1,000 to $20 are proposed to be
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  • 91 4 CHAVAKACHCHERI: Mr. v\ Kumaraswamy, Acting Minister of Transport and "Works who inaugurated an air service between Jaffna and Trlncomalee took longer than usual for the test flight. The reason was that on the flight he studied his constituency, particularly the Elephant Pass lagoon scheme and the location of
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  • 54 4 The .Kamala Club members will hold a "Social Get-to-gether 1 cm Monday, July 11, at their premises at 11, Moulmein Read. On Monday, July 18 there will be a Cooking Demonstration (fish by Mrs. B. R. Chhapkhanawalia, a od on Monday July 25 the Club will hold
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  • 249 4 NEW AIRPORTS FUELLING DEPOT COSTS $650,000 The til companies 1 $GSO <)00 Aviation Fuelling Instaliati-m Lit Singapore's Paya Lebar Airport is now completed and vill be put into service after t is tested, Mr. R. S. Jack. Shell engineer m charge of construction, told Indian Daily Mail last night. It
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  • 37 4 LONDON, July 5: Britain is to hand o ver the adm'.nls* tration and control of the naval base at Simonstcwn, South Africa, to the Union Government, it was officially announced here.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 101 4 DIAMOND OPENING TODAY DAILY 3.15 6.15— 9.15 p.m. DILJIT SHAKILA NOOR MAHAL NOOR MAHAL (Hindustani) with Kamal, Nonr and many others ROYAL To-day at 3 7-30 p.m. MISSIAMMA A Miss It Not Masterpiece OPENS TO-MORROW Shivaji Ganesan P a d m i n i CAUVERY An Entertaining Film Of Outstanding
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