Indian Daily Mail, 1 July 1955

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. XI NO. 13 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 195~ FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 164 1 AUSSY AIRMEN ARRIVING IN MALAYA NEXT MONTH Contribution To Commonwealth Defence CANBERRA, June 30: Australia will next month begin the movement of air detachments which she is contributing to the Commonwealth *trategic reserve m South East Asia, the Air Minister, Mr. Athol Townley announced today. An advance party of 30
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 79 1 To Reopen Gandhiji' Cottage ffrom Our Owti Correspond nt NEW DELHI, june 30- he a question of reopening the ntUf e where Gandhiji lived nd g?**" l during his stay at (wardha and matters per iintan t* 1 maintenance ot Se- tagram will be discussed hen the All India Sarva
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  • 62 1 Advisers To Reg. Congress From Our Own Correspondent INDORE,, Jun e 30; The Congress High Command considering the question of appointing regional advisers to Congress leaders to advise on matters relating to their regions It was reliably learnt here. The advisers will be selected by A.I.C.C. and posted In different
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  • 452 1 Mr. Q. T. Pillai, Ex-Pfesident Of Kinta Indian Association We deeply regret to announe the death of Mr. G. Thiagarajan Pillai, tfe President of the Malayan Pensioners' Assoiation at his residence in Tanjore, on June 20 He was 69 years old and he
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  • 68 1 From Our Own Correspondent NEW DELHI;, June 30*. from July all toasts drunk In the Armed Forces mew»--«m In India wUI be nonalcoholic drinks only. The order to this effect was approved by the Chiefs of State of all the three snrvice*. As a
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  • 79 1 Goan Nationals To Undertake 3-Dav Fast From Own Cos-respondent RuM*AY, June 30: Appeal to G«an\ nationals to undertake sefenty-two hour fa3t commencsg today morning with a vifcy to appealing to the better Veose of Portuguese authorities W-8 been made by Mr. Parulefe!, leader of the Satyagraha rfcrty m a statement
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  • 169 1 Front )lr Own Correspondent NEvl DELHI. June 30. Increase' quotas m respect of items iecded for Indian >ndustrfc- or for meeting increai demands m the count* try ie met by domestic productl m and less quotas for artic c manufactured In the coun v are the
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  • 162 1 From Our Own Correspondent CALCUTTA, June 30- Anthropological department of the Government of India proposes to send *t the near future a specially equipped party to South Andamanito etftaaliLsih contacts with Jarawe, the most hostile tribe on the Indian soil. The department may later send a
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  • 134 1 From Our Own Correspondent BWVILLIPUTHUB, (MmAwitnessed at the unveiling of portrait of Gopalsami Nalcker of Madathnpatty village by Kamaraja Sattur F^cal Oonf emSe. Mr' N«icker( a well known CouKTwetnan of Sattur aad «oUpatti taluk wu aontrorken of the Chief Minister Kamaraj for tWrtyiive yean. After unveiling
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  • 42 1 From Our Own Correspondent NEW DELHI, June 30- The Government of India have decided to abolish with Immediate effect the present export duty on coffee of Rs. 21 per CWT., It was officially announced yesterday. —Copy*
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  • 88 1 From Our own Correspondent MADRAS. June SO: Eloquent tributes were paid to the qualities of Mr. Kamarraj during the unveiling of his portrait by the Union Mtelster Mr. f. H. KiMOMmcharl here last evening. Unveiling the State Chief Minister's portrait Mr. Krisiuuunachart ob«erved that he was
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  • 96 1 Prom Oar own Correspondent MADRAS, June, 30- Professor R. P. Sethni Plllai has donated ten thousand rupees to Madras university to be utilised for the development of Tamil language. This 2s m addition to five thousand rupees which he received as a gtft
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  • 105 1 1 ,000 Volunteers Will March Into Goa On Aug. 15 From Our Own Correspondent COfMBATORE, June 30.— The Praja Socialist leader Mr. Awka Mehte announced here yesterday that on August 15. terrtto^TTikUa?****™ WUI mMtJh tato PwhNme^ It would be a matter of o rlde if these volunteers were drawn from
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  • 51 1 3rd Class Train From Our Own Correspondent NEW DELHI, June 30: From October, a new full length corridor train will nun between Delhi and Calcutta, ,i Is learnt. The train will have thiad class coaches only and passengers can go from one end of the train to the other.
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  • 52 1 RANGOON, Jun e 30— A fiveman textile delegation from India, led by C: C. Javert, president of the All-Indi a Exporters' association of Bombay, will soon visit Rangoon and spend a week m Burma studying market conditions. Later the group goes to Malaya, Thailand, Indonesia, aurt
    AP  -  52 words
  • 178 1 Here At A Momentous Time, Says. New Governor Sir Robert Black, the Gov-ernor-designate of Singapore and Lady Robert arrived at Kalian? Airport yesterday at pjii. Sir Robert travelled from Colombo, wher e He was delayed for five hours, m the Air Chief Marshal's plane; The Officer Administering the Government Mr.
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  • 56 1 India's Protest To Portugal From Our Own Correspond NEW DELHI. Jun e 30- India protested afresh to Portugal against her barbarous way s of dealing with unarmed satyagrahls m Goa. Portuguese Minister m Delhi was summoned to the External Affairs Ministry to receive the protest whUtfi official circles said was
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  • 57 1 LONDON, Jun e 80— The Lord Mayor of London, Sir Seymour Howard, plans to visit Moscow for a week next month. He had an invitation from the Moscow City Soviet and cabled acceptance Tuesday. The Lord Mayor will take only one member of his staff
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  • 45 1 KARACHI, June 30— Canada and Pakistan signed an agreement Wednesday under wnich Canada will supply engineerIng equipment for irrigation purposes costing $l,800,00o and structural steel for a power house to be used for pumping water from the river runmi *n East Pakistan.- AP
    AP  -  45 words
  • 91 1 GOVT. FILES SAVE GIRLS FROM TIGER! From Our Own Correspondent JUBBALPORE, Julie SO: Government files saved two girls from being ptty to a tiger who stood barely fifteen yards away. The girls were oil their way to a village from Bargl Social Centre on Sunday last. As they negotiated a
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 1 Syv *L Ol > 38 fch* 11 Bride from Singapore who ha* been "tudyln* In Britain, was married on j5? "4 at London's Paddington KegUtwy office to Ronald [Wild, %o-duoer-playwright who wa« with Radio Malaya. ShY L research ilberarian with the same or«uolatK£ a5» nilto
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  • 162 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs: The contraversial Salk anti-polio Vaccine formula was yesterday presented to the Federation Government by Mr. Walter Schwin, Director of the United States Informations Services, rl? ya at a sim Pfe ceremony at the Office of the Member for Health.
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  • 126 1 r.-iV ith 4 J S ect J£° m the 2nd of July> 1955. Am-INDIA au™ national will inaugurate a n ew Luxury Express Service to be named "the PLYINg rani" between India and the UnJtod Kingdom. .Operated by SL-per-Cwistel-lation Aircraft, this all firstclass service will be the fastest
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  • 41 1 mJ Mmister for Education r Chew Swee Kee, win attend the Tenth Annual Athletic Sport? of the Presbyterian Boys' Schcoi at Loronjr J. Telok Kurau, on Saturday )ul v 2 Mr. Chew wji distribute the PT.Z9;-
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  • 31 1 An extraordinary general meeting of th e Singapore Traction Co. Employees' Union will be held at the Singapore Badminton Hall on Saturday, July 2, commencing from 7.30 p.m.
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    • 55 1 COLOMBO, June SO.—Pteaident Soekarno of Indonesia tea accepted In invitation from Sir John Koteiawala, the Carton Prime .Minister, to visit Ceylon, an omcUJ aour«e said today. President Soekmrno hopes to 1m in Colombo during first week of August on his wa v home from his torn- of Asian Mid Middle
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 27 1 LONDON, June 30 —A Pan. servativc Member cf ParSl ment Mr. John George mav be S"}^ from ifinSSj; cause ??T Of omn »°nB besome years ago.— Reuter
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 38 1 SAIGON, June 80. South Vietnam*,, National Army £5 broken up the private Jmyrf general Ba C*tT warlordoFthe Hoa Hao Buddhist sect, and u! troops are IIeei*r^S^» the frontier Into CaSrodia, a Sefence Ministry source annmmr ed today.— Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 29 1 RANGOON. June 30. The Rangoon Corporation (municipal bodyj has decided to stop renewal of current pawnshop licenses as state pawnshops art to begin operation Hi otnhrr next vcar AP
      AP  -  29 words
    • 37 1 NEW YORK, June 80.— P. ime Minister V Xv of Burma departed by pane for Waafclar. ten Wednesday to Begin a !3L*^iS' lt J£L" 111 iclud talktj with PreMdent Eltenhow and Seontan «t «*-f--•tchn tvtw OttUe^T AP
      AP  -  37 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 585 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Fri. July 1, 1855 MALAYANISATION MUST BE BASED OM RECIPROCITY Fit I* accepted ta*c we ex- Mission Malayanlsation «i tfopafcJc senrfaaa*' mm— maMar the pubile services SESleutf 'Matey— that "Malayan" me— a SSonal ori c4ti»« of MaUyVthe. It follow, tfcat ongr ■atiimaln or the ©iti**"* of
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  • 90 2 Industrial Exhibition In Srinagar BOMBAY: A large*scal c industrial exhibition will be held m Srinagar from August 15 to September 14, 1959, it is learned here. It is intended to exhibit the arts and crafts products of Jammu and Kashmir State and the products of cottage and small scale Industries
    NAFEN  -  90 words
  • 1451 2 In do -Soviet Co-operation Co-Existence To Be Basis Nehru -Buiganki Declaration MOSCOW: A joint declaration that Indo-Soviet relations would be governed by the principles of co-existence was made at the conclusion of the talks between Mr. Nehru and Marshal Bulganin, Soviet Premier. The statement sets forth the common alms and
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  • 370 2 NEW MARRIAGE LAW IN RED CHINA IS DISASTROUS HONK KONG, The new marriag* law In Red China, patterned after the Soviet syntem when couples need only to sign their names on a marriage or divorce form (whichever the cue may be,< Is baokflAag on the Chinese Reds with disastrous results.
    AP  -  370 words
  • 191 2 LEADER OF RAJASTHAN LANDLORDS ARRESTED JAIPUR. Thakur Madan Singh of Danta, President of the Rajasthan Land-owners, Association, was arrested at his residence under the Preventive Detention Act and removed to the Central Jail here. Thakur Singh has been directing an agitation here since the last eleven days, demanding "proper rehabilitation-
    FOC  -  191 words
  • 123 2 NEW DELHI: Dr. K. Janaki Annual, Director of the Central Botanical Laboratory Botnical Survey of India, Lucknow has been awarded an honorary degree of Doctor <4 Laws a t the University of Michigan, according to a U. 3.1.5. release here. Miss Janaki Animal, following
    FOC  -  123 words
  • 221 2 PICTORIAL HISTORY OF INDIA MADRAS: Paintings depicting the historical progreJJs of India m the fields of art, culture, social, ecnomic and political, were under preparation and very scon they would be adorning the walls of the Parliament House m >sew Delhi, said Mr. G.V. Mavlankar, Speaker of the Lok Sabha,
    FOC  -  221 words
  • 206 2 MADRAS: Mr. M. BhnUtavatsalam, Agriculture Minister, stated that he did not know how *»«.on the general land reform wo Jld be introduced m the Stan.-, but he had recently warned mirasdai'i, and other bt X landholders, to keep abreast of the times. He said there
    FOC  -  206 words
  • 145 2 SINCE CLOSURE OF U.S. WEATHER STATION NEW DELHI; The closure of an American weather station, called the Dutch Harbour Station In the Aleutian Islands, is the Behring sea, was res. ponsible for tne allyre of the mdcan Meteorological Department to put out the usual monsoon forecasts this year, it la
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  • Article, Illustration
    94 2 Charming: Jeanne Mafbews and Guy Pfgier filling a' shoe to drink a toast to the f#cce<ss of the HOLHDA.Y ON ICE show, which opened At the Great World stadium last night. They were at the /cocktail party held at the Catmy restaurant to the cast f the revue by the
    I.D.M.  -  94 words
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  • 158 2 TANJORE; Mr. Qk A. Ramakrishnan, Collector of Taujorc passed orders po rani tic c the staging of a Tamil play, "Peuhikku Pazhi," by Sri Vibhutl Vceiamuthu-swami m Ayyampettai, Staging of the play had been prohibited earlier by an order of the Collector under Section 9 of
    FOC  -  158 words

  • 1281 3 No Intention T o Foist Hindi On South India Prasad's Assurance President Bajendra Pimm view, and the Government o\ the scheme of competitive occupy position m whicf wculd enable a candidate to be nation a. Dr. Prasad assured the pj wa« no intention to foist HinJ to dispel from their
    FOC  -  1,281 words
  • 78 3 BOMBAY, A full-length documentary film on Prime Minister Nearu's 17-day tour of the V.S.S.R.. shot by the Soviet Ministry of Culture, win be shown In India m the next two wwks, It Is learned her*. The Aim, which covers several parts of the Prime Minister* -whirlwind
    NAFEN  -  78 words
  • 233 3 NEW DELHI: With a view to rendering quick and prompt service to the passengers and providing them greater amenities, the Indian Airlines Corporation has started its own teleprinter service <»n--neating its headquarters, m Delhi »with Bombay, Calcutta Madras, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Nagpur. TJie new lines started
    FOC  -  233 words
  • 28 3 NEW DELHI: Mr. H- VVenkatasubbayya haa been appointed Managing Director of the Industrial Finance Corporation m the place of Mr. Xr. R.
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  • 179 3 AHMEDABAD; Mt. S. R. Vasavada. leader of the Indian National Trade Union Congress and General Secretary of the 80,000-stroiw Ahmedabad Textile Labour Associ ition, has suggested to the Government of India to convens immediately a tripartite conference with a view to ting up a committee without
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  • 136 3 FOC NEW DELHI; The 7.000 -ton cargo ship C.M.V. "Jalavihar'" built at the Hindustan Shipyard, Visakhapatnam .has been delivered to the »~wner.««, the Scindia Steam Navigation Company Ltd. The ship sailed on her maiden voyage from Visakhapatnam harbcur c.n June 14, for dry docking at Calcutta and was delivered
    FOC  -  136 words
  • 586 3 MADRAS: Over a thousand women and chlren gathered at the Meenambakkam airpoi Madras, to give a rousing reception to stiyear-old ZIPPY the famous Hollywood and Te vision Star Chimpanzee, tpy Is to star m Gemini's tht million mammoth prodifon "Insaniyat," a Hindi
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  • 43 3 Picture. The stars of the Holiday on Ice *h-mv, who are visiting the Far East now for the second time. To org»»**~ show i« reality expensive, particularly m Singapore weather. They are putting the greatest «how on Ice. I.D.M.
    I.D.M.  -  43 words
  • 1201 3 Ministry's Publications NEW DELHI: The Union Ministry of Education has now published the first batch of finalised technical terms m Hindi m five subjects, that is Physics, Chemistry' Mathematics, Botany and Social Sciences for use m Secondary Stools. These terms hav c been framed as a
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  • 162 3 TIRUNBLVEU; Speaking a t the Donor's Da y cf the M D T. Hindu College, His Holiness Defvatrigamonl A.n;t>achala Desiffa Paramacharya Swamigal. Head of KuorakudiTiruvannamalai Adhcenam, advised the teachers and the taught to uphold the traditions.of Tamil Nad. He emphasised the neel to impact religious instruction to
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  • 1660 4 Ceylon Govt. To Seek Clarification Of Clauses COLOMBO: jme Ceylon Governtneat will «end a note the Indo-Ceylo* pact, he *aid. The note is beta* prepared in accordance with the pro* i^al madebv Cevlon at laat week's conference between the Indian Hirfi^oSStoSoner. Mr. B. N. Chakravarty and
    FOC  -  1,660 words
  • 1221 4 Philosophy Its Aspects Swami Satyananda's Address At Philosophical Conference FOLLOWING IS THE TEXT OF THE SPEECH OF DR. &WAMI SATYANANPA, CHAIRMAN, PHILOSOPHICAL CONFERENCE ORGANISING COMMITTEE, DELIVERED AT THE PHILOSOPHICAL CONFERENCE HELD IN KUALA LUMPUR ON JUNE 28 AND 26. The word philosophy is a somewhat modified form of the Greek
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  • 781 4 That M. C A. Letter: Tan Siew Sin's Regrets Letter Ty The Editor: Sir. I send you herewith copy of the text cf a stat^iien* which me- Tan Slew Si '4 tlw MCA Publicity Chairman ant, the Alliance candidate for Ma lacca Central, made this a£ternoon at the Malacca Clock
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 63 4 DIAMOND TODAY '-AST 3 Shows s— *Us— 9.15 p.m. DO BAHADUR (Hindi) Starring RABURAO PAHELVAN, JOHNKAVAS, SHANTA PATEL, ROIUM, RAJNI mal»y others. OPENING TO-MORROW GUL SANOBAR I (Hindi with English Subtitles) ROYAL Now Showing In Its 2nd Week. Daily at 3 7.30 p.m. A Miss It Not Masterpiece J
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    • 120 4 ADVICE sentfl FREE to the sni I fering humanity J Send your problems with ***®"«i reply. For brilUant opinions from disttnguished personages, gazetted officers and businessmen get the FREE BOOKLET Prof. R. T. THEVAR. TANTRIC. PALNI. Madural Dt.. Sooth India. —^^^M^^gj GRAND OPINING TODAY AT J^jpfP^^^^r »aily 3 Shoi: 3.15—6.30—9.15
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