Indian Daily Mail, 15 June 1955

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. XI NO. I*l. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE, 15, 1966 FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 593 1 Taxis Go Off The Road Police Offer Of Protection To Taxis A Section Of Workers Return To Work: New Firms Join Strikes GOVT APPEAL TO PUBLIC (By Our Staff Reporter) Seventy-nine establishments affected with a combined labour force of over 15,700 were 'out' on sympathy strike
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  • 290 1 S.H.B. STAFF ASSN. DISPUTE DISCUSSION Joint meetings between tne Singapore Harbour Board Staff Association and the Beard were resumed at the Ministry of Labour yesterday The Minister for Labour, Mr. Lim Yew Hock, was m the chair and the Acting Commissioner for Labour Mr. J. D. H. Nelll wa s
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  • 48 1 Queen Elizabeth wear* a tiara as, with her husband at her side, she leaves Buckingham Palace by car en route to open Parliament. The traditional state drive to the ceremony had been can cel'ed ay a result *of the railway strike PHOTO. AP
    AP  -  48 words
  • 52 1 Radio Mala Via \vill broadcast the names .of candidates nominated to 'contest seats m the Federal elections at the followwig times today, June 15. English— 7 JO p.m.- Malay 5.40 p.m. (Rural Service) and 8.30 p.m. (general programme); Chinese 5:30 p.m. and 9.12 p.m. and Indian
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  • 86 1 Government has decided with Immediate effect that the oirtndays of tihe Prophet Moaamed and Lord Buddha (Veak Day) b e declared as public holidays m substitution for -c -iai uay or the August oanjc holidays and whit Monday respectively, says a press statement issued from the
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  • 191 1 "MCA Leader Left Party Because He Wasn't Nominated" Alliance Explanation On Chin's Resignation Kitaia .*i'sS.£ ur Ow Correspondent) CMlK*e Association was caused by hts dlwoprfntinent m not Mr. chin, an MCA founder member and leader of AJJ'ance group m Seremban Town Council, had charged that he had made repeated requests
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  • 25 1 Mr. Claque Mid' last night the Singapore Police will offer, protection to taxi-drivers, who want to run their taxis today.
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  • 474 1 Trial Fixed For June 25 (By Our Staff Reporter) Low Wah Lim, aged 19, General Affairs Officer of the Malayan Textile Mills Union, and one of the five detained on June 12, pleaded guilty of being m possession of terrorist documents, before the
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  • 60 1 TORONTO, June 14 ia« month-ojd girl had a heart operation her e during which her blood passed through a fcng removed fro m a monkey. The operation was performed by Dr. w. T. Mustard. Toronto heart surgeon: The monkey's lungr was chosen as the temporary
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 93 1 The fun representative Cornell or the Singapore Trades Union Congress, which is the governing body be* tween the delegates conference, will meet tonight at 7.30 to review the sit,, at ion and ex* Plore ways and means of easing the tension. Mr. S. Jaganathan, President of the
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  • 217 1 Eleven person* were arrested yesterday for resisting the police executing: their duties. Five more were arrested* yesterday for alleged intimidation of taxi-drivers, but they were all released and bound over after the Police had taken down detail* about them. The eleven arrested per song
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  • 21 1 MISSING A top trade unionist, believed to be wanted by the Police, i 8 reporter to fee missing; since last Saturday.
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  • 817 2 Significance Of Nehru's Visit To Russia Joint Declaration Likely MOSCOW: An enthusiastic reception was accorded to a group of visiting Indian journalist^ by the Soviet Pressmen interspersed with countless toasts and clinking of glasses within a few hours of their arrival arid talks between Soviet and Indian representatives
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  • 65 2 Foreign Experts For Bicycle Industry NEW DELHI; The Upion Government has decided to g\ve special technical assistance to sewing-machine and bttycl* parte manufacturing industry. Two foreign experts will be recruited m Europe to Improve the qua{i\v Of products. Sewing-machine and bicycle parts are largely manufactured m the Punjab and PEFSU.
    NAFEN  -  65 words
  • 85 2 1'ABIS: There are nearly 4.50 C.000 unattached women m France 1, .500,000 unmarried and nearly 8,000,000 widow*. There are only 1,200,000 bache|or», and the number ot \vido\ver H is poor In proportion to that of the widows a more 786,000. Despite the wetf-known attraction* of Fiance for
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  • 217 2 In Freight Rates BOMBAY. The Ujk Continental and India shi>>p r<* conferences have decide 1 to Cffer th e question of invoking a surcharge on fn, ght cimed to and from India because of a "slight improvement' 1 m the turn-round of ships m IndlaD
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  • 251 2 Industries Fair To Be Annual Feature New DELHI: The Indian industries Fair to be held her* In October-Decent er thds year will be an annual feature hernafter, it has been decided. Modelled on the British In* dustrtes Pair, the Delhi Ftiir is being s o organised tiut rr.any of the
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  • 87 2 Govt. Servants Shramdan NEW DELHI; It is un lerstood Government servants will be welcome to participate m shramdan, provided their services are utilised <fn t^ibjlc utility programmes sponsored by Gjvßihment departments or the Bharat Sevak and not by private agencies. It is understood Government will hive no objection to giving
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  • 463 2 LONDON. Shrewder, more realistic endeavour* m Asia to meet Mie menace of Commuidat imperialism were advocated m an interview here by Mr. Richard Sedlacek, formerly commercial counsellor a t the Czechoslovak! an Legation m Damascus who «c«ntly sought political asylum m Britain. Mr. Scdlacek said
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  • 190 2 NKW DELHI; Linguistic maps of border districts dn the States of West Bengal, Rajasthan, Orissa, Mysore, Madras and Hyderabad are being made by census experts to help the States' Reorganisation Commission. Certain districts m Hyderabad have already been mapped. Several States have lately been demanding chunks of neighbouring
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  • 239 2 NEW DELHI There were 73 cases of new disputes auring March, according to the provisional statistics of industrial disputes released by the Labour Bureau, Government of India. The number of workers involved m 04 cases was 51,703. compared with one previous month, the nufber cf disputes, the number
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  • 232 2 MADRAS: Th e foundatl-n--stone for the guest house, proposed to be constructed at Mahabajipuram for the benefit of tourists at a cost of P.s. 2,00,000, was laid b y the Chief Minister Mr. K. Kamaraj. The Chief Minister pleaded for mrrc and better amenities for the
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  • 129 2 LONDON The next Um*you find yourself unable' to fa}] aflleep, you can cony )<- -yourself with the thought that cows stay awake the whole of their lives. So says Dr. Cflve Ba}ch, following Investigations undertaken at the National Institute for Dairying Research, RcacHfig. Tutting forward his conclusions
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  • 89 2 CALCUTTA; a new drv;g for the ••■•upprcssive treatment of majaria has been foun-1 m a Triazine compound, Dr. IJ.P. Bafu, Director, Bengal Immunity Research Institute Calcutta, told the Press. Dr. Basu said extensive and free use of antimalarials were often limited owing to their aide-effects or
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  • 60 2 Fie]d Marsha] Plbu] Songgram, thp Pr'.me Minister of Thailand, call* on Sir Anthony Eden, th e Prime Minister, «t 10 downing Street on June 8. Pibul Songgram, who arrived m London on -Fume 7 for a sixday offlcte] visit. was to lnnch at Buckingham pajac with
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 633 2 Use Of Force Against Satyagrahis LISBON. Portugal has formally notified the Indian Government that attacks" on Portuguese territories I" indU "will be met with force," a Foreign Ministry communique said. It said all "illegal entries will be severely put down as criminal violations of Portuguese sovereignty,
    Reuter  -  633 words
  • 155 2 BOMBAY: The Labour Appellate Tribunal of incHa, tfcmbay. ruted that bonus M envisaged by this Tribunal te not an a^ertion of workmen:* right to a share of profits, it is an attempt t o shorter, tnc gap between Jiving and lac actual wage." The
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  • 85 2 AMRITSAR: Police arrestea 67 persons for aefyin^ the Government order bannla c shoutJtijr of .slogans rep ting to reorganisation of th fc Punjab. Thds brings th c total member of arrests m Amri^3ar district m eonnect:on wl*h t.ic Shiromanl Akaji TiaJ's mor»:ha* against the ban to 1,290.
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  • 85 2 TRIVANDRUM The salaries u th c T. a Chief justice ana other Iligh Court Judges have necn raised from Rs. 2,000 to 2.500 and from Rs. 1.500 to 2,000 respectively, according to the T:C High Court Judges (Salaries) Amendment Order, 1955, ]f bjlsihed
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  • 35 2 TRWANDRUM: The death occurred on June 4 of Mr. X. K. Krishna Pi foal Mayor of Trivandrum Municipal Corporatlon Mr. Krishna Final who was 53 took ill suddeniv end died. FOC
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  • 1517 3 Dr. Benjamin's Reply To Rajaji's Criticism NEW DELHI: Dr. P. V. Benjamin Tv berculosis Adviser to the Government of India and Technical Adviser to the Tuberculosis Association of India, has issued a statement rommentingr on the recent statements made by Mr. C. Kajagropalachari on
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  • 311 3 CALCUTTA: A new spinning mill with 23,500 spindles will be set up a t Taherpur, a refugee township north of Calcutta, to increase employment opportunities for displaced persons from East Pakistan resettled here. Nearly 600 D.P S will be absorbed initially m this mill and
    NAFEN  -  311 words
  • 149 3 NEW DELHI: Ridfa will participate m St. Ericks Fair m Stockholm, scheduled to take place from August 27 to September 11 this year, it is understood. So far this country has not participated m any important international fair held m the Scandinavian countries. The new
    NAFEN  -  149 words
  • 177 3 KATMANDU: The snowman Is a reality, arc<>r;lir.g to Mj. Latroilje and M. Pierre Border members of the two-man French geological expedition to tlic Makalu, who arrived here last week: The two geologists, W h' J have ootnp]eted a survey of t\fs Makalu base, aaid that
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  • 115 3 Ttip height of the "While I>ome" peak, climbed by the veteran Swiss Alpinist, Mr: Raymond Lambert, on May 14, is 23,000 feet, acorn-din* to Mr. Ju]e« Dittry. an eminent et!.rvlogjiiit. Mr. ijambjert and Mr. Dittry >pent over a month An the Langthang Range, and returned to Katmandu
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  • 187 3 CAX^U-J^TA: There i a fairly good demand for matches and tircwoi'Ks m New Zealand, accord ng to official intormation a va;iable here. While internal production lt> New Zealand of matches is net sufficient to meet the country's total requirements, that of fireworks is almost all
    NAFEN  -  187 words
  • 145 3 CALCUTTA: Mr. Anil K. Chanda, Deputy Minister for External (Affairs, Government of India, and leader of the Indian Cultural Delegation to China, arrived m Calcutta last week morning with th e members of the delegation. Mr. Chanda, who was accom* pan ed by Mrs. Rani
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  • 453 3 NAGAPATNAJK; M r. M. S. Sivaramun, Director o f Agriculture, during his tour of this tajuq, discovered five place 3, as water sources for inigation. Accompanied by Mr a.. Mahomed aJI, Deputy Director, and Mr. M. J. David, District Agricultural Officer, Mr. Sivaraman started from Acluthurai,
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  • 151 3 CUTfACK: The recent setLack m the health of Acharya Vinoba Bhave was due to the excessive heat m Kora put district where he is now marching en foot, according to Dr. Sarat Misra of the S. C. B. Medical College Hospital, was examined Acharya Bhave on
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  • 87 3 BANGALORE: S. Natarajan 22-year-old "endurance cyclist" o f South Arcot District who began a 105-hc* r nontcp cycling feat on Jur e 1 cLismcuoted his bicycle Junt 4th morning after peda]l<n^ for nearly 95 hours. Natarajßn felt giddy, and was removed to the Bowrtoj; Hospital srfter
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  • 508 3 Six Madrasi Directors The following aacr c the Directors of the Central Board Madras Circle: Mr. S. V. Ramamurthy, formerly Adviser to the Government of Madras, Member, Famine Commission! Director of the Central Board of the Imperial Bank of India, Member, Madras Local Board of the
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  • 155 3 KOMBAY: "Newspaper B«y'> a Malayalam fuy length feature «lm produced "from script writtng to direction" by roJlege Htudenta of Travan-tore-Cochin was previewed here. The Adarsa Kaja Mandir, the arts section of the Mahatmaji Memorial Associfvtton of Trio hint, produced the picture. The director of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 63 3 N^^aA the smart way \/\r to shaveS^'^ You lo< >k very j Th V f th \<2J smirt th«s« days «"»oothttt. tasl«tt A^^K tnav«s— and mor« JL vj A\A yr- Ih vw P»r bl»d« />^ V lf»\V iTX'4'A v J *^L- Bin* Giiutt«\7<Sb» I >^Zl^^ mystlf! more shaves from Blue
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  • 446 4 Ceylon Governor General's Assurance To Indians Expeditious Disposal Of Outstanding Applications COLOMBO. The fourth session of the second Par< lament of Independent Ceylon wa« ceremonially inaugurated here by the Gov-t-rnor- General Sir Oliver Goonetileke, with the traditional <ipeeeh from the Throne." Sir Oliver, who is the first Ceylonese Governor General
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  • 92 4 They Prefer Provident Fund To Gratuity Government Daily Rated Employees Joint Committee has decided that the benefits which would accrue to the ciai],v rated employees of Government woiuld be greater under the Central Provident Fund than under the Government Gratuity Scheme and consequently it was agreed that all daily rated
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  • 142 4 A delegation Of sl x officebearers and committee members of the newly-formed union of unemployed person 3 conferred for two fhour.s with the EM rector for Social Weltare, Mr. t. P. Cronwi-»l, and the Chief Employment officer, Mr. F: G. Tyson, at the Ministry of Labour yesterday.
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  • 39 4 COLOMBO: The Ceylon Government's new amendment to its immigrants and Emigrants Act came into force from last week. The order bringing the Act Into operation was contained m a Government Gazette Extraordinary Issued last week.
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  • 504 4 J C LO 2? BO: The Prlm Minister, Sir John Kotelawaia, told the House of Representatives Ihut be was sorry a liyure of the Buddha had been Incorporated la the film T Slr J s hn was replying to a complaint
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  • 106 4 MAT ALE; A young woman, Bandu of Aluvthare, Is reported to have locked iwcself m a room, poured kerosene on her c{»ttyes and set fire to herself. the ttaor of; the room was forced open, Bandu was found enveloped In flames, In a siltinc
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  • 67 4 MOSCOW, June 14 Mr. Nehru and h's party now touring the Soviet Union arrived by air yesterday at Tlflis. tftc Georgian capital, coming from the Crimea, the Soviet News Agency Tass reported; Mr. Nehru was given a warm welcome at th e airport which was decorated with
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  • 38 4 LONDON, june 14— Field Marsha] Pijbu] Songgram, Prime Minister of Th^'l^nd left London for Cairo Monday after a stat e visit to Britain: He is continuing a round the world gpodwlH tour. A P
    AP  -  38 words
  • 21 4 The International Women's Club dance fixed for tonight at the Raffles Hotel has been postponed due to the strike
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  • 179 4 CAPETOWN, June 14 The South African Senate (Upper House of Pnr]ament> yesterday started to debate the rtntrovcmAa] Nationalist (jovernmest Bill which win almost double the membership of the Upper House. Trt e Senate where the Uov- f eminent has a majority is
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  • 66 4 ALLAHABAD, June 14: A 46-year-old, champion swimmer Robin Chtterji, swam fox 42 miles m the river Jamuna o n Ms bark and with his hands and feet tied to win a race yesterday m which U of the starteos gave up after a few hours. Chatterjl who was
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  • 76 4 Okinawa Fishermen Released From India YOKOHAMA, JAPAN, Jun e 14. Three Okinawa fishermen, imprisoned for one year m India on charges of illegal entry, arrived yesterday on their way home. They were among 32 crew members of the fishing boat Kyodo Mam seized by an Indian patrol boat off the
    AP  -  76 words
  • 68 4 NEW DELHI-. The Government of India have decided to extend the date for submission of compensation applications by displaced persons lfvIng outside India up to 30th September 1980. Thi;; date is final and will not be extended further. A ll applicants should, therefore, m their
    F.C.  -  68 words
  • 78 4 RANGOON. June 14 a Barter agreement for the exchange ot Burmese rice with Indonesian commodities ?s reported to have been readied by the two Governments. The Negotiations took place between a vdsltin^ Indonesian nee mission and the Burmese Government. Under tfiie arrangement Burma will supp] y about
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  • 253 4 From out Own Correspondent MADRAS, June 13. A concrete bridge, two thousand feet Ion?, spanning River Pa]a r just south of Chingleput was opened on Sunday by the Union Deputy Minister for Railways Mr. O. V. Alegesan. The bridge i 8 a
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  • 58 4 Hurmese Premier t'Nu arrived by air at Be'gradie, June 6, en a 10-day state visit at the invitation of President Tito, who was at the airport to greet him. AP. Phuto Shows: V Nil (right) and Tito salute a* they review the guard of honour mounted at
    AP  -  58 words
  • 194 4 IKE-MENON TALKS ON FORMOSA WASHINGTON. June 14: A clear indication on whether the nited i*tat*s and china can find a basis for direct talks is xpected to merge from a meeting today between President Eisenhower and Mr. V. ■X. Krishna Mcnc n of India: Mr. Men en, India's Chief delegate
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  • 42 4 Le MANS, FRANCE, June 14— Two additional deaths among Dhe injured raised the toll °t auto racing's worst disaster to 79 Monday. Premier Edgar Faure's Government announced it wo-ld seek means of preventing a recurrence. AP
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 108 4 ooooroooc..^a.)DODDOis3ooDaD^o»oooo:>ooat>oo3i>oooo! ITH COLOSSAL WEEK rm k "W I*l I •XrrPHON£-*****rn^ T^ A f f T '.Hl-,^".'-].l.'llUr'.»;UlJL^-I.lJd^l JJAY I I Daily: 3.15—6.30 9.15 p.m. O 1 4 INDIA'S BOX-OFFIC'K I 'TKYj AAjR PAAR 0 V SEAFILM CO. RELEASE O Watch otrt for GUL BAHAR OOOOCOTOOOOOOQ<x:<X?OOOOOCCOOOCCOOCOGOOOOOCCCOO C^^Nr^^sr^^,^^^^ ROYAL TO-DAY at 8, 6.15
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