Indian Daily Mail, 9 June 1955

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail OL. XI NO. 115 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1965 FOUR PAGES Ift CENIS
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  • 785 1 Streets Lined With Millions Ot Cheering Russians Bouquets For Nehru Indira Nehru's Desire Realised MOSCOW, June 8: Mr. Nehru, the Indian Prime Minister, arrived m Moscow yesterday by air for talks with Soviet Government leaders. NEHRU WAS GREETED AT THE AIRPORT BY THE HIGHEST SOVIET
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  • 164 1 C. G. REPEATS THOMAS CUP WILL GO TO INDIA >7tprUKi.liJJ ill i» iiuiin r given m honour of the Thomas Cup Teams by the llaitmfntun A«ssociation of Malaya, Singapore, im Tuesday, the CommissionerGeneral Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, proposing the toast to tne visiting teams, referred to his recent appointment as High
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  • 62 1 S.H.B. Strike: Unionists To See Chief Minister A delegation of six representatives from the Trade Union Congress, City council Labour unicns' iFederaticm, and the Federation of Government Employees' Unions, will meet the Chief Minister Mr. I-avJd Marsha!! this morning to request ihim to resume negotiations betwoe n th e Singapore
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  • 179 1 T.R.C's Demand For Legrco Seat Reiterated From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, wod.: In an exclusive interview, Mr. I*- V. Thevar, president of the lamus itepuesentative Council, told tne inuian Daily Mail that ne was snocKed to and a. local aaijy here reporting, w hea he was away to Kuantan,
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  • 174 1 From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, June 8: The seventh golden crown set with mor c than twentifive hundred jewels worth four lake s c f rupees M $260,000 destined for Lord Harinarayan a at the famous Badrinath Shrine m Himalaya, is now en exhibition at the
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  • 148 1 Trolley Piloting Night Mail Train Blown Ud At 9.45 p.m. on Tuesday night, the anrcured Wicknam trolley piloting the Singapore. Kuaia Lumpur night m ail was b-own up by Communist terr> rists mi n a c^ttim^ about three miles North of Sedenak m the Kulai district of johorc. says an
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  • 163 1 All Is Not Well In Alliance! From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed: Mtr. veo eh an Lcong, iulHiaent of tne Bagan jjutu.i branch *>f me U-t.A. to^d 1.U.M.. tuat tne MX .A. naa no intention to oppose '.my and all of the demands tne extreme nutionib»tN m tne I'MNO
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  • 219 1 To Link B C Canal With Madras Harbour From Our own Correspondent -MADRAS, June 8; A proposal to link Buckingham Carnatic Canal with Madras Harbour was discussed yesterday her e by top officials from Madras, Andiira and T. C. States, presided by the Union, Transport Ministry a Secretary N, M.
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  • 112 1 "More" has to be chang-. Ed to ''less" and a bin m to bie intu-cduced into the Malacca Settlement Council for the purposeThe intentiton of the r>roviso to section 10 (1> of the Settlement Councai of Malacca (Elections) Enactment, 1954, was to pro\ide that th e poipn
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  • 160 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. It is learnt irotn usually well-Cnformed sources that the Assistant Commissioner for India m Kuala L* mpur has sent a protest letter to the Government of India through Singapore office that as he was assigned originally to hold the portfolio of
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  • 686 1 Further Honours To Templer LONDON, June 9: The newly appointed Governor of Singapore, the Naval and Air Force Chiefs m the Far East and the man who was the main architect of the national schools policy m Malay receive knighthoods from the Queen m
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  • 203 1  - Walaya's Greetings To The Queen GOODE FROM MR. TJhe Officer Adminieterlntf the Government Mr. \y. A. C. Goode, has sent the foilowog telegram to the Secretary of State for the Colonies o n the orcasion oi- H,M, the Quenns b'rthday today. "Grateful ii ©a the occasion of the Queen's birthday
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 46 1 'THE LEADIM6 TAMIL DAILY/ r —ir- i»n TAMIL CULTURE A Quarterly English Journal Devoted To The Study Of Tamiliana Chief Editor: Rev. Dr. THAN I NAYAGAM Annual Subscription $3.50 Life Subscription $75.00 Apply with subscription to: Manager TAMIL MURASU P.O. 621 71 Selegie Road, Singapore 7
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    • 24 1 Up& «V POST ...mmskl^H ■1 1 MONTH. -3^50 ■I 3MONTHS.- --333.00 IB II BMO IS 8B 00 U ■I 3MONTHS. J 3 Q0 \M
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  • 148 2 NEW DELHI: The picturesque valley of Chamba m Himachai Pradesh will be the locale of a 7,000-foot film m colour showing a campaign to educate farmers not only m the three R'» Dut also m Improved methods of potato cultivation. Potato is the chief crop grown by hill-folk
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  • 105 2 Preventing Cholera In Kurukshetra Fair NEW DELHI: Intending pilgrims to the Solad Eclipse Fair to be held at Gurukshctra In June this year have been asked to get themselves inoculated agaonst chouera. according to a notification issued by the Health Department of the Punjab Government. No person, other than Defence
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  • 126 2 :»EW DELPHI: Fourteen' schemes to provide more jobs roi aispiaceo. persons m f anuabad are understood to have been approved by the Union Ministry of Rehabilitation. Amounts totalling Rs. 6,600.- ••"u would be advanced to private firms for construction of buildings and purchase of ma- I
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  • 141 2 NEW DEL«I A new process for manufacturing foam g.ass (has been worked out at the Central Giass and ceramic Research Institute, Calcutta. Cefcular m structure, foam glass has heat-insulating pro- 1 per ties and as used m heating and cold storage rooms. It docs
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  • 81 2 BURDWAN; About 100 persons were injured, 15 belnp removed to hospital, whe n a 100 m.p.h. squall swept over Burdw&n town and adjoining areas on Thursday. The roof of a buhding adjoining the Bar Association hal] where some lawyers, clerks and litigants were iresting collapsed,
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  • 617 2 Thani Nayagam's Impressions Rev. Dr. Xavier S. Thani Nayagam of Celyon University, on arrival here, after a cultural study tour of Vietnam (Indo China), said it was necessary to study m detail Tamil influence m South-East Asia. Rev. Thani Nayagam, a profound scholar In Tamil and
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  • 48 2 Mr. S. Nateftan, Minister lor Posts, Ceylon wa« honour ed on the occasion of his 60th Hirthda v (Sashtiabhapoorthl) by the xamii Cultural Society, at its 12th Annual meeting held m Colombo recently. I.D.M. Photo shows the Minis ter addressing the Society on the occasion.
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  • 62 2 DACCA: a prov.ncenide signature campaign demanding the resignati-on of I'riine Minister Mobammed All troni the <presiaentsbip of the AIJ l'akihtan Muslim League has been launched, it is understood. The cmpaign is atread.v m full swing. Mr. Mohammed An wiil address a meeting of the East Pakistan I'rovincia]
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  • 123 2 MADRAS: New critical editions or the ruruDas m Sanskrit arc to be brought out indar a scheme organised by the Maharaja of Benares, it ;s learnt here. Work wiU first be started on Matsya Purana lor which a special grant has already been given by a
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  • 75 2 VELiORE: Mr. M. A. Manickavelu, Revenue Minister. East week, declared open the newly constructed earth-road 2i/& miles Jong— connecting Vadamadimangalam and Tirumaiiai m Po.ur Taluk. "fhe construction of tfhe road was started on May 11 oy Bharat Scouts, numbein<j 200. The scouts laid tlhe road for about
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  • 212 2 Indian Missionary Knifed To Death In Chicago MADRAS: Father John Chirama], of Cochin, who was studying for his Doctorate at the Catholic Foranam University here was stabbed to death m Chicago, on Thursday last. Father Chlramal had gone to Chicago to attend a convention. He was stabbed while returning home
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  • 675 2 10 More Medical Colleges To Be Opened In India Rs. 2080 m. Sanctioned For Health Programme Under 2nd 5-Yr. Plan NEW DELHI. Ten new medical colleges ar e likely to be opened m different States under the second Five Year Plan of the Union Health Ministry, which hag recently been
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  • 299 2 SRINAGAB. Certain Pakistan- occupied parts of Jammu and Kashmir, particularly Bagh and Sudhonfi, ha\V been sealed off and placed under virtual Martial Law. This is disclosed m a resolution passed by the Working Committee of the Jammu and Kashmir National Conference. I The
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  • 72 2 BANARAS. Heat-atrake claimed the lives of a newly-wed bride and four palanquin bearers last week near Chapra, according to a report received here. It is believed, the party returning to the bride's house, took shelter under a tree from the* excessive heat and
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  • 133 2 Hillary To Climb Everest Again WELLINGTON, Auckland: Is Sir Edmund Hillary planning another attempt on Mt. Everest? This question is being asked following an interview with Everest climber m which he said he would like to try a further ascent of the mountain only this time he would like to
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  • 68 2 BOMBAY, June 7. Indian Airline's Dakota, which took off from Bombay to Cochin v ia Belgaum and Mamgakxr c on 'Friday morning, returned her e within twenty minutes after take-eft" when a vulture hit its starboard wing cauisng damage to the landing light glass. Sixteen passengers
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  • 32 2 Photo. Mr. M. P. Slvagnana Gramanl unknown Tami] Scholar from South India, speaking at th« meeting held m Anuradhapura Ceylon held to celebrate ihe Mnikural Day recently.- I.D.M.
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  • 155 2 Diversion Of Rly. Line Through Guntur Urged GUNTUR; The Gunlur Municipal Council met last wfeek. Mr. T. Venkat Rao, Chairman, presiding, and adopted a resolution requesting the Andhra Government to divert broad-gauge line runnig from Madras to Calcutta so as to pass through Guntur. It ds leaimt that the proposal
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  • 82 2 NEW DELHI: Enquiries at Naval Headquarters show that the destroyers Rajput and Ranjit," which were involved m a minor collision and were sent back to Bombay for repairs, will be able to participate m the Mediterranean exercises of the Indian fleet. Repairs to the Rajput have already
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  • 100 2 RANGOON: Dr. R. S. Grewal .has been elected piresident of the All-Burma Indian Congress for the ensuing year. The retiring President, Mr! Venkatram, also contested the election but *ost by a large margin. Dr. Grewai is a retired mertici'l officer now carrying On private practice m Rangoon.
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  • 29 2 bridge is estimated to cost Rs. 12 lakhs. The work of construction of the overbrlrtge is likely to commence m 1956 and take about year for com* rletton.- FOC
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  • 314 3 Congress Body's Suggestion NEW DELHI. The Planning Sub-Committee o f the Congress Working Commltte* which met last we 3k to discus** the question of implementing the AJ.C.C. resolution on the Second Flve-Year Plan with particular reference to the organisation of village and cottage Industrie*,
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  • 101 3 LAHORE: The Central Government of Pakistan has remitted the unexpired period of sentence of three years passed by the Martial Law court early m 1953 on Maulana. Abdul Maudocdi, Maulans Abdus Sattar Nayazi and seven others. A statement to this effect was made before the
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  • 112 3 NEW DELHI: A trek across the Tons, Rupin and Buspa valleys m the south-western ranges of the Himalayas by the I.A.F. Trekking society is expected to begin m mid-June. The starting point of the trek proper will b e Chakrata, and the route to the Tons
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  • 72 3 BHOPAL: Dr. N. BannerJT, Secretary ad hoc committee cf the Bhopal State Praja Socialist Party, has resigned his membership of the party, it was announced here last week. Dr. Bannerji m a statement said his resignation was In protest against the decision of the State unit
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  • 59 3 Nehru Gives Evidence Before S.R.C NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Nehru last week met the States Reorganisation Ccmmission for about two hours here. This is the first time Mr. Nehru has tendered evidence before the Commission. Among ethers who appeared before the Commission were the Congress President, Mr. U. N. Dhebar
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  • 35 3 MUNICIPAL CHAIRMEN CONFERENCE Mr. K. Kanviraj. ChCef Minister, inaugurating the fifth Annual Conference of tbe Chamber of Municipal Chair- men at Rajajl Hal] last veek. Mr. S. S. Ramaswami PadayaohJ, Mhiistfrv for Local Administration, presided.
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  • 511 3 NEW DELHI: Preparations for the next general elections are being made by the Congress Party. The Centra] Parliamentary Board, which met recently at the residence of Mr. Nehru, decided as a ttrsi step to collect data regarding nrnhlrinw „f riwh l>i rliiiiiitn;.ir >
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  • 157 3 BOMBAY. Dhavadwadi, a deserted village til] 1947 m Khandalapeta of North Satara district, is to-day a unique example of prosperity through Hindu Muslim un.ty. Its 3SB Muslims and 330 Hindus have raised it from neglected ruin to prosperity. The village was acquired by the British Government
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  • 61 3 DARJEELING: Everest conqueror. Tenzing Norgay, has issued a statement congratulating Dr. Charles Evans, leader of the successful British expedition to Kangchenjungha. He says, I heartily congratulate the successful British Kangchenjung'ha expedition by my Everest companion. Dr. Charles Evans, for whom is my embrace for this wonderful achievement. My
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  • 155 3 NEW DELHI: Cottage and small-scale industries would now be handled by two Ministries of the Government of India as a result of the reallocatlon of Government business between Production and Commerce and industry Ministries announced on Sunday, it is learnt. Under the President's order village industries
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  • 124 3 NEW DELHI; A 300- room hotei On tr«e most movieru lines, to the cost of which the Government of India will subscribe and whose management whl be cocitroijcd by the Government is to be bunt m New De^fhi, it was ?earnt here. Designed to be one
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  • 92 3 KATHMANDU: The flvemembar Merseyside British expedition conquered 17 peaks m the Melungtse Range, Mr. Alfred Gregory, leader cf the expedition, said m an interview here last week. Mr. Greogry, who arrived here recently, after two months of mountaineering, said that the area wag extensively surveyed and maps
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  • 22 3 NEW DET.H*- The Vicereturaed here last week after i President, Dr. Radhak»*J«»mnn I nis visit to the south.- FOC FOC
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  • 85 3 BOMBAY; Nine Indian journalists left fcr Geneva last week by an Air India International plane en route to Moscow to cover Prime Minister Nehru's forthcoming tour cr Russia. They were: Mr. Chalapathi Rao (National Herald), Mr. X Rangaswami (The Hindu), Mr." J. M. Deb (UPI),
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  • 64 3 Fatal Sunstroke Cases In Gaya I NAWADAH; Two persons died of sun-stroke m visage Baksoti m Nawadah sub-divl-slon of Gaya district, on Wednesday, when the temperature shot up In Nawadah to 115 degrees. Another death was reported from Aligan, on the NawadahMonghyr road. A ]arg e number of water reservoirs
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  • 66 3 KARACHI: Pakistan's new Constituent Assembly will meet at Murree before the end of this month, an authoritative source said. It is likely to meet o n June 29. A 'last-minute change In the venue from Murree to Karachi is not ruled out by observers m
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  • 47 3 NEW DELHI; Mr. N. C Deb has been appointed officiating- JFimanciau' Commipsioner for Railways. Mr. Deb was formerly Director m charge of Finance, Railway Board. Mr. Deb ihas been appointed m place of Mr. P. C. Bhattacharya. who has proceeded on veave.— i FOC
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  • 53 3 t'hn Wan Yah binte Wait i Mok, a trainee of the <;urne> j 'i ru./nini; Centre, ',»r« •sentim; a bouquet to Lady MucGillivray i at the -'jHifiai open! n c of the Centre by His Excellency the Higlh CommissConer^ Sir Donald MacGUJvray, m Kuala Lumpur
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  • 97 3 Students Pass Exam. Thro' Shramdan PATNA. Tin- Bihar Government has exempted school boyg who offer shramdan" m the buiMing up of the Kosi embankment* from taking their final examination*, provided they have passed at least one Of the terminal exanations. Their activities at the Kosi camps would earn them additional
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  • 107 3 MADRAS: The Customs authorities arc now taking steps to obviate the delay m the clearance of consignments cf beans imported from Rangoon. The delay arose because the Customs authorities wanted to analyse samples of the beans, and these had to be sent for chemical examination. A
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  • 64 3 NEw DELHI; Mr. Madhusudan Damodar Bhatt I.C.S. nas beien appointed Chairman of tlhe Film Censor Board, the Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting announced here. Mr. Bhatt is a senior member of the Indian Civil Service. He has served as Municipal Commissioner m Bombay and Chief Secretary
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 2452 4  -  IKBAL KAUL By Colourful History Of An Ancient City The old adage "God made the country and man made the town" holds true of all ancient cities where human enterprise, initiative, and above all, time, were involved m their development. Like many great cities of the world, the origin
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  • 86 4 COLOMBO, June &—Govei-nnr-Gencrai Sir Oliver Gooneti^eke m a speech at the openin* session of the Ceylon Parliament Tj-esday said tho Gov-« eminent will consider a scheme t o get stable prices for tea, rubber and coconut. Prices of these have been shifting rapidly recently. Goonettlfleke also
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  • 77 4 The Manager of Mawai Estate m th e Kota T*nggi district of Johore and two special constable on Tuesday exenanged fir e with three Communist terrorists. Two of fttie terrorists were wounded dji the engagement, but all three managed to escape. A 1/7 Gurkha patrol
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  • 26 4 Terrorists burnt a PWD lorry at the 24th milestone SeJandar-NyaJas road m Malacca yesterday morning. No casualties were reported; a fojjow-up is proceeding.
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  • 231 4 POTI'HERA: The Indian problem ua.s a much mere serious matter than what must i>ri,p thought. According l<> <fee lndo-Cey-on Agreement, jjie Ceylon Government nail agreed to r»<;ut citizenship rights to about 350,000 Indians now resident m Ceylon, said Mr. r. g> Senanayake, M.P., for
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  • 254 4 Aussie Student Cricketers To Tour Ceylon COLjOMBu: In response to a suggestion by the Ceylon Schoolmasters? Cricket Association, Sir Donald Bradman, the world famous cricketer, s endeavouring to organise a tour of Cetuon by an Australian sohooHboy cricket team. In a -Jetter to the Association's Secretary, Sir Donald said he
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  • 66 4 An Exhibition of all thte postage stamps whdeh have been issued by the Japanese since the end Of the war is on view at the main staircase of the Raffles library. TJhe stamps are mounted, with appropriate descriptions. On five large panels prepared for the International
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  • 48 4 The Singapore Government announced last evening that tine Police have been given instructions that wlhllst lawful picketing w ill not be interfered with, they are mot to permit crowds to assemble or speeches to be made near premises where workers are on strike.
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  • 27 4 There wii'l be a special p'Jja and prayers held at the ChetUfflr Temple, Tank Roa'l, todfey; m eonnecftion with tihe Queen's Birthday.
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  • 333 4 Gora Singh Meets King Kong At Great World Arena One would witness Saturday n-ght at the Great World Axena two "human mountain* clashing Gora Singh who weighs 542 lbs and King Rong who weighs 408 lbs. Gora has appeared m over 300 wrestling bouts only m India and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 53 4 OOdOCOCX>OOOOOOCXXXXX>OOC)OOOOOOOOOCXXXXXX>00(X>OOU GRAND 2nd WEEK I Now Showing With Packed Houses DIAMOND TODAY 2 SHOWS: 3.00 7.30 p. m| This Year's Most Popular Family Hit;! starring: J i Raja Sulochana, Mathuri Dcvi, s- A« Natarajan, ii i NunUar, Balaiah, rulimoottai Raniasaxny, Ezhu- g nmlai. Karunanithl AnJ Many Others. 0 It's Gian
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    • 81 4 IO0O0OO00OOC*****300&3C**********0000O0OOO000CX i 6 j 3rd Week of Outstanding Success! X^W^^^a^Xt^^S^- TODAY: 3.15 6.30 O gl 1 I I |-t-/-rrPHONE-44p78n-| O y»i^«=j=^-»'ri=i.-:n»^Ji«i=» 9.15 p.m. O A BREEZY MUSICAL I L AAR PAARI IN HINDUSTANI WITH O g i^-.. ENGLISH SUBTITLES 8 OOCCOCOCCOCOOOCCCCCOOOOCCCOOCCCOOOCCCCCCCCCCOC +-r ROYAL Opens To-day at 3, 6.15 9.15 p.m.
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