Indian Daily Mail, 26 December 1954

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
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  • 274 1 New Balance Between Asia Europe Emerging! Future Progress Of Asia Depends On Continuance Of Peace, Says Nehru BOMBAY, Dec. 25: Indian Prime Minister Mr. Nehru declared yesterday the Non-Asian powers "are at last beginning to realise the great clnanges m Asia resulting m the emergence of
    Reuter  -  274 words
  • 188 1 MILAN, Italy. Dec. 25. Former Queen Narriman of Egypt, who walked out on former King Farouk nearly two years ago, still thinks he has "a warm and generous heart," Milan's Corriere d'lnformazlone said yesterday. The newspaper said its Interview with Narriman took place m Lausanne,
    AP  -  188 words
  • 79 1 MANILA. Dec. 25 Sir John Kotel.iwala, Prime Minister of Ceylon, arrived here by plane from Tckyo yesterday for a three-day visit. Kotelawala. now winding up a world tour, was greeted by PhiLppme Vice-President and Foreign Secretary Carlos P. Garcia and chiefs of the various diplomatic missions
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  • 70 1 From Our Own Correspondent CALCUTTA. Dec. 25: Premier Nehru as Chancellor of Tagore's Visvabarathi University presided yesterday on its Annual Convocation held m mango grove. Wearing only a simple yellow scarf, he presented diplomas to 138 graduates, including: 35 girls. Tagore's University was an unique institution
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  • 166 1 WHITE PLAINS, New York, *^cc. 2o. Westcnester County jmldren's court yesttrday tor- maily relinquisnea conticl over ten Kiu Haywortn's two aaugnters, Yasunn Knan, 5, and Kebecca Welles. 9. With attorneys tor all sides, Judge George W. Smyth signed an order cios»ngr out the case of alleged
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  • 67 1 NEW DELHI, Deo. 25 The Min<stry of Communications says Indian Airlines Corporation tne nationalised Indian airline operating within the country and to neighbouring capitals has received government hums amounting to Ks. .l,O00,u(J0 (M53,150,U00) this year. The .U.iustry says Air-In d.a JntrrtiaUtnai, the country's other nationalised
    AP  -  67 words
  • 74 1 From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Dec. 25: One thousand more wells will be sunk m cheris m order to supply drinking water for Harijans before the end of March, announced the Health Minister Mr. A. B. Shetty. The Mintaer presided over a conference yesterday of officials
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  • 455 1 THE FIRST AOF THE DFOE The Christmas gift the] world most longs for is a hope to cling to, some sign on the darkened horizon that one day Mankind will come of age, and m its maturity reject war far the settlement of its differences. Strangely
    AP  -  455 words
  • 151 1 DRAMA BILL AWAITS GOV'S CONSENT From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Dec. 25: The Madras State Legislative Council passed the Drama Bill without dissent yesterday and adjourned till February, 8. The Bill which has a most bitterly controversial session, now only awaits the Governor's assent before becoming Law. Mr. rtajaji made
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  • 103 1 NOVA GO A, Portuguese India, Dec. 25. Experts of iron ore from Goa have been cut m half since Indian mine workers were forced to leave this Portuguese settlement m August. The Gca Chamber of Commerce has announced iron ore exports during
    AP  -  103 words
  • 112 1 Steel Plant In Madras From Our Own Correspondent NEW DELHI, Dec. 25: The Madras State wants the new steel plant to be located m the State said the Production Minister Mr. K. C. Reddl m the Lok Sabha, yesterday. But Mysore also wants that plant be located at Bellary, he
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  • 141 1 Nehru, Ali, Nu Sir John I Four Asian Prime Ministers, (India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon), will pass through Singapore on dunday and Monday, enroute to Bogor, a hill resort 40 miles south of Djakarta to attend a conference with Indonesian Prime Minister.
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  • 164 1 Pakistan's Prime Minister Mr. Mohammed AH arrives at Kalian^ Airport toaay, Sunday Dec. 2tt at 3.50 p.m. by 8.0.A.C. from Calcutta. Immediately after his arrival here Mr. Ah will drive straight co the Commissioner-General's residence and will dine with him that night. Prominent leaders of the Muslim
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  • 198 1 Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru is arriving a t Kallang Airport on Monday, Dec. 27, at 12.45 p-m. In the forty- five-minute halt at the Airport, Mx. Nehru wU'J meet the leaders of the Ind an Community m the v. I. P. room and then lunch with
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  • 70 1 Mr. Nehm is the inspiration of Asia and has opened the ey«s of the Asian countries to the 'position of importance they are occupying m the woi'id set-up-today. He daid the sure way to maintain world peace was foi tht countries with conflicting ideologies to co-exist, since
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  • 188 1 Burmese Prime Minister U. Uu, is expected to arrive here at KaUang Airport along with Premier Nehru m the same plane on Monday, Dec. 27 at 12.45 pirn. After a private lunch at the Airport Hotel along with Mr. Nenru. Burmese and Indian dijplomata and H.E.
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  • 265 1 Sir John Kotelawala, Prime Minister cf Ceylon is expected I to arrive at Kalian* Airport on Monday, Dec. 27 at 5.45 I p.m. and proceed to the Com* misslcner-General's residence. At 8 p.m. there will be a banquet at Sea View Hotel to which prominent
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  • 377 1 French Assembly To Think Again On German Rearmament Plan PARIS, Dec. 25: For the second time m four months, the French Assembly refused yesterday to approve German rearmament. But Premier Pierre Mendes-France quickly announced he would call a second vote and stake the
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  • 28 1 WASHINGTON DISTURBED AUGUSTA GEORGIA, Dec. 25.— The white house stated to-day that President Eisenhower and the Government cf the United States were "disturbed" about developments m France. Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 48 1 MOSCOW. Dec. 25. Moscow Radio's domestic noon news broadcast led off yesterday with the story of the French Assembly's rejection of the rearming cf Western Germany. Friday's Soviet press was still filled with dire warnings to France to reject the rearming of the West Germans.— AP
    AP  -  48 words
  • 42 1 Pachydermic NEW DELHI, Dec. 25 The Food and Agriculture Ministry says 28 elephants were exported from India m 1963, compared with 104 m 1952. It gave no reason for the drop. The elephants were sold to circuses, farms and construction firms. AP
    AP  -  42 words
  • 126 1 United States! He is at present m the final stage of his we rid tour. The Ceylon Premier has dene no mincing of words about Asia being left alone m solving her problems, which is entirely her business. Accompanying the Prime Minister of India Mr. Nehru, is
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  • 56 1 Mr. s. Dutt 1.C.5.. secretary Commonwealth Department, Government of India passed through Singapore yesterday enroute to Djakarta. Mr. Dutt Js a member of Premier Nehru's party to the Asian Premiers Conference m Bogor. Mr. Dutt is expected tc stay m Malaya for a couple days on
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  • 263 2 PLEA TO FIX PRIMARY TEACHERS' PAY VJDYAHGAIV. (2<r-Parga-nas): The President of the West Bengal Congress Committee. Mr. Atulya Ghosh. M.P., last Friday appeal to the teachers of the Statr to be conscious of their responsibility m the reconstruction of the country. Mr. Ghosh wao was presiding over the Wisst Bengal
    FOC  -  263 words
  • 741 2  -  Woodrow Wyatt By 117 M.P. Elegance, And Graciousness Ends And Means Must Both Be Equally Good: Mrs. Pandit's Maxim Sell Democracy Rather Than Just Denounce Communism jyflßS. Vijayalakshmi Pand.t is the centre of considerable interest m Lcndon. First of all, of course, there has never before been
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  • 115 2 Two Die In Waterworks Explosion BOMBAY: Eight municipal workers wore Injured, two fatally m an explosion last Friday near the Bombay Municipal Corporation's Tansa water reservoir works, about 75 mines north of Bombay. The Injured were immediately brought to Bombay and admitted to hospital. Two of them dded this morning,
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  • 160 2 MADURAI: It is reported Chat masked men robbed Baliah and another. estate workers, of Rs. 100 m cash, and a gold chain, at the point of revolver last week. It is stated that the. workers were on their way to Bodinayakanur from Korangfannl Top Railway Station,
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  • 59 2 .NEW DELtll: The Government of India had suggested to the State Governments that old monuments, and historical btructuves, should not lie destroyed unless such a course was absolutely necessary, Dr. itfcjivnrohftii Da** l',) I?e4-'--retary to the K'lucntinn Minister, stated m a wrltter reply to Sri
    FOC  -  59 words
  • 205 2 Pilots' Guild Rejects I.A.C. Offer BOMBAY: The Indian Pilota' Guild rejected the new service conditions and scales of pay offered to pilots by the Indian Airlines Corporation as "unacceptable." A resolution adopted by the Guild, at a meeting- at Santa Cruz airport, ffnid that the assurances given to pilots by
    FOC  -  205 words
  • 62 2 NEW DELHI The 23rd an» nual session of the All-India Homaepathic Medical Conference will be held at Gaya on Jan. 28 and 29, instead of Dec. 28 and 29, the secretray of the association announced. Mr. A. p. jaln, Union Food Minister, will inaugurate the conference of
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  • 55 2 Belgian Locomotives For Chittagong Port OHIVKTAGONGA: Eleven metre-gauge ah-unting locomotives from Belgium costIng Rs 60 lakhs, are expected to reach Chittagong some time next year for use m the port anea. The Assistant. District MwcjAanJcnli EngJlneer, MY. Mohammad Yehia Warns, has been deputed by the Eastern Bengal Railway to chectt
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  • 62 2 MADRAS A Ifcotafl amount of Rs 7,57.07,400 was collected In Madras State under the 3% per cent National plan Lofen, according to latest figures reported by the Reserve Bank of India, Mr. C Subramamiam, Finance Minister, said to the State Assembly. Out of this amount
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  • 76 2 BOMBAY: The Central ExI else Ooiltectorate m Bombay today seized 750 tolas of gold, valued at Rs 70,000, from a cdty broker m Central Bombay. Wrapper In three bundles, lo slabs were recovered from ttie jacket of the broker while he was moving
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  • 236 2 RAKOT: A new Ministry for Saurashtra, headed by Mr. R. U. Parikh, former Home Minister, was sworn m here last Sunday by the Jamsaheb of Nawanagar, the Rajpramukh of Saurashtra. Earlier, the Rajpramukh accepted the resignation of Mr. U. N. Dhebar who relinquished Chief Ministership
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  • 110 2 'Jamshedpur Can Do With A Newspaper' JAMSHEDPUR: Sir Homy Mody, president of the Employers' Federation of Ind\a, said here last night that the newspaper industry of a country shcxitid be one of the items to be given Serious attention to tn any national plan tnat mlgiit t>e m the offing.
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  • 37 2 COLOMBO; The Ceylon Government has appointed Sir Edwin Wijeyaratne, KB-E.. as High Commissioner for Ceylon m India to succeed Mr. C. CouniHraswamy. Sir Edwin will leave Ovion on Jan. 7. i FOC
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  • 27 2 A new water pipe being lowered m one of the streets m Kuala Lumpur, to improve the town's water supply.
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  • 157 2 Premiere Of Film On Mahatma Gandhi BOMBAY: A documentary film on Mahatma Gandhi entitled "Bharat Vani" (The Voice of India), with a Telugu commentary, had its premiere here last Saturday before a large gathering at a local theatre. Mr. Mangaldas Pakvasvi. acting Governor of Bombay, was the guest of honour.
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  • 507 2 NEW DELMI: The Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court, last Friday allowed the appeal of Mr. S. A. Venk.itaraman against the order of the Chief Justice of the Punjab High Court (circuit;) refusing to grant him bail. 'rue appeal vva.s hoard and decided following the order made
    FOC  -  507 words
  • 35 2 NEW DELHI: A meeting of the National Executive of the Praja Socialist Party will be held m Delhi on December 24 and 25. Acharya Nerendra Dcv Chairman cf the Party. an- [nounced. FOC
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 2 Weds In Sari PHOTO. London ballet teacher Joy Au.>t n wears a sari as she leaves Kensington Kegister Office after her wedding December 18. Her Bridegroom is Indian Doctor suur.wi Sen Gupta. AP
    AP  -  33 words
  • 73 2 Chinese Cultural Delegation In Bombay BOMBAY: ttoniuuy gave a colcurlul and rousing reception to the Chinese cultural delegation wiiicn arrived m Bombay last Friday by a i>pec. ai train from i\ew JJdhi. beveral cultural organisations, women's and ch.laren's organisations, trade unions, schools and pclitical parties were represented at the grand
    FOC  -  73 words
  • 82 2 LUCKNOW. PandJt i*uvlnd Bailabh Pant, who has been appointed |a Minister m the Central Uadunet, last Fnciay tendered his resignation us Uhief Minister of uttar Pradesh. A Press Note iSeHied ironi the U.P. Governor's Secretariat today said; "Pandit Govind Baiiabh Pant nas tendered his resignation
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  • 102 2 BHOPAL: An lAF Dakota with fiv e officers cf the Air Force on board forcelanded at tJairagarm aerodrcme. about ten m.les from here, on Thursday afternoon due to engine trouble. The plane wa s o n an oflicial flight from Agra to Poona when it suddenly
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 56 2 Always consult NANDA'S when you decided to travel by AIR, SEA or LAND. I We ofcall arrange all for you on official rates C WITHOUT ANY EXTRA PAYMENTS! Avail our beat experience of S3 yean m travel Service fi :G. C. NANDA SONS (Singapore) 31, Raffles Place, I Tel: MM4
      56 words
    • 47 2 >***********************************0a0033a;> "> FLY I IN CONSTELLATION COMFORT I by I AIR-INDIA LEAVES SINGAPORE SUNDAYS 0700 HOURS 8 ARRIVE MADRAS 1145 HOURS 8 ARRIVE TRICHY 1405 HOURS 8 ARRIVE BANGALORE 1525 HOURS 8 Also quick connections for other points m 8 South India, Adelphi Hotel, Singapore, Tel. ***** 8
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  • 2073 3  -  Adhi Nahappan OUR LONDON LETTER By SOUTH AFRICA'S STAND To Combat Communism In S.E.A.? gELF-GOVERNMENT with- thinking person the solution is m Commonwealth is a simple. What is needed is a familiar phrase. Malayans have I change of heart, often heard this pronounced The next Conunonwealtn
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  • Article, Illustration
    482 3  -  K. Sharma By A Couple of years ago my .friend Harbansla), who is always m favour of a trek and a good hit of climbing, asked me to accompany him to the magnificent forests O f Madhya Pmdesh. As I was inclined towards a shoot m the thick
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  • 112 3 BOMBAY: The Hirjee mills m Bombay, with a paid-up share capital of Rs. 11 lakhs, was ordered to be wound up by the Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Dixit, at the Bombay High Court. Their lordships UppoLnted the Court Liquidator as Official Liquidator of
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  • 118 3 NEW DELHI: Naharkaiiya Nu. 5. the latest deep well to be drilled In the oil area Bwuth-west of the main Digboi otlneld m Assam, has been a failure, the Assam Oil Company announced nere. Pour weUs dug m the same area, NnhorkatLya Nos.
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 3 At a Christmas Feast held recently m Klang Convent School, Rev. Swaminathan (white garb) cheering the children who go to receive presents. In the picture on the left the happy children go dancing after receiving the parcels.
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  • 129 3 JAMMU: Some Muslim families which entered Kashmir recently from Pakistan, across the border, have approached the authorities for permission to settle m the State. According to the police, these families "crossed* the border stealthily." Under the State Government's policy these families are now under surveillance and
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  • 62 3 Rs. 80m. E. Bengal Water Supply Scheme DAQGA: A Rs &-crone water supply scheme for different towns and rural areas of East Bengad has been adopted by the provincial Government, It ie learnt. The scheme for Dacca^ estimated to cost Rs. 114 lakhs, Is expected to raiise tho water supply
    FOC  -  62 words
  • 203 3 BOMBAY: Indian and Yugoslav Navy units m smart! white uniforms paraded the city's main streets lest FWday to mark the second day's celebrations of the Indian Navy's fifth anniversary. I The acting Governor of! Bombay, Mr. Mangaldaa Pakvass, with \Uc|e- Admiral I Joadp Cern*, Oommander
    FOC  -  203 words
  • 262 3 M»i. A4.R.W. Low, Minister of State at the Board of 1 rade iias set no specinc agenda tot tua tnrce-wccK vi&it to India and laKisun on wiiuch he embarks snoitly, a wmiehuji spoKesman said. The iact, however, that he Wul ty accompanied by trie
    NAFEN  -  262 words
  • 76 3 JAMSHEDPUR: Two Ministers of Burma's Shan Status, Mr. Sao-La, Minister of Works and Communications, and Mr. Sao Maung. Minister of Nducati'on, Culture land Rehabilitation, who are now on a study tour of India, reached here and went through a busy proframme. They expressed adnv.ration
    FOC  -  76 words
  • 227 3 NEW DELHI; The interviews for the personality test cf candidates for the Central Services and the Indian Police Service commenced at Delhi on Nov. 22, 1954. (Th e written examination was completed en Oct. 21). The interviews of candidates who have appeared also for the Indian
    FOC  -  227 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 45 3 TAKE CARE! TAKE OKASA! OKAFA Gland Hormone Tablets take care of your body Keep the Blood Dure, keep the body feeling fit. SILVE R f or men GOLD for women AVAILABLE IN BOTTLES OF 50 OR 100 TABLETS Sole Agents HAGEMEYER'S SINGAPORE PENANG KUALA LUMPUR
      45 words
    • 47 3 |:eur bi| FORGET-ME-NOT PERFUME Pori« France. i'i:iiiiiiiiliiiiniiiiiMiiiiiiiiHiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiuiHiiiiiiniiiiiuiniMHimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiMiimiii A BOON TO LADIES j World famous Herbal Tonic for the ailments of the Fair Sex SOLD EVERYWHERE Ask for booklets from the Agents: NAINA MOHAMED SONS, LTD., I SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR, PENANG, KUC HING SARAWAK. ■WtM!ill|ltllll|tM<IIM|||lU|millll!|lll!|MIIIIIII||lll|llHIIUI|UII|t(IIIMIl|llll|llll|IUi|lll||llll|lt|i|»!i|:i. l<ii II I
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  • 534 4 Jayawardane Explains Ceylon's Foreign Policy COLOMBO. Ceylon sought to preservti her freedom to strengthen democracy, to pursue peace, and to refrain from aligning herself with power blocs, said Mr. J. R. Jayewardene, chairman of the Cabinet m the absence of the Prime Minister m an
    FOC  -  534 words
  • 235 4 SWABASHA DECISION POSTPONED GOIAJM.HU: The Cabinet last week decided to postpone a final decision on the Swabasha issue until the re turn of the prime Minister. This decision was taken after a five-and-a-half hour discussion dunng wiuch Mr. M. D. Banda, Minister of Education, was virtually m the ucck. Mr.
    FOC  -  235 words
  • 382 4 Commendation for voluntay service m entertaining and instructing Indian worker* en estafe* m Selangor was given to 12 Indian school teachers by the Selanaror Chief Education Officer, M. K. 1> Luke. I The teachers gave Up their time voluntarily to take part
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  • 140 4 Ban On Liquor Racing Urged COLOMBO: Ceylon's former Premier, Mr. Dudley Senanayake, wants Liquor and racing banned m Ceylon. He has given notice of a motion to this effect which will be debated by the Government Parliamentary Party shortly. If the Party accepts the motion, it will be brought fcefore
    NAFEN  -  140 words
  • 100 4 NEW DELHI, Dec. 25 India has deceived a total of Us. 890,000 (M 5560,700) m cash assistance for flood relief from foreign governments and private individual., abroad a government spokesman told Parliament. This is Jn addition to aid m the f&r m ct medical supplies, clothing
    AP  -  100 words
  • 57 4 NEW DELHI, Dec. 25.—India will scon abolish its States Ministry whose job was to merge 600 princely states into the Republic of India ana pension their former rulers. Continuing work of the ministry including fulfilment of certain guarantees to former Indian ruling princes will be
    AP  -  57 words
  • 120 4 COJLOM^O: Mr. Pieter Keuneman, Mi*, for Coiouruo Central, hag protested to tne Minister of Commerce, Traue and Fisheries against the retustal or the Controller of imports and Exports to release vie Chinese nim. ..Woen the Grapes Ripen." He contends that there is nothing subversive m the
    FOC  -  120 words
  • 99 4 COLOMBO, Dec. 23: Peter Alvares, President of the National Congress of CJca, has asked Ceylon not to allow Portuguese vessels to use Colombo harbour m their efforts to nullify India's denial of pert facilities, an Informed source said yesterday. Port Chairman M. Chandrasonia said Portugal
    AP  -  99 words
  • 75 4 Shri Sri PraJcasa, Governor of Madras, visited the Luccadive Islands recently. On the right are women of Minicoy island awaiting the arrival of Vie Governor with offerings, like, scent, eggs, fowl, coconuts, chunks, etc. m the traditional way usually offered to very important personages. On the
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  • 38 4 NAIROBI. Dec. 25 Colonel Arthur Young who recenly resigned as Kenya's Ponce Commissioner m a dispute over the Colony's Police PoMcv. is due to leave here on December 30 on ha way to JyOiklun. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 124 4 )*****0000O000O00O0000O0O00OOOO0OOOOOOO&0OOOOO now AIICCIIC 230< 60 SHOWING IslUttN^ alul 9 15 P m 8 I Starve, Famish, die but never beg! X Give honest work not alms! Eat with the Sweat, on t-hyO brow! 8 I RAJ KAPOOR'S 9 1 "BOOT POLISH" (Hindustani with English Subtitles) C Starring: BABY NAAZ RATAN
      124 words
    • 19 4 Showing To Big Crowds TODAY S SHOWS AT 4 7 9.15 F.M. "WAR OF THE WORLDS" (Color by Technicolor)
      19 words
    • 200 4 Today 11 r. *n. (Whole Sena) fßT'jni^^^^^^^ 8 -'S.O.S. t'nastg^ixanl > l! TODAY A DAH.Y m^^Mt -i*^^^^NE 8 3'L6 6.30—0.15 i C[ Excitingly Teamed For 0 Ymir Eyes J S THE HANDSOME ASHOK KUMAR 8 C?HABMING NAIINI JAYWANT 5 In South-East Asia jS IS 8 FHm Co' s Greatest
      200 words