Indian Daily Mail, 23 December 1954

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. X. NO. 307 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1954 FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 905 1 GEN* BOURNE'S APPEAL TO SELANGOR VILLAGERS "If you don't finish this thing, (the Emergency) then one day the Communists wLI come m and there won't be any bank accounts, no rice dealers, no rubber dealers, no private enterprise. That should make you think,"
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  • 243 1 The terrorists yesterday murdered a European planter, while a Malay Corporal was killed and a British Sergeant wounded mi n actions with the terrorists. The European planter was the manager o f the L* e Pineapple Estate, Simpanjr Rengam. Johore, who was travelling yesterday moraine m
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  • 289 1 Mr. Robert Brown Slack, Colonial Secretary, Hong Kong, will succeed Sir Jchn Nicoll as Governor and Comuiander-in-Chlef of Singapore when the later retires next year. The Queen's approval of the appointment was announced th> the Secretary of State for the Colonies Mr. Alan LennoxBoyd last night. Sir
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  • 47 1 IX>NDON, Dec. 22 Mrs. Vijayalakshmi |Pandit, former I leaidert of the United Nations General Assembly >cslerc'ay presented her cr::<iuLiais to Urn Queen as India 3 New Hign Commissioner -v London. ohb is the first women \> lu-ud a diplomatic mission >n London. Reuter
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  • 100 1 America Saved CHICAGO, Dec. 22 a prophet of doom who had i redicted cataclysms would eujgulf the American continent before midnight said th.»*e will be no disaster yesterday. Mrs. Eciothy Martin, who had predicted tidal waves would sweep over much of the Jane between the \r.-.;ic circle and the Gulf
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  • 149 1 From Our Own Correspondent ERNAKULAM, Dec 22. Mr. Govinda Menon, leader of Congress Legislature Party announced yesterday that he had written to the Rajpramukh of Travancore-Cochin that Mr. Thanu Pillai Ministry does not now have the support of the Congress Party m the Assembly.
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  • 118 1 NEW DELHI, India. Dec. 22.— President Tito Tuesday urged active coexistence" based on an agreed settlement of the world's outstanding problems. The Yugoslavia President speaking before a joint meeting of members of the Indian Parliament declared he wanted to emphasise how erroneous are the suppositions
    AP  -  118 words
  • 42 1 LONG BEACH CALIFORNIA De.. 22 James RlUxi f rillsa nc el'st and sc.-erJi-wHter whose books included r^dby- Mr. Chips" nn<i Lost Horizon, 1 died last ni^nt after a lone llkissi •rom coticer of the liver He w« *4< AP
    AP  -  42 words
  • 217 1 SOCIALISM INDIA GOVT. OBJECTIVE From Our Own Correspondent NEW DELttI, Dec. 22: Social, sm has become the declared economic objective ox the Government Of India. The Lok Sabh a on Tuesday fully endorsed such a declaration made by Premier Nehru, Finance Minister DeshmUkh and Commerce Minister Krishnamachari by passing a
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  • 96 1 Only One Wife Says Mme Shalik HONG KONG, Dec. 29. Madame Doria Shafik, Egyptian suffragette, said on arrival m Hong Kong from* Tokyo yesterday that \t is wrong for any man to have more than one wife. Madame Shafik, president of the Daughter of Qhe Nile Association," is on an
    A.P.  -  96 words
  • 82 1 From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Dec. 22.—Twentyfour thousand 'mill workers belonging to sixteen textile mills at Coimbatore went on a token strike yesterday demanding immediate implementations of the report of joint Enquiry Committee composed of Government, Management and workers. Twelve workers were arreseed but the
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  • 54 1 Members of two Opposition I Parties 'Dravtdian Progressive Federation and Communists walked out of the Madras State Assembly yesterday on the Third Reading of the Bill to control dramatic performancea When the leader of the House Mr. Subramaniam moved for the Third Reading they walked cut protesting that the
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  • 202 1 Jeep Scandal: Suspicion About V. K. K. Menon Cleared From Oar own Correspondent NEW DELHI, Dec 22: The so-called 'Jeep Scandal' was officially burled by the Government of India on Tuesday when the Finance Minister Mr. Deshmukh made a statement In Lok Sabha declaring- that the Government were fully satisfied
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  • 510 1 Periyar's Fervent Appeal To Malayan Tamil Labourers Periyar E. V. Ramasamy made a fervent appeal to Malayan Indian labourers to give their children education and also to wife out illiteracy among themselves by joining adult schools and evening classes. "What I find m Tamilnad as well
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  • 201 1 Drama Bill Passed Minister Gives Assurance From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Dec. 22. The Madras State Legislative Assembly adjourned on Tuesday after passing the Dramatic Performances Bill. Minister C. Subramaniam assured the House that the Government would associate artistes, writers and dramatists m determining, whether the performance woe objectionable. The
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    • 40 1 VATICAN CITY, Dec. tt: Pope Pius XJi, passed a leu satisfactory mgnt. This morning: lie received another blood aim plawna transfusion. The 18-year-old pope ia suffering from a small her* nla of the gullet and ras- tritte.- Reuter
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    • 27 1 TOKYO, Dec 22: Premier Ichiro Hatoyama said today his Government did not intend extending de jure recognition to toe Communist Chinese Government, Reuter
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    • 61 1 NEW DELHI, Deo. 22: The Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru, told l"arliamen today he did not propose visiting Russia after attembng the Commonwealth Premiers' Conference In London m January next year. It was understood here, however, that he was likely to inane a special trip
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    • 62 1 NEHRU— ALI MEETING NEW DELHI, Dec. 22: Indian Prime Minister Mr. Nehru has replied to the invitation of Mr. Mohammed All, Pakistan Prime Minister, for a meeting In Karach or New Delhi to dlscusm outstanding' problems by saying he cannot attend such a meetm* n the nnc r future because
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 607 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Thur. Dec. 23, 1954 MIC Delegation -A Warning OUR sister paper the Tamil Murasu hit the nail right on the head yesterday m its editorial when it warned that if the Chinese m Malaya were to look to Mr. Chou En-lai, the Malays to Dr. Ali
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  • 1824 2 Fair Sex Loses "Battle Over Alimony" NEW DELHI: The B*jya Sabha last We*H*dt»y passed unanimously the Hindu Marriage BUI, the first part of the Old Hindu Code, codifying and reforming the Hindu law relating to marriage*. The eight-day debate on tne
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  • 238 2 NEW DELHI: I n the Rajya Sabha, the Information Minister, Dr. Keskar, reiterated his assurance that the Industrial Disputes Act would be extended to working journalists by initiating suitable legislation "soon". This recommendation of the Press Commission, he said, had already been accepted and other recommendations
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  • 32 2 MADRAS: The «v». Xadlr carrying 7,632 tons of rice from Burma arrived at Nagapattinam hartxnir on Dec 11?. The entire quantity has been allotted to Central St->raee Depot.— FOC
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  • 124 2 JAMMU: The period of detention of Sheikh Abdullah, former Premier of Kashmir. bam beta recently extended b> another aix months. Under the previous Public Security Act the period of detention of Sheikh Abdullah and hia colleague m detention was being extended by two months from time
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  • 87 2 Dramas Bill Committee Concludes Work MADRAS: The Select Cony mittee appointed by the Madras Legislative Assembly to consider the report on the Madras Dramatic Performances BUI. 1954, has, it Is understood, concluded consideration of the BUI. The Committee met again at the Oqjmmattee Rjom, Secretariat, Mr. C. Bubraxnaniam, Minister for
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  • 138 2 MADRAS: The Madras Legislative Assembly placed on record its sense of sorrow at the passing away of Mr. S. A. F. Ibrahim Chinna Khaziar of Madurai, a former Member of the House, and conveyed its sympathy to the members of the bereaved family. The Speaker,
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  • 41 2 Mr. Jayaratnam speaking at a reception given by him to His younger brother David Gutiaratnam and Miss Moon Gunamani, m connection with their marriage recently fold Mr Jayaranam i 8 a clerk In Tuflloh Estate, Jaton Pekan sari, Banting.
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  • 160 2 KARACHI: Announcing the formation of one- unit fcr West Pakistan, a Press note issued by the Pakistan Govern, ment said that the whole oi West Pakistan would be ,livided Into ten commission er;.., s, which wouU Include liftv districts. West Pakistan will
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  • 131 2 Boat Tragedy Near Karaikal: Two Feared Lost KARAXKAL.: a boat, bcarine the number 850 IF (Karaikal registration) turned upside down last v>reek at the mouth of the ArasaJLar river m the Bay of Bengal off Karaikal coast, owing to powerful water current and strong winds. Anxiety is felt about the
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  • 47 2 Handloom Weavers Conference KARUR: The All-India Handlcom Weavers' Conference will be held m the second week of January 1955 m Madras, Dr. K. S. Gopalaswami, General Secretary, announced here. Representatives of all State and Provincial Handloom Weavers Conferencesi Or Associations are expected to attend the conference.— FOC
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  • 57 2 NEW DELHI: The Government of India is to establish a special mission m Cambcdia, the Ministry of External Affairs announced here. The special mission will be headed by Mr. B. K. Acharya as Political Representative, with the personal rank of Minister. Mr. Acharya is at present
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 255 2 A NEW TYPE OF Bii t) n U-I I I?T!l1H L (w ft B \*~r -M. JL Ja^ mf IJH jj match your exact style ofwritill a new hall point f«. lurct Choiot of fine, mtdtwn \.M I orAraarfftw. MRfECTED BY I NEW| m I longer than ordinary ball >
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  • 313 3 RAJYA SABHA REJECTS NON-OFFICIAL BILL Preve»b,ve Detention (Ami n*me?t) BllL tbe The Constitution (Fourth Amendment) Bill, b y MR (Forward Bloc Marxist) sought to vest m tiie electors of territorial constituencies tho right to recall Members of Parliament and legislatures After a three-hour debate kargely
    FOC  -  313 words
  • 141 3 Govt. Action Against Bombay Pilots CALCUTTA: Calcutta"s three dock workers' unions have -caflled for aJI-India action against the Bombay Port Trust authoi&tlesj for putting down a strike of Pilots and BtftHing Masters under the Easjential Services and Maintenance Act of 1941. Announcing this at a Press conference, Mr. Bisthwanth Dubey,
    FOC  -  141 words
  • 115 3 NEW DELHI: Over 150 Australians attending a meeting of the Friendship with Asia League m Sydney, signed a scroll of greetings to the. people of India, according to a report received here. The scroll reads: "We will be friends of India. We Australians are coming to
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  • 149 3 NEW DELHI; The Congress EX? met last hen Mr. Nehru wclcorned Mr. v. N. Dhebar w^o nas been .recently elected President of the Indian National Oongresa Dhebar said tha> he would pzz z£& S5 the cooperation of all members present. The CdnoV f Party lat er discussed
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  • 106 3 I*®™ DE £HI: The followKrS* A the "constituted central Advisory Board for Music attached to th e Mini*™ °i s nformatl °n and Broadcast 1. Pandit S. N. Ratanjankar, 2 Mr' Padn >anabhan Sastri; 3* Aivai USt Cc 5 H Ve^atarama Pro? r R Shi c W
    FOC  -  106 words
  • 87 3 tZ IRUPATI: The bodies of two unidentified persons a man of 35 and a Sri aeed 7 wa s not extinct were discoveron th?* 'fr Vi^a« I 4 h J- T Ghat road on Dec J by Mr. p. Thimma Reddy fcrmer Andhra Minister while a"
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  • 65 3 CALCUTTA: West Bengal Chief Minister Dr B. C. Roy urged the Indian Standards inst tuti<> v to »ay do'.\n a standard for administrator* and politicians. Amidst a rear of laughter from the delegates, Dr. Boy told the Engineering and) Building Standards Convention here that the Institute
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  • 83 3 MADURAI: Mr. W. R. S. Sathianathan, Member Board of Revenue, arrived here last week to conduct an inquiry into the incidents that took place on the night of Dec. 2, m connection with the staging of the 'Ramayana' drama. He told Press men that the inquiry would
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  • 95 3 A.M.M. Murugappa Chettiar Back From Tour MADR a S: Mr A. M. M. Murugappa Chettiar, a leading industrialist of Madras, returned from Singapore last week by air after five months tour of the U.S., U.K. and the Continent, and Sou-th Eas* Asia. In a talk with pressmen at the airport,
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  • 124 3 NEW DELHI: Mr. M (J. Snah, Minister of Revenue ?.nd Civil Expenditure, told Mr. K. C. Sodhia in the Lofc Sabha Wiat )a "deflfnate dteclaion" in regard to Sales Tax on interstate transactions would be 'taken, after considering the report O f the Taxation linquiry Commission.
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  • 448 3 MADRAS: The Madras Legislative Assembly last veefc passed the Government Uill seeking to make It dear thS exemption tw medium dorh In reaped of :t,e additional saKs tM X proposed would P pi y nli to cloth made wholly "f ™T Discussion
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  • 159 3 Ban On Sale Of Soviet Literature Continues NEW DELHI: The ban on the sale of Soviet literature at railway bookstalls was the subject of an exchange between the Deputy Railway Minister, Sri O. V. Alagesan, anJ Sri Bhupesh Gupta (Com., W Bengal) m the Rajj^i Sabhn. After Sri Alagesan gave
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  • 160 3 MADRAS: The Government have issued th e following- oriulSi clar f y ln e the orders issued earlier regarding the production of revised forms cf nativity certificates b y the candidates, seeking 8 admission to Government professional colleges d n the State: All officers of the
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  • 82 3 BANOALORE: Th e 'Graha pravesam 1 o f the Congress Bhavan was celebrated last week, m, the presence o^ a large gathering which Included the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bangalore, Ministers, leadtng Ccngressmen and businessmen Mr. R. Subbanna received the invitees. The site for the
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  • 55 3 New KarachiBombay Air Link i BAY: A n *w aerial link between Bombay and Karachi was established by Pakistan International Airlines The airlines Oonvair which left Karachi last week on a proving flight landed at Santa Cruz airport just before neon The airlines will operate service three times a week
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  • 290 3 Refusal To Paj Compensation NEW DELHI; The Supreme Court last week granted special leave unde r Article 132 (2) of the Constitution to Prcmnath Kaul and other members of the Kashmir A°riculturists Association to appear against the decision "of tne Srinagar High Court, which had held the
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  • 222 3 Conditional Release Of U.S. Cars PONDICHERRY; The <Jovernment of India has ordered the conditional release of the six American cars which were landed here a fortnight from the "Toullan." The Agent of the cars Tina been told that the cars coula t>e cleared from the Customs after payment of 75
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  • 79 3 Students of the Sun^i «aya Eatal.« Tamil Sctaovl, Puian Lany; Kavl, Kedah. rehearsing their Tamil drama 'Awaiyar' to be staged towards the mouthend i,hen the Parents De y wiU be celebrated hi thfi r school. In the picture above the girl clad m white sari, holding
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  • 67 3 Protected Sanctuary For Sangngai IMPHAL: The Manipur Board of Wild Life has declared the southern portion of Logtak Lake a protected sanctuary for the brown antlered deer (SangTM>>»i) found on v m Manipur State. The Board announced cash rewards to any person furnishing information leading to detection of any offender.
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  • 233 3 NEW DELHI: Mr. O. V. Mavlankar, Speaker of the L,ck Sabha, Cabinet Ministers and Members of Parliament paid tributes to the lat e Sardar Vallabhbhal Patel at a meeting held Here to observe the fourth death anniversary °f th e great Indian statesman and leader. Mr.
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  • 74 3 MYSORE; Siddiah (22) and Honniah (18), students of the Daildtha Vidyarthi Nilaya m Nar'asiimharaja Mohalla, were electrocuted on Dec. li m an accident. It is stated that while removing jus wet clothes which he had left on an electric line, Honniah received a shock and his friend
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  • 77 3 NEW DELHI; Mr Gulzanlal Nanda, Union Minister for irrigation and Power and Planning, said here that flood protection schemes had been prepared mi n Assam, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar and seme of them had come to the Centre, m som c cases, he said, work
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 31 3 NOTICE "UnbertheH Tickets fn, sailing from Sj ngan<>r p nn Qtu Unberttod tickets for the .s. ■R ajula mm§ on December I^^.oo^. ISLAY KERR CO., LTD AGENTS: BJ.S.N. CX)., LTD.* SINGAPORE.
      31 words
    • 58 3 The dfoect T'TjP^l DFDC x rfty CLEAR A COLD PEPS famous throat and chest tablets are^BßS|^ rich ,n healing essences which quickly vaporize. B\jj W-T^^^l Ver y Ur throat > through your ft* I M !S M'* l «»cl bronchial system, \((L "*"iiHß 5C »w5 sore chest and thrc^rrehevc'^nUtion, stop
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  • 61 4 Ships Manager From Japan OOLOMB t. The Fisheries Departnvent _s endeavouroig to obtain a ships' Manager from Japan A ships Manager \a net available fr.»m the U.K. ana the Department haa turned to Japan for her help under '.lie C-plac. The Department is also exploring the possibility of ofctaininjf t^ai.
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  • 394 4 'Untouchables Threaten To Break Away From Hinduism Unless They're Given Equal Rights And Privileges ANLRADHAPUBA: A warning to the Hindu community that unless the so-called untouchable* wen, given equal right* and* privileges as the cast© Hindus In the country they would have no other alternative but to break away from
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  • 51 4 COLOMBO: Triplets were born to Mrs. P. Kanagalingam of Castle Lane, Bamlbalapitly i at a private hospital m Colombo hist weeak. The babies —all boys—wsitfheds lbs. 13 ozs., 6 lbs. 6 ozft., and 3 lbs. 14 ozs., respecM/e« The mother and oabifs ly. arc aJa doing well.
    FOC  -  51 words
  • 67 4 Members of a Malay dancing troupe headed by Mr. K. Dean of Malay opera fame who flew to Dacca, l.»W Pakistan Tutesday, Qec ,21 The troupe has been invited by the Pakistan Art* Council to dance at the Festival of Asian Musk) and Dancing to
    P.R.O.  -  67 words
  • 369 4 By Our Staff Reporter The Singapore Improvement Trust have decided to extend the application register with particular reference to Qneenstown flats, by relaxing some of the qualifications relating to high-rental flats. About 2,000 new flats will be made available m the course Of
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  • 41 4 Segamat Indian Schools Sports Today The Seventh Annual Athletic Sports of the Segamat District Indian Schools will be held today (Thursday) at 2 p.m. on the Town Padang Segamat, Mrs. H. L. Fenton, of Labis Bahru Estate, will distribute the prizes.
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  • 291 4 Burmese Premier's Peace Plan Arouses No Interest! U. S. Not For Reconciliation WASHINGTON, Dec. T\hc reported plan of the Burmese Premier. Mr. U.Nwfor a reconciliation of the United States and China has failed to arouse any enthusiasm, m government quarters here, I\he official reaction of the State Department was a
    Reuter  -  291 words
  • 87 4 Members of the pabUc visiting the Government uflkvtf and the Colonial Secretary's Office m Empress Place will have to enter and leave by the Treasury entrance, next to the Marine Police sta« on, from Deceo.ber 23-29 (invasive). This Is because the mnli* Htaircase outside the C.
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  • 261 4 NEW DELHI, Dec. tt. Government sources said Tuesday New Delhi now favours inviting Communist China, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand to the proposed African— Asian conference. This reveals an apparent* cnange m the government's stand. Premier Nehru's government previously has been reported to be opposed
    AP  -  261 words
  • 141 4 Singapore Perlyar Reception Committee has arranged to hold a tea-parly on Sunday, Jan. 2, 1955, at 5 p.m. at Sea View Hotel, to honour Perlyar E. V. Ramasamy. Members of other communities are beta*; Invited to the tea-party with a-
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  • 121 4 A Committee composed of Messrs. R. Jumabhoy, C.8.E., G. Uttamram, Durgadas, S. Mohamed Tahir, G. Sarangapany, A. N Mitra and YE. ohunmugaxn 'Chettiar, J.P. bm» been formed at a meeting held at India House to arrange a buffet Tea-Party m honour ot Mr. S. Dutt,
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  • 78 4 Indian Republic Day Badminton Tournament The Sports Committee of the Indian Republic Day Celebration invites entries for the following badminton tournaments from Indians m Singapore and the Federation: Entrance fee (1) Men's singles $3/--(2) Mixed doubles $o/--(3) Men's doubles $5/--(4) Children's Singles $1/All entries should reach the Convenor Mr. A.
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  • 117 4 'From Jan. 1 next there will no longer be any controlled retail prices for Goverment rice. Rice La abuad.nt and is likeiy to become cheaper. It ig considered acr >rdingly that it is no longer ue cessary to maintain retail price control.
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  • 45 4 Mr. Tan Lark Sye To Fete British Trade Delegation Mr. Tan Lark Sye, the President of the Nanyang University Fund Committee, is giving a dinner to the members of the British Trade Delegation to Communist China, tonight at 7, at the Tanjong Millionaires Rhu Club.
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  • 62 4 Mr. J Coelho, LF.S., First Secretary (Commercial) of the Indian Commission, w'll sail for India on Jan. 9, next on home leave and trans, ar. He will be a/*« compamei by his wife and two children. Mr. D,M. Jejurikar, T F.S who is to relieve Mr.
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  • 14 4 MR. CYRIL. PETER, the new President of the Singapore Kerala Samajam.
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  • 55 4 Jap. Premier To Take Rest lO.KYC Dec. 22 PlSml'dT Ichiro Hatoyama's iozlora aid toda v that they wcie vorricO at out the effects aige numttr of parliamc:i•ar y c«>r..nilttee meetings ana ipeakin» engagements wero laving on the Premier's already poor heaLth. T»ic doctors said they ha<i tdvised tl.e 71-year-old Ire
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 217 4 Invitations To CVealth Conference LONDON, Dec. 22.- Sir Winston Churchill the Prime Minister again answered questions m the House of Commona yesterday on the composition of the forthcoming London Conference of Commonwealth Prime Ministers. 9Mr. John, Dugdale (Labour) asked how far consideration of personal qualities of Prime Ministers of Commonwealth
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