Indian Daily Mail, 13 December 1954

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. X. NO. 297 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1954 FOUR PAGES 15 GENTS
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  • 341 1 ASIA'S PEACE IS OUR BUSINESS Kotelawala "Leave Us Alone We'll Solve Our Problems" SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 12: Ceylon's Prime Minister, Sir John Koteiawala, said yesterday that the recent pact signed at Manila for the defence of SouthEast Asia against Communist aggression might work, but that it required more consideration!. He
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  • 77 1 From Our Own Correspondent NEW DEILHI, Dec. 12: Rajya Sabha on Friday passed a resolution urging the Government of India to take measures for preventing showing undesirable films, whether foreign or Indian. It was adopted following a wholeday debate on a motion ty Mrs. I^eelavathl
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  • 100 1 NEHRU TO MEET THAI PREMIER NEW DELHI, Dec 12. Government spokesman said yesterday prime Minister Nehru would spen-l the night of December 26 in Bangkok and will meet Thailand's Prime Minister pibul songgram wUle en route to Jakarta for the Asian prime Ministers conference. Nehru is to arrive in Jakarta
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  • 25 1 CAIRO. Dec. 12. The Aga Khan and the Begum arrived here today by air from France f'nr ii mrvnth'n. hrvltidt Reuter
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  • 118 1 65 INDIAN MINERS TRAPPED NAGPUR, Deo. 12. All hopes were abandoned last night of saving the 65 workers trapped in the flooded Newtcn Chikhali coal mine at Paiasia, about 100 miles from here. The disaster is the vvorst India haa suffered in recent years. An Inspector of Mines, Mr. M.
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  • 134 1 Hanumanthaya To Continue As Chief Minister From Our Own Correspondent BANGALORE, Dec. 12: Mr. K. Hanumanthaya, Chief Minister of Mysore, won a decisive vote of confidence at a meeting of the Mysore Congress Legislature Party specially convened for that purpose at Bangalore yesterday. Since his election as leader last year,
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  • 178 1 "Keemayana" Performance Postponed From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Dec. 12: Tue local Dravida Kalagham leaders of Tiruchi were able to prevent an ugly situation from developing into rioting last evening. Following the ban on his drama by the Tiruchi (authorities, actor M. R. Radha had announced that the play Kheemaya
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  • 74 1 From Our Own Cor respondent MADRAS, Dec. 12: Drama "Kheemayana' by the troupe of Mr. M. R. Raoha has been t banned by the Trichy authorities from being enacied within Trichy, Goldenrock, Srirangam areas for a period of filteen days from Dec. 9. It will be
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  • 118 1 World Forestry Congress In New Delhi DEHRA DUN, NORTH INDIA, Dec. 12. The Indian President, Dr. Rajendra Prasad yesterday inaugurated the fourth World Forestry Congress meeting here fcr the first time in an eastern country. Over 400 delegates from 51 countries including Japan, Brxtain, the United States, Russia and Peoples'
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  • 56 1 From Our Oivn Correspondent LUCKNOW, Dec. 12: Uttar Pradesh Congress Legislature Party has chosen Home Minister Dr. Sampurnanand to succeed Pandit Govind BaUabh Pant as Chief Minister, thus ending the uncertainty as to who will run India's biggest State. The decision was unanimous, thus ensuring the
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  • 64 1 This A.P. Photo shows Ichiro Hatomaya (right), who has become Japan's new Premier. Tbe cabinet headed! by Premier Shigeru Yoshida resigned in the face of a n upcoming motion of no-confidemce which combined Opposition parties could have fastened o n the Government. Hatomaya, 71, Is pro-
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  • 274 1 ECONOMIC EMANCIPATION OF INDIA NOW From Our Own Correspondent NEW DELMI, Dec. 12: The Shourastra Chief Minister Mr. U. N. Dhebar has been unanimously elected as the next President of the Indian National Congress and will preside over the Sixtieth Session at Avadi In January. The Returning Officer Mr. Agarwal
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  • 49 1 From Our Own Correspondent BOMBAY, Dec. 12: Harbour pilots strike which dislocated shipping for three days has ended after a strong warning by the Government of India that the provision of Essential Services Act would be invoked to force pilots to return to duty. Copyright.
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  • 225 1 Friendly Towards All And Relieving Tension In S.E.A. Premier To Tour West Also RANGOON, Dec. 12: The speech by the Burmese Premier, UNu at the farewell banquet in Peking urging China and £he United States to seek understanding was seen here as the logical outcome of Burma's policy
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  • 107 1 December 2, at the end of a four-day East European Security Conference in ADoscowy Soviet Russfla and seven fast European Communist countries signed a pledge to unify their armed forces under a joint command if the West carried out the terms of the Paris pacts, including'
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  • 66 1 INDIANA, Pennsylvania, Dec. 12.— The 81-year-old lather of movie star Jimmy Steward took his second wife Saturday with his son, beaming through tear-Ailed eyes, at his side as best man. Alexander Stewart married Mrs. J. J. Stothart, 76, a widow from St. Johns, New Brunswick, Canada in
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • 63 1 From Our Own Correspondent Madras, Dec. 12: Two armed robberies by gangs of maskei men carrying musnets have been reported from Bodinayakanur area in the last two days. It appears that cartmen carrying bags of cardamon were stopped and robbed of the goods iby these gangs.
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  • 44 1 Cyprus Mufti For U.N. LONDON 1 Dec. 12.—Mehmed Dana, Mufti of Cyprus and religious leader of 100,000 Moslems in the British Island colony, left here by air for New York tonight for the discussion on Cyprus in the United Nations General as- iembly Reuter
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  • 92 1 U Nu summed up Burma's position when he said neither the United States nor China "can be termed evil." Burma is willing and wants to be friendly with both but will not accept "one-sided aid" which might offend either. For the same reason she will neither join a defensive
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  • 69 1 RANGOON, Dec. 12. Prime Minister UNu plans to follow his current tour of Communist China by visits to Eu« rope, the United States and Japan in the new year it is understood here. The visits are part of his pt/M'uy of complete neutrality and friendship
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  • 379 1 Free Elections In Korea: U.N. Affirms Allies' Demand India Remains Neutral NEW YORK, Dec. 12: The United Nations General Assembly yesterday affirmed the stand taken by 15 Western Allies in insisting on free elections in Korea under international supervision. India abstained from voting. A plenary session of the Assembly—by 50
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  • 67 1 HONG KONG, Eiec. 12 The Burmese Prime Minister, U Nu and his wife left Peking by air th*s morning- for a visit to East and south China on their way home, Peking Radio reported. The Chinese Prime Minister, Mr. Chou En-lai, headed a large
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  • 33 1 HYDERABAD!. Paki.silar., Dec. 12.— The Legislative Assembly of Sind povince yoster-. day adopted a resolution favouring a proposed merger jf tfce West Pakistan provinces into o»e unit- Reuter
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  • 184 1 NEW DELHjI, Ded. 12, The Canadian High Commissioner in New Delhi, Mr. iSscott Reid discussed with the Indian prime Minister, Mr. Nehru the fate of the eleven American airmen and two civilians in "the China Spy Case" according- to a report in the Times of India
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  • 160 1 NEW YORK, Dec. 12.— Mr. Dag Hammarskjcld, United Nations Secretary General has offered to go to Peking "soon after Dec. 26" to meet Mr. Chou En Lai, Chinese Communist Prime Minister, to discuss with him the release of 11 American airmen. Mr. Hammarskjold so Informed
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  • 155 1 NEW DELHI. Dec. 12: Ths Indian External Affairs Mintstry has so far received no rpquest for assistance in securing the release of 11 American airmen imprisoned by Communist China. authoritative sources said >«sterday. (The United Nations General Assembly last night agreed by 45
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  • 470 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Mon. Dec 13, 1954 FAMILY PLANNING THE TEACHER CHANCELLOR of the Nanyang University, Dr. Lin Yu-tang has, since his arrival here, begun playing a role which is a credit not only to himself but to educationists as a whole. He has spoken boldly against the wearing
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  • 74 2 COLOMBO: Sri Rathiudra. nat n Tagore, son of the late Pcet Rabindranath Tagore is among the applications for the post of Vice-Chancellor of Ceylon University. Sir Ivo r Jennings, who has be«n the Vice-Chanctellor of Ceylon University, j S due to retire shortly. Other applicants
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  • 1317 2 INDIAN PARLIAMENT Hindi Issue In Forefront BEGINNING as a brief business session, it looks as if Parliament may yet make history this autumn. There have been some interesting days, the Coffee and Rubber Bills, the tea export duty and, finally, the Andhra President's Rule resolution
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  • 116 2 Executioners tie the hands Mahmoud Abdul Latif before banging him in Cairo on the morning of Dec 7 for the attempted assa«sinatJon of Egyptian Premier Gamal Abdel Nasser at Alexandria on Oct. 28. Next to dte was Yousdef Talaat, head of the Fanatical Moslem Brotherhood Secret
    AP  -  116 words
  • 214 2 ERNArtCULAM: Mr. Sri Prakasa, Governor of Madras said to Pressmen here that he hoped to study the needs of the people of the Laccadivo Islands in respect of communications, education and medical facilities and see what he could do to bring relief to them in
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  • 120 2 Confab Craze NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Nehru suggested here that some check was necessary on the number of conferences be« ing held in the capital. Inaugurating the Tribal Affairs Conference he said he was happy t c know that such a conference was going to be held a nd was
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  • 159 2 Air India International Makes Profit NEW DELHI: The Indian Aiif.mes Corporation incurred a total estimated loss of R.s. 1,27,46,000 for the year-ended July 31. 1954. whole the Air India International Corpora Uon made a profit for the same period of Rs. (26,60 000. 'Sri Raj Bahadur, Doputy Minister ibr Qammunlcationst
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  • 75 2 ALLAHABAD: Pandit Yajee, General Secretary of the All-India Forward Bloc, said in an interview here last week that his party had not yet taken any decision on the question of merger with Congress. The. matter, he said, would be placed before the party's new working committee, which
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  • 73 2 MADRAS: A deputation oi Madras Tamil actors led by Sri t. K. Shanmugam waited at the Secretariat on the Chief Minister and suggested some amendments to the provisions of the Madras Dramatic Performance Bill under dLstcusstion in the Legislative Assembly. Sri Kamaraj Nadar informed them that
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  • 73 2 The Queen's two Gurkha orderly officers, 1954, Gurkhn Captain Lalbalutdur In; MVO., MC, (left), and Gurkha Captain Krishna Bahadur Rat, MVO., ivho have completed their duties are shown here in London on Dec. 6. They sailed for Malaya on Doc. 7 aboard the Empire Fowey from Southampton.
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  • 786 2 Madras Ministers God-Fearinz! Some Wear Caste Marks And Do Puja Regularly! MADRAS: Whether they wear the caste-mark or not, all the eight Ministers of the Madras Cabinet are Godfearing they have faith in God. Some of them, who are Saivues, smear their foreheads with "Vibuthi", sacred ash, and those who
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  • 96 2 MADRAS: Mr. c. SnoraI maniam, Minister for law gave the information in 'the Madras Legislative Assembly that the question of providin" a hostel fcr th^ La w col'cgo was under the consideration of the Government. The Minlsj ter added that he realised the necessity for a
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  • 100 2 MADRAS; Can a menilM i chew inside the Legislative Assembly Chamber? An op|K>rtunity arose in the House for the Speaker f <> give his ruling on the question. When general discussion on the Dramatic Perfttmanoes Bill was goin^ on in the Hou*e a Communist member
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  • 332 2 NlivV DliL.Hl: Tne Ministry ut t,uui:a.U'-u. uovcinmem of inuui, have ueciued to awaro 18 prizes la 01 Ks^ i^on uiict nv« each 01 Ks. L.UUO on books pubusned in Hindi between January 1, xUb'A anu December 31 iyb4, tne Ministry announced in a press .Note
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  • 727 3 India's Policy Commended Soviet Leaders 'Altered Course' NEW DELHI: President Tito of Yugoslavia has declared that the Yugoslavs fully shared the faith of the leading men and peoples of India >" the "correctness and efficacy" of an international policy of peaceful co-ex steace.
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  • 24 3 NEW DELHI: Mr. Bhuvancsiiwar PraSfed Slnha wbui sworn in last Friday bv the jusuon as a. > the suprsme Court- FOC
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  • 175 3 MADRAS: Mr. Samuel Jonn Wright, consulting engineer to the Royal Agricultural Society, is visiting India in January 1955, under the Technical Cooperation Scheme of tne Colombo Plan to advise on tiie setting up of a tractor-testing station in New Delhi, where the headquarters of both
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  • 92 3 M ADR AS: Eggs of thirty-live species of Indian birds, presented to the Madras Government Museum by Mrs. S. D. Inglls Kenilworth Coonoor, are new on display as a Special Kxhibit at the entrance to the Government Museum Egmore, Madras, for a fortnight commencing from iDec.
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  • 7 3 hhhhh snllk;jljkw A.P.
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  • 364 3 MADRAS: The Employees' Health Insurance Scheme will be inaugurated in. (Joanbatore an the Republic Day by the Onion Labour Minister, Sri Kandhubhai Desai. The Madras Government, it is learnt, has decided to extend the scheme to the City also earby next year.
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  • 247 3 AMKITSAit: O u r n a m rvuur, teen-aged uradualo giri, died hgnUng a dozen armed dacons who raided her bouse last week. According to the report, tne dacoits raided the House situated in Manakaair Abadl uutside iuranlarn town, 15 luuit's from here, at 2
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  • 34 3 NEW DELHI: It is learnt that Mr. C. C. Desal is being appointed High Commissioner for India in Pakistan. Mr. Desai was till recently Tnriln'ii TTiorh Prmmlo«lnTi»r in Ceyloa,- FOC
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  • 91 3 Her Family Pride Cost Her Her Life! KARACHI; A woman of j the Syed family considered to be of high caste," in Hyderabad (Hind) prefer- red death to* a transfusion of blood from a non-Syed blood donor. It is reported that the wife of a Hyderabad zemindar was advised by
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  • 295 3 T.-C. MYSTERY DISEASE INVESTIGATION TRIVANDRUM: The ijov eminent of Travancore-Cocnin said that steps had been taneu to investigate, and prevent i the spreaa of the mystericus i disease, which was reoorted to have broxen out at "Mala, near Trichur. In a press release, the Government stated that informa- tion was
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  • 172 3 NEW DELHI: A sum of Ks. 2,71,640 was granted by the Union Ministry of Education during 1954-55 to 10 States for t*e development of Hindi }ja, their area. These grants were given under the FiveYear Pi* 11 implementing schemes prepared by State Governments and approved
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  • 134 3 NEW DELHI: A P.S.P. member, Dr. Choithram Gidwani, demanded in the Lok Sabha that the salaries of members, who absented themselves from the House for too long a period, should be cut. He said; "If a member is present here only for three days in
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  • 89 3 B OMB AY: Sri Shantilal H. Shah, Bombay's Labour Minister was defeated in the elections to the Bombay Pradesh Congress Committee by Mr. Alia Bux. Atta Bux, a hotel-keep-er of North Bombay, secured 61,1 votes, 100 votes more than his rival. Three other results uyrn declared
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  • 48 3 NEW DELHI: The Minister for Defence Organisation, Mr. Mahabir Tyagi, toM Mr. Ramsmbhag Siogh in the ix>k Sabha that it was not a ''act that some medical experts had advised against the stamping' Of foot by Army person nel, while saluting. FOC
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  • Article, Illustration
    3 3 photo. ,smnlk;n;lw AP
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  • 606 3 Proposed Bill Discriminates Against Hindus Says M.U.P. NEW DELHI: Members from all sections of th,> Rajya Sabha supported' the Hindu Marriage and Divorce Bill. Prominent uniting the supporters of the Bill were two South -dian women Members Mrs. MONA HENSMAN (Congress) and Srimathi
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  • 98 3 Co-Existence At Home NEW DELHI: The thcor> ©t co-existence was put forward by a member of the Kujy a e»abha in support vt his opposition to the divorce provision in the Hindu Marriage and Divorce Bill. L»r. B. K. Mtik, jjcl(Cong.), who was totally opposed to the Bill, said he
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  • 82 3 MAYURAM: Simday Dec. 12 was be an important day in the history of the National High School a private institution, which has earned reputation as one of the foremost educational institutions in Tanjore district. Rajah Sri M-A. Muthiah Chettiar, M.L..A., will open the new building of
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  • 189 3 REMOVAL OF MONUMENTS IN MADRAS NEW DELiHI; The Madras Government has decided that some of the monuments of the British period should be removed, while others irUght be allowed to remain iu their locations This information was given in the Lok Sabha by the Kducation Minister, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad,
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  • 128 3 NEW DELiHI; Dr. K. N. Katju Home Minister, said in the Rajya Sabha that he did not think the question of abolishing the institution O f Rajpramukhs was of such importance as to warrant amendment of the Constitution forthwith to enable the abolition. He added in reply
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  • 19 3 a taw ÜBiLttiJ.: me uovernment is considering a proposal to set up In India.- FOC
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 80 3 tFOR CUTS, WOUNDS, SPOTS, PIMPLES, RASHES AND SORES Zam-Buk Ointment, rich in medicinal oils, pcatttatcs 'ftsl! Sr S ~V-<4^^Pi deep into the skin. Zam-Buk allayi pain, soreness and inflammation. It kills disease germs, dries up discharge, quickly heals. Zam-Buk Is wonderful for skin diseases and injuries, foot troubles, insect bites,
      80 words

  • 127 4 GOVINNA: A Resolution that Sinhalese should be made the State language of the country, was passed at the monthly meeting of the Kumbukke Pattu village Committee, Mr. Indradasa Hettiaratchchi presided. Mr. h. Jinadasa, member for Wetmilla, moved an amendment that because more than one community were
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  • 311 4 Woman Publisher Acquitted Crowds Cheer Pritt s.jlkjmlw Making the order the Chief Justice said: "No doubt when it is desired to fix responsibility for the publication of certain matters upon a person who is not included in the narrow circle ot author, editor, or printer and publisher, the prosecution are
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  • 207 4 COLOMBO: The horrors of atom bombing which resulted in the death of tiMsusands of innocent people In Hiroshima and Nagasaki led Bhikkhu Gyotsu V. Sato (37), a Major hi the Japanese Army Air Force, a crack test pilot and research man attached to the
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  • 113 4 CAIRO, Egypt, Dec. 12.— Nearly 1,000 British troops headed home last night. Nearly 1,700 trcops have moved out of the Suez Canal zone since the British Evacuation got under way in accordance with a recent British-Egyptian agreement. As the British moved cut the Egyptians prepared
    A.P.  -  113 words
  • 70 4 NEW YORK, Dec. 12. —The Trusteeship Committee of the United Nations General Assembly yesterday decided that "the wishes of the inhabitents" 'if (British Togoland "be ascertained', as to their future. It approved by 42 vote 3 to one against (Belgium) with 11 ibstentions, a revised Indian resolution
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  • 188 4 COLOMBO: A rare sapS^nH* 61 ***** one and a ha pound* was the chaac e find of H.nn"^ 1 1 Mr p aluwatta D s n cu rh ha cL7o y n a of Dellawa Paiuwatta, after working on his field, went to a river to
    NAPEN  -  188 words
  • 161 4 PASSARA: All Indian labourers on Dammeria Estate have struck work following the shooting incident. over 100 Sinhalese labourers reported for work, but, it is alleged they were compelled to keep off the gardens through fear of threats by some labourers. Mr. M. S. Subbiah, president of
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  • 145 4 NEW DELHI: Sri B. N. Datar, Deputy Home Minister, said in the Rajya Sabha that the Government had no intention of eliminating married women from higher services. Replying to a question by Sri H. C. Mathur, he said the All-India Women's Conference had made a representation
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  • 70 4 COLOMBO: The name of Mr. b. N. Chakravarty, who ia now the acting Indian High Commissioner at London is being- considered for appointment as the High Commissioner in Ceylon in the place of Mr. c. C Desai, according to the report of the Delhi correspondent
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  • 36 4 UMNO MCA candidate who was returned from the Pott Swettenham constituency to the KUin e Town Council, in the recent elections,, being carried by his. 'supporter* after the election result was announced.
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  • 86 4 COLOMBO: a further batch of sixty one Indians who were in the Detention Camps at Talaimannar have been sent back to India, on recent of their deportation orders. This batch of deportees included me n and women W ho were in the camps for the past
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  • 106 4 COLOMBO Overwhelmed with disappointment that the fund a for the restoration of the Hindu ttmple a t Thirukeewaram were not up to expectations, Sir Kanthiah Vaithianathan burst into tears a t at the stone-laying ceremony cf the tenrnie. After the stcne-laying ceremony Sir Kanthah said the
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  • 126 4 CALCUTTA POLICEMEN BREAK HUNGER STRIKE CALCUTTA, Dec. 12. Five thousand Calcutta policemen who have been on hunger strike since yesterday agreed last night to start eating again on receiving assurance that tneir grievances would be settled by April. Their dec^ion was followed by the withdrawal of troops who were called
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  • 85 4 PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Dec. 12. The Trinidad Legislature in session all through the night accepted by 15 votes to 6 yesterday the London pla n fo r a British West Indies Federation subject to two provisions. After 18 hours of debate the plan was accepted on
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  • 157 4 SOUTHAMPTON, England Dec. 12.— The Duke of Windsor has given u p golf for gardening, the Duchess said here. She tald reporters aboard the 53,000-ton liner United States before leaving for New York today, "Both of U8 have taken quite well to it." "We have respectable
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  • 103 4 COLOMBO The by-laws prohibiting: the sticking of posters in unauthorised places should be strictly enforced, and steps should be taken tc provide hoardings to be rented out to advertising agencies according to a decision by the Law and General Subjects Committee of the Colombo Municipal Council.
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  • 72 4 FREEDOM FOIt MOROCCO URGED NEW YORK, Dec. 12. United Nations delegates f r >m Pakistan, Egypt, Indonesia aud Iraq yMcardL** urged Franco Moroccan negotiation to realise Uie ''ic.itimaiv. i.spirations 1 of the Mo't can people. liiey were supporting h i4natiori resolution submittt: 1 to the Political Committee on Thursday which
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  • 121 4 MADRAS, Dec. 12. The Pax Romana-faponsored first Catholic Students' Semina» began in Lioyola College nere yesterday. Sixty delegates from Asian countries took part. The Fcpe's message to tne Seminar, in part said: "the problems of the spirit and the vital impact which a spiritual
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  • 94 4 UNITED NATIONS, New York, Dec. 12. Russia's Chief U.N. delegate Jacob A. MaHk plans to return to London o n Dec. 19 to resume his duties as Soviet Ambassador, it was learned yesterday. The General Assembly w ill end its current session on Dec. 18.
    AP  -  94 words
  • 103 4 Participants In Ceylon Temple Festival Singapore Hospital Hindu Medical employees celebrated sat hurt hi festival a t Ceylon »ri Shenbagavinayagar lem- pie last Monday. In connection with the above celebration a dance recital was performed by the disciples of -vlr. M. P. lihaskar, a wellknown Indian dance mas;, r in
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  • 208 4 Indonesian Premier Says Will Continue To Seek Solution In U.N DJAKARTA, Dec. 12: Premier Dr. Ali Sastroamidjojo said on learning that the Indian resolution ref^^^tJS^ GianeSi had ejected in the United Nations General Assembly: "This news is not only disappointing but also
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  • 109 4 INDONESIAN MISSIONARY FOR PAK. CONFAB Maulana Abdul Wahid, secend seniormost Ahmadiyyah Muslim missionary in Indonesia arrived by Garuda Airways yesterday afternoon from Djakarta. He is on his way t 0 Pakistan to attend the Ahmadiyyah annual conference en Dec 25-27 at Rabwah, W. Punjab," headquarters of the International Ahmad iyya
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