Indian Daily Mail, 9 December 1954

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. X. NO. 293 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1954 FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 1 Photo. Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother enjoys the enthusiasm of four-year-old Francesca Wynne Huberts' courtesy on Ker Majesty's arrival to »«pen the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art's New Theatre In London. Irancc.M'ii is the daughter of actress Joyce Redman. At right Is Sir Kenneth Ilarnes, Princioal of the
    AP  -  52 words
  • 137 1 From Our own Correspondent NEW DELHI, Dec. 8: Doctcr Syed Mahmud, has been appointed Minister External Affairs, but without cabinet rank m the Union Cabinet. There seems no likelihood therefore that Mr. V. K. Krishna Menon will be appointed as Foreign Minister, since Mr. Nehru can
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  • 78 1 LONDON, Dec. 8: Members of the diplomatic corps last night presented Sir Winston Churchill with a painting by the 18th century French artist Hubert Rcbert to mark his 80th birthday. The presentation was made at a reception after a dinner given at the French Embassy
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  • 411 1 No Hopes Of India, Burma And Ceylon Joining Pact Pak. Ratification Certainty! WASHINGTON. Dec. 8: The eight nation which signer] the South East Asian deienc.- Iroaty m Manila last September, probably wU bold their first conference on Asian security m January or February diplumatlc observers
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  • 456 1 Economic Defence First Military Aspect Secondary Reiterates Co-existence Reds WASHINGTON, Dec. S.— Sir John KoteJawala, Prime Minister of Ceylon, and U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles exchanged views for an hour yesterday on an economic development programme for
    A.P.  -  456 words
  • 71 1 To Succeed Premier Nehru Photo. A possible successor to Mr. .'a>\:i' arlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India, is Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant, 67, Chief Minister of Nehru's Home State, uttar Pradesh, who has joined Nehru's Cabinet and is to take m, his assignment m Delhi end of this month, December.
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  • 242 1 EISENHOWER ACCEPTS THE PRINCIPLE WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. -Tnr United States Secretary of State, Mr. John Faster Dulles, said the Eisenhower Administration had accepted the principle that highly developed countries should assist the economies of under-developed nations In Asia and other areas. Mr. Dulles made this statement when asked at a
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 1 A priest, a sailor and rJvlI'anjj kneel m Saint I'- ',rr'H Square Rome and pray for Pope Pius, A call to the faithful throughout the world was made from the Vatican for prayers for the Pope. Photo. AP
    AP  -  41 words
  • 174 1 From Our own Correspondent MADRAS. Dec. 8. Both :he Houses of Madras State Legislature Monday adopted a motion of thanks to the Governor Sri Prakasa for his address setting out the ministry's policy. Only one amendment by a Communist was pressed and was lost with 41 against
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  • 251 1 UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., Dec. 8. In a continuation of debate m the U.N. general assembly's special political committee on South Africa's racial or apartheid (separation) policies. Judge Jcse Engles of the Philippines asserted Tuesday there was no question of the competence of the general
    A.P.  -  251 words
  • 372 1 Dato Onn's Revelation At Presentation Ceremony In K. L. Dato Sir Oim bin Ja'af ar, Member for Home Affairs, speaking at the presentation of Indian exhibits to the Federal Museum m Kuala Lumpur yesterday, before calling upon Mr. Tundon. the Commissioner
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  • 167 1 From Our own Correspondent NEW DELHI, Dec. 8: Members of Parliament belonging to all parties have jcined together to make an earnest appeal to bank employees not to go en strike from Dec. 10. The appeal was indeed unique, for it was signed by
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 3 1 ■BTHCLEADMt VtMA. DWLY^
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    • 89 1 II MO^Sfi""i»*° II |1 BMG K^?--" "H** 0 H MB BMOt*THS..-| 7800 WM\ i^^^HM To SAIGON BANGKOK, HONG KONG, RANGOON, CALCUTTA, HAIPHONG, HANOI, MANILA, JESSELTON, SANDAKAN, LABUAN. iW "^~^r^^o ■■^■B^k^^^^aa^ai^Ba^L r^Atf \M ■4V^BaaßMaaV^BTaaV"'^^L_. CP A a British airline, with British Pilots and Maintenance Engineers; and able, as a regional
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  • 562 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Thurs. Dec. 9, 1954 VOTING LISTS PEOPLE'S APATHY UNTIL Tuesday, only about 13,000 voters were said to have taken the trouble of going to the various centres and examining the electoral registers so as to find out whether their names are entered at all, and if
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  • 300 2 Untouch ability Bill Amended NEW DELHI: The Joint Select Committee, which reviewed the Untouehabflity (Offences) Bill, has recommended that the Central Government and the State Government^ should appoint committees to ensure proper Implementation of this enactment. The Bill lays down punishment
    F.O.C.  -  300 words
  • 229 2 FOUNDATION OF MIL. COLLEGE LAID COONOOR; The foundatior stone of the Defence Service Staff College, Wellington, jva laid recently by Majeu, W. L A. Lentaigne, Commandant o the College. Lt-Col. v. Nehra, Command er. Works (Engineers), Bang.i lore, speaking on the occasior said that the Defence Service Staff College trained
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  • 44 2 MADRAS; The Government have approved of the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the Madras Veterinary College In January 1955. A Veterinary Exhibition will be held m that connection. Medals and prizes will also be endowed m commemoration of the Jubilee FOC
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  • 50 2 P.S.P. SATYAGRAHA IN MANIPUR CONTINUES IMPHAL; The satyagraha, launched by the Manipur P.S.P. demanding restoration of the t.-itc Legislative Assembly and dissolution of the nominated State Advisory Council con tinued for the 17th day on Wed- nesday last. The satyagrahis held a demonstration In front of tiio Adviser's office.- FOC
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  • 60 2 JODHPUK: a party of Harljans who stayed m a restaurant j n the city for the whole of Thursday night Insisting- that they should be. served were removed by the police. The keeper of the restaurant and attendants employed there had walked out of the establishment
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  • 208 2 KOZHIKODE: At a special meeting of the newly-constitut-ed Malabar District Board held recently Mr. V. V. Subramamam. Collector and ex-officlo President, presiding, Mr. P. T. Bhaskara Pannikkar (Comunist) was declared elected President. All the 48 members attended and took the oath, after which the
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  • 78 2 NEW DELHI: The government of India have approved of proposals for the introduction of the system Of radio teleprinters to connect all international airports m the country. Mr. Raj Bahadur, Ueputy MSnjster for Communication^ disclosing: this m the Raiya Sabha m a written repi v
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  • 75 2 BOMBAY: Three hundred Harijans last Monday marched In procession to a Hindu temple at Mada v Bau? In the heart of Bombay City to observe the Temple Entry Day. The procession, accompanied by about 100 Canto Hindus, were ted by the Mayor, Mr. Dahyabbitl Patet
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  • 67 2 Villagers Seek Refuge On Machans KARIMGANJ: Wild elephants are again out on the rampage m the Kalinagar area, about 25 miles from here. At a result the villagers, who are mostly refugees, have been forced to spend the night on machana. Another report states that three tigers, which had killed
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  • 411 2 MADRAS: A Bill further to amend the Madras General Sales Tax Act, 1939, with a view to explaining the scope of additional sales tax of one anna three pies per rupee on mill cloth has been published m a Gazette Extraordinary
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  • 94 2 NEw DELHI; Acharya Narcnara Dev. Chairman of the praja Socialist Party, has nominated Mr. Triioki Singh (U.P,) as the General bcctctary of the Party. Trie names of the three joint Secretaries, as announced by him, are; Mr. Faridul Hague Ansari (U.P.), Mr. Mauiiu Dandawate (Bombay) and Mr
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  • 127 2 NEW DELHI; The President has 'appointed Mr. Justice Buvaneshwar Praaad Sinha, at present Chief justice of the Nagpur High Court to be a Judge of the Supreme Court of India m the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Justice Gnulam Hasan, says a press
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  • 43 2 TCEW DELHI: In order to maintain and strengthen the friendly relations already existing between the two countries, the Government of India, and the Government of the Rumanian People's Republic have decided to exchange diplomatic representation at legation level. FOC
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  • 329 2 NEW DELHI: Mr. M. C. Shah, Deputy Finance Minister, said m the Rajya Sabha that India was free to buy materials from any country she liked with loans granted by the U.S.A. and other countries. He gave Mr. h. C Math hi tue following statement of
    FOC  -  329 words
  • 319 2 RnTT 101^ 81 The venue of the Congress Committee m ThirumuUaivayal viiiage limits off fa^rfV^™* afte «*2 itEL a S> *> at y p i»urtli.. and called Satyamurth. Naga^ »rt L. s. Kara./diHr, Vresi- oent Tamil Ndii Covered Com'tnittee. and Convener, R^. Lion Committee. sii P.
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  • 57 2 TANDON SPEAKS TO N.I. HINDUS Mr. R. X,. Tamlon, Commjss,'onrr of India In Malaya, speaking on 'Glta and Gandhi.' The occasion was the celebration of c«ta Ja.vanti by the North Ind<an Hindu Association on Dec. 5, at Bharati Rha van, CnfF Road, SingiapOKrt Tb the left of
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  • 367 2 DISCUSSION ON P.S.P. MOTION DISALLOWED NEW DELiHI: The Speaker's ruling against allowing Opposition members to use the floor of the House to give "hearsay reports during discussion, of an adjournment motion on the P.S.P. satyagraha m Manipur was the occasion for P.S.P. Communist and certain other Opposition members to walk
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  • 124 2 Burnpur Contract Given To British Firm I CALCUTTA: A British firm has secured a three million sterling contract for building two big blast furnaces m India, it was won m the face of strong American and Continental competition. The firm. Ashmore. Benson and Pease, of Stockton on Tees, announced this
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  • 95 2 Plan For Consortium Of Banks NEW DELHI; The special committee appointed by the Reserve Bank to suggest waya and means of implementing the suggestion of the Shroff Committee for establishing a consortium of ibanka and insurance campanics has submitted its report to the Bank Mr. A. C. Guha, Deputy Finance
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  • 41 2 NEW DELHI: The National r.ttcnce Aoademv at Dehra Dun I, expected to Vp,it up .Llo^^ 0 ap^emi^ shortly-, tht National Defei.j Ac .-..kmv teUMd m the new buildings •xi IvharaKvaslanncru r P^on?i ana a milit w-enra Dun.~ FOC
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  • 101 2 Nehru To Tour Andhra Next Month VUAYAWADA: The Congresa President, Mr. Nehru, will make a brief election Lour of Andhia on jaii. 13 and 14 next year. Mr. Gopala Reddi, President Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee, said that arrangements wouiu t>e made by tho A-P.C.a m connection with Mr. Nehru's tour.
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  • 160 2 BOMBAY; Unde r the Mahomedan law, a retraction by the husband of the charge of adultery made by him agtunsi his wue would disentitle the wife to a decree for dissolution of the marriage if the retraction wag made before the end of the trial of
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  • 96 2 NEW DELHI: Three American specialists In newsprint production have arrived m New Delhi on their wa v to Madnya Pradesh to advise on initial plant operations of the National Newsprint and Papei Mills, Ltd., the first newsprint factory to be established m India. Their services
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  • 1161 3 Govt. Accepts Inquiry Commission's Report NEW DELHI: TTvereooinmendation of the Jute laquiry Common that the ewctta <*■£ lute nulls Hfaoidd .not, as a rule be permitted, beca^ t& is so much idle capacity m thY country h£T t en accepted by
    FOC  -  1,161 words
  • 102 3 KATHMANDU: Mr G. V. M&valankar, Speaker o f the L>ck Sabha has sent a message of felicitations and has presented 200 books to the Nepal Advisory Assembly. The Speaker of the Assembly read out m the House a letter from Mr. Mavalankar. The letter said:
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  • 66 3 Koirala Faces RedLed Kisans KATHMANDU: About 1,000 members of the Ccmmunistdomlnated Nepal Kisan Sangh demonstrated m front of the Prime Minister's residence last week. Carrying: red banners, they shouted aclgans demanding the end of vested interests on land rel-ef for flood sufferers and release cf Kisan Sabha workers. Later. a
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  • 99 3 MADRAS: A four-year-old cow, belonging to Samihannu, a mUktnan of Saxtapet, gave birth to twin calves lout Friday. The cow hud been inseminated artificially. 27m* was the second time thvt cow had calved. The first Wo* a buU-calf. The cow and the twins are healthy. Enquiries
    F.O.C.  -  99 words
  • 262 3 Congress Branch Inaugurated In Pondicherry PONDICHERRY: Mr. U S. Karayaiar, *resiuent of the TNOJ, inaugurated tne L>,stnct Oougreds office tor pondicherry and Karaikal aa a branch of the TNOC here iast week at Kaiathiswarankoil Street Mr. K. .Kamaraj Nadar, Chief Minister, of Madras presided. j Mr. Karayaiar caid that he
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  • 147 3 Bhoodan Yagna Govt. Servants NEW DELHI; Government are 01 the view that their employees should not associate themselves actively with the tfncodan movement by asking for or receiving gifts of land from landlords and distributing them. Stating this m the Rajya Sabha m a written reply to a quesion by
    FOC  -  147 words
  • 77 3 HJEw DELHI: Mr. Sardar Singh asked the Minister for Education tn the Rajya BxVfci last week whether professors and students, who came to India under the Pulbright scheme had been indulging jn political propaganda among the students m Indian universities. Dr. K. L. Shrimali, Parliamentary Secretary
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  • 41 3 BOMBAY: The Indian AirInes Corporation decided to increase the frequency of their Bombay-dochin service from five to six times a week, with effect from Dec. 2, The additional service will operate on Thursdays vU suinj*. »nA M&ngalore,- FOC
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  • 256 3 NEHRU ON DHEBAR'S CHOICE BOMBAY: It is understood that Mr. Nehru, President of the Indian National Congress, haa written to a Bombay Congress leader explaining the circumstances under which the Congress Working Committee recommended Mr. U. N. Dhebar, Chief Minister, Saurashtra fo,r the next presidentship of Congress for the consideration
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  • 37 3 Demonstration By Refugees BURDWAN: Over 2,000 refugees, including a large number of women and children from different refugee colonies, staged a demonstration here last week demanding "proper" rehabilitation. Tlie demonstrators paraded the streets and court compounds. FOC
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  • 46 3 GAUHATU: Rajkumari Amrlt Kaur, Union Health Minister, will arrive here on< a one-day visit on Dec. 29. She will attend as" chief guest the 28th session of the Assam Fyovfcncfial Manila Samlty to here fr °m Dec 27 to oo FOC
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  • 137 3 .♦-JK ll^ B^ r> C -SubmnuuiJaiii, Mlnfeter for Finance, stated m the Madras Legislative Council that the State vSTST* hT"?? tO the G «ven,,m^? of India t£Tr views on the question of banning rross word puzzles "We have represented to the Government of India that
    FOC  -  137 words
  • 86 3 Move To End Betting On N.Y. Cotton MADRAS: Mr. C. Subramaniam, Madras Finance Minister, stated m the Legislative Council that the Government proposed to amend the City Police Act to make it more effective aga.nst betting on American cotton. Mr. M. Bhaktavats&lam, Agri culture Minister, replaying on behalf of the
    FOC  -  86 words
  • 149 3 BANGALORE: The need fcr Government taking greater interest m the manufacture of Kannada typewriter, was emphasjsed by kr. G. A. Acharya, President o, the Shorthand Writers- Aaaocation of My--1? Te spiking at the annual general bedy meeting of the association. H« regretted that m spite of
    FOC  -  149 words
  • 134 3 Central Aid Shoranur Metal Industries StiORANUR: a loan of Us. one lakh irom the Central Government has been tjraiitea to the Shorauur Metal Industries JLtd., when it was at tht point of closing down. The management of the company has now been entrusted to a new board consisting of Messrs.
    FOC  -  134 words
  • 83 3 TIRUPATI: The sub-commit-tee of the Board of Trustees of the Tirumalai Tirupati Devasthanams constituted for taking steps for the establishment of a medical college at Thirupati at its meeting last week, Mr. P. Suryachandra Rao member of the Board, presiding, resolved to form a committee consisting
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  • 92 3 MADRAS: The Government nave agreed to enhance the rtunual grant ot Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000 for the maintenance and improvement of the Corporation Zoological Gardens, with effect from 1954-55. The Council of the Corporation of Madras had recently resolved to admit all school children into the Zoo
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  • Article, Illustration
    127 3 Mr. A. M. M. Munigapna Chettiar and Mrs. Murugappa i^ettiar pictured 1 on arrival at the Kalang Airport enc n Saturday, Dec. 4. They were met at the a rport by a large numb*r oi Chetttars and prominent businefts-men and cif.z. ns of Suigapure. Wr. (Iniißr a iter
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  • 573 3 NEW DELJiI; Sri J p. Narain ims come back" to tiic 1 >.;aja-Sociaiist Party, a prominent Praja-Socjalist leader who has just returned 10 New Delhi alter attending the Nagpur Convention of the Party declared here. This spokesman of the Party said that earlier statements
    FOC  -  573 words
  • 91 3 GAUfIATI: Export of butterflies from Assam has been banned by the i n< -i Government at Mac instance of the Assam G«vernnunt, it is learnt. The State Government m recommending the measure, expressed the fear that unles 8 restriction was imposed, the rare species of
    FOC  -  91 words
  • 33 3 NEW DELJU: Eight hours have fceeo allotted for a de°at. e O on foreign affairs m the Lok Sabha on Dec. 14 an 1 15 U was officially learnt. FOC
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 80 3 The dheet (S3?R REPS waif to $Aft STOP A COUGH %S£lL »taaa ssfSJtsssS WqiP^ bronchial system direct to the I> 9 jp|^ lun 8 Thus their valuable m /n lm 1 8 Para more speedily than by 8 W v(S^«l ny otner "eaonent. PEPS M ll' \M W |S stop
      80 words

  • 276 4 "No Discrimination Against Indians' In Burma LAND POLICY CLARIFIED NEW DELHI: There was no discrimination practised by Uunia against Indians as Mich m the matter of implementing her land nattoaallsation poftcy, the Deputy Minister for External Affairs. Mr. A- K. Chanda, told Mr. C Atchutan m the I»k Sabha last
    FOC  -  276 words
  • 149 4 Now McCARTHY HITS AT IKE! WASHINGTON, Dec. a. —Senator Joseph McCarthy yesterday accused President Eisenhower of having urged tolerance for Chinese Communists who tortured American soldiers. Senator McCarthy, a Republican from Wisconsin and Chairman of the Senate investigations Subcommittee, was condemned by the Senate last week for hi» conduct towards
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 185 4 Ava Gardner, the lovely angel of Holywood, is arriving here this evening from Hongkcng. She has sent an advance apology to the press, stating that after travelling from Hongkong she will be extremely tired and therefore will not be able to give a press Interviewed upon
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  • 122 4 UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., Dec. 8: Secretary GeneraJ Dag Hamrr.arskjold disclosed Tuesday he has asked the Un ted States. Russia, Britain, Canada, Brazil, France ana India to name delegates to a meeting here m January to help arrange an international Atoms-for-Peace conference. The Secretary General
    AP  -  122 words
  • 128 4 NEW YORia, Dec. 3: Mr. V. K. Kr^hna Menon of India yesterday appealed to the United states to help solva the problem c f the reunification of Korea. He called on the United States and other nations I* the United Nations Politico Committee to adopt
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  • 62 4 LONDON, Dec. 8: Mrs. Richard A. Butler, Wife of Britain's Chancellor of Exchequer who has been ill for more than a year, has suffered a relapse and her condition has become critical, the Treasury said yesterday. The Chancellor has cancelled out his immediate engagements to remain at
    AP  -  62 words
  • 40 4 PHOTO. His Holiness Swaml Ramdas and Mother Krishna Bai on arrival at the Colombo Airport. Seen with them arc Ceylon Minister Sir Kantian Vafldanathan and Lady Valdyanathan, who came to receive the Swamiji at the airport. IDM
    IDM  -  40 words
  • 260 4 ANTI-EGYPT DAY IN PAKISTAN KARACHT, we. 8 A Moslem "Protest Day' will be staged throughout Pakistan on Friday m protest against the death sentences passed m Egypt on six Mosl-j. a Brotherhood leaders and the life imprisonment sentence en Hassan El Hodeiby, the Brotherhood's supreme guide.' A numbe r of
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  • 129 4 NEW YOR/K, uec. 8: A rescluuon, sponsored by the 16 allied powers which fought m Korea, was officially tabled yesterday asking the Umteo Nations General Assembly to request the Secretary General, Mr. Dag Hammarskjold, tv seek the release of the eleven American airmen
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  • 105 4 LONDON, Dec. B.—Parttime women cleaners at Government offices popularly known as "Mrs. Mopps" gathered m belligerent mood at the Treasury m London to argue about another half-penny-an-hour payment. The women usually mothers of working class amities who do the job m the early morning, sent m
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  • 103 4 From Our own Correspondent NEW DKLJII, Dec. 8.Prenxier Nehru paid unusual tribute to a tormer official m the Lou Sabha on Jtaonuujr when he referred to the deatn or Bombay's Governor Mr. G. S. Bajpai, Mr. Bajpai .was an able servant of British Kaj witii
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  • 46 4 All Quiet On Emergency Front No casualties to eithei the Communist terrorists or tho Security Forces have been reported m the Federation yesterday. A terrorist has surrendered but details are being t/ithheld for the present for security reasons, says an Emergency communique Issued in* Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 19 4 Mr. R. T. Webster will give a talk on Christmas at the Lodge premises today, Thursday.
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  • 61 4 T£ c Bu J me c Buddhist Missionaries In Malaya. They U 7W»T 5f *>**&** •«<** Ven'ble Sayataw Ashiii P^nJn^ ak M »ha Thera ot Burmese Temple, Th?r^Af c mOSt lenbleI enble Ashin U. Wim^ia Maha Savl?^ temple, Penan^ and The most V«i We r£mm?» tr1 hl v
    61 words
  • 109 4 VATICAN CITT, Dec. Pope Pius XII lighted an electric tcrch at a Sicilian shrine of the Virgin Mary by pressing Q switch button from his sick bed Tuesday night, the eve of the end of the Roman Catholic Marian year. The ceremony at *6 p.m.
    AP  -  109 words
  • 95 4 NEW YORK, Dec. 8 Shah Mohammed RezaPhaJevi and Queen Soyaya of Tran arrived yesterday at Inlcwild airport on an informal visit to the United States. The 34-year-old monarch told reporters he had come 'for an informal visit and meUicai checkup, and possibly t-> undergo some medical
    AP  -  95 words
  • 78 4 S'pore On Baggage Labels Twenty thousand two-colour baggage labels depicting the Singapore watertront are now be^n X distributed free to Jxiai shipping and airline companies and travel agencies for u^e on travellers' luggage wiion they leave the Colony to go abroad. The labels have been designed by the Singapore Public
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  • 48 4 Mr. V. Cheliiah of the Malayan Audit Service received iiis M.B.E. frcm the High Commissioner at a special presentation held at King's House, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday morning-. Mr. Chcliiah has served for 39 years m the Malayan Service and is retiring on Saturday (Dec. 11).
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  • 62 4 Sapper R. Weldon, li.E. waa convicted at a General Court Martial on Sept. 30 on a charge of robbery with viclence. He was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment. Six months were remitted by the Commander-in-Chief Par East Land Forces and the final sentence has been apprcved
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  • 44 4 The official opening of the \io Chu <Kang Youth Ciub will be performed on Saturday, Dec. 11 at 5.30 p.m. by Dato Dr. C. J. Paglar, Legislative Councillor, at the Kalaimagal School, 7th mile Yio Chu Kang Road, Singapore.
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  • 46 4 The United Nations International Children's En.: i gency Fund m its monthly re- ort on activities m s-.'r--Last Asia reveal i that its b xecutive Board nas ap tioned US$2O,OOO (plus USW,--000 for freight towards the development of a training centre m oing*,.}or'
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  • 25 4 The closing date or applications for overseas scholarships to be given by the Federation of British industries. is Jan. 15, 1955.
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  • 106 4 Presenting »wordt» to two Commissioned Officers of the Royal Malayan Navy i4oatSiiu n:i is.naii bin Hassan and ayed iiaij.n i.n fe>yed nassaji at the It.M.N. liarracks yesterday Governor Sir John Nicoll commended the Navy as a career for the ycung men In the families of
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  • 111 4 Expert Need Not Know Art LONDON, Dec. B.— Sir Gerald Kelly, one of England's leading authorities on art, said last night he knews nothing about art. On the e ve of completing h!s term of office as President of Britain's Royal Academy, he said that he was cne of the
    AP  -  111 words
  • 20 4 •Family remittances from Malaya to China last month totalled $1,768,029 of wh'Ch $1,153,071 went from Slnpa pore
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 164 4 CONTRIBUTE YOUR MITE Periyar E. V. Ramasamy with his party is expected toleave Rangoon on Dec. 11 and reach Penang about Dec. 14. A Reception Committee consisting of 50 members has been constituted at a public meeting held on Tuesday, Dec. 7. It is hereby requested, on behalf of the
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    • 120 4 TAJ CINEMA Geylang Serai phone ***** NOW SHOWING .j.rv— 9.15 p.m. Fearless Nadla m Chabuk Swar (Hindustani) PB^*kf*^ PMWBUTfDBY iIU. XJIIT UAI f-SMMMMCO. Today: 3.15-6.30-9.15 p.m. ACTIONS THRILLS GIVEN AWAY F-R-E-E TO PATRONS! Limited copies of Art photos of Asbok Kumar, Nalini Jay want Veena from the film "NAAZ"
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