Indian Daily Mail, 7 December 1954

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. X. NO. 291 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1954 FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 150 1 MADRAS. Dec. 6.— -Indias elder statesman, Mr. Chakra▼arti Rajagopalacharl, commenting on Sir Winston Churchill's controversial Woodford speech said today: "Do we blame Churchill for speaking the truth now or at any time (The British Prime Minister disclosed at Woodford two weeks ago he had ordered that confiscated
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 51 1 80— AND STILL GOING STRONG Premier SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL makes his famous "V for Victory" sign as he turns on the steps of 10 Downing Street with his wife to acknowledge cheer* from the crowd which packed narrow Downing Street on Nov. So to congratulate him his 80th birthday PHOTO.
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  • 232 1 EBBE VALE, WALES. Dec. 6: AmMirin Bevan, Leftwing Labour leader, last night urged Prime Minister Sir Winston ChurVhill to resign because of the "lamentable e.plNode" at Woodford. Mr. Bevan, addressing his own Parliamentary Constituents here, referred to a Nov. 26 speech at
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  • 77 1 The U.K. Under Secretary of State from the Colonial Office. Sir John Martin, will visit the University of Malaya at 11 a.m. today. At 5.30 Sir John, accompanied by Mr. L. H. N. Davis, Secretary for Defence, will visit the Civil Defence Training School at
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  • 213 1 India Urged To Lead Move For Formosa Trusteeship? To Ease Explosive Situation But Fears Chiang's Activities May Precipitate War NEW DELHI, Dec. 6.— Congress Party leaders have suggested India take the lead m a move to place Formosa under international trusteeship to ease the danger that its explosive situation may
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  • 174 1 VATICAN CITY, Dec 0: Pope Pius XII swallowed a few spoonful cf broth Sunday, took a long nap and then appearing stronger than at any time since his collapse Thursday broadcast a benediction my microphone from his sickbed to the people of Rcme. A Vatican spokesman said
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  • 96 1 RAJAJI'S TRIBUTE TO KALKI From Our own Correspondent MADRAS. Dec. 6: "My grief i.s too deep for words," said Rajajl yesterday about Kalki's death. He was present throughout till the cremation m the afternoon and was so greatly moved that he shea tears rare tribute from such iron-willed man to
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  • 68 1 To Ban Use Of 'A' 'H' Bombs TOKYO, Dec. 6: Japanese sponsors of petitions to ban use of atomic and hydrcgeu bombs decided at a meeting Sunday to hold a world conference In Tckyo next August to promote the movement. The sponsors, with headquarters m Tokyo's YWCA, claimed their drive
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  • 225 1 BAGHDAD IRAQ, Dec. 6— Leaders of Iraq opinion appealed Sunday for the lives of six members of Egypt's Moslem Brotherhood sentenced to death m Cairo Saturday. Prominent religious leaders, members of parliament, lawyers and representatives of women's organisations, nave cabled the heads
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  • 47 1 BEIRUT LEBANON, Dec. 6: The Shah of Iran and Queen Soraya passed through Beirut Sunday morning on his way to the United States. They Btayed here one hour as guesta of President Camille Chamoun, who received the Royal ui.upie «i me airport.- FOC
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  • 95 1 LANSING, MICHIGAN, Doc. A young couple on their honejmoun did In the flaming- wreckage of their car yesterday less than 12 hours after they were mar. ried mi n Detroit. Marvin K. Foerster, 20, and his bride, Rhea Mac, 18, were trapped m their burning
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  • 131 1 VIRGIN MARY IN INDIAN SARI PROTESTED! BOMBAY, India Dec. §.~some 65 Archbishops and Bishops representing Jive million Indian Roman Catholics gathered with 100,000 Cattiolic laymen m a huge Bombay paly ground yesterday -when Valerian Cardinal Gracias India's First Cardinal, inaugurated the National Marian Congress. During the ceremony choirs sang Catholic
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  • 114 1 Pl^AKlj HAKiiOUK, Dew. 6 'A'nis is the i6tn mmmvmrmvrj of tne Japanese attack on I'earl Haroour. Ccuiu at happen ajrain 7 'Mil question drew a yes ana 4 no answer as the anadversary was ooserved by simple wreath laying cereuiwuy en the platform oultt en tne
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  • 39 1 Indonesia Urged To Break Off With Netherlands JAJKARTA, INDONESIA, Dec. 6: A mass demonstration m Djakarta yesterday demanded the breaking off of diplomatic relations witn Netherlands, cancellation ci all Dutch-Indonesian agreements and unilateral annexation of West New Guinea. AP
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  • 33 1 NASSER TITO EARLY TALKS BELGRADE, Dec. 6: President Tito of Yugoslavia anu Prime Minister Gamel Nassar of Egypt, will exchange viewa early next year on securuty economic and cultural relations between tries. AP
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  • 141 1 From Our Own Correspondent NEW UkLLAU, Dec. (i. Five new ministers were appointed ye&teruay tor the Central Cabinet, Dr. Syed Mahmoud ui.cJ.jr. irom On mi, Mr. A. C. Uuha,Mr. M. C. Shah, Mr. Jtt. D. Malaviya, ail Deputy Ministers, and member from Bombay
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  • 130 1 LONDON, Dec. 6 A banking chief today challenged incentive principles and suggested that an inquiry should be made into Britains surtax scheme. Mr. Julian Stanley Crosale>' Chairman of Barclays B*ink, DGO formerly Barclays Bank (Dominion Ooiomal and Overseas) said that while a gtoss income of £2,000
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  • 179 1 LONDON, Dec. 6.— The depth of the post-Stalin shift m Soviet foreign policy is expected m diplomatic quarters here to be the mam topic m this month's talks between President Tito of Yugoslavia and Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru, the Indian Prime Minister. Diplomat* on both sides of
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  • 463 1 TO DISCUSS AGENDA FOR AFRO-ASIAN CONFAB meJ^FSS^ *SV c PrinMJ Ministers wiU to D J aka <m» the afternoon of Dec. 28 Af r^A^i,, a C1 V ia llBt <* inviteeB to th forthoomlng r b^ror C S£%rre^y^ ed tO teW
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  • 148 1 AUSTRALIAN CRICKET TEAM TO TOUR INDIA BANARA, Dec. 6.— Th* Board of Control for cricket m India is inviting an official cricket team from Australia to tour India next winter. A Working Committee of the Board which met here today authorised the Boards President Manaraj Kumar of Vizianagaram to negotiate
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  • 117 1 MELBOURNE, Dec. 6.— Dr. Herbert Evatt, Australian Labour opposition leader has won his bitter two-month struggle against P;irty group*, he claims, are dominated from outside, according to most political commentators here. The Australian Labour Party Executive after crisis meetings here to investigate charges and counter-charges of
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  • 85 1 XceyoreUnff to tKo provisional programme, the guests will leave m the morning hours of Dec. 30 after having listened to choirs of Bogor school children. Delegates will then have two days experience of what rainy season m Bogor means— Bogor, on the slopes o t the Puntjak Mountain
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  • 169 1 NO INDIAN URANIUM FOR U.S. NEW DELHI, Dec. «>.-- Frime Minister Jawaharlal iNenru tola the House of Uie here today that laai* naa made no off«r of uranium to President Eisenhowers atoms for peace piun. Hut he said m reply to question that India's representative at the United Nations had
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  • 58 1 TOKYO: Dec. 6: A motion of no confidence against Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshifl a waa expected to be introduced today in the Lower House cf the Diet. Opponents, gathering atrength from a split in the ranka of Yoshida's Liberal (Conservative) Party, appeared confident they could
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  • 547 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Tues. Dec. 7, 1954 DESTITUTION IN SINGAPORE "jyjANY visitors to the Colony comment on the few beggars to be seen on the streets of Singapore. Government has seen to it that there is no longer any need for a person to starve. The Department of Social
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  • 1556 2 New P.$»P. Chairman Tells Convention NAGPUR: The Special Convention of the Praja Socialist Party last Sunday accepted the resignation of Acharya J. B. Kripalani from the Chairmanship of the Party. Acharya Narendra Dcv was elected Chairman m his place. The new Chairman will announce the
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  • 39 2 uAjvunu Mr. wemu-.ith Dogra, Praja Parishad chief ftaa decided to accept the presidentshl D of the All-India Jan Sangh, it i s learnt. He will continue to be Pit"'- 1 of the Pi-aja Parishad.- FOC
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  • 562 2 KAKAcm-. Prune Minister Moaauunedt Ah announced last Wednesday that 60 per rent of tne scats would be reserved for tne existing smaller un.ts m the proposed one vn 4 t province ol West Pakistan Legislature lor an initial period of
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  • 364 2 Retraction Of Adultery Charge Against Wife BOMBAY: Under Muslim •law, a retraction by the husband of a charge of adultery made by him against his wife would disentitle the wife to a decree for dissolution of the imarriage. if the rtetraction was made before the end of the trial of
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  • 45 2 WALTAIR-. The Syndicate of the Andhra University has declared Mr. Sasidhusan Panda qualified for the M.Sc. degree m Geology (First Class), and Mr. M. V. Lakshmana Rao and Miss K. Rajyalak.shmi qualified for the M.Sc. degree m Zoology ((First Class) FOC
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  • 170 2 Amendment To Marumakattayam Act MADRAS: The Madras Government have published a Bill to amend the Mappilla Marumakkattayam Act, 1939, The Statement of Objects and Reasons of the Bill says: Section 8 of the Mappilla Marumakkattayam Act, 1939 corresponds tc Section 5 of the NambudTi Act, 1932, Section 33 of the
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  • 160 2 CHITTOOR: The sentence ot nine months' r.i. and fine of Ra. 200 imposed upon Mr. R. M. Deenadayalu, former Assistant Station Master of Mulacalacheruvu, by the SubDivisional First Glass Magistrate, Madanapalle, m connection with the Madanapalle Train Disaster, was confirmed last Tuesday by Mr. K. V.
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  • 68 2 MADRAS: tox exercise of the powers conferred by the Shops an<i Establishments Act, the Madras Government have directed that "no theatre or place of public amusement or entertainment situated m the State of Madras shall be opened earlier than 9 a.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and public
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  • 168 2 An Unusual Protest In Lok Sabha NEW DELHI: The Lok Sabha last Thursday heard a rather unusual protest against its quick disposal of busineat», when there were no speakers. Mr. 8. V. Ramaswamy (Congress Madras) raised a "pount of order" about the disposal on Wednesday of the clauses relating to
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  • 181 2 ZafrabadSultanpur Rail Link Reopened ZAFRABAD (UP): Dr. B. V. Keskar, Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting, re-opened to traffic here last week the 57-mile rail link between Zafrabad and Sultanpur stations of the Northern Railway, which was dismantled during World War n. A large crowd assembled at Zafrabad railway station
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 93 2 JL^, WORLD FAMOUS m r a^BH B^Bvt^l I I !M When you fly by BO AC your iourney it made eaiy and pl««Mnt by a staff whose training is based on 35 years of accumulated experience. And to every service BO. AC. adds that hard-to-define quality of friendly ease and
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  • 587 3 False Charges Exposed NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Nehru, last Wednesday described as not corresponding to facts the Pakistan Government's reply to the Indian protest against the raid by the Pakistan police of a buikixng occupied by officials of the Indian High
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  • 125 3 NEW DELHI.- a new service is to be introduced by the British Overseas Airways Corporation between London and Colombo trough Bombay on Dec 8. the BOAC announced here. The Constallation will leave iJombay on Thursdays and arrive m London the following morning, stopping only
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  • 111 3 MADRAS A pawnbroker's shop In Arunachala Naickau Street, Chintadripet, was burgled on Tuesday night and gold and silver jewels valuod about Rs. 20,000 kept m an iron safe were reported to have been stolen. It is stated that KaniiaJ Bafana, th e owner of the shop,
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  • 26 3 BELGAUM: The Supreme Bank, Ltd.. Belgaum, temporarily stopped bank transaction from Nov. 27. The decision was taken by the directors of he bank. FOC
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  • 140 3 new YORK: m a generation from now, there may be rJ.-J n H T V? cial se S r <*ation m Lruted States schools supported by public funds, savT FoJnitTc^ 6 Ut by the Ford Despite initial opposition, de-segregation has been generally accepted wtere it has
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  • 123 3 Administrative Units Within W. Pakistan KARACHI: Sind's Chief Minister, Mr. M. A. Khuhro, disclosed at a public meeting that i:-r the proposed one-unit plan there would toe three or four administrative ijnits m the whole of West Pakistan m place of the existing eleven. Chief Commissioners would head these units
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  • 61 3 NEW DELHI: Nearly 5.000 Central Government assistants (third division clerks) took out a procession on Nov. 27 m observance of "Demands Day" and later held a meeting which was ■dressed by Mr. A. K. Gopalan, M.P., and Mr. V. G. De.shpande. M.P. The clerks demanded
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  • 82 3 NEW DELHI: The Government of India has sanrt uned a further sum of 57r.> i,> tne -t»Jtladia Khadi and Village Industries Board, it was announced. Out of this R*. 40 lakhs ha« been given for grantting loans to regiiitcred societies or other institutions recognized
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  • 152 3 A Full Bench of the Pakistan Federal Court last week dismissed the appeal by the notorious dacoit, Bhupat under detention, against the dismissal of his earlier habeas corpus petition by the Sind Chief Court. Counsel for Bhupat contended that his detention was mala fide because Government superseded
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  • 1264 3 No Return Of Seized Gold Madras High Court Judgment i M J"h£P£?' m At tho W^h Court last week, Their LordaUpa Mr. E. E. Mack and Mr. W. S. Krishna^aLi Naidu, Jj delivered separate but concurring judgments, f l^ th L° r f er <* the District Magistrate, South A?k*«JL
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  • 71 3 PHOTOS. Mr. K. Kamaraj Nadar, Chief Minister of Madras, during a two-day visit to Pondicherry, presided over a Conference of the French India National Congress- which was attended by over 20,000 persons including women leaders and various political parties/ Picture above shows a section of- the
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  • 611 3 NEW DELHI: The Speaker, Mr. G. V. Mavlankar, stated m the Lok Sabha, that he fell "hurt when members laughed at attempts to speak m Hindi, even though sometimes m an unsatisfactory way.' 1 The Deputy Labour Minister, Mr. Abdul Aii, had earlier provoked laughter and
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  • 40 3 NEW DELHI: Mr. Moturi Satyanarayana. M.P., Secretary of the Tolugu Bhasha Samiti, Madras, met President Raiendra Prasad m New Delhi last week and presented him with the first volume of the Telugu Encyclopaedia, just brought out FOC
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  • 335 3 NEW DELHI: The Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru, said that India should not worry too much about her lack of resources with regard to the development oi atomic energy. •'The real resources ultimately will be the bright young men, people with a sense
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  • 99 3 NEW DBUII, Dec. 4i A cricket match between film stars and' Delhi journalists is being arranged for collecting funds for the. benefit of Journalists. Correspondence is going on between Bombay's film stars and Delhi journalists and, it Ik learned, some of the stars have agreed to
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  • 150 3 Muslim Hanafi Law Of PreEmption HYDERABAD: A FuU Bench of the Hyderabad High Court, by a majority of three to two, held that txie Muslim Hanafi Law of pre-emption, which was being administered m this State betore the Indian Constitution was inaugurate.! was neither statutory law, nor customary law, nor
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  • 115 3 MAJDRAS: The nine-mem-ber West German Medical Delegation after a tour of Indian hospitals and Sanatoria left for Colombo. Dr Sann. c. N. T. Specialist of Neu ulm m Bavaria a nd or. Sprado told reporters it the airport that thc v found doctors m bl* hospitals
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  • 184 4 COLOMBO: A bearded English bus driver and his joung girl friend were m town last week looking for a quiet place where they could rest their weary limbs. They had travelled half-way across the world on a motor bike. It was late m the evening when
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  • 327 4 Ceylon Govt's Strange Propaganda Among Indians COLOMBO: The Government will soon use radio, film and other propaganda to tell persons of Indian origin to register themselves as Indian citizens, explaining to them the advantages that would accrue to them by doing so. This was one of the
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  • 180 4 TAx*AWAK£I,LE<: A young car driver and luieeit-year-old giri were .imuinU to thy Linuula Hospital suffering severely from They were found by tbe parents of the girl on top of a rock m a deserted area two miiles from her home, at Watagoda Talawakelle,
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  • 89 4 COLOMBO: The Advisory Committee set up by the Oabinet to make recommendations for the implementation of the indo-Ccylon Agreement held its first meeting on Nov. 30. In the meantime, Mr. D. E. EUapola has assumed duties as Liaison Officer, and is preparing' the ground for the Advisory
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  • 76 4 COLOMBO; Sir John Koteiawwla, Ceylon's Prime Minister, m a recorded broadcast last week said his forthcoming visit to the United States was m no sense a begging tour, says a London report. He said Ceylon, being a small country, should have friends wherever possible He
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  • 175 4 GALLE: Films, signboards, advertisements, newspapers ana the radio all had a harmful effect on the growing mind of a child, said Mr. T. D. Jayy,surlya, Director of Education, at the annual prize-giving of the Hapugala Buddhist Mixed School Teachers alone couia not perform the formidable task
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  • 332 4 TOO MUCH ATTENTION TO RELIGION CHUNNAKAM: The Government was paying too much I ittentiun to reunion and was I :nus creating discontent, said I >r. N. M. Serena, Mayor 01 1 Joiomoo. at a meeting: con- 1 rened by the Neerveu Sama-I samaja Youth L<eague here. At one time, he
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  • 244 4 Dr. Malalsekara, Prof. Silcock And Two Indian Professors *lso COLOMBO: Ten nominations for the post of Vice-Chan-ceUor ot the Ceylon University had been made up to the departure for Pakistan last vceeK of Sir Ivor Jennings. These names, which have just
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  • 122 4 The Singapore Tamil Tear ohers' Union gave a farewell party to Mr. G. D. Selvaroyen, 15. A Supervisor, Tamil Education Society Schools. Singapore, on the eve of his departure to India for Christmas holidays. The president of the Un'on Vidvan Selvam, Mr. .G Sarangapany, Presidient
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  • 505 4 IT EXISTS IN BRITAIN TOO Ed. Straits Times "There is a widespread impression m Singapore that the failure of voluntary registration for the electoral roll it is estimated that only one-fifth of those qualified to vote bothered to put themselves on the old) register
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  • 213 4 BOMBAY, Dec. 6: Mr.' Girja Shankar Bajpai, Governnor of Bombay who passed away m the early hours of Sunday, was aged 63. Mr. Bajpai died of cerebral haemorrhage at Raj Bhavan m Bombay. He had been m poor health for some time and he had an heart attack
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  • 124 4 Polygamy Poses A Problem from nKi-a nave net an unusual c.t»zensuip proDivni ior ceyiun, uecmise tiiey can have up to lour wives. Under the Citizenship Act, a person who is spoiisi 1 oi a citizen <*f ceyion by descent or registration and has been resiuvnt ai Ceylon throughout a period
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  • 51 4 Mrs. M. Lewis will give a talk on "Orthiils and how to grow them" under {He auspices ot the International Women's Club of Singapore at the Y.W.C.A. Building a t 5, Raffles Quay tomorrow (Wednesday) at 10.30 a.m. The talk will be preceded by coffee at 10
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  • 120 4 11 U.S. Airmen In Red China U.N. To Debate NEW YORK, Dec. 6 The stage is expected to be set touay for a full dress debate m the United Nations General Assembly of the case of 11 oa^iuueo Amorican airmen -M recently imprisoned by the cn.nese \^mmunjsts on cnarges of
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  • 92 4 Incompatible Pictures ANURADHAPURA TheMa)ia JNayaka inero of the Atainjastaiia and the North central tin Sumani KevatnaDician«t has (Mgeuletl to pictures oi film stars on advertisement hoardings at the main -junction m the town opposite the Sri Maha Botlhi Vinare. la a protest to the Specal Commissioner of the town, the
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    • 204 4 A Banquet will be held to honour the lit. Hon. sir Juhn Kotelawala P.C., K.8.E., it m Minister of Ceylon, on 27 th December 1954. Ceylonese who wish to participate are requested to aommunicate with the Ceylon Commission before the 12th December. (Tel. *****.) M. Saravanamuttu Ceylon Commissioner m Malaya.
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