Indian Daily Mail, 5 December 1954

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOiu. X. NO. 289 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1954 SIX PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 578 1 Pope No Longer In Imminent Danger Specialist Keep Constant Watch Perceptible Improvement; ROME, Dec. 4. A famous phy»iciua who examined Pope Pius XI I said the pontiff barely escaped death Friday but now seems to be no longer m imminent danger of thing. Dr. L/nigi Vittorio de Stefano, 37, one
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  • 108 1 Mr. A. M. M. Murugappa Chettiar, Managing Director of M/S Tube Investments, manufacturers of Hercules Cycles, Madras, arrived here yesterday from Sydney. Mr. Murugappa Chettiar, an eminent industrialist of South India, claims that his firm manufacteres 200,000 cycles a year. Mr. Chettiar, who is
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  • 48 1 WASHINGTON, Doc. 4D plcmat.c informants sac Friday the Shah of Iran hoper to eet a max mum of rest during h s trip to the Unite* State? a"d that thereforr it !s n^ accident he has scheduled cnly three days m Washington.— AP
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  • 81 1 NOW HANDS LO.VDON, Dec. 4 Foiiiteen girls completely hidden but for their arms will compete m London for tbe tit;e uf "loveliest hands m Britain." Spotlight* will pick out their :ir nis and hands for a pan. I of judges actors, actresses, beauty experts and photographers while the girls stand
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  • 152 1 RED CHINESE MISSION TO INDONESIA HONG KOISG Dec. 4 More than itO Chliics-j Communists, a culU >a mission to Inrlcurjj.u. arnun •n rtong- Kong- from Canton yei-verday. Sullen and grim faced, tht group rode on a Chinese Communist railway car straight through from Canton. It was the first Communist
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  • 72 1 NEW DELHI, Dec. 4 Mr. Jawaharlai Nehru, Prime Minister of India, said that Gurkha recruits for the British army were allowed to travel through India as civilians under an agreement with Britain. Mr. Nehru was asked m the House Of the People wnethor a British military aircraft
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  • 102 1 PERIYAR LEAVES FOR RANGOON Periyar E. V. Ramasami, the greatest social reformer if South India and Mrs. Montcvlmai Rama-samy at the Madras Harbour, before embarking ntv Ihe boat leaving for Rangoon, where World Buddhists Conference meets and io uh:c>i he is a delegate. Ril>c old rationalist Periyar Ramasnmy has caused
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  • 108 1 From Our Own Correspondent NEW DELHI, Dec. 4.—President of the Indian Union Dr. Rajendra Prasad, who completed seventy years yesterday was recipient of hundreds of messages of greetings, and felicitations from all parts or India. Premier Nehru and his ministers were the first to call at Rashtrapathi
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  • 77 1 From Our Own Correspondent NEW DELHI, Dec. 4.— The Government of India have decided to set up a Law Com mission which will revise anu simplify most of the statutes •ich have become outmode. Decause of the time or because of the fact that India II
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  • 40 1 WASHINGTON, Dec. 4 United states and Philippine trade revision teams are holding their first Saturday meeting m an effort to reach an agreement on or about Dec. 10 when Philippine legislators hepe to leave for Manila.
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  • 275 1 nterested In Strengthening Economic Power Of Indo-china WASHINGTON, Deo. 4.— The United States is moving to boost the military power of the Chinese Nationalists on Formosa and the economic strength i of the anti-Communist Indo-Chinese Government of South Vietnam. In the wake of the signing of
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  • 40 1 Photo. Professor Hans R. Coring, Gorman Professor of sclupture at Baroda University, India, stands next to his 9*6 -foot bronze statue of Mahatma Gandhi. recently unveiledi by President Pra<ad of India, m jubilee Park, fiaroda. AP
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  • 201 1 NOW MADE S. AFRICA MINISTER! JOHANNESBURG!! SOUTH AFRICA, Doc 4: Prime Minister Johannes G. Strljdom has announced th«> makeup of his cabinet. All but two members Were holdovers trom the government of former Prime Minister Daniel F Malan, who resigned Tuesday. Strijdom made several shifts m
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  • 65 1 DJAKARTA, Dec. 4: Forjitfn Ministry circleg den'.ea ruports Ceylcn Government haa sent note to Indonesian Government urging it not Lj invite to the scheduled AfroAo ;xn conference the Governments of Chinese Peoples Repiihlic, Japan, Israel air Turkey. These crclcs saJd the rcrf;coming: conference of the Colombo
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  • 192 1 From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Dec. 4.— Madurai City Magistrate yesterday banned further staging of the drama Khecmayana by Mr. M. R. Radha's troupe, because the first performance last night led to serious rioting. TJie drama has been banned for fifteen days and an order h.-is
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  • 216 1 LOS AKQBZJBS, Dec 4: Sniono Silva, the English actress hlio cn<v posed "nud^ to thy, waist" v.-'t!s nctur Robert Mitchuni. learned from Immigrat'on officials that she was not "a nrjrson or exceptional ability." Tw ruling infant she haj I s! the first round of
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  • 233 1 'AMERICANS HELD BY RED CHINA'-TO U. N. UNITED NATIONS, N. V., Dec. 4 The United States and its allies m Korea agreed Friday night to place before the U-N. Assembly at the earliest possible moment the case of the n American fliers held as spits by Red China. This decision
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  • 1592 2 Story Of Mohamed Ali Jinnah FIRST BIOGRAPHY OUT 'PHfc; first biography of Quaidx i-Azam Mohamed Ali Jinnah, whcse impact on the affairs Of the Indian sub-con-tinent resulted m the birth of a nation, has been published. Written by the distinguished New Zealand-born author, Hec. tor Bolitho, and entitled, "Jinnah, Creator
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  • 484 2 Mohenjo Daro He veals False hair appears to have been m use by the Indian women m the past as the main function of this piece of ornament (bel) was to keep the position of the mass of hair intact Alakrachana
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  • 81 2 Khuhro's Appointment Challenged KARACHI: A member of the Sind Assembly has challenged the appointment Of Mr. M. A. Khuhro as Chief Minister of Sind, m a petition filed before the Sind Chiei Court last Sunday. The member, Mr. Bhulam Mustafa of Thar Parkar District, has also challenged the Pakistani Governor-General'
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  • 53 2 MADRAS: Mr., V. Safar. Deputy Trade Commissioner, Bcrribay, and Mr. V. Holub. Madras representative of the Trade Commissioner m India of Czechoslovakian Republic last week at the Secretariat met the Chef Secretary, Sri K. Ramunni Menon, In connexion w'th the opening of r office la
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  • 91 2 Sardar Guru Saran Singh .iio was honoured by Raja of cerlis recently by tiie conferment of tne title J.i'. and Mr. A'. Shanniiigaiii Filial, who was awarded Meritorious Service Medal were the chief guests at a reception by Perils Indian Association at Kan gar English School.
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  • 160 2 «rpwo factors have operated m the last twelve months to make the Government ot India mere sensitive to apprenensions of the People's Republic' (of China), said Tne Eastern Economist, the English language weekly (New Delhi) m a recent issue. "The Colombo Conference m April showed that Burma
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  • 142 2 "The lesson of the Colombo Conference has been underlined more than once m the last few months. But it was left to the visit of Mr. Chou En-lai to illustrate the point that the five principles to which he readily subscribed when he was here had
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  • 319 2 The Eastern Economist went en to say that while India's ascent to power carried no element Of aggressive passion m it, one had only to read Liv Shao-chi's address a t the First National People's Congress at Peking to recognise that m China power was being sought for
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  • 95 2 Tito Coming To India On Dec. 16 For 18-Day Stay NEW DELHI: Marshal Tito, The Yugoslav president, will arrive m India on his oliicial visit on Dec 16. it is announced. A Press communique issued by the External Attain* Ministry said: "The President of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia,
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  • 159 2 Estate Duty Rs. 15 Lakhs Collected Till Oct. NEW DELHI: The largest amount of estate duty collected up to the end of September this year m any single case was Rs. 4,57,316 m Bombay i State, the (Deputy Finance Minister, Sri M. C. Shah, said m reply tc Sri Govind
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  • 501 2  -  Daphne Clare By JTEEN radio Lsteners m India* will have noticed that the ramiliar voice of the young girl announcer on Western music programmes broadcast from (Delhi, has been missing now fcr more than a couple or .nonths. The reason: the owner of
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  • 55 2 NEW YORK. Dec. 4: Tne 1955 line of Jaguar automobiles is on display m Mew York. Jaguar Cars North American corporation, New XorK, subsidiary of Jaguar Can*, Ltd., of Coventry, England. <ia promoting the new line as higher powered with increased seating space. Prices remain the same approximately
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  • 401 2 Engineer's Appeal Against Dismissal Rejected NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court last week dismissed an appeal preferred by Mr. P. Joseph John, former Chief Engineer of Electricity against the judgment of the Travan-core-Cochin High Court, which had rejected his application for quashing the order of the Government of TravancoreCochin, removing him
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 63 2 ■FOR6ETME NOT I PERFUME I Paris France. |Always consult NANDA'S when you decide] to travel by AIR, SEA or LAND. j< We shiOl arrange all for you on official rates 8 WITHOUT ANY EXTRA PAYMENTS! 0 AvaU our best experience of 88 years m travei Service |g. c. m>m m;
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  • 773 3 Mysterious Beauty Of Valley in the plains t largely a season of unaeen change*. The lendscape is covered, either by hardy annuals or by trees that renew their autumnal foliage unawares. Even the seasonal flowers shed their petals si lently amidst a cluster of perennials,
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  • 136 3 Demand For Indian Carpets In New Zealand NEW DELHI: Indian carpets and mattings of good quality and design are m .high demand m New Zealand, according to a recent report of the Indian Trade Representative there. Carpet rolls, squares, rugs, mats, druggets, linoleum, rubber sponge underlay, jute car«pets and hard-cord
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  • 112 3 Lathi Charge In Ollur TRIVANDRUM The Travan-oore-Cochin Government last week ordered a public enquiry Into the police lathi charge on demonstrating volunteers Of a timber factory at Ol ur throe miles from Tricivur. ton Nov. 12. A Press release issued by the Government recently s-tid three have baea eoniptelatJi that
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  • 301 3 States Oppose Amendments To Arms Act NEW iDftLHI: Six of Me seven State Governments which have expressed opvnicns on the Indian Arms (Amendment) Bill, introduced m the Lok Sabha last year by Mr. Uma Charan Patnaik. do not favour mest Of the amendments proposed m the BiU which seeks to
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  • 104 3 Five- Year Plan For Former Fr. India PONDICHERRY: An expert team from Delhi will be ariving here to find out how best the Five-Year Plan could .je intrcduced m Pondicherry and other former French settlements, it is learnt. Besides, the Secretary of the Central Social Welfare Board will also visit
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  • 201 3 NEW DELHI: Aboct 16,000 people were tested m New i>?lhi m 34 different centres by a Delhi State Health Service Directorate team In connection with the B.C.G. campaign carried out from November 2 to 20. The VV.H.O. and the U.N.I.C.E.F. assisted the campaign with vehicles and equipment.
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  • 145 3 South Indian Blind Prodigy In Mathematics MADURA!: Sri 1\ s. tiuruswanu liiiai a blind main* maacal prodigy, who gave a demonstration of his talents to the Chief Minister, Sri K. Kama raj Nadir en Sunday last, may be invited to take part m the Avadi Congress exhibition. Fifty-five-year-old Guruhwami Filial
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  • 119 3 Rs. 2.5m. Loan To Air India International NEW DELHI, The Deputy Communications Minister, Mr. Raj Bahadur, informed Mr. Ibrahim m the Lok Sabha that a loan of Rs. 25 lakihs was granted to the Air India International In February last year to enable the company to meet part of the
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  • 76 3 BURDWAN: About 100 workers of the Ceramic and Refractory Factory a t Ranigungv, cut of 2,000 on strike for the last seven months, arrived here last week on the first lap of their march to Calcutta to present their case before the management. They paraded the
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  • 106 3 LNDOKE: A new idol cf Uord Shiva was installed m tne Shantinath Temple, ol ttatlam, last Friday m place of the old one which was found missing seme weeks ago. But. a few hours after the installation ceremony, the Collector received a stay order against the-
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  • 70 3 Civilian Awards For Republic Day NEW DELHI: The Deputy Home Minister, Mr. B. N. Datar, told a questioner m the Lok Sabha that State Governments had been asked to submit their recommendations for civilian awards to be made ">n the next Republic Day (26th January, 1955). Some replies had also
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  • 7 3 Sir Winston Confers Hon. Degrees PHOTO. AP
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  • 283 3 Ganatantri Dal Criticzies Ali Ministry I DACUA: The Pak1 1 Itn Ganatantri Dal Democratic I'Aity), which is a component UUlt of Eiist Ben.;-, J-feu Front Party observed witJi concern the tendency of the present Central "caretaker J^Plstry' to pronounce decisions on fundamental constitutional issues like unitary Government, one-unit for West
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  • 64 3 Chamber Of Commerce Formed In Karaikal KARAIKAL: A Chamber of Commerce was formed here recently at a meeting cf importers and exporters. Sri J. Savaray Malayappa was elected President, Mr. A. M. Sayyad Abdul Khader I^liricair, Vice-President, Sri S. V;jaya- aghavan, Secretary, Sri R. Pakkiriswami PiJlai, Assistant Secretary, and Sri
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  • 62 3 NEW DELHI; Nealry 3. 000 Central Government Assistants (Third D vision Clerks) took cut a precession larst Saturday m observant of V'Dr marid? Day" and later held a meeting, which was addressed by Mr. A. X- Gopalan, M.P., and Mr. V G. Deshpande, M-P. The
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  • 249 3 HYDERABAD: A Division Bench of the Hyderabad High Court consisting of the Chief Justice Mr. L. S. Misra and Mr Justice A. Srinivasachary granted leave to Mr. V. D Deshpande, Ltader cf the Opposit'on m the State Assembly and others to appeal
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  • 137 3 NEW DELHI: A new method to store clouds <n:<l make them rain whenever and wherever needed has been evolved by Mr. S. Yar Moha*m>med of West Bengal. Mr. Mohammed has worked out the scheme m every detail. His scheme is intended to prevent droughts and floods
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  • 178 3 Rs. 1.1m. Spent On "Backward" Classes In T.-C. State TRIVANDRUM: The Department for Advancement of Backward Communities spent during the year 1952-53 Rs. 10,98, 716. as against Rs. 8,90,--997 during 1951-52, stated the Administraticn Report of the Department. The Keport said the activities of the Department were directed as usual
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  • 178 3 KOZHIKODE; 'Following a clash between some persons stated to be sympathisers and supporters cf the Oangress and the Muslim League at Parampanangadi on Nov. 20, the police have arrested five Muslim League .siupporters and five Congress supporters. It is said, the clash was a sequel to
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  • 82 3 M usual Performance: The Olind are, generally speaking musically more gifterii than ihe sighted, the rapt expression on the faces of these boys shows their great happiness and joy. The 'Home' excels m the performance of orchestral, nstiunxntal and vocal music. Both the B.R.C.
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  • 137 3 Directive To Cinema Houses In Nagpur NAGPUR: The District Magistrate', Nagpur; has ordered all the cinema licuses m Naspur city and the district to close their shows at 11-30 p.m. «daily with immediate effect. The order, it is officially stated, (has been issued 'as a preventive action" m yursuance of
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  • 176 3 RAJKOT: Thte Morvi branch of the Saurashrra Praja Socialist Party has urged that "disciplinary action" be taken against Mr. Jay a Narayan for his participation i,i the IJhoodan movement "which is not the official programme cf the P.S.P." A iVsnlution adopted by the party
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  • 90 3 Rs. 7.1 m. Milk Supply Scheme For Calcutta CALCUTTA: The Central Government has, it is learnt, approved a Ra. 71 lakh-mlk-supply scheme for Calcutta under which pasteurised and bottled milk will be made available to the citizens. There are about 49,000 milchcattle, m Calcutta, of which about 14,000 are owned
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  • 368 4 TANJORE: A charge-sheet has been filed by the Crime Branch Police, Tanjore, before the Judicial Sub-Divisional Magistrate against four persons of Bombay— D. G. Shaw, Proprietor of the firm of Moti Arjan and sons, Parel. K. Guruseth Bomanjl alias G, W. Kasinath, A. H. Desai.
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  • 32 4 U.S. Tourists Visit Klang Rubber Estates Twenty -nine American tourists on a tour of the Federation of Malaya, visited Midland Rubber Estate, near Klang and evinced keen Interest m rubber processing methods.
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  • 49 4 LAHORE: The Governor of t';e state Bank of Pakistan, y Abdul Qadir, m an Interview here last week denied rumour? about devaluation of the Pakistan rupee. The Bank was taking special measures to check smuggling <* f O re«en exchange into Pakistan iL added, FOC
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  • 163 4 NEW DELHI: Gross earnings of Indian Railways during September, 1954, amounted to Rs. 213,900,000 approximately, showing an increase of Ita. 12,000,000 over the September 1.»53 figUTB, Coaching earnings for the month amounted to Rs. 87,300,--000 and goods earnings to Rs. J2.900.000 approximately Other earnings amounted to {700,000. Gross
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  • 133 4 NEW DELHI: There wouM be no advantage for India to change the road rule of keep to the left" to "keep to the right," according to a Union Transport Ministry survey. The extent of road safety la assessed to be equal m either case. Again,
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  • 94 4 "Nehru To visit" Orissa CUTTACK: Prim* Minister Nehru, irtU arrive here an Dec. 10 for a two-day visit to the State. On December 10, he will address a public meeting at Cuttach and later attend the Meena Bazar (children's function) organised by Prajatantra Prachar Samuti. The next day, he will
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  • 88 4 Death Of Handloom Marketing Director MADRAS: The death occurred on Sunday of Mr. A.D. iialasundaram, Director, Central Marketing Organisation of the AlMndia HftimUoom Board, at his residence m Konnur High Road, Ayanavaram. He* was 53. Mr. Balasundaram was Joint Registrar of Madras Co-operative Societies and the Business Manager of the
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  • 169 4 MADRAS: Mr. Justice P. Rajagopalan passed orders last week granting Interim stay of the proceedings of the Election Tribunal appointed tc enquire into the election petition filed •?y Mr. G. Vasantha Pai, challenging the validity of the election of Dr. V. K. John and Dr. A. Srinivasan to
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  • 66 4 KARACHI. Speaking at a public meeting at Larkana last week the Stnd Chief Minister, Mr. M. A. Khuhro warned the adminstration that if they did not root out corruption he would imrose martial law m the province He said that malpractices and corruption had become the order
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  • 453 4 IKE the other Indian artcrafts such as painting, instrumental music, toymaking- and sculpture, jewellery depends on skilled fingers for good workmanship. The creative mind of the jeweller is the main asset. The range of tools and implements is not very wide. A Mi\all anvil, a
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  • 46 4 Suami liamdas and Mother Krishna Bai of Ananda«haram on their arrival m Kuala Lumpur on Nov. 28. They were received at the airport by Mr. K. Sivapraka.«am, Mr. Sinmah, swami Satyananda and Mr. Appu and other prominent people m Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 202 4 BOMBAY: a shipment cf about 200 tons Of Indian black pepper has been contracted tcr by China from the new pepper crip, according to trad e circles here. The Indian pepper season has just commenced and with further enquires from China tor the new crop, trade
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  • 136 4 PONDICHERRY:' The first French sh p after de facto transfer, called at Pondicherry pert last week and Sea Customs personnel are busy for the first time at the port after Nov. 1. About 3,000 bales of clctli manufactured by three local mills are beinp- loaded into
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  • 64 4 NEW DELHI: The Railway Minister, Sri Lalbahadur Sastri w^ll act as leader cf the Rajya Sabha m the ensuing session dur'ng the absence or the Law Minister, Sn C. U. Biswas, who is ill. The Commerce Minister, Sri D. P. Karmarkar, will pilot
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  • 112 4 new DELHI: Recent excavations carried out by the Department of Archaeology of the Government of India at Rupar m upper Sutlej m the Punjab have at last bridged the Dark Age yap between the end of Harappa culture and the epoch of the Buddha, it
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  • 172 4 Reduction In Japanese Cloth Exports C A L C U T T Textile circles m India are closely, studying the possible effects of Japan's decision to reduce drastioally her cloth exports with immediate effect. Japan's rising exports of cloth In the last few years have been a source of concern
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  • 67 4 AMRITSAR: A trainer aircraft of the Northern India Flying Club, Juilundur, crashed last Friday labout five miles} from Ludhiana, killing Its irole i oceunants, a pilot trainee, accoding to a report received here. The traner aircraft the report saM, took off from Amritaar at 7
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  • 216 4 Be Responsible For Rehabilitation: Appeal To Nehru CALCUTTA: Dr. Meghnad Saha, M.P., and Mr. Tridib Jhoudhury M.P. have appealed co Mr. Nehru to take up the portfolios of Refugee Rehabilitation and Planning. Dr. Saha and Mr. Choudhury ecently toured Cachar disiict In Assam, to see fcr aemselvesi the condition of
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  • 130 4 CALCUTTA: The production of the latest Indigenous specific for leprosy has recently been started here. Patented under the' trade name of 1 Novophone by the Bengal Chemical and Pharmaceutics' Works Ltd., this new sulpha drug is now being used by the >~opical School of Medicine,
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  • 115 4 NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Nehru last Sunday condemned "some persons who go abroad and damn their tfivn country." Naming these persons as Communists, Mr. Nehru said he did not know how these people profited by running: down their w n country. The trouble with
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  • 353 4 MADRAS: The Government have ccnstltuted a six-man Committee with Dr. Km. Alagappa Chettiar as Chairman to consider the problem of elementary education m Madras State and recommend a suitable scheme. The members cf the Committee are: Mr. N. iD. Sundaravadivelu, Director of Public Instruction; Mr. S.
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  • 77 4 Inquiry Into Aircraft Stores Supply NEW DELHI: The Indian High Commissioner m London had been asked to inqulrp how it came about that Messrs. Aircraft Instrumentation. Limited, who were not on the approved list of contractors, -vere eriven contracts to supply lircraft stores lo India, Sri "itish Ohandra, Deputy TV»fence
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 4 Mr. KulanUaisatny ton of Mr. A. Pertyanayagan, Kuala Lumpur and Miss Letchuvii daughter of Mr. A. Suppiah, Water Works Dept. P.WJ)., K.Ly were married on Nov. 2j, at Chettiar Mandupam, Kuala Lumpur. There was a reception given m this connection at Eastern Hotel.
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  • 220 4 Ceylon Bound Passengers Must Take I.T. Certificate MADRAS: The Commissioner of income-Tax Madras, m a tress Note last week has notitied that Ceyionnbound passengers by rail-cuni-sea route should obtain tax clearance or tax exemption certificates from Income-Tax Officers m whose jurisdiction they reside. The Press Note says "The Southern Railway
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  • 129 4 ANURADHAPURA: fThe Brazen Palace built by King Duttugemunu will be restored for tjie uayantm celebrations if a proposal by the Mana Nayake Thero of Atamastnazm and the N.C.P. is accepted and Implemented by the committees recently appointed by the Government m connection with the forthcoming
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  • 108 4 COLOMBO: An Old PttpUa' Association of the Annamaiil University, Ti*cViinapc4y, will be formed In Ceylon socn. An organising: oommlttee with Dr. X, K.inapatliln.lla\ Pnofesoor of Tamil m the Oeylo n university aa president, and Mr. K. Lakhsmanan and Mr- M. Thiruvathavoorar as joint secretaries, »was appointed at
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  • 917 5 WOW hi£h is the world's, nighest mountain, Mount Everest m c^iope, the answer might be 29,141 feet. m America, it could be 2tU4«. m Asia, there are lots of choicer: t»,i)i», or 29,0U2, or less man 29,000." In vie survey cf India, none ot mese
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  • 819 5 LONDON: The Manchester Guardian expressed the Hope that recent Government changes l n Pakistan might lead to oetter relations between that country and India.' The newspaper tnought the new tjovernment might hnd ita hands "lesa tied by fanatical politicians." A«e paper pjafetd out that *»'tn la.Klfc.Lau s CiovernorGeneral.
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  • 97 5 In his statement m the Lok Sabha, Mr. Nehru paid a tribute to the part played by the President of the United States m the avoidance of war during the •crises m March and Septemt>eT t 'iiiv Geneva Conference, he added, marked a
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  • 129 5 First Class Magistrate's Court For Chalakudy ERNAKULAM: A First Class Magistrate's Court ror Chaiakudy a nd its surrounuIng areas was inaugurated by Mr. Justice p. k. Subramania Ayyar, of t/ie Travancorecovhin Hign Court. Sri P. Govinda Menon. leader Of the Congress Legislature Party m the State, presided over the function
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  • 106 5 Played With A Loaded Gun TENKASH: A girl playing with a loaded gun, is stated to have caused the death of a 2J year-old boy, m Aeyraperi village near here, last week. It l« wtated that the girl who was playing with a loaded gun belonging to Masana Thevar accidentally
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  • 100 5 Rs. 700m. W. Bengal Scheme CALCUTTA: The West Bengal Government have submitted to the Planning Commission a Rs. 70 crore plan for development of the State's agriculture. Agriculture Minister Dr. R Ahmed told the P.T.I, recently that the West Bengal Government hoped that this plan would be included l n
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  • 45 5 KANCHBEPURAM: A f our. toot-long cheetah was shot dead m a paddy field m Nirvailur village last week by Sub-Inspector Dharmalmgani and a party of reserve police. The animal had mauled and caused slight Injuries to three villagers earlier. They are nrogressing ir hospital.- FOC
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  • 50 5 Mr. 4 Mrs. x. Benedict of Jalan Acob Estate K <TT, Klaus; celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary with a Thanksgiving Mass at the church of Our Lady of Lourdes Klang. Rev. Ft. Swaminathan officiated. Picture shows Mr. Mrs. Benedict and members of their family after the ceremony.
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  • 73 5 BANGALORE: a Muslim lady, Begum Rabi Abt gave birth to triplets last week at the Lady Canon Hospital. Begum Rabi Atf, who Is 36 years old, is smdl to have had twelve deliveries before this, none of them m a hospital and she gave birth
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 87 5 TAKE CARE! TAKE OKASA! OKASA Gland Hormone Tablets take care ol your body Keep the Blood pure, keep the body feeling fit. S I L V E R f or men GOLD for women AVAILABLE IN BOTTLES OF 50 OR 100 TABLETS Sole Agents HAGEMEYER'S SINGAPORE PENANG KUALA LUMPUR f
      87 words
    • 560 5 TAMILS FESTIVAL 1955 (Sponsored by Tamil Representative Council) ATHLETIC SPORTS GAMES TOURNAMENTS me sports meeting and the tournaments are open to all Tamils m Singapore thefollo W fnt^ < rf s e ev;nts d^ rtheßadmintOn Soccer nd Wei 9 ht "^'"9 tournaments and I APPLICATION FORMS ARE 1 VJ MEN
      560 words

  • 861 6 Reply To Col. Secretary THE Cclonial Secretary ot Singapore, Mr. W. A. C. Goode, by his letter dated 26th November 1954 to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, (extracts frcm which were published m the Indian Dally Mail), has clouded the issue of
    861 words
  • 164 6 LONDON, Dec. 4: Sir Winston Churchill 80 last Tuesday has now received nearly 24,000 messages and telegrams congratulating him on his birthday anct greetings are still coming m. He has been given between 500 and 600 presents by people throughout the world not counting those from
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 98 6 UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. Dec. 4: Foreign Minister Y. P. Puyn of south Korea charged here Friday that the Soviet Union masterminded, equipped and brought the Chinese Reds into an "unprovoked Communist aggression on that Republic m 1950. He also told the U.N. General Assembly's Political
    AP  -  98 words
  • 93 6 Miss. Yony Siew Lee, a law student, and her fiancee, Ny Kam hew, Graduate of the Miui-sa-fhusetta Institute of Technology, in London. They plan to marry at Caxton Hall, London Both are 23. Their parents are expected to fly to London from Malaya for the wedding.
    AP  -  93 words
  • 121 6 COLOMBO: The Treasury is considering a scheme .of compensation to employees engaged m hazardous ioccui>ations m the Public Service, following; representations made by several members of Parliament. The Labour leader, Mr. R. E- JayatHaka, will also urRP the Government at the next Government Parliamentary Group
    FOC  -  121 words
  • 66 6 Virginia June Lee, who turned down a movie career m favour of becoming a housewife, walks back up the aisle as Mrs. Roger A. CUasby after her marriage at Muncie, Indiana. Mss. Lee ion a UniversalInternational flhn contract after the Miss Universe contest last July. Bhe
    AP  -  66 words
  • 102 6 No Distinguished Citizenship For South Indians COLOMBO: The Ceylon Government has announced the names of 25 Indians, Pakistan's and other foreigners for gTant of distinguished citizenship. The prime Minister, it may be pointed out, is vested with powers to confer (fstingujshed \Vtl7,eaship on Z5 foreigners each year at his discretion
    FOC  -  102 words
  • 106 6 COL»OMBO A comprehensive island-wide census of the beggar population m Ceylon will be taken mi n the first fortnight of next month, m connection with the beggar survey now being made by the Department cf Social Services Thousands of schedules have Icpn sent to urban counck)
    106 words
  • 304 6 Crusaders In Battle Against Materialism' Burmese President RANGOON, Dec. 4.— Nearly 1,000 delegates from 23 countries met in the Great Cave on the outskirts of Rangoon, yesterday for the inaugural session of the third World Buddhist Fellowship Conference. The cave was specially built on the inspiration of
    FOC  -  304 words
  • 36 6 COLOMBO: Tlie Rail «vay Security Service Of--Boe have revived over three thousand applications for nine existing vacancies. An official of the Security Service said that vacancies will h*» f>iio<i rarly January.- FOC
    FOC  -  36 words
  • 161 6 Guesthouse Wants Bar: No, Says Govt. COLOMBO: The newlyopened Co-operative guest house at Bentota has been refused permission to make liquor available to its patrons. The Excise Department has refused the application on the grounds that an undertaking has been given to local temperance workers that no new licences will
    FOC  -  161 words
  • 39 6 LONDON, Dec. 4 Admiral Earl Mount batten First Sea Lord Designate will hand over as, Mediterranean and Ccmnuui-der-in-Chief Aliied «i< 9tcm, Mediterranean to Admiral Sh Guy Grantham next Friday. the Admiralty announce-J here tonig-ht.
    39 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
      31 words
    • 263 6 TAJ CINEMA Geylang Serai Phone ***** TODAY 3.1$ 6.15 Mi P-'-i-AULAD (Hindi) Today Morning' 10 a.m. Adventures of Sir Galah.ul (Serial) SUNI NEW WORL I> Today 2.30, 6.30 9.15 I AVM'S LATEST COMEDY HIT I I "LADKI" (Hindustani Film With English Sub-titles) <* 5 STARRING 2 I VYJAYANTEMALA ANJALI DEVI
      263 words