Indian Daily Mail, 4 December 1954

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail OL. X. NO. 288 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1954 FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 462 1 Kalagam Parody On Ramayana Enrages Sanatanist Hindus Serious Clash During Performance In Madurai Thirty Injured In Police Lathi-Charge From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Dec 3: Thirty persons were injured last night when Hindu Mahasabha demonstrators clashed with police at Mad urai City when they tried to prevent the performance of
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  • 105 1 From Our Own Correspondent BOMBAY, Dec. 3: All-India CongTess Working Committee has no intention of forcing tfte legates to Avadi Congress to ccept Mr. U. N. Dhebar as the next Congress President stated, Nehru m a letter to som Bombay Congress leaders. The A orking Committee
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  • 39 1 COLOMBO, Dec. 3. The Government of Ceylon has decided to cut import duties on materials essential for industrial development by 15 per cent, it was learned here today. An official announcement is expected shortly.- Reuter
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  • 65 1 STRIP TEASER RIPPED MEXICO CITY, Dec. 3. A blushing strip-teaser filed charges yesterday against a man she accused of ripping off her G-string as she finished her cabaret act. Celia Castillo Gasca, 20 and unmarried, who dance under the name of "Gema," had the man arreste.l. The man tore the
    AP  -  65 words
  • 79 1 PARIS, Dec. 3. General Nguyen Van Hinh, dismissed Chief of Staff of the Vietnamese Army, sai<t here yesterday he was awaiting instrucUon s from Bao Dai, head of the state of Vietnam, to know wnat hi 3 next move would be. General Hinh, who was out
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  • 97 1 Lhanßed' SSnaV^ at a state banquet m Pen nl for what he teVmed instaucef of "brotherly feelings toward! our country.'. He &sa 5 t he y «how that "co-existence- is »v-,««h^ between Ohmn-iniif and non-Communi st nation hv SpiS./ xf p^ uch broadcast by feipne Kadio
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  • 68 1 MACAO. Dec. M»U people were killed and "is seriously injured by four rnvstery explosions which shook Macao. Portuguese colony at the southern tin O f China durlne the nl K ht. a£ord£l latest reports. Time bombs wrought havoc at four different n^ces within seven (hours fi*fct
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 86 1 MUNICH, Germany, Dec. 3.i w*-'«i German women now have an answer t«> the crucial question- -m what job will i ttnd a bu*l*and quickest?" <The Nuenchner lllu•trlerte reported that seamstresses have the best rJiano*. while xihool t«achers and nurses have the .tvorst. The magazine sain a statistical
    AP  -  86 words
  • 129 1 No Propaganda Against Peking In Calcutta r rom Our Own Correspondent NEW DELHI, Dec. 3 Chinese supporters of Chiang Kai Shek, living m Calcutta, will not be permitted hereafter, to carry on propaganda against Pekfng Chinese Government, said Mr. A K. Chanda, Deputy External Affairs Minister In the Lok Sabha,
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  • 95 1 CALCUTTA. Dec. 3 All ships bound fo r Calcutta may be diverted to other ports soon if the five-day strike of 6,000 dockers for mere pay continues, shipping: sources said. Tea exports from the city have been stopped, and volunteers called out to help unload
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 67 1 WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. The move to censure Senator Joseph McCarthy (Republican. Wisconsin) for a ation" of Brig. Gen. Ralph W. Zwicker appeared to have collapsed m the Senate yesterday. The way was left open, however, for possible action on a toned-down resolution which would state
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 9 1 ifte College of Cardinals,
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  • 158 1 LfPl"* the Good Hill "f J ndla to Indonesia the Indian xVr Force Goodwill Mi.oinn d Vice-Marshall AM. B"* 1 (centreratt^d^ T l^cheon K Uen by M H P* X Tandon, Indian Commissioner m Malaya (third f rom left infrmt r^ Bharg* Bhavan, on Thursday.
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  • 182 1 MADRAS, Dec. S. The Congress Party m Madras Legislature has now been assured of complete majority m both the Houses. Twelve members of Tamilnad Toilers Party who have been associate) members of the Congress since Rajaji's time, have now decided to join an full members by
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  • 287 1 Pope's Condition Not Alarming Speculation About Successor VATICAN CITY, Dec. 3: Pope Pius XH has had a serious collapse but is conscious and for the moment his condition is not alarming. Dr Riocardo Galeazzi-Llsl, the Pope's private physician waS^lyTclS? Papal < amber to announce thatC Co The physician said no
    A.P.  -  287 words
  • 189 1 Immediate Implementation Of Press Commission Findings Urged From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Dec. 3: The demand for early implementation of the Press Commission's findings were urged by leaders of all political parties, addressing meetings of working journalists association throughcut India on Wednesday. Journalists expressed appreciation of Premier Nehru's sumnce that
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  • 220 1 INDIA'S MOVE TO SOLVE 'KOREA' ISSUE NEW YORK, Dec. 3: India submitted a new resolution on Korean unification yesterday asking the United Nations General Assembly to express "the earnest hope that progress m respect of the settlement of the Korean question will be made." Before tabling the resolution with the
    Reuter  -  220 words
  • 95 1 No U.S.— Soviet Dipl. Break Off Washington, Dec. 3 President Eisenhower said he did not think the best interests of the United States would be served by breaking off relations with the Soviet Union. Replying to a question at nis press conference, Mr Eisenhower added that rather than breaking off
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  • 85 1 - LONDON, Dec. 3. Britain dsclosed she has urged Red China to avoid "precipitate" action m the Formosan Strait that might lead to war wuh the United States. A Foreign ottlce spokesman said the policy of moderation was urged on the Peiping regime m consultations with
    A.P.  -  85 words
  • 36 1 U .N BE APPROACHED UNITED NATIONS York, Due. 3: Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. announced yesterday that the united States will request U.N action to *et the release of 11 Americans imprison pd h« b./< A.P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 88 1 SYNTHETIC Rubber Goal Reached NEW YORK, Dec. S. American scientists finally have succeeded m reproducing the true molecule of cradle rubber the goal of world scientists far generations It was announced here yesterday. The actual discovery Was made m a research centre of the bF. Goodrich Company, President William* s.
    A.P.  -  88 words
  • 25 1 Total exports of rubber, all grades to all countries, from Singapore and Federation of Malaya during last month amounted to 73,238 tons
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  • 101 1 WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 President Eisenhower yesterday sidestepped comment on British Prime Minister Churchill's recent statement that m 1945 ho telegraphed Field Marshal Montgomery to collect and stack Ckrmaa arms against the possibility the Allies might have to use German troops against the Russians. Asked about
    A.P.  -  101 words
  • 30 1 LONDON, Dec. 3 A woman Labour leader ftHgned from one of her party's committees because she allaged, her work was beuip- made "impossible" by l«ft-win« Reuter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 531 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Sat. Dec. 4, 1954 NOTES AND COMMENTS GRUESOME REMINDER THE b-29 which carried the Atomic Bombs to Hiroshima in 1945 the bombs which destroyed that city altogether is now in Singapore taking part in a combined R.A.F. U.S.A.F. air exercise. That its presence here has caused
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  • 1104 2 P. S. P. Convention Turns Down Lohia's Demand NAGPUR: The special convention of the Praja Socialist Party last Saturday endorsed by show of hands the resolution on Travancore-Cochin passed by the Delhi meeting of the National Executive m September. The one-sentmce resolution was discussed for
    FOC  -  1,104 words
  • 49 2 Princess Anne welcomes h<r grandmother home at London's Waterloo Station as Prince Charles, the Duke of Edinburgh and premier SSr Winston Churchill look on. Queen Elizabeth is at right (back to camera). Princess Margaret has a chill and warn unalx' to be present. i'HOTO. AP
    AP  -  49 words
  • 490 2 T.-C. Firing: Kamath Committee's Report NAGPUR: The fate of a! Ministry should not depend upon the action of a policeman, the Kamath Committee appointed by the National Erecutive of the Praja Socialist Part}*, said In its report on the maintenance of public order. The Committee appointed after the police firing
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  • 206 2 NAGPUR: The Chairman vi the Praia. Socialist Party Acharya J. B. Kripalani, on Saturday evening tendered his and the National Executive's resignation to the Special Convention of the Party. The convention will elect new office-bearers, including the Chairman at its morning sitting shortly. Tendering his resignation to
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  • 186 2 discipline. Now he found the party's conduct rules were being flouted. The Executive was being: criticised by some of its members, and confidential documents were being revealed. How could an organisation go on wn.iout discipline he asked. Acharya Kripalani said that he was a true Gandhian anu had no otner
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  • 59 2 NAOPUR: Dr. b. Pattabhi Sitaramayya, Governor of Madhya Pradesh, celebrated has sth birthday on Wednesday last. Mr. Brijlal Biyanft, Fliiance Minister, Mr. P. K. Deshmukh, Education Minister, and Mr. P. C> Saxens, Inspector-General of Police called on the Governor to greet him. The Andhra Club at a
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  • 209 2 Ind. Treasures On Display In New York NEW YORK: Rare Indian tapestries and jade and ivory carvings are among the treasures now on display at the well-known Gimbels Department Store here. One of the feature all from Ganeshi Lall, of Agra is a ten-foot-high scale model ci the Taj Mahal.
    NAFEN  -  209 words
  • 163 2 i^w uxi.^tii The Supreme Court has allowed a petition for leave to appeal filed by His Holiness Snmad Vidyarathna Tirtha Swamiar of Krishnapur Math against the Commissioner C f Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Madras, from the judgment and decree o f the
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  • 90 2 NEW DELHI: Coal loading by the Indian railways during the past four months showed a marked improvement, as compared with the corresponding period m 1953. according to figures available here. During October this year, the railways sent cut an average of 4,162 wagon loads of
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  • 153 2 Bank Workers Warned Not To Strike BOMBAY: The Indian Banks' Association has warned that if the bank employees went on strike, a s proposed, from Dec. 10, the banks would not pay them fcr the period of the strike. A statement issued by Mr. S. S. Panandikar, Secretary of the
    FOC  -  153 words
  • 147 2 Stimulating: Agricultural Research In India NEW DELHI: The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has decided to offer every year a junior and a senior fellowship m a dozen different agricultural subjects to stimulate agricultural iem the country. One senior fellowship of Hs. 150 per month and one junior fellowship of
    NAFEN  -  147 words
  • 123 2 TIRUVAKUR: The Tiruvarur Municipal Council, at a meeting neia recently Mr. v. fc>anioaa.vam, Cnauman, presiding, resoived to accent the otter of the Head of tne Kaai Mutt at Tiruppananuai, to institute an endowment for Rs. 3,500, entitled Manuneedhi Choi an (Memorial Cow Prize," at Tiruvarur,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 36 2 life^ TIME PASSES.QUAUTY REMAINS^/ PPIPH^s T0 r mv on ,>£Sfj|fr Xj*" j wu if luiiat IM J y^~ JLe Lf J^yj^ Ej- LE UjK"! pT^E^^^^m DEED /j^^B ifl HSv^^B I^^^^H "ttn II K\i fa^k WsEM IkA^^
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  • 2291 3 Communists In India Are Destructive, Says Nehru BUT IN CHINA THEY ARE CONSTRUCTIVE NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Nehru road* a frontal attack on the disruptive activity of the Indian Communists. Mr. Nehru aaid that the Indian Communists were wedded to "a cult of disruption" and "their main policy is to
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  • 258 3 CALCUTTA: The Japanese method of paddy cultivation is expected to yield an additional 1,200,000 tons of paddy during 1954-55, according to the Union Ministry of Agriculture. The target of additional production for the year under the Grow More Food Campaign, excluding additional production m respect
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  • 109 3 INDORE: Those who are expected to impart knowledge think that the conqueror of Mount Everest is Mr. Lai Bahadur Shastri and that the historic Red Fort was tiuilt by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. These were not the only amazing answers given by a few of the
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  • 285 3 Adjournment Motions Disallowed NEW DELHI: The Speaker, I Mr. c. v. Mavlankar, last week disallowed mi n the .Lok baona two adjournment motions. Onje sought discussion of the lathi charge at Calcutta on refugess fro m Bihar and Onssa who had gone m deputation to meet the Rehabilitation Minister at
    FOC  -  285 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 66 3 f?% G6T BETTER, >J£ LONGER SERVICE Ar^JmT^ FROM YOUR PENI Parker THE ONLY (NfC W/fH PEN PROTECTING W&> solv-x </ ENDS CLOGGING a»v«i DISSOLVES GUM left by quick, *v*n flow. cfi#ap inb. CLEANS AS IT WRITES 4/ PREVENTS CORROSION o«</ For best rssufts with all pmm Qvtnfc PRICES 2 OZ.
      66 words
    • 197 3 NOTICE "Unberthed Ticket* for the a ßa|ula" sailing from Singapore on 15th Dec 1954, Unberthed tickets for the sus. "Rajula" sailing on the 15th December 1954, for Nagapattinam and Madras will be on sale at our Unberthed Ticket Office at Trafalgar Street on Monday, 6th December 1954, at 9.00 a.m.
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  • 59 4 CALCUTTA, Nov < 29: Eighty ships m Calcutta harbour were tied up today by a strike of the 7.000 workers who carry cargoes between the warehouses and the waterfront. The strikers want increased wages and better amenities. One of their demands is that they
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 280 4 Dismissal Of Superintendent And Watchman Demanded COLOMBO: Twenty-hike estate worker* of Indian origfn were injured three of them '^critically." by a vvutch. man of Dammeria Estate m Central Qeyton who Is alleged to have shot at them last week after a
    FOC  -  280 words
  • 111 4 OTTAWA, Dec. 3.— Sir John Kotelawala. Prime Minister of Ceylon, landed here yesterday for a formal two-day visit to Canada. The Prime Minister was bundled up m a heavy overcoat as he stepped from his plane Into Ottawa's 15° cold. He was greeted by Lionel Massey,
    A.P.  -  111 words
  • 192 4 Monty Calls For Global Organisation NEW YORK, Dec. 3.— 'Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery. Deputy Supreme iximmander of NATO, last night called for global organisation of the non-Oommunist worla m political and militar> strategy. He told 2,200 people ut a meeting of the EngUsSi-speak-Uig Union iand the Foreign fc'ollcy iAssociation: "A
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 204 4 KANDY: The skull of Ceyton's national hero, p. KappiUpdla Dlssawe, iwas inUxrcd here last Friday after being taken round the country. The Kandyan chieftain, DJasawe, was 'beheaded on this date In Kandy 136 years ago ror leading a rebellion aguinsi the British. An ardent Buddhist, his
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  • 118 4 Arrangements for a complete renovation of the Sri Senpaga Vinayagar Temple at Ceylon Road, Singapore, at a cost of approrimately $25,000 are being made and as a prelude to the commencement of the work a ceremony known as "Balasthapanam" (assembling together all idols m one place and performing
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  • 41 4 Hajl Dr. S. M. John, D.Sc, 8.A., 8.L., (left) prominent businessman, receiving a certificate from Mr. M. M. Isbaq of Singapore, to whom he handed over his donation of $2,000 towards the All Malaya Muslim College Fund.
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  • 135 4 Supplementary Registration Of Fed. Voters The High Commissioner m Council has approved the Registration C f Electors (Supplementary Registration) Regulations, it wUI now be possible to hold a supplementary registration period for the benefit of those people who satisfied the age and residential qaulificution.s for electors en Oct. 17, and
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  • 22 4 xuLiu exports of xin to ail countries rrom Singapore and Federation of during last month amounted to 5 404 tons.
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  • 161 4 NEW DEUHI, Dec. 3. Speaker Mavlankar expressed regret yesterday that some members of Lok Sabha should laugh when a non-Hindi speaking- member tried to express Himself In Hnidi. The Deputy Labour Minister Abidali provoked laughter from Hindi members, when he replied to a query from Hindi
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  • 63 4 Indian Wedding At Malacca Tomorrow The marriage of Mr. ch'.indran, son of Mr. Sithambaram of the Mercantile Press, ipoh with Miss Saroja, daughter of Mr. Suppiah of Tampm, will be performed m the reformed style under the presidentship of Mr. G. S&rangapani, Editor of the "Tamil Murasu," at the Sannasi
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  • 120 4 Mr. Geo. S. Anderson, me Australian Trade Commissioner m Singapore stated thai his office was being inundated with enquiries regarding the supply of flour from Australia. The regular supply of Australian flour both to Pan Malayan and Indonesian ports has been disrupted by the recent shipping
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  • 155 4 The North Hindu Asaociation will celebrate Gita Jayanti (Lord Krishna's Teachings to Arjun) for the first time m the Far East under the Presidentship of Sri Sheoprasad Sharma at Bharatiya Bhawan, 47, Cuff Road, Singapore on Sunday Dec. sth from 0.30 p.m. The celebration will be
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  • 30 4 Telesraph wires were cut D v terrorists m the Johore Bahru and Pajjoh districts of Johore. aays an Emergency Communique issued m Kuala Lumpur laat eveninjr.
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  • 103 4 Mrs. Kaul, wife of Mr. R. N. Kaul, District Mannger AirIndia Internationa], Singapore, is pointing out something interesting to Squadron J^eauer C H. Nair, whose magnificent moustache was the chief attraction at the tea party at the Kaul--,' residence to the Indian Air Force Goodwill
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  • 220 4 "Your name Is only entitled to be en the register if you qualified to vote. If you nad an identity card on tne first of April this year, are a citizen of the United Kingdom and the Colonies or were born :n the territories which now term
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  • 221 4 The Director of Operations Lt. Gen. sir Geoffrey Bourne told the Town Councillors of Uibis on Thursday that he was aware that some people m the area were giving as nauch as $500, a month to Ih6 terrorists, Gen. pourne added: "If any of
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  • 34 4 The Singapore Traction Company Employees' Uunion will celebrate the Seventeenth Anniversary Of the Union on Sunday. Dec. 5, at 2 p.m. at the Union premises, No. 18, Race Course Road.
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  • 41 4 The Study Group Movement starts a new venture on Dec. 14 when, for the first time jt offers a year's instruction to Students of Economics. The Organising Secretary at tho British Council will give details to interested persons.
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  • 40 4 The Government of India have decided tc exchange diplomatic representat on at legation level with the Government of the Rumanian People's Republ.c m order to maintain and strengthen friendly relations already existing between the two countries.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 133 4 i i miii •im*imttitiiiiiittm«iMtfiniiiiniiiii|!;i:riiiim TAJ CINEMA Gfiylang Serai phone ***** OPENING TODAY :<.rs— 6.1 910 p.m. AULAD (Hindi) Tonight Midnight JATHAKAM (Tamil) Titday Tomorro w 10 a.m. \ilm ntnrts of Sir Galahad (Serial) lllltlllllllUMUIIIhllli:tllllllllltllUtniltlll.ll'<ltl1!.IIIIIIIM J'.c*l Entertainment m the city at TODAY at 3.15—6-15 ft 9.15 p.m. the chocolate charmer Na
      133 words
    • 108 4 I k^^^^^®s Toda y Dail y o "HJjf^^ p HQNiE -TXort^- Of"/? on f\ i r x {*iinsisw»iuuaumvu m i =»riaa3^i 0.10-U.oU-y.lO p.m. X A BLAZING ADVENTURE STORY X WITH MELODIOUS SONGS DANCES g GREET YOu LN SOUTH-EAST ASIA FILM Go's "JADUGAR" 3 m Hindustani u'ith English subtitles g Tomorrow
      108 words