Indian Daily Mail, 12 July 1954

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL, X. No. 146. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 12, 1964. FOUR PAGES IS CENTS
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  • 195 1 COLLAPSE OF FRENCH RULE SAID TO BE IMMINENT From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, July 11— The administration of Justice m Mahe has come to a standstill following the exit of the French Judge M. Abel Clovis who left for Pondicherry when he found
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  • 114 1 From Our Own Correspondent NAUARCOIL, July 11.— The people of this town gave a tremendous welcome to the first jatha of Tamil Satyagrahis who arrived here from Jape Comorin walking all the way. A huge meeting at .vlunicipal maidan welcomed the jatha composed of leaders it
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  • 122 1 Rs. 200 Fine For Assaulting Teacher From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS. July 11. The Muhi.s City Corporation Councillor vv'.icse public zed outran )-,is discretion w. s fined Rs 200 by tie Chief Presidency Magistrate. Mr. G. Urmpatni. Councillor, on Saturday was ioimd gni't;,' Of assaulting a Ccrpc Uon school teacher
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  • 35 1 LONDON, July 11 r lhe Soviet Ambassador In Teho ran has protected to the Persian Government against "the proposed inclusion of Persia m a Middle East aggre"-'ve blcc Moscow radio report d Reuter
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  • 82 1 NEW DEL.HI, July U —AM controls en the movement }t rice In inaia end^d yesterday iter 11 years. Rationing has already been abolished and the only foco conticl left is On the movJ. ment of wheat L/ifting cf controls was possible because the
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  • 49 1 WASHINGTON. July 11 President Eisenhower will apeak on domestic and foreign topics m an address on Men. lay night On a Conference of State Governors at Bo.ton LAnding New York, No indication was given an to what aspects of foreign po_ iicy the President would discuss
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  • 256 1 Dulles' Secret Talks With Zafrullah On S. E. Asia Defence WASHINGTON, July 11. The United States plans to keep its Asian allies particularly Pakistan, Thailand and the Philippines informed of progress towards forging a South-East Asian defence alliance, a State Department spokesman said here yesterday. Sir Zafrullah Khan, Pakistan's Foreign
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  • 46 1 Two armed am>d uniformed tcriorists handed Communist paiuph'lets m Jawi to a Malay tapper m the Telok Anson district of Perak on Saturday. An uea Security Unit followed up but made no contact, says an Emergency Communique issued la Kuala Lumpur yesterday.
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  • 50 1 LONDON. July 11 Over 100 taverns are competing to see which can bui d on a |>int pot the biggest tower of oen. lie;- (from customers) to holp provide special treatment for spastic children. Such tow^r^ can w4th care be built ud to over three feet high. Reuter
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  • 188 1 ROME July 11.— A so-c-lled "provisional" division of the joog disputed Trieste Free territory between Yugoslavia end Italy is expected within a few diays, possibly early next week. Immediate results will be: 1. Italy probably will be invited to Join Yugoslavia Greece and Turkey m their
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  • 66 1 SUNDERLAND, July 11. itamund-tiutn Knaonan. 17--year-old in.dia,n L><ivis Cup player, won tiie men's singles title :n the Durham County i>.wn Tennis Championships atra yesterday witn a sp.endia victory over Tony Muttrain, Britula's No. 1, m the final. Krisftaan won 6 3, I—6.1 6. 6 4. iviottram
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  • 172 1 HANOI July 11 About 20 Filipinjbe xnainy bandsmen and g' J ri fingers at xx\ghi clubs for whom the Ameri. can consulate is responsible, have beeji told to leave Hanoi by the earliest commercial air craft. Th Consulate issued the warning at a cocktail
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  • 40 1 MENON, AGAIN NEW YORK. July 11 Mr. V. Krishna Menon, India 'a United Nations representative left hero by air last night for Geneva where he will ro_ sume' earlier informal talks with delegation leajers at the Par East conference Reuter
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  • 768 1 WASHINGTON, July 11.— An American State Department spokesman indicated here yesterday that the United States would not yield to British and French pressure to send a senior negotiator back to Geneva for the Indo-China peace talks. He said tne United States was
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  • 77 1 LONDON. July 11 Prices of meat which rocketed after it was derationed on July 3 slumped here Friday m the face of a buyers' boycott Five days ago some pn. ces rose by 2s. above controlled prices which existed for 14 years. Yestcr. day they were down by
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  • 109 1 SIR GORDON RICHARDS INJURED SANDWN PARK England July ii Sir Gordon Richards 50, Britain's champion jockey, was thrown and seriously tn. jured by Queen Elizabeth's horse Abergeoie m the pre. sence of the Queen at the Sandown Park track yesteray Richards on Aw«rgelbie %as .living the parade ring Tne horse
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  • 66 1 2,500 MAU MAU KILLED NAIROBI, July H vJklieral G D. Heyman, Chief of Staff m East Africa said on Friday night that military op. erations against the Mau' Man this year had shown a "ma.X. Ed improvement Figures which he described as "the bare minimum" showed that security roices had
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  • 34 1 FERRYVILiLiE, Tunisia, July 11.— Five Frenchmen were Wiled and nine wounded here last -.'ght when terrorists sprayed a cafe terrace with machinegun fire. The termrintß ca^a^ ed by oar.- Reuter
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  • 61 1 LONDON, July 11 Mr Chou En Lad. the Chinese Prime Minister and Foreign Minister arrived m Moscow yesterday (Saturday) on his way to Geneva Tasts the So. viei news amenity, reported Mr. Anastas Mikoyan a So. vit Deputy Premleir, and Mr Andrei Vysnuuky. Denutv Foreign Minister, w
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  • 258 1 Pakistan Protests To India Over Opening Of Bhakra Canal KARACHI July 11— Pakistan has protested strongly to India over the opening of the Bhakra Canai, it was announced by a government spokesman last night. The protest said that opening of the canal was "m clear violation of international commitments." Pakistan,
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  • 47 1 LEWES, Sussex, July U The South coast town of Lewes has by far the highest expectation of life m Great Britain, the local medical officer of health reported h« said the average age of red. dents at 4m time of death was 80.8 years Reuter
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  • 487 1 Paglar' s Questions For Next Legco Meeting Dr. C. J. Paglar. Member for Changl has submitted the following questions for written answers at the next meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council: To ask the Colonial Secrei. ary:— DILAPIDATED BUILDINGS (a) Whether he wi'l ;tute if a survey of all «.Ua.
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  • 174 1 HONG KONG. July 11 The University of Ma.aya scored 200 runs for the loss of six wickets yesterday m reply to the Hongkong University's total of 89 runs on the iirst day of their L T. Ride cjpcket challenge trophy match here.
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  • 86 1 COLOMBO, July 11.— Vis count Soulbury, retiring Governor General of Ceylon, said acre yesterday that Queen Elizabeth's visit to Ceylon had provided a happy ending to his period of office end a sple'did prelude to that of his successor •Sir Oliver Goonotillekc. Speaking at a farewell dinner Lord
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 541 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Mon. July 12, 1954. PANIKKAR CALLS U. S. BLUFF! A.LL those who wish to see the U.N. preserved and not destroyed, would sincere'iy thank Sardar K. M. Panikkar for exposing the hoilowness or the U.S. threat to veto the admission of Red China. This followed an
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  • 417 2 ARREST AND DETENTION CLAIMED TO BE ILLEGAL FATEHGARH: The trial of Dr. Ram JVfanohar Lahia, the Praja Socialist Party leader, who was arrested last week at Farrukhabad under the Special Powers Act, begun before the Judicial Officer City, on Tuesday last m
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  • 176 2 COONOOR The Nutrition Advisory Committee of the Indian Council of Medical Research which concluded its mid-year meeting: here on Saturday has paid special attention to the problem of infant and chLd malnutrition m India. The Committee, which met here from June 9 to Juiy 3, has
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  • 141 2 BANGLORE?: A 17-member Committee tor organising a Women's section on the unes of the Youth Department of t/ie Congress was formed at a meeting o f women, under the auspices of the Mysore Pradesh Congress Committee. Mr. H. K. Veeranna Govda presided. Srimathi B. Indiramma
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  • 448 2 LUCKNOW: Instructions were issued last week by the Central P.S.P. office here directing party workers throughout the State to go to Farrukhabad and offer satyagraha there against the enhanced irrigation rates. This action followed news from Farrukhabad that Dr. Lohia has been arrested there. Dr.
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  • 118 2 GOAN LEADER DEPORTED FROM INDIA BOMBAY Mr. Pompela Viegas, Secretary of the Goaa iissj^iatlon has been deponed r>y the Government of Inaia. Mr. VieK'Js, wno is also honorary Secretary of the moo. Portuguese Institute wan served with a» order wider the foreigners' Act on July 3 not to remain m
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  • 151 2 TRIVANDRUM: A Bi» 1° amend the Legislative Assembly of Travancope Cochin (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, to provide for the removal of disqualification from holding of offices m the National Cadet Corps, and *n the Territorial Army, is to be introduced an the coming session of the
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  • 45 2 SECURED DOUBLE Ist CLASS MADRAS: Mi 4? s Myrtle Pads, daughter of Chevalier and Mrs. G a. Pals passed the recent B.A. degree examination of Madras University securing a double first class. She was a student of the Stella Mans CaW^ire iut v lapore.- FOC
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  • 90 2 BOMBAY: A special news reel featuring the Chinese Prime Minister aim Foreign Minister, Mr. Chou En-lal's three-day visit to India will be exhibited m theatres all over the country, it was announced here. The 1,000-foot film, shot by the Government of India's F!ms Division
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  • 417 2 "Ashwamedha Yaga" Site Discovered MADRAS: Mr. T N. Ramachandran. Joint Director-Gene-ral of Archaeology, explained at a meeting held at the Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute, the historic and cultural significance of the recent archaeo.og^cal discoveries m the Dehra. Dun area relating to performance of aaiwamendha yaga m ancient India. Mr. M.
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  • 132 2 HYDERABAD: The Exports Committee appointed by tn,e Government of India und^r the chairmanship of Dr. Zakir Hussain,. to consider and ad. vise on education and other allied matters relating to the reconstituUon of the Osm&nia University held its first meet, ing here iast week and decided
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  • 415 2 ih- .f J An account cf the recent developments In n -i^v^ °L 00^ Tea. hers m md.a ha* been given t "S™ s^.**. tduc *"«n In ind,n, 1i»53-64", just brought out by the Ministry of,,, for submission to the Soventeenth internationai
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  • 376 2 Postage Stamps Centenary: Exhibitions To Be Held In Delhi In October Next NEW DELHI: International Stamp and Postal Exhiw tlons m New Delhi wl.l mark the centenary celebrat.^n m m October next of the first issue of postage stamps mi n md la Phi.ate.ic and other nTK postal exhibits from
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  • 192 2 JODHPUR Aerial sowing: In Rajasthan to check tne march if the desert, commenced on July 4 the fourth day of the Vana Mahotsava week— with the scattering ox 10 maunds of seeds from a plane over the Gadra Road arc near the Indo.Pakistan Border, afxmt
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  • 96 2 NEW DELHI: Funds totalling Rs. 1.3 lakhs hav e been sanctioned by the Tjnion Reaabi.itation Ministry for expend.tu re on the treatment of displaced T.B. patients during the current financial year, it is learnt. Prov.sion has been made for the maintenance cf 100 free eds
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  • 138 2 Telephone Exchange At Bangalore BAJNkxi^uivii; ni c Committee or uic Mysore <n i/Oiiuuerce, i->anga.ore nave exprWMO tue view tnat tne *nuuauccion vi tne message rare system for teiepnones at Jt>aiigd.oie, wouid oe diaau'vantab^^us to tne business cuinmunity. me new telephone exchange wi.i start wor«ving about Ui c end oi tnis
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  • 75 2 LOAN SUBSCRIPTIONS TOTAL RS 105 1/2 CHOKES NEW DELHI: Subscriptions to the 32% (1964) National Loan totalled Ra, 105.55 crores up to the end of June, it is learnt. The collection during June was Ks. 24.99 crores, which added to that up to the end of May (Rs 80.56
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  • 89 2 KARACHI: The Working xnmittee of Urn i'ak stan ->lus;:m League la^t week de* ..u^U tO pjicpw«nc UiC »\IU3.IM jonventton scheduled to be ;^.d un Ju.y 26 to October 31. A Mus im League oJiiciai said tins had been done on report that a prominent Muslim i-eague memoer
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  • 98 2 CUDDAPAH: For the first time m the annals of the history of the Government School tor the Blind, Cuddapah, which was started m 1949, three boys ji that Institution, who sat for the Indian Music Examination (Lower Grade) m the last examination conducted by the
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  • 92 2 BOMBAY: A parcel containnig Rs. 25,000 m Rs. 100 denomination currency notes was sto.en and replaced by a faked parcel of waste paper here, police said. The parcel was posted by the Central Bank of India at the Stock Exchange Post Office here on June
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 33 2 INDIAN NEWSPAPERS MAGAZINES o(3o c^sfL SL f r H SiD^° .^P 168 and P^tage m the case of pro-paid suoscriptions Forward subscriptions to: C. R. DASARATHA RAJ LTD WBMCE COUBSB ROAD SINGAPORE 8
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  • 1771 3 NEHRU ON HISTORIC CHANGE IN STATUS NEW DELHI Prime Minister Nehru has expressed has belief that the recent statements issued after the talks between, Mr. Chou En-lai and himself and between Mr. Chou En-iai and the Burmese Prime Minister indicate a
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  • 140 3 Strangers At A. marrage Prove To Be Trueves! >J i fcOilh,: Two strangers weni uu>. a nouse ueie w tie re a ituuviage was ceieinauu. a. .a participated: m iue iujki.iiii. 'iiit-y uad a ii hi i v mt a* aiung with nw leutuves and jiia'si.s of tiie i.i
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  • 123 3 HYDERABAD: The seventh annual session of the Indian Conference of Social Work will oe he.d at Lucknow from Dec. 26 to 30 under the presidentship of Dr. Jivraj N. Mehta, Finance Minister of Bombay. Mr. K. M. Munshi. Governor of Uttar Pradesh, has been invited
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  • 90 3 NEW DELHI A general pat. tern for the President's Medals and the Prime Minister's Meial as awards oy the State for films has been decided. There will be a President's Gold Medal for the best feature film produces m the whole of India and a
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  • 122 3 PURI; The Union Home Minister' Dr. Katju. said here that the Puri ctizens, the Jagannath Temple management and the municipality should have a joint responsibility m the smooth management of the temple. This, he added, would bring about an all-round improvement m. th» administration of the temple
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  • 130 3 NEW DELHI A programme of cu.ortLiiated investigator <»nu reseaicn into seiecteu *>roj.eias ot Aatiuna-i planning and development h<ts oeen initiated »y a committee of the Planning Commission, it was learned here. The research programmes' vcmmittee, consisting of eminent economists and otner suciai scientists, has
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  • 387 3 RAMANATHAPURAM: Sri- 1 matin Janaki Ramachandran. wife of Sri C. S. Ramachandran, Collector, recently open- f ed a causeway across the Kot- 1 takkarai river m the Devakot- tai-Ramanathapuram road. A < large gathering was present. < Mr. P. Sirajudeen, Divisional i Engineer
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  • 263 3 MADRAS: Mr. K. Kamaraj Naaar wmef Minlater, pro- to make a tour of Guu--yattani c«-a^k»>-«vy m coniiccnon with his candidature xor eiecticn to the Mauras Le. Assembly ir~m tna.. constituency irum the first week of July.. s^eaiting to Pressmen last week, Mr. Kamaraj said he
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  • 88 3 NEW DELHI: The Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs is considering a suggestion to hold future summer session of both Houses of Parliament m Bangalore, it is learnt. r lhe suggestion was made at the Speakers' conference last month m Srinagar m view of Bangalore's salubrious
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  • 373 3 CALCUTTA: In the presence of a large gathering a portrait of South India's great patriot, scholar, and parliamentarian, the late Sri SSatyamurthi was unveilefc> heie recently by Sri P. C. Sen. State Food Minister The function was held at thp National High School. Ballygunge m S.-E. Calcutta
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  • 386 3 COIMBATORE: Addresing a meeting of textile workers of Singana Jur, Sri Ram Manohar Lohia, Jsecretary, All-India Praja-Socialisit Party, stated the seven years of freedom had been an economic waste, since the country did not witness any sign of progress under the
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  • 240 3 CALCUTTA Three mon forced the pilot of a Union of Burma Dakota at pislo) point, to land his plane on beach near Bassei n recently and sfiole 742.000 Kyuts (about Rs 742,000) intended for Government Treasure says a Rangoon report. Neither the passengers nor crew
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  • 375 3 KIWBAKONAM: To encourage the study of V«^«us and their interpretation, Dnarma Sa^trag and the pract^e of Karma Anusntanams aid encourage scholars learned such Y< die lore a Bhoomi Dm movement has been started m the name of the present Heac of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam
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  • 146 3 ANN AM ALAIN AGAR: Di C P. Ramaswami Aiyar, Vice-Chancellor. Annamalai University writing m the latest university Magazine, under the caption "Universities m India", says: "A university, to satisfy its indispe|sable requirement^, muit be a place where the body the mind,
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  • 90 3 PATNA The Government of Bihar has constructed a 1,200-foot bridge over the river Kiul, the longest reinforced concrete bridge m Bihar, 75 miles west of Pataa, tat a cost of about Rs 16 lakhs. It has ueen completed m throe years by Bihar engineers. The
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  • 51 3 LAHORE: The Muslim Lea-gue-backed candidates have lost heavily m the Rawalpindi district beard elections which concluded on Tuesday, accord in^ to reports reaching here. Among these who have been defeated is Capt. Shcr Jan, a prominent Mus im League member of the Pakistan T>iinjab Assembly.-
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  • 1459 4 Separate Electorate For Indians Approved COLOMBO: The Ceylon Constitution (Amendment) Bill passed its third reading m the House of Representatives, last week, by 71 votes to 16. Several amendments moved by the opposition were defeated. Jayawlckreme, Or. M. C. M. Kalee,, Mr. C. W.
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  • 1221 4 Limited In Scope --justice minister COLOMBO: When the Senate met last week the Cey. lon Constitution (Amendment itiU pawpj its second .fad in ff by 20 votes to three and was passcu without d' ss <"ni at its third reading several amendments, moved by the
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  • 264 4 X.L.M 's Annual Repc:t o ver 1953 shows that the Company made a profit of Dfl 10.4 million, after deduction cf taxes Dfl. 5.000.000. of *.he profit wil be put aside a-> general reserve, whefea* v dividend of 4 per cent will be
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  • 255 4 Alor Gajah Indian Schools Sports Committee The general meeting of the Alor Gajah Indian Schocs Sports Committee was held on July 2 when the following office-bearers were elected: Mr W R, Miller Chairman, Mr. S V Raman Secrecy and Mr K. S. Kanesan Trea. surer and six others as committee
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  • 36 4 Indian Tobacco Delegation To Red China HONG KONG July 11— An Indian delegation, visiting South-East Asian countries left Hong- Kong on Thursday for Red China to discuss pos. eible Indian tobacco sales to the Chinese.- A.P.
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  • 149 4 FARFWELL PARTY TO JOHORE INDIAN CHAMUER OFFICIALS "A tea party was hei'i iCrently In the Chamber's premises m honour of the t\v© officials of the Indian C.< mjer 0* commercr, Johore Mr. .i R Nadesan (Treasurer. of Messrs R«-ngasamy Ch^tllar Sons' Jchcre Bahru aid Janab A Mohamed Ibrahim (Committee member),
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  • 76 4 PAK TO TAKE CANAL DISPUTE TO U.N.? KARACHI Ju'y n kistan may take it s can,' ters dipute with India r .c United Nation btforau. a:d here Pakistan's Cabinet has meti net three times to discu s Thur?. day's opening of the Isa, ka i Dam by India's v Un
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 85 4 ROYAL To-day At 3, 6.15& 9.15 P.M. LAST 3 SHOWS OF KASTURI TO-MORROW For One Day Only KARDAR Productions' Musical Comedy CHACHA CHOWDHRY DIAMOND LAST 2 SHOWS: 3.30 7.30 P.M. A.VJVI. R.NR. PRODUCTIONS Starring K. Sarangapani R. Nagendra Rao T. K. Balachandran Vikatam Krishnamurthi K. R. Chellam and the new
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