Indian Daily Mail, 23 April 1954

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. X. No. 70. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1954. FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 763 1 Safety Of Big Power Envoys: Security Tightened PLENARY SESSION AT FORMER HOME OF LEAGUE OF NATIONS! GENEVA, Switzerland Apr. 22. Two battalions of Swiss motorised troops moved into Geneva yesterday. The troops sent to reinforce the local police f orC c— will be responsible for
    A.P.; Reuter  -  763 words
  • 52 1 KARACHI: April 22 Pakistani Prime Minister Mohammed Ali announced yesterday he would leave by air for Colombo on April 26 to attend the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference. He will be accompanied by Foreign Secretary J. A. Rahim and Cabinet secretary Aziz I
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  • 356 1 GENEVA Apr 22.— With the opening of the Geneva conference only five days away, there is still no authority here who knows when the meeting will start or how the world press will have access to the deliberations of the 19 nations taking
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  • 118 1 The bodies of the four O* t!io flvtf bra-> Singapore firemen wbo risked their lives and won the admiration of the public, being carried m coffins t Bidlartari Cemetery. City Councillor, officer* and mtsn of the Firebrigade, the police, the Boys Brigade, the Ctvil Defence Serviet**,
    IDM  -  118 words
  • 105 1 KATHMANDU, Nepal, Apr. 22 The Government <* Nepal ordered district officials yesterday to investigate reports that villagers are obstructing Japanese trying to climb 26,658-foot Mt. Manaslu. Both the government and King Tribhuvana's secretary instructed lcoal officials to rush help and security forces to assist the Japanese
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  • 76 1 Formosan Sugar For India TAIPKi. April, 22 Nationalist Vhina lias signed aj contract to ship 50,000 tons of Formosan sugar to India, the official News Agency reported yesterday. The agency said the contract was the first bf its kind between the two countries but added that another contract involving the
    AP  -  76 words
  • 48 1 NEW DELHI, Apr. 22 T/he Indian Government, announced yesterday it has completed plans for the purchase of 300,000 tons of sugar from Britain, Cuba, Spain, Peru and Formosa. Imports v.v ill start the middle of May at the rate of 100,000 tons I monthly. AP
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  • 224 1 From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Apr. 22.— Mr. Kamaraj Nadar, Chief Minister, resigned the post of President of the Tamilnad Congress Committee m accordance with the decision of the Congress High Command that he should not hold both posts simultaneously. The T.N.C.C. Executive accepting the
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  • 36 1 DURBAN, South Africa, April, 22 i 10-ton circus truck and trailer ran off a hilly road yesterday, ploughed through a field and somersaulted three times, killing 10 Africans passengers. Another 18 were injured seriously. A.P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 451 1 Burma To Follow India's Neutral Attitude Foreign Minister On Way To Moscow LONDON, Apr. 22.— The Burmese Foreign Minister lelt London yesterday en route to Moscow on. what was officially descrioed as a "personal visit." Sao quietly boarded a Scandinavian airlines 'plane for Helsinki. Airlines omciais said he would *make
    A.P.  -  451 words
  • 121 1 From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Apr. 22. With the advent of summer, fires have become common occurences throughout Madras State since most of the roofing of huts made of thatching material are tinder dry with heat. A disastrous nre fanned by strong wind yesteraay wiped out more than
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  • 77 1 NEW DELHI, Apr. 22 About 90 Indians are at present under detention m Malaya, Mr. A. K. Chanda, Deputy Minister of External Affairs said m the Lower House <rf the Indian Parliament yesterday. Mr. Chanda who was replying: to a question said that i'inc
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 453 1 Queen's Visit To Ceylon Was Free From Mishaps Communists Remained Quiet COLOMBO Aor 22.— Britain's Queen Elizabeth and sailed from Colombo with cheers of the people Royal route from the Queen's house to the dockside to watch the Q^" I Duke of Edinburgh leave for the hner Gotoic. The ship
    Reuter  -  453 words
  • 86 1 From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Apr. 22. The French India Government have imported about seventy .tons petrol from the African colony since supplies from India have been stopped, but this is being sold at three times the former price to a favoured few. It will be
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  • 554 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Fri. Apr. 23, 1954. The New Spirit In Malaya THE Christmas Week is the "Conference Week" m India, so called because during that period countless conferences big and small used to be held all over the country. Being the end of the financial year, most associations
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  • 1853 2  -  SIR ALEC RANDALL By IJNTIL lately there has been a popular idea that you could: get into the Diplomatic Service only if you were an Old Etonian, had a large private income, and belonged to a wealthy or aristocratic family all these things making of
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  • 82 2 Chur chill-Nehru Letters On H'bomb NEW DELHI: The British Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, m said to have auidrtS «t<d a personal communication to India's Prune Minister, Sri Nehru, a fortnight ago on the hydrogen bomb. Sri Nehru's reply to the British Prime Minister was sent soon afttv the receipt
    FOC  -  82 words
  • 96 2 PATNA: Dr. Katju. Union Home Minister stressed the need for speedy disposal of ca es by avoiding waste of time m useless argument*?. He was addressting 1 a meeting 1 of lawyers at the Putm Higrh Court. Dr. Katju referred to the need for amending
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  • 615 2 PENNADUM: A resolution requesting the Madras Government to name the residuary Madras State as Tamil, nad and to make Tamil at Its oflicial language, was passed at the Tamil State Language Conference, held at the Muthu. kumaran Park m Pennadam m Virdhachalam Taluk. Mr.
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  • 77 2 AID FOR 2 BOMBAY MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS BOMBAY: The Rockefeller Foundation has offered to supply equipment worth $9,000 (Rs 42,840) for two medical institutions m the city the Seth G. S. Medical College and the K.E.M. Hospital. The Foundation has offered equipment of the value of $5,500 (Rs 26,180) for develODing
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  • 635 2 BOMBAY: Srimathi Vijayalakshmi, President of the U.N. General Assembly, said here that the women of India had a special message to deliver to the world, which was steadily moving towards the edge of a precipice, especially to the Western world. "We had
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  • 123 2 No Medal For Korea Service NEW DELHI: Sri Satlsh Chandra, Deputy i>.-f..,. Minister, told tbe Houre o f toe People that It was not proposed to institute a special medal for service m the Korean theatre. Under a notification alreadiy issued, he said, an Overseas Clasp could be worn with
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  • 267 2 manent peace m the world. She was sure that sooner or later, perhaps sooner than later the Western Powers would realise the efficacy of the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. The United Nations she s;iid had accepted the principle that differences between nation? should be settled by negotiations and that no
    FOC  -  267 words
  • 82 2 GENEVA, Apr. 21 About 150 Government experts from all East and West European countries except Ireland and Spain attended the opening here yesterday of secret EastWest trade consultations. Tha United States was also represented. The talks are being held under the chairmanship of Mr. Gunnar Myrdal, Swedish
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    • 100 2 gl^^^^^^^^^^^a Remember the three famous 100 years old Hi Kmh! nines of China. CT^ypSffi({jW>^ CHAN I.EE CHYE MEDICATED WINE:—; tO9-«M jgiy Consists of special 'CHIN CHIN" d «>r horn' HWL I ttmm BG&M and prepared from famous herbs. At MjWBEtl/lill^H^B fitt nR toDic t0 feed tired glands, to regain! lost
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  • 1698 3 Discord Between Power Spirit This Threat To Human Civilisation Should Be Overcome, Says Sarvapalli CHIDAMBARAM: The Vice-President, Dr S Radhakrishnan, said here that the threat to human civilisation could be met only on "the deeper levels of consciousness". "If we fail to overcome the discord between power and spirit, we
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  • 48 3 MADRAS: Sri KamaraJ Nadar, the m\v Chief Minister, after taking the oaths m English, signed the declaration m English script. At his Prt» oonfereniae later the questions of reporters weru framed m English and Tamil but the Uhief Mini tor replied only m Tamil. FOC
    FOC  -  48 words
  • 518 3 LONDON Learning the latest methods m the war against plant pests and thereby making an important contribution to food production m their respective countries are two parties of scientists from Asia who have just started an intensive course of five months' training m Britain under the
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  • 81 3 Ella T RLe Pr teJ > f* 8 trU>H on <**«- u-' X se m a dance sequence called 'Cinderella ti T* m highly entertaining items to be S W l^^ Art of Dance Studio m its rental at the R a
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  • 211 3 KURNOOL: Sri T. Prakasain, Chief Minister, besides taking over the portfolio of Women's Welfare rrom Sri S. B. p. Pattabhirama Rao, tntendb to take over the portfolio of Planning from Sri Sanjeeviah, it is reliably learnt. Thtf suggestion of the Chief Mini-tor to take over the
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  • 50 3 TRIVANDRUM: Two persons have been arrested m Manavalakurichi, m South Travancor* area, for alleged manufacture of counterfeit coins. Materials used fo r the manufacture of counterflt coins have also been seized. The two persons were produced before the Magistrate, and statements from them ware yecorded,- FOC
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  • 642 3  - More Cloth, Better Quality At Lower Prices Wadia's Aim BOMBAY: Mr. Neville N. Wadia, Chairman of the Bombay Millowners' Association, said the time had come to pay greater consideration to the consumer's interest m deciding the question of rationalisation m the textile industry. Ac f<u Mug the annual meeting of
    FOC  -  642 words
  • 118 3 NEW DEJLHI: Dr. M. M. Das, Parliamentary Secretary to the Education Ministry, told Mr. S. N. Das m the Mouse of the people that the question of translating- Indian classical literature into Japanese wus informally mentioned by the Secretary General to the National Committee Of Japan
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  • 112 3 CALCTUTTA: After a tht.eeday city-wide manhunt. tho Calcutta police produced m court a 26-y?ar-old Bengali youth m connection with the suspected murder of a film actress missing .nnce April Following discovery of two arms m a crunny bag- m Wellington Square recently, the parent? of the girl,
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  • 465 3 TEACHERS, PARENTS AND STUDENTS TOO DENOUNCE CUDDAPAH: Many educationists, and heads of educational institutions m Cuddapah, told the Andhra Elementary Education Committee that they favoured either the scrapping of the new scheme of elementary education or its modification. The Chairman of the Committee Dr. B. Kuppuswami, told
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  • 237 3 from here. Teh members of the Committee examined some boys and girls. To a question by a member the students said that m their view Robert Cllve Asoka and Sivaji were great historical personalities whom they liked most. They told the member that they helped their parents m their work,
    FOC  -  237 words
  • 97 3 QOL.OMBO: A touching numan drama was enaotett m a mud hut at Kri Pana Watt* near Matale, when Queen Elizabeth, acoompaai•■J by the Duke of Edinburgh, visited a young Sinhalese mother Heenmenike m bedThe woman, who is the mother of three children, the third child having
    FOC  -  97 words

  • 323 4 C.I.C. President's Contention NAWALAPITIYA: The In d<> Ceylon Agreement had failuuf m its purpose of easing the problem of Indiana m Ceylon. The position was worse now declared Mr. S. Thondaman, Prertfuent of the cv.vl"" -Indian Congress, at a meeting at the Kathirtuan
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  • 441 4 NEW DELHI, Apr. 22.— Afghanistan's hopes for a respectable showing at the Second Asian Games, starting m Manila on May 1, are riding on the shoulders of a youthful 15-man soccer team. The team, captained by Abdur Rehman Jehangir, is made up
    A.P.  -  441 words
  • 59 4 COLOMBO: A schoolboy of Ahangama, whose repeated request to his parents for premisnion to g" to Colombo to see the Queen were refusied, started, a fast. He refused to have his lunch and then dinner. The next morning hiw parents relented! and gav c permission. He came back
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  • 308 4 On Baster Sunday V.M.C.A. Youth Cflub building was the venue for the 14th Annual Conference of the Orthodox Syrian Church, Federation of Malaya. Taking- advantage of the Easter holidays', over one hundred members from different parts of MaJaya, including some members from Singapore attended the conference
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  • 78 4 The Singapore Shop Emnloyees' Union want the Labour Department to take immediate measures against those shop owners who have not provided accommodation fcr counter-sales-man. In a letter to the Commissioner for Labour. Mr. G. W. Davis, the Union Secretary, Mr. N. Thankasamy states that although
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  • 51 4 Yugoslavia Chile Trade Pact LONDON, April. 22 Yugoslavia and Chile signed a new trade agreement m Belgrade yesterday, Belgrade under the agreement. The broadcast, heard here, said a Yugsolav economic mission will depart for Chile soon to arrange contracts under the agreement. The radio gave no details of the agreement.
    AP  -  51 words
  • 369 4 In Ovington Gardens, Kensington, on Apr 1 16, there was a ceremony not Been In London before; Buddhist monks entering: <a new temple a converted 16-room house. A white cloth was spread out on to the pavement edge ho that the two (shaven headed, safford robed
    A.P.  -  369 words
  • 189 4 The fourth annual meeting of the Tamilian Association was held at the Clerical Union Hall on 18-4-54. Mr. S. Jaganathan (City councillor) president of the Association presided over the meeting He i appealed aU the Tamilians to unite together and work for the welfare of the
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    • 151 4 £3jL 2nd Great Week i yy |jjr. To-day: 3.15-6.30-9.15 p.m. I "NO MAN CAN JILT ME SmJs J AND GET AWAY WITH IT' says Geeta Bali to > I Debonair Shekher m I A Lyrical Hindustani Hit m Starring Begum Para, ..^g/ff Leela Chitnis Ja^dev *wj Music: Shankar Jaildbhan »2W
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    • 192 4 300,000 Years Old! HONG KONG, Apr. 22 |WJg J| |MM J"^-^r» Fossils of pro-historic animaLs BC^L J Jm Wm% m m some 300,000 years old have mmm^ mmmmmi^*^^mm&i been discovered m Honan pro- Today 7 oik vince last winter reports the r^lf^ £,i>/S>n official New China News GO tOR BROKE
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