Indian Daily Mail, 5 April 1954

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail OL. X. No. 63. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL. 5, 1954. FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 384 1 Hindu Advisory Board To Recommend To Govt. All Manner Of Marriages To Be Registered In Colony Sub-Committee To Scrutinise Bill The Hindu Advisory Board, Singapore has approved that marriages conducted or performed in the reformed manner shall be registered. The Sub Committee, which nas been
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  • 237 1 PHILADELPHIA. Apr. 4. A U.S. State Department policy maker declared yesterday that the United States stands reac.y to heip India "where we can and in ways that she may desire" regardless of difierences between Washington and the Indian Government. Prime M.nister Nehru has often
    A.P.  -  237 words
  • 120 1 LONDON, Apr. 4.—Twenty youth leaders met here to errange a conference of more than 1.000 youths in Singapore during August. They are the executive committee of the World Assembly of Youth which has 11 member countries and through its affiliated organisations represents 100 000,000 young
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  • 95 1 TEHERAN. Apr. 4.- Army chief prosecutor Hossein Azeimxieh said yesterday the condition of ex-Foreign Minister Hussein Fatem, is still critical and he is unable to eat normally. Fatemi was shot by a youthful fanatic about two years ago and was unable to get the medical care
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  • 59 1 LONDON, Apr. 4 The National Association of Women Civil Servants demanding equal pay w th men for equal work, is sending a <aril to every member of Parliament for budget day ntxt Tuesday. It will read*: "To wish you a happy budget day. May the day bring
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  • 81 1 PLANE WITH 20 PERSONS EXPLODES ISTANBUL., Apr. 4 A Turclsh State Airways plane with 19 persons aboard was reported to have exploded in the iir 15 minutes after leaving \dana for Istanbul yesterday. Initial reports reaching here said that Professor Remzi Oguzamik, leader of the small "Peasants Party and SalamuQ
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  • 110 1 Subba Rao-First Chief Justice Of Andhra State From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Apr. 4.— Mr. Justice K. Subbarao of the Mad-. ras High Court will be the first Chief Just cc of the Andhra State. He has been appointed Special Officer by the Government of India to make all preliminary
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  • 82 1 A giant 10-engined, B-S6 bombiv crashed and burst into flames while taking off at Sunset, from the Fairchild Air Force Ua» H at Spokane. Washington. Seven of the 10 men on board were killed. The Bomber, the world's largo-it and a U.S.A.F. Atom Carrier, had just
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  • 198 1 says Indonesia THE HAGUE. Apr. 4— Mr. AH Sastroamddjojo. Premier of Indonesia, yesterday appealed to world powers to slop atom bomb tests "which endanger human lives," according to an Indonesian news agency Aneta cable ieceivedi here. He said has appeal was not only on behalf of the
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  • 150 1 GOVERNOR'S TALKS IN LONDON LONDON, Apr. 4 Talk* here on the sweeping constitutional changes proposed for Singapore by the Rendel OcmmissßOn will be finished very soon. The Governor of Singapore, Sir John Nicoil, has had a busy week with Departmental Chiefs at the Colonial Office. On Friday he had hLs
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 334 1 GEORGETOWN, British Guiana, April 4 Police yesterday arrested! Dr. ChedJi Jagan, (Deposed- Peoples Progressive Party Prime Minster of British- Guiana at Mahaoon, a village about 40 miles from here. PoliLe equipped! themselves lo face povidone rioting when they arrested Dr. Jagan. They brought him back to Georgetown under
    Reuter; A.P.  -  334 words
  • 471 1 Twelve Singapore Tamil Schools Committees have passed a resolution vehemently condemning the attitude of the Malayan Indian Congress, Singapore towards Tamil Schools. The resolution states that the Singapore M.l.C's attitude < towards Tamil Schools was obstructive, lamentable and i preposterous,' for the Congress,
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  • 228 1 More And More Villages Proclaim Independence From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Apr. 4.— The French Commissioner Andre Menard has admitted that he is completely baffled at present by the situation at Nettapakkam commune where French Indian Socialist leaders have taken
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  • 112 1 More Villages Proclaim Independence Seven villages in Bahour Commune in Pondicherry yesterday ceclared themselves independent, bringing ]the total of villages .so far "liberated' oy the French Indian Socialist Liberation Movement to 26, adds a Reuter message. As French Indian Socialist volunteers entered these villa ges, thousanas of villagers greeted them.
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  • 92 1 LONDON, Apr. 4 The ii^'nter Oxford crew swept to a 4*2 lengths' victory over Jambrdge. in the 100 th university boat race from Putney to Mortlake today. Oxford, who won the toss and chose the Surrey side, covered the tortuous river Thames course of four miles,
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 203 1 The boy with the big s»mile is 13-year-old Malayan orphan boy Wan Manual Bin Wan All. Last year he wj»s found wandering in the jungle by a Johore social worker. Mis face was then covered with keloid scars, cans: •■d by burning oil, which gave his features
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  • 160 1 COLOMBO. Apr 4.— When the Duke of Edinburgh, husband of Britain's Qu*?en Elizabeth, visits Colombo he will see the first car he bought. He acquired the vehicle. ;i nine horse power model, when he was in Ceylon in 1940. Guy Brohier, a Oeylonese who
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  • 61 1 NUREMBERG, Ai>r. 4— A Nuremberg: jud^e dismissed! a woman's breach of promise action hem because, he said, women no longer needed jjuch protect on from the courts. They hail, become more independent an t < less sensitive than in the day* when the brearch law was
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  • 177 1 NEW DELHI. Apr. 8 Philippine* Minister Narciso Ramo.g yesterday asked Indian newspapers not to refer to his country as the "Banana Republic." Ramos said) the New Delhi Tinu-M of India *!*•<'» i that terra yesterday 'n an article on democracy in the Philippines. He said the
    AP  -  177 words
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  • 580 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Mon., Apr. 5, 1954. SUICIDAL EXPERIMENT JF the very experiment itself with a dangerous weapon done in the most cautious way is proving too disastrous for the safety of humanity, how can humanity be ever saved when such a weapon is deliberately and indiscriminately used? That
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  • 2729 2 SAYS DR. RADHAKRISHNAN T'HOSE wno are organizing I this series of broadcasts J are persuaded that our great need today is a deeper under- standing and appreciation of] other peoples and their civiliaztions, especially their ethi- <^al and spiritual achieve- ments. The Asian
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  • 106 2 NEW D£Udl: Mr Gurdev Sineh, Special Judge, trying the fertilizer case rejected two applications by Mr. S. Y. Krishnaswami and Mr. C S. r> Swamy, former officials of the Food Ministry praying for postponement of the framing of charges against them, until the prosecution evidence
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  • 43 2 niBRUGARH: Engipeers are working here on a 1 000--ft-long stone rivetment on' the Brahmaputra where 50 feet of the bank near the Telegraph Office was eroded recently. According to engineers, the erosion was the "fter effect eerthquaKe,-. FOC
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  • 63 2 Twenty-nine people were injured when police battled students of the American University i n Beirut, Lebanon, on Mar. 27, as the stuclents demonstrated against the Turkish-Pakistan Pact. The demonstrators trim t:> \tarch through the University Medical Gate, but were* halted by rifle fire and firehose. AP. Photo
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  • 777 2 NEW DELHI: Mr. Satish Chandra, Deputy Defence Minister, told the House of the People during the debate on Defence demands that Government had a gradual replacement programme for the present naval ships. exisit ng ordnance factories for the manufacture of new item.*. Mr. Satish
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  • 67 2 LUCKNOW Mr. P N Khnnna (36). aa official of the Military Acounis r>?part. ment, was found dead in the bedroom of hi. house ir\ the trans-Gumti area on Sunday morning' Mar. 28- Th«re were deep stab wounds on his body. It is stated that important paper.- brought heme
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  • 29 2 NEW DEL.HI The Government of India has nominated Mrs. L«ela Jog, a social worker of Bombay, to be a member of the Film Advisory Board.— FOC
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  • 87 2 KARACHI: The Standing Finance Committee of the Pakistani Parliament approved "the setting up of an organization to collect data regarding the Lilienthal proposal for the united develop, ment of vaters of the Indus basin, the Pakistan-India irrigaticn weter dispute, investigation of dam sites on the
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  • 951 3 Fazlul Hug s 'Goodwill Plan' DACCA: Two Minority Ministers, representative of the Caste Hindus and the Scheduled Castes, will be included in East Bengal's new Cabinet, Mr. Fazlu Hug, one of the leaders of the United Front, told pressmen last week.
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  • 390 3 Two Outstanding Successes In Pak. Elections DACCA: The Pakistan National Congresses had two outstanding successes by winning both seats from two constituencies in Dacca. In the Dacca Central Constituency Mr Manindra Nath Bhattacharjee. a sittng Congress member, polled double the number obtained by his nearest Independent rival. The Minorities United
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  • 260 3 NEW DELHI: Twelve State Governments have received a farther vear-eud allotment of funds of expenditure on their relief and rehabilitation schemes. All tne amounts are to be drawn immediately by the respective State Governments By a future allotment of R*. 11 lakhs to the Tripura, A^sam,
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  • 763 3 -LAHORE CONFAB LAHORE: Nearly all the Asian delegates attending the fifth Commonwealth Relations Conference here have declined to be a party k> military alliances with one or more of the Western nations against the People's Republic of China or Communism, it is reliably
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  • 153 3 President Neguib of Egypt (right) and K«\yiui;m Vict*ITemier Ganial Abdel Nasser (left) are shown here at Cairo airport as they see off King Saud of Saudi-Arabia (centre) on Mar. 89 wt the »«n<l of bis State visit ti> Egypt. Minute* after Neguib collapsed. H e was
    A.P.  -  153 words
  • 78 3 India Poland To Exchange Envoys NEW DELHI: The Govehnments of India and Poland nave decided to exchange diplomatic representatives at ambassadorial level, according to an External Affairs Ministry Press Note. Mr K. P. S. Menon. India's Atnbasador in Moscow, has been concurrently appointed Indaa's first Ambassador to Poland Mr M.
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  • 72 3 KALJMPONG A skeleton believed to be that of Father Wenisch, a Roman Catholic priest, has been found 70 miles from Sandukpu peak here. Father Wenisch disappeared two years ago when he is said to have gone treking in the area of the peak. The skeleton
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  • 98 3 NEW DELHI: Mr. S N. Atjarwal. Congress Generai Secretary, has asKed Praaesh Congress Committees and leaders of Legislature Congress parties to let him know if any party member of a legislature nolas any important office in a local body and, if so, why. He has,
    FOC  -  98 words
  • 105 3 BIKANER: A large number of deaths among rats, reported from different parts of the town during the last few nays, has caused panic here. Medical end health authorities are taking precautionary measures against a possible outbreak or plague. More tnan 200 rats are reported
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  • 101 3 GWALduiv: ivir. K. V. Date, Secretary of the Madhya fcinarat rianjan Sevak Sangn, toid a conference of worners of the All-lncLa Harijan Sevan Sangh here that during the last two years about 40 Harijans had been killed in the State, mostly in the dacoit infested Bhmd and
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  • 55 3 KOWGONU: About 10,000 pca-nrtts paraded the main streets of the town shouting siogans in observance of the PSP sponsored Kisan Day against the Government policy on land distribution and agricultural loans. The demonstrators, who travelled from villages on foot and by train, dispersed after submitting a memorandum
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  • 64 3 WAGAH-ATTARi ROUTE LAHORE: During the week ended March 21. 1954, 2,072 Pakistanis entered India from West Pakistan through the Wagah-Attarl land route as against 592 Indians who came to Pakistan |>y the same r\>ute. According to a Press release, 52,343 Pakistanis visited India against 16,377 Indians who
    FOC  -  64 words
  • 1105 3  -  ERNEST ATKINSON By "IfIOLENT controversy has so I much overlain the present jtage of development of television policy in Britain that t may be as well to try to get down to essentials of what n fact is being discussed and :s being- proposed to be done. There
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  • 51 3 PURI: Mrs Sujata Mazumdar (25) of Lake View Road, Calcutta, died here recently from severe burns which she received while cooking. A. piece of burning coal, it was leaint, fell on her clothes and set fire to her whole body. She was removed to hospital.
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    • 105 3 UNBERTHED PASSAGE FARES Singapore/Madras $79.00 with diet $61.00 without diet Singapore/Nagapattlnam $78.00 with diet $60.00 without diet Passengers are advised that these are the authorised rates and should report any person demanding more. ISLAY KERR COMPANY 8.1.5. N. Company Ltd, Agents PASSAGES TO SOUTH INDIA B. I. S. N. CO.,
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  • 1260 4 Reason For Shadowing TRPs COLOMBO: The police will keep track of all Indians whose Temporary Residence Permits are due to expire within the next few months. This step is being taken by the Government because it is feared that, following the decision
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  • 62 4 pireo- COLOMBO; The Government of Ceylon has decided to extend itj policy of OeylonizaUon to the toddy and arrack trade. According to official figures, 75 per cent of this trade rs in the hands of people of Indian origin. From out of a revenue of
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  • 101 4 COLOMBO: The dispute reI gardoig the correct lorm of uaiming the Queen at the vari--1 jus functions to be head in connection with her visit to cey ion this month has now been settled by the Home Ministry. The Queen and the Duke will
    FOC  -  101 words
  • 176 4 COLOMBO: Political happenings in Pakistan certainly will not affect the ensuing Asian Prime Mrinisters' oonxerence, a high official of the External Affairs Ministry .•aid here. He was commenting on rumours that in view of the recent trend of political events in Pakistan, the Asian Premiers' conference was
    F.O.C.  -  176 words
  • 175 4 P.M. On Official Languages CiALLE: It s not possible to make Sinhalese alone the official lan*ruajre of the country, for some time, said the Prime Minister, sir John Kotelawala, at a reception accorded to him at Ahangfama, where he laid the foundation atone for an extension to a school. "The
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  • 200 4 COLOMBO: New regulations regarding export of books, periodicals and magazines to Ceylon come into force from Apr 11. These regulations do not affect the export of daily newspapers. The regulations replace the present practice of applying to the Exchange Controller for a remittance permit by
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  • 41 4 Ceylon swimming champion ML r. Navarethinasamy, who completed! the extraordinary feat of crossing the waters between I nil a and Ceylon, at one at u- ten, being carried in a chariot at Kodikkarai by South Indian Tamils. Maithrupala Photo.
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  • 64 4 L,ONIM)N, Apr. 4 Register offices here were crowded today in a last minute rush of "taxrebate" weddings. There wer c 50 weddings at Edmonton and over 30 at Westminister, WillescJen and Woodgreen. Bridegrooms who marry before midnight on Monday are entitled! to income tax rtlicf as
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 59 4 JAP WOMEN HOCKEY TEAM TO TOUR INDIA MADRAS, Apr. 4 A Japanese women's hockey team aas expressed a desire to tour India, according to a spokesman of the Indian Hockey Federation. This will be discussed and the itinerary of the vis ting Japanese team planned by the AH lnd a
    AP  -  59 words
  • 322 4 LAHORE: Mr. Justice Mohammad Munir, Chief Justice of the Lahore High Court, found that the implications ot the lead story headlined "Justice Rashid Rushes to Karachi" in the issue of Dawn of March 23, 1954 prime facie amounted to a contempt of the Lahore High Court.
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  • 138 4 COLOMBO: Th e first Buddha, Relics to be enshrined in the Vihare in London left Ceylon on Monday last. Revd. Narada Mabathera and Bhikkhu Vinita. emissaries of the London Buddhist Mission, took the Relics. A public farewell to the mission was accorded at the Y.M.B.A.
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  • 339 4 Leaders In Cairo CAIRO, Apr. 4. Between 40 and 50 leaders of anti-gov-ernment students were reliably reported arrested yesterday as the ruling Revolution council —minus Negu.b continued its marathon session expected to produce "momentous decision." The President. beoridden since last Monday, will not be able to
    A.P.  -  339 words
  • 66 4 KARACHI, Apr. 4 The Pak.stan-Japan trade agreement, which expired March •31, has been extended until June 30, it was reliably stated yesterday. Thy question of extending the agreement was decided after discussions between officials of the Pakstan Commerce Ministry and Japanese Embassy in. Pakistan. Negotiations fo r
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  • 72 4 COLOMBO, Apr. 4 Queen Klizabeth will be warmly welcomed as "the Queen of Sri Lanka" Ceylon when she steps ashore here on April 10. ihc Prime Minister Sir John Kotelawala says in a goldcovered souvenir booklet. "Her Majesty's great personal charm and concern for the well
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  • 75 4 NEW DELHI, Apr. 4 Thu ",c '/eminent announced today India Radio will broadcast weather forecast between Vpnl 15 and mid June to hep .he Cal. iGirra Himalayan expadition which bopp" to climb .fount Makalu in Nepal. The special forecasts will liffer from those previously
    AP  -  75 words
  • 115 4 COLOMBO: To allow foreign capital to come to Ceylon vithout restrictions would be ound th&. death-knell of indigenous industries, declared Sir Philip Rodgrigo, Chairman of the Sinhalese Merchants' Association, at the annua 1 general meeting of the chamber. He added that in spite of their political
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  • 74 4 NAIROBI, Apr. 3— A 17--year-old Kenya police reserve oiiicer Barry Harvey Hayward was fined i 25 here for technical assault on a Mau Mau suspect by throwing lighted matcnes at him after water had been poured on the man'a head. Supreme court judgo J. I*
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 113 4 THE HAGUE, Apr. 3.— The International Tin Study Group reported world mine production of tin in concentrates in January at 13 200 long tons. This compares with 16,800 iii December. Production was lower in the most important producing including Malaya at 5,108, Indonesia 2,545, Bolivia (exports) 2,268
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    • 123 4 Today: 5.45 9.80 p.m. CHANDRALEKA Tamil ROYAL NOW SHOWING Daily 2 Shows at 3 7.30 p.m. Motion Picture Team Presents EYES Tamil Starring SIVAJI GANESAN, PANDARI BAI, Mynavathi etc., etc. DIAMOND Last 3 Shows Today 3.15-6.15-9.15 p.m. A Romantic Thriller With Greatest Sweep Of Emotions With Sweet Mutdc j!^ (Hiniiiistani)
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