Indian Daily Mail, 17 March 1954

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1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. X. No. 34. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1954. FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 899 1 Tamils Will Fight Tooth Nail Dasaratha Raj's Bill ATTEMPT TO WIPE OUT •REFORMISTS' ALTOGETHER Tamils Reform Association Wants Only Compulsory Registration "Tamil Hindus m the Colony will fight tooth and nail the sinister attempt of Mr Dasaratha Raj, which is calculated to wipe out performance of marriages m the reformed
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  • 116 1 NEW DELHI, Mar. 16 U. S. Ambassador George V. Allen flew to Darjeeling yesterday to present a replica of the National. Geographic Society^ Hubbard Medal to Teasing Norkay, who with Sir Edmund Hillarq climbed Mt. Everest last year. Allen will make the presentation on behalf of
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  • 65 1 BERLIN, Mar. 16. The Ohinese Communists announced yesterday they would invite British businessmen to new trade talks here. The new talk could run tnto the same trouble. At a meetiner m the Soviet sector of Berlin, Chinese trade officials told .<=ome 15 British businessmen that
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  • 117 1 HIGH VALUE NOTES AGAIN IN INDIA From Our Own Corre«*poncbnt BOMBAY, Mar. 16.— The Reserve Bank of India will issue from April 1, high denomination banknotes of one. and ten thousand rupee values. It will be recalled that banknotes higher than one hundred rupees were suddenly demonit ised m 194$
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  • 119 1 From Our Own Corresponol^nt MADRAS, Mar. 16.—Newspaper Madras Mail commenting on lifting of- Emergency rteguiations .n iaorr areas m Malaya like Port Dickson said that was extremely good news, which indicated that the Emergency would soon end. Comparing the conditions m Kenya, the paper said, progress
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  • 118 1 Charged With Indecency WINCHESTER (England) Mar. 16. Lord Montagu of Beau lieu and two friends went on trial yesterday on charges of sexual offences with men. Charged the 27-year-old bachelor socialite are his cousin, landowner Michael PittRivers, 37, and Peter Wildeblood, 30-year-old London newspaperman. All of them pleaded not
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 1 Above picture shows Mr. KAMARAJ NADAR (extreme right). Others are: (Left) Mr, Venkatarajulu, Editor of the "Tamil Nesan" and (Centre) Mr. Ramachandran Secretary of the Tamilnad Youth Congress.
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  • 118 1 COLOMBO, Mar. 16.— The independent newspaper '"rimes of Ceylon" said that Sir John Kotelawala, Prime Minister, will inaugurate a conference here next December to form a World organisation for outlawing Communtot The newspaper said that among expected to be invited! would* be Senator JOSEPH
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  • 146 1 TEHERAN, Mar. 16. Former Foreign Minister Hossein Fatemi, stabbed m bis side and chest by an unknown assailant, suffered a relapse, an authoritative source said yesterday. Fatemi began losing blood m his prison bed after several hour 9 of questioning by army chief prosecutor General Hos.sein
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  • 24 1 WASHINGTON, Mar. 16 The Secretary of Agriculture, Mr. Ezra Benson, said the United States would not sell its surplus cotton below world t>rices. Reuter
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  • 1601 1 MALAYA MUST WORK FOR RESPONSIBLE DEMOCRATIC GOVT. PENANG, India is not interested m running an armaments race with Pakistan and therefore she is not. interested m seeking military aid from either Russia or the United States or "for that matter from any
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  • 263 1 i i —-assures Goodie "We hope to introduce the new Constitution early next year," declared the Officer Administering the Government Mr. W. A. C. Goode. opening the fourth session of the Singapore Legislative Council yesterday at the Victoria Memorial Hall. Mr. Goode said the Governor had
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  • 212 1 LONDON, Mar. 16.— Mr. Anthony Eden, the Foreign Secretary, told! the House of Commons that the general view of the British Government was still against an attack on che Chinese mainland from Chinese Nationalist-held Formosa. He was replying: to Labour members Arthur Helderson
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  • 145 1 C. N. A. GOVT. COMPROMISE Fram Our Own Corfwpoikßeiit MADRAS, Mar. 16.—Appealsfiled by Dravlda Kalagham leader Mr. C. N. Annadurai and four others against their conviction m connection with stopping trains last year and counter appeals filed by the Government, asking for enhancement of sentence, were all dismissed by the
    Copyright  -  145 words
  • 256 1 IKIVANDKLM, Mar. 1G i'aitoni .huuiu|iljjh,i, h a*Wr 'i i ii« I'jaju >->.*■ mu>i if arty, which has iy seau* m me nevviy cicvwa iiuvuncure Cocmn f»iate As^eniDiy, was totuay appointed cuter Minister. rhß w\uj announced after ne nad t>£en received toy the rtaaapramulm iPnncelv Head
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  • 79 1 OSLO, Mar. 16. Norway's Crown Princess Martha was reported m a very critical condition at the saate hospital here, where she was admitted on Friday after suffering a hemorrhage caused by jaundice. Hospital officials reported yesterday that she has spent a quiet night, and that
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  • 87 1 LONDON, March, 15. Buckingham Palace official* denied a,U knowledge of a published report that the «^ueen dislikes the 690-room palace and plans to make her permanent home at Windsor Uastle, 30 miles west of London. The report was published by the Sunday paper, "The People", which said
    AP  -  87 words
  • 107 1 WASHINGTON. Mar. 16 Mr. Lester Pearson. Canadian External Affairs Minister, said here that Canadian United States relations would be threatened if the United SUites reverted: to a defence policy narrower than that of the North Atlantic Treaty. "The stakes now are hifher than ever and
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  • 545 2 Indian Daily Mail Spore, Wed. Mar 17, 1954 WORLD FRONT AGAINST COMMUNISM r fHE Ceylonese Prime Minister Sir John Kotelawala is reported to be planning to convene a conierence of world leaders to set up a World Front against Communism. This is certainly a most spectacular enterprise and is sure
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  • 1419 2 Divergent Views Expressed In State Council MADRAS: Divergent views about making Tamil the official language were expressed m the Legislative Council last week. The Council was discussing the Budget for 1953-54. Sri Gajapathi Naicker wanted Tamil to be made the official language. But
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  • 55 2 Photo. Prince Buu Loc, Vietname r Prime Minister and leader of the Vietnam Delegation (L.irt); French Prime Minister Joseph Laniel (Centre) and Vice -Premier Paul Reynaud chat together before the luncheon given at the Hotel Matignon m Paris, March 10, to delegates attending the FranceVletnam conference on the
    AP  -  55 words
  • 275 2 NEW DELHI: Representatives of the t'eaeriation of the •.ndian Ohamfcers of Commerce and Industry have suggested cue settling up of advisory panels of industrialists to asist tae Government of India m the large-^oie .purchase of atorca for the. Ministries of Railways and Defence as welj as
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  • 190 2 KURNOOL; The year 1954--55 will .see the Andhra Govk mment spending rougiil y Ks. 35 lakhs on the construction of buildings m the temporary Andhra capital, Kurnool. The Andhra Assembly, at its last meeting, voted Rs. 25 lakhs for providing quarters for the non-gazetted officers and
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  • 161 2 NEW DELJiI: The Commerce Minister, Mr. D. P. Karmarkar told Mr. S. N. JVi<izum<iar »«n the Council of states that the Government of India were considering methods to be adopted for tiuscouniging: mechanisation of wie bidri. Industry. Mr. Karma rkar said that vie matter was brougnt
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  • 70 2 SHIMOGA: It i s reported chat about 24 persons were injured m a fight between the two rival parties of workers at the Bhadra Reservoir Project area^ near Lakknvolli. The Project authorities requisitioned the help of the E olice. who "arrived and brought the situation under
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  • 149 2 MADRAS The constitutional validity of. the clause m the treaty of 1815 between the Governments of Great Britain and France, requiring the Government of India to hand over to the French Indian authorities fugitive offenders on a mere requisition from them without even prelim nary proceedings,
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  • 76 2 BOMBAY The Panama Government informed its Con-sulate-General m Bombay that it was taking stringent action against the master of the Panamanian ship Maria, which left Bombay port suddenly for Marmagoa without completn°port formalities. The ship left" without the aid of the pilot of the Bombay Port
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  • 58 2 A BOMBAY: Mr. Emrahim Adamji Peerbhoy, well-known city phijanthrophist and a onetime textile magnate died at the age of 82. He leaves behind his wife and one son. Mr. Peerbhoy was the son of Sir Adamji Peerbhoy He was the leader of the refor- l mist
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  • 254 2 Assignment Of Waste Land: ANDHRA GOVT. DECISION KURNOOL The Andhr* Finance Minister, Mr. T. Viswanatham, declared that the State Government was taking steps to distribute about seven lakh acres of waste lands lo the landless poor before the end of the current year. The Minister was explaining the saiient features
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  • 96 2 MADRAS: it is learnt thai <x special omcc-r Horn tne Me.uicai i^.partm<.ni win .snertly laj appointed Dy Uofl Madias government lo make preliminary arranguuem- m connecnon watn tne opening of the AKiUcal College at Madura i irom tiie next a^idemic year. The Government are now examining
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  • 95 2 WASHINGTON. Mar. 15 United States and Indian officials m Washington said they had no immediate knowledge of India's reported refusal to grant viasas to American observers. An Indian spokesman said there had been only one United States application for a visa for a replacement on the United
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  • 294 2 MADRAS: The City Oomcil Sri B. Parameswaran Mayor, presiding, approved plans and estimate., f or the construction of buildings for three elementary schools mi n the extended areas, at a cost of Rs 50,000 m Ekangipuram r'erambur, Cartmen Street Saidapet, and Vannanthurai A dyar. Before the
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  • 191 2 NEW DELi-il: Tne Commerce Mjitsi.LT, Mr. D. I. *k.m'iuarkar a--.ou.ioa MBMbCfl -n txie councu 01 Suites that <.^rei£n nrrns '-viiicji did not ;ive tne mioimaUon r<-gard-»n£ employment called lor «iiem wouid be proceeded against by Government. Kepiyintf to Air. b. N. Ma--umtiar, Mr. iCaiinaikar Mid ciiat
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  • 778 3 AT £48 PER TON F. 0. B. NEW DELHI: The Food and Agriculture Mi nister, Mr. Kidwai, told the CouncU of Stated last week that India had contracted to buy 900 000 tons of rice 1 1 «i Burma Mr who was relying
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  • 70 3 Photo. Cameraman Gopai Zanyal, from Calcutta, with another ranirraiiian, Burnett Guffey, an<i film star Robert Frandg during filming- of "Those reported mining" at the Hollywood Htucflos of Columbia recently. f op^^. expects to SP 6ll 3 *h«* next year around the Hollywood studios to American methods
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  • 294 3 Committee Cabinet For T.-c. State NEW DELHI: Sri N. G. -tanga, M.U.P., Leader of the Krishikar-Lok Party, anci Ba*>u Ram Narain Singh, MUP ADd. m a joint statenunt, advocated the Swiss practice of rule by Ccmmiittee Cabinet for rravancore-Oochm They expressed t ho view that the British method .»f forming
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  • 278 3 PORT BIxAXR: Lughts blazed m Port Blair m celebration of the visit to this headquarters of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of the President. Dr. Rajendra Prasad, who arrived here on a three-day visit. At a civic reception held socn after his arrival, Dr. Prasad promised
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  • 607 3 All- India Ban On X-Word Competitions Proposed NEW DELHI: Dr. K. N. Katju, said m the Council or btates that Government proposed to consider the question of banning crossword competitions m ail its aspects and wouid either introduce a Bill for the purpose m the next session or announce its
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  • 245 3 MAYAVakajvl: m the case m winch S. Piiilai. T. rtoiacu pacKiiiswami, M. Sintjaraveiu, M. Kaiagopa], M. CJjuainayyan, P. Madasaml, M. Murugayyan alias enekxukut-t-i ana m. Marudan, stood unarmed by the Kivaiur police with having; committed <iacoicy, along with some others, on or about Sept. 4
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  • 352 3 Control Off Tea Industry From April 1 NEW DELHI: The Tea Act. which was passed by Parliament m May last, expected to come into operation by April 1, 1»54. The new Tea Board will bo constituted "ad its personnel announced shortly. The Government of India are stated jo be framing
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  • 258 3 KURNOOL: Mr. S. B. P. Pattabhirama Rao, Education Minister, told the Andhra Assemlbly that the commtitee ap- pointed to examine the work- ing of the Modified Elementary Education Scheme would submit its report as early as possible. He expressed the hope that the scheme to be
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  • 84 3 JOBBANI, (India) Mar. 15 The California?! Himalayan expedit.on prepared recently for the first march on their 150-mile trek to the base oj the fourth hghest peak In the world. It Is 27,790-foot Makalu Peak, southeast of Eve« rest. All the men 10 Americans and 12 Sherpas— were
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  • 368 3 S.S.L.C. Exam. Boycott In West Bengal CALCUTTA: The Board of Secondary Education, West Bengal, at an emergent meetnig decided to hold m the middle of April the School Final examination, which was cancelled recently, following disturbances m some examination centres m Calcutta. About 56,000 students were appearing for the examination
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  • 119 3 PARIS. Mar. 15 French and Communist troops halted their bitter battle around Dien Bien i'hii m northern Tonkin* for several hours yesterday morning under a special truce agreement according to reports received here today. The Coramunst-led Vietminh rebels sent a radio signal suggesting that firing crav*
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  • 163 3 NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court held m a judgment that the guarantee of equal rights between men and women provided m the Constitution of Tndia would not prevent the State from enacting legislation for making special provision for women and children. The decision of the court
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  • 160 3 OXFORD India's High Commissioner m the United Kingdom, Sri B. G. Kher, told the Oxford Majlis (an organisation of Asian students) that "India is now wedded to a classless society both socially and economically." In the new India the cap-to system, as it had existed,
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  • 77 3 KURNOOL: A levy on marriages was one of the score or so of suggestions made by a member m the Andhra Assembly to meet the Budget deficit. The member Sri S. Vemiah, said the conventional type of marriage should be replaced by one of registration. The State
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    • 169 3 ********************00 SISTERS DON'T WORRY!! Try KUMARI (Tablets) for missed, delayed or painful menses It re- v\ opens the jpr^/ rXffl\ flow safely Iva3^ ?UffQr\ and quickly W&y ***** ute rus comy^j^ ]/rJ plaints. Should not be taken during pregnancy as it causes abortion. Price: Special $5/*; Extra Special $8-50. Postage
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  • 1613 4 CEYLON NEWS: —Minister Third Reading Passed COLOMBO: The purpose of the Indemnification Bill was not to save any particular individual, said Mr. V. Kumaraswamy, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice, when he moved its second reading m the House of Representatives
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  • 1337 4 (By an Officer of the Federation Medical Service) TN Malaya tuberculosis causes x more deaths than any other single disease. About 3,000 are known to die every year from this disease m th-s country. The actual figure Is not known but is estimated to be
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    • 99 4 LA ST TWO DAYS ■iMifewiissbiffi3SMM JL^iikl jygj Today: 3.15-6.30-9.15 p.m. Exciting Hindustani Jss?^~' Version ot %l King Kong' Opening on Friday: "JUAN TAMAD" A Super Filipino South-Sea Comedy! DIAMOND c TODAY at 3. 7.30 p.m. H SEE ON THE WIDE SCREEN M Ikk^SNb ll»fc x^B Tmk Wfm l l INI
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