Indian Daily Mail, 26 October 1952

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
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  • 406 1 PRESIDENTS AMENDING POWERS DISPUTED NEW DELHI, Oct. 25. An interesting legal controversy has arisen over the scope of the President's power 'to amend by notification that section of the Constitution which deals specially with Jammu and Kashmir. Disagreement has occurred owing to conflicting interpretations of
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  • 26 1 Nationalist Ch ina Celebrates Photo. GENERALISSIMO CHIANG KAI-SHEK, Leader of the Chinese Nationalists on the Island of China's Independence Day (October 10) in Taipei, Formosa. A.P.
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  • 45 1 Chocolate-coloured Crackers Kill Two Boys AMBALA, Oct. 24 Diwali crackerr took a toll of two lives in Ambala. Two boys playing with cho-colate-cOloured crackers swallowed some of them. They collapsed after some time. Doctors were called in but they could not save ths children FOC
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  • 155 1 ONE DIES IN BID TO STORM POLICE STATION JUBBULPORE, Oct. 23.— P0- lice fired to disperse an unruly crowd which attempted to storm the police station at Katni, 60 miles from here, on Oct. 20. One person was killed in the firing. A dusk-to-dawn curfew has been enforced for the
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  • 201 1 NEW DELHI, Oct. 24. Mr. Prem Nath Dogra, President of the Praja Parishad of Jam -no, told Pressmen here that the Parishad would offer "Satyagroha" if any part of the agreement between the Governments of India and Jammu and Kashmir was implemented in Jammu. Mr.
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  • 31 1 JUBBULPORE, Oct. 19. Two youths, members of a picnic party of boys of a local school, were drowned yesterday in the River Gour about seven miles from here POC
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  • 592 1  -  MRS. PANDIT UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 25. Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, leader of the Indian delegation, disclosed yesterday that secret talks are being held among various United Nations delegations to try to find a solution to the Korean deadlock. Answering questions at a
    Reuter  -  592 words
  • 179 1 NO JATHA THIS YEAR TO NANKANA SAHIB AMRITSAR, Oct. 24. The Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee decided today not to send any jatha to Nankana Sahib In Pakistan on Guru Nanak's birthday, Nov 1. The Committee had in a telegram suggested to the Government of India that the Pakistani Government be
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  • 174 1 BOMBAY. Oct. 24. The Bombay police Tuesday began operations to uproot 10,000 unauthorized hutments in the city and shlf t their 38,000 dwellers to a suburb, 18 miles north of Bombay. The Government had earlier asked the municipality to give notice to these people that they would
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  • 113 1 "The great thing with young animals, even more Important than food I And. is warmrth. And the Ideal hat water battle 4s a nursing cat. Most cats will rear almost anything big enough to suck. I And that an old so I resorted to the next best thin;. I
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 1 Photo. Mr. M. S. Gokhale, Secretary of the Indian Socialist Party, addresses the Socialist International Congress in Duomo Square, Milan, on Oct 19. At his side is Russianborn ANGELICA BALABANOFF, world-famous socialist, who acted as interpreter.- A.P.
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  • 279 1 Korea War Will Continue Until Reds Agree To Peace On U. N. Terms Acheson Tells UJf. Committee: NEW YORK, Oct. 25— U S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson told a wildly applauding United Nations Political Committee Friday that United Nations "cannot buy peace at the price of honor" and must
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  • 141 1 PORT ELIZABETH, Oct. 25. —Hundreds of Africans refused to use trains and buses yesterday in the nearby township of New Brighton, scene of roiting last weekend. They walked to and from work in response to a call by the African National Congress to boycott the public
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  • 56 1 PARIS, Oct. 25. Leon Martinaud-Deplat, Minister OT Justice, told the French National Assembly Friday that 1,295 men and 275 women remain in prison on charges Of collaboration with enemy during the last war In March, 1946, prisons held 29,400 persons accused of collaboration. The Assembly is
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  • 110 1 LONDON. Oct. 25— A Conservative member of parliament Friday called on the government to explain how Japanese cotton imports increased even though granting of further import licences was suspended last May. Lt. Col. W. A. Schofield, citingi the heavy usiemployment in the Lancashire textile district,
    A.P.  -  110 words
  • 83 1 TOKYO, Oct. 25.-^A 23--man mission from India will arrive in Japan from the United States to study agricultural methods here, the Foreign Office announced yesterday. An 11 -man advance party arrives today from Honolulu, with the remainder coming on Monday. The India group, made of
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 48 1 CALCUTTA, Oct. 25.— India's Law Minister, Mr. C. C. Biswas, safd in Calcutta that he would introduce the first part of the Hindu Cfede Bill dealing with marriage and divorce in the next session Of Parliament which is scheduled to begin on Nov. 5 FOC
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  • 51 1 Christmas Parcel Mails for the United Kingdom close at the General Post Office on Tuesday. Nov 4 only another The tour of the Duchese of nine days to go. early in Order to ensure connection with this mail and delivery in the United Kingdom in time for
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 916 2  -  GILBERT SEDBON (By University and school strikes and "classroom politic^" have been banned under Egypt's new regime. On the eve of the new academic year, Premier-General Mohamed Naguib stated that he will have none of that "student nonsense" while his Government
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  • 413 2 WASHINGTON A tiny plastic ball is moving bacK and forth near the heart of a Washington housewife today marking a possible new chapter in heart disease surgery. The 30-year-old unidentified woman is equipped with a plastic valve of the aorta, the main trunkline of bioou
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  • 37 2 LONDON, Oct. 24.— Britain has not yet formally accepted Persia's request that Sweden should act for her in this country following the cessation of diplomatic relations, a Foreign Office spokesman said yesterday.- Reuter
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  • 57 2 Japan's 110,000-man National Safety Corps was officially inaugurated in Tokyo on Oct. 17 when 4,000, UJ3.-trained and equipped men marched V» a miHtairy review and .pa* rade at Tokyo's Meljl Shrine Stadium. Many of the men in the corps are veterans of the hitter campaign aigainst
    A.P.  -  57 words
  • 511 2 ROME: Young ladies in your twenties, how would you like to see how you will look will look when you are sixty? Marta Toxen, the rising young Swedish film star, is going to find out. LHke a woman Should be she* curious. All this will happen
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  • 55 2 RANGOON, Oct. 27. The Government of Burma has appointed a committee to inquire into the state of the motion picture industry in the country and to advise the Government on possible aids to improve it. The committee consists of eight members, headed by U Maung TMaung, Parliamentary
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  • 383 2  -  EINAR PRAVITS (By STOCKHOLM. About a year ago a Stockholm merchant got a brilliant idea: Why not found a "divorcees' club"? Himself a divorcee of two years standing, he had sample experience of what it means to be lonely after most of the contacts he
    A.P.  -  383 words
  • 52 2 ACRE, Oat. 24.— "1 am Jesus Ben Miriam, the Son of Mary and the Messiah, and I am on an inspection tour of Christian holy places," a 30--year-old black-bearded and barePoot Syrian Arab told a military court here yesterday. Tne court decided it would await a psychiatrist's
    A.P.  -  52 words
  • 29 2 NEW YORK, Oct 25.—Russia today boycotted a special United Nations General Assembly meeting honouring those who have died in support of U.N. principles A.P.
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  • 64 2 LONDON, Oct. 24.— A pretty heiress to American millions, Virginia Fortune Ryan, was married yesterday to a dashing Scottish nobleman, Lord Qgilvy, in a glittering society show that tnnlled austerityweary Londoners. Princess Margaret was there with a smile and a handshake for 26-year-old brldgegroom a
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  • 64 2 NAIROBI, Oct. 24. Chlel Nderi one of the most senior leaders of the Kikuyu tribe was hacked to pieces ln a banana plantation by an enraged crowd of 500 at Nyert, 60 miles north o* here Wednesday night. A Kenya police constable who was with him
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 224 2 UNBERTHED PASSAGE FARES Singapore/India per S.S. "Rajula". Singapore/Madras $72.25 with diet $55.25 without diet Singapore Nagapattinam $72.60 with diet $55.60 without diet Passengers are advised that these are the authorised 1 rates and should report any person demanding more. i ISLAY KERR COMPANY 8.1.5.N. Company Ltd., Agents ALL LATEST J^ot
      224 words
    • 143 2 XmSSEEI WORLD'S BEST KNOWN SPECIFIC fOR LOSS OF VITALITY, VIGOUR, PREMATURE OLD AGE I NERVOUS DEBILITY.^**/©* FPU IfTEMTUtI. PS'CE an. BOTTLE t 12.00 CSOUE AGtNTS:— «s VHOSK 6 GEORGE I 41 Waterloo Street. Singapore 7. J PosKige* to South India B. I. S. N. CO., Straits /Nagapattinam /Madras Service S.S.
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  • 1172 3  -  SELVAS HAVE read London Prass Comments acclaiming Mehboob's 'AAN as saperb as something which will make even the Hollywood celebrities start scratching theix head. Besides 'AAN' has been running to crowded houses in London for very nearly three months. I refused too be prejudiced An favour of
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  • 103 3 RANGOON, Oct. 25.— The Burma Government will bring 10,000 acres of land under jute cultivation in 1952-53 as part of self-sufficiency programme, it was officially stated here. According to the Government's plan, 5,000 acres will be cultivated in the Ww-lylng Myaungmya area, in Bassein District, and
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  • 42 3 OXFORD, Oct. 25,— A team Of botanists from the Oxford University Club which set off last July to explore TehriGarhwahl, mountainous region on the borders of Nepal, has called off the expedition after the death of two c. its five members. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 404 3 KARACHI, Oct. 15.,The Indian High Commission in Karachi has described as '"u-ntrue" and a misrepresentation of facts reports appearing in today's Karachi papers that the India Government had gone back on a 'mutual agreement' to postpone th? introduction of the passport-cum-visa system by one month and
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  • 23 3 TAIPEI. Oct. K The flying newsroom of the Japanese newspaper Yomfiri took off yesterday for Tokyo after a 10-day visit to Formosa. A.P.
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  • 291 3 A DOCTOR'S FIGHT FOR DEGREE OSLO, Oct. 25.- Norwegian Brain Specialist Dr. Arne Torkildsen, a piofessOr at the medical school in Cairo, Egypt, lost a legal fight to' force the University of Oslo to accept his thesis for a degree of Doctor of Medicine. Torkildsen charged tnat pers n l
    A.P.  -  291 words
  • 370 3 Certain styles and fabrics are good before the television cameras and certain others are very bad, say s Clive Rawes, the BBC's Presentation Editor, who has the final say in what the BBCs two women television announcers shall wear on the screen. Most of their clothes
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  • 98 3 FLORENCE, Oct. 25.— "The difficult being a king nowadays," King Paul of Greece said last week. A newspaperman had asked him to comment on the queer political situation. "I don't want to discuss the subject, "the King added. "I am in Florence as a tourist." The nattily dressed
    A.P.  -  98 words
  • 56 3 Lt. Treguer (standing), of Brest, Commander of the Military Post of Bat Nao, observes Vietminh air raid on the neighbouring post of Phu My, recently Installed in the district of Hung Yen. some 46 kilometres North West of Hanoi. Phu My is constantly attacked by Vietminh forces
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  • 217 3 DETROIT. OOt. 25. —A I mechanical hear^ that works in humans one of the great dreams of surgery was disclosed last week. It has saved one man's life, maybe more. For 50 dramatic minutes, the little steel-glass-and rubber heart pulsed his blood through his body while
    A.P.  -  217 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 124 3 i YOUR FUTURE j& Many others have improved their future by taking POSTAL TUITION jg from 1 FAR EAST COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE, 1 235- A, RIVER VALLEY ROAD SINGAPORE-9. 1 Learn Book-keeping, Accounts, Business i Correspondence, etc., in your spare time at your home by postal tuition. SUCCESS GUARANTEED FE.C.I. is
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  • 1810 4 Full Text Of Arbitration Boards Report And Award Following is the full text af the Report and Award of the Board of Arbitration In the Rubber Industry, 1952:— Constitution 1. The Board consisted of: The Honlßte Mr. Justice C. H. WHITTON. nominated by the
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  • 178 4 The Annual Soccer Fixture beitween the SINGAPORE CHINESE and the SINGAPORE INDIANS for the Sundraim Iyer Shield will be held today Sunday at the Jailan Besar Stadium at 515 ip.m. The prizes will be distributed toy the wile of the Representative oif the Government otf India) Mrs.
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  • 45 4 DUCHESS LEAVES FOR HONGKONG TOMORROW The tour of the Duches 6 of Kent and the Duke of Kent in Singapore and the Federation of Malaya will end tomorrow, Monday, Oc t 27, when the Royal Party leaves Kallang Airport for a visit to Hong Kong-.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 81 4 DIABETES JT is now ,posstble for you to obtalin the tmo^t efficacious and wortd renowned GERMAN sipeciflc. DIABETONIT recommended by doctors of repute throughout the world. Dlabetonit acts slowly and steadily in the system, even in longstanding cases, gets rid of sugar iri~ the urine and completely eradicates inordinate hunger,
      81 words
    • 183 4 TODAY: 4 7 9.30 P.M. India's Cine Masterpiece! dp Hindustani) SK2SK3 5P 53 CT tn ct c_ c_ ca ca ea i 2nd GLORIOUS WEEK! EVERY ROAD OF SINGAPORE I LEADS TO DIAMOND! Today 3 Shows: 1.30, 5.30 8.30 p.m. Tomorrow 2 Shows: 3.30 7.30 p.m. DEPICTING A STIRRING STORY
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