Indian Daily Mail, 19 October 1952

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
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  • 497 1 U. S. Russia, Arab-Asian Group Support Move U.K. AUSTRALIA FRANCE OPPOSE W£W yo/?/iC, Orf. 28. The United Nations General Assembly over rode the bitter objections of South Africa yesterday and voted to debate the racial policies of Prime Minister Daniel F. Ma lan'
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  • 384 1 Electricity To Mecca ELECTRICITY, brought to tne Holy City of Mecca by a Britiisn mrm, will be switcned on in a lew montns time. As tar as can oe seen, tne ciiy-fl first public electricity .supply snouid oe available Dy next, spring (19&3>. Wnen tne installation is completed, there will
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  • 99 1 Congress Majority In Madras Corp. From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Oct. 17. The Congress Party has just managed to win majority in Madras City Corporation as all five aldermen chosen jointly by elected members were Congress nominees. Congress obtained 35 seats out of a total of 73 by election, but
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  • 175 1 NEHRU ON FUNCTION OF THE CONGRESS MADRAS, Oct. 14 Addressing a Congress Youth Rally a t the Government Estate, Mount Road, Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru, Congress President, explained the role of the Congress organisation and the crusading spirit of those who belomrtf to it and sa.'d that the function of the
    FOC  -  175 words
  • 141 1 LAND GIFTS BY PURNEA CONGRESSMEN PATNA, OU. 14.—Thirtysix prominent Congress workers of Purnea hava agreed to Acharya Vinobu Bhavo for his Bhoodan Yagna. The announcemonent was made at a meeting of the Working Committee of tho Purnea District Congress Co.nmittee here. Mr. Baidyanath Brasad Choudhiury, (former General Secretary of the
    FOC  -  141 words
  • 193 1 Annie Chang is a student pram Singapore who is studying Chinese litterature in London. Sh is an enterprising girl who believes in seeing as many ssides of British life as she can and she has broadcast about many or them in the BBC's "London Calling Asia" programme. Her
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  • 724 1 DEVELOPMENT OF BACKWARD AREAS A KEY ISSUE LONDON: European Socialist party leaders are giving increasing attention to demands for better living standards in the world's under-developed areas. Party experts from tne more advanced countries have been working in private for some time
    Reuter  -  724 words
  • 294 1 Menons Case: Judgment Tomorrow! From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Oct. 17.— Further arguments wore heard by Defence in the case against Singapore Barrister C. G. Menon and wife Vilasini. before the Chie-f Presidency Magistrate on Thursday When they hearing began on Monday the Magistrate insisted that the Defence should produce
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  • 99 1 NEW DELHI, Oct. 14.— The Government of India have appointed Mr. Sadashiv Prasad, Deputy Secretary i n the Labour Ministry, as Central Provident Fund Commissioner for the territories to which the Employees' Provident Fund Act of 1952 extends. Regional Commissioners have also been appointed for 19 States
    FOC  -  99 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 14 1 JtHE LEADIN6 TAMIL DAILY/** t .SIN MALAYA OVER 17 YEARSK ■'"~i~ TS^TTr in -^tTT!?"
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    • 63 1 A FAST ENTERTAINER a?^/i a fliof o/^ Laughter, Delightful Music and Enchanting Dance items! Filmistan's Most Sensational Musical Comedy! (HINDUSTANI) W Starring: SHYAMA, NAZIRKHAN, Etc. Free lists entirely suspended. y« Today Morning Matinc: "BLACK ARROW" r^£: GREATEST HINDUSTANI FILM CLASSIC OF ALL TIME! Opening-day Crouds Yesterday Said R^^^^^ft^^ y^(^^^ S
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    • 8 1 K LOKRAM, 90 Robinson Rd. SINGAPORE. Tel £4606.
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  • 1696 2 Following statement issued by Mr. W. G. Alcock, Chairman, Mohammedan and Hindu blndowinents, Singapore, announcing a public meeting on Tuesaay, i\ov. 4, argues the case of rebuilding the new rerurnai Temple with necessary outbuildings and xthe need tor leasing the adjacent
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  • 259 2 DETROIT. Oct. 18. A successful mechanical heart of humatis giving your heart a holiday was announced in the Journal of the American Medical Association yesterday. For 50 minutes, the amazing little machine pumped a man's blood through his body. It bypassed the left side cf
    A.P.  -  259 words
  • 84 2 3,500-YEAR-OLD THRONE FOUND DAMASCUS, Oct. 16. The ivory throne of the Phoenician Kings of Ugarit, more than 3,500 years old, has been discovered by a French expedition, Prof. Claude Schaeffer claimed here yesterday. Ugarit, capital of the old Phoenician Empire, is now the Syrian town of Kasahagra, situated on the
    A.P.  -  84 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 249 2 r:::;::::;::::: -::::.!:..";:i::.:~:»t;::::::r :"::u:::"::::::"":::::;:":::::;::;::::::;::~> The Eastern Shipping Corporation Ltd. S.S. JALAGOPAL (Accepting Passengers and Cargo). To: Port Swettenbam, Penang, Nagapattinam and Madras*. Singapore P. Swettenbam Penang Arriving 17-10-52 20-10-52 21-10-52 Sailing 19-10-52 20-10-52 22-10-52 Arriving 10-11-52 14-11-52 15-11-52 Sailing 13-11-52 14-11-52 16-11-52 Arriving 5-12-52 9-12-52 10-12-52 Sailing 8-12-52 9-12-52 11-12-52 Agents
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    • 204 2 land will be equally strong to selling it. To sell lease only the Clive Street, Campbell Lane and Geylang properties will not bring enough money and it is in any case short sighted to sell land for a purpose such as this if the funds can be found by leasing
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  • 1229 3 Soviet Satellites Are Being Sucked Dry: Russia's Insatiable Demand For Goods Services HUBEKT HARRISON) VIENNA: The demands made by Soviet gled out of their capitals to Vienna. According to the Czech press for example, it has been declared an urgent duty ol tne Youth Union mobilise all forces for deliveries
    Reuter  -  1,229 words
  • 148 3 BOMBAY, Oct. 16. The Government of India have decided to issue licences for the imipart of a limited quantity of American cotton stapling 1 1/16" and above to mills or importers nominated by each mill, according to a notification issued by the Joint Chief Controller Qf
    FOC  -  148 words
  • 135 3 Thailand supplied the story, the World Health Organization the action, and the United States the production crew that travelled halfway round the. world from New York to the Saiapee district of the Chiengmai Valley of North Thailand to film "The Ancient Curse." Described as the first major
    USIS  -  135 words
  • 90 3 BOMBAY. Oct. 16. The section conference of the officers of the Government of Bombay Was continued recently. The District Collectors, who met in a conference at the Council Hall, gave first hand information! of the conditions prevailing in the distriats. The conference then discussed matters relating
    FOC  -  90 words
  • 51 3 NEW DELHI, Oct. 14—Instruments of ratification relating to an agreement concerning cultural relations between India and Turkey were exchanged at a ceremony held here. The cultural agreement, the first of its kind entered into by India with any country, was signed ;n June 29, 19*51 at Ankara.
    FOC  -  51 words
  • 90 3 DURBAN, Oct. 16.—Fiftyeight noH-Kuropeajis were sentenced in various parts oi" Africt tin Tuesday for racial laws. In Durban, 45 were sent t& prison for refusing Ui pay fines. One was given eight stroke with cane. One of (he charges against those sentenced in Fort Beaufort was that
    IIS  -  90 words
  • 110 3 Bombay Shops Act BOMBAY, Oct. 16. The Government of Bombay have suspended,, on certain conditions, the provisions of the Bombay Shop and Establishments Act relating to the hours of work and weekly holidays in respect of the following categories of shops, for six days from Oct. 16 to 21, on
    FOC  -  110 words
  • 67 3 LONDON, Oct. 16.— Qceen Elizabeth's portrait will appear on the first new stamps of her reign within the next three months, Assistant PostmasterGeneral David Gammans told the House of Commons yesterday. He said he reckons to get two denominations of the new stamp one for 2% pence and
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 84 3 HYDERABAD, Oct. 13.— The Khosla Committee has recommended the taking up of the Nandikonda project on the Krishna River and the Krish-na-Pennar project in a modified form it was reliably learnt here. The Nandikonda project, which will be a Joint venture of the Madras and Hyderabad
    FOC  -  84 words
  • 38 3 BHIMAVARAM, Oct. 16 Swami Sitaram when interviewed with regard to Mr. Nehru's recent statement on the Andhra State issue said that it was bitterly disappointing and that the struggle would be intensified on all lfronts. FOC
    FOC  -  38 words
  • 525 3 RADIO MALAYA TO NOTE! WELCOME Stranger says the BBC each week to five visitors from overseas, when they are interviewed in the studio by Earaonn Andrews. They are then .given the choice of going to some place of interest they particularly .wish to see, or to me^t a famous personality
    B.P.C.  -  525 words
  • 175 3 Two new Regional English Schools, dementi and Canberra, were opened last month in Singapore, states the September report of the Department of Education, mftkfng the to* tal number of schools in Sin* gapore 495. Of these, 110 are English schools, 39 private schools, 47 Malay
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 149 3 DIABETES TT Is now possible for you to obtain the most efficacious and world renowned GERMAN specific DIABETONIT recommended by doctors of repute throughout the world. Diabetonit acts slowly and steadily in the system, even in longstanding cases, gets rid of sugar in the urine and completely eradicates inordinate hunger,
      149 words
    • 129 3 P/''-\ DISCOVER NOW THE SPECIAL PRIDE IT BRINGS 1 -iHil— FeW P 6^ oo^ possessions bring such conI Bl|= tinuous enjoyment as this remarkable pen. I aBI^ ere S nslant res Po n se, easy gliding over 1 ■Hl^ e P a Pe r That's because of New Parker
      129 words

  • 533 4  -  BOB THOMAS Defects Of Movie Making In India (by HOLLYWOOD: Producers in Hollywood who think they are throttled by censorship should listen to a film maker from India. Visiting here is MehboOb Khan, one of the most successful producer-directors of India's film industry, which is the second
    A.P.  -  533 words
  • 905 4 LONDON PRESS COMMENTS THE STAR FILM WITH EVERYTHING r HAVE JUST seen, oue ol the most fantastic films f-yer seen In a London Cinema "AAN" the first Indian picture ever to be £iven a West find showing, its general effect is as if Cecil B. de Mille had joined tercet
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 175 4 )QOOOOOO^OOO UOOOOOOOOOOOXWOOOOOOOOX) J*****0C 8 NEW CITY CIN£MA 1 TODAY at 3.15 6.15 9.13 p.m. The First Indian Jungle Picture (INDIAN TARZAA) X Hj ..c! InrilUafl! ..'iroi."s> Mt JOHN CAVAS and KRISHNA KUMARI 8 in J YANARAJ (Hindustani) Remember it is a first run picture to Singapore. c q Today Morning
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