Indian Daily Mail, 28 August 1952

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VIII. NO. 198. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1952. FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 392 1 India And Pakistan Agree To Withdraw Troops: How? All Discussions To Be Private GENEVA, Aug. 27.— India and Pakistan began a new effort here on Tuesday to reach agreement on the demilitarisation of Kashmir pending a plebiscite to decide the future of the state.
    AP; Reuter  -  392 words
  • Article, Illustration
    51 1 Mustafa Khamis (foreground), guarded by soldiers, hears sentence of death by hanging passed upon him by an Egyptian Military Court at Kafr El Dauar, Aug. 18. The court found him guilty of being one of the instigators of the recent riots at the nearby Misr Textile Mills.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  51 words
  • 77 1 Commercial School For Kampong Bahru A new, private commercial school the St. Teresa's School of Commerce, will be opened m Kamipong Bahtu m Singapore on Sept. 1. The school, will have evening classes m typewriting, shorthand, book-keeping as well as English (Primary to Std. VII) and if there is sufficient
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  • 120 1 Stamps New Denominations And Colours The Postmaster-General announces that the Hari Raya Hajl holiday will not affect the date of issue of the new denominations ol postage stamps TVhioh will be on sale as from Sept. l, 1952. All Post Officers m the areas where the holiday falls on Sept.
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  • 136 1 1 1 Air Force Officers And Intelligence Chief Killed KARACHI, Aug. 27.— A Pakistan Air Force transport plane carrying 16 Pakistan officials crashed yesterday near Khewra, m the Jhelum district. It was believed all aboard were killed. Authorities said the passenger list included N. Pitizazuddin, chief of
    A.P.  -  136 words
  • 143 1 CALCUTTA, Aug. 27. A party of five Japanese moantainpprs arrived here yesterday by air from Tokyo on their way to Central Nepal to reconnoitre the hitherto unsealed Mount Manaslua (26,657 feet) m the Himalayas. The expedition |g being financed by a Japanese newspaper MiyJnaichi Shimbun
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 26 1 TEHERAN, Aug. 27. Two high police oCHicers were relx>rted Tuesday night to have been dismissed m a Government crackdown on the Nazi-style "Surafca" party.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 104 1 CAIRO, Aug. 27.— Premier Aly Maher has asked the United States to extend military aid to Egypt, it was announced officially here last night. The Premier also requested economic aid, he told corespondents after a conference with Mr. Jefferson Caffrey, the U.S. Ambassador, and MajorGen.
    AP  -  104 words
  • 122 1 PANEL TO SELECT A.I.R. ARTISTES Prom Our Own Correspondent NEW DELHI, Aug. 27. Thb Government of India after a great deal of persuading Had at last decided to appoint Expert non-Official Jury to decide m judging, grading and selecting musicians who will then broadcast. Since the inception of the All
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  • 80 1 NEW DELHI, Aug. 27.— An all-India conference on housing began m New Delhi on Monday under the chairmanship of the Minister for Works Housing and Supply, Sardar Swaran Singh. The conference has been called to consider the Central Government's Rs. 90 million subsidised housing programme for 1952-1953.
    IIS  -  80 words
  • 21 1 Peace Treaty, exchanging instruments m a special ceremony. NEW DELHI, Aug. 27.—India and Japan today formally ratified the Indo-Japanese A .P.
    A.P.  -  21 words
  • 254 1 Telugu Leaders Agree: Tamilians Seriously Worried From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Aug. 27. Andhra Province Satyagraha led by Swami Sitaram is beginning to take serious proportions. The first stage of Satyagraha which Is now proceeding m Andhra Districts was meant to persuade all Government
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  • 344 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.: An assurance that people who have been blackmailed into giving help to the Communist terrorists will not be punished by Government, unless they withhold from the Police information of the help they have given, U
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  • 77 1 Long Meritorious Service Medal The Queen has awarded the Imperial Service Medal to MR. GOVINDASAMY SABAPATHY PILLAY, who was formerly employed as Foreman In the Composing Room, Government Printing Office, Singapore. Mr. Govindasamy S. Pillay was born on Nov. 14, 1896. He joined Government Service on Feb. 7, 1920 as
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  • 107 1 LONDON, Aug. 27.—A full programme for the Duchess of Kent's visit to Malaya m October will be issued here m a few days. An authoritative source said there was no truth m reports from Singapore that plans for the visit had been changed. An
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 238 1 Mission Of M.C.A.'s "Hon. Adviser" Clarified The Malayan Chinese a« MlliccaT^ statement fr /,'JS view of the misunderstanding prevailing m certain Quarters as to the exact object of the fact-finding mission of pr Victor Purcell and his political adviser Mr Francis A. Carnell it is 'pointed out that the sole
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  • 65 1 WASHINGTON, Aug. 27.— The U.S. Stite Department said yesterday it did not favour the entry of any American concern into the Persian oil fields. Mir. Michael McDermott the State Department spokesman made this statement at a news cfoniexeiiise yesterday when questioned ai>ont the visit
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 60 1 ABERTSTWYTtt, Wales, Aug. 27. A team of French cyclists dropped out of the 1,487 miles "Tour of Britain" cycle race yesterday. They complained they could not get enough beefsteaks "to build up stamina for such a race." Meat is rationed im Britain, (but ryat-starved 3ritons are
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  • 56 1 On Friday Aug. 29, at 9.45 p.m. Radio Malaya is broadcasting a recorded account of the ceremony to mark the bestowal by H.M. the Queen of the title "Royal Malayan Navy" on the Malayan Naval Force which is being held at 11 a.m. that morning. The programme will
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  • 101 1 Recftiitinenl for the first intake of 150 men for the Federation regiment began yesterday morning (Wesnesday) at the Malacca volunteer Forces Headquarters, m Tranquerah Road. A total of 72 applicants, comprising of 55 Malays, 3 Indians and 14 Chinese turned up, out of which 28
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  • 83 1 I NEW YORK, Aug. 27.— Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower has been told his campaign la not doing well so far Aides said yesterday he has deUte* rately pulled his punches but now is ready for an all-out fight for the presidency. One of those who
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 589 2 Indian Dialy Mail S'pore, Thurs., Aug. 28, 1952. "Big Babe" To Note JJKE dogs eating th«ir own vomit, those who had doubted the Ipyalfy of Malayan Indians and hurled violent and indecent abuses against them are today wallowing n the poison of their own venomous criticism. Those who had blindly
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  • 364 2 Inquiry Committee Appointed New Delhi, Aug. 23. Mr. V. V. Giri, Labour Minister to the Government of India, announced yesterday morning th?t the Cabinet had set up a high-powered committee, with Mr. B. Shiva Rao, M. P., as Chairman, to examine all aspects of resettlement
    FOC  -  364 words
  • 197 2 NEW DELHI, Aug. 19.—Tentative agreement is reported to have been reached m regard to the demarcation of the disputed boundary between Murshidabad m West Bengal and Rajashahi m East Bengal between the Governments of India and Pakistan, it wa. c ltarnt here to-day. A meeting of the plenipotentiaries
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  • 144 2 Nepal Committees KATHMANDU, Aug. 21. King Tribhuvan has appointed 13 Committees m consultation with his Counsellors to cover the various spheres of activity, from short-term planning to deciding on the system of the capital s administration which had previously been under the direct rule of the Ministers. These will be
    FOC  -  144 words
  • 110 2 NO CENTRAL ACTION— P.P. KARACHI, Aug. 22.— The Pakistani Prime Minister, Khwaja Nazimuddin, said here this morning the Centre would do nothing on the Liaquat All Khan Assassination Inquiry Committee report since that was a "provincial subject." When told by Pressmen that the public was indignant and demanded stern action
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  • 652 2 GEN. CARIAPPA APPEALS FOR MORE TECHNICIANS MADRAS, Aug. 22. General Cariappa, C-in-C of the Indian Army, s?ud that India now had a first class army. "The more I see men and officers of other armies, the more I am proud of my own magnificient officers
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  • 240 2 PATNA, Aug. 19. Sugai factories m Bihar which produced one lakh maunds of sugar or less during 1949-50 and 1950-51 seasons have been exempted from paying bonus under the award of the industrial tribunal on the dispute between the managements of 29 sugar factories m Bihar
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  • 37 2 KALIMPONG, Aug. 21. A porter was buried alive undei falling boulders and anothei was seriously injured m a landslide on the Siliguri-Kalimpong Road last Monday, it was learned here today.- FOC PTI
    FOC; PTI  -  37 words
  • 341 2 BOMBAY, Aug. 17.— Mr, S. K. Patil, President of the Bombay Pradesh Congress Committee, today blamed the "administrative inefficiency" of Congress Governments for the unpopularity of the organization. Addressing the Girgaum DCC, he said: "The common man does not understand tile difference betwen the
    FOC  -  341 words
  • 87 2 Sri Prakasa To Work With Praja MADRAS. Aug. 20.— The Governor of Madras, Mr. Sri Prakasa, has agreed to work among 1 the masses for one hour every day as soon as the Bharat Sevak Sangh starts work here. Th,is was announced by Srimati Durga Bai, Member of the Planning
    FOC  -  87 words
  • 978 2 By the By Selegie Road SPORE TIGER STRANDED, ALAS! "fHINESE response to the Federation Regiment's campaign for recruits continues to be very disappointing The quality of applicants who had been registered was good. I am IMPRESSED BY THE PHYSICAL AND EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS OF INDIANS", said Mnjor D. G. Ryan, leader
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 93 2 "UNBERTHED TICKETS FOR THE s.s. RAJULA' 11th Sept., 1952. Unberthed tickets for the s.s. 'Rajula' sailing on the 11th Sept., 1952, will be on sale at 9 a.m. on Wednesday the 3rd Sept., 1952, at our Unberthed Ticket Office at Trafalgar Street," ISLAY KERR CO., LTD. St. Teresa's School Of
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  • 1206 3 CONSAMBLY'S DECISION: TEXT OF RESOLUTION CONSUMMATION OF 20 YEARS' STRUGGLE— Sheik Audullah SRINAGAR, Aug. 24.— The Jammu and Kashmir Constituent Assembly unanimously adopted on Thursday the report of the Drafting Committee presented by Mr. M. A. Beg, m the form of a
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  • Article, Illustration
    137 3 Every child m the United States, regardless of race, creed or colour, is entitled to a. free education and is reQuired to complete successfully the minimum number of scholastic years set as a standard by the state m which he lives. In many commundties, when children are ill and unable
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  • 40 3 The Government of India nave decided that the Textile Commissioner who at present controls only cotton textile industry should also be m charge of all other textile industries including woollen, silk and art silk industries, but excluding jute industry.— IIS
    IIS  -  40 words
  • 141 3 ROAD TRANSPORT NATIONALIZATION IN BIHAR BOMBAY, Aug. 22.— The: Bihar Government has entered into an agreement wiih three foreign automobile manufacturers m Bombay for the supply for 150 passenger motor coaches for the newly formed Bi'har State Transport System. Mr. M. P. Sinha. Bihar's Train&port Minister, said here yesterday. The
    FOC  -  141 words
  • 383 3 Native Deputation ists Reported Killed By Fr. Troops They Wanted To Submit "Freedom Petitions' To U. N. Mission ACCRA, Gold Coast, Aug. 27.— A United Nations mission investigating African protectorates arrived here on Monday night on the heels of reports that French patrols m neighbouring French Togoland had killed two
    A.P.  -  383 words
  • 111 3 CALCUTTA, Aug. 20. The cashier of a motor vehicle service station m front of the Howrah railway station was fatally shot and cash taken away fay a miscreant amounting to Rs. 544 was tonight. It is stated that the miscreant entered the service station
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  • 55 3 Increased ManilaLondon Flights NEW DELHI, Aug. 24.— The Philippines Government has requested the Government ot India for permission for an increased number of flights between Manila and London via Calcutta it is understood An official delegation from the Philippines has arrived here to seek the necessary .modification m the air
    FOC  -  55 words
  • 116 3 Bombay, Aug. 22- -Thp Irv poiial Bank of India hs> «le cided to close 16 of chei." offices m Pakistan, said Mr Vithal N. Chandavarkar. Vice President of the local board of the Bank at the annual general meeting. He said this decision \vn> taken
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  • 75 3 TEHERAN, Aug. 27.— Mr. Wiilam Alton Jones, head or the American Cities Service Oil Corporation, left for Abadan yesterday an an inspection tour. He was accompajniied by four associates who arrived with him here fro the U.S. on Aug. 23. A government announcement Monday
    A.P.  -  75 words
  • 81 3 WASHINGTON Aug 27 The 22 agricultural leaders from India who are in the United States to study the farm extension service were greeted here on Monday by officials of the U.S. department of agriculture. The Indian experts axe beginning a two-month tour of U.S. agriculture
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  • 53 3 MANILA. Aug. 27— A Philippine army general is going to Korea to investigate the beex situation among Filiopino soldiers fighting with the Unted Nations. Reports have been reached army headquarters here that beer donated by a Manila brewery for Philippine troops m Korea is being sold to
    A.P.  -  53 words
  • 198 3 China's Long-Range Plan To Dominate India? N.Y. TIMES' REVELATION NEW YORK Aug. 27.— A New York Times dispatch from India reported yesterday that Red China plans to move 200,000 troops into recently-conquered Tibet as a part of a long-range drive to dominate India and other neighbouring states. (Official sources m
    A.P.  -  198 words
  • 138 3 They Recognise Egyptian King's New Title CAIRO, Aug. 27.—Credentials addressed to Ahmed Faud II "King of Egypt and the Sudan" wre presented by the new Greek and Dutch Ambassadors here yesterday The Greek Ambassador Michael Melas who drove m state to Abdin Palace to be received by the Regency Council
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 122 3 TOKYO, Aug. 27.—Gruesome photographs of HrioKhima, taken a few hours utter atomic bomb was dropped an. the city and said to have escaped confiscation by the occupation authorities, are to be sent to businessmen all over the world. Distribution is to be sponsored by the Junior Chamber
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 56 3 TEHERAN, Aug. 27.— The leader of (the "Sunnka" fascist party. Dr. Dawood Munshizadeh. wsb taken iaito custody aA htts home ye^terd&y. It was reported that police found two pistols and some bayonets. A lew days age the Soviet Emtoaissy m Teharan protested against a "Sumfca" party attack
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  • 54 3 TAIPEI, Aug. 27.— Two vicedirectors of the Taiwan Railway Bureau will go to India next month to join the United Nations-sponsored "World Railway Inspection Group" which will survey railway systems m Japan, Europe and the U.S., the official Central News Agency announced yesterday. The delegates are Fei
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 124 3 HYDERABAD. Aug. 24 —The Golconda grounds barely ha*f-a-mile from the historic medieval fort of Golconda, will be the venue of the 58th session of the Indian National Congress, to be held In Hyderabad m the third week of January next. The site which was selected by
    FOC  -  124 words
  • 113 3 LAHORE, Aug. 24.— Aliama Mashriqi, former Khaksar leader, has not been given a passport to .proceed to Islamic and European countries. Disclosing tints a spokesman of the Islam League— a uew party founded by Aliama Mashriqi regretted that even the passport for Haj to Mecca
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  • 82 3 SURAT, Aug. 21.— Mr. Mangubhai Patel, Secretary of the Surat District Socialist Party and the Surat Kisan Panchayat. and 198 others who participated m a "satvagraha" here on Aug. 9 to protest against "spurious partitioning of silk factories to circumvent labour laws" were today found guilty of
    FOC  -  82 words
  • 63 3 BOMBAY. Aug. 26— India yesterday began giving weather broadcasts m incoming planes from the west. Santa Cruz Airport here is :0 c 2£ ly weather station m the East issuing such broadcasts. These are given eight times daily to flight region* Each broadcast contains a forecast
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 44 3 NEW DELHI, Aug. 27.— 1t has been decided that the export of the following items should henceforth be licensed freely to all permissible destinations: lead sheeets and tubes; lead-tin-antimony alloys such as white metals, antifriction bearing metal, solder, type metal and printing metal. IIS
    IIS  -  44 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 60 3 Passages to South India BihSiN. CO.. Straits /Nagapattinam /Madras Service S.S. "RAJULA" SAILS Singapore. P. Swettenham. Penan* 31-10-52 1-11-D2 3-11-52 First Class, Second Class "A" "B" Excellent accommodation and every facility and comfort Deck passages with or without food. ISLAY KERR CO., LTD., HA, Collyer Quay Singapore. BODSTEAD fc CO.,
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  • 379 4 Language Classes For Go vt. Servants CEYLON NEWS: Move To Speed Up Official Work In Swabasha COLOMBO: Clausen m Sinhalese or Tamil are to be held m all Government Departments to teach and train officers and clerks to carry on their duties adequately m these languages. The necessary data for
    FOC  -  379 words
  • 95 4 COLOMBO: The International Labour Organization hats rejected a Ceylon Indian Congress request for an inquiry into the disadvantages regarding civic rignts of Indian residents m Ceylon. The Ceylon Indian Congress received the letter of rejection through the Ceylon Labour Ministry, Mr. S. M. Suobiun,
    FOC  -  95 words
  • 103 4 COLOMBO: An Island-wide survey of the country's agriculture, Industries, merchandising and services and financial institutions will be undertaken by the Department of Census and Statistics on Sept. 1 next. A population census of the Island will be made by the department m March next year. The
    FOC  -  103 words
  • 438 4 Religious Education In Schools: Spl. Officer To Be Appointed COLOMBO: An Education Officer is shortly to be appointed to be specially m charge of religious education m schools, which is required under the Education Act No. 26 of 1947. Already, an Education Department official said, religious devotion is a normal
    FOC  -  438 words
  • 568 4 COLOMBO: Japan has a surplus of 20,000 doctors, according to the leader of a sevenman goodwill mission from Japan, which arrived m Colombo recently on a three-day visit "to strengthen existing friendship between our countries. 9 The mission is a sequel to a resolution
    FOC  -  568 words
  • 104 4 More Food Fewer Babies! AGALA WATTE: "As the food problem is becoming daily aggravated, I have to appeal to you not to produce more babies, but to economise m rice and produce more food," said Mr. V. Kumaraswamy, Permanent Secretjiry for Food and Agriculture at a public meeting neld at
    FOC  -  104 words
  • 253 4 Federation's most powerful Indian soccer combination, the Tamil Physical Culture Association, 1952 League Runners-up will arrive here by air on Saturday, Aug. 30. The team is captained by S. G. Dorairaj, brother of S. O. Williams and managed by Mr. J. Govindasamy, crack pre-war
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  • Article, Illustration
    63 4 The wedding of Mr. M. Subramaniam of the Malayan Railways, Engineering Department, Johore Bahru with Miss K. Kasa.nmaa, .s.jter-in-law of Mr. T. Arum v g a m Dispenser, Wocaipridge Hospital Singapore, took place at the latter's residence at No. 12 Staff Quarters Woodbridge Hospital, Singapore, on Saturday, Aug.
    63 words
  • 182 4 (Continued from Col. 7). Union, The Building Workers" Union, The Jasin General] Labour Union and The National Democratic Youth League. He went underground scou after the stare of the Emergency, and at one *ime edited the M.C.P. propaganda publication, The Masses Voice News. KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 237 4 SULTAN Today: 7 and 9.15 p.m. "Fighting Seabees" A war of the Marines By Public Demand Today: 3J5 6.30 9.15 p.m. The FiRpino TARZAN with English subtitles Shortest Title Biggest Thrill |D I A MO N D I Now Showing* In It s 3rd Week Today 2, Shows: 3.30 7.30
      237 words
    • 21 4 n:::::::::«:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::r*:: New City Cinema Saturday Midnight SINGARI (TAMIL) Starring T. R. Ramachandran, Balasubramaniam, Lalilha, Padmini, Ragini and many others I::;::;::::;::;::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::rv
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    • 100 4 Starts AIIEEIJC Phone: ***** I Today V VEK 3, 6.15 9.15 i R. C. Talwar presents MADHUBALA PREMNATH IN Directed by *\#l| jl' Music by H. S. RAWAIL *Jf^^^ I C RAMCHANDRA B with MOHNA NAZIR GOPE CUCKOO A Super Hindustani Picture Distributed by SHAW BROS. LTD. >:*>>>: x TO-DAY
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