Indian Daily Mail, 19 August 1952

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VIII. NO. 190. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1952. FOUR PAGES IS CENTS.
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  • 362 1 Liaquat's Murder: Pak Govt. Dissatisfied With Police Measu res INQUIRY ORDERED LAHORE, Aug. 18. The Punjab Government has ordered an inquiry ijito the conduct of public servants alleged in a report, on the assassination of Pakistan Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan to have been remiss or irregular in performing their
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 1 Clarissa Spencer-Churchill, 32-year.oId niece of British Premier Winston Churchill, Ik pictured here with vhe Premier's son, Major Randolph Churchill, as they leave the Premier's residence, 10, Downing Street, London, for a luncheon engagement, Aug 12. Clarissa is spending her honeymoon in Portugal. A. P. Photo.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 37 1 The 8.0.AC. Comet will Hy over Singapore's waterfront this morning (August 19) between 8.15 and 8.45 a.m. at a "phenomenal speed". The flight will take place at the low level of 800ft.. weather permitting.
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  • 38 1 The Singapore Medical Services Union will hold their fifth annual athletic meeting Saturday. Aug. 30. at 2.15 p.m. at the Jalan Besar Stadium under the kind patronage of Mr. W.L. Blythe, the Colonial Secretary.
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  • 89 1 MADRAS. Aug. 18.— Indian Finance Minister Mr. Chintaman Deshmukh said yesterday the cost of India's five-year economic development plan w.H run much higher than the 16 billion rupees (U553,360,000,--999) indicated in a vece..t draft report. He told reporters that the Jnrtial outline was
    A.P.  -  89 words
  • 77 1 STOCKHOLM, Aug. 18. Miss Margaret Truman arrived in Stockholm by train yesterday and smilingly dismissed rumours about a romance between herself and Democratic Presidential candidate Gov. Adlai Stevenson. "He is a very fine man, and I am sure he Is going to win, although I admit
    A.P.  -  77 words
  • 151 1 TEHERAN. Aug. 18. Piemier Mossadeq had suddenly a high fever early yesterday ant 1 his doctor was called to his house to treat him. But he felt well enough later to receive several foreign and Persian officials, including the U.S. Ambassador. Mr. Loy Henderson. In a
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  • 30 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Au^. 18. Mrs. Chiang Kai-shek wife of the Nationalist Chinese leader has arrived hele fiom Hawaii to undeivo treatment for an aggravated skin ailment
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  • 89 1 ONLY MOCK EXERCISES The public of Singapore are advfeed that if they see many troops and police about in various parts of the Island today, Aug 19. there is no need whatsoever for them to worry. What will be happening Is an island-wide exercise will be carried out by the
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  • 108 1 LONDON, Aug. 18.— British Labour leader Clement Attlee and Mrs. Attlee left London airport yesterday on a British Overseas Airways Corporation Comet aircraft for a fortnight'* tour of Northern and Southern Rhodesia. They go first to Livingstone, where the Comet will arrive tomorrow. Mr. Attlee is
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  • 456 1 People Must Work-Prasad's Message To The Nation NEW DELHI, Aug. 17. President Dr. Rajendra Prasad, broadcasting to the nation on Thursday, the eve of Independence Day, asked the people to appreciate and realise that individuals constitute the nation and the nation is and can
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  • 67 1 PARIS. Aug. 18.— The Duke of Windsor, suffering from acute lumbago, was helped by the Duchess and friends when he stepped out of the train from Italy yesterday. Although obviously in pain the Duke smiled at the dozens of Parisiens who watched his arrival. The Duke
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  • 266 1 CAIRO, Aus 18. Military police today arrested Naaman El Ashmawy, polite superintendent of Kafr El Dawar. whennine people were killed and 23 injured in cotton mill riot last week. An inquiry into the riots found he had failed lo deal promptly with the situation and that
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  • 248 1 DURBAN. Aug. 18. In a lecture under the GandhiTagore Lectureship Trust in Durban on Fr Ida y Mr. Homer Jack of the United States was was erasing colour bar. South Africa was increasing ;he tempo of apartheid. World opinion, he added, was almost solidly
    IIS  -  248 words
  • 428 1 Chou En-lai Mission In Moscow MOSCOW. Aug. 18— Wide ranging talks Sino-Soviet financial. Industrial, military and foreign policies are expected by Mos»cow observers to follow the arrival her* yesterday of a strong Chinese government mission headed by Prime Minister Chou En-laL Thesi» subjects would
    A.P.; Reuter  -  428 words
  • 107 1 SRINAGAR, Aug. 18. The Vice-President. Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, was given a great welcome when he arrived in Srinagar on Saturday on a four- day official visit. Thousands of people lined the seven-mile route from the airport to the city which was decorated with arches and buntings.
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  • 55 1 Absence Of Mrs. Vilasini Menon The Colonial Secretary, Mr. W. L. Blythe announced yeeterday that Mrs. VUasini Menon, Singapore Legislative Council Member for Seletar, had officially applied for leave of absence from the August meeting of the Council today August 19. and that this leave had been granted by His
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  • 56 1 CANBERRA. Aug. 18. The Customs Minister, Senator N?il O'Sullivan announced toUay that a licence has been granted to export 30,000 tons of Queensland coal to Pakistan. He said Australia now had sufficient coking coal and had a surplus of steaming coal for export. Some gas coal
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 635 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Tues., Aug. 19, 1952. INVIDIOUS COMPARISON Secretary of the PTTI mPosts, Telegraph, Telephone International) Mr. Fritz Gmur by name is reported to fy|sH said^ in Singapore last weeS that though the living standard of .Colony postmen is far behind that which the PTTI regards as satisfactory,
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  • 1431 2 Bharat Sevak Samaj's Social And Economic Development Programme NEW DELHI, Aug 14,-The National Advisory Committee for Public Co-operation which concluded its meeting on Tuesday at New Delhi unanimously requested Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru to be the President of the Bharat, Sevak Samaj an u to conduct
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  • 1132 2 REFLECTIONS Of A RAMBLER. FOR WOMEN ONLY I HAPPENED to attend the other day a cook-tale party, and enjoyed the rare opportunity of observing the VIPs and LIPs (to refresh the me. mory of my readers: Very Important Persons and Less Important Persons) in varying shades and grades of sobriety.
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  • 82 2 Demand For Dissolution Of Pak. Consembly LAHORE, Aug. 13.— Mian Abdul Bari. Deputy Leader of the Punjab Ahmedia Assembly Party, demanded the dissolu- Lion of the Pakistan Constituent Assembly whose term of five years, he said, was due to expire on Aug. 15. He de. clared in a statement: "The
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  • 243 2 Work Of Madras Employment Exchanges MADRAS, Aug. 12.— A Press Note issued by the Directorate of Resettlement and Employment, Madras, states: Of 366,595 unemployed persons registered with the Employment Exchanges in India lor employment assistance at the end of May, 1952, 14,828 were graduates and 101,038 Matriculates. The registered educated
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 99 2 ■I, n glossy and Use Brylcreem and be sure of having lustrous, vital-look»g hair the kind of hair that helps a m?.n to get on in the world. Brylcreem means perfect gvooming and perfect hair health. It contains no gum, no soap, no spirit, no starch. «fl^^ Enjoy Brylcreem's double
      99 words

  • 1336 3 Privileges Amenities Of Legislature Defined MADRAS, Aug. 12.-? An informative lecture on Privileges of Legislature" was given by Mr. R V. Krishna Aiyar Secretary to the Madras Legislature, addressing a meeting here. Mr. Krishna Aiyar began his address with a
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  • 265 3 WASHINGTON. Aug. 18. Mr. Clarence R. Decker, Assistant Director for the Far East of the American Mutual Security Agency, last Friday proposed am international conference to approve a long range plan for mutual help. He told the last session of a five-day conference here on
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  • 54 3 MADRAS: With the concurrence of the Union Public Service Commission, the Government have appointed the undermentioned officers to the Indian Administrative Service: Messrs. A. R. Rajaratnam. G. Rami Reddi and K. Subba Rao of the Madras Civil Service (Executive Branch; and Mr. C. Narasimham of the Madras
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  • 476 3 LONDON, Aug. 18.— India's record of achievement since Aug. 15, 1947. was jpraised by Lord Listowel, the last British Secretary of State for India, and Mr. Reginald Sorensen (Labour) at an Independence Day meeting organised by the India League at Caxton Hall last Friday night. The meeting
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  • 160 3 Rommell' s Treasure Hunt ANTLBES. France, Aug. 18. An ex-captain of the British navy, backed by some American money, sailed recently towards Corsica in quest of a rumoured 100.000,000 (£lOO,--000) treasure hidden by General Rommel's Afrika Korps. Captain Pears' 45-ton yacht, the Romany Maid, carrying divers and undersea ex.pilorers' equipment,
    A.P.  -  160 words
  • 121 3 All-India Housing Association NEW DELHI: An association called the "All-India Housing Association" has been formed in Delhi by a large number of memi>ers of both Houses of Parliament to help fight the existing housing shortage in the country. Mr. Mohan Lai Saxena MP., is the President of the Association and
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  • 98 3 PATNA: Seven policemen, including the City Superintendent of Police, and a SubInspector, received minor Injuries when a crowd of 500 students, demonstrating before the Pirbahore PoJlce Station, clashed with the police here on Aug. 4 nieht. The demonstrations were held to demand the unconditional
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  • 221 3 NEW DELHI, Aug. 14.— A convention of leading members of the Congress Parliamentary and State Legislature parties will be held at Indore during the forthcoming AICC session on Sept. 13 and 14. The convention according to Mr. Halvant Ral Mehta, Ueneral Secretary of
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  • 73 3 WASHINGTON, Aug. 17. The Mutual Security Agency allocated U551,843,000 in additional economic aid for four Asian countries it is assisting They are Formosa, Indochina, the Philippines and Thailand. Formosa received U551,134.--000 mainly for industrial purposes.. Indochina was allocated with U*****,000 for medicines and technical aid
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  • 54 3 COPENHAGEN. Aug. 18. Twelve hundred women delegates from 20 countries Saturday last concluded an eight-day international sereptimists conference which had discussed such social problems as juvenile delinquency, illegitimacy and children handicapped by illness. The conference recommended that the stigma of illegitimacy be removed from innocent children, that all
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  • 103 3 EAST LANSING. Mich., Aug. 18.— The World—particularly the Far East must curb its fast-.growlng population or face disaster, some 350 deletes attending the Eighth International Conference of Agriculture Economists were told. Delegates are attending f rom North and South America, Europe. Africa and Asia. Frank W. Notestein
    A.P.  -  103 words
  • 180 3 U.P. ZAMINDARS CHALLENGE VALIDITY OF ACT ALLAHABAD, Aug. 14 —The validity of the U.P. Zamin aari Abolitiqn Act has once again been challenged by a petition far i writ before a Bench of the Allahabad High Court, consisting of Mr Justice SanJcaa- Saran and Mr Justice Bind Basni Prasad. The
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  • 51 3 sions avoided the word illegitimate and that legitimation by marriage of parents should be made possible in all countries The resolution of juvenile delinquency called for the establishment of healthy moral and social conditions. The conference has concluded its serious business and will spend the weekend in festivities and slght-seelne
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 224 3 BIRTH CONTROL Determine the size of your family free from care and with confidence. BIRCONT PILLS prevent conception for so long a period as desired. BIRCONT ensures effective feminine hygiene and monthly flow keeps regular. Easy and guaranteed harmless. Price: $5.00 per phial. GUARANTEE: PRICE REFUNDABLE ON FAILURE England Distributors:
      224 words
    • 176 3 The Eastern Shipping Corporation Ltd. S -S. JALAGOPAL (Accepting Passengers and Cargo). To: Port Swettenham, Penang, Nagapattinam and Madras. SingaporeP. Swettenham Penane Arriving 30- 8-52 2- 9-52 3- 9-52 Sailing l- 9-52 2- 9-52 3- 9-52 Arriving 21- 9-52 25- 9-52 26- 9-52 Sailing 24- 9-52 25- 9-52 27- 9-52
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  • 77 4 SANTA ANA, California, Au^. 18.—The $500,000 fortress-like home built by the Maharajah of Inrloro to protect his daughter from kidnappers has been auctioned for $40,500 The home built in 1941 was sold by the Maharajah's divorced wife, Marguerita L. Holkar. Mrs. Holkar, former Los Angles nurse, married
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  • 384 4 Establishment Of Normal Trading RelationsBetween Ceylon And China CEYLON NEWS PURPOSE OF TRADE MISSION COLOMBO: The Trade Mission to China which will make arrangements for the purchase of Chinese rice and promote the establishment of normal trading and commercial relations between Ceylon and China will be led by Mr. R.
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  • 24 4 BOMBAY. Aug. 18.—Pilgrim ships Rizwani and Islami sailed from Bombay for Jedda on Aug 12 and 14 with 1,243 and 1.259 pilgrims respectively. FOC
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  • 302 4 PETTAH: Two Indian women were strolling down Pettah the other day when a couple of pavement loiterers, rudely brushed against them. The women were not in the least perturbed. The next thing the loiterers knew was that two of their party were reeling in a gutter
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  • 434 4 Nimmi Acting In Four Pictures At Once COLOMBO: Dilip Kumar, the idol of millions in India and Ceylon and star of the film "Aan", arrived in Ceylon by air last week with Nimmi, leading actress of the film, and Prem Nath who also
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  • 689 4 Following statement has been issued to the press by Mr. E. V. Davies, Leader of the Labour Party in the City Council, regarding the decision of the Labour Party in not selecting him for re-election from the North Ward. "Singapore electorate
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  • 96 4 COLOMBO: Sir John Koteiawala will be away for about nine weeks. The Prime Minister, Mr. Dudley Senanayake, will look after the work of Sir John as Minister of Transport and Works during his absence. The Prime Minister has appointed Mr. G. G. Ponnambalam, Minister of Industries
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  • 45 4 KARACHI, Aug. 18.— A se-ven-man goodwill parliamen. |tary mission from Japan arrived here by plane last night jfrom New Delhi. H. Inagaki, the leader, ex. pressed belief Japan and Pakistan would develop closer commercial relations to their mutual advantage A. P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • Article, Illustration
    55 4 A motor rickshaw designed mainly for export to the Far East has beon developed by the Fend Works in Rosenheim, Germany. The motor tricycle is equipped with a oi horsepower engine and the makers say it developed a speed ol 35 mph. It costs about 2,000 marks (£475
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  • 352 4 Bhasker. the famous Indian dancer and comparatively obscure far want of an opportunity here made eyebrows raise at the Victoria Theatre, night be.fore last. Audience had many disappointments. Tne hist was mat Bnasser was given omy two performances wnen tne audience expected many more, riis Fisnerman dance and
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  • 88 4 Attlee's Sagacity Praised LONDON. Aug. 18. The friendship between India and Britain was seen by today's 'Daily Herald" as something charged with hope and promise in a troubled world. "Mr. Nehru tells how the two countries by a 'stroke of statesmanlike wisdom' five years ago 'set an example of ipeaceful
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 63 4 ACCOUNTS Regarding Account Books. Final Accounts and Incometax Matters take advantage of several years' experience Write for consultation to P.O. Box No. 1207. Singapore. Wanted A Cook Boy for EstateSouth Johore. No bandits. Apply: 239. Middle Road, Singapore. First All-Color Malay-Talking Film Prinsipe Amante The Filipino ZORRO wa Sm TODAY
      63 words
    • 135 4 DIAHOND NOW SHOWING TO CROWDED HOUSES jj Daily 2 Shows: 3.30 7.30 p.m. A fast moving Drama! Thrilling from begin- jj| %ning to end. Unforgettable Story which I wilf linger long in your memory. I* Andaman! Kaithi' j Combination of Romance, Intrigue, Hatred, Vengeance, Pathos and Thrills! Starring M. G.
      135 words