Indian Daily Mail, 12 August 1952

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VIII. NO. 183. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1952. FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS.
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  • 392 1 Bengal Reds Join Forces To Overthrow Govt? Chinese Designs Alleged KHATMANDU, Aug. 11.— Nepalese Prime Minister M. P. Koirala said here Communists, under the guidance of the Bengal Communist organisation in India, and those directed from Chinese-held Tibet, have for the first time joined forces in an
    A.P.; Reuter  -  392 words
  • 69 1 LONDON, Aug. 11. Thibves broke into the London home of Britain's Defence Minister, Earl Ale. xander, during the week, end and escaped with some of the famous soldier's medals. Alexander, who was away for the weekend, discovered the theft when he re. turned last night. There has
    A.P.  -  69 words
  • 102 1 Swami Shuddanamla Bharati alter ithe completion of nils Malayan tour programme, has ruaw proceeded to Siam. He is at present staying at the Thai-Bharata Cultural Lodge with Swami Satyananda and Srimat Swami Ajaranandaji, who is a lecturer in Sanskrit and Indology in the State University in Bangkok.
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  • 712 1 Strike ThreatPasir Panjang Power Station The following statement has been issued by M/s. Babcook and Wilcox regarding the strike threat by Paslr Panjang Power Station rmployees: "Reports have appeared in the press that Mr. P. M. Wiiaanxs. President of tne Uenerai Labour Union, has subnutted demands to Messrs. Babcock
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  • 46 1 The next fortnightly meetIng of the Divine Life Society will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 13 at "Gokula Villa" No. 9 Boscombe Road, Katong, Singapore, the residence of Sri. tL M. Krishnan. All members are cordially invited to be present.
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  • 161 1 Reform Or Disappear Aly Maher Warns Political Parties CAIRO, Aug. 11.— Egyptian Premier Aly Maker last night announced the abolition of press censorship in Egypt and warned political parties that they must either be reshaped and reformed "or disappear" In a long speech, the Premier said he would make a
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 63 1 MADRAS, Aug. 11.— Tunisian leader Taiyab Salim appealed in Hyderabad for Asia's moral and material support of 3J500J000 Tunisians' struggle "for freedom despite a French orgy of repression." Sadim addressed a huge public meeting at which alj paMicaa .parties were represented. He said the Asian
    A.P.  -  63 words
  • 97 1 DUBLIN, Aug. VL Mr. V. K. Krishna Menon, re. tiring Indian Au.uassador to Eire and former High Commissioner for India in London, was today failed to the Irish Bar in the Supreme Courts in Dublin. Mr. Krishna Menon's successor, Mr. B. G. Kher, presents his letters
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 174 1 JOIN THE ARMY AND DEFEND YOUR HOMELAND: M.T.U.C. CHIEF'S APPEAL TO MALAYAN YOUTHS Voicing his appeal to Malayan youths of all nationalities to join the Federation Regiment, Mr. C. H. Yin, President of the Malayan Trade Union Council and Perak State Councillor, said: "The Federation Regiment Ls a milestone in
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  • 316 1 LONDON, Aug. 11. The proceedings of the first meeting of the Pacific Defence Council—the ANZUS-4ast week at Honolulu have apparently been marked by some recognition of the uneasiness of many Asian nations at this all-white set up. A prominent Asian leader in London, however, commented yesterday
    Reuter  -  316 words
  • 200 1 Photo. BEIRUT, Lebanon, Aug. 11. Ailing King Talal of Jordan ls expected to abdicate toduy and his 17-yeai -oid .«o:i Puree Hussein will be proclaimed King, according to reliable sources in close contact with Amman, the Jordan capital. It was reported here last week that the
    Reuter; AP  -  200 words
  • 58 1 UNITED NATIONS. AUtf. 11. -Should an ex-soldier contribute to the upkeep of an illegitimate chfild he fathered while serving abroad? Seven United Nations experts are to meet in Geneva en Auy. 18 to discuss this auestion and draw up a draft international agreement enabling dependents to get
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 132 1 Television C.G.'s Warning "in many ways on many topi*-. Television will have a most valuable future in human society; and no community wishing to remain up-to-date can afford to be without it. Used for the wrong purpose*, however, it can become a dreadful menace and it can also be an
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  • 25 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday: Ten armed and uniformed ter. rorists stopped and burnt a bus in the Alor Gajato area of Malacca, says today's Emergency Communique.
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  • 56 1 Shaw Brothers have again very gpeneroualyy allowed the litnar Pulavar Tamil School to make use <xf The Theatre Royal on« Sunday. Aug. 24 when the popular film: "Life will be screened at 10 a.m All proceeds derived from the sale of tickets will be for the benefit
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 612 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Tues., Aug. 12, 1952. Leadership Through Sacrifice DEREFT of ihe support of his own community and be. trayed by the leaders of the other communities, Dato Onn bin J a 'afar to. day certainly. presents a most tragic spec, tacle, and as we pointed out yesterday
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  • 750 2 MADRAS STATE COUNCIL: TERM OF MEMBERSHIP MADRAS. Aug. 7. Orders have been issued by tre Government of Madras, in pursuance of Section 156 of the Representation of People Act, after consultation with the Election Commission, making provisions for curtailing the term of
    FOC  -  750 words
  • Article, Illustration
    65 2 Photo. King Phumiphon Aduldet of Siam took this picture of 'ii> son and heir, not yet named, who was born in Bangkok on July 28. The King and his wife, Queen Sirikit, have a daughter who was born 12 months ago in Switzerland, but the succession must be by male
    AP  -  65 words
  • 65 2 BOMBAY, Aug. 6.— Prakasn Kohli a business man of Delhi, war. found dead in a second class compartment of the Frontier Mail, the railway police reported. Kohli, who was coming to Bombay, was found with bullet wounds in the lavatory of his compartment by
    FOC  -  65 words
  • 71 2 KARACHI: The Pakistan Government have appointed a delimitation committee for tile coming general elections in East Bengal, according to a Gazette notification issued. Mr. M. H. Ishaq, Dacca, has been appointed Chairman, Mr. Ahmed Ali, Special Officer, Home Department, East Bengal, Sec. retary, and Mr. Inayat
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  • 42 2 TOKYO, Aug. 11. United Nations Commander General Mark dark yesterday congratulated President Syngham Rhee on >beiag reelected and cited him as an "inspiring example" to the rest of the world -as a fighter f or freedom and independence.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 344 2 MADRAS, Aug. 7.— Dr. U. Krishna Rao, Minister for In. dustries and Labour recently furnished a statement in the Legislative Assembly showing the annual savings to the State since the inception of the State Transport Depart, ment. The statement showed that the Government
    FOC  -  344 words
  • 174 2 MADRAS. Aug. 6.— The Gov- ernment have sanctioned the proposal of the Madras Corpo. ration to introduce a voluntary insurance scheme for its work, ers. Under this scheme, which took effect from Aug. 1, workers who have put in a continuous service of two years, excepting those
    FOC  -  174 words
  • 84 2 POONA, Aug. I.— Mr. Shankerrao Deo, former General Secretary of the Congress, started on his "Bhoodan Yagna Tatra" (Land Gift March) from Sattwad, in Poona district, this morning. Three Bombay Ministers and Mir Speaker of the State Assembly were present to wish him well. As he
    FOC  -  84 words
  • 103 2 DACCA, Aug. 6. The Indus, tries Department of the East Bengal Government is preparing a scheme for starting a coir industry in the State. The industry will be financed by the Central Government under its industrial development plan. The industry, when started, will put a
    FOC  -  103 words
  • 60 2 KATHMANDU, Aug. 6. The Nepal Government intend to give a monetary reward to Tensing, the Sherpa who dim. bed to within a few hundred feet of the summit of Mount Everest with Raymond Lambert of the Swiss expedition. The Prime Minister, Mr. M. P. Koirala, said
    FOC  -  60 words
  • 61 2 BOLANGIR, (Orissa): Fifty persons died of cholera in on« day early last month in Kusang village near here, according to a report received here. The village had a virulent attack of cholera, which spread from a contaminated tank. Twenty others are still suffering
    FOC  -  61 words
  • 755 2 Oefegue 1 ANZUS ASIA DEPRESENTATIVES of Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America met at Honolulu last week to discuss the Pacific defence and formed ANZUS Council, and also reviewed the common interests and relationships in the light of the Chinese Communist threat to the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 264 2 NOTICE "INTENDING passengers |ef the M. "Ra.iula" should note that in iuture all heavy baggage for Nagapattinam and Madras should be placed alongside the vessel at the Singapore Harbour Board Godown on the day before the vessel sails when 50 cents per cubic foot will be charged for excess baggage.
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  • 1630 3 Indian Parliament Proceedings: A y yangar's Retort To Communist Criticism NEW DELHI, Aug. 9. The Council of States Wednesday passed the Ministers* Salaries and Allowances Bill after a three-hour debate which ranged over a wide Held— from Marxian dialectics to the price of
    FOC  -  1,630 words
  • 90 3 HUBLI: Mr. V. D. Kulkarnl, a clerk in Hubli Resident Magistrate's Court was stabbed to death while travelling in a State transport bus to Karwar on Aug. 3. It is stated when the bus had proceeded hardly two miles, the assailant, a fellowpassenger, is stated to have
    FOC  -  90 words
  • Article, Illustration
    64 3 PHOTO). The garlanded Secretary of State of the U.Sj\. Dean Aichoson betrays <no emotion as a Hawaiian dancer /perform neatr him on the veranda of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Honolulu on Aug. 5. The Secretary and others who axe in Honolulu ifor first Pacific Mutual Security Conferenc ebetween the
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 107 3 BANGALORE, Aug. 6.— The Mysore Government in a memorandum to the Finance Commission has urged raising the divisible pool of income-tax from the existing level of 50% to at least 70%. The memorandum stated that there should not be any dis. tinction between Part A
    FOC  -  107 words
  • 126 3 ROME, Aug. 10.— Sir Daniel Davte?, court physician from London, arrived here by plane last night to treat the Duke of Windsor for a stomach disorder which has worried his 88-year-old mother, Queen Mary. He will motor to Monteca. tinl. the spa town near Flo. rence.
    A.P.  -  126 words
  • 47 3 KARACHI, Aug. 10.— A Foreign Office spokesman said here Friday there was no truth In reports that the proposed Moslem Prime Ministers' conference will ue held In Turkey. He reiterated the conference will be heM in Karachi, but no date has been fixed.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • 36 3 RANGOON. Aug. 10.— Bur. lese Government forces fought off a surprise attack by 600 Karen rebels on a military outpost at Henzada, 90 mile.** north of Rangoon, it was reported here.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 30 3 NEW DELHI, Aug. 10— The Indian Government announced yesterday the appointment of a new national development council to co-ordinate India's U553,765,300,000 five-year economic development plan.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  30 words
  • 58 3 LONDON, Aug. 10.— Mr. B G. Kher. India's new High Commissioner to Britain, paid his first official call on Mr. Anthony Eden, British Foreign Secretary, at the Foreign Office here Friday last. Mr. Kher, a former Premier of Bombay, became Indian High Commissioner in Lonaon last month
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 37 3 TRAPANI, Sicily. Aug. 10 An era of banditry unmatched for violence, bloodshed and cerrer in the history of Sicily ilas ended closed by the vendettas, treachery and jealousies of the bandits them, selves.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 36 3 VIENNA, Aus?. 10. Four Duslnessmen and eight senior officials of the Creditanstalt, one oi Austria's two big nationalised banks, have i>een arrested on suspicion of illegal currency dealings, police said here yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 92 3 TRIVANDRUM: The Travancare Cochin Legislative Assembly, recently passed the General Sales Tax Act (Amendment) Bill, which enhances sale tax on petrol and lr?ludes grains within the scope of the Act. The Government estimated an additional revenue of Rs. 26 lakhs for a full year by
    FOC  -  92 words
  • 149 3 CAR ACCIDENT ON WAY TO VELLORE TIRUVANNAMALAI: Three persons were Injured when a car proceeding to Veilore from Tiruvannamalai capsized near Kalasapakkam on Aug. 4. Messrs. Dorairaja Iyengar, Tahsildar, Ramanujachari, Taluk Supply Officer, and Veeraraghavan, Revenue In- 1 spector, Tiruvannamalai, were proceeding to Veilore In a car to remit Rs.
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  • 107 3 NEW DELHI: Sixty cars. 37 in the Secretariat and 23 in the attached and subordinate offices, are maintained in the Central Secretariat at Government expense. Giving this information in reply to a question in the Council of States, the Transport Minister Mr. Lai Bahadur Shastri
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  • 74 3 MADRAS: In reply to an interpellation by Mr. V. R. Krishna Aiyar in the Legislative Assembly recently. Dr. R. Nagan Gowda. Minister for Agriculture, stated that the Government had not directed any research on the possibility of the use of sea water for agricultural purposes. The
    FOC  -  74 words
  • 76 3 BELLARY Orders have received here from the Election Commission fixing Bellary as the venue and Mr. N. D. Krishna Rao, District Judge Bellary as the Chairman of the three-man Tribunal to hear the petition against the former Madras Minister, Mr. H. Sitarama Reddi's election to the
    FOC  -  76 words
  • 40 3 ERNAKULAM: The inauguration of the Rare Earths. Limited, at Alwaye, scheduled to b« performed by the Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru, duxfcntg this month has now been postponed to some time in October this year.
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  • 389 3 Rajaji Thanks Investors MADRAS. AOf 8. The four per cent Madrar loan of Rs. 5 crores h&s been oversubscribed and It was closed shortly after 11 a.m on Wednesday. Aug. 6. It is officially stated In that the State loan was oversubscribed by about Rs. 47 lakhs by the time
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  • 102 3 BOMBAY. Aug. 8. The Reserve Bank of India in a communique on Wednesday said: "The 4 per cent Bombay Loan, 1964. and the 4 per cent Uttar Pradesh Loan, 1964, have been closed at the close of business on Wednesday. Aug. 6 on receipt of
    FOC  -  102 words
  • 95 3 MADRAS: The dead body of a man aged about 40. having an artificial leg, was floating in the Adyar river near the north end of the Adyar bridge recently. It was identified by the Mylapore Police as that of Mr. V. Slvaprasad. Advocate, residing in 322/23.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 142 3 BIRTH CONTROL Determine the size of your family free from care and with confidence. BIRCONT PILLS prevent conception for so long a period as desired. BIRCONT ensures effective feminine hygiene and monthly flow keeps regular. Easy and guaranteed harmless. Price: $6.00 per phial. GUARANTEE: PRICE REFUNDABLE ON FAILURE England Distributors:
      142 words
    • 81 3 l^wiagos to South India B. I. S. N. CO., 3traits/Naffapattinam/ Madra* Bonrloa SS. "RAJUU" s sails iT *urr* Singapore. P. Swettanham, jf P«um«. 17- 8-52 18- 8-52 20- 8-52 11- 9-52 12- 9-52 14- 9152 6-10-52 7- 10-52 ft-10-M First Claai. Second Clasa "A" ft "B" Excellent accommodation and every
      81 words

  • 1981 4  -  EDGAR JOUBERT Turning printed letters into sound, this new apparatus will read aloud to the blind. by TT happened at El Alamein, x in late October, 1942. Montgomery's Eighth Army had just broken through the German front. Rommel's army was in damger of being
    NEW ERA  -  1,981 words
  • 166 4 ANDAMAN KAITHI (Prisoner) (Tamil) is a picture of unique charm and high moral values. Seldom one cornea across a 'picture of such intense sio<ry-elfect, good acting, rich entertainmeift and grip over tine audience. It is a story of a brother who lor the sake 01 his beloved sister
    T.S.G.  -  166 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 111 4 NOTICE 'Notice having been given of the loss of policy No. *****6 fvg Jagir Singh. 79, Stamford Road, Singapore for Rs 1000.-, a duplicate thereof will be issued after one month from this date if no objection is lodged with us in the meantime. ML DEVI CHAND SAWHNEY, General Manager.
      111 words
    • 146 4 NEW CITY €I*J£MA GRAND OPENING TODAY: 3.15 6.15 9.15 P.M TRILOK KAPOOR. SHOBIIANA. SAMRATH. VEERA and RAM *>!NGH in "RAM JANMA" .Hindustani, The eternal life story oi Shree Rama Junaki ROYALj OPENING TO-DAY I Daily at 3, 6.15 9.15 p.m. AN ENTERTAINMENT De Luxe FILM/STAN'S Most Sensational HI Musical Comedy
      146 words