Indian Daily Mail, 6 August 1952

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL VIII. NO. 177. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1952. FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS.
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  • 80 1 Support For Satyagraha To Be Expressed] From Our Own Correspondent ALLAHABAD, Aug. 5.— The All-India Congress Committee has urged all Pradesh Committees to hold public meetings in order to support the Satyagraha movement started by Indians and Africans in South Africa against racial discriminatory laws.
    IIS  -  80 words
  • 84 1 TOKYO, Aug. s— Mrs. Hatsune Kamioka, 21, wife of a doctor in Northern Honshu hanged herself Sunday. She left a note, saying: "I lost hope for living since Shin j Hashizume was defeated in the Olympics swimming." Sadao Nakamura, 16, of Atami, about 70 miles
    A.P.  -  84 words
  • 157 1 NEW DELHI, Aug. 5. Prime Minister Nehru's governing Congress party Sunday night decided to organise In-dia-wide processions and meetings to agitate against the apartheid laws in bouth Africa. CIRCULAR TO CONGRESS COMMITTEES In a circular addressed to all d i s t r r
    A.P.  -  157 words
  • 63 1 HEREDITARY RAJPRAMUKHS MUST GO NEW DELHI, Aug. s— The Pre«s Trut»t of India reports that a conference attended by a number of members of Parliament from former Indian State* adopted a resolution on Sunday demanding abolition of the institution of hereditary Rajpramukhs and their replacement by elected Heads of States
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  • 206 1 MADRAS LOAN LIKELY TO BE OVERSUBSCRIBED? From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Aug. 5. Nearly half of the fifty million rupee loan which the Madras State Government floated on Monday for completing capital projects was subscribed in the City alone on the first day. Reports from Mufussil have not yet been
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  • 73 1 LONDON, Aug. s.—Edward Henry Scudamore Stanhope, 12th Earl of Chesterfield, died here Saturday. Re was 63. Lord Chesterfield left no heir to the Earldom which supplied the English language with two famous terms "Chesterfleldian," meaning elegance, after the Fourth Earl who wrote the well-known letters on
    A.P.  -  73 words
  • 31 1 TORONTO, Aug. 5,-^Paur Ruegger, President of the International Red Cross refutted Communist criticisms that the organisation was a "tool" of the American Government. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 163 1 India Needs Stronger Envoy In Ceylon! From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Aug. 5. It is learnt here that the Indian High Commissioner in Ceylon Mr. K. P. K. Menon is retiring and will relinquish oiiice on Sept. 7. No reason has been
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  • 99 1 COLOMBO, Aug. s— lndia's High Commissioner in Ceylon Mr. K. P. K. Menon will soon relinquish his post, a High Commission source told Reuter yesterday. His one year term of Service ended in June. During his High Commissioner ship he had to deal with a delicate
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 111 1 JOHANNESBURG, Aug 5. Sentencing 60 Africans at Port Elizabeth {South Africa) on Saturday for breaking railway apartheid {racial segregation) regulations, the local magistrate said, "Time is approaching when I will single out those under 21 and gize them the stick." He fined
    IIS  -  111 words
  • 46 1 NEW DELHI, Aug. 5. At least 12 persons, including seven women, were drowned Monday in the Ganges near Banaras as a boat carrying 20 persons capsized due to strong wind and heavy tide, according to a Government radio broadcast here. A. P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 333 1 NEW DELHI. Aug. s.—Commenting on the civil disobedience campaign going on in South Africa, the HINDUSTHAN STANDARD observes: "It would be useless to invoke principles of democracy and justice for bringing Ma tan and his cohorts into a liberal frame of mind." Discussing what attitude Britain may
    IIS  -  333 words
  • 161 1 NEW DELHI, Aug. s.— Prime Minister Nehru announced in the Council of States the upper chamber of parliament today that Defence Minister Sri N. Gopalaswami Ayyangai would represent the Indian Government at the "ministerial level" meeting on the Kashmir dispute which United Nations mediator Dr. Frank
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 38 1 PARIS. Aug. s.— United States Lines officials said yesterday a report that Premier Mossadeq of Persia had reserved accommodation aboard the liner United States sailing for New York on Sept. 12 was not true. A.P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 149 1 Hrst Battalion In Malaya To Kill 200 Communists TUES: By killing another terrorist on Sunday the l/10th Gurkhas at Kuantan became the first Battalion In Malaya to bail 200 Communists. This timely kill was a handsome reply to General Templ er > s message of congratulation
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  • 59 1 LONDON, Aug. 5. The death of Sir Godfrey Collins, 63,, formerly Chief Secretary of the Government at Bombay, at his home in Stock Poges. Buckinghamshire, was announced today. He became Bombay Home Secretary in 1929 and left India in 1946. From 1947 to 1949 he
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • 99 1 HONGKONG. Aug. 5.— Soviet Russia's psychoprophylactic method of painless child inirth which has been successfully employed in a number of China's hospitals was now gaining popularity, according to a New China news agency despatch reaching here. In some hospitals in Shanghai, Tientsin and other cities, over 90% of
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 287 1 Squatter Re-Settlement: Govt. And Private Schemes Relations Explained As stated in the Government press communique on the scheme of squatter resettlement, the scheme provides for an orderly removal of squatters from Crown land (including Improvement Trust land) so that the l-*nd thus freed will be available for permanent development building.
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  • 33 1 VANCOUVER, Aug. 5.— Emma Achtychichuk, ipretty 21 -year-old University student, was returned to her home here from a UJS. clinic —conscious and bleto .speak. But she still cannot walk.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • 148 1 NEW DELHI. Aug. 5— The Election Commission has so far seW up 59 tribunals and allotted to them 621 election peti. tions for trial. The total number of petitions received by the Commission is 331 of which 40 relate to parliamentary elections and the remainder relate to
    FOC  -  148 words
  • 59 1 REDS ACTIVE IN PATIALA KATJU NEW DELHI, India. Aug. 5. India's Government announced yesterday it has received reports that Communists are terrorising villages in the northwest state of Patiala and "life and property is unsafe." The announcement was made by Home Minister K. N. Katju in closing parliamentary debate on
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 10 1 ln« leadin6 tamil dailyM |gilN MALAYA OVEtt 17 YEARsIj 1
      10 words
    • 57 1 ICE CREAM feMqgfflSßy COLD STORAGE \^n@K?i CREAMERIES %jjf nij^H i ™«ipy ™L 4T*2^ JSP tftih ms m\mm\ Am* wtkffkVA va Save Time— y Sove Money FIyK.L.M./ jMip ¥i L Constellations leave mrjm Singapore for Eurppe U.S.A. Thrice Weekly. N v Local Office: Jf **$k* L MNLAYSON GREEN .^ff y SINGAPORE-1.
      57 words

  • 251 2 KATHMANDIL, -flmy 30.— The Nepali x»oongress President. M.T^B. P. Koirala. and three former Napali Congress Ministers were severely man. handled at a Nepali Congress public meeting tnis evening Here which ended in disorder. The angry ciowd, shouting anti-B. P. Koirala slogans, assaulted Mrs. B. P. Koirala,
    FOC  -  251 words
  • 387 2 Newly Formed United Front Willing To Form Govt. Front's Proposal To Withdraw r Gurkhas From Malaya KATHMANDU; July 31.— Mr. Tanka Prasad, Nepali Praja Parishad leader, and Mr. D. R. Regmi, President of the Nepali National Congress have demanded that th« present 'nondescript' Cabinet should
    FOC  -  387 words
  • 89 2 SIMLA, July 31.— The Chief .Minister of Punjab (1), Mr. Bhimsen Sachar, said at question time in the State Assembly that Master Tara Slngn, the Akali leader, had applied for a passport to visit the USA and that it had been granted to him.
    FOC  -  89 words
  • 214 2 World Conference Of Christian Youth MADRAS, July 26. Dr. Martin Niemoeller of Germany and Dr. Charles Malik. Foreign Minister of the Lebanon, are among the leading personalities expected to attend the third World Conference of Christian Youth to be held at Kottayam, Travancore, from December 11 to 25, this year.
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  • 273 2 NAGPUR, July 28.— A School Code to regulate the running of secondary schools is being brought into force in Madhya Pradesh. The draft of this Code, which has been provided for in the Secondary Education Act of 1950, has been just published. It seeks to ensure
    FOC  -  273 words
  • 96 2 NEW DELHI. July 28.— Mr. I>. D. Italia, member of the Council of States from Secundcrabad, presented a trophy to tlie. Commander-in-Chief, Indian Air Force, Air Marshal Gibbs. to be awarded annually to the best accident-free squadrori. In awarding the trophy, the following factors will be
    FOC  -  96 words
  • 228 2 Charge Of Kidnapping Boy CALCUTTA. July 26. |£t. Panchanan Roy, of Belur, Howrah. had received a finger tip of his kidnapped seven-year-old son enclosed with a letter written in blood demanding a ransom of Rs. 10,000 for the restoration of the boy. the prosecution told a Howrah Magistrate to-day. Narendranath
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  • 90 2 Charge Of Evading Tax Payment BOMBAY, July 28.- -A Bombay businessman who was arrested by the police Friday last on a charge of evading the payment of sales tax to the June of R 3 140,001, was released by the Chief Presidency Magistrate on a bail of Rs. 50.000. Police
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  • 125 2 BOMBAY, July 28— India will have a Hydrographic Survey Office next year at Dehra Dun, it was learnt here. The office, first of its kind in the country, is being sponsored by the Indian Navy. Plans and estimates are being worked out by the Navar authorities and the
    FOC  -  125 words
  • 79 2 A Board of Representatives to regulate the local affairs of the international air transport industry has been formed in Calcutta by the 8-member airlines of the International Air Transport Association, which controls the commercial aspecto of civil aviation all over th" world. Tlie, Board's aim
    FOC  -  79 words
  • 39 2 PERTH. Aug. 5— A gust of wind lifted a 10 ft. dinghy 100 yards from the seachore at Cottesloe over a steep sand hill, brick wall, across a street and through a cottage window. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
    • 675 2 Sir, Hindi is India's National Language. No other language can take its place. However the Provincial languages are equally important for India's respective provinces. The British never compulsorily imposed English as India's official language. The provincial languages always received due recognition in official as well as educational
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  • 755 2 By the By Selegie Road RENOVATION OF PERUMAL TEMPLE THERE is a move to renovate the Perumal Temple at 1 Serangoon Road and ways and means of acquiring sufficient funds are being devised. The task of renovating the Perumal Temple is highly cornamendable indeed. For the temple is in such
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 166 2 NOTICE "JNTENDING psissengers fcr the s.s. "Rajula" should note that in future all heavy baggage for Nagapattinam and Madras should be placed alongside the vessel at the Singapore Harbour Board Godown on the day before the vessel sails when 50 cents per cubic foot will be charged for excess baggage.
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    • 103 2 ft viWs| JW^lw^j J he greatest prize in cycling the World's Professional Sprint Championship— .has been won on a Raleigh for three years in succession: 1949 1950 and 1951. It takes skill to build champions— and that same craftsmanship and experience goes into every Raleigh bicycle. For unfailing strength and
      103 words

  • 866 3 Indian Parliament Proceedings: 'Cut Off Bribe-Giver And Bribe-Taker Bill Passed: Home Minister's Appeal NEW DELHI, Aug. 3.— The Home of the People last Tuesday passed the Prevention of Corruption (Second Amendment) Bill under which in cases of bribe-giving the onus of proof is placed on
    FOC  -  866 words
  • Article, Illustration
    82 3 Major General Ibrahim Imam Bey (left), former head of the Egyptian Police Intelligence Corps, leaves the Ministry of the Interior in Cairo with a group of army officers, recently. He accompanied the officers when they searched his office in the ministry. Imam was arrested on Jufly 25 after the coup
    A.P.  -  82 words
  • 1016 3 In The Council Of States: NEW DELHI, Aug. 3.— Social boycott of corrupt officials and others as a means of tackling the evil of corruption was suggested last week by the Home Minister, Dr. K. N. Katju in the Council o f States. The
    FOC  -  1,016 words
  • 119 3 A*.»» 1, ilMg. 4. Socialist fraja rarty memoer of tue House oi' tue reopie, ivir. C. xuaahao tteaai, insi, ween tnea unsuccessiiuiy to make the tiouse taae nouce of India's hocicey victory in fcne Olympics at iiei^urki. box. iweum attempted to attract tue attention of
    FOC  -  119 words
  • 218 3 NEW DELHI, Aug. 3.— Mr. Satish Chandra, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, said in the House of the People last Tuesday, that the number of Muslims reported to have, been registered by the Pakistan Gov eminent for repatriation to India was over 90,000. The total
    FOC  -  218 words
  • 112 3 NEW DELHI. Aug. 3.— The Treasury Benches were vacant when the House of the People last Tuesday began its afternoon sitting on the third reading debate on the Home Minister's Commissions of In. qulry Bill. Mr. V. P. Nair. Communist member from Travancore. Cochin, who rose
    FOC  -  112 words
  • 114 3 NEW DELHI. Aug. 3.— Mr Nehru told the House of the People Tuesday that no special legislation defining the powers, privileges and immunities of the Houses of Parliament and their members was considered necessary. The Prime Minister pointed out that Article 105' of the Constitution defined the
    FOC  -  114 words
  • 23 3 GENEVA. Aug. 5. -> The American Ford Foundation has made a $2,900,000 grant to Europe's 11.000,000 or 12,000,000 refugees, it was announced here. Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 112 3 CROSS RAMS BACK INTO CONGRESS FOLD INDORE. Aug. 4. The Con»gress High Command is considering the possibility of taking back into the Con-gress-fold all those Congressmen who had been expelled by the Pradesh Congress Committees for opposing the officiail Congress candidates in the last general elections. This was disclosed here
    FOC  -  112 words
  • 347 3 A House, A Car Rs.Boo Per Month For Every One RANGOON, Aug. s.— Over 600 official and non-official delegates met in a special conference yesterday to formulate short arid long term plans aimed at making war torn Burma a welfare state for
    Reuter  -  347 words
  • 251 3 NEW DELHI, Aug. 3.— Mr. Lai BahaduT Shastri told the House of the People last Friday that in the next six months first class accommodation would be completely eliminated in all the translines of Indian Railways, and the railway workshops were now manufacturing airconditioned saloons which
    FOC  -  251 words
  • 59 3 NEW DELHI, Aug. 5. The Indian Government have accepted the Tariff Commission's recommendation that protection to the motor vehicle battery industry should be continued for a further period of three years and that the existing rates of duties be reduced to 4£ per cent ad valorem
    IIS  -  59 words
  • 82 3 ST ALBANS, England, Aug. 5. A 21-year.old girl, stand, ing naked in the sunshine, was recently crowned "Nude Venus of Britain" before more than 1,000 British nudists gathered at a camp near here. The girl, whose name was not disclosed, was chosen from nine other competitors. She was
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 105 3 PRISONER MAD KILLS WARDER VISAKHAPAI^>AM. Aug. 4. Ramaigounden, a long-term prisoner in the Central here, ran amuok and killed in cold blood a jail warder, Mr. B. Ramaswami, in the con. demned prisoners' yard last week. It is stated that when War. der Ramaswami was sleeoing in an empty cell,
    FOC  -  105 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 136 3 SPECIAL HIRE PURCHASE OFFER! 2tn? for PHILIPS Radios \JF from Ist to 16th August, 1952 All Models are available. l -month Cash payment. We have Models ranging from $140/- to. $1,300/--mWm -^jl^^ammmtmmmm vi BX 416 Type "A" A.C. mains BX 516 A Type "Y" A.C./DXJ. 4 waveranges, A.C. mains. Type
      136 words
    • 91 3 M) s^sp U Ul u p er ry > v Give them SevenSeaS to nuke Av ~WmtJt ✓S^^^X ,ur h *V doo outjrow their fy\. J WML *ry -jjl fym 'i^li -5i \T" W 011 ,u PP ,iet in conccn ■■^^3^": -jSi. i'fllnila tilted form the natural m. i l
      91 words

  • 283 4 CEYLON NEWS: 'Blood' And Thunder Is What People Want COLOMBO: The films which prove the biggest box-office draws in this country with English Speaking audiences are the actionpacked dramas featuring the 'handsome,' 'de-vil-may-care 9 hero and the 'glamourous? 'exciting* and 'courageous heroine. This
    283 words
  • 190 4 NEW YORK, Aug. 5— A former United States soldier will take a plane for Ireland tonignt to meet a milkmaid he's never seen. Seventy letters have passed each way Detween Frank Hayostak, 2,'t, an electric are welder in a Johnstown, Pennsylvania, steel mill, and Breda O'Sullivan. of Ustole,
    A.P.  -  190 words
  • 124 4 NEW YORK, Aug. 5. Prince Aly Khan arrived here today on the Queen Elizabeth to see his wife, Rita Hayworth, and their infant daughter Yasmln, in Holywood iaut he would \say nothing about chances for a reconciliation Rita's divorce suit against Aly is 3UII pending
    A.P.  -  124 words
  • 46 4 DENVER, Aug. 5.-<seneral Eisenhower opens his campaign for the American presidency today. He plans to fly to Los Angles to address the Annual Conference of Veterans of Foreign Wars— his first major address since he was nominated by the Republican convention. A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 60 4 BAYREUTH, W. Germany, Aug. s.— The Aga Khan 77--year-old Moslem leader who was due to arrive here today to attend the Wagner Musical Festival, has cancelled his visit for health reasons, according to festival committee officials. The Aga Khan has been convalescing from a mild heart attack suffered
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 60 4 World Athletics In Ceylon COLOMBO: Ceylon may be the venue of a front rank International athletics contest if a proposal, made by the Empire Games Federation, is iccepted by the Government, The Federation has asked Ceylon if she would play host to the Commonwealth and Empire athletes at the 1958.
    FOC  -  60 words
  • 81 4 Four R.A.S.C men lost their lives in the R.A.F. Valetta crash on Saturday last were: Corporal Lane, Driver McShan, Driver Dagg. Driver Whltty. They all belonged to the 55 Company of the RA.S.C. (Air Desfcatftch). The India Govt, have decided to continue the existing policy
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  • 99 4 COLOMBO: The Colombo Municipal council win snortiy asx tne Mmisury 01 Heaitn and Locai uovernment to amend tne Municipal Councils Ordinance to enable tne Council to reduce tne surcnarge leviea on persons wno default in tne payment of rates. ihe Council had in March, this year, adopted
    FOC  -  99 words
  • 79 4 MADAMFu.: A fatal accident in which a car and tnree cyclists were involved, occurred recentiy in the Old Town, Madampe, just in front of tne Tnaniweua Devala. The car was travelling in tne direction of Chilaw. Of the three cyclists, one, a boy of about 11 years,
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  • 68 4 RAKWANA Unexpected light has been shed on the disappearance of a villager, Patirage Malhamy, who two months atgo left his home in Galpaya and never returned. Now a villager has told the Police that he had shot Malhamy mistaking him for a wild animal, and that he
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  • 63 4 KADUGANNAWA A car owned and driven by Dr. R. de Silva, a government circuit doctor residing m Kandy, went down a ravine at Pahala Kadugannawa Incline at night. The car turned over many times before it came to rest on its hood. The car was damaged
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  • 151 4 The approach of the Coronation is inspiring jeweiiera ui London to -romantic tnemes in tneir latest designs. One firm nas produceu a brooch in enamel and marc asite representing a mecuaevai longnt on nis norse, and for tne Coronation itself tne company plans brooches and charms using the
    CGO Press Release  -  151 words
  • 291 4 Sinhala King's Descendant Wants Govt. Job COLOMBO Twenty five old Kandy G. Yogananda Rajasinha, who claims to be a direct descendant of the Sinhalese King Rajadhi Rajasinha had an assurance from the Prime Minister at an interview recently afternoon that his request for an appointment under the Ceylon Government in
    FOC  -  291 words
  • 54 4 COLOMBO: The Prime Minister told the Government Parliamentary groujp last week that he wa.s satisfied that Mr. V. Nalliah had resigned his portfolio because of illhealth. On the assurance given by the Prime Minister. Mr. R. E. Jayetllleke withdrew his motion to consider the resignation of Mr. Nalliah
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  • 76 4 COLOMBO: Mr. H. W. Amarasurlya has been chosen by the Regional Executive Committee of the World Fellowship of Buddhists to lead a delegation of Ceylonese at the World Buddhist Conference to be held In Tokyo from (Sept. 25 to Oct. 10. Mr. Amarasurya will lead a delegation which
    FOC  -  76 words
  • Article, Illustration
    45 4 Photo). A British guided rocket takes off. It is being boosted up to its cruising speed by the motors attached to its sides. After a few seconds these boost motors drop off and the missile itself continues on, driven by its own sustainer motor. A.P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 383 4 TUES: The High Commissioner, General Sir Gerald Templer, visited the Institute for Medical Research, the General Hospital, the Artificial Limb and Orthopaedic Centre, the Pudu Prison and the P.W.D. Federal Workshop and Stores at Kuala Lumpur this morning, Aug. 5. At the Institute for Medical Research,
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  • 74 4 MOSCOW, Aug. s.— Russia Ls ■going to the next Olympic Games in Australia determined to beat the United States and every other country in men's track and field events and swimming, and 'they've a good chance of doing it. Anyone living here knows with what
    A.P.  -  74 words
  • 215 4 A small patrol of Home Guards killed two of the terrorists and wounded anotner in a Kampong in the Baling district cf Kedah. The Home Guards had heard that tnere were terrorists in tne area and had entered the kampong to make enquiries. Wnue they were
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  • 49 4 The total exports of rubter of all grades to all countries from Singapore and the Federation of Malaya during July 1952 amounted to 71,891 tons. The total exports of tin to all countries from Singapore and Federation of Malaya during July 1952 amounted to 5,937 tons.
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  • 78 4 CAPETOWN, Aug. 4.—Capetown's first incident in the current campaign against Malan's race segregation laws occurred yesterday when 10 Africans were arrested for filtering and refusing to leave m waiting room reserved for Europeans on Capetown rai'way station. "The men were detained for the night and will
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 84 4 From the Ration Period starting on Aug. 18, 1952, the following scale of rice issue will take place: No more than five <5> katties of rice per adult person and no more than two and a half (2 1/2) katties per child under the age of
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  • 98 4 The Naval Base Labour Union, Singapore, will hold their fifth annuad general meeting on Sunday, Aug. 10. at 9 a.m., at the Sultan Theatre. West Hill Road. 13 1/2 milestonc^Seletar. Speeches in English, Malay, Chinese Malaya'lam, Tamil, and Hindi will be delivered. The Presidents of
    98 words
  • 32 4 Mr. T. P. F. McNeice O.BE President City Council will broadcast on Thursday and Fridav (7th Bth Aug. 1952) at 7.15 p.m. each day on the subject of "Blackouts"
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  • 191 4 TOKYO. Aug. 5— A Japanese scientist has succeeded in "economically" manufacturing synthetic diamonds of fairly «ood size that shine brighter than real ones, the newspaper Yomiuri reported today. Dr. Yoshiemon Funakl, Professor of Physics at Tokyo Engineering University, was credited with the discovery. Funakl* named his synthetic diamond
    A.P.  -  191 words
  • 150 4 KHARTOUM. Aug. 5. What's the best thing for a scorpion bite, a few years ago a Sudan official recommended an absolutely infallible remedy. It was to drown a handful of live scorpions in Siinsim oil (in which they rabidly disintegrate) and to apply the resultant paste to
    A.P.  -  150 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 110 4 vzAy^Mt *mj*?al6zmj9^ TOOAY: 3.15-6.30-9.15 p.m. The Filipino Sea-Thriller "KAPTEAN BAGWTS" with English Subtitles NEXT CHANGE "EL NIIVfR" or "The Tiger" An Egyptian Musical Thriller With English Subtitles Diamond Today: 3.15 6.15 9.15 p.m. "KEMBANG KATJANG The Latest Super Musj#al. Dramatic Indonesian IMalay x r;rture Starring NJI-'SITI SALMAH and NOVIAR NEW
      110 words
    • 76 4 E »=s »es= x,^ X^= M CATHAY TODAY DAILY 11 a.m.. 1.45, 4.15, 6.45, and 9.30 p.m. SENSATIONAL SUCCESS fQrWf Atf«M» M^C <U f j. Set ta Jerome Ken's X greatest love songs! J LOVELY i*> ||MlOliArl| ju niSßviiV A j GRAYSOrf^/ *3* RED W iTSKELTONPrj m7mV Howard vul MAR6E
      76 words