Indian Daily Mail, 2 August 1952

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL VIII. NO. 173. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1952. FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS.
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  • Article, Illustration
    93 1 The Egyptian Royal Yacht Al Mahrousa lies off Alexandria on July 26 before King Farouk, Queen Narrlm«in, and their seven-month-old son sailed for Italy.— (A.P. Photo) Farouk's Uncle Appeals To Premier CAIRO, Aug. 1. Prince Mohamed Aly, ex-King Farouk's 77-year-old uncle and heir presumptive to the Egyptian throne,
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 589 1 Mere Trade Will Not Do, Says Governor Call At Opening Of Trade Fair Br. Radio Exhibition (By Our Staff Reporter) "Singapore should not r*ly entirely for her livelihood on handling goods processed and manufactured elsewhere. She must develop industries for the produc. tton of manufactured articles
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  • 371 1 TELEVISION AT HAPPY WORLD (By Our Staff Reporter) All roads lead to the Happy World and the chief centre of attraction Is the television. Television which has been a marvel at modern times is demonstrated at the Stadium The ;ftrst person who went beore the television camera was Mr. J.
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  • 128 1 From Our Own Correspondent PGONA, Aug. I.— Yuvaraja Karansingh, Regent of Kashmir, has arrived here to consult his deposed father as to whether he should accept the proposal by Shtlkh Abdullah that the Yuvaraja after abolition of hereditary rule in Kashmir should become the first elected
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  • 35 1 The 23rd. annual gen. meJeting of the Singapore Government Servants' Co.Operative Thrift Loan Society Ltd. will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 6, at 5.15 p.m. at the Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore.
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  • 217 1 Anti-Hindi Satyagraha Clarified From Our Own Correspondent MADRA& Aug. I,— A huge mass meeting was held on the Trijplicane Beach last evening by the Dravida Kalagham when speakers from both the Periyar and Annadurai groups urged the public to support the anti-Hindi agitation beginning today, when leaders will attempt to
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  • 99 1 PATNA, Aug. I.— Pandit Ramcnanora Snarma, 45 year oia asceuc who undertook a tto-day fast to press nis demand for a Dan on cow siaugnter, died here yesterday zoun aay ox nis last. •snarma on Wednesday declined appeals from rrjienus to end nis fast on grounds ot
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 101 1 BOMBAY. India, Aug. I.— The Inspector General of Police in Bihar State today denied officially a newspaper report that Pandit Ramachondra Sharma had died during a hunger strike protesting against the slaugnter of India's sacred cows. The police official said Sharma, now in the 26
    A.P.  -  101 words
  • 76 1 Frwn Our Own Correspondent NEW DELHI, Aug. I.—Election to choose the next Presisldent of the National Congress, India's ruling party, will he held on Dec. 22 and the results announced on 29th. Delegates to the All- India Committee will be elected in November. There is no indication
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  • 137 1 Persia's Fantastic Charge Against Britain Russia Plot To Destroy Persian Monarchy TEHERAN, Aug. I.— A pro-Mossadeq Deputy accused Britain and Russia on Thursday of joining in a plot to destroy the Persian monarchy. He said the two powers have joined in a common effort because of their "disappoint, ment" over
    A.P.  -  137 words
  • 45 1 FRI: Four more terrorists halve been killed, two wounded and three captured by security forces in the Federation, and another terrorist Has surrenderee. These successes bring the unconfirmed terrorist casualty totals for July to 90 killed, twelve captured, fifteen surrendered and 52 wounded.
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  • 38 1 LONDON. Aug. 1. Prime Minister Winston Churchill told the House of Commons Thursday that the recent L T S. Seventh Fleet manoeuvres in the Formosa StraJ is I I was strictly an American affair- A.P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 162 1 CAIRO, Aug. I.— General Mohamed Neguib, Commander-in-Chief of the Egyptian armed forces, stated on Thursday night that the army was "handing over control of Egyptian affairs" to the Government of Aly Maher. The General, who last week the main points in the
    A.P.  -  162 words
  • 64 1 Photo). General Peron, President of the Argentine Republic (centre foreground, back to camera), stands with members of his Cabinet (backs to camera), as mourners begin to file into the improvised Labor Ministry Chapel to pay their last respects to Eva Peron, whose remains are seen in
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 71 1 BUENOS AIRES. Aug. 1. Argentina's General Labour Confederation Thursday ordered workers to down tools, for 15 minutes three times a day Jor a full month in honour of Eva Peron, who died five days ago. All trains will come to a stop for live
    A.P.  -  71 words
  • 201 1 India Insists Impartial Body Investigation TORONTO, Aug. I.— lndia told the 18th International Red Cross conference yesterday that an impartial body should investigate Russian charges that United Nations forces have been waging germ warfare in Korea. The Indian delegate is Shii R. R. Saksena.
    A.P.  -  201 words
  • 72 1 DURBAN, Aug. 1. The Natal Indian Congress and the African Congress said in a joint statement here Thursday that Natal would soon join other provinces in a "great defiance campaign against unjust laws." The leaders called an emergency executive meeting Wednesday night to discuss the
    A.P.  -  72 words
  • 160 1 World Lawyers Discuss Malanism BERLIN, Aug. I.— Mr. Purshottam Tricaimdas senior lawyer of the Bombay High Court and former secretary to Mahatma Gandhi at an international lawyers conference here yesterday drew the attention of delegates to "racial discrimination" in South ,^Africa and some colonial countries. Mr. Tricamdas said conditions In
    A.P.  -  160 words
  • 118 1 GEORGETOWN. B. Guiana, Am. I.— The west Indies Cricket Board of Control announced yesterday that arrangements have been completed for an Indian team to tour the West Indies f*-om December 1952 to March 1953. There will be five tests of six days two in Trinidad
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 741 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Sat, Aug. 2, 1952. NOTES AND COMMENTS CHANGI TAMIL SCHOOL •pffl cause of Indian education in Singapore has never been in greater need of financial support than to. day. Two schools need money: one, the existing Changi Tamil School and the other, the "Bharty Vidyalaya" proposed
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  • 183 2 Leaguers- Impatient Over Kashmir! LAHORE, July 29. About a dozen speakers, including Mian Mumtaz Daulatana, Chief Minister of Punjab (P), urged the Pakistani Government to leave the U.N., at a meeting of the provincial Muslim League Council here Sunday. Mumtaz Daulatana, who is also the
    FOC  -  183 words
  • 82 2 NEW DELHL July 24. Answering a question at his Press Conference to-day, Mr. Nehru said that all the difficulties in the way of sending an Ambassador to Cairo have not yet been solved. India wanted to be certain that the Sudanese would have tftt fullest freedom
    F.O.C.  -  82 words
  • 183 2 LAHORE, July 28. Police used tear gas thrice last night to disperse anti- Ahmadiya de. monstrators who threw stones at the cars of members of the Punjab (P) Provincial Muslim League Council returning home after the two-day session of the Council here. A mild lathi charge was also
    FOC; A.P.  -  183 words
  • 166 2 Sentences On Godse And Karkare Reduced POONA, July 24. G. V. Godse and, who were sentenced to transportation for life in the Mahatma Gandhi murder trial, have earned remission of four yeas, five months and 22 days respectively. This was disclosed by the Chief Minister, Mr. Desai, in the
    FOC  -  166 words
  • 92 2 GAUHATI, July 24. The Central Government has decided to provide a sum of Ra. 15 lakhs every year for the next five years for road development in Assam's tribal areas, other than the NE Frontier Agency, it is understood. TTlis is in addition to the
    FOC  -  92 words
  • 84 2 Forfeiture Of R.S.S. Money POONA, July 22.— Mr. Morarji Desal, Bombay's Chief Minister, said in the Legislative Council to-day that the total amount forfeited by the Government from the Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh was Rs. 66,270 including 3% conversion loan bonds worth Rs. 18,000. The Chief Minister was replying to
    F.O.C.  -  84 words
  • 75 2 NEW DELHI, July 23. The number of exchange banks operating in India which were authorised to deal In foreign exchange was 37, said the Finance Minister. Mr.*Deshmukh, in a written reply to a question by Mr. G. P. §ingh. in the House of the People
    F.0.C.  -  75 words
  • Article, Illustration
    67 2 Phete. President Truman makes a "That's Your Man" gesture towards Governor Adlai Stevenson of Illinois on the rostrum En Convention Hall, Chioago, July 26 after Stevenson had been chosen by the Democratic Party to run against General Eisenhower (Republican Party candidate) in the Presidential Election. Stevenson never made a campaign
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • Letter To The Editor:.
    • 437 2 Sir, Most joyful news in my life is that which appeared in front page of the "Indian Daily Mall" of even date regarding Registration of Marriages of Overseas Indians with the Consular Ofllce which is a strong weapon to stop Bigamy among Indians, especially Hindus. Some
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  • 1031 2 RTRTR "^LL gifts for the Mayoral regalia should eccie from sections of people cr organisations and should not be from any one individual. The privilege of offering any part of the regalia shootd be shared among sections representing the people of Singapore", says a Legislative Councillor criticising
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  • 54 2 UJJAIN, July 24.— Complete hartal was observed here today in sympathy with the students' strike. The strike was launched as a protest against the increase in school and college fees recently announced by the Gov. ernment. Business was at a standstill and the students demonstrated in the
    FOC  -  54 words
  • 55 2 PRETORIA, South Africa July 31. Police made simulta. neous raids yesterday through, out South Africa on the homes and offices of leaders of the National civil diaobedieaet campaign of non-whites. They said they seized documents bearing on the camHundreds of non.whites have been jailed since June 26 for
    A.P.  -  55 words

  • 1534 3 INDIAN PARLIAMENT PROCEEDINGS: Prior Agreement Among Parties Necessary o. NEW DELHI, July 22^-In the Council of States today, Prime Minister Nehru replying' to the debate on the demand for Andhra State t wa <w,<lnjw^ in correspondence with the parties concerned to see how the jL
    FOC; A.P.  -  1,534 words
  • 96 3 Time Limit 'For Free Tiffin Scheme For Students CALCUTTA: About 4,000 boys and girls will receive free tiffin under a pilot scheme of the West Bengal Secondary Education Board. About 20<^ of students in 40 out of 1,200 secondary schools in the State will be benefited by the scheme. The
    FOC  -  96 words
  • 705 3 NEW DELHI. July 22.—Parliament's power to legislate in respect of trade and commerce wttifcLn a State and with regard to the production, distribution, and supply of goods was continued till Aug. 15, 1953, by the Council of States this morning. The Council passed by
    FOC  -  705 words
  • 154 3 {Council Of States: !N*;>V DELHI, July 22.— During question hour in the Council of States, the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs said that free and compulsory primary education had been introduced by 15 Part A and Part B States in 18,546 areas during 1949-50. Kepiying to Mr.
    FOC  -  154 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 226 3 The Eastern Shipping Corporation Ltd. S.S. JALAGOPAL (Accepting: Passengers and Cargo). To: Port Swettenham, Penang, Nagapattinam and Madras. Singapore. P. Swettenham. Penang. Arriving 8-8-52 11-8-52 12-8-52 Sailing 10-8-52 11-8-52 12-8-52 Arriving 30-8-52 2-9-52 3-9-52 Sailing 1-9-52 2-9-52 3-9-52 Arriving 21-9-52 25-9-52 25-9-52 Sailing 24-9-52 25-9-52 27-9-52 Agents ror Malaya: R.
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  • 146 4 Mr. G. A. de Wolf, one of the Americans awarded under the Fulbright programme for the year 1952/53 academic year has asked to come to Malaya.. Mr. de Wolf is a member of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists and has been a graduate assistant
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  • 458 4 Yogi's Tour Benefits Shuddha Samaja Orphanage School TO THE TUNE OF OVER $7,500: STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS The Shuddha Samaja, Kuala Lumpur, has been benefited to the extent of $7J554J80 received by way of donations at various centres in Malaya in connection with the recent tour of Shri Yogi Shuddhananda Bharatiar
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  • 26 4 Photo). Weng Y. Chey of Singapore is seen in action during the weightlifting (featherweight class) at the Messuhalli in Helsinki July 26. A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 163 4 Air Cadets From India, Malaya Entertained Air cadets from Malaya, India and Pakistan, who have been on a fortnight's goodwill tour of Britain at the invitation of the Air Ministry, were guests of the Overseas League in London on Monday night at a reception to mark the end of their
    CGO Press Release  -  163 words
  • 133 4 5-Day Week In Govt. Impossible, SAYS MINISTER COLOMBO: Shortening of working hours in Government offices and establishments or a flve-day week for Government servants in Ceylon is out of the question, according to the Finance Minister. Mr. J. R. Jayewardene. The Finance Minister whose attention was drawn to the steps
    FOC  -  133 words
  • 30 4 i Ekadeshi will be celebrated today. Aug. 2. from 7 p.m. at the Ramakrishna Mission at 179, Bartley Road with RamNam Bajana. All are cordially invited to attend.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 109 4 NEW CITY CINEMA Daily: 3.15-6.15-0.15 p.m. t'Lj^Kf ijl^k^^^B Hindustani) M^^^_W__W___^__W_U_\ ADVENTURES FUNS Sunday Morning Show: Nalini Jayant and Yakub in ANKHEN ((Hindustani) I =.1 iROYALI NOW SHOWING I Today 2 Shows at 3.00 7.30 p.m, S Tomorrow 3 Shows 1.30, 5 8.30 p.m. AMMA TAMIL S c| V^J Bbt jM
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    • 10 4 TODAY: 6.30 9.30 p.m. "The Masked Marvel" (Complete Serial) 2SHSHSaS2SaSHSHSHSHSaSHS2SHSa
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    • 169 4 A MIRROR OF LOVERS HEARTS i TO BE ENJOYED EVERY INCH! NOW SHOWING DIAMOND Daily 3 Shows: 3.15, 6.15 9.15 pjn. YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN j SUCH AN ARRAY OF TOP STARS! WITH The Glamour Pair Ashok Kumar Naseem On Their Glamorous Role r j W s___^_^_^^^^^^^^^^^_^^^^^^^K_, ■L "^■^■M w
      169 words