Indian Daily Mail, 24 April 1952

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1 3 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VIII. NO. 74. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1952. FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS.
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  • 1179 1 Speak With One Voice, Tells New Governor To All Communities Colony Will Help federation In hight Against Communists "By speaking with one voice on such occasions as this, you give a splendid lead for all communities to speak with one voice on all matters concerning
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  • 138 1 WED: Five terrorists have been killed and four wounded in the Federation during the 24 hours until 9 a.m. this morning. One member of security forces has been killed and four wounded. A patrol of the 10th Federal Jungle Company found a camp containing 30 terrorists. The
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 1 Pljoto. Yugoslavia counter-demonst rated against Italy's claims for the return of Trieste with mass meetings through, out the country, Apr. 14. The tyiggest of these meetings was held at Belgrade. Some 300,000 people turned out for it. It Was H««r«r«<tt* nnatmr mwtlnir in tut li<m<l in Yugoslavia.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 170 1 PATIALA, Apr. 23.— A new mrman ministry of PEPSU (Patiala and East Punjab States Union) headed by Sardar Gian Singh Rarewala was sworn in by the Rajpramukh of the State In Patiala yesterday. Besides Chief Minister Rarewala, other ministers sworn in were Sardar Bhupinder Singh Mann. Choudhri
    GIIS  -  170 words
  • 101 1 UNITED NATIONS, Apr. 23. The head of the Indian delegation. Dr. Rajeshwar Dayal, Tuesday held a meeting with members of the Norwegian delegation and United Nations officials to discuss the question of possible Norwegian aid to India. The meeting, organised under the auspices of the United
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 20 1 WASHINGTON, Apr. 23 Mr. Averell HaTriman Tuesday formally announced his candidacy for the Democratic Presidential nomination.- AP
    AP  -  20 words
  • 396 1 Sir Han Hoe Lim, read an address welcoming the new Governor of Singapore, on behalf of all communities. The address stated: "Instead of delivering a series of addresses from the various communities as was the practice before the War, the procedure was introduced at that time of
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  • 145 1 LONDON, Apr. 23. The Sultan of Johore Tuesday lost Ms appeal to the Privy Council in London to stay action in the Singapore courts over a summons by the Sultan's son which challenged his father's rights to two pro perties in Singapore. The Judicial
    A.P.  -  145 words
  • 51 1 NEW YORK, Apr. 23. —The largest atomic bomb ever dropped in the United States was exploded in the terting area at Yucca Flats, Nevada 17.29 GMT on Tuesday. The explosion was heard in radio broadcasts and the fla«i and following cloud was seen on television sets her*
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • Article, Illustration
    72 1 Photo. fMhifff* T T* m i >ty Otl dFums float around St P (M nnesota U.S.A.), R iver industrial district on Apr. 14, adding tacreased hazard to trains trying to move on f t n aCkB< The babels came from an oil firm's ("PPer left) as the rising Mississippi River
    A.P.  -  72 words
  • 120 1 INDIAN RESIDENTS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO VOTE COLOMBO, Apr. 23— The Government on Tuesday re. jected an Indian protest against its decision to refuse the nearly 200,000 Indian residents of Ceylon the right to vote in the Island's first general election, scheduled for next
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  • 170 1 Anti-T.B. Campaign Progress NEW DELHI. Apr. 23.— The Tuberculosis Association of Tndia held its annual general meeting in New Delhi Monday. In her presidential address, he Health Minister, Rajkuiuari Amrit Kaur, said that during the past four years considerable progress had neen made in the antituberculosis campaign in India. Many
    GIIS  -  170 words
  • 37 1 VATICAN CITY, Apr. 23 Pope Piua XII on Tuesday gave a private audience to Field Marshal Lord Montgomery, Deputy NATO Commander in Europe. He i« on an inspection tour of Ita'.y. Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 32 1 ZURICH, Apr. 23 Cremamation services for Sir Stafford Cripps, who died here oa Monday night after a long Illness, will be held h«r« at 1000 GMT Thursday, it wa*. aaioußeetl Tuesday.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 159 1 Malayan Situation Still 'Very Bad' HONGKONG, Apr. 21.— The security situation in Malaya's Communist-ridden interior is ".still very bad," Chairman W A. Welch of the Rubber Trust Ltd., reported Saturday. In certain district*., he .said, it is "almost impossible" for rubber estate managers to supervise their estates properly. In the
    A.P.  -  159 words
  • 92 1 A JIT SINGH'S APPEAL DISMISSED LONDON, Apr. 23.— The Court of Criminal Appeal on Tuesday dismissed the appeal by Ajit Singh, 27-year-old Sikh, against execution for the murder of Mrs. Joan Marion Thomas, a Cardiff widow. The jury had added a strong recommendation for mercy when Singh was sentenced at
    Reuter  -  92 words
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  • 771 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Thurs., Apr. 24, 1952. FORWARD TOGETHER THE first not* struck by Mr. John Fearns Nicoll immediately after the installation as the Governor of Singapore was UNITY unity among all communities in all matters concerning the Colony's welfare. In this respect the Colony has been singularly fortunate,
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  • 200 2 VIJAYAWADA, Apr. 20. Mr. T. Nagi Reddi Leader of the Communist Party in the Madras Legislature, said In an interview that the United Democratic Front, would contest the Speakership andn Deputy Speakership of the Madras Legislative Assembly and the Presidentship and VicePresidentship of the Council. Efforts
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  • 153 2 ROAD TRANSPORT IN BOMBAY BOMBAY, Apr. 20. The Government of Bombay have ie| up a new State Road Transport Act recently passed t>y Parliament and reconstituted th*» Corporation Board. The reconstituted Board conBista of eleven members, In. cli'finj: thr Chairman, of whom five are ex-omeio members and the remaining six
    FOC  -  153 words
  • 14 2 Punjab's newly-appointed ministry has decided not to accept, any official or public entertainment*.— GIIS
    GIIS  -  14 words
  • 220 2 Treaty Of Friendship And Commerce To Be Signed Shortly NEW DELHI, Apr. 20. The Government of India //ill end the state of war with Japan as soon as the San Francisco Treaty which enables Japan to become once again a sovereign nation
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  • Article, Illustration
    88 2 Eastertide ceremonies in J Tusalem included the tradi tional re-enactment of the carrying of the Holy Cross from St. Saviour's Convent to the Basilica of Gethsemane. Among those taking part was the Marquise De Villaverdi. the former Carmen Franco, daughter of the Spanish Chief of State. Photo shows The Marquise
    A.P.  -  88 words
  • 146 2 LEGISLATURE TO MEET ON MAY 3 SIMLA, Apr. 20.— Mr. Bhimsen Sachar, Chief Minister of the Punjab, said here that the new Ministry was representative of the suppressed, depress, ed and displaced persons of the State. "I want to assure the people that we shall strive our utmost to do
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  • 242 2 AURANGABAD, Apr. 20— Mr. Vinayaka Rao Vidyalankar, Hyderabad's Commerce and Industries Minister, said here that it was paradoxical that India with her vast resources of raw materials, extensive tracts of land, huge supplioy of coal and iron and perennial rivers, should be facing unemployment. The Minister
    FOC  -  242 words
  • 247 2 Mayor Deputy Of Hyderabad HYDERABAD, Apr. IS. -Mr. Mudap.iti Hanumantha Rao and Mir Ahmed Ali Khan ucve re-elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor respectively *A the Hyderabad Municipal Corporation Wednesday last evening 't a meeting of the Corporation. Both the candidate! were set up by the Municipal Congress Party, the 'lection
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  • 364 2 Punjab Ministry Allocation Of Portfolios SIMLA, Apr. 20.— An elfffttman Ministry headed by Mr. Bhimsen Sachar was sworn in here on Apr. 17 morning. This marks the end of the 11 -month old President's rule in the Punjab which commenced in June last year following the break-donw of the Constitution.
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  • 94 2 ANDAMAN ADMINISTRATION NEW DELHI, Apr. 19. A three-man delegation from the Andaman Islands submitted a memorandum to Dr. Kailas ftath Katju, Home Minister, asking the Government to reshuffle and to replace the new. ly-nominated Chief Commissioner's Council of the Island by the actual representatives of the people of the Andaman*.
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  • 75 2 KHATHMANDU. Apr. 20— Presenting colours to Gorakh Bahadur, a newly-rnlscd battalion on April 13, Kins; Tribhu. van of Nepal said here that help from friendly nations like Britain, the U.S.A. and Switzerland were being accepted gladly by Nepal, but major foreign aid was hoped for from
    FOC  -  75 words
  • 33 2 NAGPUR. Apr. 20. About 300 persons were left homeless and grain worth R? 20,000 destroyed in a fire which broke out in Kajafa village in Dure district.— FOC
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  • 205 2 NEW DELHI, Apr. 20.— The Government of India have accepted the offer of an Amercian firm, the Schering Corporation, to supply immediately 50,000 tablets of Iso-Niacin-T;r ydrazide to treat 50 tuberculosis patients for six months. Thie is a drug which was evolved in 1951
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  • 135 2 NO QUARTER TO COMMUNALISM BOMBAY, Apr. 20.— About 200 housewives marched in a procession here on Thursday last to protest against the re' rent 50 per cent increase in food prices. The procession, which had been organised by the Socialist Party of Bombay, terminate eel at Bori Bunder in the
    FOC  -  135 words
  • 160 2 DHARAPURAM, Apr. 20. The Government have accorded sanction to the construction of i P..?ervoir on the Vattamalai Karml stream near the Sri Muthukumaraswami Temple in Dharnpuram taluk. The scheme is estimated to cost Rs. 34,--13.257. The Reservoir i? expected to impound 90 million cubic feet of
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  • 501 3 Says It Must Be Viewed In The Proper Context NEW DELHI, Apr 22. Prime Minister Nehru said here that he was not quite happy over Sheikh Abdullah's speech delivered in Ranbirsinghpura a few days ago. Speeches, however, he added, sho uld be
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  • 171 3 NEW DELHI, Apr. 22.— The Travancore Tamil Nad Congress Party, which consists of eight members, is expected shortly to join the Ministerial Party in the TravancoreCochin State Assembly, according to a communication received by the Congress Higu Command. A formal application for admission to the Congress
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  • 129 3 NEW DELHI, Apr. 22.—Enquiries show that the proposal to appoint a Counsellor to the Travancore-Cochin Government has been held in abeyance for the time being. It may be recalled that both Congress and non-Congress opinion in the State has reacted adversely to the proposal. The exemption
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  • 84 3 MADRAS. Apr. 22.— Admiral C. T. M. Pizey, Commander-in-Chiei of the Indian Navy, said in Madras yesterday that they were planning to send an Indian naval squadron to the Mediterranean on a short cruise when Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten assumes his post as Comman-der-in-Chief
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 3 Photo. During a pre-scason practice session at Vero Beach, Florida, Roy Campanella (left), catcher with the Brooklyn "Dodgers" of the National League, one of the two major professional baseball leagues in the United States, talks with Joe Black, a young Ditcher who U trvin^ out for a place with the
    USIS  -  52 words
  • 1094 3  -  V. V. GIRI SALEM. Apr. 22.— Presiding over the third conference of the Tamil Nad Handloom Weavers' Congress, held last week in a local theatre, Mr. V. V. Giri, referred to the periodical crisis suffered by the handloom industry and called on
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  • 204 3 MADRAS, Apr. 22.-- Orders have been issued by tne Government to all District Collectors in tne State, it is learnt, to stop all further assignment of land to "political adiierers." vvnere the assignments are completed, uiey will be suspended uii further orders it is directed.
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  • 76 3 NAGPUR. Apr. 22. The Governor of Madhya Pradesh, Mr. Mangaldas Pakvasa, left for Pachmarhi where he will spend the summer till his successor is appointed. Tne change-over in the Governorship will take place a,t Pachmarhi some time next month, it is learnt. Mr. Harekrushna Mahtab,
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  • 88 3 CAPETOWN, Apr. 22.— The General Secretary of the Transvaal branch of the African National Congress has .said that the organisation is ready to begin the passive resistance campaign against unjust laws in the South African Union. In Cape Province, volunteers are reported to have
    GIIS  -  88 words
  • 472 3 R.M.P's Offer To Join Opposition Groups In Legislatures NEW DELHI, Apr. 22.— The Central Executive of tht Ma/door Praja Party declared in a resolution that it was willing to join in organising agreed programme not inconsistent with the basic r rinciples and policies of ih« party. The resolution said
    FOC  -  472 words
  • 100 3 DACCA, Apr. 22.— The Government of East Bengal took over the management of all the Court of Wards estates in the province excluding those in the district of Sylhet. The number of such estates is 111 and Uieir total rental and cess demand is about
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  • 51 3 PATIALA, Apr. 20— Two alleged notorious dacoits, Tej Singh and Ram Singh, were killed in a clash with a police near Patiala, according to party in Ghasipur, a village a recent received here. A sten gun, a rifle and 400 cartridges were reported tr» have been recovered.-
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 187 3 STOMACH f i i^^^^^^y/A JHERE is nothing L*i^SS~~fi^ llke a spoonful of De The family Standby Witts Antacid Powder for prompt relief of W^zP^my, for g' vin g speedy relief niMrtfTiAU liwmLlCml when the stomach is upindicjcji iuin lixMj'jnaiT set% lnd 'g estion > flatu CASTRIC ACIDITY SOUR |**jjniMi^ lence,
      187 words
    • 186 3 "GOLD LEAF" TEA The Beverage De Luxe Awarded 10 Gold Medals Sole Agents:. F. A. UAKTHOLOMEUSZ. LTD., SINGAPORE. These wonderful OtT|>^ l^Sfe BANISH BRONCHIAL k>^^? TROUBLES, COUGHS, V^^gl% COLDS INFLUENZA vWsA _^^^^^^^2?r uc c Peps tablets and breathe pleasant medic\\^«^^^^Sl^^HßiSSr ma essences into all itir ra s^igcs to the lungs.
      186 words