Indian Daily Mail, 20 April 1952

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
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  • 134 1 Defeated In Assembly On Election Of Speaker 3 Congressmen Crossed Floor NEW DELHI, Apr. 19. The month-old Congress Ministry m the North Indian State of Pepsu (Patiala and East Punjab States Union) resigned Friday, two days after being defeated m the State Assembly on the election of
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • Article, Illustration
    54 1 PHOTO. Members of the Iraqi Women's Goodwill Mission to India are picture here with. Premier Jawaharlal Nehru of India when they called upon him m New Delhi Apr. 7. The delegation consists of Mrs. Asm Towfiq Wahabi, Mrs. Lsmath Sabah As-Said, Mrs. Laman Amin Zaki, Mrs. Sasdiyah Al-Rahal and Mrs.
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 384 1 MADRAS ASSEMBLY NEW CHAMBERS MADRAS, Apr. 19.— Mr. C. Subramaniam, Finance Minister and Leader of the House In the Madras Assembly, and Mr. J. Shivashanmugam Pillai inspected the new Assembly Hall inside the Government House Estate, Mount Road. Messrs. K. Venkataswami Naidu," N. Ranga Reddi and M. V. Krishna Rao,
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  • 36 1 The Acting Secretary Social Welfare, Singapore, Mr. R W I. P.ind will hold the usual' m tily (Conference on the Work of the Department on April 22, 1952 at 11.30 am. Place— Social Welfare Conference Room.
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  • 166 1 NEW DELHI, Apr. 19.— 1t is widely believed m the Capital that Mr. V. K. Krishna Menon, Indian High Commissioner m London, may relinqttish his office about the same time as the -new Congress Government will take up office m New Delhi. The Indian
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  • 180 1 BOMBAY, Apr. 19 —Dr. S. B. Trivedi an eminent physician and gynaecologist of Bombay urged birth control to arrest the increasing population m the country. Dr. Trivedi who was addressing a staff gathering at the Naval Accounts Recreation Club on "You and your Sex Life"
    F.O.C.  -  180 words
  • 104 1 BOMBAY, Apr 19 Thp submitted the reilgiuSrt his cabinet to the State Governor, Raja Maharaj Sin*h. The Governor accepted the resignation of the Ministry but asked Mr. Kher and tS the new ministry was formed. a ~w r the Governor received Mr Morarji Desai, the newly-elected
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  • 153 1 GOVT. OF INDIA CULTURAL SCHOLARSHIPS SINGAPORE, Apr. 18.— The Government of India have provisionally selected the following candidates for the year 1952-1953 under their award of scholarships for the General Scheme of Cultural Scholarships: Name, Address, Course for which selected: 1. Dr. J. A. Dannassamy Medical Officer, District Hospital, Mentekab
    GIIS  -  153 words
  • 251 1 MADRAS, Apr. 18.— At the Madras High Court, His Lordship Mr. Justice P. N. Ramaswami admitted on Apr. 9 an appeal preferred on behalf of Mr. S. Govind Swaminathan, who was convicted by the Chief Presidency Magistrate, Madras, on Apr. 7 under Section 304(A), 1.P.C., and
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  • 771 1 REFLECTIONS OF A RAMBLER HOWEVER muck I may try. I could not divest myseii of reflections about certain things which are of absorbing interest and are likely to imperil the seU'-respect of a large section of the public. 0 0 0 Funds were collected front the public m the name
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  • 304 1 7o Enable Indians Vote In The Coming Elections NEW DELHI, Apr. 19.— The Ceylon Prime Minister's reported replj to the Ceylon Indian Congress, turning down their representation against disfranchisement of thousands of island's citizens of Indian origin, caused surprise and regret m political circles m
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  • 233 1 Trivandrum DCC Opposes Alliance With T.T.N.C. TRIVANDRUM, Apr. 19. The executive of the Trivandrum District Congress Committee has expressed itself against the 'reported move" of the Legislature Congress Party m Travancore-Cochin to "negotiate an alliance with th c Travancore Tamilnad Congress Party, giving them a place m the Ministry." A
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  • 302 1 NBW DELHI. Apr. 18.— To 1 preserve the fauna of India, J to prevent the extinction of any species and to preserve wild life, the Government ot India have appointed a Central Board for Wild Life. It J will have H.H. the Rajpramukh of Mysore as
    FOC  -  302 words
  • 171 1 BOMBAY, Apr. 18 The Textile Controls Committee, after its deliberations recently has recommended to the Government of India that no complete de-control of cloth should be allowed m the existing Circumstances, it is reliably learnt The Committee, consisting of representatives of the industry, labour and Government should
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  • 39 1 tt w o^ col °ured pictures of H.M. Queen Elizabeth XT th« Prince Consort. Prince Charlea and Princess Anne are now available m the Public Relations Office. Those who ish copies should apply persosnally to the PubUe Relatiani Office
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  • 248 1 NEW DELHI, Apr. 18 Prime Minister Nehru ia Reported to have assured a deputation of the East Indian Railway Employees a Union that there would be no retrenchment, "whatever be the shape of railway regrouping.* 1 The deputationists. who pleaded for thr postponement of the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 660 2 NEW DELHI: You con buy a handsome edition of "Stalin's Life" from any sidewalk vendor here for the Indian equivalent of a dime but "Jefferson on Democracy" costs at least two dollars. The Soviet Union scores this edge m the world war of ideas
    A.P.  -  660 words
  • 340 2 PARIS: General Eisenhower has 121 girls at his headquarters outside Paris. They are the service women American, French and Dutch, WACS, WAFS and WAVES who are attached to SHAPE. Probably the most unique unit of women soldiers m the army is the international detachment here.
    A.P.  -  340 words
  • 182 2 Home Secy. Not To Back Pak. Industrialist LONDON. Apr. 19. The British Home Secretary Sir David Maxwell Fyfe announced yesterday that he has de cided not to intervene against the extradition of Mubarek All Ahmed, industrialist, to face charges of forgery and false pretences m India. Mr. Ali was arrested
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 297 2 C'WEALTH FINANCE EXPERTS TO MEET LONDON, Apr. 19. Commonwealth finance officials and economic experts are expected to meet to diseiua sterling area problems 'before the middle of this summer, a British Treasury spokesman said here yesterday. L.jact dates and t'ne place where they would be held had not yet been
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  • 82 2 NEW DELHI, Apr. 15.— Mr. A. A. A. Fyzee from Bombay and Mr. S. V. Kanungo from Madhya Bharat have been appointed members of the Union Public Service Commission m the vacancies caused by the recent retirement of Mr. Javad Hussain and Mr. W. R. Pnranik, says
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  • 1044 2 1, 000 Scholars Write History Of Mankind A TEAM of 1,000 of the world's leading scholars will collaborate m writing a six-volume history of mankind, from pre-historic times to 1957, the year of scheduled Dublication. Originator of this 3,000,000--world history, which will take five years to compile and will cost
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  • 441 2 Foreign Capital Discouraged By Discrimination COLOMBO: "I do 801 think that the Govt. has ay. ;ea»»on to be dissatisfied with the progress of iUs .plans I >r the Ceylonisation of emp 1 y nent, but as I emphasised Lai yt'ar, however well-intent. d the employer may be, V >rocess is
    FOC  -  441 words
  • 203 2 CALCUTTA: The 13th annual general meeting of the Indian and Eastern Newspaper Society was held here on Apr. 8 with Mr. Ramnath Goenka, President of the Society m the chair. After the annual report and annual accounts of the Society ofr 1951 had been duly
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  • 177 2 MADRAS. Apr. 19. —The Central Executive Committee of the South Indian Liberal Federation (.Justice Party) met at No. 50, Gangadheswaran Koil Street, Purasawalkam. to the position of the party after the elections. Sir P. T. Rajan, the leader of the party, presided. Sir P. T.
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  • 50 2 DACCA. Apr. 19 Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan Vashani, President of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim League. has surrendered to the Dacca District Magistrate In a notification of the Home Department, published m the Dacca Gazette on Mar. 13, he was asked to surrender to the District Magistrate. FOC
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  • 50 2 ARRAH, Apr. 18.— Two persons stabbrd to death a confectioner ii_ broad daylight In the heart of Arrah town on Apr. 2 last allegedly to avenge the assault by the victim on a prostitute m their keeping. Both the accused are absconding. Police investigation is proceeding. FOC
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 2 Photo). INS CAIJVERY which arrif^d m Singapore on Mar. 31, left on Friday Apr. 18 G.I.I.S.
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    • 123 2 Remember the three famous 100 years old :ii fliSr^B BiSrf wines of China fMkSttJK^^k^M^rßla CHAN LEE CHYE MEDI CATED WINE: Consists of I ySfSIL W<P 809 -B'l I'sSdW s P eci "CHIN CHIN" deer horn end prepared from »W^^ J ROAD Ift&mxl f °™ous herbs. A fitting tonic to feed
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  • 144 3 FAILURE TO SUBMIT RETURNS OF ELECTION EXPENSE IN TIME BOMBAY, Apr. 19. Dr. Amul Desai, Socialist candidate who defeated Bombay's Home Minister Sri Morarji Desai from Bulsar by 19 votes, has been disqualified by Hie Election Commission to contest elections for five years for his failure to
    F.O.C.  -  144 words
  • 593 3 Prasad's Call To Enrich Hindi Language NEW DELHI President RaJendra Prasad, inaugurating the eighth session of the AllIndia Brij Sahitya Mandal at Hataras recently, said tnat it was absolutely necessary that every group based on language or religion should whiie u-ying to maintain its peculiar identity, also be ready to
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  • 208 3 BARODA, Apr. 19 —Mr. Chhotubhai Zaverbhai Sutaria, who was elected to the Bombay Legislative Assembly on the Congress ticket from the Baroda dity general constituency, has been disqualified from being a member of the Assembly by the Election Commissioner, it was officially stated here The action against
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  • 32 3 BEIRUT, Apr. 19.—NinoUihka. the 1936 Greta GarboMelvyn Douglas film satire on Sovietism, was banned by the Lebanon government Thursday because of reported pressure from the Russian legation.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 326 3 LONDON, Apr. 18.— Mr. F. U. Ascoli, a former Chairman of the Rubber Growers Association, yesterday defended recent measures taken t» Gen. Sir Gerald TemjpJer, tnc High Commissioner m. Malaya, to maintain order m that country. In a letter published m the Times. Mr. Ascoli said that
    Reuter  -  326 words
  • 134 3 VIJAYAWADA. Apr. 18. Mr. P. Sundrayya, member of the Council of States and Secretary of the Telengana committee of the Communist Party of India, has been chosen as the leader of the Communist legislators m the centre with an overall control of the Communist members m
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  • 40 3 The High Commissioner, Federation of Malaya, has been pleased to re-appoint Tuan Sheikh Ahmad bin Mohamed Hashim to be an Unofficial Member of the Federal Legislative Council, with effect from June 21, 1951, to Jan. 31. 1954.
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  • Article, Illustration
    1279 3  -  SEGA (by TN 1946 an English novelist, Mrs. Margaret Rum c r Foster, whose pen name is Rumer Godden, published 'Tne River,' a notable novel about India. That novel has such appealing human interest, such depth of sentiment, and such clear pictures of life m India as it
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    • 63 3 "GOLD LEAF" TEA The Beverage De Luxe Awarded 10 Gold Medals Sole Agents:. F. A. UAKTHOLOMEUSZ. LTD., SINGAPORE. H.H. IS s— Elephant —v ItfCW}CVU«£ "Add health to your meals/ kids. Get mummy to keep a supply qf "Elephant" Margarine m the house. Slap some on your bread, you'll love it's
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  • 1674 4 CEYLON NEWS: "His Innocence Had Been Proved In Court" COLOMBO, Apr. S. Dr. Coluin R. de SUva, counsel for M. Sathasivam, the first accused m the garage death case, said m his address to court before the Colombo South Magistrate yesterday, that the court
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  • 136 4 TEACHERS' TRAINING AT KIRBY Selection of 150 young men and women who are Federal Citizen to undergo the second training course at the Malayan Teachers' Training College at Kirby, England, will be made shortly. The course will commence m September, 1952, and last until July, 1954. Young men and women
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  • 79 4 PATNA, Apr. 19.— Shri Bariar Hembrom, a member of the Bihar Legislative Assembly from the San thai Parganas General Rural (Reserved) constituency has reEigned his seat m the Assembly with effect from Apr. 1, 1952 says a Bihar Gazette Extraordinary Notification Shri Maheshwar Pra- C ad
    F.O.C.  -  79 words
  • 107 4 NEW DELHI, Apr. 19.—Reports circulating m non-offl-cial circles here suggest that the Governors of the four Sstates of Bombay, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madya Pradesh may shortly relinquish their posts. The Governors of the remaining States of Assam, West Bengal, Orissa, East Punjab and Madras, some of
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  • 390 4 Mookergee's Urges Vigilant Opposition j BARIPADA. Apr. IB —Dr. Syama Prasad Mookherjee. President of the All-India Jana Sangh, said here that m his tour all over India allot the attainment of independence had seen a new awaiw aing and throb of expectancy amongst the people. Dr. Mookherjee, who wat addressing
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  • 166 4 NEW DELHI. Apr. 18.— Th* ■election of the personnel of the Punjab Ministry was finalised recently after talks here between the State Congress leaders and the Congress High Command Mr. Bhimsen Sacher, Leader of the Congress Party In the Punjab Assembly, will leave for Simla on
    FOC  -  166 words
  • 43 4 Apr. 17— The Finance Minister of Bhopal, |Mr. Kamta Prasad. eaid that, tne State Government would extend all possible facilities to capital from outside to speed up industrialisation of the State. He added that priority would be given to some smallscale industries.- FOC
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 203 4 Posjo^es to South Indio BiLS.N. CO., Straits /Niigapattinam/Tvladraa Service S.S. "RAJULA" BAILS Singapore P. Bwettenh&jc. Penang. 9- 6-62 10- 5-52 12- 5-52 3- 6-52 4- d-52 6- 6-52 28- 6-52 29- 6-52 1- 7-52 First Claw, Second Class "A" "W Excellent accommodation and every facility and comfort Deck pn«Hi£~f» with
      203 words
    • 31 4 TODAY 11 a.m. "Jesse James Rides Again (complete serial 10th Big~Day! TODAY: 3.15 6.30 9.15 p.m. Indonesia's Dramatic Hit "MIRAH DELIMA" (dialogue m Malay) with R. Imamu and A, Hamid Arif
      31 words
    • 163 4 TODAY 3-6-9 p.m. A Super Entertaining Malayalam Social Hit NIRMALA n R R X (JOHORE BAHRU) OPENING TODAY AT 3 8 P.M. SAMSARAM The most discussed Tamil picture of the year. ROYAL TO-DAY 3 SHOWS AT UO, 5.00 8.30 P.M. A.VM. Productions' ONE NIGHT A First Rate Tamil Social Picture
      163 words