Indian Daily Mail, 17 April 1952

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VIII. NO. 67. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1952. FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS.
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  • 409 1 Restrictions Placed On Newsmen Ministers Not To Give Interviews And Attend Social Functions! ALL INFORMATION FROM C.R. ONLY!! From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Apr. 16. Aftjr the assumption of office Sri Rajagopalachari has given in succession a press conference, a radio talk and.
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  • Article, Illustration
    66 1 This helicopter hoists from the ss Vestris' lifeboat a stretcher bearing Edward Lundkvist, a steward who was burned severely $n a stove fire aboard the ship, Apr 6. The helicopter picked up Lundkvist 60 miles off Cape Henry, Virginia, and flew him to hospital at Nor- folk, Viginia. The sluip
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • 109 1 BANARAS. Apr. 16.—Squatting under a vast tent in the 115-degrees Indian summer heat, delegates cheered when the frail, 56-year-old Acharys Vinoba Bhave, called "the new Gandhi," announced at the close of the conference session that a total of 100,000 acres of land have been so far
    A.P.  -  109 words
  • 40 1 NEW YORK, Apr. 16.— Arab and Asian members of the United Nations may make one more attempt to get a Security Council hearing on Tunisian complaints against France before pressing for an emergency General Assembly session.- A.P.
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 1 Photo. aql Women's Delegation laying the wreath on the aacreti 'twunadhl' to pav homage to the memory of Mahatma Gaodhft. At extreme lifcht apj., v 8 Mr. Mohiunmud SatiM Al-IWdi.- G.I. I.S.
    G.I.I.S.  -  32 words
  • 242 1 Racial Policy Would Lead To Revolution CAPETOWN, Apr. 16.— Dr. 1. r,. Donges, Minister of the Interior, Tuesday accused the Opposition of letting loose powers which it would not be able to control by its attitude to Premier Dr. Daniel Malan'a proposal to curb the powers of the supreme court.
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  • 42 1 Helen Traubel. a star soprano of the Metropolitan Opera m New York, is scheduled to arrive in Singapore on June 17 by Pan American World Airways. She is due to leave lor Bangkok on June 20.
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  • 31 1 LONDON, Apr. 16.-Queer Mary, who has been under doctor e care with a cold, was reported to be much better yesterday. She was takpn ill April 3.- A. P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 114 1 From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Apr. 16.— The new Madras Assembly meets on May 3 at the new buildings in Chepauk for the first time after the General Elections. The Houce will be In session till May 10. The first two daya will be
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  • 596 1 Discussions between the Governments of the Federation of Malaya and Singapore regarding the formation of a Unified Health Service have reached a satisfactory conclusion, and both Governments have now accepted proposals which it is anticipated will overcome certain difficulties which have been experienced in
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  • 730 1 Smallholding Policy— Catlin The following broadcast was delivered by Prof. George Catlin over Radio Malaya on Tuesday Apri. 15: "I have rather regretted, in looking at yfcur local press, the reference to the House Committee on Foreign Relations I have a feeling that friendly Anglo-American relations are completely the lifelino
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  • Article, Illustration
    94 1 Photo. Lt. Cdr. B. Lobo, the Commanding Officer of the INS Cauvery, and Mrs. Lobo and Officers entertained Mr. M. Gopala Menon, Representative of the Government of In•dla in Malaya, and Mrs. Menon, the Royal Navy and the Malayan Navy Volunteer Reserve Officers and their wives and prominent citizens at
    G.I.I.S.  -  94 words
  • 168 1 CEYLON GOVT. POWERLESS TO ANNUL '50 REGISTER? INDIAN H.C. AWAITING RETURN OF MINISTERS COLOMBO, Apr. 16. The Indian High Commissioner in Ceylon, Mr. K P Kesava Menon, is to make "strong representations" to the Ceylon Government against the disfranchisement of 200,000 Indians in Ceylon for the
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 306 1 On Sunday, Apr. 6, security forces discovered a terrorist camp with accommodation for 60 evacuated the previous day in a small-holding rubber about 1000 yards from the resettled Malay village of Sungei Tua. All the rubber around this camp was in tapping and it was impossible
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  • 87 1 Mrs. FDR On India 's Place In World NEW YORK. Apr. 16— Mis. Fran' Iln D Roosevelt said here last night that she felt convinced India wti destined to play an important role In the evolution of democratic ideals in the world. She spoke on the impressions of her visit
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  • Indian Daily Mail
    • 748 2 The four canons of expression are What, When to Whom and How to speak. General Templer appears to be faithfully observing these four canons. This trait in him has been evidenced by his choice expressions on various occasions, particularly at the conference of Rotarians last week.
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    • 179 2 Commanded By God KARACHI. Apr. 13 -The mover of the lesriution to establish an Islamic Research Institute in Pakistan. Mr. Lalmian of East Bengal, caused a sensation in Parliament when he said that he had been commanded Vi y 3od to have this institute- <\-.lablisned. Members characterised this as "blasphemy."
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  • 60 2 RATNAGIRI. Apr 13 J. R. Tavade, an Independent candidate has been declared elected to Bombay Legislative Council from Ratnagiri-cum-local authorities constituency defeating his Congress rival by one vote He secured 121 votes as against his Congress rival Dr. B. N. Savant who polled 120 votes- The
    FOC  -  60 words
  • 91 2 CITTTACK: Mr Radhanatn was .sworn in a* Minister on v 7 at Purl Government Houre. Mr. Rath, who is a member i of the Servants of People So- ciety. is the Editor of Samaj a leading Ontya daily run by that Society. With his inchitfion. the Orissa
    FOC  -  91 words
  • 66 2 LUCKNOW. Apr. 13— The election to the 430-member U.P. Legislative Assembly ended with the announcement of the result for the last seat from the Ghazipur Centralcum Mahmudbad north-west constituency which went to the Socialist Party. Mr. Jamnasingh (Socialist) who won the seat pot 12.259 votes out
    F.O.C.  -  66 words
  • 26 2 U.S. JAP TREATY WASHINGTON. Apr. 16. The U. S. State Department announced Tuesday that peace with Japan will be made effective from April 28.- A. P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 489 2 Dr. Mookerjee Criticises One- Party Rule Suggestion For An United Opposition BARIPA~ A, Apr. 13. Dr. Shyama Prasad Mookerjee, the Jan Sangh leader, said here that the results of the last general elections did net reveal trends helpful to democracy, because of the installation of a oneparty Government. s While
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  • 104 2 CHOLERA EPIDEMIC IN BURDWAN BURDWAN, Apr. 13—Cholera, raging in epiden ic form ,in part* of the PurtasUial! police station area, Kaln has taken a toll of 37 lives in four j weeks. Of the 20 attack? in (those villages last vvcei; 13 proved fatal. Small-pox has also broken •lit in
    FOC  -  104 words
  • 319 2 MOSCOW: M. Andrei Vyshinsky, the Soviet Foreign Minister, gave a farewell luncheon party in honour of the Indian Ambassador, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan on Apr. 4. Toasting the Ambassador, M. Vyshinsky paid he was sorry that Dr. Radhakrishnan was leaving Moscow as they found in him a
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  • 70 2 n-YVUKABAD, Apr. 13 There has been a fall in the the area under the rabi crop owin£ to failure of lato rains. according to Press Note. But the area is not mentioned. The Note adds that 800 oil engines have so far been supplied
    FOC  -  70 words
  • 70 2 PATIALA. Apr. 13.— The PEPSU Government exported 36.608 tons of foodgrains to the deficit areas in India during the last 11 months, it Is officially learnt. A Government spokefman said that by the end of this month the total export of! foodgrains would be nearly
    FOC  -  70 words
  • 67 2 NEW DELHI, Apr. 13.— The Government of India have decided to establish a Central Salt Research Station in Saurashtra under the administrative control of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, says an official press note A financial provision of Rs. 168 lakhs towards capital expenditure and
    FOC  -  67 words
  • 109 2 Smuggling Across Indo-Pak Border LAHORE. Apr. 13— The criminal (investigation agency is reported to have brought to lijrht a net work of smugglers gangs operating along the Indo-Pakiistan border for some months. The smugglers, it is I stated, used cars, trucks and tongas to smuggle to India such commodities like
    FOC  -  109 words
  • 184 2 JAIPUR, Apr. 13.— A deficit of Rs. 93.48 lakhs is shown in the Rajasthan's budget e*- i tiniates for 1952-53 presented to the State Assembly by Mr. Nathiram Mirdha, Finance Minister. The revenue is estimated at Rs. 1.632.18 lakhs and expen-' fUture at R>. 1,725.66 lakhs
    FOC  -  184 words
  • 192 2 INDIAN DELEGATES BUSY AT MOSCOW MOSCOW. Apr. 15.— Mr. Lalchand Hirachand, leader of the Indian delegation to the International Economic Conference here and Professor D. P. Mukherjee were both busy on Monday at the first meettng of the permanent committee on world trade established at the conference I India like
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 375 2 CALCUTTA: The important part played by press photography in moder newspapers was stressed by Sri Tushar Kanti Ghosh in the closing day of the All-India exhibition of press .photographs in the Y.M.C.A. Hall, Chowringhee, recently when the newlyelected President of the Indian Eastern Newspapers Society, Sri Sures Chandra
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  • 106 2 APPEAL TO BIHAR TO HELP RAYALASEEMA PATNA, Apr. 13.— Mr. Lakshmi Narain Sudhangsu, President of the Bihar PCC, has issued an appeal to the people of Bihar to help generously the famine-stricken people of Rayalaseema in Madras. He has also advised District Congress Committees to make special efforts in this
    F.O.C.  -  106 words
  • 155 2 Election Petition Against Mrs. Kripalani NEW DELHI, Apr. 13.— Mrs. Manmohanl Sehgal, the unsuccessful Congress candidate for election to the House of the People from Delh_, has filed an election petition against the election of Srfmathi Sucheta Kripalani, it is learnt here. The petition, which challenges the election of Mrs.
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  • 292 2 DACCA. Apr. 13— The AllParties State Language Committee and the East Pakistan Awaml League, two important organisations which took an active part in the language movement. have decided not to participate in the enquiry to be conducted by the oneman Enquiry Commission consisting of Mr. Justice
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  • No Complete Decontrol Of Cloth
    • 182 3 BOMBAY, Apr. 15.— The Textile Controls Committee after its deliberations on Apr. 10 has recommended to the Government of India that no complete decontrol of cloth should be allowed in the existing circumstances, it is reliably learnt. The Committee, consisting of representatives of the
      FOC  -  182 words
    • 349 3 BOMBAY, Apr. 15. The City Police ordered a procession of about 300 silk mill employees to disperse when they were proceeding along Hornby Road in Fort area towards the Secretariat to demonstrate against retrenchment and notice of closures by some of their employers. The procession was mainly
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  • 71 3 KARACHI, Apr. 16.—Informal taiks between India and Pakistan on outstanding financial questions began in Karachi Monday From the Indian side financial issues outstanding include payments for military stores left in Pakistan, amounts due irom Pakistan in regard to food transactions, settlement of third party claims against undivided
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  • 146 3 GAUHATI, Apr. 15.— M0 him and Joymati, two young female rhinos captured from the Kaziranga game sanctuary of Assam, are shortly leaving for London and Basie (Switzerland) zoos where their bridegrooms are awaiting them. Mohini will join Mohan at London and Joymati will meet Gaddadar at
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  • 260 3 MADRAS. Aitf. 15.—Judg.nexu was deincred on Apr 7 uo the ijgmore Court by Mr. -VI. A. Venkatramana Naidu Gnief Presidency Magistral, in the case in which Mr Govind Swaminathan. stoou charged with the offence of having driven his car in a rash and negligent manner
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  • 132 3 TO BE HANDED OVER TO NEPALESE GOVT.? KATHMANDU, Apr. 15,-Official information reaching here confirms that the rebel leader, Dr. K. I. Singh, has been intercepted at Gyantse m Tibet by Chinese and Tibetan authorities. It is reliably understood Gyantse authorities are
    FOC  -  132 words
  • 155 3 NEW DELHI, Apr 15 Prime Minister Nehru distributed prizes in New Delhi on Sunday to children of 15 countries who had taken part in the 1951 Children's Art Competition conducted by Shanker's Weekly of Delhi The President's Gold Medal for the best exhibit was awarded to a
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  • 130 3 NEW DELHI, Apr. 16.— The Amateur Athletic Federation of India has announced names of eight athletes to represent India in the forthcoming Helsinki Olympic games. The Athlete are: MEN: Lavy Pinto of Bombay and Gabriel of the Services for 100 metres and 200 metres sprint; Surat
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  • 393 3 NEW DELHI, Apr. 15. Notification issued by order of the Speaker, of Parliament provides for the first time table for disposing of Government legislative business. The Speaker will nominate a Committee called the Business Advisory Committee, whose function will be to recommend the time thai should
    FOC  -  393 words
  • Article, Illustration
    12 3 n rß M |hlit? Pa an Wami Wnder Mr ""S?" 1 v^r^na^o"^^
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  • 146 3 SURAT. Apr. 15.— A buffalo coming across the railway track caused dislocation oi rail traffic between Bombay and northern centres on the Western Railway recently. Eight loaded wagons of the goods train capsized blocking both the tracks. All trains were held up either at Surat or
    FOC  -  146 words
  • 144 3 BOMBAY, Apr. 15. Shri Ajit Prasad Jam, India's Minister of State for Rehabilitation, is understood to have told a deputation of the Sindhi Panehayats' Federation, Bombay, recently that the Government of India would consider the question of receiving 2 lakh Hanjans living
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  • 186 3 NEW DELHI, Apr. m Prime Minister Nehru said in a speech on Sunday that foreign pockets in India might be small in area and population but India could not tolerate the existenc of foreign domination in any part of her territory The Government of India had
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  • 221 3 MAHE, Apr. 15. -Mr. C. A Bharathan. leader of the Indian French settlement of Mahe, said on Saturday that nationalists in French and Portuguese possessions in India would launch direct action within six months if by that time the question ol all these foreign pOttesslOfU was not
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  • 28 3 JAIPUR, Apr. 11.—Rajasthan's budget estimates for 1952-53 presented to the State Assembly by the Finance Minister Mr. Naturam Mirdha. showed a revenue deficit of Rs 93.48 lakhs.— FOC
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  • 99 3 UNITED NATIONS. New York: India is more than doubling its contribution to the UN. International Children's Emergency Fund. This was announced here Monday at a meeting of UNICLF's Programme Committee. Rajeshwar Dayal. the Indian delegate, said his government's contribution will be 1 .200.000 rupees < USs2s2.
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  • 106 3 UNITY IN DIVERSITY NEW DELHI. Apr. 15. President Prasad, inaugurating the eighth session of the All-India Brij Sahitya Mandal at Hathras <U.P.) recently, said it was necessary that every group based on language or ligion should, while trying to maintain its peculiar identity, also be ready to cooperate and mingle
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  • 63 3 COLOMBO. Apr. 16.—Calcutta crews took top honours in al] three events in the Amateur Rowing Association Easter Regatta held in Colomoo. Tile Calcutta University Rowing Club and the Calcutta Rowing Club entered semifinals for the Wellington Trophy. Madras also qualified to meet Colombo in the
    FOC  -  63 words
  • 75 3 KALIMPONG. Apr. 15. Jigmi Dorji Wangchuk, 24--year old eldest son of the late Maharaja of Bnutan Gyalpo Jigmi Wangchuk who died on March 24. has acceded to the throne of Bhutan and assumed charge of the Government. This was announced here recently by Raji S. T. Dorji,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 96 3 Needler's Chocolates Hall Mark of Quality Highest Standard! Sole Agents: F. A Bartholomeusz, Limited SINGAPORE Passages to South India Bi I S> N. CO., Sfiraits/Nagapattinam/Madras Service S.S. "RAMA" BAILS Singapore. P. Swettenham. Penang. 14- 4-52 15- 4-52 17- 4-52 9- 5-62 10- 5-52 12- 5-52 3- 6-52 4- 6-52 6-
      96 words
    • 244 3 The Eastern Shipping Corporation Ltd. Port Swettenham. Penan??. Nagapattinam and Madras. S.S. "JALADURGA" (Accepting Passengers and Cargo). Singapore. P. Swettenham Pena»g. I Arriving 29-4-52 3-5-52 4-5-52 Departing 2-5-52 3-5-52 5-5-52 Arriving 19-5-52 23-5-52 24-5-52 Departing 22-5-52 23-5-52 25-5-52 Arriving 13 6-52 17-6-52 18-6-52 Departing 16-6-52 17 6-52 19-6-52 Agents for
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  • 191 4 Visitors Show Improved Form Aryan Gymkhana defeated Combined Services, Singapore by two goals to one, both goals being scored by Anthony. The Visitors, who buffered a slight rever-e on the first day and who were not upto the standard the second day, provtu Uieir real
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  • 80 4 IKE'S THUMPING VICTORY OVER TAFT NEWARK, New Jersey, Apr. lb. (Jeneral Dwight D. Eiaennowei posted a glittering 13U,-UOO-vote victory over Senator Robert A. Tatt in the New Jersey primary today, regain ing a stretch of the ground tie lost this month in the race tor the Republican presidential nomination. In
    A.P.  -  80 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 4 \V:iii:im, who is charged with aiding his master, M. Suthusivam the well-known Test Cricketer, In Mrs. Sathasivam's murder
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 4 Photu. Major Dennis Alclridge Ueit> and Captain Patrick Ovens, of the Royal Marines, were decorated with the Military Cro&s in an investiture held by the Queen at Buckingham Palace Mar. 26. They are pictured here at the Palace. A.P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 40 4 The public lecture at the Singapore >.- d Fhei phi( a] Society by ftev. PyAdass Thora on tne subject "Philosopby of Change" will take place today. Apr. 17, and not on Apr. 16 as announced earlier.
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  • 60 4 KARACHI, Apr. 16.-The Pakistan Parliament Tuesday passed a bill empowering the otntral and provincial governments to detain smugglers and black marketeers without trial. The Minister of Food and Law K. Sattar P.rzada said tne bill was necessary because of widespread smuggling and black marketeerlns 'which
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 68 4 LONDON, Apr. 16.— A group oi pacifists, known as Operation Gandhi, will march next Saturday to the British Ministry of Supply's atomic; cJant near the village of Aldermaston, Berks. Numbering about 30, the pae.ii-.ts will protest against uie manufacture of atom bombs in Britain and will urge that
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  • 558 4 Shifts In Ahmedabad Mills Closure Causes No Concern NEW DELHI, Apr. U.— Little concern is expressed in authoritative circles here about the threatened closure ol the third shift in a number of textile mills in Ahmedabad. The proposed closure is considered as a temporary adjustment undertaken by these mills to
    FOC  -  558 words
  • 608 4 KAMPONG LEADERSHIP COURSE Sponsored and financed by the Rural and Industrial Drvelopment Authority, 85 ketuas kampong headmen) from all over tne Federation will undergo a short course of leadership tiaining at the College of Agriculture, Serdang, during thp Easter vacation It is proposed to divide them into two groups. Each
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  • 56 4 It is now known that a poMce patrol operating in Seianyor on Monday, contacted eight terrorists. The patrol killed one and captured another. At Nibollg Tobal area of Province Wellesley. acting or information, police raided a house. Unfortunately dogs gave the alarm and the occupants Bed leaving
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  • 52 4 HOLLYWOOD. Apr. 16.Amerlca's next blast, due In Nevada next week, will be sen on television across the United States. Seven television stations. com.cri.sing the television broadcasters of California, announced that they will cojporate in a joint live telecast which will be made available for nationwide
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 4 pnoto. Roughly 100 arrests were made and about 20 police and rioters have been injured in demonstrations in Italian cities in protest against the Allied powers handling of the recent near, rioting in Trieste Photo shows: Two Carabinieri carry a wounded Roman Policeman, still holding on to his club and
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 31 4 MOSCOW. Apt. 16. —A i Soviet communique said today Russia and Communist China have signed an agreement for "significant expansion of trade" over last year's trade treaty. A. P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 33 4 More than 40 Chinese youths turned up at the Central Police Station, Ipoh, yes UTday. on the 2nd day of tibe Police recruting campaign for Chinese in Perak.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 192 4 Daily: 3.13 fi.3o 9.13 p.m. Djakarta Film Co.'s heartrending Drama! "M£R£H DILEMA" (in Malay dialogue) A. J. Arthur Raiyt Release COMING SOON: "ANOKHI DASTAN" with S.VARNALATA NAZIR ipyv*. .^r^r.^^r--^1 gKjp iiS IN ITS CWSS! v^ik^gv 2. Fn t service for 6 month* »^K>^ J r^nSPs^ at our showroom at Singaj||XC^gfcsJ^Vv^^^>s
      192 words
    • 80 4 New City Cinema 'GEYLANG SERAI) Today Last 3 Shows: 3.15 6.15 9.15 p.m. MUMTAZ SHANTI in Admission: 51. .00 and 50 cts. OPENING TOMORROW: MADHOSH (Hindustani) DIAMOND Today Only 3.15 6.15 9.15 p.m. MEENA MOTILAL IN ER-IHI-LARRI (Hindustani) OPENING TOMORROW: SHAMMI MAL H A R (Hindustani) Co-starring Arjun, Moti Sagar
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