Indian Daily Mail, 14 April 1952

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VIII. NO. 64 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1952. FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS.
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  • 230 1 Tempter Admonishes Pleasure-Seekers "There are far too many people in Malaya today who are sitting back in useless and false security fondly hoping that others will be able to deal with the Emergency without they themselves being more than indirectly concerned," observed the
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  • 122 1 KARACHI, Pakistan, Apt. 13. Four old Moslem princely states were merged yesterday by the Pakistan Central Government to form the Baluchistan States Union on the borders of Iran and Afghanistan. The four "state rulers were ordered to give up their powers within a month in what the
    A.P.  -  122 words
  • 65 1 MONTY NOT RESIGNING FROM SHAPE? SUPREME HEADQUARTERS, Allied Power in Europe, Apr. 12.— A S.H.A.P.E. spokesman said Saturday there is "not a bit of truth"' in reports that Field -Marshal Visivmnt Montgomery is tryins to resign as De.puty Commander at SHAPE. Viscount Montgomery, who presided this week at. indoor exercises
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  • 79 1 SHAPE. Apr. 13. Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery pleaded with Genera! t D. Eisenhower not to leave the Army bo enter politics, it was learned here Saturday. Montgomery was quoted a^ having told Eisenhower that his experience as a soldier did not equip hun for the rough
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  • 61 1 WASHINGTON, Apr. 13. Mr. G C S Corea, Ceylon's Ambassador to the United States, who is in the hospital with a duodenal ulcer, spent a poor nitfht Frtday, his doctors reported. The Ambassador was still on the critical list, they added. Mr. Corea was admitted
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  • 60 1 TOKYO, Apr. 13. Easter Sunday Korean truce talks lasted only 50 seconds today, according to an official bulletin from Panmunjom. The armistice supervision session was adjourned until tomorrow after breaking the brevity record for the third successive day. The total meeting time for the
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  • 58 1 WASHINGTON. Apr. 13— A resolution calling for a Senate investigation into President Truman's seizure of the steel industry was drafted Saturday by a group of Republican senators. President Truman ordered the Government to take over the nation's vast steel industry on April 8. to avert a
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  • 29 1 Egyptian Elections Postponed CAIRO, Apr. 13. The Egyptian Cabinet decided today to postpone indefinitely elections for a new ChambeT of Deputies and called of ajl election activities.- A. P.
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 1 Ph*t«. A popular member of the Ohio State University student bouy, Miss Khin Khjn Tint enjoys the social Jjfr which she has with such fellow students as Rita McNally of Cleveland, Ohio (left*, and Ann Rnuah. Hfiilsbwo, Ohio (tenter)- U.S.I.S.
    U.S.I.S.  -  40 words
  • 204 1 NEW YORK, Apr. 13.— Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, retiring Indian Ambassador to Moscow who conferred with Gen. Stalin last weekend, says in book to be published on Apr. 21 that "Whatever one may feel about the character of the Russian Government, the people there are kindly
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  • 50 1 SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, Apr. 13. The Coast Guard said Saturday there is "practically no hope" of finding alive any of 39 persons missing in the Caribbean's shark-filled Milwaukee deep after the crash of a Pan-American Airline full of New York-bound Easter vacationists.- A. P.
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  • 27 1 WASHINGTON. Apr. 13. The United States Government's ban on construction of new television stations, will be lifted tomorm.v Government sourcea said.— Reuter
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  • 905 1 NEW DELHI, Apr. 13. President, Dr. Rajendra Prasad called on Indipn musicians not to rest on their oars but to strive to improve the music of the country which had scope for research. The President was inaugurating a four-day Hindustani music festival in the Capital
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  • 30 1 TAIFEH. Apr. 13. Chinese Nationalist and Japanese delegates this afternoon met again for the third time in two days to continue to discuss the only outstanding differences on reparations. Reuter
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  • 127 1 No "Mediator Says Sarvapalli LONDON, Apr. 13— Sir Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. India's retiring Ambassador to Moscow who conferred with Stalin a week ago, said Saturday he is "no such thing as a. mediator or an interceder" between East and West. Radhakrishnan left London airport for Bombay and consultations with his government.
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  • 117 1 FLORIDA OFFERS TRAINING TO PAK. AIR FORCE CADETS JACKSONVILLE, Florida, 13_ Thirty cadets of The Royal Pakistan Air Force are starting a years training at Crnitf Field here under the direction of the Hawthorne Flying Service. Civilian Training Organisation. Under the leadership of Flight Lieut. MoluunmeJ Asharaf. the cadets will
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  • 84 1 NEW DELHI. Apr. 13— The Government Saturday night releasex! an election analysis to Central Parliament (House ot the People which showed that Nehru's Governing Congress Party, which won 362 out of a total 489 elective seats got 44.85 per cent of the total vote? p011ed— 47.529,000
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  • Article, Illustration
    87 1 Photo. Counter Mounthattrn. en route home from Korea at the end of her four-week tour of the Far East, stayed in New Delhi for a week as th*» guest of Premier Jawaharlal Nehru of India. She attended the Apr. 1. celebration of the 19th birthday of India's Air Force. She
    A.P.  -  87 words
  • 220 1 LTRIBFSWOMAN DISQUALIFIED ON TECHNICAL GROUND NEW DELHI, Apr. 13.— A 45-year-old widow Mrs. Sumifri Devi as aborginal tribeswoman sponsored by the Socialist Party for the Indian presidency today failed to "make the grade" as candidate for the highest office in the land. She comes from
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  • 96 1 NEW DELHI. Apr. 13 finance Ministry Joint Secretary M.P. Rangachari left Saturday for Pakistan to negotiate a debt 'settlements between the two countries. Finance Ministry sources said. Pakistan's debt has been estimated by the Reserve Bank of India at 3.000,000,000 nipeet f US$630,000,000)
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  • 33 1 TOKYO, Apr. 13. Ten United Nm lions aircrafts were lost over North Korea in the week ending April 11, the United States Far East Air Force said today. Reuter
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    • 72 1 Subscription Rates (BY POST) Malaya, N 6. Borneo and Sarawak 1 Month 5.50 -< Month* 16.50 33.00 1 Year 66.00 Other Place* 1 Month 6.50 3 Months 19.50 6 39.00 1 Y«ar 78.00 l '-^MM^ JuM3ffiu -*r^^^* to rin< Ho&^ Konq within commutrufl distance for tkooa •^^ggtt^WWßPW^^^^^^P 1 who can
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  • 1024 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Mon., Apr. 14, 1952. MEND IT OR END IT As soon as Dudley Senanayake assumed the office of Premiership of Ceylon after the passing away of his father Don Stephen Senanayake, the first thing he did was to advice the dissolution of the parliament and holding
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  • 40 2 HYDERABAD. Apr. 10 The Hyderabad "ad hoc" Congress Committee is understood to have informed the A.I.CC. that lit would make arrangements for holding the next session of the A.I.CC. In Hyderabad, if "it is so desired." FOC
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  • 56 2 PALERMO. Apr. 13. A party of Indian seamen who arrived in. this Sicilian port from Bombay to man an oil tanker was Saturday cleared by health officials of suspected crolera. The men were placed in quarantine Friday when one of their number was suspected
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  • 41 2 CALCUTA. Apr. 12.— At the annual meeting of the Indian and Eastern Newspapers Society held in Calcutta. Mr. Suresh Chandra Mazumdar Managing Editor of the ANANDA BAZAR PATRIKA and THE HINDUSTAN STANDARD of Calcutta, was elected president. GIIS
    GIIS  -  41 words
  • 1091 2 Ex-Minister Of TravancoreCochin Convicted Details Of Judgment In Defamation Case TIRUNELVELI, Apr. 10.— Judgment was delivered by Mr. O. Chandu Menon, District Magistrate, Tirunelveli, on Mar. 29, In the case in which Mr. E. John Philipose, exMinister of Travancore Coch in, preferred a complaint against Miss Anne Mascarene, another ex-Minister
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  • 161 2 CALCUTTA. A,>T. 10 -A Special Bench of tnc Calcutta High Court hoid the provisions of Section 12 fI of toe West Bonjral Bla.kniarki ting Act and Section 4 '1) of the Special Courts \et ultn vires of the Constitution. These provisions am.hori'.ed the State
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  • 232 2 NEW DELHI. Apr. 10.— A Press Note issued by the Priime Minister's Secretariat stated that there was no foundation for the claim of Swami Satyadev Parivarajak of Bihar that the Government of 3-har had donated, at the insianct of the President, a sum of Rs. 2,000 for
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  • 184 2 LUCKNOW. Apr. it).— The Rihand dam, biggest of Its kind In the East, will, according to the new time schedule of the State Government, t>e completed by 1960-61. The project designed to pave the way for the agricultural and industrial development of the eastern parts of
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  • 123 2 BANGALORE. Apr. 10— The Council of Indian Institute of Science, which met on Apr. 4 under the presidency of Sir Vithal Chandavarkar, adopted the budget estimates for the year 1952-53 providing for a recurring expenditure of Rs. 2,375.000 and a capital expenditure of Rr. 2,6^8,000. The
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  • 83 2 HYDERABAD <Dn.K Apr 4 O ve r 50 Congressmen, among whom are members of the Hyderabad Stnte Assembly, have requester! the Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru to include Swaml Ramanan<l Tirth in the Indian Delegation to China. In a telegram to thr Prime Minister, they said that
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  • 63 2 In Assembly MADRAS, Apr. 10.— Mr. K. T. M. Ahmed Ibrahim, General Secretary of the Muslim League Central Parliamentary Board, says in the course of a communication to the Press that Mr. K. Uppi Saheb, a member of 'the newly-elected Legislative Assembly of Madras, has been elected
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  • 189 2 NEW DELHI, Apr. 9._T he Vice-President will be elected by all the members of both the Houses of Parliament assembled at a joint meeting in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote. »»•»>« The Congress
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  • Article, Illustration
    94 2 Mr. Dudley Senanayakt>, Ceylon's New Prime Minister, followed religious ceremonies practised by the ancient King of Ceylon when he made his first offliclal appearance as Premier, 31a r 31. He worshipped the sacred tooth of Buddha in the Temple of Tooth at Kandy and placed on his head the OMfcafl
    A.P.  -  94 words
  • 58 2 BACHDAD. Iraq, Apr. 12.— A four-man delegation from delegation from Pakistan's Moslem League arrived here yesterday to discuss with Iraq leaders the formation of a World Moslem Bloc. Similar Pakistani delegations are visiting all Islamic countries to lay the groundwork for a convention of Moslem people's organisations
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  • 69 2 POONA. Apr. 12. -Dr. M.R. Jayakar informed the Executive Council of Poona UniverIty last week that he had decided to withdraw his letter ol resignation as the Vice Chancellor of the University Dr. Jayalcar had sent a letter to the Council intimating h's desire to
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  • 3981 3 Communist Member's Petition tor Writ Rejected MADRAS HIGH COURT'S RULING MADRAS, Apr. 12— The petition filed by Mr. P. Ramamurti. Communist leader and member of the Madras Legislative Assembly, praying for the issue of a writ of certiorari to quash the order of H.E.
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 3 Photo. Two ministers under the former Tunisian Prime Minister Mohammed Chenik arrived In Cairo on March 28 after escaping wfhat they described as "Imminent arrest" in Paris. Seen in Cairo the two Ministers are Mohamed Badra (left), former Social Affairs Minister and Mohamed Ben Youssef. former Justice Minister A.P.
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  • 112 3 PATNA. Apr. 12. Near famine conditions are prevailing in Mahagama thana in the district of Santhal Parganas, according to a statement issued by four prominent Congressmen of the district. The signatories to the statement include. Mr. Bud!hinath Jha Kairav, M.L.A. and Mr. Bindheswari Prasad Ran a.
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  • 110 3 TRIVANDRUM, Apr. 12. Lightning is reported to have taken a toll of at least six lives on Apr. 6 in Trivandrum and outlying areas. For two hours on Apr. 6 there were heavy rains, lightning and ttiunder. Trees in certain areas were burnt out. Beveral
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  • 65 3 NANDED (Hyderabad State) Apr. 12.— Police Sub-Inspector Tulsiram Tiwari of Bhokar in Nanded district was found shot dead in a place five miles from Bhokar. a was officially teamed here recently. According to official sources, Tulsiram was kidnapped by dacoits and shot dead. The District Superintendent
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  • 112 3 KABUL, Apr. 12. Commenting on the appointment of Col. A. S. P. Shah as Pakistan's Ambassador to Afghanistan, the Islah, official organ of the Afghan Government, wrote: The demand for an independent PaktoonLstan is firm like rock. We hope the new Pakistan Ambassador to Afghanistan has received full instructions
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  • 104 3 BTNOALORE, Apr. 12.— 0n behalf of Mr. L. S. Raju, Advocate, who had been convicted and sentenced for abetment of an attempt to administer poison to Mysore's Ohief Justice, Mr. p. Medapa. an appeal was filed Apr. 7 by Mr. C. Srinivasa Iyengar, .Advocate, in the
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  • 61 3 NEW DELHI. Apr. 12.— Shri Dhiren Mitra, formerly solicitor to the Government of India and Legal Adviser to the Indian High Commissioner in U.K. has been appointed to officiate for six weeks as Secretary to the President The permanent incumbent Mr. Shavex Lai lias proceeded on leave
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  • 28 3 CALCUTTA, Apr. 12.— Ttfic percentage of literacy in West Bengal State today stands 24.54. as against 11.42 in 1931. according to figures ascertained through the 1951 census.— GILS
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 142 3 "GOLD LEAF" TEA The Beverage De Luxe Awarded 10 Gold Medals Sole Agents:. F. A. UAKTHOLOMEUSZ. LTD., SINGAPORE. To Colombo, Port Said, Naples, Marseilles and Genoa WITH ONCARRIAGE TO U.K. ON THROUGH TICKET. m.v. "Roma" etd 13th April m.v. "Sydney" etd 17th April excellent passenger accommodation available. For further particulars
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    • 157 3 backache^B^ Wfcen fenlty kidney action allows harmful imparities to remain in the body, the result is often backache, symptoms of rhenmatism or Joint and muscle pains. So g^ very wise to take a few De Witt's Pills 4aig occasionally, because (his good diurctu is r-£ig&%. specifically to &titwi/ate the kidneys
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  • 258 4 Lack Speed, Ball-Control And Quick Passing Aryan Gymkhana defeated the Singapore 'A' by three goals to nil at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The visitors opened with a head-in-goal by the left-out Sampangi. A few minutes after the half-time Aryan Gymkhana scored another
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  • 203 4 Aryan Gymkhana Entertained (By Our Staff Reporter) Aryan Gymkhana team players and officers were entertained last, night to a dinner party by the Singapore Indian Football Association at the premises of Indian Asso ciation. Balestier Road, Singapore. Mr. M. Gopala Menon, Representative of the Government of India, in Singapore addressing
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  • 56 4 HONGKONG, Apr. 13.—India's new Consul General in Shanghai, P.R.B. Mani, who arrived from Manila on Good Friday, has booked to leave for the China mainland next Thursday by ship en route to ills post. He was the former Consul General in Manila, where he also
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 56 4 LONDON, Apr. 13.— Krishna Menon, Indian High Commis sioner to the United Kingdom, is leaving next week to Delhi and "important consultations" with Prime Minister Nehru, an aide said Saturday. Menon, who remained at work throughout the Easter holidays, is expected to stay in
    A.P.  -  56 words
  • 333 4 Seven Bandits Killed: One European Officer Killed SUN T In tne past 24 hours seven terrorists have been killed and at least four wounded. One European Officer of the Malay Regiment has been killed. Terrorists have burnt iwo lorries and murdered one female farm worker. In the Kampar area ol
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  • Article, Illustration
    96 4 The 'Miss India' title was won by Mrs. Indrani Ren- man (third from left). She is the daughter of on American who settled in Imfia. Under the name of Rujgini Devi she became well-known in India as a danseuse. la June "Miss Indja" will compete at Long: B<»urh, California, for
    A.P.  -  96 words
  • 239 4 NEW DELHI, Apr. 6.— A vital link in the communication* with Kaligra, Kulu and Kashmir valleys will be established when the 27-mlle-long Mukerian Pathailkot broad- gauge railway line is opened j to passengei traffic by Mr. N. Gopalaswami Ayycngar. Minister for Railways and Transport Constructed
    FOC  -  239 words
  • 83 4 Human Casebook To Solve! FRANKFURT, Apr. 13. trouble husband adverted lri i Frankfurt b wsp iper Saturiay for advice on now t« nandle his erring wile. "My v.- :c i^> doing E things.* 1 the Ad. said. "Sin l \is ny first mart] I »a't taow what to ao. .i.'>p>al
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 37 4 New City Cinema (GEYLANG SERAI) Specially for Easter Holidays A FEW MORE SHOWS DAILY: 3.15 6.15 9.15 P.M. The first Hindustani picture with Egyptian and Chinese Dances "USTAD PEDRO" with LEONAR MARIA. BEGUM PARA, BAPRU. MUKRI etc.
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    • 47 4 I TODAY: 7 A»- 9.30 P.M. Musically and Comically First -rate KHAZANA i in Hindustani > with MADHUKALA NASIR KHAN r t *!jt y TODAY AT 11 A.M. "Federal Agents vs. Underworld" < complete serial Today: 3.15 6.30 9.15 p.m. A beautiful Indonesian Love-story! "MERAH DILEMA" (in Malay dialogue)
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    • 75 4 ROYAL OPENING TODAY AT 1.30, 5 8.30 PM. An Interesting and Entertaining Tamil Picture replete with Adventures, Magic, Thrills Romance! MAYAMALAI Starring Anjali Devi Nageswara Rao Suryaprabha Kamalam J DIAMOND GRAND OPENING TODAY AT 3.15, 6.15 9.15 PJVI. A Grand Big Wonderful Show! GREAT TUNES! BiG LAUGHSH WOND ERFUL ROMANCE!!
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