Indian Daily Mail, 3 April 1952

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VIII. NO. 53. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1952. FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS.
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  • 404 1 Care-laker Govt. To Continue rew More Days C. R'S APPEAL TO PRAKASAM TO COME BACK From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Apr. 2. Sri C. Rajagopalachari, leader of the Congress Legislative Party met the governor of Madras yesterday and undertook the formation of ministry. During
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  • 89 1 KARACHI. Mar. 29.— The Sind Chief Court rejected the habeas corpus application of the Senior Begum of Junagadh and refused her leave to appeal to the Federal Court. The Beqitm, who is on trial for the alleged murder of her young: maid-serva'at, claimed diplomatic immunity from
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  • 62 1 RAJKOT, Mar. 29.— The division bench of the Saurashtra High Court dismissed the habeas corpus petition of Hani Kusumkunvarba of Sayla challenging her detention. The court held the detention "legal and justified." Rani Kusumkunvarba of Bayla was taken into custody the Preventive Detention Act on Feb.
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  • 176 1 Bihar Legislative Council The Countess Party has secured 17 of the 24 seats in the Bihar Legislative Council from the Assembly constituency. Ol the remaining seven seats, two each have gone to Socialists. Jharkhand Party and Independents. Janta has got one seat. U. P. First results of elections to the
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  • 126 1 JAMMU, Apr. 2— The Kashmir Constituent Assembly ad I jourr.ed sine die on Monday. One of the resolutions adopted by the Assembly authorised the President to constitute a committee of members of the house to examine the qnesttoc of preparing a,n emblem for the State. The committee
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  • 77 1 SAIGON, Am\ 2.— The President of the Central Indian Association of Saiqon, Mr. J. M. Abdul Aziz, has been awarded the Legion of Honour by the French Government for philanthropic work and wartime resistance to the Japanese. Mr. Aziz, 47, who came to Saigon 31 years ago
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  • 46 1 HYDERABAD. Apr. 2 About 400 detenus in Hyderabad are to be released, 100 of them or. parole. The State Government has taken this decision after a review of cases of detenus in the light of improved situation in the State. GIIS
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  • 180 1 Whisper Leads To Death Of Three Bandits KUALA LUMPUR Tues: Yesterday aiuernoon in the Sitiawan area of Peias. accmg on information, a Uhinese police Jungie oqua.a consisting of eight men under a Police Lieutenant took up ambush position on a ruober eaicne. xweive dnnese terrorists were tnen seen at over
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 1 Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister, met Mrs El.anor Roosevelt in Calcutta recently to bid her farewill before her departure from India after the conclusion of brief tour of the Wintry. Photo shows the Prime Minister shaking hands uith Mts. Roosevelt when they met each other in Calcutta G.I.I. S.
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  • 50 1 Sixteen volunteers had oj> rolled for the Federation of Malaya Volunteer Reserve Corps in Alor Star up to Marjh 29. They include Malays, Chinese, Indians and Ceylonese. Completed forms have beetn sent to Kuala Lumpur and arrangements will be made for the recruits to be medically examined.
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  • 60 1 LONDON, Apr. 2.— A divorce judge here Tuesday rejected a wife's story that she had deserted her husband because he put a $1,400 cheque on a Christmas tree for hec^it a party and then demanded it back when the guests had left. He granted a divorce
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  • Article, Illustration
    53 1 Dm in- her NMI visit to India Mis. Ehanor Roosevelt visited the well known Aja nhi Caves. One of the interesting features of the caves is that the scenes from the life of Lord Buddlut arr carved on the walls inside the caves. Photo shows Mrs. Roosevelt inside the Ajanta
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  • 144 1 JAMMU, Apr. 2. Sheikh Abdullah said in the Kashmir Constituent Assembly in Jammu on Saturday that "neither Indian Parliament nor any other parliament outside the State has any jurisdiction over our State." The Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir was speaking on a resolution, moved by Mirza Afzal
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  • 128 1 DEVELOPM ENT PROJECTS IN MADRAS STATE MADRAS, Apr. 2.— Six proIject areas covering 1.274 village.s with a population ol 2.8 million have been .selected in Madras State for community development programmes by the Pianning Commission. ThL> projects will be carried out largely on the experience gained at Etawah, Nilokheri and
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  • 148 1 LONDON, Apr. 2.—Eleven-year-old Krishnan Kumar, who came to Britain with his parents from New Delhi six months ago, has baffled his headmaster with his genius calculation. reports Press Trust of India. The headmaster of Eastcliff e School, New Castle, Mr. G. D. Pearson, said in an interview
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  • 149 1 MANCHESTER, Apr. 2. Japan has of.ce again become iUm world's leading cxportei |of cotton fabrics, according to the British Cotton Board Trade letter issued here Tuesday. She has displaced India at the top of the table of exporters and resumed her traditional position for the
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  • 238 1 The composition of the Federal Executive Council as at April 2, 1952. is as follows: PRESIDENT The Hiprh Commissioner. General Sir Gerald Templer, K.C 8., K.8.E., C.M.G.. D.S.O. FX-OFFICIO MEMBERS The Deupty High Commissioner. Mr. D. C. MacGillivray, C.M.G. M.B.E. The Acting Chief Secretary, Mr. W
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  • 176 1 NEW DELHI, Apr. 2.— Tne Government of India announced recently its decision to secure adequate credit facilities for Indian textile industries for financing the imcorts of American cotton. The Government has accordingly decided to give an assurance to scheduled banks that American cotton pledged with them
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  • 250 1 India's five-Year Plan Into Six- Year Plan NEW DELHI, Apr. 2. India's Five-Year Plan of development is to be converted into a six-year plan to bring it in line with the Colombo. Plan. This was disclosed by the Finance Minister, Mr. CD. Deshmukh, on his arrival in New Delhi on
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  • 177 1 NEW DELHI, Mar. 31.— A three-man delegation led by Mr. T. P. Bhalla, DirectorGeneral of Civil Aviation, Government of India, left New Delhi on Friday by air for Bangkok to negotiate a trilateral air agreement with Thailand. Besides Mr. Bhalla. the.delegation consists of Mr. P. K. Roy,
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  • 226 1 INDIA THIRD LARGEST TOBACCO PRODUCED NEW DELHI. Apr. I.— lndia produces more tobacco than any other country in the world apart from the United States and China, according K) a recent issue of Tobacco Bulletin published b y tne Indian Central Tobacco Committee. Production in 1950--1951 is estimated at 552
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  • 194 1 EXPERIMENTS WITH MEDICAL HERBS POONA. Mar. 31.— Working in obscurity in a single-room laboratory in a crowded part of Poona the Indian Drugs Research Association is probing into mysteries of certain Indian herbs which possess healing properties. Quite a few problems have been investigated with encouraging results. For instance, laboratory
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  • 97 1 NEW DELHI: Living conditions among India's 19,900,--000 tribesmen will be surveyed at. an officially-sponsored conference here In June. Experts on tribal administration will discuss the best means of approaching and solving tribal problems. Indian tribal people vary from the shy, retiring Todas of the
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  • 23 1 A meeting of the Council of State will be 1 held at the Balai Besar at 10.30 a.m. on Saturday 19tb April, 1852.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 46 2 SURAT. Mafr. 26. —Ten persons a*c reported to have lost their lives in 3 big forest flrf ir the Sh'wara Dangs. accorflingf to information received here •The fire Has been biunijn? for the last 18 hours, the report said. FOC
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  • 505 2 Indian Daily Mail S'pore, Thurs., Apr. 3, 1952. WANTED CLARIFICATION The UMNO general assembly at its half yearly meeting witnessed certain interesting pieces of utterances. It was resolved there that the British Government must establish a provisional Government in Malaya which would make all the necessary preparations for the establishment
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  • 257 2 CALCUTTA, Mar. 29. —Mr. Nehru said here that the present inter natk^.al situation was one of uncertainty. Nobody could say what would happen a year or two hencef. The Congress PresnfefH, who was rounding off €he two-day session of the AICC, observed that Congress members, meet|r.g
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  • 274 2 CALCUTTA, Mar. 28. The Congress President, Mr. Nehru, presenting the electior accounts to the AICC herr on"*Mar. 23, said that the .Congress had collected Rs. 29.60,149-12 and spent almost that much for the elections. The total collection from various States, mostly through Pradesh Congress
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  • 78 2 Persian Boat Sinks: 13 Survivors In Bombay BOMBAY. Apr. 2.— Thirteen Persian nationals, survivors of a country craft which sank off Karachi Port, arrived in Bombay aboard an Italian freighter on Mar. 26. They had been picked up by the freighter -on last Saturday night after the craft had collided
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  • 21 2 President Prasad will declare open the Hyderabad art, archaeology and h^nd crafts exhibition in Hyderabad House Delhi, on Apr. 10. FOC
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  • 403 2 48 Community Projects To Be Undertaken NEW DELHI, Mar. 29. Community development programmes covering about 16,600 viiiaces inhabited by 10m people, at a total cost of about Rs. 36 crores (360 millions) have been sanctioned by tHe Planning Commission in its capacity
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  • 136 2 MADRAS, Mar. 2ii.— Mr. H. Sitarama Reddi. Minister for Revenue, stated in the Madras Assembly lYreentlj? thiit no "Police Special Camps were established since- 1949 up to date in the districts of Krishna, Guntur, W. Godavari, E. Godavari. Nellore or Kunool The Minister who whs replytnq
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  • 111 2 BOMBAY, Mar. 29.— Mr A. P. Jain, Minister of State for Relief atnd Rehabilitation appealed to refugees to consider their problems "with more realism". Mr. Jain, who was addressing- the Sindhi Seva Samiti added that the Government was doing its best to tackle the problems, but could
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  • 236 2 BANGALORE. Mar. 27 Mr. M. B. Honavar, Special Judg< tryinjr the 1 "Chief Justice Attempted Poisoning Oa today convicted and sor jed L. S. Raju to two yaars' s.i. and fined him Rs. 2.o(if) (in default a further one year's s.i.) and Dasappa NaUhl and
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  • 102 2 FRONTIER MAIL ENGINE DERAILED BOMB AV. Ma r. 28 —The on^Jnr of the Delhi-bo.rnd Frontier Mai] derailed u^-t-WftCfl Bordi and Dohad, aboi:t 250 miles from Bombay, at about 5 a.m. on Mar. 24 ar. cording to a report received by the Western Railway's Headquarters here this mor nini*. The engine
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  • 66 2 JUBBULPORE, Mar. 29.— L M p aranjpye, Additional District and Sessions Judge, sentenced here a 15--year-old girl to transportation for life for the murder of her newly-bonn, baby and four months' r.i. for attempting to commft suicide,. Whil l Passing- judgment, the District aed
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  • 120 2 MADRAS, Mar. 29 —At a meeting of the propaganda committee of the World Cancer Day celebration held at the Servants of India Society, it was decided to have the inaugural function and the opening of the exhibition at the General Hospital, Madras. The celebration will last three
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  • 209 2 NEW DELHI. Mar. 29.— The Asian and Far Eastern Commission of the International Union of Official Travel Organizations, which concluded its two-day session here last week, unanimously elected Mr. S. Chakravarti, Joint Secretary, Indian Ministry of Transport, President and Mr. Jose Moreno. Consul-General for the Philippines in
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  • 66 2 THE LAKES. Mar. 28.— The Congress Working- Committee members from Andhra said on Mar. 24 that the question of linguistic States in the South was definitely ahelvetl for some time to come. It was not discussed formally or informally at the Working Committee sittings in Calcutta. Asked if
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  • 93 2 MERCARA. Mar. 29.— "The Central Government have their own responsibilities but they are only too anxious to help the States to the utmst extent possible", said Dr. Kailashnath Katju, Home Minister. Government of India, inaugurating: fhe new Legislative Assembly of Coorg. Dr. Katju
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  • 88 2 MANILA, Mac 31. The world is losing the battle for food. Norris E. Dodd, Direc-tor-General of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAC) said. "There is less food now than there was in 1948," he told newsmen, "because food production in the world has
    A.P.  -  88 words
  • 36 2 Apr. I.— lt looks just now as if Nationalist China would prefer to sever the peace talks with Japan rather than accept a status inferior to that ot OMang Kaj-shek's war time allies A.P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 92 2 MADRAS. Mar. 31. The Japanese industrial mission, led by Mr. Tuizo Ishizaka. now touring India reached Madras on Saturday after a two day visit to Bangalore. Two of the members had previously left for Madhya Pradesh to visit some of the manganese mines there. During it.s
    GIIS  -  92 words
  • 54 2 TEHERAN. Apr. I.— Thirty hour? after martial law had been imposed the Iranian capital was quiet, without any incidents having occurred. The military governor, General Moghadam, personally drove- round the ctly during the day to inspect the way w which the Iranian army was I carrying
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 55 2 NEW DELHI, Apr. 1 Indian coal production during 1951 was the highest on record —34 million tons. Its d es--29 rf ,r' efe 3ISO the hi^ hest —29 million tons. Besides Pakistan. Indian roal was exported to a score of countTte. from Japa:n in Far East to
    GIIS  -  55 words
  • 10 2 St °r Com »™s "M .old.
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  • 219 2 BOMBAY, Mar 29 —An inspector of Police attached to the Bombay Police shot his wife and shot himself on Mar. 24 in his home in North Bombay in the presence of hi» four children and his aged mother. The family was sitting rourd the dining
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  • 161 2 INDORE, Mar. 28.— The six-day seminar held here under the auspices of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has recommended a comprehensive programme- containing eleven suggestions for gearing up agricultural publicity in the country. The suggestions "include setting up of provisional committees consisting of officials and non-officials, re-orientation
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 135 2 ch i J it C^^ pe^ u at ROBINSON'S SALE yVonderful offers never to be REAPETED DUBARRY talcum powder 5 Perfumes in 5 Different Coloured Attractive Glass Containers USUALLY $1.45 Each NQW Jg g.^ EVAN WILLIAMS Ordinary Shampoo USUALLY $0.20 a packet. NOW 6 for $0/J(J A STAR BARGAIN BOYS
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  • 929 3 Colonialism In Asia And Africa Should Go Strong Opposition lo Rearmament War A.I.C.C. ENDORSES NEHRU'S FOREIGN POLICY CALCUTTA, Apr. 2.— Endorsing Mr. Nehru's foreign policy, the All-India Congress Committee last week adopted a resolution saying it was essential that all forms of colonialism in Asia and Africa should be removed
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  • 95 3 INDIAN REACTION TO GRAHAM'S STATEMENT NEW DELHI, Apr. 1. The statement of the U.N. Kashmir representative. Dr. Graham, in Karaeni last week expressing the hope that India and. Pakistan would find in hLs next report "a iorward step" towards a settlement has aroused considerable interest in New Delhi. Official quarters
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  • 122 3 CALCUTTA, Apr. I.— Twen-ty-one-year-old Mrs. Indrani Rehman was chosen Miss Calcutta at the competition held at Prince's. Grana Hotel last week. She will leave for Bombay shortly to take part in the Miss India competition is being held there. Born in Madras, her father. who is
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  • 110 3 MADRAS. Apr. 1.— The cost of the revised Pulichintala Project, it is roughly estimated, is likely to be something of the order of Rs. 60 crores. The Chief Engineer who has inspected the site, it is stated, has given the opinion that the scheme has to
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  • 75 3 NEW DELHI, Apr. 1. The Government of India have decided to release for the quarter April-June, 1952, an export quota of 21,000 tons of groundnut oil, states a Press Note. The quota will be valid for shipment to all permissible destinations as oil only. Shipments against this
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  • 65 3 SYDNEY: A sobbing woman passenger recently reported the loss of a US$4,OOO diamond ring after a flight, from Darwin. Crew members of a Quant as Constellation searched the plane on its arrival at Sydney airport but could not find the ring. It belonged to Mrs. C
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 164 3 NEW DELHI, Mar. 28.— The 12th ajnnual conference of the All-India Manufacturers' Organisation adopted a reso lution statftig thajt permission by Government for the establishment of powerful foreign Interests in fields where In dian capital was struggling hard to #uild up certain industries could only spell
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  • 164 3 KATHMANDU. Mar. 28.— The Crown Prince Mahendra Vikiam presented souvenirs to four Indian badminton stars and expressed hope that Nepal players would be immensely benefited from their exhibition matches. Am rit Lai Diwan, India's No. 1, G. Hemmady and Manoj Guha, Men's Double? champions and
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  • 102 3 KARACHI. Mai. 28.— Pakistan's exports to the Indian Republic across the land trontiers during the calender year 1951 stood at Rs. 51.08 crores whereas imports from the Indian Union amounted to 13. 'Hi crores, resulting in a balance of Rs. 37.32 crores in favour of Pakistan,
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  • 73 3 BANGALORE, Mar. 28.— The last session of the Mysdr* Legislative Assembly concluded today after the voting of the Mysore Appropriation Vote on Account Bill for the withdrawal of Rs. 109,154,000 from the Consolidated Fund of the State for the tin uncial year 1952-53. No date hap
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  • 74 3 KARACHI, Mar. 28.—Pakistan's exports to the Indian Republic across the land frontiers during the calender year 1951 stood at Rs4 51.08 erorer whereas imports from the Indian Union amounted to 13.76 crores, resulting in a balance of Rs. 37.32 crores in favour of Pakistan, the Central
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 3 Ceylon beauties relaxing besides the porid situated on the side of the S. E. Asian Pavilian after pushing their way through inside the Pavilion,, at the Colombo Exhibition
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  • 184 3 CALCUTTA, Mar. 28.— The Chief Minister, Dr. B. C. Roy, was unanimously elected Leader of the mew West Bengal Congress Assembly Party. Approached by Pressmen after his electoin, Dr. Roy said he hoped that every member of the Assembly would help in th e
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  • 661 3 CALCUTTA, Apr. 1. Mr, Nehru told Cor.gress legislators and workers here recently that they must go ahead with firm faith in the future of the country and in the Congress and confidence in themselves. Addressing a closed-door meeting at
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  • 98 3 IPSWICH, England, Apr. 1. Not one smoker in a million knows that carry cigarette companies lias a secret mark. During a court case here a court messenger was sent out to buy a packet of cigarettes. When he Returned, a factory supervisor ran a small matal
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  • 107 3 MADRAS, Apr. I.— The Government had so far not arrived at any decision on the question of increasing the scale of salaries of teachers in secondary schools said M* A B. Shetty, Minister for Education, replying to a question by Mr, R. Suryanarayana Rao in the Legislative
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 267 3 The Eastern Shipping Corporation Ltd. Port Swettenham, Penang, Nagapattinam and Madras. S.S. "JALADURGA" (Accepting Passengers and Cargo). Singapore. P. Swettenham Penang. Arriving 3-4-52 7-4-52 8-4-52 Departing 6-4-52 7-4-52 9-4-52 Arriving 29-4-52 3-5-52 4-5-52 Departing 2-5-52 3-5-52 5-5-52 Arriving 19-5-52 23-5-52 24-5-52 Departing 22-5-52 23-5-52 25-5-52 Agents for Malaya: R. Jumabhoy
      267 words
    • 108 3 Needler's Chocolates Htdl Mark of Quality Highest Standmrdl Sole Agents: F. A Bartholomeusz, Limited SINGAPORE HERE IS YOUR wS Ife-e^t^'fc^" m^^ I MAKE SURE YOU BUY TRUNKS ■f W? l> BEARING THESE TRADE MARKS 5 iiiiiirnf" l itf DURABILITY IS CfUARANTEBD. Manufacturers and Distributors: K. E. MOHAMED IBRAHIM CO. Head
      108 words

  • 1687 4 CEYLON NEWS: First Accused's Arrest Is Recounted FURTHER INQUIRY OF MRS. SATHASIVAM MURDER CASE COLOMBO: Mar. 20.— From the remarks made by the crowd around St. Alban's Place, witness knew that they were hostile towards Mr. Sathasivam, said Mr. K. C. Nadarajah,
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  • Article, Illustration
    69 4 Squatting on the floor at "Temple Trees," Mr. Dudley Senanayake (above), llw new Prime Minister of Ceylon, listens to a few words of advice from the Sangha .shortly after he had been called upon to form a Government on Mar. 26. Bel am, the first person Mr. Dudley Senanayake saw
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  • 170 4 ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE ON USE OF ORATORY KALU'-ARA: "Rhetoric or in otherwords, oratory, plays a very important part, in democracy in that much depends on convincing the people." said Justice C. Nagalingam acting Chief Justice at the Kalutara Town Hall when he ,r- resided over the Kalutara District oratorical contest
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  • 128 4 SELANGOR INDIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Hon. General Secretary of Selangor Indian Chamber of Commerce writes: At an Annual General Meeting of the Selangor Indian Chamber of Commerce held on the Mar, 30 the following were elcrtefl office bearer for the ensuing year. President Mr. A. Mohammed Hussain; Vice President
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  • 513 4 Indian University Graduates Association Of Malaya The Secretary of the Indian University Graduates Association of Malaya writes: "The Indian University Graduates Association of Malaya was inaugurated at a meeting held at Kuala Lumpur on the 30th of September 1951, with the idea of serving' as a connecting link between the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 42 4 ROOKS Available Tamil Murasu, Tamil Nesan. Indian Daily Mail, Malaya Nanban. Malayu Raya, Film Raya. foreign periodicals, 3 dates Calendar for 1952, Nandana Varusha Panchangam, etc. E. S. KADER MEERA SAHIB, Sarees General Merchant, 10, Main Street, Batang Berjuntai. Phone No. 267.
      42 words
    • 173 4 New City Cinema (GEYLANG SERAI) OPENING TODAY: DAILY AT 3.15 6 15 9.15 P.M. JAIRAJ and NIGAR SULTANA in fV/\O (HINDUSTANI) With all the Indian Stars Cricket festival Admission Sl-00 50 cts. roYa/l NOW SHOWING Daily At 3 7.30 p.m. An ENTERTAINING Tamil Folklore ffftlfiHiSlH Few More Shows and the
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