Indian Daily Mail, 31 January 1952

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VII. NO. 351. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1952. FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS.
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  • 429 1 W. Bengal Premier Defeats Forward Bloc Candidate Further Election Results NEW DELHI, Jan. 30. More than 150 election results have been announced i n the past 24 hours. These include 10 for the House of the People from five States Madras, Orissa, West Bengal, Madhya Bharat and Kutch. One of
    GIIS  -  429 words
  • 168 1 MANILA Jan. 30. City Councillor Eriberto Gumban, Junior, and Police Sergeant Abelardo Goites shot each other to death in a pistol duel in front of the municipal building in Pavia, Iloilo Province, today. Gregorio Gerada, a businessman who was a bystander when the men pulled
    A.P.  -  168 words
  • 143 1 KHATMANDU. Nepal. Jan. 30. The Nepal Government yesterday organised the biggest airlift in the history of the Himalayan kingdom to drop King Tribuvan's "peace and planning appeal" over outlying areas. The appeal, made after last week's abortive "revolt" by a section of the Raksha Dal
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 288 1 NEW DELHI, Jan. 30.— Mr. Roy Gollan, Australian High Commissioner in India, in a broadcast from New Delhi on Saturday on the occasion of Australia Day, which coincides with India's Republic Day, said that the cooperation, warmth and friendship that had been extended
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  • 434 1 KASHMIR PROBLEM CANNOT BE SOLVED ON RELIGIOUS BASIS, SAYS BAKSHI BOMBAY, Jan. 30.— The Deputy Chief Minister of Kashmir. Bakshi Ghu 1 a m Mohd said in Bombay on Monday that the United Nations had been trying to solve tho Kashmir problem on the basis of the two-nation theory. "We
    FOC; A.P.  -  434 words
  • 162 1 SEC-COUNCIL RESUMES KASHMIR TALKS PARIS Jan. 30.— The United Nations Security Council met today to resume consideration of the Kashmir Question. The Council was meeting under the Presidency of M. Jean Chauvel of France. India's case is in the hands of Sir Girja Shankar Bajpai. while Pakistan was represented by
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 153 1 CAPETOWN, Jan. 30. South African Prime Minister Dr. Daniel Malan yesterday warned the African National Congress, the major Bantu organisation, that anv attempt to incite the Bantu .people to defy law and order would be dealt with. He was replying to a letter from the African
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 88 1 BHUJ, Jan. 30.— A network ot over 300 miles of road giving access to some of the remotest villages in the State of Kutch will be completed by 1956, the deadline set by the Planning Commission in its Five-Year Plan. Already 51 miles of roads,
    F.0.C.  -  88 words
  • 74 1 NEW DELHI, Jan. 30.— Two students from British Universities who are on a fourweek tour of Indian universities arrived in New Delhi OH Monday. They are 22-year old Alasair MacDonald of Glasgow University and 25-year old Brian Abel Smith of Cambridge University. The visit is aimed
    FOC  -  74 words
  • 81 1 NEW DELHI, Jan. 30.— Dr. A. H. Beerma, Director of Economic Division of the Food and Agriculture Organisation, said in a press interview in New Delhi on Tuesday that he had been greatly Impressed by the progress of sample surveys being conducted by the Indian Council
    FOC  -  81 words
  • 84 1 LONDON, Jan. 30.— The salary of General Sir Gerald Templer is to be £6,000 a year with an allowance of £2,500 sterling. This is approximately Straits $75,000. The Colonial Office yesterday confirmed th e figures. The previous High Commissioner, Sir Henry Gurney, who was ambushed and killed by
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 242 1 NEW DELHI, Jan. 30. An analysis of the Government of India's development expenditure shows that Rs. 1,080 million have so far been spent or sanctioned for expenditure by the Government on river valley projects alone. Expenditure during the current year has
    UP; A.P.  -  242 words
  • 203 1 An analysis of development expenditure of the Government of India, since independence, indicates that till March 31, 1951, about Rs. 4,110 million have been spent by the Centre on various schemes covering railways, posts and telegraphs, forests, irrigation, agricultural improvement and research, Industrial development, civil aviation, broadcasting,
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  • 46 1 GENEVA. Jan. 30. The value of clocks and watches exported by Switzerland reached an all-time record of francs <USs23o,--000,000) in 1951 and far exceeded that of any other Swiss export industry. Watches made up 22 percent of Switzerland's entire export trade. FOC A.P.
    FOC; A.P.  -  46 words
  • 110 1 E. African Indians Asked To Boycott Legislature NAIROBI, Jan. 30. The East African Indian National Congress yesterday decided to ask Indian candidates in the coming general election not to take part in the business of the legislature or its committees. The decision was a protest against the recent bill creating
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 138 1 BOMBAY, Jan. 30.— The International Film Festival was inaugurated by th e Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting, Mr. R. R. Diwakar, in Bombay on Thursday. Twenty thre e countries Including India and the United Nations, are taking part in the Festival. Delegates have come from
    FOC  -  138 words
  • 69 1 LONDON. Jan. 30.— British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden yesterday reaffirmed that British troops would stay in the Suez Canal zone. He told the Hous e of Commons that rioting in the zone has done nothing to diminish Britain's ability and determination to maintain her
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 318 2 GENERAL ELECTIONS tN INDIA: We//known Cuttack Congressman Loses lo Socialist Candidate CUTTACK, Jan. 19. The Leader of the Opposition, Raja S. N. Bhanj Deo of Kanika, was one of the two declared elected to-day to the Orissa Assembly. He was elected from the
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  • Article, Illustration
    147 2 GAUHATI, Jan. 18. Mr Dengthuama (Mizo Union) who was declared elected today from the Lungleh (Lushai Hills) constituency is the first scheduled hill tribe candidate to be returned to the Assam Assembly from a contested seat. KATLICHERR* Mr. Gauri Shanker Roy (Congress') has been elected to the Assembly from
    FOC; A.P.  -  147 words
  • 41 2 JAIPUR, Jan. 19. Mr. Shivdhan Singh (Ind) has been declared elected to the Rajasthan State Assembly from Khamnor constituency in the first contested result announced to-day. Six Congress candidates hav e already been returned unopposed to the State Assembly. FOC
    FOC  -  41 words
  • 299 2 HYDERABAD, Jan. 19. With two more results in the elections to the Hyderabad Stat e Assembly announced today, both going in favour of the Congress, the present party position is: Congress 65, People's Democratic Front 33. Socialists 9, Peasants and Workers Party 9, Scheduled Castes Federation 5. and Independents
    FOC  -  299 words
  • 515 2 Congress Gains In Madhya Pradesh NAGPUR, Jan. 19.— Among th e Congress candidates elected to-day are Mr. R. K. Patil, former State Food Minister and member of the Planning Commission till November, Mr. B. A. Deshmukh, former Excise Minister, and another sitting member Dr. P. G. Ekbote. The Ram Rajya
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  • Article, Illustration
    1380 2 BOMBAY. Jan. 19. Mr. K. B. Dundur (Congress) and Mr. D. Y. Sambrani (Congress) were elected to the General and the Reserved seats respectively. Electorate: 1,04,844. Votes polled: 1,12,667. GENERAL K. B. Dundur (Congress) 23,962 V. R. Mari Gouder (KMPP 18,933 R. H. Goodwala (Ind.) 10,556 Ramachandra Kapse Jan
    FOC; A.P.  -  1,380 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 287 2 MENSES DELAYED DEVI PILLS (Regd. CDL/688) is a sure specific for all menstrual disorders, either delayed for many months or otherwise and also cures peculiar disease such as Lencorrhea, Menorrhagia, Dysmenorrhea and Ammen. orrhea. Results guaranteed, thousands of people have expressed their satisfaction. Beware of Imitations. Price ordinary 7.00; Special
      287 words

  • 755 3 JUSTICE PARTY FORWARD BLOC REGISTER THEIR FIRST SUCCESSES Madras, Jan. 20.— Thirteen more results in the elections to the Madras State Assembly were announced today. The Congress annexed five of these four were from the Savdabet and Chidambaram double-member constituencies and the fifth from Aduthurai. Tne Justice
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  • 125 3 SALEM. Jan. 20.— During the counting of votes on January 18 in the Salem Town constituency of the State Assembly at Salem, three packets of turmeric, a onerupee note, three one-rupee coins, four-anna coins and ,ples were found in the ballot boxes. On Jan. 16. the polling
    FOC  -  125 words
  • 209 3 HYDERABAD. Jan. 21.— The Congress to-day captured six out of the seven seats in the Hyderabad Assembly. The seventh seat went to an Independent. The present party position in the 175-Member State Assembly is: Congress 73, People's Democratic Front 35, Socialist 9, Scheduled Castes Federation 5, Peasants and
    FOC; A.P.  -  209 words
  • 68 3 COLOMBO: When the House of Representatives meets Mr. Somaweera Chandrasiri (Moratuwa) will move the ament of Standing Order No. 13 to enable the members to speak in Sinlhalese and Tamil whenever they wish to do so. Under Section 13 of the Standing Orders members are
    FOC  -  68 words
  • 88 3 CEYLON RUINS 'OF WORLD INTEREST' COLOMBO: "It is a pity that the astounding evidence at an ancient civilization and culture *e saw at Anuiadnaj^ura are not widely publicised in other countries for it does seem to me that the ruins now being efficiently uncovered are of world wide interest," Mr.
    FOC  -  88 words
  • 103 3 KOZHIKODE, Jan. 19.— Mr. Ajoy Kumar Ghosh, General Secretary of the Communist Pany of India, has demanded that title Madras Ministry, snould toe dissolved and a session of the new Assembly convened immediately after the elections to enable the elected representatives of the people to form a
    FOC  -  103 words
  • 59 3 GWALIOR, Jan. 14.— One person was arrested at Hiranagaon in Khategaon constituency on Jan. 13 for alleged possession of two Parliamentary ballot papers, according to th e Madhya Bharat Election Office. The arrested person stated that the ballot papers were given to him by a polling
    FOC  -  59 words
  • 36 3 LUCKNOW, Jan. 11.—Another batch of 34 Congressmen has been expelled from the primary membership of the party for a period or six years on a charge of contesting the elections against the official Congress candidates FOC
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  • 124 3 BOMBAY. Jan. 20.- Mr. B. G. Kher today said that Government had never made Prohibition an issue of prestige. Bombay's Chief Minister, who was inaugurating the Prohibition Week here, said: "We really think ttiat drinking is an evil. The fact that America had also tried to introduce
    FOC  -  124 words
  • 94 3 COLOMBO: The Employers' Federation of Ceylon has recommended to memberfirms that 14 and 15 February should be observed as holidays with pay on the occasion of the Royal Visit. It has also recommended that Independence Day (Feb. 4) should not be observed as a holiday
    FOC  -  94 words
  • 46 3 KURNOOL. Jan. 20— The Presiding Officers at the Akiveedu polling station in Cumbum taluk and the Konidala polling station in Nandikotkur taluk in Kurnool agents of some candidates, on January 16, according to reports received here yesterdistrict were assaulted by the dayi. FOC
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  • 604 3 MADRAS, Jan. 20.— Mr. M. Bhaktavatealam, Minister for Public Works, who was defeated in the election to the State Assembly from Ponneri constituency, when interviewed by Pressmen, stated that his defeat was most unexpected to everyone "I shall not go into the factors that contributed
    FOC; A.P.  -  604 words
  • 37 3 AHMEDABAD, Dec. 15.— The City Muslim League resolved to support the Congress in the elections and appealed to local Muslims to cast their voters in favour of the Congress candidates FOC
    FOC  -  37 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 92 3 Needler's Chocolates Hall Mark of Quality Highest Standard: Sole Agents: F. A Bartholomeusz, Limited SINGAPORE Passages to South India B. L S N. CO., Straits /Nagapattinam/Madras Service S.S. "RAJULA" Singapore. P. Swettenham, Penang. 30. 1-52 31-1-52 2- 2-52 24- 2-52 25- 2-52 27- 2-52 20-3-52 21- 3-52 27- 3-52 First
      92 words
    • 34 3 'mflvmmmmW' ■■■■'> '^BF "iAIEII-HKJpS^* W I I WW W^ 9i "^H- treatment HADE MARK) 3B The mark of a BURROUGHS WELLCOME CO. product Stm Aa-Ufrn- Mmmjm: JACKSON A CO.. LTD.. Singapore, Ku«li Lumpur A KmH
      34 words

  • 1139 4 MR. K. P. K. MENON'S SPEECH ON REPUBLIC DAY Following is the text of the broadcast speech delivered by Shri K. P. Kesava Menon, High Commissioner for India in Ceylon, over Radio Ceylon on Jan. 26, on the occasion of Indian Republic Day:- India became independent on
    1,139 words
  • 83 4 An "Intensive Method" Course (For award of Diploma as Associate or Fellow) will qualify you for higher status by spare -time postal study. GUARANTEED COURSES in Commercial and Law subjects. London Chamber of Commerce, R.S.A.. Institute of Commerce, etc. Special ENGLISH Courses for Overseas
    83 words
  • 616 4 therefore to take steps to use the remaining 94V©. Sindri Factory The Sindri Fertiliser factory claimed as the largest in Asia would achieve within a tew months the full production target of 1,000 tons of amonium sulphate a day. With all these we hope
    A.P.  -  616 words
  • 339 4 Racket In Indian Rupees Killed COLOMRO: The roaring blackmarket in the Indian rupee has come to a complete standstill due largely to the more frequent remittances of Ceylon currency now made to Indite. One effect of the collapse of the blackmarket in the Indian rupee is that money changers refuse
    FOC  -  339 words
  • 109 4 Mr. S. K. Reddi To Set Up Legal Practice Mr. S. K. Reddi, after a distinguished service for c»er four years in the oilice of tne Representative of tne Govt of India as Registrar, has resigned his post, with effect from today. Mr. Reddi. who is i\ Bar-at-Law, proposes to
    GIIS  -  109 words
  • 103 4 Awards For Gallantry In Korea NEW DELHI. Jan. 30.—Recipients of awards for acts of gallantry whose names were announced on the Republic Day include Major Nirode fiaran Banerjee of the Indian Arrrftr Medical Corps who has been awarded "the Maha Vir ChaJcra" or gallantry In operations in Korea Three ot)
    FOC  -  103 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 122 4 DIAMOND 1 LAST 3 SHOWS: At: 3.15 -6.15 9.15 p.m. j—W^^mWwm\m Hiralal, etc. i iP'^mtm'WmW^ W S _m\\\\\\\\\\\-—^^& OPENING TOMORROW: Nargis Dilipkumar in HUL CHUL (Hindustani) xxxxxx>ooocxxx>oooooooocxx>oooooooooocxxx>oooooc New City Cinema I r( GEYLANG SERAI OPENING TODAY I DAILY 3.15 6.15 9.15 P.M. c: The world famous Hindustani picture ever y
      122 words
    • 122 4 Unprecedented Crowds Flock To See Egypt's Super-Colossal Picture Daily At _^Jk K9 "Air-cooled for Comfort" by EfSEKS&B9 WESTAIRFans! Here's Dashing Adventure Ron ante To Set Your Pulses Tingling 'AMEER F.L INTIKAM' or "THE COUNT O F MONTE CRISTO" with Complete English Subtitles Starring SAMIA GAMAL (belly -dancer) and ANWAR WAGDY
      122 words