Indian Daily Mail, 29 September 1951

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VII. NO. 230. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1951. FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS*.
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  • 391 1 Resignation Precipitated By Dropping Of Hindu Code Bill RAJAJI ALSO TO RESIGN RETIRING FROM POLITICS (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Sept. 28:— The Nehru Government will have to face its most critical period ahead during the elections without the guidance
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  • 127 1 A.I.O.C. COMES COMPLETELY UNDER PERSIAN CONTROL TEHERAN, Sept. 28:— The grea; Anglo-Iranian Oil refinery at Abakan yesterday came completely under Persian control. A detachment of soldiers guarded the mam gate and prevented the British staff from entering. Only 10 British superintendent!, who had passes were allowed into the refinery. No
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 55 1 ~~_3_F- vf 11 i The Commissioner-General, Mr Malcolm Mac Donald, left Singapore, yesterday morning by air for Jesselton. He is proceeding on a tour m North Borneo, Brunei and Sarawak and Mrs. Mac Donald will acj^npany him on part of his jourHe expects to be away
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  • 610 1 India's Progress Towards Food Self -Sufficiency MINISTER MUNSHI OUTLINES FIVE-POINT PROGRAMME NEW DELHI, Sept. 23: Addressing a seminar of the State Directors of Agricultural Extension m New Delhi yesterday, the Food Minister. Mr. K. M. Munshi, said:. "More sugar, more cotton and more jute have been produced this year and
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  • 157 1 GENERAL CARIAPPA'S ASSURANCE SRINAGAR, Sept. 28. Addressing newsmen m Srinagar on Sept, 26, the Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army, General Cariappa, said that inspile ot the recent deployment of troops, necessitated by Pakistan's war threat and her jehad propaganda, the number
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  • 232 1 Iranian Paper Advocates Neutrality On Kashmir Issue TEHERAN, Sept. 28.— A lead_r. fo weekly of Iran m an editorial on Sept. 20 exhorted Iran and othei Middle East countries to desist from taking sides with Pakistan on the Kashmir issue. The paper said: "At a time when all Asian nations
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  • 75 1 UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 28.— Dr Frank P. Graham, United Nations representative m Kashmir, was due to arrive m New York today with his report on the efforts mad. to reach an agreement between India and Pakistan on the problerr of Kashmir. The Security Council appointee" Dr.
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  • 56 1 UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 28 The United Nations Children.; Fund will shortly start sending midwifery equipment to Asian countries m an attempt to reduce the infant mortality rate, it was announced today. During the next two weeks equipment will be sent to India, Pakisitan, Burma, Ceylon, Indonesia North
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  • 39 1 The fortnightly meeting of the Divine Life Society will be held today, Saturday, at 7.30 p.m. at No 26 Lorong N, Teluk Kurau, Singapore the residence of Sri N. Damodaram Pillai. All members are cordially invited.
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  • 45 1 x *^A. public lecture will be given by V^ R. Mlddleton-Smith (Deputy •"^nm-j-Bloner tor Labour, Singa.2*4. c) on 'International Labour f*"vanisatlo_i" at the Raffles In-gjbftut-lon Hall (Bras Basah Road> Sunday -ati-p.m. undrr ■ie auspices of the .Workers' Sdu Association. AU are *wel-
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  • 66 1 SOCIALISM IN PRACTICE At a cocktail party given at the Indian Association Root Garden yesterday m honoui of Dr. Kam ..laiiohar Lohia, the wellknown Indian Socialist, Dr. Lohia on arrival was asked by a certain Indian: "What is going on here?" Dr. Lohia replied: "Well, com-' up, if you want
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  • 98 1 ENEMY PLANES OVER SHANGHAI lIONG KONG, Sept. 28:— "Enemy" planes flew over Shanghai and Canton areas on Sept. 21, 24 and 25, according to official reports from the mainland. The reports, however, did not say whether the aircraft were Nationalist or American. The Shanghai Liberation Daily said that an air
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  • 174 1 N.B.L.U.'s MASS PROTEST MEETING TO-DAY The members of 8,000 strong Singapore Naval Base Labour Union will attend the Mass Pr;,*est Meeting to be held at tbe Victoria Memorial Hall today, Saturday, Sept. 29, at 2 p.m. under the auspices of the Federation of Services Unions to register protest against ithe
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  • 65 1 TRIESTE FREE TERRITORY Sept. 28. A bomb was hur*ed Thursday night against the Allied Military Government building here The explosion blew out window panes for several blocks around but no casualties were reported. It was the third and largest bomb thrown at the building this year
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 191 1 NEW DELHI, Sept. 28:— The Food Minister, Mr. K. M. Munshi, said during the question hour m Parliament yesterday that there was no reason at present to apprehend famine occurring In Bihar m 1952. He was commenting on a newspaper report
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  • 188 1 European Labour lor India? NEW DELHI, Sept. 28:— The Labour Minister Mr. Jagjivan Ram, told Parliament during the question hour yesterday that the ILO is taking steps to assist emigration of workers from certain European countries having excess cf manpower to other countries m Europe and outside which are m
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  • 140 1 LONDON, Sept. 28:— King George VI spent another comfortable night and is making stead/ progress, his doctor* announced today. The bulletin, timed 10.30 aan. BST, was the ninth issued sine* Sunday's operation on the King's lung. The bulletin added to the encoitT* agement Britons felt after
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  • 182 1 LONDON, Sept. 28:— King George yesterday appointed a council of state to act for him during the long period of his recovery from a lung operation. The announcement from Buckingham Palace came a short time after Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh decided to go
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  • 91 1 LONDON, Sept. 28:— The Duke of Windsor yesterday cancelled his plans to speak tonight at a book publishers dinner m London. (His memoirs were published m Britain today) Announcing this, tne Book Publishers Representatives Association said that it was apparent from the bulletins on the King 'hat
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  • 77 1 The Sixth Annual Muslim New Year Sports will be held on Sunday Oct 7, at the Jalan Besar Stadium commencing at 2 p.m. The Governor has kindly consented to present the prizes. The public are invited and no admission fee will be charged. The heats for
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  • 34 1 Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia, Indian Socialist leader, now on a visit to Singapore, will hold a press conference at the Adelphi Hotel Roof Garden at 9 a.m. today, Saturday.
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  • 125 1 TEHERAN, Sept. 28:—Commenting on Mr. Nehru's election as the Congress President, the influential Iranian daily Keyham characterised the election as a victory of India's democratic secularism over retrogression and reactionary forces raising their head as a result of the partition _*f the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 812 2 Inian Daily Mail Singapore, Saturday, Sept. 29, 1951. NOTES COMMENTS INSULT ADDED TO INJURY IF the Federal Government's failure to appoint a ctuxunittee to investigate the problem of Indian education m Malaya ls a grievous injury, then the Government's refusal to consider the report of the unofficial Indian Education Committee
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  • 274 2 Red Shirts To Boycott N.-W. F. Elections \\Due To Lack Of Civil L^3 Liberties LAHORE, Sept. 23.— Red Shirts— popularly known as "Khudai Khidmatgars" have decided not to take part m the next general elections expected to be held m November this year, according toa press report. The decision, the
    F.O.C.  -  274 words
  • 109 2 SIMLA, flept. 23— The nomination papers of Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, India's Health Minister, for election to the House of the People from Himachal Pradesh were held valid by, the Returning Officer. She Is a Congress candidate from the Mandi-Mahasu constituency. The Returning Officer overruled
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  • 124 2 MADRAS, Sept. 22.— Part of the Bale proceeds of wheat obtained on loan from the U.S.A. ia to be utilised by the Government of India for helping States to promote some of the development projects which are now under execution. The Government of India htve informed
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  • 127 2 MADURAI, Sept. 20.— The Tamil Nad Pradesh Congress Election Committee Interviewed applicants tor the Congress ticket to contest the general elections from Ramnad district. Fifty one persons, including Mr. P. S. Kumaraswami Raja, the Chief Minister, and Mr. Kamaraj Nadar, President of the TNCC and some
    F.O.C.  -  127 words
  • 166 2 Tandon Explains Reason For Joining Working Committee i ALLAHABAD, Sept. 24.— Mr. Purshottamdas Tandon said here that he had resigned from the Congress Presidentship to maintain the dignity of the chair and conceded to join the new Working Committee to strengthen the Congress organisation. "I could not sacrifice my principles
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  • 244 2 BANGALORE, Sept. 23— In a Press statement, Mr. S. Nijalingappa. President of the K.P.C.C.. expressed his gratification at Swami Sitharam breaking his fast. He took the opportunity to point out that the question of formation of linguistic States was a running sore m the body politic
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  • 134 2 DACCA, Sept. 23— The East Bengal Government has decided that Muslim children m the province should henceforth learn the Arabic Alphabet first, instead of the prevailing system of learning Bengali, m the primary stage. A Muslim child, under the new system, will be first
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  • 142 2 JULLUNDUR, Sept. 24.— With a view to settling the dispute between the two groups m the dispute between the two groups m the State Congress one led by Dr. Gopichand Bhargava and the other by Sardar Pratap Singh Kairon, President, and Laia Jagat Narain, General Secretary of
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  • 151 2 DACCA, Sept. 22. Nationalisation of East Bengal's jute industry is due to financial stringency according to East Bengal's Agriculture Minister Mr. Hameeduddin Ahmad. In support of his view Mr. Ahmad told a 'public meeting at Kishoreganj recently that the average yearly production of jute m East
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  • 63 2 NEW DELHI, Sept. 19.— A provision of Rs. 7.95 crores had been made m the Budget for 1951-52 for purposes of welfare schemes fo»--railwaymen stated Mr. N. Gopalaswami Ayyangar m a written reply to Mr. K. N. Rai. Mr. Ayyangar drew attention to the explanatory memorandum
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  • 181 2 MAYAVARAM, Sept. 22.— An appeal signed by about 250 leading citizens of Mayavaram has been presented to the President of the Republic of India drawing his attention to the condition of some of the sacred temples m Travancore-Co-chin State. The appeal says: We, the Hindus of Bharat,
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  • 108 2 RANAGHAT, Sept. 21.— Eleven inmates of a refugee camp at Gaespore m Kanchrapara were arrested L*y the police m connection with a disturbances inside the camp. It is alleged that a section of the refugees surrounded the bungalow of the Liasion Officer and kept him confined
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  • 229 2 KANPUR, Sept. 23.— Shri Mahabir lyagi Minister of State for Finance, appealed to India's business community to "bring out their idle money and utilise it for industrial purpose." Shri Tyagi who was addressing, the half-yearly general meeting of the Merchants' Chamber of Uttar Pradesh warned
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  • 72 2 NEW DELHI, Sept. 17.—Government _were not aware of any interference with the Socialists' mall by the P. and T. authorities, said Mr. C. Rajagopalachari, Home Minister, m reply to a question m Parliament today. He stated that the Government of India had not passed any orders or
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  • 147 2 India's Holdings In IMF Highest Amongst Asian Countries BOMBAY, Sept. 24— India's holdings of currency m the International Monetary Fund are the highest [amongst Asiatic countries. These holdlngß include non-nego--1 tiable and non-interest bearing notes at Rs. 224,96,40,000 (equivalent to 472.42 million dollars). India if the fourth highest holder after
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  • 149 2 KARACHI, Sept. 21.— The arrival of Malik Ferozc Khan Noon, Governor of East Bengal, m Karachi has given rise to speculation m political circles that he is likely to be offered a diplomatic post and be sent to Paris as Pakistan's envoy m place of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 79 2 Needler's Chocolates Hall Mark of Quality AHD HIGHEST STANDARD -.ole g< nts. F. A Bartholomeusz Lid. SINGAPORE. A GRAND ARRAY OF SAREES I at French Chiffon plain or shaded colours. 20 different shades to select from. Also Brocades to match with Sarees. Nowhere else can you get so many for
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  • 1097 3 INDIAN PARLIAMENT PROCEEDINGS: "Powers In Measure Very Limited" NEW DELHI Sept. 7 (By Air Mail.— The Hume Minister, Mr. C, R.*Jagopalachari, today moved referlenoe of the Press (Incitement to Crime) Bill to a Select Comm_lt:e of Parliament. Appealing for
    FOC; A.P.  -  1,097 words
  • 40 3 CALCUTTA: Mr. Abdul Aziz Ansari has been elected unopposed to the West Bengal Legislative Assembly, from the Muslim Chamber of Commerce constituency. The vac£! was caused by the recent resignation of Mr. A. R. Siddini FOC
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  • 216 3 Commonwealth Dollar Pool: Rise In India's Contribution NEW DELHI. Sept. 7 (By Air Mail).— The Finance Minister, Mr C. D. Deshmukh, told Parliament today that India's net surplus m the dollar pool had increased to 54 million dollars during the year ending June 30, 1951, from 39 million dollars during
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  • 866 3 Allocation of Newsprint to India No reduction of export duty on Jute Goods now Talks for Indo-Egyptian Treaties Indians m Mauritius Indo-German Industrial Co-operation Return of Muslim Migrants to W. Bengal Police Raid on Indian shops m Indonesia. NEW DELHI, Sept. 10 (By Air Mail). The
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  • 236 3 MADRAS. Sept. 23.— The Public Relations Officer, Southern Railway, writes: As an experimental measure two automatic ticket printing and issuing machines, manufactured by M/s. Westinghouse Garrard Ticket Machines, Ltd., London, have been installed m the booking office at Madras Beach for a few days for
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  • 203 3 "_F* NEW DELHI, Sept. 6 (By* Air Mail).— -No official comment is available from the Government of India m regard to a British proposal for a further cut m dollar imports, following a steep drop In the dollar earnings of the sterling aTeas. A
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  • 183 3 NEW DELHI, Sept. 7 (By Air Mail) Maj .-Gen. Himatsinghj i Deputy Minister said m reply to Mr. Gangadhar Siva m Parliament today that seven officers, six JCOs. 24 NCOs and 1010 other ranks belonging to ex-INA had been enrolled m India's land forces.
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  • 269 3 INDIA STANDS FOR PROMOTION OF UNIVERSAL PEACE; SAYS SAKSENA OTTAWA, Sept. 28.— 1n a statement on India's foreign policy issued m Ottawa on Sept. 21, the Indian High Commissioner, Mr. R. R. Saksena, said: "India believes m democracy. She has guaranteed for all her subjects, irrespective of caste, creed and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 85 3 INDIGESTION ?di|gg 1' __V*.-*t>o m I m^mOkmrnliL 0 I h^L!_^S/ ■v jpF -^^/%_____"___S-_rQf-i extensive laboratory research, Bfc-f\ /'^gwtvTsi-S-f De Witt s Antacid Tablets are the new convenient \s.^fjLy^*Ly wm y promptly with digestive troubles outI WL \____?fe*^^_S3__*__y/ oors tVotvaiey needed— tablets dissolve smoothly V>3 __->*2_ -s^l on tn tongue. Pleasant
      85 words
    • 116 3 :'*n*BH*!**i»H**li«tit*H»l**lHi***}**«H*^ f|^ I** r ur FUTURE hw€hh lor 1 IILL 1 wean ean Sent Free! India's leading Astrologer of 30 years internait-onal fame will pareoare and send you __t the important toy marvellous" axe some ef the e-rmions act the I cat-eats fee*, your parts. SEIND NO MONBy, but only
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  • 1192 4 CEYLON PARLIAMENT PROCEEDINGS: Criticism Of Transport Systemjn Press COLOMBO: Senator Sir Oliver Goonetilleke, Leader of the Senate and Minister of Home Affairs and Rural Development referring to criticism of the transport system, said m the Senate recently that Senator Cyril de
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  • 90 4 MR. A. R. LAZARUS who has' been nominated by the Singapore Labour Party to contest the forthcoming City Council elections from the Balestier (North) Ward. A prominent contractor, Mr. Lazarus has been a member of the Labour Party since its inception and is now on
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  • 53 4 A public lecture will be given by Mr. G. G. Thomson, Public Relations Secretary, on the "United Nations Declaration on Fundxmental Human, Rights at the British Council Hall (Stamford Road) on Sunday, Oot. 7 at 10 a.m, under the auspices of the Workers' Education Association.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 87 4 ROY AL NOW SHOWING Daily at 3.00 6.15 9.15 P.M. THE BIGGEST LAUGH RIOT PROVIDING I BEST ENTERTAINMENT I |_H_______H>' 1111 l ff wost Hilarious Musical Comedy of the 'JSm-.f?- Captivating Dances. ~'^__!..H._lE_fl _H_^ I i _-_rr|B *W*m**mmm^ Amm a^LWmAfmmjti^Mm BB £Kf^*WaQ m OOgmmmm^ m m m m^ mmm 9
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    • 102 4 DIAMOND Dally 3 Shows: 3.30 6.30 9.30 Rokiah Hanafl, S. Kaderusman, D. Idris m A Malay Picture Sunday Morning Show ll a.m. Mazood Suiochana Chatterjee m "GRAHASTI" (Hindustani) Today at 3.15 6.30 9.15 p.m. MADHUBALA PREMNATH BADAL (m Hindustani) MIDNITE PREMIERE TONITE SHOW BOAT OF THE NILE am §mypTMM MvacALKsrjiue*
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    • 181 4 TODAY: 7.00 9.15 p.m. Cariboo Trail (Color by Cinecolor) with Randolp Scott. 1 UNANIMOUSLY ACCLAIMED IN INDIA AS AN I EXTRAORDINARY FILM OF THIS YEAR 3 111 It Cost 3 Million Rupees To Produce! Q Vftlrf bl T' (COWARD) I lij ill I! Unusually Powerful Story of Three Intimately I
      181 words