Indian Daily Mail, 11 September 1951

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VII. NO. 212. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1951- FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS.
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  • 154 1 New President Nehru's Suggestion NEW DELHI, Sept. i o.— The Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru, yesterday demanded that Congress Party candidates for the general elections next winter be chosen for their integrity and ability" and no other consideration. "If we find men outside
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 82 1 TOKYO Sept. 10.— Peking radio m the mast direct approach yet to General Ridgway's proposal that the conference site should iy~ changed, said his message failed to answer the Communist protests and m addition without any apparent reason he has submitted such a request to his
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 156 1 TOKYC-, Sept. 10.— An Bt'n Army communique covering Sunday, said United Nations forces attacking below Pyonggang, secured a iiill despite stubborn resistance irom a Communist battalion. West and north of Korangpori United Nations forces made light contact but no significant action was reported from patrolling United
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 711 1 PAKISTAN CLAIMS DISPROVED NEW DELHI, Sept. 10.— "On Aug. 8, 1951, the Government o! India issued a Press note refuting Pakistan's assertion that if Kashmir continued to remain with India. Pakistan would run the risk of being deprived orf its irrigation supplies from
    GIIS  -  711 words
  • 63 1 A GOOD OMEN TOKYO, Sept. 10. Emperor Hlrohdto of Japan saw a good omen Saturday the day the Japanese treaty was signed at San Francisco the Japanese press reported Sunday. He saw a stork perched on top of one of the tall pine trees along t n<> Imperial Palace moat.
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  • 146 1 A leader of the International Theosophical Society, Mr. C. D. T Shores, is on a visit to Malaya. Mr. Shores arrived Penang on Sunday from the International Headquarters of the Society at Adyar, India. The Penang Lodge of the Theosophical Society has organised a piogiamme of
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  • 641 1 INDO-AFGHAN FRIENDSHIP REITERATED AT PRESS CONFERENCE NEW DELHI, Sept. 10.-The At Khan Prime Minister, H.R.H. Shah Muhmud Khan Ghazi, left New De lhi on Sept. 8 for Amritsar on his nay to Kabul. He was soon off by lne Primo Minister, Mr. Nehru, l.«i.N of
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  • 185 1 PATNA, Sept. 10.— Bihar Government has contradicted a news item published by the DAWN of Karachi that 4,000 Muslims had been converted to Hinduism m Bihar. A Press note issued by the Government of Bihar on Sept. 8 says: "The attention of the Government has been drawn
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  • 503 1 TOKYO, Sept. 16.— India is re ady to end its state of war wit* .I: pan "simultaneously with the com ing into force of the treaty signed at San Francisco." the Foreign Offl cc and Indian Mission here annoanoed today. India and
    A.P.  -  503 words
  • 213 1 NEW DELHI, Sept. 9 —Under the heading "Indo-Afgfcan Ties", the TIMES OF INDIA says: "Kabul's friendly ties with New Delhi are reinforced by the visit of the Afghan Prime Minister, His Royal Highness Marshal Shah Mahmoud Khan, to Indian Capital. As a distinguished visitor
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  • 49 1 NEW DELHI, Sept* 10. Nearly 1,100 000 tons of the United States food loan will have reached India before th« end of 1951 and the remaining 900,000 tons will arrive by March next year, Deputy Food Minister M. Tlrumal Rao told Questioners m parliament here.—
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 46 1 TELL YOLK PRODUCTS TO THE PEOPLE through TAMIL mUU The Leading TAMIL Daily m Malaya over 17 years 71, SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE-:. For details of the Nehru-Tandon controversy, sec page 3) Enjoy ONAM FESTIVAL with DELICIOUS DINNER Tomorrow at NEW ANANDA BHAVAN 221, SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE.
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    • 73 1 SDBSCJUPTION RATES (BY POST) Malaya, B.N. Borneo and Sarawak 1 Month 5.50 3 Months 16.50 6 33.00 1 Year 66.00 Other Places 1 Month 6.50 3 Months 19.50 6 38.00 I Year 75.09 Me //(OAy 0/ Malayan Trawl. M^H^fi^flESSb' IB hCJß^■^*t^""^V^^B ib^b B S^H^ll^^. THIS jolting horse-drawn carriage was once
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  • 657 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 1951. REALISM VERSUS IDEALISM \X7TTn the resignation Of Shri Purushothamdaa Tandon and c •lection of Premier Jawaharlal Nehru as the President of the Indian National Congress, a great controversy has ended and it has ended m a victory for Realism over Idealism. The
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  • 495 2 Move To Exempt From Income- Tax NEW DELHI, Sept. 4:— The Government of India have decided to give Income-tax exemption on foreign profits of residents of India on the condition that such residents invest half the amount m Government securities. The necessary legislation m this
    F.O.C.  -  495 words
  • 98 2 GAUHATT, Sept I.— Th« Assam Government have lodged a strong protest with the East Pakistan Government against the action of Pa kistan Government against the ac tion of Pakistan troops who opened fire across the frontier on Indian forces m the border district of Goal
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  • 51 2 RAJKOT, Aug. 26: Twenty shops were tooted m the town of Patttana according to Information reaching here. Section 144 Cr. P. C has been enforced m the town and immediate police action brought the situation under control without further Mateward incidents. Serai pmnras «m arreeUd
    F.O.C.  -  51 words
  • 97 2 CALCUTTA, Sept. B:— The Government of India are consMfrifeg the question of controlling tbe prtw of poweafoom elotb, it Is learnt mart. A conference of representatives *f the powerloom associations of India has been convened by Government In Bombay on September 12 to consider !n what forwi such
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  • 100 2 PATNA, Sept. I.— Mr. Jogesh Chatterji. General Secretary of the Revolutionary Socialist Party of India, stated at a Press Conference here that the party would contest 500 seata m the 8 States of India, namely Assam, West Bengal, 3ihar, U.P., Delhi, Rajasthan, Madras, and Travancore-Cpchin
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  • 101 2 Levy Of Estate Duty: Madras Govt. Drop Proposal MADRAS, Sept. 2:— The Madras Government have, it is understood decided not to pursue for the present, the proposal to recommend to the Central Government the levy of Estate Duty on agricultural land. It may be recalled that this subject came up
    F.O.C.  -  101 words
  • 244 2 Reclamation Of HalariaRidden Lands In Madras MADRAS, Sept. 2.— The importance of organised colonisation of the waste lands of India, which were fertile but had been made unhealthy on account of malaria m these regions, was stressed by Sir S. V. Ramamurthi, addressing the Economics Association of the Loyola College.
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  • 89 2 CALCUTTA, Sept. B:— The Government of India, it is learnt, have decided to set up a central institute for the training of factory Inspectors, Labour Officers etc. with a view to equipping them with necessary knowledge regarding labour administration. The Government have also decided to establish an
    F.O.C.  -  89 words
  • 51 2 KALIMPONG, Sept. B:— Big landslides have occurred on the Siliguri-Teesta road following to 'heavy rains. According to an eye witness, tt will t?^j several days to remove the landslides. The road was opened to traffic recently after months of dislocation following heavy lnn/foiiAt. i,™« last year.
    F.O.C.  -  51 words
  • 108 2 CALCUTTA, Aug. 31.— An armed 'iold-up was staged m Burrabazai area thiß afternoon when six young men, carrying sten-gtms, disappeared with Rs. 40,000, representing the roll of a jute mill. The money was being carried m lorry from a Calcutta bank to the Jute mill's factory at
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  • 365 2 GOVT. OF INDIA'S DECISION TO SIMPLIFY PROCEDURE NEW DELHI, Sept. 4:— The Go vcrnment of India have decided to simplify the existing procedure gov erning the issue of import licences m respect of requirements of raw materials and accessories to actual users. According to an official
    F.O.C.  -  365 words
  • 234 2 Protection Of Temples: Centre Urged To Take Effective Measures QUILON, Sept. I:— Mr. Mannatho Padmanabhan, President of the Hindu Mahamandal and former President of th» Devaswom Board. said: The States Minister's statement that m several of the cases of desecration of temples the motive had been cupidity and attempt to
    F.O.C.  -  234 words
  • 282 2 OAUHATI, Sept. I:— The Standing Committee of the Assam Press Advisory Board adopted a resolution at its two days sitting here stating that news reporting on the food situation should be factual and objective. The Committee also resolved that reports of starvation deaths
    F.O.C.  -  282 words
  • 145 2 POONA, Sept. 2:— Parliament has been authorised by the Bombay Legislature to frame laws for levying an Estate Duty en agricultural land In the Statt. The lower Bouse «f the Legislature had already agreed yesterday to a motion to that effect made by the Finance Minister, Mr.
    F.O.C.  -  145 words
  • Article, Illustration
    65 2 PHOTO). Ten chemists and chemical engineer* from India and Pakistan come down the gang-plank on arrival at New York's International Airport recently, from London. They are m New York to attend The International Chemical Conclave isi New York City on Sept. 3-I J. They will also spend three weeks visiting
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 83 2 Dr. Abanindra Nath Tagore's Birthday Celebrated CALCUTTA: The 81st birthday of Dr. Abanindra Nath Tagore, India's master artist, was celebrated m dif--erent pans of the country on Sunday, Aug. 26. In this connexion a delightful function was arranged at Dr. Tagore's Baranagore residence by 'Kristi Tirtha/ the cultural section jf
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  • 74 2 SILCHAR, Sept. I:— The Barax River has been eroding Silchar town with increasing severity. As the monsoon reached its peak the waters f the river washed away about 20 houses and shopa m a week. It ias now threatened a mosque and he main business
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 99 2 De Witts Man Zan is A purely and simply a J^ Pile Ointment^ Z]L*^^3^V* f soothes f^J^^^^ and heals* A mtW*^ easy use XT iu^ is very e^ ec vc PRODUCT Passages to South India B. I S> N. CO., Strait*/ Nagapattinam/ Madras Service S.S. "RAJULA" SAILS Singapore. P Swettenham.
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  • 1086 3 Kashmir ton Assembly Plan INDIAN PARLIAMENT PROCEEDINGS: No Objection By Sec-Council Yet, Says Keskar NEW DELHI, Aug. 23 (By Air ;Mail). -Prime Minister Nehru reiterated m Parliament today that the convening of the Constituent Assembly m Kashmir was m complete accord with the Government of India's views on the subject
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  • 83 3 SRINAGAR, Sept. B.— Ever since Pakistan started her latest military preparation* along the cease-fire line, Uie administration of "Azad Kashmir" has gone into the hands of ivilian officers of West Punjab. According to information reaching icre, the Ministers of the "Azad Kashmir Cabinet" are not being
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 3 Photo. 2 Tlit- Shah of Persia, Mohammed Reza Pahlevi drives a British-built a land Rover during his inspection of Persian army manoeuvres near Teheran recently. Seated on his right is General Garzan, Army Chief M of Staff A.P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 264 3 NEW DELHI. Sept. B:— The taxable incarae m LvJia rose from Rs. 177 crores m 1939-40 to Rs. 592 crwres In 1949-50, said Mr. Mali ivir Tyagi, Minister of State for Fimui cc, m Parliament en Ang. 30. The demand of
    F.O.C.  -  264 words
  • 427 3 NAGPUR, (By Air Mail).— The Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly on August 30 defeated a "Noconfidence motion against the Ministry by 83 votes to 14. Six Muslim members remained neutral. Sixteen members, eight from each side, took part m the day-long debate on the
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  • 56 3 AHMEDABAD, Sept. s.— EightyIve persons, including: 20 women, vere arrested here m connection with the nine-day old anti-cow slaughter movement m the city. •Demanding: the stoppage of cow slaughter, a large number of men and women have been squatting on. he Municipal premises m defiance of
    F.O.C.  -  56 words
  • 119 3 HEW DELHI, Sept. B.— lm|a'a dollar surplus had increased from Rs. 5 crores m the period July, 1949 to June, 1950, to Rs. 37 crores as provisionally calculated for the corresponding pn-iod of 1950-51, Mr. C. D. Deshmukh told Parliament on Aug. 30. India's policies as
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  • 1349 3 'Ugly Haste To Prejudice Issue' TANDON-NBBRU CONTROVERSY: MINISTER MISHRA ON CONGRESS MP's DECISION NAGPUR Aug. 22 (By Air Mail). —Pandit D. P. Mishra, Home Minister of Madnya Pradesh, m a statement to tne Press today saiu that the recent resolution passed by the Coogr&is Party In Fariia .nent expre^sini confidence
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  • 239 3 Mandates Of Congress Are Binding On The Prime Minister Tandon KOLHAPUR Aug. 22 (By Air Mail).— The Congress President Mr. Purshottamdas Tandon declared here today that "no Chief Minister, not even a Prime Minister, can afford to ignore the moral bindings of the Congress." Mr. Tandon, who was addressing a
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  • 407 4 The Ceylon Commissioner m Malaya, Mr. M. Saravanamuttu has issued the following communique on Cey* lon citizenship as affecting the Ceylonese m Malaya: 1. Under the Federation of Malaya lose their Ceylon citizenship status Agreement, which came into fore© unless they renounce their
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  • 481 4 NEW DELHI, Aug. 22 (By Air Mail}.-The Government of India are at present considering the question of evolving a speedier method of dealing departmentally with Government servants charged with corruption and bribery. Mr. C. Rajagopalachari, Home Minister, stating this m Parliament today m
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  • 70 4 Malayalees m and around the Federal capital will be celebrating the annual Onam festival on Sunday, Sept. 16 from 10 ajn. to 7 pjn. at the Chettiars' Hall, Sentul, although Onam day falls on Sept. 12 (27th Chingam. 1127 M.E.) There will be interesting items
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  • 143 4 COLOMBO: A number of Buddhist monks and a woman were among those present at Palm Court recently at a joint meeting of the Sri Lanka Republican Party and th» Mahajana Paramuna. On a motion by Mr. M. W. H. de Silva, K.C., the two parties were
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  • 203 4 SOLOMON ISLANDERS DEMAND INDEPENDENCE FROM BRITAIN LONDON, Sept. 10— Members of the outlawed party m the South Pacific Solomon Islands have demanded independence from Britain and substitution of American influence, the Colonial Office said. At the Government station at Auki, Malaita, they met the Minister of State for the Colonies,
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • 99 4 The Overseas Pakistani League has arranged special prayers m memory of Quaide Azam Mohamed All Jinnatx's death anniversary m the Sultan Masque at 7 p.m. today (Sept. 11). Food will be distributed. AH Muslims are requested to attend, writes the President of thf Overseas Pakistani League. TALK
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  • 399 4 Full Programme Of Tomorrow's Onam Celebration Following is the programme for the Onam Celebration to be held by the Singapore Kerala Samajam at the Rangoon Road Government English Schodl t»morVow. Wednes day, Sept. 12, from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.— SPORTS a. For Junior Boys:
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 232 4 NOTIFICATION The Office of the ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER FOR CEYLON, at the 6th floor of Loke Yew Building, Holland Road. Kuala Lumpur, was opened for public business at 11.30 a.m., on Monday, 10th Sept. 1951 It will be opened for public business between 9 a.m.. and 4.30 p.m., on week days
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    • 32 4 OPENS TODAY: 3.15 630 9.15 p.m Indonesia's Latest Musical TIRTONADI (m Malay) TOMORROW 4 SHOWS: I.IS 3.15 6.30 9.15 p.m Morning Show Tomorrow 11 a.m. Republic's action-packed The Plmderftrs (color iby TRUCOLOR)
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    • 163 4 ROYAL NOW SHOWING TODAY 2 SHOWS AT 3.00 7.30 P.M. The Most Daring and Spectacular Romance Ever Brought to the Screen! Starring MALATI M the Beautif ul Princess who falls m love with uM£\KjrkM.M. a commoner RAMA RAO the Dashin 8 young commoner who faUs m love 'MIIKKAMAf.A the Vicious
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