Indian Daily Mail, 10 April 1951

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 17 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VII. No. 59. SINGAPORE, TUESD AY, APRIL 10, 1951. FOUR PAGES 15 CENTS.
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  • 191 1 Protest Against Racial Segregation In S. Africa DURBAN, Apr. 9. Mr. Manilal Gandhi, who started his 14-day fast on Apr. 5 m Durban €is a protest against the South African Government's racial policy, was joined m his fast by his family for a day on Apr.
    GIIS  -  191 words
  • 539 1 Indian Papers Condemn Apartheid Policy Of Dr. Malan NEW DELHI, Apr. 9.— The u Government's policy of racial apartheid continues to draw comment. The HINDUSTAN STANDARD writes: "Although successive acts of disobedience on the part of South Africa deserve to be most drastically dealt with, within of course the com.
    GIIS  -  539 words
  • 103 1 Large-Scale Smuggling Of Burmese Rice Into Pakistan? RANGOOW. Apr. 9. Burmese aatnorities are investigating largescale smuggling across tne a>-imi j oorder dividing West Burma from cast Pakistan, it was autnoritatiVv jiv stated Friday. A Government spokesman sa:a hat smugglers nave been active despite customs checks and frontier guards ana aaaea
    A.P.  -  103 words
  • 51 1 BOMBAY, Apr. 9.— Bombay city md suburbs felt a mild earth tremor No damage has yet been reported. j.t 2.28 a.m. (local time) today. It was the first shock felt m Bomjay for many decades. Creaking windows and shuddering roofs woke people who hurried outdoors for safety.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 77 1 New radar equipment is to be used at British airports for directing aircraft moving on the ground during fog. lt is known as an air surface movement indicator and fflH enable traffic controllers on airfields to control all movement however bad the visibility. Any obstructions
    CGO Press release  -  77 words
  • 58 1 BOMBAY, Apr. 9.— Sir Mirzi Ismail, former Prime Minister of he State of Hyderabad, last night taft here by air for Lake Success to ake up his post as United Nations «.presentative m Indonesia. 68 year-old Sir Mirza will be m ■barge of the United Nations projiamme
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 52 1 BANDOENG. Apr. 9.— A number ol Dutch planters were arrested m Bandoeng area for undisclosed .-easons on Friday, reports Aneta aews agency Among the eight arrested persons la Baron O.E.H. Bentinck, Chairman if the 'local Planters Association. The arrests were carried out bi military police which refused a disclose the
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 67 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI. Apr. 9.— The Co -i gress Working Committee authciis .d the Central ParTiamentary Boaro to draft the election manifesto y. the Congress Party for the coming sreneral election to be placed befor i meeting of the AICC on May 5 The
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 1 PHOTO. PRINCESS MARGARET attended a dance at Dartmouth Naval College on Apr. 2 to mark the end of the term. Earlier she had inspected 300 cadets at divisions and presented end -of term prizes. Princess Margaret is seen here dancing with Cadet May. A.P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 286 1 BRITISH PRESS ATTEMPT MISCONCEIVED SAYS NEHRU NEW DELHI, Apr. 9.-The Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru, was asked m Parliament on Friday whether Ihe attention of the Government of India had heen drawn to the "false and malicious- articles m the Britihs Press against India on
    GIIS; A.P.  -  286 words
  • 40 1 Mr. A. Subbiah, M.A., General Manager of the Indian Overseas Bank Ltd, will be entertained to dinner tomorrow, Wednesday Apr. 11 at 7.30 p.m. at the Sea View Hotel, Singapore by a committee of Hosts.
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  • 334 1 PRESIDENT PRASAD'S TRIBUTE (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Apr. 9. Unveiling a portrait of Premier Jawaharlal Nehru m Rajaji Hall on Saturday evening President Rajendra Prasad paid glowing tribute to the "leading and determining part played by Nehru m the
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  • 65 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Apr. 9.— The Congress Working Committee meetin? here on Saturday last decided to appeal to the public for raising one crore of rupees fund (Rs. 10m.) m memory of the late Sardar Patel Lts idea seems to be tJhat,
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  • 82 1 The Government and the Municipality are allowing members of their staffs who are registered voters to leave their offices at 1 p.m. today Election Day. The Chamber of Commerce have recommended to their members and given Press publicity to Governments wish that employees should have adequate
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  • 74 1 BOMBAY, Apr. 9._ Four fires destroyed property worth mora than £10,000 uf BSmbfy Arson was suspected The first fire broke out at noon n S ba eS of American cotton aboard a barge m the harbour Then timber m the harbour naval ETV2_* U P- By dusk
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 222 1 NEW DELHI, Apr. '9.— Fears that th*. XK a _.i. oxplode. following India's ejection o the v N^lT^ W,t tion. are definitely diminishing here. Z^ d ZT^T^ predicting another period of status qUo f or^ L^, t mn nor Pakistan b„dg£ fr m th^X on
    A.P.  -  222 words
  • 160 1 INDIANS INVITED TO TOUR RUSSIA NAGPUR (Central Provinces, India).—Apr. 9.— The Soviet Union's Society for Cultural Relations has :.ivited 24 Indians to make a fiveweeks tour of Russia. Those invited include engineers, educationists, writers, scientists ana social workers. They will study industrial, health and education projects. Those invited include Dr.
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 94 1 nHH Ma!a y an Railway Administration announces the following unavoidable alterations m pasXS?er trains between Kual£ SS md Singapore. Which will onerat£ )n ly on Wednesday, A pr! 11 The Day Mail train from Kuala .umpur will run only to Gemas eminSS 2?*JE2I Sin g a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 22 1 TELL YOUR PRODUCTS TO THE PEOPLE through TAMIL MURASU The Leading TAMIL Daily m Malaya over 16 years M, SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE.
      22 words
    • 87 1 few Subscription Rates from 1-4-51 (BY POST) falaya, B_N. Bornoo and Sarawak 1 Month 5.50 3 Months 16 50 6 33.Q0 1 Year 66.00 Other Places 1 Month 6.50 3 Months 19 50 39.00 1 Year 78.00 (SINGLE COPY— IS cts.) mm?~ J 2==S=^=-'=-' l^ ___^V#___#___#___o km tm jm _f*%a
      87 words

  • 625 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Tuesday, April 10, 1951. MOT a few are the farces that" aro being staged by the authorities and others m this country to parado the ideals of democracy before a people who have little power to shape their own destinies and for whom the democracy that
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  • 812 2 Revision Of Labour Laws Tax Reliefs To Industry Urged Chambers Federation Calls For Increased Food Production NEW DELHI: The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industries Ssked Government on April Ito encourage private enterprise m industrial development by giving tax-reliefs, revision of industrial and labour policy on equitable and
    F.O.C.  -  812 words
  • 244 2 CALCUTTA: Mr. I. R. Goenka, President of the Bharat Chamber o* Commerce, recently made a strong plea for the revaluation of the Indian rupee at a "judicious level.' Mr. Goenka, m his presidential address at the annual general meeting of the Chamber, observed that "it
    F.O.C.  -  244 words
  • 89 2 NEW DELHI: 39,323 Hindus pro. ceeded to East Bengal from West Bengal and 32,723 moved m the opposite direction during the week ending March 25. The corresponding figures foi Muslims were: from East Bengak to West Bengal— ls,6B4, and m the opposite direction 15,592.
    F.O.C.  -  89 words
  • 167 2 Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Fund: Plans For Delhi Museum NEW DELHI: The Board ol Trustees of the Gandhi Memorial Fund, which met here recently under the presidentship of Mr. Devadas Gandhi, Vice-Chairman, endorsed the proposal of the Executive Committee to fix a period of ten years over which the expenditure of
    F.O.C.  -  167 words
  • 410 2 JAMML: Prime Minister Nehru reiterated here on April 3 that India would stand by her decision not to accept the latest United Nations resolution on Kashmir. He told a mammoth gathering of fifty thousand that now that the resolution has been
    F.O.C.  -  410 words
  • 455 2 KARACHI: Mr. M. A. Khuhro. the new Chief Minister of Sind. said at a Press Conference here that he would bring m a Bill during the present life of the Sind Legislature to abolish the jagirdari system m the Province. He revealed that the Sind
    F.O.C.  -  455 words
  • 585 2 NEW DELHI: Air Force Day celebrations, marking the 1 8th anniversary of the youngest service, began m the capital on April I vvith the inspection of an 1. A. F. guard of honour by President Rajendra Prasad. Among those who watched the ceremony and the thrilling
    F.O.C.  -  585 words
  • 39 2 AHMED AB AD: Miss Maniben Patel has been elected unopposed to the A.-I. C. C. from Gujerat m the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Raojibhai Patel Secretary of the G. P. C. OU F.O.C.
    F.O.C.  -  39 words
  • 166 2 NEW DELHI: Air Marshal Ronald Ivelaw Chapman, Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Air Force said to-day that the expansion of the I.A.F. should be gradual and m pace with the country"s ability to overcome its handicaps. He named three handicaps: Lack of experienced supervisory personnel, inadequate
    F.O.C.  -  166 words
  • 182 2 NEW DELHI: A Press communique issued by the Union Public service Commission says that the next competitive examination, to be held by the Union Public Service Commission for recruitment to th« .ndian Administrative Service, the Indian Foreign Service, the Indian Service and the Central Ser/ices Class I
    F.O.C.  -  182 words
  • 61 2 KARACHI: Dr. A. M. Malik, r>resently Pakistan Minister for Minority Affairs will m addition take over the Ministry of Health, Works and Labour, the Pakistan Government announced. The Health and Works Mnistry was till now under Sardar Bahadur Khan, the Communications Minister while the Labour Ministry
    F.O.C.  -  61 words
  • 100 2 NEW DELHI: Vindhya Pradesh had reported the largest number of armed dacoities among Part "C" State under the States Ministry since their formation, with 226 eases as against 96 by Tripura, 25 m Manipur and 31 m Cutch. A statement containing details was placed on
    F.O.C.  -  100 words
  • 49 2 xii«u»hima Hiroshima's "Bell K P *f C SI hungr m metre (about 32-foot) tower to symboS S n« T 5° mbed cit y' s dedication n? v P ac dlBa PPeared on March 27. Tokyo Police believe thieves stole it for meltmg down into scrap
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 1641 3 INDIAN PARLIAMENT PROCEEDINGS: Further Discussion On Tariff Amendment Bill NEW DELHI, Mar. 21, (By Air Mail). Parliament to-day had further discussion on the Tariff (Amendment) Bill, which seeks inter alia to empower the Government to impose protective duties by notification m emergency
    FOC  -  1,641 words
  • 251 3 NEW DELHI, Mar. 30.— At question time m the Indian. Parliament on Tuesday, the Food Minister, Mr. K. M. Munshi, said it was the intention of the Government of India to reclaim three million 1 acres ol KANS (weed)J infested land with
    GIIS  -  251 words
  • 85 3 COLOMBO. (By Air Mail). Mr. Victor Ratnayake, M.P. for Deniyaya, and Senator Canaganayagam, "Inside Information karns. will be leaving shortly on a three-month tour of the United Stotes under the exchange of leaders programme sponsored by America. The first to be offered this opportunity under the
    FOC  -  85 words
  • 183 3 Planning Commission Discusses Future Of Indian Textile Industry NEW DELHI, Apr. JB Steps to regulate the export of textiles, supply of raw cotton to the textile industry and encouragement to handloom industry were discussed Is New Delhi on Apr. 4 at a meeting of the Textile Development Committee with members
    GIIS  -  183 words
  • 191 3 COLOMBO, (By Air Mail).— Mr. J. Bjorck, Manager of Swenska Handelsbanken, Stockholm, Sweden, arrived m Colombo recently by plane to study the banking system here. His bank m Sweden is the headquarters of 300 branches and does the biggest banking business m that country. Mr. Bjorck
    F.O.C.  -  191 words
  • 179 3 COLOMBO, (By Air Mail). Dr. M. D. Ratnasuriya, former Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Languages of the Ceylon University, died of heart failure at his residence recently. Dr. Ratnasuriya had just taken 15 months' leave, which he was entitled to after working for seven
    FOC  -  179 words
  • 89 3 COLOMBO, (By Air Mail). A resolution urging r the immediate adoption of Sinhalese and TamL as the official languages of tht country will be placed before tin forthcoming 26th annual session oi the AM-Ceylon Village Commit tee.Conference. The resolution states thai provision should be
    FOC  -  89 words
  • 72 3 COLOMBO, (By Air Mail).— lt la understood that Mr. S. Krishna moorthy of the External Affairs IX partment of the Government oi India, is to be appointed as thp First Secretary to the Indian High Commissioner mV OeyCon, m tht place of Mr.
    FOC  -  72 words
  • 92 3 COLOMBO, (By Air Mall)— An inquiry is being conducted by the higher authorities of a denominational school m an outstation over the alleged sale of liquor by students at a carnival held m aid of the school building fund. A meeting of staff of the school
    F.O.C.  -  92 words
  • 41 3 COLOMBO, (By Air Mail).— A resolution requesting legislation! to prevent Ministers of State from making "indiscreet references to the MAHA SANGHA" was passed at a PUbliC mcc*' rlor I lac* maab m. P*nadur*^ FOC
    FOC  -  41 words
  • 285 3 CEYLON NEWS: Federalist On Canadian Parallel JAFFNA, (By Air Mail) .--Unlike the French Canadians who took seven years to secure their freedom the <TamU speaking people of Ceylon could achieve their freedom within three years, said Senator Dr. E. M. V. Naganathan, presiding
    FOC  -  285 words
  • 48 3 COLOMBO, (By -;r Mad).—Telegraph delivery peons on motor bievtles may shtrt'y be seen m Colombo. The Central Telegraph Office is making an experiment m expediting the delivery of telegrams m the city m Which the use of motor cycles is also contennpfated. FOC
    FOC  -  48 words
  • 110 3 COLOMBO, (By Air Matt). Tlie vi/ilance of the Customs authorities foiled the attempt to two brothers who arrived m Colombo last week m the P. O. Strathnaver to smuggle two gold Ingots worth about Rs. 5,000, a quantity of old jewellery and several precious stones.
    FOC  -  110 words
  • 125 3 JAFFNA, (By Air Mail).— When Mr. S. S. Kulatilleke. Mallakam Magistrate, who has been transferred to Kalutara as Additional Magistrate, came on the bench at Mallakam for the last time, Mr. T. C. Rajaratnam on behalf of the Bar paid a high tribute to the departing
    FOC  -  125 words
  • 46 3 COLOMBO, (By Air Mail).—Mudliyar R Moonesinghe of Dehiwala renounced his title as a protest against the Government's Excise po.icy at the temperance meeting neld yesterday at the B.T.S. Hail, Pettafi. Mr. Moonesinghe was the Secretary of the Dehawala-Mt. Lavinia Urban Council.- FOC
    FOC  -  46 words
  • 99 3 JAFFNA, (By Air Mail). Mr. C Ponnambalam, Mayor of Jaffna speaking at Myliddy said that m the death of Mr. M. Ponnlah, Managing Editor and Proprietor o! the Tamil weekly "Eelakesari," they had lost a national leader who like their Prime Minister did not thi
    FOC  -  99 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 71 3 P Passages to South Indim I. S. N. CO.. s Nagapattinam Madras Service S.S. "RAJULA" SAILS .Singapore P. Swettenham Penang 30.4.51 1.5.51 3.5.51 25.5.51 265.51 28.5.31 19.6.51 20.6.51 22.6.51 First Class, Second Class M A B Excellent accommodation and every facility and comfert. Deck passages with or without food. APPLY:
      71 words
    • 71 3 GOLMET COLOR KING PEN Writes m 3 colours—^green, red and blue ink from one pen. Price $8.50. Postage 50 cts. Agents: CHARI CO. (Post Box 123) 29, ROBINSON ROAD SINGAPORE. fIEEJMp >OTH PASTEqjSiS'^pE i ideal 3| ijS* ffl ntifrice 5 vAv W ntains active JJ vperties of m f m
      71 words

  • 489 4 "PORTFOLIOS" OF "MINISTERS" EXPLAINED Following is the third and final instalment of the Chief Secretary's circular explaining the administrative procedure for the transaction of business under the Member System which began functioning m the Federation yesterday: CHIEF SECRETARY— CiviI Service, External afflairs, Judicial affairs, Executive and
    489 words
  • 98 4 New Office-Bearers Of Johore Bahru Indian Congress The sth Annual General Meeting of the Local Indian -Congress, Johore Bahru was held on Wednesaay Mar. 28, and the following were elected as office bearers and Committee Members for the year: Sri M. N. Roy— President (Reelected); Sardar Sohan Singh Vice-President; Sri
    98 words
  • 200 4 Since the evacuation of thc population of the village of Jenderam and an area of 12 square miles surrounding it. 133 pJ;op c have been released from the Kluang Detention Camp, a further 17 win be released m the near future There are also 672
    200 words
  • 121 4 Tea from India. Ceylon, Nyasaland. Malaya, Indonesia and Formosa will comprise 11,514 packages, °i one hundred pounds weight eacu which will be auctioned on April lt at tne hrst London tea auction JMght brokers will participate, anci the proceedings are expected to last about two hours.
    CGO Press release  -  121 words
  • 34 4 The next meeting of the Federal Legislative Council will be held m the Council Chamber. Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday and Thursday, Apr. 25 and 26, commencing at 10 a.m. each day.
    34 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 200 4 BUY "GOLD LEAF" Ceylon Quality TEA with complete confidence that it is unexcelled— incomparable and unequalled. Agents F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ, LTD. RAMAKRISHNA MISSION 1 i Variet y Entertainment and other musical items 1 will be staged by the Ramakrishna Mission m aid ofl the Boys' Home at the Victoria Theatre
      200 words
    • 436 4 IMPORTERS OF JAPANESE TEXTILES TO NOTE Mr W. H. Walker, Controller of imports and Exports, Singapore m a statement says: "With reference to Notice to Singapore Importers No. 29, importers are hereby notified that the vaildity period of licences already issued for the importation of Japanese textiles, either against the
      436 words