Indian Daily Mail, 14 March 1951

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VII. No. 32. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1951. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS.
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  • 175 1 Cochinites To Move No -Confidence In All-Travancorean Cabinet MAY FORM COALITION MINISTRY BY JOINING THE OPPOSITION! (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS Mar. 13. The Congress legislators from Cochin have resigned from the Travancore-Cochin Congress Parliamentary Party since they have failed to receive any satisfaction regarding their demand that a Cochinite
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  • 264 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) TR1 VAN DRUM, Mar. la. Finance Minister Mr. A. J. John presenting the Budget of Travancore-Cochin on Monday showed only a small deficit of four lakhs of rupees for the year 1951-W. No new taxes were proposed
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  • 64 1 Preparing For Germ And Gas Warfare WASHINGTON, Mar. 13.— Masks for use by civilians as protection against germ as well as gas warfare are under development, a U.S. Navy medical officer disclosed Sunday. Commander Frank Philbrook said it is expected that they will be made available to civilians who "reside
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 224 1 UNIil_D NATIONS, N.Y., Mar. 13. ine principle of state aid in the development of the co-operative movement in Asia has Uie suppon of Uie International Labour Organisation governing body meeting in Geneva. The 1.L.0. governing body authorised Director-General David A. Morse to pass on
    USIS  -  224 words
  • 41 1 Mrs. Vilasini Menon will hold ar. Election campaign meeting at tuo 15th Mile (Football ground) Seletar tomorrow (Thursday) at 5.30 p.m. and another at Jaiar. Kayu, Seletar, on Saturday, Mar. i7 at 5.30 p.m. All are cordially invited.
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  • 182 1 A bust of India's great leader MAHATMA GANDHI, as tall as a rive -storey 'nouse, has been designed by Bombay sculptor V. P. Karmarkar as a memorial to the man who helped create the nation. Pictured here is a piaster model in miniature of
    A.P.  -  182 words
  • 78 1 AYOT ST. LAWRENCE, Mar. 13.— George Bernard Shaw's home here will be opened to the public on Sun day, March 18 for two shillings and visitors will be allowed to go through the rooms in which the playwright lived from 1908 until he died on Nov. 2.
    A.P.  -  78 words
  • 314 1 JAPAN BAGS 20 GOLD MEDALS 'From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Mar. 13. The first Asian Olympiad games concluded on Sunday evening with a solemn pagentry_as the Asian flag was lowered and the flame extinguished. The March-past of athletes of the
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  • 131 1 HANDLOOM CLOTH EXEMPTED FROM EXPORT DUTY (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Mar. 13— It is learnt here that the Government of India have exempted handloom cloth from the operation of the export duty of ten per cent ad valorum proposed in the Budget with effect from Mar. 1. This followed
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  • 41 1 BANDIT VICTIM NOT EUROPEAN BUT TAMIL It is now known that the maxtaI eer reported killed on the 3ehrang Estate. Tanjong Malim, Selangor. on Monday, was not a European but a Tamil Superintendent, Mr. T v. Lingam, says a Police communique..
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  • 85 1 (From Our Corrw n.ulcnt) PATNA, Mar. 13.— The High Curt here has held the Bihar Land Reforms Act ot 1050 which seeks to abolish the zamindari system as unconstitutional on the ground that the provisions transgressed Article 14 of the Constitution.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 101 1 TELL TOUR PRODUCTS TO THE PEOPLE through TAMIL MURASU The Leading TAMIL Daily in Malaya over 16 years 71, SELEGIE ROAD. SINGAPORE. Textiles! TexUles! Textiles! Textiles! TexUles! Textiles! TexUles! TexUles! j ATTENTION FRIENDS f 2 -6 3 We have just received shipments of Cotton white and Dyed Poplins, Opel Georgette
      101 words
    • 118 1 SDBSCRfi'TION RATES (BY POST) Malaya. B.N. Borneo and Sarawak 1 Month 4.00 3 12.00 6 24.00 1 Year 48.00 Other Places 1 Month 5.00 3 15.00 30.00 I Year 60.00 from SINGAPORE to NEW YORK by KLM Constellation Just relax in your comfortable seat while the giant four -engined Constellation
      118 words

  • 726 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Wednesday, Mar. 14, 1951. UNHOLY ALLIANCE AGAINST ESTATE LABOUR? IN our Notes on Saturday last we pointed out how surprising the pretest was against the delay on the part of the Arbitration Board in announcing their decision on the Estate wages dispute, because it had come
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  • 808 2 Blackmarket Will Be Stamped Out Says Chief Minister PATNA, (By Air Mail)— Mr. Sri Krishna Sinha, Chief Minister of Bihar, said here on March 8 that his Government would not waver in suppressing with a strong hand anti-soical elements which wanted to keep the poor
    F.O.C.  -  808 words
  • 216 2 BIRLA TO OPEN TEXTILE MILL IN N.W.F.P PESHAWAR, (By Air Mail) Seth Birla's name figured in the list of questions in the Frontier Assembly here recenUy which transacted noh-official business adopting only two out of seven resolutions. The Frontier Premier, Khan Abdul i Quayum Khan was asked to confirm or
    F.O.C.  -  216 words
  • 78 2 LUCKNOW, (By Air Mail) The Uttar Pradesh Government have so far made a net profit of Rs. 44 lakhs from the Government transport ser--1 vices. Government have Invested Rs. 860 lakhs on nationalisation of I road transport, including the cost of vehicles, tools and
    F.O.C.  -  78 words
  • 107 2 WASHINGTON, Mar. 12.— Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Atlantic Pact Army would use the atom bomb "instantly in wartime, if its use would help the outcome of the battle, it was disclosed in Washington last night. The General made the statement before
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 58 2 TIRUCHI, (By Air Mad) The population of Tiruchi municipal area and the Tiruchi Junction railway colony is 2,18,565, according to the latest census figures now available. Of this over 1,11,000 are men and over 1,06,000 are women. Over 50 per cent are literate, including
    F.O.C.  -  58 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 2 Photo) The air view o/ Saigon, capital of South Viet Nam. Picture shows the Chinese 'Arroyo' in right foreground. The imposing building left of the first bridge is the bank of Indo-China. Saigon river is in the background.— A. P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 257 2 NEW DELHI, (By Air Mail) The Government of India are under* stood to have finally decided that the erection, operating and mainten- ance of the new penicillin factory near Poona should remain the sole j responsibility of Government or of a statutory authority that may
    F.O.C.  -  257 words
  • 58 2 RANGOON, Mar. 12.— The Burma Currency Board, which regulates the issue of Burmese currency notes, Is to be transferred from London to Rangoon sometime this ye&r, it was announced in the Burmese Parliament today. The Board's establishment coin* cided with the independence of Burma, when she began
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 154 2 ENGLISH IN SCHOOLS: GOVT. POLICY REAFFIRMED BOMBAY, (By Air Mail) Mr. B. G. Kher, Chief Minister of Bombay, reaffirmed in the State Assam by on Mar. 7 Government's policy of abolishing English upto the stage of last four years in secondary education and introducing the mothertongue as the medium of
    F.O.C.  -  154 words
  • 360 2 MADRAS, (By Air Mail) —The population of Madras City has nearly doubled itself in ten years. The current census figures disclose that the present population is 14,29,374, an increase of nearly 7 lakhs over 1941 figures. The male population is 7,46,540, Females total 6,82,834.
    F.O.C.  -  360 words
  • 87 2 NEW YORK, Mar. 13. India s Mahatma uanarn and the w_ie or New York's Italian-born Mayor vuicent imipelliteri are the tor two new types ol orcruos. The cn-hlds were displayed here at the 35th International Flower Accepting the first Gandhi blossoras were Mrs. Shiva
    A.P.  -  87 words
  • 98 2 SINO TIBETAN SETTLEMENT PROSPECT "BRIGHT" NEW DELHI, Mar. 12.— Prospects of a Sino-Tibetan settlement are 'bright" according to a report published in today's Delhi Statesman from its Kalimpong correspondent. The correspondent said two Tibetan missions were expected to arrive in Peking soon. The correspondent also said that informed circles in
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 61 2 NEW DELHI, (By Air Mail) The National Executive of the Socialist Party expressed its "grave concern" and "dismay" at the "further deterioration" in the country's economic situation. It called upon the Government to implement immediately an economic programme which would assure to the people "vital
    F.O.C.  -  61 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 178 2 Yet barely a month ago A V I had to send for him—" w W^^k _D^ W "His work was behind his excuse ~«\lr\ 'A/\c -_F was constant headaches— said he was Iw _J>^,-' >_A 2_/ dotn* his best but felt completely v_k__HA fIF worn out f 1 JSt B\
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  • 307 3 Rs. 12 m. Loss In Calcutta Dock Fire On Feb. 17 QUESTIONS IN INDIAN PARLIAMENT INDIAN PARLIAMENT PROCEEDINGS: Committee To Be Appointed To Inquire Into Disaster NEW DELHI, Feb. 26, (By Air Mail). Shri K. Santkanam, Minister of Sta tel for Transport, stated in Parliament today in reply to a
    FOC  -  307 words
  • 103 3 ROME. Mar. 12.— Premier Alclde de Gasperi's sixth Government will probably face a Cabinet crisis early ln April, when the Labour Socialist Ministers are expected to resign. The Independent Labour Socialist party (P.5.L.1.) and the Union Socialist Party (P.S.U), headed respectively by former Vice-Premier Giuseppe Saragat
    A.P.  -  103 words
  • 121 3 TEHERAN, Mar. 13 —The Persian Majlis (Parliament), at a private meeting yesterday approved the s nah's choice of a Prime Minister -Hussain Ala, former Ambassador co the United State®. He was nominated by the Shan on Sunday after the Majlis had indicated that Khalil Fahimi, nominated to
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 677 3 BUSINESS HOURS OF BANKS DEVELOPMENT SCHEMES INDIAN DANCE, DRAMA AND MUSIC ECONOMY PROPOSALS SEPARATION OF JUDICIARY FROM EXECUTIVE NEW DELHI, Feb. 26, (By Ah Mail). The Government of India are actively considering the question of revising the business hour.s ci banks, in consultation with the Reset ve Bank of India.
    FOC  -  677 words
  • 94 3 TRIAL OF FORMER CHILEAN ENVOY POSTPONED BOMBAY, Mar. 13.— The trial of Manuel Garreton, former Chilean Ambassador to Turkey, on a charge involving the smuggling of nearly £125,000 worth of gold into India was postponed here Saturday. The public prosecutor, N. K. Detigara, said he is expecting important papers connected
    A.P.  -  94 words
  • 24 3 TAIPEI, Mar. 12. Flags flew everywhere in Formosa today on the death anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Founder of the Republic of China A.P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 199 3 CALCUTTA. Mar. 13. Seven members of the Revolutionary Communist Party of India were sentenced to transportation for life for their part in an armed raid on Dum Dum airport and an adjoining Governmer. c munitions factory and British engineering works in Calcutta suburbs
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 75 3 ALBANY, New York, Mar. 12.— President Paul L. Phillips of the AFL International Brotherhood of Papermakers, said yestterday that newspaper publishers were responsible for the current shortage of newsprint. Phillips asserted that "everybody seems to want to use the paper manufacturers as scapegoats" for the shortage but,
    A.P.  -  75 words
  • 153 3 Big Four Talks -Still No Agreement On Agenda PARIS, Maff. 13 Deputies of the Big-Four Foreign Ministers sit down yesterday for their second and possibly last week of talks on what their bosses ought to talk about. Mr. Ernest Davies. British UnderSecretary for Foreign Affairs, has said that steps have
    A.P.  -  153 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 3 Photo. A. Bland Calder, USA Consul at S«.igapore, is pictured here with his wife as they arrived in New York on Afar. 5. Calder is returning for reassignment at Hong Kong after two years in the Malay States. A. P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 94 3 Pre Fab Scandal: R.K.S. Replies Nehru COIMBATORE, Feb. 25, (By Air Mail). Mr. R. K. Shanmukham Chetty, former Finance Minister, Government of India in a statement regarding recent discussion 0. Parliament about prefab factory, said that he did not initiate the scheme but only acted on instructions of the Prime
    F.O.C.  -  94 words
  • 1285 3 National Flag— A Pledge Honoured Promise To Minorities CEYLON PARLIAMENT PROCEEDINGS: COLOMBO, Mar. 9, (By Air Mail) .—Moving that the Senate accept the recommendation in the National Flag committee's report regarding the design of the National Flag, Sir Oliver G oonetilleke, Home Minister and Leader of the Senate, at yesterday's
    FOC  -  1,285 words
  • 92 3 KHATMANDU. (By Air Mail) Maharaja Mohan Shumsher Jung Bahadur Rana, Prime Minister ot Nepal, has taken over charge of tha Defence portfolio following the departure of Bahbar Shumsher Jung Bahadur Rana, Defence Minister, for Vienna. The Prime Minister of Nepal is also reported to be
    F.O.C.  -  92 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 22 3 E/eryM/ likes. I /mWKmmW/^^ w. S'pore Price 0.30 cts. Federation Price 0.35 cts. SOU MINIS aaa, raxatt *vo* flt *>•»» wc <•*• www www
      22 words
    • 110 3 mw ■ww at& ,**z 1 I Y 3_T___E- v« if tt iq im j j \wm |I||P^ Lucky is the man or woman able to i||||P^say "I've never had a touch of rheumatism. pP in my life." i Sooner or later most people have a twinge or stabbing pain in
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  • 458 4 Federation's First Malay Gum European Dominated 'Ministry' Appointed ONLY ONE CHINESE AND NO INDIAN AT ALL AMONG NEW NAMES The following statement was made by the High Commissioner, Sir Henry Gurney, at a Press Conference held in Kuala Lumpur yesterday morning: The official Members of the Legislative Council for the
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  • 81 4 The HAGUE, Mar. 13.— Queen Juliana Sunday night asked Professor Carl Romme, Catholic Party leader, for a report on the progress of his efforts to form a Government, an official communique said. Political circles said it was highly unusual for the Queen to make such
    A.P.  -  81 words
  • 37 4 PHOTO. Artnur Collins, 24-year-old engineer student of St. Pancras London, who Ls engaged to marry the 19-year-old Tungku Zabariah, niece of tflie Sultan of Kedah, is pictured here in London on Mar. 7. A.P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 54 4 The Director of Operations. Lieut. General Sir Harold Briggs will take a short period of leav*' about the end of March. He will be absent from Malaya for a few weeks and will return in April to tesume his duties as Director of Operations
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  • 322 4 As announced by the Chief Secretary at his Press Conference on Thursday, Feb. 8, urgent consideration has been given to the rates of pay for the Uniformed Rank and File of the Police Force, and the following new rates of pay will be introduced
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  • 328 4 Singapore accident ratea for February show a drop of seven in the number of fatal accidents. 8 were killed as against 15 in January. Of the 8 killed, 2 were adult cyclists, 3 were pedestrians, 1 being a child. Out of 753 accidents, 192 involved
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  • 58 4 A Communique issued on Mar 12 by the Traffic Advisory Committee states: "No vehicle may park between the edge of the roadway and anv line laid down in the middle of the roadway Overtaking of motor traffic by motor traffic is prohibited wherever a double Ime is
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 131 4 f PLEASANT AND EASILY DIGESTED. It will nourlah. Stimulate and Invigorate you .gents: F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LTD. DIRECT SAILINGS FOR COLOMBO m.v. Surriento etd 4th April 1951 m.v. Napoli etd. 12th June 1951. Dormitory accommodations available. For further particulars please apply AMERICAN LLOYD AGENCY LTD., 64, Robinson Road, Singapore. Phone:
      131 words
    • 204 4 TODAY at 3.15 6.30 9.15 p.m. 50 cts to ail seats. "GHAR HI IZZAT" (Hindustani) SATURDAY AT MIDNITE: The Return of MUMTAZ SHANTI "AAHITI" or "Anokhi Qarbani" (Hindustani) Id i a ivi OND I I LAST 3 SHOWS 3.15, 6.15 9.15 P.M. I 1 BAGWAN, BABU RAO LEELA 111 in
      204 words