Indian Daily Mail, 16 January 1951

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VI NO. 325. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1951. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS.
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  • 1122 1 Text Of London Broadcast LONDON. Jan. 15. The Prime Minister, Shri Nehru, said in a broadcast from London on Jan. 12: "If we desire peace, we must develop a temper of peace and try to win even those who might be suspicious of
    GIIS  -  1,122 words
  • 131 1 Rationing In States Central Subsidy To Continue BOMBAY. (By Air Mail).—Continuation of the Central subsidy *o the State rationing systems was discussed at length on Jan. 8 at a 90-minute meeting between two Bombay Ministers and Mr. C. D ueshmukn The Finance Minister told reportt's alter ine conference: "We are
    FOC  -  131 words
  • 40 1 RANGOON, Jan. 15.— Burma has asked Peking for an explanation ol printed maps showing Burmese territory as Chinese, a uovernment source told the A.P. today. Tbe Burmese Foreign Office, however, refused to comment. A.P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 297 1 CHICAGO, Jan. 15:— The Chicago Tribune declared yesterday that the British "are losing their war in Malaya, the Communist-led natives are winning their shoe string revolt". In a Singapore despatch by thejr correspondent, Mr. Quentin Pope, tlie paper said "native opposition
    Reuter  -  297 words
  • 77 1 Social Economic Survey Of U.P. Urban Areas LUCKNOW, Jan. 15.— The Town Planning Organisation of Uttar Pradesh has undertaken a social and economic survey to study living conditions of th« people in urban areas I v/ith a view to enabling planning experts to find out how the towns folk can
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  • 54 1 LUCKNOW, Jan. 15.— Preliminary experiments to develop seri-culture in Uttar Pradesh have proved successful in various districts where districts where over 70,000 mulberry plants were planted last year. On the basis of results achieved, the State Government have drawn up a Five-Year Plan to extend mulberry plantation
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  • 128 1 NEW DELHI, Jan. 15.— A new type of equipment for recording signals received from a radiometeorograph during its ascent at various levels has been designed and constructed by the Indian Meteorological Department. In the atmosphere over the tropics, temperatures as low as 80 degree
    GIIS  -  128 words
  • Article, Illustration
    106 1 Here is the finished painting of Juivai liurlal Nehru, Indian Premier, by the Indian artist from Ceylon, Varuni, (in private life Mrs. Atri Brown, wife of the well-known sculptor). Mr. Nehru gave one sitting during his visit to London before the war. The painting progressed a good deal, but could
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  • 44 1 The following have been appointed to serve as members of the Visiting Committee of the Hospitals Board for the year 1951: Dr. Chia Boon Leong (Chairman) Mr. A. P. Rajah. Mr. E. Galistan. Lady Han Hoe Lim and Mr. Ong Yan Kong.
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  • 25 1 The next monthly meeting o£ the Rural Board will be held on Thursday, Jan. 18, in the Conference Room, Colonial Secretary's Office, at 10 a.m.
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  • 137 1 NEW DELHI, Jan. 15— One of the important geological discoveries made in India during the last two years has been the location of "inexhaustible" deposits of limestone in Guntur district, Madras State. Disclosing this, the official report of the Geological Survey of India, just published,
    GIIS  -  137 words
  • 53 1 A donation of $5,000 was made by the Administrators of the late Mr. Kuok Keng Kang, a wellknown resident of Johore Bahru on behalf of the deceased towards the Johore Bahru District Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. Mr. Kuok made a promise before his death, says an
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 122 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (BY POST) Vialaya, B.N. Borneo and Sarawak 1 Mouth 4.00 3 12.00 8 24.00 1 Year 48.00 Other Fiaces 1 Month 5.00 3 15.00 6 30.00 1 Year 60.00 r' '^_____SH__Hl 111 lst? CHANGE OF PROGRAMME EVERY DAY. Tickets available at the following places on Sunday also. Ms.
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  • 584 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Tuesday, Jan. 16, 1951. HOISTED WITH OWN PETARD! AN official statement issued by the United Malays National Organisation last week says that its Central Working Committee has accepted in principle President Dato Onn bin Ja'afar's proposal for full membership of UMNO for all races. The proposal,
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  • 341 2 Pak. Relief Minister's Statement At Dacca DACCA (By Air Mail).— Steps taken by the East Bengal Government to rehabilitate Muslim refugees and implement the Delhi Pact in regard to the return of Hindu migrants and restoration of properties to them were
    FOC  -  341 words
  • 117 2 CONGRESS WORKING COMMITTEE TO MEET NEXT WEEK NEW DELHI (By Air Mail).— The next meeting of the Congress Work ing Committee will be held in New Delhi at the A.I.C.C. Secretariat on Jan. 25 and 27, it is learnt. The meeting, which is being held two days before the A.-I.C.C.
    FOC  -  117 words
  • 132 2 NEW DELHI (By Air Mail).— Mr. Vashidhra Vatsyayan, Publicity Secretary of the Nepal Congress in Western Nepal, stated here on Jan. 4 that General Rudra Shumsher, 72-year-old former Commander-in-Chief of Nepal, entered on a fast on Dec. 26 at his residence in Palpa where he
    FOC  -  132 words
  • 125 2 HYDERABAD (Dn.) (By Air Mail) Mr. M. N. Roy of the new "Humanist Movement" said here on Jan. 3 that the living conditions in the coun- try must be improved if India was to really follow an independent foreign policy of neutrality.
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  • 84 2 Pictures Of Jawans Dressed As Women Banned NEW DELHI, (By Air M/.il). Photographs of "Jawans" dressed as women are not to be published in Army publications. Such cross-dressing is unavoidable in amateur theatricals by Jawans, and the Army has no objection to that. But the publication of pictures of that
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  • 66 2 COLOMBO, Jan. 14.— 1n Colombo on a diplomatic passport entitling them to stay for a fortnight are S. Andrienko, Russian Trade Commissioner in India, and his assistant, V. Vassiliev. Reporters were told they are here to buy certain spices which cannot be bought in India, but
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • Article, Illustration
    101 2 Photo. Two days before the New Year opened, Russia handed over military police duties to America in the international sector of Vienna. The monthly change-around between th Allied occupation forces is followed by handshakes and a joint cocktail party. In February the British will take over. Photo shows: A detachment
    A.P.  -  101 words
  • 151 2 200 MILE AREA UNDER SUB ZERO WEATHER IN SIMLA HILLS SIMLA (By Air Mail) Snow, storms lashing Simla Hills and surrounding mountain areas on Jan. 7 has left a 200-mile stretch of territory under sub-zero weather. ln Simla alone four inches of snow had fallen as the blizzard lasted. Bus
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  • 101 2 HUSKING LICENCE CANCELLED IN W. BENGAL BURDWAN (By Air Mail).— As a preventive measure against smuggling, the Government of West Bengal have, it is learnt, cancelled licences of all husking machines operating in the surplus districts of West Bengal. As a result of this, over 110 husking machines, operating in
    FOC  -  101 words
  • 116 2 NEW DELHI (By Air Mail).— The U.S. Government are sending three geologists to help the Government of India on two projects under the Point Four" technical assistance scheme. A ground-water geologist and a specialist on geological problems connected with dam sites and dam foundation structures
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  • 41 2 NEW DELHI (By Air Mail).— The Pakistan Government has, according to a Kabul Radio broadcast, strictly banned the publication of any news about the health of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, who is now ill in Miranshah jail. FOC
    FOC  -  41 words
  • 922 2 NEW DELHI (By Air Mail).— During 1949, there wab an aii-iounu .^cica&c ui u. c m e insurance uuom^s oy mdiaii insurance companies, ine number ot new policies ta^en was 5,44,000 and tne sum insured was Ks. 135.35^ crores, yielding an
    FOC  -  922 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 29 2 PLEASANT fm^fi^i'^^ AND EASILY h) -^H^%^C digested. ffi^TrTT^r/ t win nourish. 1 1 W:- T f Stimulate and ll|ii? r 1/ Invigorate you liSd~^i/ Agents: F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LTD.
      29 words
    • 94 2 ■t^i-'^'.^ _~_____________w Play safe Brylcreem your hair. Dandruff on your collar, =T y S loose hair on your comb these arc danger signals that point 1 /^3i j== thc need for Brylcreem 's double benefit EEE Mjjjrijtt fl |1) Day-long imartner. (2) Lstting hair health. I 111 Massage with Brylcreem
      94 words

  • 389 3 Bihar Premier's Warning NAGPUR, (By Air Mail).— Mr. M. S. Aney, Governor of Bihar warned people against Communism and stressed the duty of every citizen to fight this danger. Communism as such struck at the root of culture and in a religious-minded count ry like
    FOC  -  389 words
  • 180 3 HUBLI MERCHANTS WANT MINOR PORT AT KARWAR HUBLI, <3y Air Mali;. Mr. K Minister of State foi .transport and Railways, arrivea aere on Jan. 2. He laiu the f oun uaticn-stone of tne M. and S. M Railway Kmpioyees Co-operative rlcusing Society Ltd.. Hubii. Replying to an address of welcome
    FOC  -  180 words
  • 80 3 NEW DELHI, (By Air Mail). A Press Note issued by tne Commerce Ministry says tnat it has been decided tnat no further licences will be issued for the export of cotton yam. It may be recalled that actioff had been taken some time ago
    FOC  -  80 words
  • 113 3 ROME. Jan. 15. The body tf Sinclair Lewis, American novelist, was cremated here on Saturday. In accordance with the author's wishes, there was no religious service. Only three persons accompanied the body from the Protestant cemetery to the crematorium. They were Alexander Manson, _,ewis' private
    A.P.  -  113 words
  • 127 3 BOMBAY. (By Air Mail): A cyclist rode blind-folded along the ~-usy Hornby Road here on Jan 9 afternoon using his powers ot '-XT-ray" eyes. He was Dhanraj vjogia, the renowned magician, po pularly known as Gogia Pasha. He -ode zig-zag and stepped down twice ->n the
    FOC  -  127 words
  • 124 3 KARACHI, (By Air Mail).— Mr i. S. Suhrawardy, President of the Awami Muslim League, made a plea >r Pakistan quitting the Commonwealth at a Press Conference on Jan. 3. He characterised Mr Liaquat Ali's indecision to attend the commonwealth Conference as 'a -•onfldence trick and stunt."
    FOC  -  124 words
  • 311 3 PROGRESS OF INDIAN IRRIGATION PROJECTS PRAISED BOMBAY, (By Air Mail;. Dr. Lorenz cr. otrauo, President of tne international Association of Hycnauhc Research, said here on jan. a that cnere was no country iulead ot maia in irrigation projects. Dr. Straub was speaking at a reception given oy tne Mayor of
    FOC  -  311 words
  • 299 3 Talk Ot Buddhism As State Religion Is Harmful CEYLON NEWS: MUSLIM PROCTOR'S WARNING COLOMBO, (By Air Mail).— At a public meeting held on the occasion of the opening of a playground for Meddawatte, Matara, Mr. S. Y. Issadeen, Proctor, said that he as a Muslim, bs4 no objection to Buddhism
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  • Article, Illustration
    86 3 PHOTO. An infantry combat team from Thailand is one of the components of United Nations forces in action against the Communist aggressors m Korea. Thailand has also contributed several naval vessels. Red Cross personnel, and 40,000 tons of rice to the United Nations effort to restore peace to Korea. The
    USIS  -  86 words
  • 218 3 CLASH ON STRIKE-BOUND ESTATE: 18 LABOURERS INJURED COLOMBO, (By Air Mail). Eighteen labourers, men and women were seriously injured and admitted to Avissawella hospital recently after a clash on strike-bound Avissawella Estate, Puwakjitiya. Mr. B Wijesinghe, superintendent of the estate, said that while he was on his way to Colombo
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  • 357 3 Sinhalese As National Language: Experiment Urged COLOMBO, (By Air Mail).— The inauguration by the State commencing in 1951. of a two-year experimental plan to give effect to Sinhalese as the national language of the country, the grant of due recognition annually to not less than five outstanding 'literati' for the
    FOC  -  357 words
  • 333 3 NAGPUR, (By Air Mail). Major-General Himmatsinghji, Deputy Minister for Defence, said here that a scheme to turn from English to Hindi as the main language of tfie Army, was "under active consideration** but, he added, "This cannot be done overnight.** The Deputy Minister
    FOC  -  333 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 165 3 Lucky is the man .or woman able to I. .say "I've never had a touch of rheumatism ipF' in my life." [Sooner or later most people have a twinge or stabbing pain in* the shoulder or joints which is the first sign that the kidneys are not functioning properly and
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    • 29 3 F- *W§> m&mW mm IkOO" s tfi©* F r*****r. x x Attt €EY£OSt AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AIRWAYS PTY LTD. 5, PRINCE STREET SINGAPORE TEL. ***** ***** OR ALL TRAVEL AGENCIES
      29 words

  • 1150 4  -  DINESH DUTT IMPORTANCE IN NATIONAL ECONOMY STRESSED (By The following table gives the estimated demand, production achieved and installed capacity of different branches of the rubber industry in India: Rs. 160m. Invested As a producer of raw rubber, In- t dia occupies only a minor position
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 4 Photo). Seen here at Williamsburg, Virginia, are 15-year-old Chinese Girl, Patsy LL and Father Gehring. the Catholic Priest who sheltered her and inirsed her back to health in 1943, when the girl was found wander- ing, wounded and ill, on a Guadalcanal battlefield. Patsy has arrived at Williamsburg to attend
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 98 4 The Commissioner -General, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, left by air yesterday morning for Rangoon. For the first two days of his stay in Burma he will be the guest of the President of the Union of Burma and afterwards of the United Kingdom Ambassador, Mr. R.
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  • 68 4 The following have been appointed to be members of the Permanent Examinations Board under Section 18 of the Higher Services Scheme 1950:— Chairman: The Director of Education, Bingapore. Members: Department of Education, The Principal. Raffles Institution. Singapore. University of Malaya:— Prof. F. Mason and Prof. R. C.
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  • Article, Illustration
    108 4 PHOTO. A French relief column, striking 20 miles north of Hanoi, Dec. 27 recaptured the town of Daphuc after Communist led Vietminh Forces in a strong night attack, had occupied the key post guarding the northern approaches to the North Indochina capital on Dec. 26. A French military spokesman estimated
    A.P.  -  108 words
  • 61 4 PUBLIC HOLIDAY IN N.S. By Command of the Yang dlPertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan. Thursday, Jan. 25, will be observed as a Public Holiday throughout the Luak of Sungei Ujong (Seremban and Port Dickson Districts), in honour of the Installation of Yang Amat Mulia Dato' Mohamad Kassim bin Dato' Nika
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  • 211 4 TAIPEH, Jan. 15:— The National-, ist Government will mobilize young I aboriginal mountaineers if time allows, official sources here revealed today. These sources said the government had already worked out plans to remove the traditional barriers that exist between the aborigines and the
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • 146 4 On Dec. 9 last, it was announced thac a Committee had been set up under the chairmanship of Mr. J. A. Harvey, Commissioner of Lands to review the position of private and public burial grounds in Singa pore and to consider among other
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  • 131 4 A communique issued by the Department of Education today states that thsre arc vacancies in Primary T in the following Schools: Geylang Afternoon; Gan Eng Seng Afternoon: Winstedt Road Afternoon; Balestier Road Afternoon: Tanjong Rhu Afternoon; Plavfair Road Afternoon; Jurong Road: Dunearn Road; and also vacancies in
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  • Letter to the Editor
    • 431 4 PRIVATE ROADS ARE THE CURSE OF SINGAPORE! Sir. As a citizen of Singapore 1 am delighted that the authorities concerned have secured the services of such a world famous consultant like Sir George Pepler to draw up plans for the improvement of Singapore. As His Excellency, the Governor of Singapore,
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  • Article, Illustration
    83 4 PHOTO). Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister, inaugurated the 23:h Session of the Indian Science Congress and the first session of the Pan-Indian Ocean Science Congress in Bangalore on Jan. 2. The Prime Minister is seen ln this picture delivering his Inaugural address at the session. Among others appearing in this
    GIIS  -  83 words
  • 468 4 SAYS U. S. ARMY CHIEF KOREA, Jan. 15.— General J. Lawton Collins, United States Army Chief of Staff declared here today that the United Nations forces intended "as of now to stay in Korea and fight" and that first reinforcements for the Bth
    Reuter  -  468 words
  • 113 4 Kerala Samajam's Reception To Visiting Dancers The Singapore Kerala Sama jam's reception to visiting dancers Lalitha, Padmini and Party will be held on Friday, Jan. 19. at 6.30 p.m. at Robinson Cafe, Raffles Place. All Malayalees will be hosts and will be entitled to participate in the function on payment
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 37 4 Today: 3.15 6.30 9.15 p.m. 50 cts. to all seats "CHAND" (in Hindustani) with Begum Para Prem Adib ROYAL TO DAY AT 3, 6.15 9 P.M. FOR ONE DAY ONLY SURAIYA MADHU3AIA IN SINGAAR NEXT CHANGE (Hindustani)
      37 words