Indian Daily Mail, 3 June 1950

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail \f\L. VI. NO. 111. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1950. SIX PAGES 10 CENTS.
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  • 551 1 Glowing Tribute To Malayalis MONAZITE SANDS WILL IMMENSELY ENHANCE KERALA'S WEALTH (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, June 2. Pandit Nehru addressing a mammoth meeting at the University Stadium m Trivandrum last night which listend to him with rcpt attention despite pouring rain. This was
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  • 50 1 (From Oar Own Correspondent) MADRAS. June 2.— Mr. C. R. Srinivasan, President of the All-India Newspaper Editors Conference, left Madras for Bombay on his way to attend the Imperial Press Conference to be held there. A large gathering of journalists isaw him off at the aerodrome. Copyright.
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  • 154 1 THE HOPE OF WORLD PEACE LIES IN U.N. -SAYS AMRIT KAUR LONDON, June 2. Raikumsri \mrit Kaur, India's woman Health Minister and President erf the health Organisation, prophesied m London last night that the world's war clouds would be lifted by the people thems?lves. It was for the ordinary men
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 83 1 (From Our Owl Corres-mndent) I NEW DELHI, June 2.— Mi. N. V. Gadgil, Indian Minister tor Wuik3, Mines and Power told the S.aiT and workers of the newly built Nilokheri Township, eight miles from Delhi, that efforts to build a co-operative society might prove to
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  • 74 1 ERNAKULAM, South India, June 2. lndian Prime Minis- ter, Pandit Nehru, reached the j South-West Indian port of Co- j chin by air from Trivandrum this morning to board the In- dian flagship Delhi which will carry him on his visit to Indo- S: nesia. The
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 1 P'TOTO. A.P. Hashemite Jordan celebrated its Army Day May 24 with a bi«r mmrio fv, o oim A part. Photo shows: Mounted desert warriors of the famed Arab W!nn t.air* n*rtT„ rOTLIX* -o f#v» v m mit i/aiauc.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 189 1 ASIAN TRAINING CENTRE TO BE OPENED AT LAHORE NEW DELHI, June 2.— The Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations has asked 15 member countries to send officers to trie Asian Training Centre which will jpen at Lahore. Pakistan's largest city, on Oct. 1. Countries invited to send officer;*
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 175 1 GENEVA, June 2.— The Soviet delegate to the Economic Commiasion for Europe today urged "all practical Steps possible to lift the problem of trade between East and West Europe from "the deadlock into which it has fallen." Soviet delegate Amazask Aratunion told the
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  • 137 1 NEW DELHI, June 2. Dr. John Matthai, who laid down office as India's Minister on Wednesday, said here today that his differences with Prime Minister Pandit Nehru were not only over the appointment of a national planning commission but also over the vital question of
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  • 55 1 The music performance which was scheduled to take place at the Johore Bahru Indian >Congress premises at 5.30 p.m. today (Saturday) will now be held at the Junior Civil Service Association, Johore Bahru at the same time. The party consists of Kumari Jayalakshmi Sharma (vocal),
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  • 508 1 3 TEACHERS AND 2 STUDENTS DETAINED IN IPOH Three Chinese teachers and two students wre on detained for interrogation by polic m Inoh 'Her suspected literature had been found m a Chinese chool m Sungei Siput north, says a Police Com r nunique issued m Kuala Lumpur yesterday. It adds:
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  • 242 1 From May 31 an emergency bill >roviding for the issuance, of new currency, notes, of Indonesia was nade law, following a nod of assent rom the RIS Senate. The new curency notes will be of five and ten upiah denomination*, a.-.d will total o not more
    U.S.I.S.  -  242 words
  • 79 1 U'iuiii Our Own Correspondent > NEW DELHI, June 2. --Mr. Jagjivan Ram, Indian Labour Minister, eft this -noi-niiiL, by air tor Geneva o attend Uie i.L.O. Conference which pens there on Wednesday, June 7. 3 me Labour Minis! er will visit .he Uni:ed Kingdom,
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  • 49 1 The Minister of Finance of the Government of Ceylon, Mr. Jay a Wardena, who is now m Indonesia en route to Sydney. r.-ncd on President Soekamo at his palace on Wednesday. The meeting was also attended by Mr. Hadji Agus Salim and Dr. Darmasetiawan.— U.S.I.I.S.
    U.S.I.S.  -  49 words
  • 109 1 GRIFFITHS MEETS INDIAN LEADERS The Secretary of State for the :clonies, Mr. James Griffiths at king's House m Kua-a Lumpur "sterday rroTrng met a joint d--from *he~ Malayan Ind an Congress and tiie Malayan Indian Association. Delegates for the Congress w?re: Mr. K. Rame.nathan. Mr. K. bevasar and Mr. Gorbex
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  • 186 1 Ban On Saputangan Lifted By. Appeal Board The Committee of Appeal constituted under the Cinematograph Films Ordinance reviewed Mm Malay film "Saputangan" on May 31. and decided that it should be approved for public exhibition m he Colony. Under the provisions of the Ormance any person aggrieved by ny act
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  • 65 1 All-India Workers Peasants Party (F-*^ °«r Own Correspondent) N.ASIK, June 2.— The workers and Peasants Party, hitherto confined to Western India, has decided to assume All-India character and has changed jits name to the "All India Workers jand Peasants Party." The Party's constitution has been amended accordingly The Party whioh
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  • 68 1 KARACHI. June 2. Sir Owen Dtxnn. United Nations mediator In Kashmir. 3 said upon arrival here last n'erht from New Delhi that he could now see even less reason why the Ka-shmlr question 6hould not be settled. Blr Owen, who had discussed the problem with Prime Minister
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 782 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Sat. June 3, 1950. NOTES COMMENTS UNFORGETTABLE EPISODE ANE of the episodes connected with the present Emergency that will be remembered for a long time to come, and certainly long, long after the Emergency has ended, is the dramatic rescue from the gallows of Sri Sambasivam
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  • 253 2 MALAYAN RAILWAY— PLEASE NOTE I New Mechanical Devices: Tighter Staff Discipline NEW DELHI, June 2. The introduction of mechanical devices m the permanent way structure to prevent removal of fishbolts and fishplates at rail joints highlights the measures decided upon by the Railway Ministry
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  • 41 2 MONTH' S PAY FOR CONGRESS SESSION EXPENSES NASIK, June 2.— Mr. V. L Mehta. Finance Muster Of Bomnay, hus> given one montns salary towards tne expenses 01 tne Au-india congress session to be neia nere m the middle of August.- FOC
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  • 159 2 Bombay FLYING CLUB AIR RALLY ENDS BOMBAY, June 2.— The two-day air rally and air race organized by Bombay Flying Ciud, concluded on Sunday witn aispiays, flight aemonstrations a general nying competition, a bombing competition and oalioon bursting. The pageant was the first of its kind to be held by
    FOC  -  159 words
  • 94 2 BERHAMPUR, June 2—Addressing a crowded meeting here on Sunday evening, Dr. S. P. Mookerjee said that the success of the Nehru-Liaquat agreement must be judged by whether the Hindu minorities of East Pakistan felt secure and not by what the Government of India might say.
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  • 53 2 NEW DELHI. June 2.— Dixon, U.N. Mediator for Kashmir, met Sir Girja Shankar Bajpai. Secre-tary-General of the External Affairs Ministry on Sunday morning. Later he conferred with M. Coiban, personal representative of the U.N. Secretary-General Sir Owen dined with the Prime Minister, Pandit Nehru, on
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  • 137 2 NUWARA ELIYA, June 2.— Two infants, one aged eight months and the other two years, had narrow escapes when the car m which they were travelling from Ragalla with their parents went off the road at Nanu Oya, somersaulted several times, and fell about
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 2 A.P. PHOTO Auiuoy i>ociors tnat this papoose-style transport method is healthy lor baby and good exercise for mother. Two housewives stop to chat on May 24 m Boston, Massachusetts while their offspring sac happily on their backs.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • Article, Illustration
    72 2 PHOTO. kW*aer actress Rita Hayworth, wife of Prlnoe Aiy ivii.4 „.«i other child, the Los Angeles Time. a Calif ornian daily reports today May 27. The paper claims the uuumiauuu comes '•from a source close to the family." Here the princess smiles brightly as she leaves London's Ritz Hotel, bound
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  • 548 2 MALADMINISTRATION OF CALCUTTA CORPN INQUIRY COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION CALCUTTA. June 2.— The Calcutta Corporation Investigation S?, 1 1011 set up by the Govern ment of West Bengal earily m 1948 has, m its final report to the Government, adversely commented on the municipal administration and suggested certain remedies for consideration of
    FOC  -  548 words
  • 462 2 SIR C. P. WARNS AGAINST COMMUNIST MENACE A.P. BOMBAY, June 3. "Communism is not mere acts of violence, lawlessness, destruction of property or sabotage or creation of unrest m the industrial world, but something deeper/ said Sir C. P. Ramaswami Aiyar m the course of his lecture at the Rotary
    FOC; A.P.  -  462 words
  • 85 2 BOMBAY, June 2.— The monsoon is vigorous m Malabar and has made a feeble incursion into South Konkan, according to a bulletin issued by the Santa Cruz weather forecasting station on Sunday night. The bulletin added: "From 8.30 a.m. on Saturday to 5.30 p.m. on Sunday the
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  • 72 2 COLOMBO, June 2.— The number of Government employees rose from 138,767 In 1948 to 151,917 m 1949. This is revealed m the Administration Report, for the General Treasury for 1949 released recently. Other points from the report are Revenue rose from Rs. 541 million m 1947-48 to
    FOC  -  72 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 63 2 H^ m wiTfs "cough sfm? «or the older member, ol their family, end WS^'^mZiVlTr- %A Diwim baby cough syrup HHr^V S-4. m M 3 33 *****33 i rtmnimWjf ••by De Witt's Cough Syrups are a valu- kSMVPI wi able expectorant assisting m the re- ■PffPHfyr. X moval of phlegm from
      63 words

  • 2803 3  -  S. P. AMARASINGAM BY If Its Probems Are Not Solved To understand the seemingly contradictory polities of Jaffva it is necessary to know something of the economic background of the region. It is not possible m the scope of this article
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  • 421 3 COLOMBO, June 2.— The Ceylon Moors are like Dutugemunu who as a prince said he was pressed by the ocean on one side and by the Tamils on the other. The Moors are pressed by the socalled 'Muslims' on one side and by the Tamils
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  • 216 3 SELLING PRICES OF MILL CLOTH: MAXIMUM RATES FIXED MADRAS, June 2.— The maximum selling prices of Indian mill cloth, which will come into force from June 1, 1950 have been notified by the Director of Controlled Commodities. m respect, ol cloth packed by mins up io ana inclusive oi ucwoer
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  • 159 3 WRONG PERSON DETAINED NEW DELHI. June 2. The habeas corpus petition filed by James Solomon Vincent, a Delhii detenu, who contended he was not the person described m the grounds of nis detention, came up for heading m the Supreme Court on May 23. The Judges directed the District Judge
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  • 37 3 TRIVANDRUM, May 30. The Hindu Ministers of the TravancoreCochin Union have nominated Mr. P. G. Narayanan Unnithan as a member of the Travancore Dewaswom Board under the TravancoreCochin Hindu Religious Institutions, Act, it is officially announced. FOC
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  • 995 3 DELHI MAGISTRATE'S RULING IN ASSAULT CASE NEW DELHI, May 24 (By Air Mail).— The case against Mr. J. K. Edwards, charged with assaulting tne Argentine Ambassador to India, was taken up today. The District Magistrate of Delhi rejected a prosecution request that the Ambassador ami two
    FOC  -  995 words

  • 575 4 Scheme To Develop Local Leadership BOMBAY. June 2.— The National Planning Commission will shortly set up a nation-wide organisation, consisting of other fulltime or part-time volunteers doing constructive work to contribute to the social and economic development of the country, it is learnt here. This
    FOC  -  575 words
  • 138 4 LUCKNOW. (By Air Mall).— The civil suit filed by Mr. Radha Mohan, Secretary, Local Self-Gov-ernment (U.P.), against Mr. Ravi Matthai, son of Dr. John Matthal, the outgoing Finance Minister, Government of India, and three others, claiming damages for the death of his son has been
    FOC  -  138 words
  • 406 4 NEW DELHI, June 2. The Supreme Court, on May 23 ordered stay of proceedings against Mr. Jai Narain Vyas, former Prime Minister, and two other Ministers of Jodhpur before the Special Court constituted by the Rajas than Government under an
    FOC  -  406 words
  • 174 4 Alleged Tampering With Rail Track: One Person Shot Dead At Eluru ELURU, June I. Police on patrol shot dead a person described as a "wanted Communist" on May 17 night while he and twelve others were alleged to be engaged m tampering with a part of the railway track on
    FOC  -  174 words
  • 283 4 n,JKi^P ftAS ii June 2— Addressing a public meeting on May 26 under the auspices of the V.M.1.A., Mr. S? Wi is .J* wani a President of the Northern Rhodesia African Congress, paid a tribute to the co-operation extended by Indians aVJSS caus^ the
    FOC  -  283 words
  • 72 4 COLOMBO, June 2. Residents of Kiranchy village, of Pooneryn, accorded a reception to Mr. V. Kumarasamy, MP, when he opened a community reading room. Mr. Kumarasamy exhorted those present, the majority of whom are toddy tappers by caste, to give up the habit of toddy drinking All
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  • 116 4 JAIPUR, June 2.— Coal seam has been found at Palana colliery In Bikaner 140 feet down m one of the shafts and another bore hole m the field has hit ten-feet thick coal at a depth of 250 ft. Mr. Sethi, Director of Mines
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  • 125 4 NEW DELHI, June 2.— lndia's Supreme Court on May 23 granted Mr. Ramakrishna Reddl, Editor of the Telugu journal Praja Raj yam of Nellore, leave to appeal against his conviction by the High Court of Madras for contempt of court. He was convicted by the
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  • 270 4 W. BENGAL SEARCH SERVICE BUREAU'S EFFORTS CALCUTTA, May rA Eighty Muslim women, who were reported missing m the recent disturbances m West Bengal, have so far been traced by the Displaced Persons' Search Service Bureau set up by the State Government for the recovery
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  • 85 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) BOMBAY, June 2.— T»e total income of the Bombay State during 1948-49 is estimated at Rs. 576.10 crores (Rs. 5,761,000,000) by the Bureau of Economics and Statistics, Bombay. Of this Rs. 207 36 crores amounting to 36 per cent was derived from agriculture and
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  • 109 4 BOSTON, June 2,— The Pakistan Ambassador to the United States M. P. Ispahani said here that Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan's visit to the United States would be written In Pakistan's history as an "event of great importance m friendly relations between America
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  • 706 4 WASHINGTON, June I.— Pakistani Prime Minister and Begum Liaquat All Khan's cordial welcome to America is reflected m the press and radio discussion during their lengthy U.S. tour just concluded. The comment, wnich wished well to "tnese distinguished visitors' from Asia, is almost
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  • 56 4 CALCUTTA, June 2.— The President of the Mahabodhi Society of India, Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee. presented a portion of the sacred relics of Lord Buddha to the Burmese Prime Minister, Thakin Nu. at a ceremony at Calcutta on Tuesday. The relics will be enshrined
    GIIS  -  56 words
  • 113 4 BOMBAY, June I.— lmportant matters bearing on the Commumunist menace In Hyderabad and the steps to be taken to counter it effectively were discussed with Sardar Vallabhbhai ffatel, by Mr. D. G. Bindu, President of the Hyderabad State Congress on May 25. Mr. Bindu, who was
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  • 328 4 BOMBAY, May 26.— Ornithologists fom different parts of the world will take part at the 10th International Ornithological Congress to be held m Upsala (Sweden) between June 10 and 17, it was learnt here. India's delegate to this session, Mr. Salim Ali,
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  • 67 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) BOMBAY, June 2. Mr. K. M. Munshi, Food and Agriculture Minister, has deputed Mr. Phiroze Kharegat, Regional Commissioner of Food Production, to study the working of the Central Tractor Organisation m Bhopal. It is understood that Mr. Kharegat will study the working ot
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  • 297 4 NEW SCHEME IN OPERATION IN SOUTH CALCUTTA FROM JUNE 1 CALCUTTA, June 2.->The West Bengal Government were scheduled to put into operation their new milk supply scheme m Calcutta from yesterday Junel For the present, about 100 mds of standard milk will be
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  • 530 5 CEYLON NEWS: Minister Ponnambalam's Challenge To Tamil Arasu Kadchy' COLOMBO. June 2. Mr. G. G. Ponnambalam. Minister for Industries, Industrial Research and Fisheries., has thrown out a challenge to members of the Federal Party to meet him on a common platform, to discuss matters
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  • 106 5 COLOMBO, June 2. Sir Srinjvasa Sarma, well-known journalist and proprietor of "The Whip,' Calcutta, welcomes the 'Ceylon Indian Congress decision to withdraw the boycott of the Indian and Pakistani Residents Citizenship Act. Sri Srinivasa, who arrived by Air Ceylon plane recently at Ratmalana on
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  • 101 5 COLOMBO, June 2. Ceylon's Prime Minister, Mr. D. S. Senanayake, will join other Dominion J rime Ministers m the Hall of r ame m Madame Tussauds, m London the world famous waxwork nuseum. very shortly Though the Prime Minister's wax .'ffigy was ready. 10 days
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  • 133 5 COLOMBO, June 2.— The Italian Consulate which is to be made a legation shortly is now m communication with the Ministry of Trade and Commerce to establish direct trade relations between the two countries Italy now has to obtain most of her requirements through Britain, especially commodities
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  • 84 5 BATTICALOA. June 2— A meeting of the District Agricultural Committee, held at the BatticaJoa Kachcheri, Mr V. S. M. de Mcl, Government Agent., E.P. presiding, adopted a proposal by Gate Mudaliyar M. S. Kariapper, that food production, both m theory and practice, be included m
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  • 220 5 "May I Never Be Premier" A Minister's Prayer! COLOMBO. June 2. "May 1 never be Prime Minister m my sojourn m the Sea of Sansara (rebirth). That is my earnest hope and fervent prayer hav«^ «€ii what our Prime Minister suffers to discharge the arduous duties that devolve on him.
    220 words
  • 122 5 BELGAUM, June 2. A two-day session of the National Congress, of Goa, held at Londa, near the Goa border, passed a resolution pledging itself to do its utmost to bring about integration of Goa m the Indian Union. By another resolution the Congress denounced what
    FOC  -  122 words
  • Article, Illustration
    97 5 PHOTO. Keng Ooi, 29-year-old Chinese from Singapore, studying law m London, rehearses with Trevor Howard during shooting on the film "cloudy Yellow" at Pinewood Studios, Ivor, Buckinghamshire, England, on May 26. Keng read an article m a London paper which spok-c of a vacant role for a Chinese bookmaker who
    A.P.  -  97 words
  • 66 5 JULLUNDUR, June 2.— Arrests m Hoshiarpur. Ferozepore, Ambala. Hlssar and Gurdaspur districts m connexion with the Socialist-spon-sored satyagraha during the past four weeks numbered 166 according to the Socialist Party HO here. Actually 425 persons were arrested, but 263 were released, says an announcement by
    FOC  -  66 words
  • 46 5 KARIMGANJ, June 2.— The Congress captured 19 out of 28 seats m the Local Board elections m the Karimganj Sub-division held under the Joint Electorate System, Muhammed Abdur Rouf (Congress) secured 1,760 votes, this being the largest number recorded.- FOC FOC
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  • 881 5 MR. J. A. BORRON'S ADDRESS IN MADRAS MADRAS, June 2.— The trading advantages of the countries m the sterling area were explained by tish Information Services, Information Officer, BriMr. J. A. Borron, Economic m his address on "The Sterling Area" at the Lakshmipuram Young
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  • 259 5  -  -JAFFNA MAYOR COLOMBO, June 2.-LBy the appointment of the Special Committee on Hindu Temporalities, unnecessary discord and discussion were being created m Jaffna, said Mr. C. Ponnambalam, Mayor of Jaffna and President of the Board of Trustees of the Chundikuli, Maruthady, Elumpillaiyar Temple, at a
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  • 52 5 JAMMU, June 2. Over 60 nonMuslim civilians, who were captured by Pakistan troops at Skardu and Gilgit, arrived here on Sunday night, All State employees, they were kept m the Gurukul Ashram near Rawalpindi before being repatriated. The State Government intend aosorbing them m their
    FOC  -  52 words
  • 41 5 BOMBAY, June 2.— About three tons of penicillin were flown to Madras on Saturday. This consignment formed part of the 14--ton cargo of penicillin which reached Bombay last week by air from Britain FOC
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  • 117 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) NASIK, June I. The Worker's and Peasants Party, a Leftist organisation, has declared itself a "Mar-xist-Leninist" Party following the guidance of the Cominform. At a meeting at Dabhadi, a few miles from here, the Party adopted a long thesis clarifying
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  • 170 5 JAFFNA, June 2.— A speciaT "general meeting of the Mallakam, Village Committee was held recently m the committee's office. Mr. R. N. Sivapragasam, proctor, vicechairman, presided m the absence of the chairman, Mr. R. Vythllingam. Mr. T Thurairatnam proposed that "This Village Committee
    FOC  -  170 words
  • 43 5 AHMEDABAD. June 2.— Mr. Kidwai India's Minister for Communications, arrived here by a special .plane from Udaipur on Saturday morning. The plane carrying Mr. Kldwai, which left Delhi on Saturday force-landed m Udaipur due to engine trouble. FOC
    FOC  -  43 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 140 5 GANDHI ASTROLOGER Health, wealth Journey etc.. lucky numbers, days by monthly details 1 year $4. Weekly $12 Five questions $1.50 Send Horoscope chart or state sex age profession and writing time Dollar Notes or M.O. accepted. HANUMAN ASRAMAM, TIRUTANI, S. India I A f)IE\ f CONTROL L/USIEO, (SPECK TABLETS) A
      140 words
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  • 780 6 To Study Labour Conditions Mr. Fred Dalley, a former official of the Railway Clerks Union, has been selected by the Trade Union Congress as the British member of a three-man mission which is to leave within the next two or three weeks
    CGO Release  -  780 words
  • 87 6 M.I.C. President To Address Mass Meeting A public meeting under the auspices of the Town Indian Congress will be held on Sunday, June 4, at 5 p.m M at the Chettiars* Chamber of Commerce, 37 Ampang Road, Kuala Lumpur. Sri K. L. Devaser, Bar-at-law, will preside. Sri K. Ramnathan 8.A.,
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  • 141 6 All Indians m the Naval Base, Singapore, are requested to attend meeting proposed to be held m Naval Bast m front of Block No. 42 Monday June 5, at 5 p.m. m which the prospects of welcoming Pandit Nehru m Naval Base during his forthcoming visit to
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 203 6 COMMERCIAL CLASSES Pitman's Shorthand and Typewriting taught. Qualified, experienced Teachers. Students prepared for November examinations. Enquiries 5.30 p.m. 20, Beng Wan Road, (opp. Qantas Garage, 2 J milestone, Serangoon). SISTERS DELAYED Try KUMARI _fc#_L>_ (Tabs.) to restore _CT_F!JB>, your menses at any BmlKjßt and prevent ■gF**/ future troubles Wy
      203 words
    • 21 6 BUY GOLD LEAF Ceylon Quality TEA with complete confidence that it is unexcelled incomparable and unequalled. Agents. F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ, LTD..
      21 words
    • 102 6 •SESES^SHSH 3 3H5?5?5?'^?5-?S?- T?'7? 3 5H5E5? Today: 3.15 6.30 9.15 p.m. Fun-frollicking mus'cal Comedy! "NAZAARE" 'Hindustani) v/ith Aga Jan Shashikala MIDNITE TONITE: NAVA JEEVANAM (m Tamil) oi -iiT3cnc3ip« 33 ;?si53S?s?J 3^S2!r252SZS2 r The First Picture Produced m Pakistan Now Brought to Our Patrons m Malaya at Great Expense jj PHEREY
      102 words
    • 162 6 ..^^^w^ 25Z5252S 3 25 3 2S 3 Zi^£r2SSS2^s2sZ 3 5 3 *****s wzmamT shirin R^MBBtt^^B TODAY 3 SHOWS 3.30, 6.45 and 9 30 ?.m. TODAY: 5.00 and 8.30 p.m. Starring: Rehaman, Nargls, Jairaj "VELAffiART "ROOMAL" (m Tamil) (Hindustani) TONITE MIDNITE TONITE MIDNITE "CHANDNI RAAT" "MAYAVATHI" (m Hindustani) (Tamil) >: !S
      162 words