Indian Daily Mail, 29 March 1950

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOi.. IV. NO. 46. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1950. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS.
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  • 487 1 FINE AUGURY FOR RULE OF THE LAW IN INDIA Madras High Court Orders Release Of Leading Communists EVEN PRESIDENTIAL DEGREE DECLARED lILTHA VIRES! (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Mar. 28. The Madras High Court on Monday in a history-making decision struck a great blow tor
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  • 60 1 PAIIALA, Mar. 28. The Zamindar Saolia, representing landlords, decided here on Mar. 20 not 10 pay land revenue to the r.JCi.f .ss.c. liovernment because our occupancy tenants have refused to give us our share of prouuee duruig the last year." ane land revenue payable
    FOC  -  60 words
  • 43 1 LONDON, Mar. 28— The Big Three Foreign Ministers of Britain, the United States and France will meet in London in May to discuss new moves in the cold war against Russia, diplomatic sources said today.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  43 words
  • 65 1 NEW DELHI, Mar. 28.— Project reports on the manufacture of radio and radar equipment in India have been submitted to the Industries Ministry by two European firms. The Government has agreements with the companies Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company of the United Kingdom and Compagnie Generale Telegraphie
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 29 1 OTTAWA, Mar. 28.— A United States Embassy plane, carrying Aml hassador Lawrence Steinhardt to Washington, crashed near here today, and all persons aboard were reported killed.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 707 1 Troops Engage 100 Bandits In Jementah Kill 5 Bandits Fire At Derailed Train In Bahau Area At J p.m. yesterday, Mar. 28, a party of military I contacted about 100 bandits in the Jementah area (Johore). Five bandits were killed but so for only one body has been recovered. Iwo
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  • 51 1 LONDON. Mar 28 —Conservative Member of Parliament Air Commodore Arthur Vere Harvey is to ask Prime Minister Clement Attlee if 'in view of the disturbed situation in Malaya" he will send the Colonial Secretary, Mr. James Griffiths, to visit' that area at an early date.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 40 1 Concentration Camps On Indian lines! MADRAS. Mar. 28.— The Madras State Government is contemplating: putting all offenders against the State's laws into "concentration camps run on Indian lines/' Minister of Prohibition Sanjevi Reddi, told the Madras Assembly on Monday A.P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 92 1 RANGOON. Mar. 28.— Rebels dynamited a train travelling from the Lrrawaddv town of Sagaing. killing and injuring many n^^sengers. the Burmese Government said today. The number of passengers killed and injured was not announced. Dynamite was placed on the track and blew up the engine and
    A.P.  -  92 words
  • 427 1 Nehru Liaquat Ali To Meet In New Delhi To Find Speedy Solution To Communal Riots KARACHI, Mar. 28.— Liaq uat Ali Khan and Pandit Jawaharial Nehru, Prime Ministers of the sister Dominions of Pakistan and India, are to meet in New Delhi to find a "speedy solution" to Hindu-Moslem riots
    Reuter  -  427 words
  • 422 1 NEW DELHI, Mar. 28. Authoritative quarters in New Delhi said last night there was no total martial law in West Bengal. Requisitioning of Army help In Howrah to restore peace and order did not mean that the civil authority had ceased to function
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  • 94 1 SITUATION IN HOWRAH REPORTED QUIET CALCUTTA. Mar. 28.— The situation this morning was reported quiet In Howrah where martial law had been imposed last night. The Army Commander in charge of the administration of the area had not imposed any restrictions on public movements where road traffic was running normally.
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 420 1 Indians In Bur ma Are fairly Safe, Says Embassy Official "THEY HAVE MAINTAINED STRICT NEUTRALITY" (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Mar. 28-— An official of the Indian Embassy •n Rangoon who visited parts of ('vjj^.i' Burma from I'egu to I'yu which were recently retaken my Burma Government from the
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  • 49 1 The annual general election of the Serangoon Local Indian Congress will be held on Sundey Apr. 2, at 6 p.m. at No 6, Race Course Lane. All members are earnestly requested to take part in the election, writes the Hon. Secretary, Serangoon Local Indian Congress
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  • 68 1 STOP PRESS UNSUCCESSFUL RAID ON CENTRAL Mm CALCUTTA. Mar. 28. Dacoits armed with handgrenades and revolvers made an unsuccessful raid fin the Central Bank of Ind'« Burra'iazar branch in Central Calcutta today. The gang burst Into the bank prem'ses and attacked employees witi\ grona«' s and gunfire, in'fiiring six, two
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 730 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Wed. Mar. 29, 1950. \yiSDOM lies in admitting one's mistakes, in rectifying them and in trying to do things in a better and straightforward manner. Instead of that, if one believes one has committed a blunder and tries to avoid it without being known, one has
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  • 1046 2 Wgh Cou r fs Order In Vellofe Case MADRAS, Mar. 28.—At th ships Mr. Justice Govinda Meno Naidu delivered judgment on M, vision petition, in which a ques trial of criminal cases was raise, The petitioner, T. R. Ganesan, a detenu in the Central
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  • 361 2 TAMARASSERI RIOTING CASE: SIX PERSONS CONVICTED TELLICHERRY, Mar. 28.— Mr. T. Krlshnan Nambissan, Sessions Judge of North Malabar, pronounced judgment on Mar. 20 in what Is popularly known as the "Tamarasseri rioting caso" in which 17 Muslims including Thettathil Kunhayan Kutty, Haji and his brother Kunhammad, laudlords and estate owners,
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  • 56 2 COLOMBO, Mar. 28. A 14-year old boy who went to wash his face in Diya Oya at Galgumawa was carried away by a crocodile. People •>n the shore pelted stones to frighten the beast which dropped the boy and disappeared. But when the boy was brought to the «linr« life
    FOC  -  56 words
  • 206 2 UNP Not To Allow Free Vote To Members On National Flag Issue? CEYLON NEWS: COLOMBO, Mar. 28.— The Cabi net may not allow members of the U.N.P. in the House of Representativ es a free vote on the National Flag issue. The present indications are that the Cabinet is in
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  • 118 2 COLOMBO, Mar. 28.— A resident of De Vos Avenue, Bambalapitiya, was the victim of -a series of practical jokes recently. From about 3 p.m. on a Saturday a number of tradesmen called at his bungalow with a varied assortment of articles, as a result of
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  • 157 2 NUGEGODA, Mar. 28. Sir John Kotelawala, Minister of Transport and Works, said here that he was sorry that Ministers, unlike in the days of the Sinhalese Kings, now had no power to behead once a year anyone they wished. Ceylon, he said, was not prepared for
    FOC  -  157 words
  • 73 2 KALUTARA, Mar. 28— Nanadaya College, Kalutara, will have the foundation stone for its science block laid at 8.45 a.m. tomorrow, Mar. 29, by Dr. L. A. Rajapakse, K.C., Minister of Justice and Leader of the Senate. The building is being donated by Mr.
    FOC  -  73 words
  • 58 2 NEW DELHI. Mar. 28.— The Minister for Industry and Supply, replying to a question in Parliament, said that ten factories in India last vear produced 13.326.000 electric bulbs compared to 9,246,000 in 1948. He *»aid that he could not say when the country could be made
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  • 471 2 Indian Leaders' Express Profound Regret Over Cameron's Decth CALCUTTA. Mar. 28.— In.liah national leaders and Calcutta's cosmopolitan population yesterday expressed profound regret over the deith of British businessman Alexander Cameron, who was killed by an armed crowd in the suburbs of the city on Sunday night. West Bengal Governor Kailasanath
    Reuter; A.P.  -  471 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 110 2 fi (vvtf frl ML tfajfam&f A protection against ill-health, a strengthening food for children there's goodness in Kepler for All the family. Kepler contains vitamins A aad D and gives extra energy, extra nourishment to children and grown- fflSfSjE^ ups alike. So palatable, too its sweet, malty flavour JT^lF* makes
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  • 689 3 But Co-operation Reiterated If Mao Govt. Gets A Seat LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 28.— Russia walked out of two more United Nations bodies yesterday the Human Rig Ms Commission and the Transport and Communications Commission. Russia now boycotts 16 specialised organs of the United
    Reuter  -  689 words
  • 315 3 TAIPEH, Formosa, Mar. 28.— Chinese Nationalist troops have made a second landing on the mainland coast north of Sungmen, 200 miles south of Shanghai, according to usually reliable sources here last night. No further details were immediately available. Reports also current here that
    Reuter  -  315 words
  • 140 3 "BRITAIN HAS NO INTENTION TO ATTACK RUSSIA" LONDON, Mar. 28.— War Minister John Strachey denied last nignt that Britain had any thoughts of an attack on Soviet Russia. "I should have thought the size of the forces which we can raise at this time made any such suggestion extremely unrealistic"
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 96 3 WASHINGTON, Mar. 28 The United States has protested to Russia that the new four to one rouble exchange rate for American dollars is "completely unjustified." A note delivered last week in Moscow demanded that the former exchange rate of eight roubles for J5l granted to
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  • 59 3 LONDON. Mar. 28.— Britain ii protesting to Russia against the Soviet Government's decision to drop the special rouble exchange rate for diplomatic missions in Moscow, a British FcTeign Office spokesman said here last night. The special diplomatic rate gave the British and other Embassies substantially more roubles for
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  • 26 3 KARACHI. Mar 28.- Mr. Shamstrddin. first Indonesian Ambassador to Pakistan, arived here early yesterday by air to takal up his post.— Reuter
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  • 351 3  - Marshall Aid-The Most Effective Weapon Against Communism JACOB JAVITS WASHINGTON, Mar. 28. The House of Representative was told yesterday that if Britain lost her international position through ending of Marshall aid it would cost the United States about $4,000,000,000 a year to fill the vacuum. The warning was made by
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  • 243 3 WASHINGTON, Mar. 28. Criticism of America's Democrat foreign policy chief, Secretary of State Dean Acheson, Which has been simmering during the past few years with attacks on alleged Communist infiltration into his department, looked like belling over in Congress th!? week. Senator Styles
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  • 445 3 BANGKOK, Mar. 28. King Phumiphon raised a nine-tiered umbrella over the pyre where his brother, slain King Ananda, will be cremated on Mar. 29. 4 The ceremony was marred by an attempt of an upcountry farmer who approached the monarch with a petition.
    A.P.  -  445 words
  • 74 3 BANDEONG, Mar. 28.— About 1,200 people in Bandeong have been arrested by the authorities In counection with the Westerling affair, according to an official source, reports Aneta news agency Among them are three Dutch, 20 Eurasians, 10 Chinese, two IndoArabs, one Indian while the
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 91 3 East West Must Join Hands, Says Tito PARIS, Mar. 28.— East and West must come to an understanding or "prepare for a merciless fight," Marshal Tito said yesterday in an interview in Belgrade with Frenca correspondents. "There are different political and economic system", Marshal Tito said, "but there are not
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 178 3 "EDGEWORTH" TOBACCI Pipe Tobacco I Relax with Edgeworth I Agents: F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LTD. In the world-tamous De VX'itt's fill^ you have a medicine nadc specially to restore tired aiTd sluggish kidneys to their normal healthy activities Speerfilv the kidneys are soothed, .leansed and stimulated to theif vit;d ta->k. and
      178 words
    • 48 3 K KESARFS REPUTED §H*v HERBAL TONIC dL' V Banishes ailments and ensures fgpjj^ V that state of well-being. |^y\ A BOON TO WOMEN Sold by all good 7 77^^^^^\ *X dealers. NAINA MOHAMED &'SONS, LTD. A^^jWS^^^^ SINGAPORE •_r Vs^S_lb^^^ a^/j'wV KUALA LUMPUR DRINK TIGER I STOUT HOTS STRENGTH
      48 words

  • 418 4 Mr. Narayanan Explains Its Aims Objects "Our new body, the Malayan Trade Union Council, is a unique body we have all races and nationalities identifying themselves with it as trade unionists and with one motive a better and progressive Malaya where
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  • 275 4 Future Depends On Women, Says TUCs Vice- President Broadcast By Malay Woman Unionist The Vice-President of the newiy-formed Malayan Trade Union Council Che' Rahman binte Mohamed Salleh, speaJking over ffo Malaya last night, said inter alia: uver nauio "I am a Telephone Operator and have taken an active interest in
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  • 553 4 Progressive Party To Make Provision For 'Associate Members' The third annual ordinary general meeting of the Progressive Party will be held in the King George's Hall, St. Joseph's Institution, Bras Basah Road, today, Wednesday, at 5.15 pan. Among other things, the meeting will consider the following motion by Mr. Tan
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 114 4 GREAT EASTERN MOVIETONE LTD. 32 THE ARCADE. SINGAPORE CAPITAL 500.000 OF SlO PER SHARE SHARES ANLABLE for SALE ANTI-RHEUMATIC TREATMENT BY CURATIVE METALS: Thei Spinalette and Wristlet cures severe cases of Rheumatism, Lumbago Sciatica, Gout, Neuritis, etc, Send 10 cents stamp for Folder— W. D. GOMES, 11, St. Barnabas Road,
      114 words
    • 233 4 SOLVE YOUR CHILDREN'S PROBLEM Boarding facility is available for Indian school children between the ages of 8 t 14 years a'. Johore Bahru Town. For particulars please apply: Th* Secretary, c/o Indian Daily Mail. Singapore. 4*s>oc^> <&>oci<» vac-es- 4Esoe^> *e?oc3 Today: 3.15 a3<) 9.15 p.m. Perilous Birihg Heroic! "Scott Of
      233 words
    • 24 4 COMING... GEETA BALI AND SANBHIR IN 44 BANS ARIA" ♦DoG* GETx>aJb 4_D°o» <as)o c^«> OS>oC=C SlunmaZ A MUSICAL SOCIAL WITH 11 SONGS in Hindustani
      24 words
    • 84 4 SHIRIN TODAf 6.45 9.30 P.M. NARGIS (Hindustani) \VHh NARGIS REHMAN gcooog *****00 Oc oooooooc ROYAL TOP ENTERTAINMENT Acclaimed as the GREATEST, the FINEST and the CLEANEST TAMIL picture ever produced! NOW SHOWING TO CAPACITY HOUSES in its third week DAILY AT 3.30 7.30 P.M. AVM PRODUCTIONS' MOVIE MARVEL NOVEL in
      84 words