Indian Daily Mail, 28 March 1950

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VCi. VI. NO. 45. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1950. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS.
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  • 389 1 Mr. Kidwai Explains New System All Post Offices In India To Close On Sundays NOVEL TELEPHONE AND mimm schemes NEW DELHI, Mar. 27.— M r Rafi Ahmed Kidwai, Communications Minister, who could n ot conclude his reply to the debate in Parliament as
    F.O.C.  -  389 words
  • 185 1 RIOTERS KILL PROMINENT CALCUTTA EUROPEAN CALCUTTA, Mar. 27— Alexander Leslie Cameron, British President of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce, was killed in communal rioting on Sunday as he strove to protect his two Moslem servants, says an A.P. report Mr. Cameron left Calcutta Saturday night to entertain children at a
    AP; Reuter  -  185 words
  • 34 1 BANGKOK. Mar. 27.— The Thai Government is considering relaxing its export-import controls to permit exportation of water buffalo and other cattle. Singapore, Malaya and the Philippines are reported interested in receiving Thai buffaloes.— AP
    AP  -  34 words
  • 87 1 MANILA, Mar. 27.— Australian External Affairs Minister Percy C. Spender told the Philippine Senate today his conferences at Baguio with President Elpidio Qujrino had beer, '"most profitable and I believe that In the not distant future they will prove fruitful for the peace and
    A.P.  -  87 words
  • 83 1 NEW DELHI. Mar. 17.— Prima Minister Nehru hay sent to the High Commissioner for India in London the following telegrams of condolence on the death of Professor Harold Laski: 'Deeply grieved to learn of Harold Luski's death which removes not only a brave fighter for freedom
    GIIS  -  83 words
  • Article, Illustration
    67 1 Two natives tramp the cotton into packing sacks at Wad f.iedani, Sudan. The 1,000.000 acr of the richest land in the Sudan the NHeirrlgated 'Gezira Project' will soon be nationalised by the Sudan Government. The dusty plains have been transformed by irrigation into on* of tho richest cotton growing areas
    AP  -  67 words
  • 294 1 GOVT. URGED TO LIFT ALL CONTROLS (From Our Own Correspondent) AHMEDABAD, Mar. 27.— Mr. RamanUil LaHubhai, iltg President of the Ahmedabad MiUowners Association addressing the annual general bcdv meeting here tod^y declared: -The local textile industry is passing through a critical period. He
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  • 84 1 GABEHONE. BechuanalancL Mar. j 27. Headmen of the Bamangwato I tribe will "force their way on to the 1 airfield if the authorities try to stop >' them greeting their exiled chief. Beretae Khama. on his arrival by air I from London, "their spokesman Pei.
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 47 1 HONGKONG, Mar. 27. The Leftwing Chinese newspaper Wen Wei Pao today reported Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, Wu Teh-chen, Gen. Tang En-po, have recently purj cha ed residences in Japan. Chiang, it was alleged, bought a house formerly belonging to Prince j Ito.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 40 1 I SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 27.— A solem". Ir'^h mass will be held today J for Colombia's Consul General, Dr. Luis A. Payne, who died here en route to Sydney, Australia Dr Payne, 52~ succumbed following an operation on Thursday.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 190 1 NEW DELHI, Mar. 27.— Mr. C. H. Bhablia, Chairman of the Government sponsored "Eastern Shipping Corporation" said in Bombay that the formation of the corporation marked a red letter day in the history of the Indian mercantile marine. Mr. Bhabha, who was formerly Commerce Minister in
    GIIS  -  190 words
  • 120 1 KASHMIR IS A HOT SPOT WARNS NIMITZ LOS ANGELES, Mar. 27.— A peaceful settlement of the PakistanIndia controversy "is essential not only for their economic survival and development, but for the maintenance of world peace," according to Admiral ot the Fleet Chester Nimitz. "That is a hot spot that can
    A.P.  -  120 words
  • 93 1 Tito's Party Polls 92C% Votes LONDON. Mar. 27.— Marshal Tito's National Front received 92.6 percent of votes cast in yesterday's "yes or no" Yugoslav general election. Belgrade Radio reported todav. With only a few Belgrade results still outstanding, Tito was thus returned to power with a greater majority thin in
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 64 1 TAIPEI. Mar. 27.— Chiang Kai- j shek's brf ner-in-law ex-Premier T. i T Soong is among members of the Xuomintang threatened with expulsion from the party ■ttieai they return homo. Soong, like other absent members of the party's standing committee, was served notice that he
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 1 PHOTO. Floating ice makes operations difficult for these railway barges transferring freight trucks r across the Hudson River from New Jersey to New York piers in New York, on Feb. 26. A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 85 1 THE HAGUE. Mar. 27.— The Dutch Government on Monday recognised the Chinese Communist Government. The Secretary to the Dutch Embassy at Peiping submitted a note informing the Communist Government of the Dutch recognition. N A J de Voogd, Dutch charge d' Affairs ad interim at Nanking,
    A.P.  -  85 words
  • 93 1  -  Admiral Brind —Says NEW DELHI, Mar. 27.— Following the recent visit of I.N.S. Jumna to Singapore, Admiral Brind, British Naval C-in-C, Far East Station, in a message to Vice-Admiral Parry, C-in-C, Indian Navy, says: "I was glad to see the Jumna, whose smart appearance and the
    GIIS  -  93 words
  • 89 1 NEW DELHI, Mar. 27.— Another Indian Muslim leader, Mr. Abdul Qui um Ansari, Public Works Minister in Bihar, has strongly condemned the. atrocities perpetrated on minorities in East Pakistan. Addressing a meeting at Hartiagaga village on the Indian side of the Indo-Pakistan border on
    GIIS  -  89 words
  • 131 1 NE^J^ DELHI. Mar. 27.— Dr. [a.ftMn recently announced the ompesition of the Planning Compulsion. The Chairman will be Pandit Nehru and Deputy Chairman Mr. GulzaiHal Nanda, Labour Minisi of Bombay. The members will be Mr. Chintaj mar- Deshmalih. Mr. G. L. Mehta. 1 Presidert of the Indian Tariff
    FOC  -  131 words
  • 65 1 MALAYAN OBSERVERS AT AFRICAN RAIL TALKS LONDON. Mar 27.— Railway chiefs from Britain's African colonies were j meeting Colonial Office officials here tori;",' to discuss plans for standard! :ng all railway rolling stock in British Africa, j Delegates to this London conference including observers from Ceylon and Malaya, will not
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 57 1 HYDERABAD, Mar. 27.— The sacrifice of animals except goats and sheep is prohibited on the occasion of religious festivals throughout Hyderabad State for one year, according to a Press Note issued here en Mar. 14. This measure has been taken under the Public Safety and
    FOC  -  57 words
  • 49 1 At the Perak State Council Chamber yesterday morning in the presence of the Honourable Members of the State Executive Council, titled Rajas, Chiefs and Malay Elders. Raja Abdul Rashid ibni Sultan Idris, the Raja Bendahara, Perak, took the oath of office as Regent of Perak.
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    • 88 1 PARTIAL LAW IN HOWRAH CALCUTTA, Mar. 27.— Martial law was declared tonight in the town and suburbs of How rah just outside Calcutta after disturbances in the area in the last few days and fresh incidents today (But it was efSeially learned in Bombay today that the West Bengal Government
      Reuter  -  88 words
    • 32 1 .'LONDON. :iar. The British Labour Party's overall Majority in Parliament was reduced .«> three today with the death of Mr. F. A. Cobb, member for Brighouse and Spenbo-l-ough.— Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 51 1 PARIS, Mar. 27 Thirty-five thousand French dockers, responding to a 24-hcuir strike ordered by the Communist-led General Cohlederatio of Labour, today paralysed shipping in all the main ports. The strike was called as a protest against R:e arrest of three union leaders in Marseilles last week.
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 64 1 Two-Month Standstill Order To Australian Workers (MELBOURNE. Mar. 27.—Australian Trade Union chiefs today ordered a two-month standstill on all action designed to enforce local wage increases The order was issued by an emergency committee of the inter-stale executive of the Australian Council r>f Trade Unions. It applied to "sectional disputes"
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 42 1 NEW DELHI'. Mar. 27.— The noted British atom scientist, Professor P. M. S. Blackett has arrived in Bombay from London. Prof. Blackett, t who 'has been invited by the Ibdian i Government is to be in tnlie tor .'.'in a fortnight GIIS
      GIIS  -  42 words
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  • 650 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Tues. Mar. 28, 1950 CATCHING AT SHADOWS! wrote the editorial of 20-3-00 entitled "Wanteu, Actions— Not Words based on the brief reports published in the Press of Mr. C. C. Tan's speech at UMNO House, Johorc Bahru, on the 18th, but since then we have received
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  • 743 2 No Amendment Of Citizenship Actt Says Senanayake COLOMBO, Mar. 27.— -The Ceylon Premier, Mr. D. S. Senanayake, declared in an interview with the Hindu correspondent that the Ceylon Governmen 1 were not contemplating any amendment of or modification t o the Indian and
    FOC  -  743 words
  • 153 2 BREN-GUN CARRIERS FOR PAKISTAN ALLEGED COLOMBO, Mar. 27. In Parliament last week, Mr. Robert Gunawardene alleged that certain private firms were engaged in conditioning and supplying bren-gun carriers to Pakistan. He said that these bren-gun carriers were being brought to Colombo from Homagama. Mr. Gunawardene said that in the course
    FOC  -  153 words
  • 122 2 MADRAS, Mar. 27. Mr. Gopala Reddi, Finance Minister and Leader of the House, categorically denied in the Madras Assembly that the recruitment of Muslims to public services in all departments had been stopped. "We have recently revised our Instructions, and Muslims are being recruited
    FOC  -  122 words
  • 123 2 RIVAL LEAGUE FORMED IN SIND KARACHI, Mar. 27. An eleven point programme of the recently formed "Sind Provincial Muslim League, Hyderabad (Sind)" was announced here by its organiser, Pir Illahi Bux, former Premier of Sind. The programme includes organisation of a militia "Jan Baz" f or "the service of Pakistan
    FOC  -  123 words
  • 171 2 FIRE OUTBREAK IN BOMBAY: TEXTILE MILL GUTTED BOMBAY. Mar. 27.— A portion of a textile mill in Central Bombay was gutted by fire, which broke out on the first floor of the mill and quickly spread to its other parts, destroying machinery and bursting the boiler, on Mar. 17. The
    FOC  -  171 words
  • 50 2 FRENCH HONOUR FOR INDIAN EDUCATIONIST AMBALA, Mar. 27.— Prof. Vishva 1 Bhandu Shastri, well-known Indian J educationists, has been made an "Officer D' Academic" by the French Government, in recognition of his research work. Professor Shastri is the Director or the D. A. V. College in Hoshiarpur, near here. FOC
    FOC  -  50 words
  • 68 2 BOMBAY, Mar. 27.— The Goa National Congress at its meeting r here set up a nine-man committee to organize relief measures for political prisoners in Goa. Members of the committee include Mr. S. B. D'Silva and Mr. Warn an Desai. President and Secretary respectively of tne
    FOC  -  68 words
  • 60 2 NEW DELHI. Mar. 27. A peon employed by the Central Secretariat fell from the top of the 238 ft. Qutb Minar as hundreds of holidaymakers looked on. A card recovered from his badly cmshed body disclosed his identity. According to the police this is the
    FOC  -  60 words
  • 281 2 Indo- Tibetan Caravan Trade Route NEW DELHI, Mar. 27.— Trade b etween India and Tibet figured at question time in the Indian Parliam ent recently. Using century-old routes, Tibetan traders come across the snowcapped Himalayas to exchange the produce of their bleak plateau for consumer goods manufactured in or imported
    FOC  -  281 words
  • 71 2 NEW DELHI, Mar. 27.— Elaborate celebrations are .being .planned .all over India for April 1, when the Indian Air Force, the youngest brancn of the armed forces of India, completes 17 years of existence. Ceremonial parades, exhibitions of latest air force equipment and
    FOC  -  71 words
  • 79 2 DR. FINN TO CONFER WITH INDIAN FISHERIES OFFICIALS (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Mar. 27.— Dr. D. B. Finn, Director of the Fisheries Division of the United Nations Food ♦ind Agricultural Organisation, arrived here Saturday last en route to Australia where he would attend a meeting of the Indo-Pacific
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  • 100 2 LUCKNOW,, Mar. 27.— Mr. Lalbahadur Shastri, Police Minister, told the U.P. Assembly hat the deputy superintendent of police and two subinspectors at Bareilly were suspended on Feb. 6 pending inquiry in the incidents involving the police and students in that town last month. Reply to questions
    FOC  -  100 words
  • 105 2 NEW DELHI, Mar. 27. The Speaker, Mr. G. V. Mavlankar, told Parliament that the expressions "Nonsense" and "Utter Nonsense" were, strictly speaking, not unparliamentary. However, in the interests of the dignity of the House and the level of the debate, it was desirable that
    FOC  -  105 words
  • 236 2 NEW DELHI, Mar. 27. A joint deputation of the representatives ot the cycle importers of Bombay, Calcutta, Madras and Delhi waited on Mr. A. S. Lall, Joint Secretary to the Ministry of Commerce, Government of Indai, in connection with the restrictions on the import of
    FOC  -  236 words
  • 113 2 CUTTACK, Mar. 27.— The Government of Orissa have withdrawn the prosecution against four out of the 23 accused in the Mayurbhanj Conspiracy Case. Announcing this, a Government Press communique stated that a case was started against some of the leaders of the so-called adibasi agitation
    FOC  -  113 words
  • 59 2 TAIPEI. Mar. 27.— Liu Teh-chung, describing himself as chairman of the Indo-China Revolutionary League, has arrived in Taipei. In a statement to the press he said the League was "fighting for freedom and against Communism and other forms of totalitarianism." Cooperation between China and lidochina, he
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • 73 2 NEW DELHI, Mar. 27.— One of the Indian Navy's frigates I.N.S. Kistna arrived in Colombo harbour on Mar. 24 after rescuing and bringing in tow S.S. Fakira, a commercial vessel registered in Pakistan, which had broken down and was drifting about 150 miles west of Colombo.
    GIIS  -  73 words
  • 76 2 BOMBAY. Mar. 27.— The Government of Bombay has approved a Rs. 50,000,000 scheme for the development of Bombay suburbs. The development will be spread over a period of ten years. Under the scheme, 800,000 inhabitants of Bombay suburbs will be benefited by a better system of
    F.O.C.  -  76 words
  • 67 2 LUCKNOW, Mar. 27.— A new party has been recognised in the Uttar Pradesh (former United Provinces) Legislative Assembly. Styling itself the Democratic Party, the new fourteen-member party took its seat as a separate bloc in the Assembly recently It is pledged to fight "all hasty
    FOC  -  67 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 75 2 use it to your best advantage I Travel half way round CAPTAINED BY |Jfc WOrld Via over 1,000,000 COLOMBO, BOMBAY, G KARACHI, CAIRO, J ROME AND LONDON. you have this opportunity to _^_s^__^__V J^ I^^^^^^^ DEPARTURE W fmf SINGAPORE 9 A.M. EVERY TUESDAY V if *J n WWW/S _T% A
      75 words

  • 404 3 Sec- Council To Name Kashmir Mediator This Week Ex US Uader-Secretary Lovett Also Tipped For The Post NEW YORK, Mar. 27.— Indian and Pakistan delegations to the United Nations were expecting to hear today from the sponsors of the Kashmir resolution on some definite approach to finding a mediator in
    Reuter  -  404 words
  • 43 3 SARASOTA. Florida. Mar. 27. A circus elephant snatched five-year-old Edward Schooley. who was feeding him with peanuts, from the c f his horrified parents Sunday ;tnd trampled him to deah at thcircus winter quarters here.- A. P.
    A.P.  -  43 words
  • 61 3 ROME, March 27 Six police were injured in fighting with Communistled demonstrators in the Naples suburb of Ponticelli on Friday night, dispatches to Rome newspapers said on Saturday. The number of demanstrators Injured was not yet known. Fightimv broke out when police advanced to break up an
    A.P.  -  61 words
  • 106 3 LA PAZ, Mar. 27.— The Bolivian Government announced yesterday that it had foiled a Communist revolutionary plot, planned to start next Tuesday under the leadership of a high Russian military chief and French Communist agents. The leaders together with a numoer of others were arrested
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 158 3 BELGRADE, Mar. 27.— Ten million Yugoslavs yesterday had their first chance to record official approval of Marshal Tito's break with Moscow, when they voted" in their second postwar general election. Voting was for 405 Deputies to ihe Federal Council, and 215 for tne Council of
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 163 3 "A WORLD IN DISORDER," SAYS POPE VATICAN CITY, Mar. 27. The Pope, in a broadcast address at a Passion Sunday Ceremony in St. Peters Basilica yesterday deplored "a world in disorder, in which all wholesome social principles seemed disturbed." There was no excuse of ignorance to mitigate the sin and
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 38 3 NEW YORK. Mar. 27— Mr. Trygve Lie. United Nations SecretaryGeneral, left by air for Florida yesterday to spend a week's holiday at, an undisclosed resort. He travelled to Miami, saying he would take another plane from there.-- Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 461 3 WASHINGTON, Mar. 27. Rebellious Democrats and economy-minded Republicans are expected to join forces today in a drive to slash Marshall Aid and other foreign-assistance funds. Coming before the House of Representatives is Democratic President Truman's request for $3,375,000,000 to carry the Marshall Aid
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  • 187 3 GENEVA, Mar. 27.— United Nations efforts to bring East and West together in solving common agricultural problems ended in failure here after a week's secret debate. Spending hours on procedure and general controversy, delegates from 19 countries to the Economic Commission for
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • 37 3 NEW DELHI, Mar. 27.— The Government for India has declared to appoint the Indian Ambassador in Rome, Mr. B. Sen, as their Ambassador to Yugoslavia also, the External Affairs Ministry yesterday announced.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 71 3 LONDON. Mar. 27. Air ViceMarshal Richard L. R. Atcherley, Commander-in-Chief Pakistan Air Force, arrived here by air from Karachi yesterday to inspect the training of Pakistan airmen in Britain and discuss purchase of equipment. "We might be very interested in jet fighters, but not jet
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 342 3 LIBERATION MOVEMENT MISREPRESENTED AS ANTI-BANDIT DRIVE, THEY SAY LONDON, Mar. 27.— The British Communist Party today called for "an all-out sustained demand" in Britain to stop the fighting in Malaya. A Party manifesto accused the Government of misrepresenting the fighting as "an anti-bandit
    Reuter  -  342 words
  • 793 3 Chiang 's Guerillas Active In South China A French Outpost On The North Indochina Border, Mar. 27. Well organised Chinese Nationalist guerillas are effectively harassing the Communists in the South China frontier zone adjacent to the French outpost. Widespread dissatisfaction with Red rule is said to be facilitating Nationalist resistance.
    Reuter  -  793 words
  • 57 3 CATANIA, Sicily, Mar. 27 Seretse Khama, African chief-desig-nate, left nearby Augusta on Saturday aboard a British commercial Plane for Victoria Falls, Rhodesia. Seretse, who arrived in Augusta on Friday from London and spent the ni^ht at the air base hotel, said that Jus Britisli »vvif e <(Ruth Williams)
    A.P.  -  57 words
  • 51 3 TEHERAN. Mar. 27. Molhamed Zaher Shah, King of Afghanistan, arrived here yesterday by air from Baghdad for a four-day visit tc Persia. On his way home from a visit <o Europe for medical treatment, Kin;,' Mohamed Zaher has called at a number of Middle Eastern caDitals
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 126 3 raiiiiifliniiiiiiiuiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiinBiii BIR TABS (No. 1 No. 2) prepared by Oxolin Research Laboratories of Edinburgh. N<>. 1 for one year birth control $5.09 No. 2 for two years birth control $8.00 Postage 50 cts. cMkra CIIARI CO., (P. Bo'x 123). 29, Robinson Road, Singapore. >trtiifitlMIIIIII|lltlllHlilliiliililli!IMiii|hiiil'ir4i:i*iili'l"l'i| USE ZANDU'S DRAKSHA ASAVA in chronic
      126 words
    • 65 3 jjffllto PEOPLE THE WORLD OVER \^U Are Sra in 2 CHELSEA 51 CIGARETTES FOR PREFERENCE! CHELSER l" I i^^ijy Agents: F. A. BARTHW-fiiflEUSZ LTD do well to remember.;. /4 x$W Couq/: needs De WITTf COUGH ||tr .:>t aTRUr ij-- ikwf with CUAIACOL a^/gt+it, I creosote sL^Uls/'^zj Children under 5 %SjsLl
      65 words

  • 859 4 Full Details Ot Voting Results The second conference of the Malayan Trade Union delegates, which began on Saturday, Mar. 25 continued its meeting on Sunday, Mar. 26, at the Chinese Assembly Hall, Kuala Lumpur. Elections of the main office-bearers a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary,
    Army Press Release  -  859 words
  • 71 4 The marriage of Miss Krishnamah, eldest daughter of Mr. Mrs. P. K. Nair of Bertam Estate Malacca, with their nephew Mr. G. Balakrishna Pillay (Central Drawing Office, Railway, K.L.) sen of Mr. and Mrs. N. Govinda Pillai of Thruvathalil Veedu, Chirayinkil Travancore, will be solemnised on
    71 words
  • 70 4 The I.R.C. will be holding an Inter Team Soccer Competition on th? League System at Farrer Park on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The fiist game will be played on Saturday, Apr. 1 at 5.15 p.m. sharp. The following five teams will compete in the competition: President's
    70 words
  • 74 4 General Sir John Harding left Singapore yesterday. Monday, by air on a visit to Hong Kong, where he will attend a combined services exercise. On Mar. 31 lie will be joined in Hong Kong by General Carpentier. Commander-in-Chief of the French yArmed Forces in Indo-China.
    74 words
  • 64 4 The Singapore Red Cross has launched a Drive for Members sinco yesterday. It will continue until Saturday, Apr. 1. Both Working and Subscribing Members are being invited to enlist. Voluntary workers and financial support are urgently required for service to the sick and suffering.
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  • 87 4 Sri Ram Navami (Birthday of Sn Ramachandra) will be celebrated at the Ramakrishna Mission premises at No. 9, Norris Road .today. Tuesday, Mar. 28, as per programme appended below. 12.00Noon— Pooja. 6.00 P.M.— Arathi. 6.15 P.M. Ram Nam Sankirthanam (Ram Bajanam). 7.00 P.M. Lectures: Chairman Swaml
    87 words
  • Article, Illustration
    81 4 Three hundred thousand people watched the 350 feet high smelter stack exploded into rubble at Denver, Colorado, on Feb. 25. The stack was demolished because it had become dangerous. Photo at left shows the dynamite explosion at the> base of the stack. Photo at centre shows the chimney stack as
    A.P.  -  81 words
  • 729 4 In connection with the bandit attack in the Gua Musang area on Mar. 25, it is now stated that the strength of the Security Forces' patrol comprised one Malay Regiment 2 Lieutenant and 24 Other Ranks, and one Police Constable and 16 Special
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  • 246 4 CONTROL OF RENT LEGISLATION: PUBLIC INVITED TO SUBMIT VIEWS At the meeting of the Legislative Council held on Feb. 22 a Select Committee was appointed to consider and report on i.a) a Bill to amend the Control of Rent Ordinance, 1947; and (b) a Bill to amend the Municipal Ordinance,
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  • 46 4 The annual general meeting of the Alexandra Local Indian Congress will be held on Saturday, Apr. 1 at 5 p.m. at 370-A, Alexandra Road, Singapore. All members are requested to attend the meeting, writes the Secretary, Alexandra Local Indian Congress, Singapore.
    46 words
  • 119 4 KUALA LANG AT INDIAN ASSOCIATION At the general bedy meeting of JNM Indian Association, Kuaia .^angat, held on Saturday. Mar. 25, at wanting Tneatre, Banting, the iOiiowing office-bearers and committee members were elected lor tne ensuing year: President: Mr. P. C. Cherry Unanimously re-elected), VicePresidents: Mr. R. J. Oliver and
    119 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 156 4 >ooocx>ooooooooc>ooooooooooo END GREY HAIR Not bv hair dye. Our "KESHKANTI" Ayurvedic Hair Oil restores tha Grey hair to its natural black colour permanently and stops turning grey. If no faith take a guarantee of retuifhing double price. Price Rs. 7/-. N.15. It is tonic lor brain and eyes. (No V.P.P.
      156 words
    • 139 4 SHIRIN TODAY: 6.45 9.30 P.M. BAZAR I (Hindustani) Starring: NIGAR SULTANA SHYAM XXXXXXXJOCKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. W^^milmiiSßadlißillMmLMsM at LAST DAY TODAY! 3.15 6.30 9.15 P.M. YAKUB and SULOCHANA CHATTERJI GRAHASTI (in Hindustani) TOMORROW: Scoott Of The Antartic (in Technicolor) aaD°Cr«-y3o<z33> ti^>°(3» <ed°<b» iex>q» DIAMOND BY POPULAR REQUEST TODAY 3 SHOWS: 3.15, 615 9.15
      139 words