Indian Daily Mail, 27 March 1950

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 17 1 Indian Daily Mail 01,. VI. NO. 44. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MAR CH 27, 1950. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS.
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  • 485 1 Time-Barred, Says Speaker Firsit In Indian History (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Mar. 26. Mr. J^, flvashanmugam Pillai, the Speaker of the Madras Legislative Assembly, yesterday disallowed a privilege motion tabled by the former State Premier Mr. T. Prakasajm "to appoint a ilve^member Select Committee
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  • 86 1 CAPETOWN, Ui Ir. 26. South Africa needs Japanese crockery be cause she cannot get supplies from Britain. Mr. Eve Louw, Economic Development Minister, declared yesterday "Hotels are always complaining to me about the difficulty of i^plac.e ments," he said in an interview "We cannot get
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 88 1 VATICAN CITY. Mar. 26.— Pope PiiM on Saturday granted a general audience to 10.000 Holy Year pilgrims r Rt. Peter's Basilica. The pilgrims, crowding the two sides of the basilica's central nave, cheered the Pontiff when he appeared at midday. At the end of the nave,
    AP  -  88 words
  • 120 1 CALCUTTA STUDENTS' GENERAL SIKIKE ATTEMPT FAILS CALCUTTA, Mar. 2G.— The general strike, called for Saturday by students in sympathy with East Bengal refugees, had failed completely up to midday. Transport was normal and shops were open. Early Saturday there were reports of interference with trams, and gathering crowds, but tension
    A.P.  -  120 words
  • 109 1 WASHINGTON. Mar. 26.— An imperative" call for action to stem tie rising tide of unemployment in he United States has been made by lie American Federation of Labour. The Federation said in a monthly uirvey that two million more workers were jobless yesterday than in he
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 123 1 WACO, Texas, Mar. 26. Former .\orld heavyweight champion Jon li-mis announced here last night he- aid definitely not return to the Instead he has signed a contract Lo tour Canada for a circus, starting tm May 24 Before that he will makr
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 45 1 OVER 1,000 GUESTS ATTEND INDIAN EMBASSY RECEPTION PARIS. Mar. 26.— More than 1.000 guests went to a reception at the Indian Embassy here on Friday night for the Indian dancer Uday Shankar, who recently attended the French Premier of his film "Kalpana" in Paris. Router.
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  • 63 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) BOMBAY, Mar. 26 —Switzerland's Minister to India Dr. A. Daeniker told the IDM representative yesterday negotiations for a fresh trade agreement between India and Switzerland would commence next month. This "third agreement since India became free" follows a big flow of trade between
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  • 188 1 BANDITS KILL 21 IN SINGLE ENGAGEMENT A Platoon of the 3rd Malay Regiment and a party of Police whilst returning from Kuala Sungkai on Saturday (Mar. 25) were attacked by a large force of Bandits estimated between 200/250 hear Pulai Penang, in Guapn Musalng area (Ke lain tan). As a
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  • 207 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) AIIMEDABAD, Mar. 26.— An appeal to the people of India to strengthen the hands of Pandit Nehru "if are are really keen on making the minorities in Pakistan free from danger," is made in a leading article In today's "Harijan" by
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  • 121 1 CALCUTTA, Mar. 26.—Negotiations are now under way here in an effort to break the six months old Indo-Pakistan jute trade deadlock, it was authoritatively learned yesterday The negotiators are Mr. A. N. Walker, chairman of the Indian Jute Mills Association, and Mr. G. Faruoje
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 89 1 RANGOON, Mar. 26.— A Burmese representative has reached Chungking on his way to take up duty as interim Charge D'Affaires in the Chinese People's Republic, a Foreign Office communique said here yesterday The representative, U Pe, Burmese Consul General at Kunming, in the southwest
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 36 1 HONGKONG, Mar. 26.— News that Singapore plans to build a 14--acre stadium rubbed Hongkong sports enthusiasts the wrong way. One newspaper headlined an A.P. dispatch about the proposed stadium: "Will Hongkong follow suit?".- AP
    AP  -  36 words
  • 549 1 Neden Report Most Disappointing, Say Services Unions The Presidents of the four Services Unions the Army Civil {Service Union, the Air Ministry Local Staff Union, the Admiralty Local Staff Union and the Naval Base Labour Union have issued the following joint statement on the Neden Report "The recommendations made by
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  • 124 1 AUSTRALIAN MINISTER ARRIVES IN PHILIPPINES MANILA, Mar. 26.— The Australian External Affairs Minister, Percy Spender, arrived in Manila yesterday on what he called "a mission to renew the goodwill and friendship" which, he said, always has existed between Australia and the Philippines The Australian Minister indirectly confirmed speculation here that
    A.P.  -  124 words
  • 146 1 PAKISTAN'S DEFENCES INVULNERABLE, SAYS LIAQUAT ALI KARACHI, Mar. 26.— Premier Liaquat Ali Khan of Pakistan told parliament on Saturday that "We are 100 times stronger today than we were at the time of the establishment of Pakistan in August 1947." He blamed war hysteria in India. J especially in West
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  • 90 1 POLISH TRADE DELEGATION RETURNS FROM PEKING WARSAW. Mar. 26.— The Polish trade delegation which had spent two months negotiating commercial exchanges with Communist China, has returned after concluding various individual contracts, the Polish press agency reported last night. China will export soya beans, tobacco, wolfram and fats. Poland will send
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 143 1 STOP PRESS FLYING BOAT EXPLODES IN JOHORE STRAITS Shortly afternoon yesterday an explosion occurred in the interior of a Sunderland flying boat moored in the Straits of Johnre whereupon the aircraft immedediately cease over on to its starboard wing and sank in 30 feet of water. Rescue operations were immediately
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  • 120 1 Following office-bearers of the newly-formed Malayan Trade Union Council were elected yesterday (Sunday): Mr. P. P. Narayanan President. Miss Rahman bte Md. Saileh —Vice-President. Mr. X. E. Nathan Secretary. Mr. M. P. Rajagopal Treasurer. Rubber Industry: Mr. V. M. N. Menon Estate Staff Union Secretary. Mr.
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  • 45 1 LONDON. Mar. 26 Jewels valued at £15.000 were stolen on Friday from a mailbag sent from Manchester to London. The cardboard box, in which the jewels had been posted, was torn when th*» mailbag arrived at the London Post Office.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 43 1 BELGRADE. Mar. 26. —Voting opened briskly in Belgade today as Yugoslavia went to the polls to elect its second Parliament since the war, with the certainty that Marshal Josip Broz Titos 8,000,000 strong People's Front was going to win. Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 33 1 I SUBSCRIHION RATES BY POST Malaya, B.N. Borneo and Sarawak 1 Month 4.00 3 12.00 i 8 24.00 1 Year 48.00 Other Places 1 Month 5.00 3 15.00 6 30.00 1 Year 60.00
      33 words
    • 53 1 to tbi nana j*\ TELL YOUH PRO-WOWS tamilTmurasu The Leading TAMIL Daily in Malaya over 14 years 71, SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE. a _Wm *#»wmtv.|^ yy fJNSNED I R'i'\SF/J ECONOMICAL WAV E|3?^ v /to HONG KONG $321.42 TO EANGKOK $1GG.07 FOR INFORMATION BOOKINGS: AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AIRWAY'S PTY., LTD. 5, Prince St.,
      53 words

  • 2131 2 Province Issue Gist Ot Outstanding Differences And Unresolved Questions MADRAS, Mar. 26.— A gist of the "outstanding differences and unresolved questions" in regard to the creation of an Andhra Province, mentioned in the linai reply received by the Madras Government from the Gove
    F.O.C.  -  2,131 words
  • Article, Illustration
    81 2 The British submarine Truculent lies beached on Cheney Spit, off Sheerness, England. Mar. 15. She is still held fast in the multiple nineinch hawsers of the lifting craft Bnergie and Ausdauer which heaved her from the bed of the Thames Estuary where she lay for two months after she was
    A.P.  -  81 words
  • Article, Illustration
    157 2 AftfT nearly two years of intensi berrutotfis has tested its 20,000,000 world's children from the dread si of i::< United Nations International Danish Red Cross, the Norwegian Red Cross, working in cooperation different countries and receiving te Health Organisation. The ITC go vaccinate all who are in need of Zora
    A.P.  -  157 words
  • 175 2 JAKARTA, Mar. 26. United States of Indonesia Welfare Minister Djuanda Thursday last told the public session of the U.S.I. House of Representatives that Government had annulled the so-called "Fox Contract" because of the "monopolistic tendency in. the contract." The Minister told the 82 members present that
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 119 2 U.S. Submits Proposed Arms Aid Agreement To Persia WASHINGTON Mar. 26.— American State Department officials announced Thursday last that the United States had submitted the draft of a proposed arms aid agreement to the Persian Government. The draft sets out the terms under which Persia would receive a share of
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 129 2 Labour Conscription Becoming Common In Red China HONO KONG, Mar. 26. Labour conscription is becoming common r.i Kwangtung and Kwangsi province*. Red China, arrivals from Canton said yesterday. The Reds were conscripting ablebodied men fcr labour camps in the north for reclamation work and in the northeast for Manchurian Industrie*.
    A.P.  -  129 words
  • 54 2 JAKARTA. Mar. 26.— 8y a United States of Indonesia presidential decree, the state of South Sumatn was on Friday rejcined to th< Indonesian Republic. The Dutch created South Sumatra state after the first military action in 1947 South Sumatra is the chief o!l producing area in
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 172 2 STEPS TO DEVELOP KANDLA BHUJ, Mar. 26.— Members of the Kandla Port Advisory Committee on last month completed their three-day visit to Kandla, the refugee township of Gandhigram and Bhuj. During the visit it heard a report by the development Commissioner, Mr. K. Mitter, on the steps taken so far
    FOC  -  172 words
  • 72 2 GERMAN YOUTHS ABANDON "PEACE MARCH" BERLIN, Mar. 26. The Communist Free German Youth Movement abandoned its plan for a Peace March through the Western sectors of Berlin at Whitsun in defiance of a Western ban. After the West Berlin authorities had earlier rejected a request that marchers be allowed into
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 347 2 NEW DELHI, Mar. 26.— The weU-known Indian physicist and Nobel laureate. Mr. C. V. Raman, has revealed *a new and hitherto unsuspected feature in the behaviour of amorphous solids or glasses." In a press interview in Madras, he said he had been led to
    GIIS  -  347 words
  • 157 2 WASHINGTON, Mar. 26. The U.S. navy announced on Friday it will add a small aircraft carrier and four destroyers W the Pacific fleet this summer. The carrier is the 11.000 ton Bataan. She is being made ready at the Philadelphia navy yard for anti-submarine duty.
    A.P.  -  157 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 81 2 USE ZANDU'S DRAKSHA ASAVA in chronic and wasting diseases /ich as phthisis, insomnia, loss of appetite, sudden faintin/, coughs, colds, hoarseness of voice and gereral debility. It imparts new Lift to the Body and maintainsl Strength TAKEN WITH ZANDU'S CHYAVANPRASH IMMEDIATE RESULTS OBTAINED KESARI JIVAN HIGHLY NUTRITIOUS TONIC PREPARATION Specially
      81 words

  • 402 3 To Protest Against Europeans Opposition To Tanganyika's Constitutional Changes NAIROBI, Mar. 26.— Kenya Indians will give full .support to Africans in protesting against European settlers opposition to proposed constitutional changes in Tanganyika, it was anno jnced here yesterday. Dr. D. D. Puri, president of
    Reuter  -  402 words
  • 137 3 RANGOON, Mar. 26.— A countrywide investigation was on here Thursday into the reported presence in Rangoon's Chinatown district of General Lee Nee, former; Acting oovernor of Yunnan and commander of the Eighth Division ot the Chine -e Nationalist Army. A report, published on
    A.P.  -  137 words
  • 431 3 HONGKONG. Mar. 26. Eighth Sister Wann. sometimes called twogun Sister Wang, has joined the Nationalist guerrillas. Eighth Sister Wang became famous for her exploits around Shanghai under Japanese rule Some considered her nothing much more than a sort of junk pirates arCund the
    Reuter; A.P.  -  431 words
  • 48 3 VANCOUVER, Mar. 26. The 7,000-ton Canadian freighter Argovan, with a cargo including 75 surplus United States Army tanks for the Chinese Nationalists, sailed Thursday night for Formosa. The freighter had been picketed here for two days by workers protestina against the arms shipment.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 143 3 SECRET TENTATIVE POSTWAR PEACE PUNS PUBLISHED WASHINGTON, Mar. 26. Th* United States State Departmetit today published secret tentative postwar peace plans. One dccument —a 1943 report of a departmental planning committee forecast that In the event of a big power friction, Germany would hold a balance of power. Russia would
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 58 3 LONDON, Mar. 26.— The funeral of Professor Harold J. Laski, 56, former chairman of the executive of the British Labour Party, lecturer in political science at the London Schcol of Economics and author ..f several books on political science who died on Friday, will
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 57 3 ROME, Mar. 26. Italy and Turkey Friday night signed a mutual friendship treaty, latest in a -eries strengthening co-operation between ncn -Communist Mediterranean countries. Turkey's Foreign Minister Necmeddin Sadak, who signed with Italian Foreign Minister Car'o Sfcrza, told Reuter the pact would "help greatly to reinforce
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 74 3 HOLLYWOOD. Mar. ».—Negotiations between film actress Ingridj Bergman and her husband. Peter Lindstrom. for the custody of their daughter, Pia, and the settlement of financial issues reached a deadlock on Friday. Bergman's lawyer indicated he L? trying to avoid a- courtroom battle. The conferences will be
    A.P.  -  74 words
  • 26 3 TEL AVIV. Mar. 26. A recent census showed that there are 165,000 Arabs in Israel. Of these, more than 120.000 are Muslims, the remainder Christians.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 295 3 Dutch-Indonesian RoundTable Conference Begins FUTURE OF NEW GUINEA EXPECTED I TO BE CONTESTED 1 JAKARTA, Mar. 26.— Dutch and Indonesian Ministers met here yesterday round a conference table for the first meeting of the Netherlands-Indonesian Union, I at which the future of Dutch New Guinea is expected to be contested.
    Reuter  -  295 words
  • 93 3 THE HAGUE. Mar. 26.— 0n the opening oi the conference of Ministers of the Netherlands-Indonesian Union in Jakarta yesterday Queen Juliana sent a message expressing her best wishes for the successs < f the conference. The difficulties at present are undoubtedly great and many thing:* will
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 83 3 RUSSIANS PLAN FOR LARGESCALE "MANOEUVRES" STOCKHOLM. Mar. 26. —The Russians are planning to hold the.r first largescale "manoeuvres" with guided missiles, the newspaper Afton Bladet reported from Luebock. Under the command of General W. I. Boderenko, they intend to test the efficiency of a chain u_ permanent bases for guided
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 77 3 HOLLANDIA, New Guinea, Mar 26.— 1n preparation for the possible reference on the New Guinea problem to the United Nations, i.n eight-man delegation has been formed here. Mr. Johan Arik~ is Chairman and Mr. C. S. H. J. De Faxes is Secretary. (The
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 508 3 'Vietnam Doesn't Have The Confidence Ot Its People* SAIGON, Mar. 26. The Minister of Defence and two cabinet undersecretaries resigned from the IndoChinese Government yesterday night, protesting that Premier Nguyen Phan Long was too much influenced by uiira-nationalists in his cabinet. Tne cabinet
    A.P.; Reuter  -  508 words
  • 225 3 LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 26.—General Carlos Romulo, President of the United Nations General Assembly last session, yesterday called for a conitrence ot scientists on the atomic control deadlock to fellow tne special Security Council session proposed by Mr. Trygve Lie. The scientists, he said, snould see a
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 84 3 BUY J^ GOLD LEAF 6e^on Quality TEA with complete confid nee that it is unexcelled —incomparable and unequalled. Agents. F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ. LTD.. The wise man, be he a millionaire or of only moderate means, always shaves with a -^^3r Blue Gillette Blade in his *^jfi|^/ Gillette Razor. He kno\s
      84 words
    • 99 3 SEA and AIR PASSAGES ARRANGED AT OFFICIAL RATES FOR MADRAS, COLOMBO, BOMBAY and other ports. For particulars please apply AMERICAN y/fYI) AGENCY LTD. 64, Robinson Road, Singapore. Telephone: ***** Telegrams "Amerloyd". m&_YtF_s£*^£jj^ Indigestion and other stomach ffiPl^j^jiJ troubles are easily and ifuickly tfcyuSF overcome in the a veragtf family Ktsi;
      99 words

  • 134 4 India Govt. -Appointed To Issue Questionnaire Personal Investigation To Be Made On All Routes (From Our Own Correspondent) BOMBAY, Mar. 26.-— The Government of India's Deck Passenger Committee held its first sitting here and finalised a quest ionaire to be issued to sh lpowners,
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  • 165 4 A large gathering which included the British Adviser, Perak, Mr. J. G. Black, State Councillors, community loaders and heads of Government departments bade farewell to the Sultan ol Perak ad the airport on Saturday morning. School boys and girls of the Malay settlement lined
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  • 127 4 WASHINGTON, Mar. 26.— SecreI try Acheson said yesterday the Btate Department is receiving reports that a serious situation is developing In the famine areas of Communist China. He told a news conference the de- irtUMnt lias received by cable a report from a special survey
    A.P.  -  127 words
  • 57 4 THE HAGUE, Mar. 26. Prince liernhard ol the Netherlands will pen the "Holland Fair" on May 5 .a Philadelphia, he announced here to gathering of Dutch and foreign correspondents. Prince Bernhard returned last week from a three-month trip to the Dutch West Indies, Venezuela, Brazil,
    A.P.  -  57 words
  • 75 4 MR. PAPACHEN, Hony. Sports Captain of the Netaji Memorial Football Team, who will be shortly leaving for India for higher medical studies. A qualified dresser, he passed his Intermediate from Trivandrum College and has been employed in a laboratory in Singapore. He is now 24 years
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  • 51 4 RANGOON, Mar. 25.— The Indonesian Ambassador to India. Dr. Soedarsano. will be his country's first Ambassador to Burma, according to usualy reliable sources here. Pending the appointment of the Burmese Ambassador, the Indonesian Embassy in Rangoon U in the charge of Mr. Marjoenani, Charge* d' Affairs.—
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 39 4 PHOENIX, Arizona, Mar. 26. All seven aboard a civilian B-25 aircraft were killed when it exploded in flight near here yesterday. They were all employees of the North American Aviation Company, Los Angeles. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 40 4 TEL AVIV, Mar. 26 A 112-year-old Yemenite was among new immigrants arriving here aboard a "magic carpet" operation plane. He fell dead as he stepped from the aircraft and kissed the soil of Israel. A.P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 85 4 LADY CiURNEY. wife of the High Commissioner. Federation of Malaya, paid a visit to the Selangor Children's Home at Klang Road, Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday morning. Mar. 7. Picture shews Lady Gurney talking to one of the cnildren. who had gathered around her while
    PUBLIC RELATIONS  -  85 words
  • 297 4 FREEBOOTER WINS GRAND NATIONAL AINTREE, LIVERPOOL, Mar. 26. Mrs. L. Brctherinn's Freebooter, the 10-1 co- favourite, won the Grand National Steeplechase. Wot No Sun, at 100-7, was second and Achton Major, at 33-1, was third. Freebooter, equal choice in the betting with Roimcnd, won by 15 lengths. Rowland Ray was
    A.P.  -  297 words
  • 121 4 The late Mr. N. MUTHUVELU Ol Muar whose 31st day ceremony "Anthiyashdy" will be held on Wednesday, Mar. 29. He died on Feb. 27 at the age of 52. He was a native of Moolay, Jaffna, came to Malaya in the year 1914 and
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  • 49 4 Raffles Institution school concert will be held on Mar. 31 and Apr. 1 at 8.00 p.m. In the School Hal Parents, Old Boys and friends are very welcome. Admission by programme 50 cents which can be obtained at the School before these dates or at the door.
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  • 34 4 LISBON, Mar. 26. The first underground railway in Portugal will begin to operate in Lisbon in 1953, it was announced. Soundings have already been made and ertcavations begun.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • 540 4 All Malayan Trade Unionists Conference FIRST DAY'S PROCEEDINGS The second conference of Malayan Trade Union delegates was ceremoniously opened on Saturday, Mar. 25, at 11 a.m. at the Chinese Assembly Hall, Kuala Lumpur. Mr. M. P. Rajagopal welcomed the delegates whereupon Dato Onn bin Jaafar gave the opening address and
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  • 168 4 MRS. RAMACHANDRAN MRS. KAIMAL ENTERTAINED Mrs. Shanta Ramachandran, 8.A., wife of the Indian Agent was entertained to tea by the Women's Section of the Selangor Indian Association on Sunday, Max. 19 at their premises. More than fifty ladies attended and a group photo was taken. The occasion was taken advantage
    S.I.A.  -  168 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 29 4 HtfHIRIN TOWAY: 6.45 9.30 P.M. WOTHVI WALLABH (Hindustani) jocoeoocxxxxxxxx>coec©ooccv To/ay: 7.00 and 9.30 p.m. SVRAIVA GEETA BALI *BARI BAHEN" (Hindustani) jj^2^E__n_ZS__J_n_s_l TODAY: Als 6.30 9.15 P.M. '^GRAHASTI (in Hindustani)
      29 words
    • 92 4 DIAMOND By Popular Request Return Screening 3 SHOWS: 3J5, 6.15 9.15 P.M. Your favourite Star NARG1S and the hero of the Sc/een DIL1P KUMAR (Hindustani) t With JEEVAN and many others ROYAL TOP ENTERTAINMENT Appreciated Applauded By All Classes NOW ENTERING ITS THIRD WEEK 12 SHOWS TODAY AT 3.30 and
      92 words