Indian Daily Mail, 26 March 1950

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 18 1 Sunday Edition Indian Daily Mail VOL. VI. NO. 43. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 1950. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS.
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  • 296 1 'Hands Off Indian Muslims ALIGARH. Mar. 25.— Pand it Govind Baiiabh Pant, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh (United Provinces) asked the people of Pakistan "not to pose as the saviours of Indian Muslims." Pandit Pant, who was delivering the Convocation Address at the University of
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  • 199 1 W. BENGAL TAKES FIRM ACTION AGAINST "EVILDOERS" CALCUTTA. Mar. 25.— A West Bengal Government communique yesterday reported a "recrudescence of' incidents in certain parts of the state (province) during the last three days." Mentioning incidents in Calcutta and three nearby towns, the communique stated military and police were patrolling the
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  • 166 1 CHIANG'S LEAFLET WARNING TO HAINAN REDS HONG KONG. Mar. 25.— The Chinese Nationalists Air Force dropped 100.000 leaflets in the five-finger-uvuintains Communist-infested region of Hainan Island on Mar. 23. The leaflets warned Red irregulars unless they .surrendered they would fate the horrors of a Nationalist B ">eth'ower offensive." The Nationalists
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  • 83 1 CALCUTTA, Mar. 25.— What appears to be the first public demand for Pandit Nehru's resignation of premiership was made by the Burdwan Bar Association yesterday In a resolution, the Association said Pandit Nehru most hopelessly failed to tackle the minorities problem in East Bengal. His
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  • 170 1 LONDON, Mar. 25.— Mr. Harold Laski, leading British Socialist intellectual, died in hospital here last night. He was a lecturer in political science at the London School of Economics and author of several books on political science. He was chairman of the executive of the British Labour
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  • 332 1 SAIGON. Mar. 25.— Up-to- date weapons for jungle warfare nd American specialists who studied mountain guerilla fight ng in Oteece are expected to be sent to Indo-China as part of Vmencan aid to the French forces fighting the Vietminh (Vietlamese nationalist)
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  • 86 1 NEW DELHI, Mar. 25.— The Government of Punjab (1) are understood to have entered into a fresh agreement to supply electricity to Punjab (P) till the end of March. 1951. Disclosing this during question hour in Parliament Mr N V. Gadgil, Minister of Works, Mines and
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  • 22 1 AHMED AB AD, Mar. 25.—President Prasad has cancelled his tour of Gujerat which had been scheduled to eta»t oa April l.» < FOC
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  • 76 1 CALCUTTA, Mar. 25.— Mr. Syed Badrudduja, a prominent member of the West Bengal Assembly, recently led a goodwill mission to Dacca. It was scheduled to meet the Prime Minister of Pakistan and discuss with him the present communal situation and try to explore avenues for
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  • 57 1 CALCUTTA. Mar. 25. -Dr. Marti representative of the International Red Cross, arrived here yeterday o study relief work in We?t Bengal Dr. Marti. whc is here at the invitation of the Prim*- Ministers ct India and Pakistan, is scheduled tc leave for East Bengal
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  • 365 1 DJAKARTA, Mar. 25.— Forty-thousand (40,000) East Indonesians, 3,000 on horseback, demonstrated in Bone, South Celebes, yesterday, as a protest against any move by the Jogjakarta Repuhiic leaders to incorporate East Indonesia in a single state. Many carried banners calling for the continued existence of
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  • 520 1 LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 25. The United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Trygve Lie, said yesterday it was "urgent and imperative" that the question of who should represent China be solved before the next regular General Assembly session due in mid-September. Mr. Lie
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  • 127 1 BURMA ACCEPTS C'WEALTH LOAN WITH THANKS RANGOON, Mar. 25.— Burma has announced her acceptance of a £6,000,000 (Sterling) loan by Britain, India, Pakistan, Ceylon and Australia. An official announcement expressing thanks and appreciation of "the gesture of friendship" said that the loan was for two years and would be used
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  • 214 1 MADRAS, Mar 25.— A sandpumping equipment has been installed near the south quay of the Madras Harbour and sand-pumping operation has been going on for about a week now. It is stated that the work would bo continued till the end of the South-West monsoon.
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  • 55 1 JAKARTA. Mar. 25.— A smallpox epidemic, which killed 79 persons on the neighbouring island of Madura has pread tc Java. In the lavt few days 62 cases, in eluding three deaths, have been imported in the port, of Soerabaya. in northwest Java. More than 1.100 persons
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  • 75 1 NEW DELHI. Mar. 25.— India has protested to the Persian government against the publication on Feb. 27 of an editorial article by the Teheran newspaper, Keiha, giving "exaggerated reports" of the IndoPakistan dispute, the Deputy Foreign Minister. Dr. V. Keskar told questioners in parliament on
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  • 136 1 E. PUNJAB CABINET EXPANDED SIMLA,. Mar.. 25. Capt.. Ranjii Singh, a Hindu Jat from Hissar district, was recently sworn in an a Minister of Punjab (1). Ee has been allotted the portfolios of PWD and Electricity, formerly held by the Labour Minister, Mr. Prithvigingh Azad. The portfolios of Excise and
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  • 264 1 BANGKOK. Mar. 25— King Rama IX in a dashing, newly-acquired Admiral's uniform, stepped shyly on to Thailand soil yesterday after nearly four years' absence. His coronation will be on May 5. io^nn£; year old mon arch of nearly 18.UU0.000 subjects received a welcome of riotous
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  • 176 1 INDO PAK. SETTLEMENT ESSENTIAL, SAYS NIMITZ LOS ANGELES, Mar. 25.— Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz said yesterday that peaceful settlement of the Indo-Pakistan controversy "is essential not only for their economic gurvival and development, but for the maintenance of world peace." Here is a hot spot that can start a
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  • 24 1 PAKIS, Mar. 25. Several cases ol mfantile paralysis have been reported yesterday from Saieon. All schools in the affected area nave bean eir,«*>ri Reuter
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  • 814 2 Threat Ot Six Month Sessions Unless Machinery Is Overhauled LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 25. The United Nations General Assembly is faced with the problem of setting its machinery in order or risking the danger of succ umbing to a bad attack of indigestion. The number
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  • 118 2 U.N.I.C.E.F. Fellowships For India Ceylon MADRAS. Mar. 25. Dr. L Lauritson, Chief of the International Tuberculosis Campaign in South-East Asia, and Mr. T. G Davies, head of UNICEF in India, passed through Madras recently on their way to Colombo from Delhi. Mr. Davtes stated that UNICEF has offered eight Fellowships,
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  • 102 2 NEW DELHI. Mar. 25. Prim" Minister Jawaharlal Nehru heads a National Planning Commission, the establishment cf which has just been announced here by India's Finance Minister, Dr. John Matthai. Bombay's Labour Minister, Mr. Gulzarilal Nanda, will be the Deputy Chairman of the five-member Commission, which
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  • 112 2 GAUHATI, Mar. 25.— The Government of Assam have decided to start five new fishery "farms" in the State as part of their fishery development scheme in the next financial year. The expenses will be covered by a loan from the Centre for the
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  • 92 2 HOMOEOPATHIC RESEARCH CONVENTION DINAPORE, Mar. 25. The AllIndia Homoepathic Research Convention held here recently under the presidentship of Dr. Chugha of Bombay, passed a resolution welcoming the report of the Homoeopathic Inquiry Committee appointed by the Government of India last year. The conference appointed a committee with Dr. Chugha as
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  • 87 2 JAMMU (Kashmir), Mar. 25.— The Government of Kashmir is introducing land reforms that would make the tiller the real owner of the land, Bakshmi Ghalam Ahmed, Acting Prime Minister of Kashmir, said here. Rural indebtedness in the state would also be wiped out. All such debts
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  • 156 2 NEW DELHI, Mar. 25. A new lndo-Czech trade agreement will be signed shortly, it was learnt here. Trade talks between representative* of the two countries are scheduled to begin in Prague by Mar. 31. The Indian delegation to the talks will be headed by Mr. N. Rag
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  • 74 2 BOMBAY. Mar. 25— The Government of Bombay has announced a "weights and measures order" to bring all measurements in the State under a single standard. Intended to secure uniformity in trade transactions, the order seeks to prohibit use of weights of the avoirdupois pound series
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  • 76 2 CALCUTTA, Mar. 25.— The next All-India Air Race will be held at Lucknow under the joint auspice? of the Hind Flying Club and the Aero Club of India in the winter cf 1950. Raia Bajrang Bahadur Singh of Hhadr. Managing Director of
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  • Article, Illustration
    85 2 A general view of the election rally at the Adriatic seaport town of Split, Yugoslavia, where Marshal Tito spoke on Mar. 5. before a crowd officially estimated at 80.000. He registered once more Yugoslavia's determination to steer an independent oourse between East and West, to trade on equal terms bases,
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  • 220 2 MORARJI DESAI'S STATEMENT IN BOMBAY ASSEMBLY BOMBAY, Mar. 25.— Mr. Morarji Desai. Bombay's Home Minister, in the State Legislative Assembly on Mar. 15 admitted that the Government are intercepting letters of certain persons "whose political activity is suspect." He said the system of intercepting letters
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  • 23 2 BANGKOK. Mar. 25.— The United States has received permission from Thailand to establish a consulate at Chiengmai, northern city in this country, A.P.
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  • 86 2 TRIVANDRUM, Mar 25. The Tiavancore-Cochin Government have constituted a planning board for the State. The Board will collaborate with the Planning Commission set up by the Government of India and evolve suitable plan; for the industrialisation of the State, according to a Press Note. The
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  • 101 2 POONA. Mar. 25.— Mr F. H. Irani of the Indian Gliding Association has just set up an altitude record in glider flights in Lndia, reaching 6,500 feet in the course of his 65-minute demonstration flight here. Mr. Irani's "Soarer" wa set in motion by a
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  • 374 2 NEW DELHI, Mar. 25.— The Deputy Prime Minister, Sardar Patel, addressing a ceremonial parade of officers and men of the Delhi and Central Police forces here on Mar 19, said that courtesy and firmness should be the guiding principles in all their dealings. Courtesy
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  • 200 2 CENSUS IN INDIA: ENUMERATION OF CASTES TO BE DISCOURAGED NEW DELHI. Mar. 25.— The Prime Minister announced in Parliament recently amidst cheers, in reply to a supplementary question, that the Government did not want to encourage "all kinds of disruptive census operations". Asked whether particulars cf communities, sub-castes and castes
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  • 48 2 AHMEDABAD, Mar. 25.— Mr. M. i Patil, Special Judge, sentenced twy accused in the Central Bank loot case Lachhaman Kevalram Ahuja and Pheru Jahharam Sangtani to be hanged. The robbery was committed >n 1 the morning of May 26. FOC
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  • 256 2 NEW DELHI. Mar. 3£. N. M. M itra, former Secretary of the Air Transport Licensing Board. Goverri nent of India, was on Mar 7 sentenced by the Additional District Magistrate of Delhi to 18 months' ri on charges of corruption.
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  • 69 2 RANGOON, Mar. 25 —Indonesia's first ambassador to Burma will be Dr. Soedarsano, who already holds the appointment of Ambassador in India, the Burmese Foreign Office announced on Friday. The announcement added that for the time being, Dr. Soedarsano will combine the two appointments. Dr. Soedarsano
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 2918 3 Ma Bu Fan— Boss Of Tsinghai Colourful Career Of A Muslim War-Lord (By Miss Santha Rama Rau and Faubion Bowers) A J**? a the Governor of China's Model ProMiice told us: "Communism does not exist in my province. Good Government is the most effective antidote to a disturbing political element."
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 3 PHOTO The French Antarctic expedition which left Brest, France, 1950 aboard the "Commandant Charcot reached its destination midJanuary when it arrived at Cape Discovery, in Adelie Land. Eleven members of-the crew will stay there more than a year to make scientific observations. Photo shows The commandant Charcot moored to an
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 42 3 MADURA. Mar. 25. Mr. Rama nan dan Mishra. a member of the National Executive of the Socialist Party, who was arrested in Patna recently on a Warant issued by the Additional First Class Magistrate, Madura, has been released hers,
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  • 144 3 NEW DELHI, Mar. 25.— 1n spite of the claim of equality of the sexeis. "men cannot be women and women cannot be men" Deputy Prime Minister Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. told the Indian Parliament. Sardar Patel who was replying to questions on Uhe employment of women in
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  • 35 3 Mr. Mishra, who had been arrested under tha Madras Public Safety Act in connexion with a speech delivered by him at Sholavandan, near Madura, some time last year, was broueht here und?r tv^t™ escort.- FOC
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 3 PHOTO. Dr. Omar Hayat Malik, who was recently appointed Pakistan Ambassador to Indonesia. A.P.
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  • 202 3 TK I VAN DRUM, Mar. 25. During question-time in the TravancoreCochin Legislative Assembly on Mar. 14, the Chief Minister, Mr. Pamr X. K. Narayana Pillai, said that as a result of Government discussions with Mr. Krishna Prasada, Director-General of Posts and Telegraphs, regarding the futnre
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  • 156 3 GAUHATI. Mar. 25.— All the plantation unions of Assam affiliated to the INTUC have decided to observe Apr. 9 as a protest day against the non- implementation of the terms of the tripartite agreement in respect of housing, education, labour welfare etc. Mass meetings and processions
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  • 160 3 PATNA, Mar. 25.— The Bihar CID have unearthed an inter- State conspiracy to defraud the Government of about 20,000 gallons of petrol, it is learnt. Sixteen persons eight bos-owners and six truck-owners of Calcutta, and the manager and an employee of a petrol pump at Jharia have
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 176 3 ■^^^^^^"■^^r iny retson you cannot do your Job efficiently The sime applies to your kidneys they also get "run down" occasionally and need toning up otherwise >hey cannot tunction as they should. The speediest, surest and safest way of doing this is to Us« the world-famous medicine made specially for
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 4 Sardar Lachman Singh speaking at a tea party given in his honour by the Khalsa Dharmak Sabha, Singapore, at the Cathay Restaurant on Monday, Mar. 20 on the eve of his departure to India after his retirement from Mails Branch Department, General Post Office, Singapore, where he served as Senior
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  • 2003 4 Mr. MacDonald s Warning To Malayan Trade Unionists LEADERS MESSAGES ADDRESSES TO HISTORIC CONFERENCE "Just at the (recent) meeting of International Trade Union delegates (in London) arose from a deep conviction that the liberating tenets of Democracy and the slave creed of Communism are
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  • 91 4 GSTAAD, Switzerland. Mar. 25. asmin Khan. 12-week-old daughter of actress Rita Hay worth, received her first visit from her grandfather, the Aga Kahan, Wednesday. Rita told correspondents that slv had no fixed plans for the futur«\ but she would g to South of France with Prince
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  • 51 4 Raffles Institution school concert will be held on Mar. 31 and April 1 at 8.00 p.m. in the School Hall. Parents. Old Boys and friends are very welcome. Admission by programme 50 cts. Which can be obtained at the School before these dates or at the
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  • 132 4 MORE MALAY SCHOOLS OPENED IN BATU PAHAT AND KLUANG Since January this year eleven Malay schools have been opened in Batu Pahat and Kluang by voluntary efforts of the kampong peopie Of these two schools are for girls Two were built in estates. The Inspector of Malay Schcois Batu Pahat
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  • 148 4 With a further air-conditioned irst-class buffet car ready for tratic. the Malayan Railway have decided, in view of the popularity cf these cars during the past six months on the north run, to put it into immediate service on the day mail trains between Kuala Lunpur
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  • 143 4 BURMA'S NEW OFFENSIVE AGAINST KAREN REBELS RANGOON, Mar. 25.— The Burma Army said on Friday that a new offensive againts the r»bel Karens will start soon. An Army spokesman said that the Karens are now entrenched at the hill town of Thandaung, 30 miles northeast of Toungoo. which they are
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 158 4 2 GREAT BOOKS 1. MARRIAGE TECHNIQUE B» C. H RAI. lOtV Edition; REVISED 6- CNLAMED mnH\j. P.olgitly lllultnt.d Cttln, f*£SSPT R, 3/-(Sh. 6/-) 2. WEDDING NIGHT. AWl2 (Sb 1/6). NO CX>. 0. le fontam Court**. Staf BR POSTAL ORDERSRAI INSTITUTE, POONA (INOlA) STANULBS _y_ CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF CHOSEN pjlpiPT Pleasant
      158 words
    • 94 4 /SHIRIN TOMAY: 3.30, 6.45 and 9.30 P.M. ZIDDI (Hindustani) Starring KAMINI KAUSHAL DEVANAND i^k_j^^^Wi^ ON THE SCREEN TODAY woman manages to control fearless time fn Indian Film industry a L -it' -Sit I re6n TODAY MORNING MATINEE AT 11 AM CHAND (Hindustani) 50 JTS. TO ALL SEATS. Km >mm m
      94 words
    • 54 4 T-day: 6.30 and 9.00 p.m. SURAIYA and REHMAN in "BARI BAHEN" (Hindustani) with GEETA BALI and ULLHAS Morning Show Today at 11 a.m. WISTFUL WIDOW OF WAGON GAP" Comedians ABBOTT and COSTELLO j— 50 cts. to all seats Open! Today 3.15- 6.30- 9.15 p.m powerful Gripping! GRAHASTI (in Hindustani) with
      54 words