Indian Daily Mail, 24 March 1950

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indian Daily Mail VOL. VI. NO. 41. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1950. FOUR PAGES 10 CENTS
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  • 188 1 Drastic Measures Bring Situation Under Control In E. Bengal CALCUTTA. Mar. 23— Pal Ali Khan says his government i suppress Hindu-Muslim violence that thousands had been arrest < He had just returned from where communal riots in recen I suited in the death of
    A.P.  -  188 words
  • 325 1 NEW DELHI, Mar. 23.— At the request of the Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan, the International Red Cross has deputed Dr. R. Marti to make a rapid survey of the situation in East and West Bengal for the purposes of organising relief, the
    A.P.; Reuter  -  325 words
  • 161 1 HYDERABAD, Mar. 23.— The special tribunal trying Kasim Razvi and two others for the murder of Shoehpllah Khan un Monday dismissed an application by the three accused praying for the issue of a commission to record the evidence of defence witnesses now living in Pakistan. The tribunal
    F.O.C.  -  161 words
  • 81 1 TRIVANDRUM, Mar. 23.— Mr. N. Rapu Rao, Chief Editor of the Trivandrum daily "Navabliaratham" died on Sunday (Mar. 19) morning of heart failure. He was 56. After taking his degree in Law, Mr. Rao chose journalism as his profession and has been in the field for
    F.O.C.  -  81 words
  • 258 1 ARCHAEOLOGY TO EMBASSY ACCOUNTS QUESTIONS IN INDIAN PARLIAMENT (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Mar. 23. Interesting information was elicited at question time in Ihc Indian Parliament today. The Finance Minister Dr. John Mat thai told a questioner India h?d so far purchased 1 100.000,000 from the International Monetary Fund
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  • 61 1 TOKYO, Mar. 23.— The Japanese Government today released details of the previously reported sale of two ships to India. The buyers. Kilachan, Devchan and Company of Bombay, paid 116,013,000 ven for the 3,358-ton Kosho Maru and 121.608,000 yen for the 3,222 Komei Maru. This
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  • Article, Illustration
    66 1 U.S. Secretary of State DEAN AC HESON gestures during a foreign policy address bet ore the San Francisco Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, California, Mar. 15, in which he promised support and limited aid for lutn-Communist in dependence movements in the Orient. He said Russia seeks only to pervert for
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • 220 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Mar. 24. The Supreme Court in Delhi yesterday after considering two petitions from Communist leaders under detention in Madras urging release on the grounds that the de tention violated the provision of the Constitution issued
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  • 96 1 PARIS. Mar. 23— Mr. Uday Shankar, well-kndwn Indian dancer, has arrived in Paris to be present at the showing of his film, Kalpana. Made in India during the war, the film was a success in England and received a prize in Brussels. He is also negotiating
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 112 1 HYDERABAD. Mar. 23.— Twelve persons, stated to include a driver, rervants and other inmates at Mir Laik Ali's residence in Hyderabad, who were arrested by the police, were produced on Monday iMar. 20) before the First City Magistrate. Hyderabad. One was remanded in court custody.
    F.O.C.  -  112 words
  • 106 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) SECUNDERABAD, Mar. 23.— Eight members of Mir Laik Ali's Cabinet along with Nawab Deen Yar Jung, ex-Police chief, were removed on Monday from the Central Jail here to the military barracks in Trimugherry for further security purposes. The Ministers include Messrs.
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  • 657 1 ALSO BURN DOWN ONE MOTOR VEHICLE DAMAGE TWO OTHERS At about 9.30 p.m. on Mar. 22, about 30 armed bandits surrounded the town of Binjol in Sungei Patani area. They entered all the shops and collected all the identity cards of
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  • 52 1 DJAKARTA. Mar. 23.— Republican Indonesia has decided in principle to abolish military rule, the Defence Minister, Hamar.jkoe Boewono, an--o-,-ced today. The change will be carried out successively in all legions as the situation allows. Military administration has already reen abolished in Jogjakarta and Kedu (East
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 69 1 HONGKONG, Mar. 23.— An army spokesman announced here today that the transfer of the 26th Gurkha Brigade from Hongkong to Malaya as reinforcements for the anti-bandit campaign would be completed by the middle of April. He said advance parties' were already leaving by air.
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 27 1 LONDON, Mar 23.— A four-page English fortnightly, "Our Home," about Pakistanis resident in Britain and the United States made its first appearance in London on Mondav. Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 165 1 TWO MORE HANGED IN KUCHING Sentence of death was carried out in Kuching gaol early yesterday morning on Awang Rambli bin Aznit and Bujong bin Suntong who were found guilty last month in Sibu of Abtttment to murder the Governor of Sarawak, Mr. Duncan George Stewart. CLEMENCY FOB SEVEN Clemency
    Reuter  -  165 words
    • 195 1 CANBERRA, Mar. 23.—Australia today invoked far-reaching emergency powers —including the right of immediate arrest, the banning of meeting and the death penalty for treason to fight labour disorders and communism. Prime Minister Robert Menzies invoking the Emergency Crimes Act, said its powers would be used
      Reuter  -  195 words
  • 188 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS, Mar. 23.— -Four Opposition members of the Legislative Assembly offered Satyagraha yesterday as a protest against the insufficient amenities provided for the Government legislators during the session. Their protest took tns novel form of squatting on haunches on the floor when
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  • 740 2 Indian Daily Mail Singapore, Fri. Mar. 24, 1950. NEW STRATEGY OR CONTINUED IGNORANCE WHEN Malaya's first postwar Governor and High Commissioner Sir Edward Gent, a veteran of the Colonial Office. was sacrificed in the confusion created in the minds of the authorities in London as a result of the hullabaloo
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  • 2105 2 Position Of Ministers Ot State BILL PASSED TO REPLACE ORDINANCE NEW DELHI, Mar. 10 (By Air Mail).— Continuing the debate on the Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) BUI which replaces an Ordinance which was issued to ensure that Ministers of State and Deputy Ministers would, like the
    FOC  -  2,105 words
  • 53 2 NEW DELHI. Mar. 23— The Conference of Governors and Rajpramukhs concluded on Mar. 19 after a discussion lasting for three hours. The situation in East and West Bengal and allied matters, it is learnt, were discussed. The Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister participated in tm
    FOC  -  53 words
  • 28 2 JULLUNDUR. Mar. 24,— The north India fine arte exhibition was opened here on Mar. 18 by Mr. J. M. Srinagesh, Commissioner, Jullundar division.— i FOC
    FOC  -  28 words
  • 219 2 LONDON, Mar. 23.— Britain is doing her best to restore stable government in Burma, Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin told Parliament yesterday. Mr. Frederick Erroll, Conservative, had asked what he was doing to safeguard British assets there. Mr. Bevin
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 117 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) BANGALORE, Mar. 23— The Mysore State's Budget presented by the Finance Minister in the Legislative Assembly Tuesday disclosed a small surplus of Rupees three lakhs for the coming year. Though the estimated revenue would be 11.7 crores and expenditure 12.5 crores of
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  • 40 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) NEW DELHI, Mar. 23.— F00d Minister Dr. Jairamdas Daulatram told Mr. R. K. Sidhwa in Parliament that 845,000 tons of rice was allotted to India by the International Emergency Food Committee in 1949.— Copyright.
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  • 217 2 LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 23.— At the request of India and Burma, the U..N Educational, Scientific and Educational Organisation (UNESCO) will send missions to these countries later this year to study various educational problems. The missions will be similar to others previously provided by UNESCO
    USIS  -  217 words
  • 178 2 "No Wish To Be Uprooted From Ancestral Homes KARACHI, Mar. 23— Mh. Sris- <■ ha ncl in Chattopadhyaya, leader of the Hindu Opposition in the Pakistan Parliament, on Monday said Hindus had no wish to be uprooted from their ancestral homes in East Bengal and emigrate to India. Addressing Parliament
    Reuter  -  178 words
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    • 188 2 J^for a// dis festive l^***^^ f i/ov coo/tot do better ttfon take figSSil \towirrs '/tmc/p power PgM§j To wake up refreshed and IT jjltTji T T i *ady for the day's work and re Ic^'^vß^ creation is a duty you owe to j|^' yourself and your family. A dose E.^~
      188 words

  • 471 3 C 'wealth Meeting Next Month To Settle Japanese Peace Treaty Proposals LONDON, Mar. 23. Britain and the Commonwealth nations will sit down and thash out soon their proposals for a Japanese peace treaty. The Foreign Office said last night no date has been set for the meeting, but diplomatic sources
    A.P.  -  471 words
  • 26 3 LONDON, Mar. 23. Charles Caruanu of Istanbul, who represents :he sports organisation. Galasarry Spor Kullubu, is arranging here for British boxers to fight in Turkey.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 211 3 RANGOON, Mar. 23. A Burma government spokesman said yesterday that the rival rebel groups may wipe themselves out in fighting one another to control Central Burma's fertile Irrawaddy Valley. The chietf antagonists in the looming battle for rebel supremacy, the informant said are the White
    A.P.  -  211 words
  • 202 3 LONDON PRAYERS FOR SPEEDY SETTLEMENT OF INDO-PAK. DISPUTES LONDON, Mar. 23.— Prayers for the p?ace and welfare of India and Pakistan and the speedy settlement of the Kashmir dispute by the United Nations Security Council were said at a special intercession service at St. Marin in the fields yesterday. In
    Reuter  -  202 words
  • 129 3 U.S.I. HAS NO CLAIM ON NEW GUINEA, SAYS CALWELL! CANBERRA, Mar. 23.— Australia's Minister for External Affairs, Mr. P. C. Spender, should tell Dr. Soekarno, the Indonesian President, and others that no nation except the Dutch had any claim to Dutch New Guinea, Mr. Arthur Calwell (Labour) declared in Parliament
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 51 3 SWEDEN WILL DEFEND HER INDEPENDENCE STOCKHOLM, Mar. 23.— 1f Sweden is involved in war against her will, she will defend her independence to the utmost, Swedish Foreign Minister Oesten Unden declared in a foreign policy speech on Wednesday. But her policy was the same as it always had been neutrality.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 271 3 "NO OUTSIDE HELP FOR MALAYAN DANDITS" LONDON, Mar. 23.— British Colonial Secretary James Griffiths told Parliament yesterday that thert. was no evidence of men or material being imported from outside Malaya to Help the "bandits" on anything, but a negligible scale. In addition to the regular armed bands there were
    Reuter; A.P.  -  271 words
  • 71 3 SOVIET ALLEGE "HONGKONG SPY CENTRE" MOSCOW, Mar. 23.— Roman Catnolic Church missions in China are aiding Anglo-American agents operating from the "Hong Kong spy centre" the Soviet news agency Tass said on Monday. In a dispatch from Shanghai Tass said, "important aid is being given Anglo-American spies in China by
    A.P.  -  71 words
  • 97 3 TAIPEI, Mar. 23.— The 3,275-ton steamer, "Miranda," sank in heavy seas 45 miles of Keelung, Sunday, with the possible loss of 41 members of its crew, it was learned here yesterday. Eight of the crew have been rescued and two bodies, including that of the Norwegian skipper, recovered.
    A.P.  -  97 words
  • 100 3 BOMBAY, Mar. 23.— Lady Mountbatten, wife of Lord Mountbatten oi Burma, arrived in Calcutta Tuesday from Hongkong. She came to see the relief work among refugees by the Red Cross and other organisations. She will leave for Delhi after a two-days stay in Calcutta. Lady Mountbatten
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 270 3 Reported Arrival Of Russian Technicians In Shanghai HONGKONG, Mar. 23.— Russian technicians and supervisors are arriving in Shanghai in force, according to well-to-do Chinese refugees from the North. The Russians are being assigned to various departments of the Shanghai Municipal Government, including the police bureau. The arrivals said that underground
    Reuter; A.A.P.  -  270 words
  • 231 3 MOVE TO END COUNTRYWIDE STRIKE WAVE PARIS, Mar. 23.— Prime Minister Georges Bidautt offered a general five per cent wage increase to government workers last night in a move to end the wave of countrywide strikes. M. Bidault, broadcasting the terms on
    Reuter  -  231 words
  • 31 3 BOGOTA, Mar. 23.— Thirty train passengers were killed and many *vre injured Wednesday in a wreck caused dy a track washout between Buenaventra and Bogota.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 17 3 LONDON, Mar. 23.— The Queen at Buckingham Palace Wednesday received the Australian Minister and his wife A.P.
    A.P.  -  17 words
  • 140 3 BEVIN LONDON, Mar. 23.— Britain does not favour a direct approach to atalin on atomic energy oecause she does not think it would be a success, Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin told Parliament yesterday. "We think it would land us in difficulties and we prefer to
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 89 3 WcßttW For handsome, tidy hair that keeps Us good looks all through the day, use llrylcreem, the perfect hair dressing. Whether it's a day out in the open or in the office, you can. rely on Brylcreem to keep you g^^ right on top. For Brylcreem not only gives the
      89 words
    • 318 3 USE ZANDU'S DRAKSHA ASAVA in chronic and wasting diseases such as phthisis, insomnia, loss of appetite, sudden fainting, coughs, colds, hoarseness of voice and general debility. It' imparts new Life to the Body and maintains, Strength rTAKBto WITH ZANDITS OTYAVANPRASH IMMEDIATBTOESULTS OBTAINED KESARI JIVAN HIGHLY NUTRITIOUS TONIC PREPARATION Specially prepared
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  • 479 4 Sirdar Joginder Singh Explains Procedure SINGAPORE, Mar. 22. Sardar Jogindra Singh, the India Government Trade Commissioner, has issued the following notification: The Government of India have decided that export of all articles (with the exception of the following) will be allowed by post without
    G.I.I.S.  -  479 words
  • 75 4 Th? grealer majority ot 3rd Party insurance Policies issued in Singapore to cover mot.or-cycle> are oniv ,aiid tor the policy hulder. i.e. the owner of the machine Any person borrowing a motorcycle snouid bear this in mind as the penalty is serious. Upon conviction and in
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  • 30 4 At 7.12 p.m. today. Mar. £i, Ml L M. Davis, A.O. M.iar. will report on the Bukit Kepong Defence, ovei the Blue Network of Radio Malaya
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  • Article, Illustration
    103 4 Photograph taken on the occasion of the tea party given by Mr. G. Sarangapany. proprietor of the INDIAN DAILY MAIL and TAMIL murasu. at the Blue Room of 'he Capitol Restaurant on Tuesday, Mar. 21, to bid farewell to Mr, 6, D Kalelkar, the Information Officer at the India Office
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  • 271 4 CHINESE ADVISORY BOARDS CHINESE HEADMEN ADDED TO LIST It is Officially announced that the High Commis* sioner in Council, with the concurrence of the Malay Rulers, has now approved the Federal Citizenship (Amendment No. 4) Regulations, 1950. the effect of which is to add the
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  • 82 4 Witii a view to educating thv public on the dangers of spitting and prior to taking action againn offenders, the Ke antan Government i? launching a state -wide anti-spitting campaign by a.l available means such as posters, talK.-, speeches, films etc. The Chief Medical Officer. Kelar.tan,
    82 words
  • 88 4 IMPORT OF PLYWOOD TEA CHEST INTO INDIA SINGAPORE. Mar. 23. Sardar Jogindra Singh, the India Government Trade Commis<ioner. has issued the following notification It is notified for the Information of the export trade that the Government of India have decided r,j allow the import of one million plywood Tea Chest
    G.I.I.S.  -  88 words
  • 80 4 The annual general meeting ot the Hindustani Prachar Sabha Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, will be held on Sunday, Mar. 26 at th* premises of tl\e Hindi School. Gombak Lane, at 10 a.m. Before the commencement of the meeting. Certificates for the succesful candidates in 1949 Hindi Examinations held
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  • 95 4 Sr'i Ram Navami (Birthday of :"<ri Ramachandra) will be celebrated at the Mission premises at No. 9 Norris Road on Tuesday. Mar. f>B All are cordially invited. Tne programme will be as follows: 12.00 noon— Pooja, 6.00 p.m. Arathi, 6.15 p.m.— Ram Nam
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  • 59 4 The annual general election rtf Bukit Timah Local Indian Congre?f will be held Sunday, Apr. 2 at 10/v a.m. at 71 mile Bukit Timah (Y°w Ah Sah Quarters). All members oi above local Congress are requested to take rart in the election, writes Mr. M.
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  • 38 4 The Mobile Rationing Unit will operate at the Siglap Market with effect, from Mar. 25. instead of the oiglap Fishing Village as has beeu arranged hithertofore, to attend tne rice card problems of the vilalsers.
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    • 283 4 PANGUNI UTTRAM FESTIVAL IN SENTUL The annual Pangunl Uttara.n Silver Chariot festival of Sri Thandayutapani of Chettiar Temple at Sentul, Kuala Lumpur will take place on Sunday, Apr. 2 when the silver chariot carrying Sri Thandayutapan: will start at 7 a.m. on that day from 89 Ampang btreet in precession
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    • 162 4 TODAY: 7 and 9.15 P.M. M.G.M.'s Super War Picture "They Were Expendable" adh dh dh dSdSdh th dh ids th di dn dhdh tUTdSZ. TODAY: 6.45 aad 9.30 p.m. ZIMI (Hindustani) Stafring: KAMINI BUKgJL DEVANAND \wßa__ma MIDNIG HT LAr*A MAJNU (Tamil) LAST 3 SHOWS: 3J5, 6J5, and 9J5 p.m. a
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